University of Chicago Library
Guide to William Kruskal Papers 1964-1973
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Kruskal, William. Papers |
Dates: | 1964-1973 |
Size: | 1 linear ft. (2 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | William Kruskal, professor of statistics. The William Kruskal Papers consist of materials relating to student protests at the University of Chicago and elsewhere in 1969. Although this represents the bulk of the papers in the collection, there are also materials on the Harris Committee materials concerning an Afro-American Cultural Center, the Wegener Report, the Spartacus Report, the Gray Report on the status of women faculty, Edward H. Levi's correspondence, and materials from Kruskal's tenure as a member of the Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants (1964-1973). The papers in the collection include correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clipping, articles, and other materials. |
Information on Use
Access to Box 15, Folder 2 is restricted until 2019.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: William Kruskal. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
William Henry Kruskal was born on October 10, 1919 in New York City to Joseph Bernard and Lillian Rose (Vorhaus) Kruskal. He received an S.B. (1940) and an M.S. (1941) from Harvard University and a Ph.D from Columbia University (1955).
From 1941 to 1944 Kruskal served as a mathematician for the U.S. Naval Proving Ground. This was followed by a term as vice president of Kruskal and Kruskal, Incorporated in New York from 1946 to 1948. In 1950 Kruskal joined the faculty of the University of Chicago. He became a professor of statistics there in 1962, and was honored as the Ernest DeWitt Burton Distinguished Service Professor in 1973. In addition to these duties, Kruskal was the chair of the department of statistics from 1966 to 1973 as well as the Dean of the Division of Social Sciences for a total of nine years. Kruskal also spent some time teaching at other universities including the University of California, Berkeley (1955-1956) and Harvard University (summer 1959).
Active in public and professional associations, Kruskal was president of both the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and was editor of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics and the International encyclopedia of Statistics. He was a National Science Foundation Senior Postdoctoral Fellow (1970-1971), a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, and founding chairman of the Committee on National Statistics.
In 1988-1989, Kruskal was dean pro tempore of the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. His research interests within statistics include graphical methods, history of statistics, linear hypothesis theory, measures of association, representative sampling, and the relative importance of independent variables. His research interests related to public policy include census errors, evaluation of research, measurement, and statistics in public controversy.
Kruskal married Norma Jane Evans on August 23, 1942. The couple had three children—Vincent Joseph, Thomas Evan, and Jonas David.
Scope Note
The William Kruskal Papers consist of materials relating to student protests at the University of Chicago and elsewhere in 1969. Although this represents the bulk of the papers in the collection, there are also materials on the Harris Committee materials concerning an Afro-American Cultural Center, the Wegener Report, the Spartacus Report, the Gray Report on the status of women faculty, Edward H. Levi's correspondence, and materials from Kruskal's tenure as a member of the Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants (1964-1973). The materials in the collection include correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clipping, articles, and other materials.
Folder 10 of Box 1 contains materials related to the 1969 "Spartacus" study. In "Spartacus: Discipline and Political Suppression: An Empirical Study," a group of social sciences graduate students criticized the University of Chicago's disciplinary committee, chaired by Dallin Oaks. This paper was presented as one of the occasional papers from the Committee of 500 Against Disciplinary Procedures. Kruskal collected materials related to the Spartacus statement, as well as Miron L. Straf's (a graduate student in the department of Statistics) rebuttal, "A Closer Look at Spartacus.
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Levi, Edward H., Papers
Tax, Sol, Papers
Subject Headings
- Hildebrand, Roger H.
- Kruskal, William, 1919-
- Levi, Edward Hirsch, 1911-
- O'Connell, Charles D.
- Tax, Sol
- University of Chicago -- Committee of the Council
- University of Chicago -Discipline
- University of Chicago -- History
- University of Chicago -- Riots
- College students -- Political activity -- History -- 20th century
- Student movements -- Illinois -- Chicago -- History
- Student movements -- United States -- History
Box 1 Folder 1 | Articles on Student Protests, 1969
- "16 Ousted From Harvard For Seizure of Building," New York Times, June 10, 1969
- "Harvard Faculty Organizes in Response to Crisis," Science, July 4, 1969
- "Activism and the Rejection of history," Science, July 11, 1969
- "'Join the Conspiracy': A Summary of the Latest SDS Blueprint for Revolt," Barron's, July 21, 1969
- "The University as a Five-Legged Animal," Science, August 15, 1969
- "Revolution and Related Matters," The New Yorker, August 16, 1969
- "On Keeping Our Cool in the Halls of Ivy," Thomas Ford Hoult et al., AAUP Bulletin, Summer 1969
- "Challenge and Change Forum," AAUP Bulletin, Summer 1969
- "Student Demands and Academic Freedom," The New Republic, September 20, 1969
- "Yale Head Urges 7-Year Reappraisal of His Term, " New York Times, September 25, 1969
- "15 War Foes Raid Harvard Center," September 26, 1969
- "The University Responds to Protest," The Chicago Maroon, September 26, 1969
- "Students May Cut Classes-Faculty Action Could Compromise Our Integrity," Faculty/Staff Currents, University of Rochester, October 7, 1969 (2 copies)
- "Harvard Faculty Urges a Pullout," New York Times, October 8, 1969
- "Harvard Radicals Erode Authority," Chicago Sun-Times, October 29, 1969
- "The Involuntary Campus and the Manipulated Society" Chicago Sun-Times, December 14, 1969
- "The Record Thus Far: A Compilation of University Statements and Reports," 1969
- The AAUP (American Association of University Professors) and Campus Disruption," pamphlet
Box 1 Folder 2 | Articles on Student Protests, 1969
- Harvard Alumni Bulletin, April 28, 1969
- "Going Over to the Enemy," dialogue with Robert Brustein, The New Republic, May 17, 1969
- "Campus Reform: The Faculty Vote," Life Magazine, May 23, 1969
- "Campus Riots: Punitive and Proper Laws," May 30, 1969
- "Campus Reform: Numbers and Quality," Life Magazine, May 30, 1969
- Harvard Today, Spring 1969
- "Text of Statement on Campus Disorders by the National Violence Commission," New York Times, June 10, 1969
- "ACE Study on Campus Unrest: Questions for Behavioral Scientists," Science, July 11, 1969
- "The Siege of the House of Reason, " Science, October 10, 1969
- "Men and Ideas: Columbia's New Senate," Fall 1969
- "Faculty Interests in Value Change and Power Conflicts," T.R. McConnell, AAUP Bulletin, Autumn 1969
- "Congress Looks at the Campus: The Brock Report on Student Unrest," AAUP Bulletin, Autumn 1969
- "Student Protests," Jerome Skolnick, AAUP Bulletin, Autumn 1969
- "Campus Unrest: Confrontation Increasingly Means Litigation," Science, Volume 166
Box 1 Folder 3 | Articles on Student Protests, 1969
- "New University Conference: The Student Rebellion," February 1969
- "Harvard Report Urges 20% Cut in Graduate School Students," March 7, 1969
- "Campus Disorders," The New Republic, March 29, 1969
- College and University Reports, Number 198, March 31, 1969
- The Chicago Maroon, Volume 77, Number 51, Friday, April 4, 1969
- "Harvard: Now It's Like Any Other Paradise Lost," D.J.Bruckner, April 13, 1969
- "Campus Activism," April 18, 1969
- "End of Liberal Universities Foreseen," April 20, 1969
- The Chicago Maroon, Volume 77, Number 55, Tuesday, April 22, 1969
- "It's Time To Clamp Down on Campus Disruption," Max Lerner, April 24, 1969
- "The Case for Professionalism," Robert Brustein, The New Republic, April 26, 1969
- "One Man's View of the Unquiet Campus," William V. Shannon, April 28, 1969
- "Crisis and Responsibility: A Letter to Alumni," Edward Rosenheim, Jr., University of Chicago Magazine, March/April 1969
- "When, If Ever, Do You Call In the Cops?," New York Times Magazine, May 4, 1969
- The Chicago Maroon, Volume 77, Number 61, Friday, May 9, 1969
- "Oxford Committee Urges Broader Roles for Students," May 15, 1969
- News summary - Major Events of ..., May 17, 1969
- "Harvard Investigative Panel Arouses Resentment," May 21, 1969
- "U. of Chicago Free of Student Unrest," May 22, 1969 (2 copies)
- "Hair Stylist of a Generation," Karl Shapiro, Chicago Tribune, May 25, 1969
- "Yale Punishes 3 on Faculty for Accepting 12," May 28, 1969
- "Day Nursery or Revolution?," David Martin
Box 1 Folder 4 | Memoranda Related to Student Protests, 1969
- Edward Levi to Philip M. Hauser and Committee of Council, February 21, 1969
- J. Frese to John T. Wilson et al., March 3, 1969
- George W. Platzman to Charles D. O'Connell, March 3, 1969
- Arnold W. Ravin to Edward Levi, March 5, 1969
- J.M. Witting to J.V. Smith, March 7, 1969
- The University Disciplinary Committee to Edward Rosenheim Jr., Final Report, March 21, 1969
- Wayne Booth to Faculty, March 31, 1969
- Charles D. O'Connell to Candidates Admitted to the University of Chicago, April 1, 1969
- Charles D. O'Connell to Students and Faculty of the University of Chicago, April 8, 1969
- Committee of 500+ to President Levi, April 9, 1969
- James M. Redfield to Faculty and Students, April 10, 1969
- Wayne C. Booth to Faculty and Students, April 14, 1969
- Gilbert L. Lee, Jr. (Vice president for Business and Finance) to Students and Faculty, April 21, 1969
- Charles D. O'Connell (Secretary of Faculties) to Faculty, April 22, 1969
- Eddie N. William to Edward Levi et al., April 25, 1969
- Sol Tax to Edward Levi, April 28, 1969
- Independent Action Coalition, "Request For Prompt Action," April 29, 1969
- Edward W. Rosenheim, Jr. (Spokesman of the Committee of Council) to Faculty and Students, April 30, 1969
- Ned Glick to Department of Statistics Faculty, May 16, 1969
- Saunders Mac Lane, May 26. 1969
- Julian H. Levi to Chancellor Lawrence A. Klimpton, June 1, 1969
- Roger H. Hildebrand to Students and Colleagues, October 2, 1969
- Edward H. Levi, to the Faculty and Students, October 2, 1969
Box 1 Folder 5 | Correspondence and Petitions relating to Student Protests, 1969
- J. Henry Coffer, Jr., to the Chicago Maroon, February 15, 1969
- Keith M. Baker et al. to Charles D. O'Connell, February 28, 1969
- Petition: To the Council of the Senate from faculty members, April 3, 1969
- O.J. Kleppa to William Kruskal, April 7, 1969
- Toni Reed to Mr. O'Connell. April 18, 1969
- Edward Levi to William Kruskal, June 24, 1969
- Petition: To the Council of the University Senate, From the Department of Mathematics
- William Kruskal et al. endorsing the statement of Wayne Booth to the Faculty and Students of the University of Chicago
Box 1 Folder 6 | Committee of the Council materials related to Student Protests, 1969 |
Box 1 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous materials related to Student Protests, 1969
- Complications?, March 6, 1969
- Student Evaluation forms, March 8, 1969
- Proposals concerning the appeals procedure, March 10, 1969
- Bettelheim testimony to Congress, March 20, 1969
- IAC, March 1969
- Statement by Jack Metzler concerning events at the Center for Urban Studies April 21, 1969
- Law Students Civil Rights Research Council, Report on Discipline at the University of Chicago, April 23, 1969
- Recommendations of the FSACCSL on the Kalvan Report, May 1, 1969
- Resolutions Adopted by the 55th Annual Meeting, American Association of University Professors, May 3, 1969
- Address delivered by President Edward H. Levi during the annual meeting of the American Law Institute, May 23, 1969
- Report of the Committee of the Council Election Held May 1969
- Convocation address, President Edward H. Levi, University of Chicago, delivered at the University of Rochester, June 8, 1969
- Convocation address, President Edward H. Levi, University of Chicago, June 13, 1969
- The Committee of the Council, Spokesman's Report, June 16, 1969
- Pamphlet: Anabaptism Reborn, September 1969
- Discipline and Education: A Heurstic Statement
- Hyde Park Renewal: UC Racism
- The Fight Against Racist Urban Renewal Programs is Far From Over
- Rally flyer
- A Faculty-Student Appeals Board
- Notice and forms for student disciplinary action
- Disciplinary Procedures
- National Student Association Delegation
- Handwritten notes
Box 1 Folder 8 | Harris Committee materials concerning an Afro-American Cultural Center, 1969
- Council notes, "Concerning an Afro-American Cultural Center," February 1969
- Memorandum, James C. Bruce to the members of the Harris Committee
- Outline, "Concerning an Afro-American Cultural Center"
- Memorandum, William Kruskal to Harris Committee, March 19, 1969
- Interim report of the Committee on University Policy for Black Students
- Newspaper clipping, "Negro Students Criticized by Rustin, " April 28, 1969
- Notes by Kruskal
Box 1 Folder 9 | Wegener Report materials
- Newspaper clipping, "Campus Boycott," September 29, 1969
- Issue of Faculty/Staff Currents, Tuesday, October 7, 1969
- Memorandum, Harry Roberts to Norman Nachtrieb and Committee of the Council, January 14, 1970
- Memorandum, Harry Roberts to Norman Nachtrieb and Committee of the Council, January 27, 1970
- Committee Selection by Statistical Sampling, Harry V. Roberts, February 1970
- Memorandum, Easley Blackwood to Members of the Council of the Senate, February 9, 1970
- Memorandum, Gerhard Closs et al. to Members of the University Senate, February 17, 1970
- Address by Edward H. Levi, "The Manipulated Society," before the Economic Club of Chicago, February 25, 1970
- Memorandum, William Kruskal to Norman Nachtrieb, March 3, 1970
- Memorandum, William Kruskal to Norman Nachtrieb, April 14, 1970 (and copy)
- Letter, Harvey to Bill, April 16, 1970
- Newpaper clipping, "Princeton's Plan," May 12, 1970
- Memorandum, Knox C. Hill to Faculty and the University of Chicago, May 13, 1970
- Statement of Philip B. Kurland to the Councilors of the Senate of the University of Chicago on Recommendation Four of the Wegener Committee Report
- Article, Styles of Handling Student Demonstrations, Merry Selk
- Report of the Subcommittee on Disciplinary Procedures at the University of Chicago
Box 1 Folder 10 | Spartacus materials
- Memorandum, University Disciplinary Committee to Edward H. Rosenheim, Jr., Final Report, March 21, 1969
- Memorandum, University Disciplinary Committee, Dallin Oaks, April 22, 1969
- Memorandum, Norval Morris to Phil Kurland, April 24, 1969
- "A Statistical Review of 'Spartacus, No. 2,'" photocopied manuscript and notes, April 25, 1969
- Memorandum, Edward W. Rosenheim Jr. to the faculty and students, April 30, 1969
- Spartacus, 2 printed copies, May 1, 1969
- Memorandum, Miron L. Straf on behalf of the authors of A Closer Look at Spartacus, Tuesday, May 27, 1969
- Newspaper clipping, "Reply to Reply to Reply," Chicago Maroon, May 27, 1969
- Letter, the authors of A Closer Look at Spartacus to our contributors, June 12, 1969
- Untitled typescript about "Spartacus Defended," Miron L. Straf, n.d.
- A Closer Look at Spartacus, typescript
- A Closer Look at Spartacus, printed copy
Box 2 Folder 1 | Gray Committee materials on the status of women
- Memorandum, Chairman, sub-committee, to members of the Policy Committee, October 20, 1967
- Statement in University Policy on Nepotism, December 1, 1967
- Memorandum, Alton A. Linford to John T. Wilson, February 17, 1969
- Memorandum, A.A. Albert to the Committee of the Council, February 21, 1969
- Memorandum, Roald F. Campbell to John T. Wilson, February 24, 1969
- Memorandum, D. Gale Johnson (Dean of the Division of Social Science) to John T. Wilson (dean of Faculties), February 28, 1968
- Memorandum, Robert E. Streeter to John T. Wilson, March 13, 1969
- Memorandum, Jerald C. Brauer to John T. Wilson, March 19, 1969
- Memorandum, Wayne C. Booth to John T. Wilson, March 25, 1969
- Memorandum, Charles D. O'Connell to the member s of the Committee of the Council, April 9, 1969
- Memorandum, Edward H. Rosenheim, Jr. to faculty and students, May 6, 1969
- Memorandum, Ben Rothblatt to John T. Wilson, regarding women faculty member, May 15, 1969
- Committee of the Council, Agenda for a Long Meeting
Box 2 Folder 2 | Edward H. Levi Correspondence, 1969
- Leonard Sokolower to Levi, March 10, 1969 and Levi to Leonard Sokolower, March 14, 1969 (2 copies)
- Mrs. Richard J. Stein to Levi, March 14, 1969 and Levi to Mrs. Richard J. Stein, March 14, 1969
- John Perry Miller to Kiingman Brewster, Jr., April 2, 1969
- Levi to the Committee of the Council, April 4, 1969 with telegram
- Professor and Mrs. Ted Kazanhoff to Levi, April 5, 1969
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Busse to Levi, April 5, 1969
- Charles Handler to Levi, Apri 7, 1969
- Mrs. Leonard Baron ti\o Levi, April 8, 1969
- John Bremmer to Levi. April 11, 1969
- William C. Lee to Levi, April 15, 1969 and Levi to William C. Lee, April 17, 1969
- William Tucker to Levi, April 16, 1969 and Levi to William Tucker, April 21, 1969
- Joyce K. Newman to Wayne C. Booth, April 17, 1969
- Laurence N. Strenger to Levi, April 18, 1969 and Levi to Laurence N. Stringer, April 21, 1969
- Saunders MacLane to Levi, April 21, 1969 and Levi to Saunders, April 24, 1969
- James L. Blawie to Levi, April 25, 1969
- Richard S. Albin to Levi, Aril 25, 1969
- Lester Bernstein to Levi, April 23, 1969 and Levi to Lester Bernstein, April 25, 1969
- Levi to Kruskal, May 16. 1969
Box 2 Folder 3 | Football, Urban Renewal, and Anesthesiology materials
- Letter, Gary Leland to Mr. O'Connell, March 3, 1969, regarding football at the University of Chicago
- Memorandum, Charles D. O'Connell to the Committee of the Council, March 31, 1969, regarding the varsity status for football
- South Campus Committee Recommendations May 6, 1969
- Plaisance Court Association Memorandum
- Materials on the creation of a Department of Anesthesiology, 1969
Box 2 Folder 4 | Committee of the Council Minutes
- October 8, 1968
- October 17, 1968
- October 22, 1968
- October 29, 1968
Box 2 Folder 5 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1964 |
Box 2 Folder 6 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1965 |
Box 2 Folder 7 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1966 |
Box 2 Folder 8 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1967 |
Box 2 Folder 9 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1968 |
Box 2 Folder 10 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1969 |
Box 2 Folder 11 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1970 |
Box 2 Folder 12 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1971 |
Box 2 Folder 13 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1972 |
Box 2 Folder 14 | Faculty Committee on Government Contracts and Grants, 1973 |
Box 2 Folder 15 | Restricted Access
- Report on the Faculty Committee to Review the Decision with Regard to the Reappointment of Assistant Professor Marlene Dixon
- Disciplinary Action Notes, 1969
- Status of Disciplinary Committee Actions, March 24, 1969
- Inter-Department Memo, Morris Generous to Ed Shiv