University of Chicago Library
Guide to the John Gunther Papers 1935-1967
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Gunther, John. Papers |
Dates: | 1935-1967 |
Size: | 61 linear feet (122 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | John Gunther, journalist and writer. The John Gunther Papers consist of different draft versions of Gunther's books along with correspondence, articles, and notes related to these projects. Papers related to Chicago Revisited. |
Information on Use
This collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Gunther, John. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
John Gunther, the internationally known journalist and writer, was born in 1901 in Chicago. He was educated in the public schools there and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1922, where he had been literary editor of the Daily Maroon, the campus newspaper. Soon after graduation he began work as a foreign correspondent for the Chicago Daily News and remained in Europe until 1936. He was at various times in charge of Daily News offices in London, Berlin, Vienna, Moscow, Rome, and Paris, and has worked or visited in every European country except Portugal. In 1936, he published the results of his early years of European experience in the first of his "inside" books, INSIDE EUROPE, which sold more than 500,000 copies.
For more than twenty years Gunther continued the writing of these phenomenally successful "inside" books which include INSIDE ASIA (1939), INSIDE LATIN AMERICA (1941), INSIDE U.S.A. (1947), INSIDE AFRICA (1955), INSIDE RUSSIA TODAY (1958), and most recently INSIDE EUROPE TODAY (1961). In addition, Gunther wrote a number of other books on current affairs as well as biographical studies of major figures in American life. These include D-DAY (1944), concerning the Allied invasion of Italy and the Mediterranean war in general; BEHIND THE CURTAIN (1949), investigating conditions in Europe at the time, especially the countries behind the Iron Curtain; ROOSEVELT IN RETROSPECT (1950); THE RIDDLE OF MACARTHUR (1951); EISENHOWER: THE MAN AND THE SYMBOL (1952); TAKEN AT THE FLOOD: THE STORY OF ALBERT D. LASKER (1960). In 1949, Gunther published the deeply moving account of the death of his young son, John, two years earlier, of a brain tumor, entitled DEATH BE NOT PROUD. In addition, he is the author of a series of juvenile books, which are revised versions for younger readers of chapters from INSIDE AFRICA and INSIDE RUSSIA TODAY. He has also written three other children's books on historical and mythical characters: ALEXANDER THE GREAT (1952), JULIUS CAESAR (1959), and THE GOLDEN FLEECE (1959). In 1955, Gunther prepared the text and captions for DAYS TO REMEMBER, a pictorial volume on America, 1945-1955, written in collaboration with Bernard Quint, associate art editor of Life.
Scope Note
When the papers were deposited, they included all of the material used by Gunther in preparing his manuscripts. Much of this material was discarded. This included numerous clippings, generally from well-known publications, newspapers such as The New York Times, the New York Herald-Tribune, the Chicago Daily News, The Times (London), the Manchester Guardian, magazines such as the New Statesman, The Nation, Time, Life, Foreign Affairs, The New Republic, Colliers, and Foreign Policy Reports. Also included were government documents and press releases, United Nations documents, pamphlets, both tourist-type and informational issued by official agencies and private organizations, and reprints of articles. The collection also contained numerous bibliographical notes which referred to page or volume in some published work. There were also cryptic notes, apparently reminders to the author to relate some anecdote or to include some point of fact. Also discarded were unmarked copies of manuscripts and unmarked galley proofs. The materials retained in the collection were those manuscripts and notes which showed most clearly Gunther's methods and sources of information. Gunther has described his work methods in two articles published in Harper's Magazine, March and April, 1961, entitled "The Fun of Writing the Inside Books," and in a longer book version of these articles published in 1962 entitled A Fragment of Autobiography.
The collection includes notes, manuscripts and proofs in various stages and correspondence dealing with Gunther's works. The material in the collection can be subdivided under several headings: manuscripts, correspondence, notes, and miscellaneous materials.
The manuscripts include the original manuscripts for all of Gunther's works. These are generally rough typewritten drafts, done by Gunther himself. They are heavily corrected with both major stylistic and substantive changes. Most of these revisions are in longhand, but Gunther also used the "cut and paste" method to rearrange paragraphs and phrases. Once this first attempt was in reasonably acceptable order, the first formal typing was done by a typist. Gunther then heavily revised this typewritten draft in the same manner described above. This is the First Revision or Second Draft of the manuscript. Occasionally there are three drafts of some chapters. Again the complete manuscript with these new revisions was typed and this clean copy revised. This Third or last Draft, called "the Printer's Copy," was not so heavily revised, but even so, there are usually a dozen cuts and changes, mostly to change "verbal felicities," (Gunther's phrase) on every page. The book was set in type from this copy. (If there had been no time to completely retype the First Revision, only those pages or fragments of pages which were heavily revised were retyped and inserted to make up the Printer's Copy.) Also included are the original manuscripts of Gunther's articles for magazines or newspapers, portions of which were sometimes included in the published books in revised form, and news dispatches which Gunther often wrote while on his various trips.
For several of Gunther's works, carbon copies of the original manuscript were sent to readers for correction or checking. Those sections which were annotated by Gunther's "experts" or specialists also make up part of the collection and are clearly indicated.
Galley proofs could be called the Fourth Draft, since Gunther revised them completely, mostly for stylistic reasons, but also to bring the book up to date by adding new material about persons or events.
The correspondence concerning the "inside" books, which is not an extensive part of the papers thus far deposited, has been divided into two sections. Informational and Post-publication. The "Informational" correspondence concerns questions of fact, answers to Gunther's inquiries, comments on manuscripts sent to "experts," material bringing Gunther up to date, suggestions from friends and acquaintances of people to see, etc. The "Post-publication" correspondence is from readers who commented on Gunther's works. Post-publication letters from well-known persons and from people who had corresponded with Gunther before publication are generally included in the Informational file. The correspondence is filed with the manuscripts and notes for the book with which it is concerned. However, there are two additional boxes of correspondence which include material concerning Gunther's publishers, Harper and Bros, and Hamish Hamilton, and some folders of miscellaneous correspondence which do not deal with specific books.
The notes constitute the major portion of the collection to date. Gunther wrote his notes longhand on small scratch pads. The great majority of these notes are interview notes, some from well-known persons in government, business or the arts, others with the average citizen, such as taxi cab drivers or the like. Others are notes taken at lunches, dinners, or parties. Generally, these notes are identified by the last name of the person interviewed, but sometimes they are simply marked "embassy," or "lunch," indicating that the notes were taken at an embassy meeting or affair, or at a luncheon party, or they are marked with the first name, the initials, or perhaps the nickname of the person interviewed. Gunther clipped all of his interview notes apart into thousand of little "sniblets" which were carefully subdivided into topics. He was generally very careful when cutting the notes apart to indicate the interviewee. In arranging these notes, however, they have been drawn together by the name of the person interviewed. Where possible, from internal evidence, from the published works, from Gunther's agendas of persons to see, they have been identified. Many, however, are not, and are simply listed under the last name on the guide or by Gunther's own designation.
The miscellaneous notes include a wide variety of material. Many are unmarked notes, which are generally Gunther's impressions of someone, someplace or some event. These have been filed by topic. Other notes are sentences, phrases, or paragraphs, which Gunther jotted down and which were subsequently used in the manuscript in some form or another. Also included are outlines for his chapters, names of persons to see or interview, itineraries, schedules, and agendas, as well as check sheets, proof sheets, libel sheets, and watch sheets. These latter were made by Gunther to determine the accuracy of his manuscript after rereading.
The miscellaneous materials section is made up of articles, memoranda, news dispatches and notes by other persons. In some countries, Gunther would commission someone on the local scene to prepare information papers. News dispatches, articles, and other memoranda, both published and unpublished, sent to Gunther by his colleagues and some of his contacts are included in this designation.
The collection is in 122 boxes. A guide to the material follows. The manuscripts are arranged by book publication date, beginning with INSIDE EUROPE. Preceding the guide to each book, there is a more detailed description of the material in each section. The juvenile books, correspondence, and materials from CHICAGO REVISTED are located at the end of the guide.
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Subject Headings
- Gunther, John, 1929-1947
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969
- Lasker, Albert Davis, 1880-1952
- MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
- University of Chicago
- Cancer -- Patients -- Biography
- Eastern question
- Eastern question (Far East)
- Propaganda, German
- Teenagers-Diseases
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American
- World War, 1939-1945-Mediterranean Sea
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- France -- Normandy
- Journalists -- Correspondence
- Journalists -- Biography
- Statesmen
- Africa -- Description and travel
- Asia -- Biography
- Asia -- Politics and government
- Brazil -- Politics and government -- 1930-1945
- Europe -- Description and travel -- 1945-
- Europe -- Kings and rulers
- Europe -- Politics and government -- 20th century
- Europe, Central-Politics and government
- Japan -- History -- Allied occupation, 1945-1952
- Latin America -- Politics and government -- 20th century
- Latin America -- Description and travel
- Soviet Union
- Soviet Union -- Foreign relations -- 1945-1991
- United States -- Description and travel
INSIDE EUROPE, published in 1936, is the first of the "inside books." The papers are contained in seven boxes. With the exception of the chapters on Germany, there is only one complete revision of this material. The chapters on Germany, however, have two or three drafts. These additional drafts have been included with the original manuscript and have been so marked. The manuscripts, therefore, are as follows-
1. Original manuscript, including the additional drafts on Germany;
2. First Revision (Second Draft) which is a typed copy of the original manuscript, and is substantially the same as the published version; and
3. Galley proofs, with the author's corrections and additions.
The Printer's Copy was not included in the original deposit.
There were five editions of INSIDE EUROPE. The second edition (October, 1936) did not necessitate the setting up of new type, but merely required insertions. The manuscript inserts must be used with the pagination of the first edition. New chapters were also added. These manuscripts are found with the "Revised Edition." However, the last two editions, the New 1938 Edition and the 1940 War Edition, were complete reworkings of the book, including new typesetting. The pages of one of the published editions were pasted onto large sheets of paper and Gunther made his corrections on the pages themselves and in the margins. The original manuscripts of inserts and the new chapters are clearly indicated. In October 1938, there was another edition, entitled the Peace Edition, which included mainly a new introduction and one new chapter, entitled "The Fascist Offensive," which was inserted in the book as Chapter 7a. Galley proofs of the revisions are not included in the collection.
Manuscripts of twenty-one articles written by Gunther are also part of the papers. Most appeared in such magazines as Harpers, The Nation, and Foreign Affairs. They deal with a wide variety of subjects and have been listed alphabetically. Most are simply carbon copies of the manuscript. Several of the articles, or portions of them, were used in the published book, but only after being heavily revised. There are also press dispatches from the Balkans written by Gunther, and miscellaneous typewritten notes, mostly on Austria, where Gunther had been stationed for many years.
The correspondence concerning this book is not extensive. One folder contains several letters from U.S. Embassy officials in Rome, London, Prague, and Berlin which answer questions of fact posed by Gunther. There are also several letters from reporters answering certain of Gunther's questions. The post-publication letters came mostly from English readers generally pointing out minor errors of fact.
The research notes for INSIDE EUROPE are not as voluminous as those for some of Gunther's other books. He was, of course, much more intimately informed on European affairs, since he had spent eleven years in Europe as a foreign correspondent. There are some interview notes, particularly those on a talk with Thomas Masaryk, founder and first president of Czechoslovakia, several English politicians, and H. R. Knickerbocker, the well-informed American journalist. Most of the notes, arranged alphabetically by country and topic, are factual notes.
Among miscellaneous materials are articles, memoranda, and copies of dispatches by several of Gunther's colleagues.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Preliminary Title Page, Dedication, Table of Contents, Prefatory Note |
Box 1 Folder 2 | Chapter 1 Hitler (1st draft) |
Box 1 Folder 3 | Chapter 1 Hitler: Character (2nd draft) |
Box 1 Folder 4 | Chapter 1 Hitler (3rd draft) |
Box 1 Folder 5 |
- Chapter 2 Path to Aryan Glory (1st draft, pp. 1-16)
- Chapter 2 Hitler, Origins (2nd draft)
- Chapter 2 Psychopathology of Dictators (3rd draft)
- Chapter 2 Path to Aryan Glory (1st draft, pp. 17-29)
Box 1 Folder 6 |
- Chapter 3 Who Killed the German Republic? (2nd draft)
- Chapter 3 Who Killed the German Republic? (3rd draft)
Box 1 Folder 7 |
- Chapter 3 The Trick by Fire and the Purge by Blood (1st draft)
- Chapter 4 The Trick by Fire and the Purge by Blood (2nd draft)
Box 1 Folder 8 |
- Chapter 4 All the Little Hitlers (1st draft)
- Chapter 5 The Two G-Men (2nd draft)
Box 1 Folder 9 | Chapter 6 The Other Little Hitlers (2nd draft) |
Box 1 Folder 10 |
- Chapter 5 War, Peace, Policy, and Cash (1st draft)
- Chapter 7 War, Peace, Policy, and Cash (2nd draft)
- Chapter 7 War, Peace, Policy, and Cash (3rd draft)
Box 1 Folder 11 |
- Chapter 8 "Lavaluation"
- Chapter 9 French Policy-and Why?
Box 1 Folder 12 |
- Chapter 10 More About Frenchmen
- Chapter 11 Fascism in France?
Box 1 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 Interlude in Spain |
Box 1 Folder 14 |
- Chapter 13 Mussolini
- Chapter 14 Who Else in Italy?
- Chapter 15 War in Abyssinia
Box 1 Folder 15 |
- Chapter 16 England, The Ruling Classes
- Chapter 17 Baldwin
Box 1 Folder 16 |
- Chapter 18 Men of Whitehall
- Chapter 19 Left and Right in England
Box 1 Folder 17 |
- Chapter 20 Danube Blues
- Chapter 21 The February Tragedy
Box 2 Folder 1 |
- Chapter 22 Death of Dollfuss
- Chapter 23 Austria Infelix
Box 2 Folder 2 |
- Chapter 24 Dr. Otto Hapsburg and Gen. Julius Goemboes
- Chapter 25 Masaryk and Benes
Box 2 Folder 3 |
- Chapter 26 The Lupescu Comedy
- Chapter 27 Jugoslavia after Alexander
Box 2 Folder 4 |
- Chapter 28 Balkan Kings
- Chapter 29 The Turkish Colossus
- Chapter 30 Poland Without Pilsudski
- Chapter 31 Half a League Onward
Box 2 Folder 5 |
- Chapter 30 Stalin
- Chapter 31 Men Around Stalin
Box 2 Folder 6 |
- Chapter 32 "Duranty's Inferno"
- Acknowledgements and Bibliography
Subseries 2: First Revision (Second Draft) |
Box 2 Folder 7 |
- Chapter 1 Hitler
- Chapter 2 Psychopathology of Dictators
Box 2 Folder 8 |
- Chapter 3 Who Killed the German Republic?
- Chapter 4 The Trick by Fire and the Purge by Blood
Box 2 Folder 9 |
- Chapter 5 The Two G-Men
- Chapter 6 The Other Little Hitlers
Box 2 Folder 10 |
- Chapter 7 War, Peace, Policy, and Cash
- Chapter 8 "Lavaluation"
Box 2 Folder 11 |
- Chapter 9 French Policy-and Why
- Chapter 10 More About Frenchmen
Box 2 Folder 12 |
- Chapter 11 Fascism in France
- Chapter 12 Interlude in Spain
Box 2 Folder 13 |
- Chapter 13 Mussolini
- Chapter 14 Who Else in Italy?
- Chapter 15 War in Abyssinia
Box 2 Folder 14 |
- Chapter 16 England, The Ruling Class
- Chapter 17 Baldwin
- Chapter 18 Men of Whitehall
Box 2 Folder 15 |
- Chapter 19 Left and Right in England
- Chapter 20 Danube Blues
- Chapter 21 The February Tragedy
Box 2 Folder 16 |
- Chapter 22 Death of Dollfuss
- Chapter 23 Austria Infelix
- Chapter 24 Dr. Otto Hapsburg and General Julius Goemboes
Box 2 Folder 17 |
- Chapter 25 Masaryk and Benes
- Chapter 26 The Lupescu Comedy
- Chapter 27 Jugoslavia after Alexander
Box 2 Folder 18 |
- Chapter 28 Balkan Kings
- Chapter 29 The Turkish Colossus
- Chapter 30 Poland Without Pilsudski
- Chapter 31 Half a League Onward
Box 2 Folder 19 |
- Chapter 32 Stalin
- Chapter 33 Men Around Stalin
Subseries 3: Galley Proofs |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Chapters 1-4 |
Box 3 Folder 2 | Chapters 5-7 |
Box 3 Folder 3 | Chapters 8-11 |
Box 3 Folder 4 | Chapters 12-15 |
Box 3 Folder 5 | Chapters 16-19 |
Box 3 Folder 6 | Chapters 20-23 |
Box 3 Folder 7 | Chapters 24-27 |
Box 3 Folder 8 | Chapters 28-31 |
Box 3 Folder 9 |
- Chapters 32-34
- Acknowledgments and Bibliography
Subseries 4: Revised Edition (October 1936) |
Box 3 Folder 10 | Inserts-general |
Box 3 Folder 11 |
- Chapter 8 Leon Blum
- Chapter 20 Eamon de Valera
- Chapter 17 Abdication of Edward VIII (February, 1937)
Subseries 5: New 1938 Edition (November 1937) |
Box 3 Folder 12 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapters 1-11 |
Box 3 Folder 13 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapters 12-21 |
Box 3 Folder 14 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapters 22-33 |
Box 3 Folder 15 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapters 34-38, and final corrections |
Box 3 Folder 16 | Original manuscript-New Chapter 12-The Spanish Civil War |
Box 3 Folder 17 | Original manuscript-New Chapter 18-Chamberlain and Baldwin |
Box 3 Folder 18 | Original manuscript-New Chapter 32-The Notable Neutrals |
Box 3 Folder 19 | Original manuscript-New Chapter 35-The Russian Trials |
Subseries 6: Peace Edition (October 1938) |
Box 3 Folder 20 |
- Original manuscript-New Introduction
- Original manuscript-New Chapter 7a-The Fascist Offensive
Subseries 7: 1940 War Edition |
Box 4 Folder 1 | Original manuscript of inserts |
Box 4 Folder 2 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Preface, Introduction, Bibliographical note |
Box 4 Folder 3 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 1 Hitler
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 2 Psychopathology of Dictators
Box 4 Folder 4 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 3 Who Killed the German Republic
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 4 The Trick by Fire and the Purge by Blood
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 5 The Two G-Men
Box 4 Folder 5 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 6 The Other Little Hitlers
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 7 War, Peace, Policy, and Cash
Box 4 Folder 6 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 8 The Fascist Offensive
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 9 From Munich to Warsaw (new)
Box 4 Folder 7 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 10 Daladier (new) and Blum
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 11 French Policy-And Why
Box 4 Folder 8 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 12 More About Frenchmen
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 13 Fascism and the Front Populaire
Box 4 Folder 9 | Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 14 The Spanish Civil War |
Box 4 Folder 10 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 15 Mussolini
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 16 Who Else in Italy?
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 17 War in Abyssinia
Box 4 Folder 11 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 18 England, The Ruling Classes
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 19 The Abdication Crisis
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 20 Chamberlain, Baldwin, and Churchill (new)
Box 4 Folder 12 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 21 Men of Whitehall
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 22 Left and Right in England
Box 5 Folder 1 |
- Page revisions (with inserts) -Chapter 23 De Valera
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 24 The February Tragedy
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 25 Danube Blues
Box 5 Folder 2 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 26 Death of Dollfuss
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 27 Austria Infelix
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 28 Hungary and Dr. Hapsburg
Box 5 Folder 3 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 29 Masaryk and Benes
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 30 Carol, Lupescu, and Rumania
Box 5 Folder 4 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 31 Jugoslavia after Alexander
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 32 Balkan Kings
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 33 The Turkish Colossus
Box 5 Folder 5 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 34 Poland and the Baltic States
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 35 The Notable Neutrals
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 36 Half a League Onward
Box 5 Folder 6 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 37 Stalin
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 38 Men Around Stalin
Box 5 Folder 7 |
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 39 The Russian Trials
- Page revisions (with inserts)-Chapter 40 "Duranty's Inferno"
Subseries 8: Published Articles by Gunther |
Box 5 Folder 8 |
- After the Dollfuss Murder Arson Deluxe
- Austria, Hot on the Griddle
Box 5 Folder 9 |
- The Austrian Struggle for Power
- The Authority Complex (incomplete)
- Balkan Kings
- Bigger and Better Wars
Box 5 Folder 10 |
- Counter Revolution Austrian Style
- Dollfuss and the Future of Austria Eight Questions about Hitler
- The Fascist Regime is Austria
- The Fire-Still Burning
- The Hapsburg Question (incomplete)
Box 5 Folder 11 |
- Hapsburg's Otto (incomplete)
- Has Hitler an Oedipus Complex (incomplete)
- The Nazi Tamer of Lions
- Policy by Murder
Box 5 Folder 12 |
- Slaughter for Sale (original manuscript)
- The Slaughter in Austria
- This Other Eden
- What Alfonso Left Behind
- Press Dispatches from Balkans
Box 5 Folder 13 |
- Notes on Dollfuss and Austria Situation
- Notes on Hitler
- Notes on Baldwin
- Notes on Schutzbund Trial
- Notes on Vienna and Austria
Box 5 Folder 14 |
- Brief Biographical Sketches of English Politicians -
- Neville Chamberlain
- Walter Elliot
- Samuel Hoare
- Leslie Hore-Belisha
- George Ambrose Lloyd
- James Maxton
- Herbert Samuel
- Oliver Stanley
Subseries 10: Correspondence |
Box 5 Folder 15 | Informational Correspondence |
Box 5 Folder 16 | Post-publication correspondence |
Box 5 Folder 17 | Publicity "blurbs" written by Gunther |
Subseries 11: Research Notes-Abyssinian War |
Box 6 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 12: Research Notes-Armaments |
Box 6 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 6 Folder 3 | Notes on Skoda Works, Czechoslovakia |
Box 6 Folder 4 | Translations from foreign press |
Subseries 13: Research Notes-Austria |
Box 6 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 6 Folder 6 | Translations from foreign press |
Subseries 14: Research Notes-Balkans |
Box 6 Folder 7 |
- Albania-Miscellaneous notes
- Bulgaria-Miscellaneous notes
Box 6 Folder 8 | Jugoslavia-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 6 Folder 9 | Rumania-Miscellaneous notes
- Rumania-Translation of Maniu speech
Subseries 15: Research Notes-Czechoslovakia |
Box 6 Folder 10 | Interview notes-Thomas Masaryk (President)
Subseries 16: Research Notes-France |
Box 6 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 17: Research Notes-Germany |
Box 6 Folder 12 | Biographical sketches of Nazi leaders |
Box 6 Folder 13 | Notes on Hitler and Nazi leaders |
Box 6 Folder 14 | Interview notes-H. R. Knickerbocker (journalist) |
Box 6 Folder 15 | Notes on peace or war; economic affairs; Baltic Germans |
Box 6 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 18: Research Notes-Great Britain |
Box 6 Folder 17 |
- Interview notes-Ballogh
- Interview notes-Butterworth
- Interview notes-Callendar
- Interview notes-Cesar
- Interview notes-Sir Walter Citrine
- Interview notes-Cloud
Box 6 Folder 18 |
- Interview notes-Hugh Gaitskill
- Interview notes-Jordan
- Interview notes-Kuhn
- Interview notes-Harold Laski
- Interview notes-Earl of Oxford and Asquith
- Interview notes-Strauss
- Interview notes-Voight
- Interview notes-Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 19 | Notes on Baldwin, MacDonald, Eden, Lloyd George, Simon |
Box 6 Folder 20 | Notes on Labor Party, ILP, Communists |
Box 6 Folder 21 | Notes on Walter Elliot |
Box 7 Folder 1 | Notes on Oswald Mosely |
Box 7 Folder 2 | Notes on foreign policy |
Box 7 Folder 3 | Notes on the royal family |
Box 7 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 19: Research Notes-Hungary |
Box 7 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 20: Research Notes-Italy |
Box 7 Folder 6 | Notes on Mussolini |
Box 7 Folder 7 | Notes on Pope Pius XII |
Box 7 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 21: Research Notes-League of Nations |
Box 7 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 22: Research Notes-Poland |
Box 7 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 23: Research Notes-Turkey |
Box 7 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 24: Research Notes-U.S.S.R. |
Box 7 Folder 12 | Notes on Stalin |
Box 7 Folder 13 |
- Notes on Communist leaders
- Miscellaneous notes
Box 7 Folder 14 | Interview notes-H. R. Knickerbocker (journalist) |
Box 7 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous notes for Introduction |
Subseries 25: Miscellaneous Materials by Others |
Box 7 Folder 16 | Nogley Farson article on England and news dispatches |
Box 7 Folder 17 | M. W. Fodor memoranda on Kemal Ataturk and George II of Greece |
Box 7 Folder 18 | Frances Gunther articles on Yugoslavia and Great Britain |
Box 7 Folder 19 | Edgar Mowrer news dispatches |
Box 7 Folder 20 | Ralph Forte, H. R. Knickerbocker, and miscellaneous news dispatches |
Box 7 Folder 21 | Memoranda on Mussolini and Italy |
Box 7 Folder 22 | Memoranda on Joseph Pilsudski and Joseph Beck Memoranda on Soviet Russia |
Box 7 Folder 23 | Memoranda on Great Britain |
Box 7 Folder 24 | Chronology of events, 1938-1939 |
INSIDE ASIA, published in 1939, is the second of the "inside books." The materials for this work are contained in four boxes. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther
2. Printer's Copy, which is a typed carbon copy of the original manuscript (no. 1, above) with additional corrections, making the manuscript, therefore, the First Revision or the Second Draft.
The galley and page proofs were not included in the original deposit.
The original manuscript of the Second Edition, published in 1942, is a paste-up of the pages of the first edition with marginal corrections, numerous inserts, and a completely new chapter on Pearl Harbor.
The correspondence numbers about eighty letters, with Gunther's brief answers attached. It comes from all over the world, mostly pointing out errors in fact, or the misspelling of foreign words or names. Several letters, especially those from Sir Sekunder Hyat Khan, prime minister of Punjab in India, and Hendrik Van Loon, are particularly interesting. One letter, from Prince Chula of Siam, discusses political affairs in that country at great length, obviously from personal knowledge.
The research notes for INSIDE ASIA were not among the original deposit. Certain notes which deal with the 1942 Revision, as well as notes for an article in Fortune on the Middle East, are included in the collection.
Among miscellaneous materials are several long research papers on Palestine, Japan and China, apparently done for Gunther by observers on the spot.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 8 Folder 1 | Author's note, Table of Contents, Acknowledgments |
Box 8 Folder 2 | Chapter 1 The Emperor of Japan |
Box 8 Folder 3 | Chapter 2 Background to the Japanese |
Box 8 Folder 4 | Chapter 3 Japan's a Totalitarian Army |
Box 8 Folder 5 | Chapter 4 How Fascist is Japan? |
Box 8 Folder 6 | Chapter 5 Men of Yen |
Box 8 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 The Story of Two Twenty-Six |
Box 8 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 Japan Makes War |
Box 8 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 Guinea Pigs of Manchukuo |
Box 8 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 The Russian Position |
Box 8 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 Colossal China |
Box 8 Folder 12 | Chapter 11 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (Ch. 9 on ms.) |
Box 8 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 A Song of Soongs (Ch. 10 on ms.) |
Box 8 Folder 14 | Chapter 13 The Chinese Reds, Who Wear Blue |
Box 8 Folder 15 | Chapter 14 Young Marshal at Sian |
Box 8 Folder 16 | Chapter 15 Course of the War |
Box 8 Folder 17 | Chapter 16 Chinese Generals and Politicians |
Box 8 Folder 18 | Chapter 17 War Lords and Puppets |
Box 8 Folder 19 | Chapter 18 Manuel Quezon |
Box 8 Folder 20 | Chapter 19 Singapore Base |
Box 8 Folder 21 | Chapter 20 Dutch Treat |
Box 8 Folder 22 | Chapter 21 The Incredible Kingdom of Siam |
Box 8 Folder 23 | Chapter 22 Mr. Gandhi (Ch. 21 on ms.) |
Box 8 Folder 24 | Chapter 23 Beginnings in India (Ch. 22 on ms.) |
Box 8 Folder 25 | Chapter 24 A Word About Religion (Ch. 23 on ms.) |
Box 8 Folder 26 | Chapter 25 Jawaharlal Nehru (Ch. 24 on ms.) |
Box 9 Folder 1 | Chapter 26 The Congress Structure |
Box 9 Folder 2 | Chapter 27 The World of the Great Princes |
Box 9 Folder 3 | Chapter 28 Aga Khan and Others |
Box 9 Folder 4 | Chapter 29 British Rule in India |
Box 9 Folder 5 | Chapter 30 The Far Frontiers |
Box 9 Folder 6 | Chapter 31 King of Kings, The Shah of Iran (Ch. 30 on ms.) |
Box 9 Folder 7 | Chapter 32 The Arab World |
Box 9 Folder 8 | Chapter 33 Kings of the Middle East |
Box 9 Folder 9 | Chapter 34 Tragedy in Palestine |
Box 9 Folder 10 | Chapter 35 Dr. Chaim Weizmann |
Box 9 Folder 11 | Chapter 36 Circumnavigation Complete |
Box 9 Folder 12 | Suggestions to Cartographer |
Box 9 Folder 13 | Text of map |
Box 9 Folder 14 | Publishers' Note (to accompany chapters submitted to Book-of-the-Month Club) |
Subseries 2: Printer's Copy |
Box 9 Folder 15 |
- Chapter 1 The Emperor of Japan
- Chapter 2 First Course in Japanese
- Chapter 3 Army Bearing Pamphlets
Box 9 Folder 16 |
- Chapter 4 How Fascist is Japan?
- Chapter 5 Men of Yen
- Chapter 6 The Story of Two Twenty-Six
- Chapter 7 Japan Makes War
Box 9 Folder 17 |
- Chapter 8 Guinea Pigs of Manchukuo
- Chapter 9 The Russian Position
- Chapter 10 Colossal China
Box 9 Folder 18 |
- Chapter 11 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
- Chapter 12 A Song of Soongs
- Chapter 13 The Chinese Reds, Who Wear Blue
- Chapter 14 Young Marshal at Sian
- Chapter 15 Course of the War
Box 9 Folder 19 |
- Chapter 16 Chinese Generals and Politicians
- Chapter 17 War Lords and Puppets
- Chapter 18 Manuel Quezon
Box 9 Folder 20 |
- Chapter 19 Singapore Base
- Chapter 20 Dutch Treat
- Chapter 21 The Incredible Kingdom of Siam
Box 9 Folder 21 |
- Chapter 22 Mr. Gandhi
- Chapter 23 Beginnings in India
- Chapter 24 A Word About Religion
- Chapter 25 Jawaharlal Nehru
- Chapter 26 The Congress Structure
Box 9 Folder 22 |
- Chapter 27 The World of the Great Princes
- Chapter 28 Aga Khan and Others
- Chapter 29 British Rule in India
- Chapter 30 The Far Frontiers
Box 9 Folder 23 |
- Chapter 31 King of Kings, The Shah of Iran
- Chapter 32 Arab World
- Chapter 33 Kings of the Middle East
Box 9 Folder 24 |
- Chapter 34 Tragedy in Palestine
- Chapter 35 Dr. Chaim Weizmann
- Chapter 36 Circumnavigation Complete
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
Box 9 Folder 25 | Galley Proof Inserts |
Subseries 3: 1942 War Edition |
Box 10 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Preface |
Box 10 Folder 2 |
- Chapter 1 The Emperor of Japan
- Chapter 2 First Course in Japanese
Box 10 Folder 3 |
- Chapter 3 Army Bearing Pamphlets
- Chapter 4 Japan's Totalitarian Leaders
Box 10 Folder 4 |
- Chapter 5 Men of Yen
- Chapter 6 The Story of Two Twenty-Six
- Chapter 7 Japan Makes War
Box 10 Folder 5 |
- Chapter 8 Pearl Harbor and the Pacific
- Chapter 9 Guinea Pigs of Manchukuo
Box 10 Folder 6 |
- Chapter 10 The Russian Position
- Chapter 11 Colossal China
Box 10 Folder 7 |
- Chapter 12 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
- Chapter 13 A Song of Soongs
- Chapter 14 The Chinese Reds, Who Wear Blue
Box 10 Folder 8 |
- Chapter 15 Young Marshal at Sian
- Chapter 16 The War in China
- Chapter 17 Chinese Generals and Politicians
Box 10 Folder 9 |
- Chapter 18 Puppets Look Up
- Chapter 19 Philippines After Quezon
Box 10 Folder 10 |
- Chapter 20 Catastrophe at Singapore
- Chapter 21 The Dutch East Indies Under Fire
Box 10 Folder 11 |
- Chapter 22 Thailand, Once Called Siam
- Chapter 23 Mr. Gandhi
Box 10 Folder 12 |
- Chapter 24 Beginnings in India
- Chapter 25 A Word About Religion
Box 10 Folder 13 | Chapter 26 Jawaharlal Nehru |
Box 11 Folder 1 |
- Chapter 28 The World of the Great Princes
- Chapter 29 Aga Khan, Moslems, and Others
Box 11 Folder 2 |
- Chapter 30 British Rule in India
- Chapter 31 The Far Frontiers
Box 11 Folder 3 |
- Chapter 32 People, Pressures, Problems in Iran
- Chapter 33 Arab World
Box 11 Folder 4 |
- Chapter 34 Kings of the Middle East
- Chapter 35 Land of Israel
Box 11 Folder 5 |
- Chapter 36 Dr. Chaim Weizmann
- Chapter 37 Circumnavigation Complete
- Acknowledgments
- Bibliography
Subseries 4: Printer's Copy of 1942 War Edition |
Box 11 Folder 6 | Inserts 1-35 |
Box 11 Folder 7 | Inserts 36-72 |
Subseries 5: Material by Others |
Box 11 Folder 8 | Research materials on Palestine by Harry Zinder |
Box 11 Folder 9 | Biographical memoranda on Chinese personalities |
Box 11 Folder 10 | Research materials on Japan by [?] Lillico |
Subseries 6: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 11 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes on the Middle East |
Box 11 Folder 12 | Article by Gunther-"Mussolini, Moslems, and Middle East" |
Box 11 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous chronological notes-1939-41 |
Box 11 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous chronological notes-1939-41 |
Box 11 Folder 15 | Published pictures of Asian leaders |
Subseries 7: Correspondence |
Series III: Inside Latin America |
The papers for INSIDE LATIN AMERICA, published in 1941, are contained in seven boxes. As with Gunther's first two "inside" books, there is only one complete revision of the manuscript. The manuscript material is as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther
2. Printer's Copy, which is a typed copy of the original manuscript (no. 1, above) with corrections-thus, the First Revision or Second Draft; and
3. Galley proofs, corrected, but incomplete.
During Gunther's fact-finding trip, he wrote several articles for the North American Newspaper Alliance, and made several radio broadcasts. The manuscripts of this material, some of it used, but only after complete revision, is included among the papers.
The correspondence concerning this book is not extensive. The Informational correspondence is, however, of some interest. Gunther corresponded with U. S. State Department officials and embassy officials in the various countries he visited. There are confidential letters about the internal political scene from, among others, Claude Bowers, Ambassador to Chile; Spruille Braden, Ambassador to Colombia; Vernon Fluharty, an embassy official; Laurence Duggan of the State Department; and Overton Ellis, a legation official in El Salvador. There is also correspondence with several American journalists stationed in Latin America. The material is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The Post-publication correspondence, for the most part, deals with minor corrections of the text.
As in most of Gunther's other books, his major sources of information were his interview notes. Because Gunther did not list in his book, nor completely in his notes, the names of most of the persons whom he interviewed, it has been impossible to identify many of them. However, where possible, the interviewees have been at least tentatively identified. Gunther interviewed most of the Latin American presidents, numerous cabinet officials, politicians, journalists, American officials, and others. Among those interviewed were Getulio Vargas, president of Brazil; Pedro Aguirre Cerda, president of Chile; Eduardo Santos, president of Colombia; Fulgencio Batista, president of Cuba; Lazero Cárdenas, former president of Mexico; Victor Haya de la Torre, APRA leader in Peru; and Luis Munoz Karín, governor of Puerto Rico.
Among miscellaneous materials are memoranda on individual politicians and political events prepared by newspaper correspondents for Gunther's information. These notes have been included with the material on each country and, where possible, the author has been identified.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 12 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Note |
Box 12 Folder 2 | Chapter 1, Inside Latin America |
Box 12 Folder 3 | Chapter 2 Fifth Column and Hemisphere Defense |
Box 12 Folder 4 | Chapter 3 Avila Camacho Succeeds Cardenas |
Box 12 Folder 5 | Chapter 4 Mexico, Land, Revolution, People |
Box 12 Folder 6 | Chapter 5 General Lazaro Cardenas |
Box 12 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 Mexicans Left and Right |
Box 12 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 Foreign Policy and Axis Influence in Mexico |
Box 12 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 Two Dictators on Top (only section on General Martinez of El Salvador) |
Box 12 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 The Banana Republics |
Box 12 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 Panama, Zone, Country, and Defense |
Box 12 Folder 12 | Chapter 11 Hail Colombia |
Box 12 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 The High Cost of Venezuela |
Box 12 Folder 14 | Chapter 13 Ecuador on Edge |
Box 12 Folder 15 | Chapter 14 What Peru Is and Isn't |
Box 12 Folder 16 | Chapter 15 Tin and Tintypes in Bolivia |
Box 12 Folder 17 | Chapter 16 Popular Front in Chile |
Box 12 Folder 18 | Chapter 17 Chile Getting Hot |
Box 12 Folder 19 | Chapter 18 Paraguay is Ruritania |
Box 12 Folder 20 | Chapter 19 The Argentine Complex |
Box 12 Folder 21 | Chapter 20 Beef, Fifth Column, and Bases |
Box 12 Folder 22 | Chapter 21 These are Argentinians |
Box 12 Folder 23 | Chapter 22 Uruguay, the Denmark of Latin America |
Box 12 Folder 24 | Chapter 23 This Is Vargas |
Box 12 Folder 25 | Chapter 24 Behold Brazil |
Box 12 Folder 26 | Chapter 25 A Word About Commodities |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Chapter 26 Brazilian Roll Call |
Box 13 Folder 2 | Chapter 27 The Coming American Imperialism |
Box 13 Folder 3 | Chapter 28 Our Orphan Island |
Box 13 Folder 4 | Chapter 29 Columbus Called it Hispaniola |
Box 13 Folder 5 | Chapter 30 Cuba's Batista |
Box 13 Folder 6 | Chapter 31 What We Should Do About It |
Box 13 Folder 7 | Acknowledgments and Bibliography |
Subseries 2: Printer's Copy |
Box 13 Folder 8 | Note, Chapters 1-2 |
Box 13 Folder 9 | Chapters 3-4 |
Box 13 Folder 10 | Chapters 5-7 |
Box 13 Folder 11 | Chapters 8-10 |
Box 13 Folder 12 | Chapters 11-12 |
Box 13 Folder 13 | Chapters 13-14 |
Box 13 Folder 14 | Chapters 15-18 |
Box 13 Folder 15 | Chapters 19-22 |
Box 13 Folder 16 | Chapters 23-26 |
Box 13 Folder 17 | Chapters 27-28 |
Box 13 Folder 18 | Chapters 29-31, Acknowledgments and Bibliography |
Subseries 3: Magazine Article Manuscripts |
Box 13 Folder 19 | "Inside Latin America" |
Box 13 Folder 20 | Dispatches for North American Newspaper Alliance on Paraguay, Nicaragua, and Brazil |
Box 13 Folder 21 | Carbon copies of articles on hemispheric defense, Haya de la Torre, Gen. Camacho of Mexico, Costa Rica, and General Cardenas. |
Subseries 4: Galley Proofs |
Box 14 Folder 1 | Chapters 1-2 |
Box 14 Folder 2 | Chapters 3-4 |
Box 14 Folder 3 | Chapters 5-6 |
Box 14 Folder 5 | Chapter 18 (28 in published edition) |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Chapters 20-22 (19, 20, 21 in published edition) |
Box 14 Folder 7 | Chapter 24 (23 in published edition) |
Box 14 Folder 8 | Chapters 27, 29 |
Box 14 Folder 9 | Chapters 30-31 |
Box 14 Folder 10 | Chapters 3-4 (with questions by Gunther in margin and |
Box 14 Folder 11 | Chapters 5-7 answers by "Specialists") |
Box 14 Folder 12 | Printer's copy for dummy of book |
Box 14 Folder 13 | Gunther directions for map with text |
Box 14 Folder 14 | Original manuscripts of galley inserts |
Subseries 5: Correspondence |
Box 14 Folder 15 | Informational correspondence-A-E |
Box 14 Folder 16 | Informational correspondence-F-Q |
Box 14 Folder 17 | Informational correspondence-R-Z, and unidentified |
Box 14 Folder 18 | Post-publication correspondence-A-C |
Box 14 Folder 19 | Post-publication correspondence-D-M |
Box 14 Folder 20 | Post-publication correspondence-N-Z, and unidentified |
Box 14 Folder 21 | Correspondence, memoranda in Spanish |
Box 14 Folder 22 | Review of Inside Latin America by Raymond G. Swing |
Subseries 6: Research Notes-Argentina |
Box 15 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Norman Armour (Embassy official)
- Mario Bravo (Socialist leader)
- Spruille Braden (U.S. Ambassador to Colombia)
- Diaz Herrara ("Diaz H.")
- Col. Divine
- Lawrence Duggan (State Department)
Box 15 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Notes taken at "Embassy"
- Mason Ford
- Dr. Enrique Gil
- Horan
- Horsey? (U.P. Reporter)
- Alonso Irogoyen (Economic expert) ("I")
Box 15 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Matson
- National City Bank Official
- Mme. Rosa Oliver
- Pinedo
- Honorio Pueyrredon (former ambassador to U.S.)
- Randall
Box 15 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Julio Roca (Foreign Affairs Minister)
- Salazar
- Shaw
- Solandro Soronda (Fascist leader)
- "W___"
- Miscellaneous
Box 15 Folder 5 | Notes on Estancia Huetel; La Prensa; hoof and mouth disease |
Box 15 Folder 6 | Notes on Germans |
Box 15 Folder 7 | Biographical notes |
Box 15 Folder 8 | Biographical notes (prepared by Norman Carignan) |
Box 15 Folder 9 | Names, questions, agenda, outlines |
Box 15 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 7: Research Notes-Bolivia |
Box 15 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Spruille Braden (U.S. Ambassador to Colombia)
- Benjamin Cohen (Chilean journalist, diplomat)
Box 15 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Dawson (Embassy official)
- Jenkins
- Miscellaneous
Box 15 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous notes; questions |
Subseries 8: Research Notes-Brazil |
Box 15 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Adams
- Joao Alberto (Rio chief of police)
- Oswaldo Aranha (Foreign Minister)
- Paolo de Bettencourt (Editor, Correio da Manha)
- Francisco Campos (Justice and Interior Minister)
Box 15 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Assis Chateaubriand (Newspaper publisher)
- Arthur de Souza Costa (Finance Minister)
- Crogan
- Paul Einhorn (Press agent, Pan American Airways)
- Lourival Fontes (Director of Propaganda)
Box 15 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Hanke
- Walter Kerr (journalist)
- Knox
- Col. Miller
- Moses
- Naval Attache
- Neele
- Herbert S. Polin (chemist)
Box 15 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Hart Preston (Life photographer)
- "Tassie"
- "Ted" (Embassy official)
- Getulio Vargas (President)
Box 15 Folder 18 | Interview notes-Theo. A. Xanthaky (Embassy official; "Z") |
Box 15 Folder 19 | Interview notes-Miscellaneous |
Box 15 Folder 20 | Notes on defense, bases, relations with U.S.; economy, steel; Vargas |
Box 15 Folder 21 | Biographical notes |
Box 15 Folder 22 | Biographical notes (typewritten) |
Box 15 Folder 23 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 9: Research Notes-Chile |
Box 16 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Pedro Aguirre Cerda (President)
- Mervin Bohan
- Claude Bowers (U.S. Ambassador)
Box 16 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Benjamin Cohen (journalist)
- Carlos Contreras Labarca (Communist leader)
- Faust
- Horace Graham
Box 16 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Charles Griffin (journalist)
Box 16 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Horsey (U.P. reporter)
- Bernardo Leighton (Falange leader)
- Oscar Schnake Vergara (Socialist leader)
Box 16 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Jorge Gonzaléz Von Marées (Nazi leader)
- Webb (Embassy official?)
- Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 6 | Notes on economy |
Box 16 Folder 7 | Notes on politics, political leaders |
Box 16 Folder 8 | Biographical notes |
Box 16 Folder 9 | Political and biographical notes (Prepared by Harry Tomlinson, U.P.) |
Box 16 Folder 10 | Names, questions, agenda, outlines |
Box 16 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 10: Research Notes-Colombia |
Box 16 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Paul von Bauer (Head, Scadta, German airlines)
- Mervin Bohan
- Spruille Braden (U.S. Ambassador)
- Vernon Fluharty (Vice consul)
Box 16 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Laureano Gomez (Conservative leader)
- Alfonso Lopez (Former president)
- Luis Lopez de Mesa (Foreign Minister)
- Eduardo Santos (President)
- Wise
- Wright
- Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 14 | Notes on Fifth Column, relations with U.S.; Falange; Communists |
Box 16 Folder 15 | Biographical notes |
Box 16 Folder 16 | Typewritten political memoranda |
Box 16 Folder 17 | Names; questions |
Box 16 Folder 18 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 11: Research Notes-Costa Rica |
Box 16 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- George Chittenden
- Lawrence Duggan (State Department official)
- Overton Ellis (U.S. Legation, El Salvador)
- William Hornibrook (U.S. Minister)
- Tyler
- Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 20 | Biographical notes; miscellaneous notes; outlines |
Subseries 12: Research Notes-Cuba |
Box 16 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Fulgencio Batista (President)
- Jose Manuel Cortina (Foreign Minister)
- Unidentified ("L")
- Unidentified ("M", possibly George Messersmith, U.S. Ambassador)
- Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 22 | Notes on Batista |
Box 16 Folder 23 | Notes on politics; miscellaneous notes, questions, outlines |
Subseries 13: Research Notes-Dominican Republic |
Box 16 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Scolten or Scolter
- Miscellaneous
Box 16 Folder 25 | Notes on refugees; miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 14: Research Notes-Ecuador |
Box 17 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Galo Plaza (former Minister of war)
- Read
- Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 2 | Notes on political leaders; the Church; the Fifth Column; dispute with Peru; Indians |
Box 17 Folder 3 | Notes on economy, cocoa, land |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous notes; names and questions |
Subseries 15: Research Notes-El Salvador |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Overton Ellis (U.S. Legation official)
- Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 16: Research Notes-Haiti |
Box 17 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- De La Rue
- Sparks
- Stenio Joseph Vincent (President)
- Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 17: Research Notes-Honduras |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Overton Ellis (EI. Salvador legation)
- Erwin
- Notes taken at U.S. "Legation"
- "F.L."
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 18: Research Notes-Mexico |
Box 17 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Francisco Aguilar (Minister to France)
- Ramon Beteta (Undersecretary of Treasury)
Box 17 Folder 11 | Interview notes
Box 17 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Lazaro Cardenas (former President)
- Alejandro Carillo (Socialist editor)
- Carrigan
- Chavas
- Contamine
- Josephus Daniels (U.S. Ambassador)
Box 17 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Gibson (Embassy official)
- Eduardo Hay (former Foreign Minister)
- Higgins
- Mrs. Hill
- Icaza
- Jellinek
Box 17 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Vincente Lombardo Toledano
- McCoy
- Edward Morgan (journalist)
- Jose Navarro (President's Press Secretary)
- Rose
- W. Cameron Townsend (Head, Morelos Indian Language School)
- Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 15 | Notes on the Fifth Column |
Box 17 Folder 16 | Biographical Notes |
Box 17 Folder 17 | Biographical and Political notes (prepared by Edward Morgan) |
Box 17 Folder 18 | Names, questions, outlines |
Box 17 Folder 19 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 19: Research Notes-Nicaragua |
Box 17 Folder 20 | Interview notes
Box 17 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- "British agent" (probably Ronald Steward, British Legation)
- Anastasio Somoza (President)
- Wells
Box 17 Folder 22 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 20: Research Notes-Panama |
Box 17 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Arnulfo Arias (President)
- William Dawson (U.S. Ambassador)
- "Mac"
- Capt. Randolph (U.S. Army ?)
- Admiral Sadler (U.S. Navy)
Box 17 Folder 24 | Interview notes
Box 17 Folder 25 | Notes on the Arias family |
Box 17 Folder 26 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 21: Research Notes-Paraguay |
Box 17 Folder 27 | Interview notes
- Colonel Divine
- Lawrence Duggan (State Department)
- Kent
- Miscellaneous
Box 17 Folder 28 | Notes on economy, ties with Argentina |
Box 17 Folder 29 | Notes on President Moringo and politics |
Box 17 Folder 30 | Notes on Fifth Column, relations with U.S.; notes on general history |
Box 17 Folder 31 | Miscellaneous notes; names, questions, outlines |
Subseries 22: Research Notes-Peru |
Box 18 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Calderon
- David Dasso (Finance Minister)
- Lawrence Duggan (State Department)
- "Ent"
Box 18 Folder 2 | Interview notes
Box 18 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Victor Haya de la Torre (APRA leader)
Box 18 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Quimper
- Reed
- Moises Saenz
- Miscellaneous
Box 18 Folder 5 | Notes on Fifth Column, relations with U.S. |
Box 18 Folder 6 | Notes on politics and economy |
Box 18 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines; questions |
Subseries 23: Research Notes-Puerto Rico |
Box 18 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Luis Munoz Marin (Governor)
- "O'R."
Box 18 Folder 9 | Interview notes
Box 18 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 24: Research Notes-Trinidad, Caribbean, Central America (General) |
Box 18 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 25: Research Notes-Uruguay |
Box 18 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Hugo Fernandez Artucio (University professor)
- John W. White (journalist)
- Edwin C. Wilson (U.S. Minister)
- Miscellaneous
Box 18 Folder 13 | Interview notes Miscellaneous notes; outlines, questions |
Subseries 26: Research Notes-Venezuela |
Box 18 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Lawrence Duggan (State Department)
- "Tassie"
- Miscellaneous
Box 18 Folder 15 | Notes on economy, oil, high cost of living |
Box 18 Folder 16 | Notes on Gomez dictatorship; President Lopez Contreras |
Box 18 Folder 17 | Biographical notes |
Box 18 Folder 18 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 27: Research Notes-General Notes |
Box 18 Folder 19 | Miscellaneous interview notes; miscellaneous notes |
Box 18 Folder 20 | Notes for a talk on South America |
Box 18 Folder 21 | Outlines; check sheets, watch sheets, add sheets |
D-DAY, published in 1944, concerns the Allied invasion of Italy and the Mediterranean war in general. The material is contained in two boxes. The two manuscripts deposited are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther; and
2. Printer's copy which is a carbon copy of the original manuscript (no. 1, above) with additional corrections.
Among other manuscripts are carbon copies of Gunther's dispatches, broadcasts, and articles written during his trip. During the D-Day trip he carried three credentials, and was working for three different organizations-the North American Newspaper Alliance, The Blue Network, and Readers' Digest.
The correspondence is not extensive, and is mostly made up of telegrams. One letter, however, from the American legation in Cairo, Egypt, concerns answers to certain questions that Gunther had submitted to the prime minister of Egypt.
The research notes also are not extensive. It would appear that most of the book was written from notes which Gunther kept in a diary during his six months in the Mediterranean area. However, the diary was not included in the original deposit. The majority of the notes concern the Balkan countries and the Middle East. Among the interview notes are those with Laurence Steinhardt, U. S. Ambassador to Turkey, and Sukru Saracoglu, Turkish prime minister. There are also miscellaneous notes on Field Marshal Alexander, Field Marshal Montgomery, and General Eisenhower, among others.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Chapter 1 To Africa Through the Ice |
Box 19 Folder 2 | Chapter 2 Behind the Front |
Box 19 Folder 3 | Chapter 3 Maltese Diary-Sans Origine |
Box 19 Folder 4 | Chapter 4 D Day |
Box 19 Folder 5 | Chapter 5 With Eisenhower in Sicily |
Box 19 Folder 6 | Chapter 6 How to Cover a War, When Lucky |
Box 19 Folder 7 | Chapter 7 Montgomery and Alexander |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Chapter 8 Battle Pictures |
Box 19 Folder 9 | Chapter 9 Main 35 |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Chapter 10 Malta-Stalingrad of the Mediterannean |
Box 19 Folder 11 | Chapter 11 Across the Underbelly |
Box 19 Folder 12 | Chapter 12 Talking Turkey |
Box 19 Folder 13 | Chapter 13 Outside Europe Looking In |
Box 19 Folder 14 | Chapter 14 The World of the Middle East |
Box 19 Folder 15 | Chapter 15 The Wings of the A.T.C. |
Box 19 Folder 16 | Chapter 16 Flying Home, Accra and Ascension |
Subseries 2: Printer's Copy |
Box 19 Folder 17 | Chapter 1 |
Box 19 Folder 18 | Chapter 2 |
Box 19 Folder 19 | Chapter 3 |
Box 19 Folder 20 | Chapter 4 |
Box 19 Folder 21 | Chapter 5 |
Box 19 Folder 22 | Chapter 6 |
Box 19 Folder 23 | Chapter 7 |
Box 19 Folder 24 | Chapter 8 |
Box 19 Folder 25 | Chapter 9 |
Box 19 Folder 26 | Chapter 10 |
Box 19 Folder 27 | Chapter 11 |
Box 19 Folder 28 | Chapter 12 |
Box 19 Folder 29 | Chapter 13 |
Box 19 Folder 30 | Chapter 14 |
Box 19 Folder 31 | Chapter 15 |
Box 19 Folder 32 | Chapter 16 |
Box 19 Folder 33 | Chapters 1, 14, 15-amended by military security |
Box 19 Folder 34 | Miscellaneous corrected pages (retyped for Printer's Copy) |
Subseries 3: Manuscripts of Dispatches, Broadcasts, Articles |
Box 20 Folder 1 | Pool representative dispatches, July 10-16, 1943 (25 stories, with index, on invasion of Sicily) |
Box 20 Folder 2 | North American Newspaper Alliance dispatches, July 4-August 28, 1943 (13 stories, with index, on war in Italy, Malta, Balkans, Turkey) |
Box 20 Folder 3 | Blue Network programs (for Clark), July 22-Sept. 4, 1943 (5 dispatches, with index, on Sicily, Bulgaria, Egypt) |
Box 20 Folder 4 | Blue Network programs (for General Mills), July 2-Sept. 4, 1943 (10 dispatches, with index, on Sicily, British, Italy, Turkey, Middle East) |
Box 20 Folder 5 | Reader's Digest Articles
- "With Eisenhower in Sicily" (2 copies, Aug. 1, 3, 1943)
- "Malta-Stalingrad of the Mediterannean" (2 copies, August 4, 9, 1943)
Subseries 4: Correspondence |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Gunther credentials, letters of introduction, travel authorizations |
Box 20 Folder 7 | Pre-publication, post-publication correspondence |
Subseries 5: Research Materials |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Greece-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 9 | Hungary-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 10 | Bulgaria-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 11 | Rumania-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 12 | Yugoslavia-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 13 | Albania-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 14 | Turkey-Interview notes-Laurence Steinhardt (U.S. Ambassador) |
Box 20 Folder 15 | Turkey-Interview notes-A.V. Walker (Head, Socony Vacuum Co.) |
Box 20 Folder 16 | Turkey-Interview notes-Earle C. Taylor (Commercial attache, U.S. Emb.) |
Box 20 Folder 17 | Turkey-Interview notes-Sukru Saracoglu (Prime Minister) |
Box 20 Folder 18 | Turkey-Interview notes-Miscellaneous |
Box 20 Folder 19 | Syria-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 20 | Egypt-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 21 | Malta-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 20 Folder 22 | Notes on Field Marshal Alexander, Field Marshal Montgomery and Admiral Cunningham and other British officers |
Box 20 Folder 23 | Notes on General Eisenhower |
Box 20 Folder 24 | Chronological notes |
Box 20 Folder 25 | Miscellaneous notes and outlines |
Box 20 Folder 26 | Carbons of broadcasts by Raymond G. Swing, Nov. 15, Oct. 28, December 22, 1943 |
INSIDE U.S.A., the fourth of the "inside" books, was published in 1947. The materials concerning it are contained in twenty-three boxes. The manuscripts for this work are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther;
2. Specialist Review Copy, which refers to a typed carbon copy of the original manuscripts with Gunther's corrections which was sent to various "experts" around the country for comment. A complete copy of this manuscript has been kept, though many of the pages and chapters were not annotated by the experts. However, included among the Informational Correspondence are letters of comment by these experts which refer to the pagination of this copy of the manuscript. Pages with comments by Gunther's publishers are also included.
3. First Revision or Second Draft, which is only fragmentary. Gunther employed his usual "cut and paste" method and large sections were revised in longhand. However, only those pages which were most heavily corrected were retyped. Some complete chapters were also retyped. These retyped pages and chapters were then further revised and added to the Printer's copy.
4. Printer's copy, which is, for the most part, a corrected copy of the Specialist Review Copy (no. 2, above) with the retyped pages of the First Revision (no. 3, above).
5. Galley proofs, with author's corrections and additions.
The original manuscript of the second edition, published in 1951, was a paste-up of the pages of the first edition with marginal corrections and numerous inserts. However, the paste-up pages were not included in the original deposit. The original manuscripts of the inserts, which were included, are numbered consecutively and must be collated with the pages of the first edition. Some of the manuscript inserts are only a few lines in length, others run to several pages. Galley proofs of the second edition, with the author's corrections, also make up part of this section.
The Informational Correspondence is extensive. This category includes a rough outline and tentative table of contents sent to various people for comment even before Gunther set out on his fact-finding trip. Among those who responded are journalists Louis Fischer of The Nation and Nicholas Roosevelt of The New York Times, Thomas Lamont of the J. P. Morgan Co., and author Mark Van Doren. Gunther corresponded with hundreds of people, including all forty-eight governors, senators, representatives, state office holders, mayors, and numerous other state and local officials, asking certain questions such as "who runs this state or city?" There is also extensive correspondence with newspaper publishers, editors, and reporters whom Gunther met on his trips and who were asked similar questions, or brought Gunther up to date on events since his visit. In addition, Gunther corresponded with many of the people whom he interviewed, asking for clarification of some points of fact or interpretation. The correspondence with Gunther's "experts," who read the various chapters for accuracy, is also included in this section. The informational category contains both pre- and post-publication material. It is arranged by state and alphabetically within each state.
The Post-Publication correspondence is primarily readers' response after publication. It includes one folder from prominent persons and personal friends of Gunther, probably segregated by Gunther or his secretary. Included among the correspondents are Stephen Duggan, Director of the Institute of International Education, radio commentator Quincy Howe, Alf Landon, author Amy Loveman, journalist Anne O'Hare McCormick, H. L. Mencken, historian Allan Nevins, educator Anson Phelps Stokes, commentator Raymond Swing, and State Department official Sumner Welles. Apparently some of these comments were used by Gunther's publishers in their advertisements for the book. Specific correspondence commenting upon or criticizing individual chapters or parts of chapters, suggesting revisions, pointing out errors in fact, spelling or grammar, is arranged alphabetically by state and then by author. General correspondence relating to the book as a whole or a substantial portion is arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
The research notes, which make up the majority of material in this section, are mainly interview notes. Gunther interviewed governors, senators, representatives, politicians on all levels, editors, publishers, reporters, businessmen, labor leaders, educators, clergymen, civic leader, farmers, authors and hundreds of others. Where possible, the interviewees have been identified. A representative sampling of those interviewed would include Jonathan Daniels, editor of the Raleigh, N. C., News & Observer, Senator William Fulbright of Arkansas, motion picture producer Walter Wanger, Robert Hutchins, then Chancellor of the University of Chicago, Mayor Wilson Wyatt of Louisville, Kentucky, labor leader Walter Reuther, Howard Johnson, Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court, Harry Truman, then Vice President, Robert Moses, New York state and city official, professor Carl Friedrich of Harvard University, E. H. Crump, political boss of Memphis, Tennessee, David Lilienthal, director of TVA, Speaker Sam Rayburn, President George Albert Smith of the Mormon Church, Richard Neuberger, then an Oregon state senator, and author Lilian Smith, among others.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Foreword |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Chapter 1, 2-California |
Box 21 Folder 3 | Chapter 3, 4-California, Henry Kaiser |
Box 21 Folder 4 | Chapter 5, 6-Nevada, Pacific Northwest |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Chapter 7, 8-Pacific Northwest |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Chapter 9, 10-Pacific Northwest, West |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Chapter 11, 12-Montana, MVA |
Box 21 Folder 8 | Chapter 13, 14-Utah, Colorado |
Box 21 Folder 9 | Chapter 15, 16-Wyoming, Dakotas |
Box 21 Folder 10 | Chapter 17, 18-Kansas, Middle West |
Box 21 Folder 11 | Chapter 20-Minnesota, Wisconsin |
Box 22 Folder 1 | Chapter 21, 22-Iowa, Missouri |
Box 22 Folder 2 | Chapter 23, 24-Illinois and Indiana, Vandenberg |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Chapter 25, 26-Ford and UAW, Chio |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Chapter 27, 28-Ohio, New England |
Box 22 Folder 5 | Chapter 29, 30-Saltonstall, New England |
Box 22 Folder 6 | Chapter 31, 32-Massachusetts, New York |
Box 22 Folder 7 | Chapter 33, 34-New York City, LaGuardia |
Box 22 Folder 8 | Chapter 35, 36-New Jersey, Pennsylvania |
Box 22 Folder 9 | Chapter 37, 38-Pennsylvania, Atlantic Seaboard |
Box 23 Folder 1 | Chapter 39, 40-Kentucky, South |
Box 23 Folder 2 | Chapter 41, 42-Negro, Southeast |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Chapter 43, 44-TVA, Tennessee and Arkansas |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Chapter 45, 46-Georgia, Cotton and Louisiana |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Chapter 47, 48-Texas, Texas |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Chapter 49, 50-Texas, Oklahoma |
Box 23 Folder 7 | Chapter 51, 52-Southwest, Finale |
Box 23 Folder 8 | Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Sources |
Subseries 2: Specialist Review Copy |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Chapters 1-4-California |
Box 23 Folder 10 | Chapters 5-9-Nevada, Pacific Northwest |
Box 24 Folder 1 | Chapters 10-11-West, Montana |
Box 24 Folder 2 | Chapters 12-15-MVA, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming |
Box 24 Folder 3 | Chapters 16-18-Dakotas, Kansas, Middle West |
Box 24 Folder 4 | Chapters 20-22-Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri |
Box 24 Folder 5 | Chapters 23-26-Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio |
Box 24 Folder 6 | Chapters 27-31-Ohio, New England |
Box 24 Folder 7 | Chapters 32-34-New York |
Box 24 Folder 8 | Chapters 35-38-New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Atlantic Seaboard |
Box 24 Folder 9 | Chapters 39-41-Kentucky, South, Negroes |
Box 24 Folder 10 | Chapters 42-44-Southeast, Tennessee, TVA, Arkansas |
Box 25 Folder 1 | Chapters 45-46-Georgia, Cotton, Louisiana |
Box 25 Folder 2 | Chapters 47-49-Texas |
Box 25 Folder 3 | Chapters 50-51-Oklahoma, Southwest |
Box 25 Folder 4 | Chapter 52, Finale, Names |
Box 25 Folder 5 | Sources, Acknowledgments |
Subseries 3: Specialist Review Copy for Harpers with Comments |
Box 25 Folder 6 |
- Foreword, Chapter 1, 2-California
- Chapters 3, 4-California, Kaiser
Box 25 Folder 7 |
- Chapters 6, 7-Pacific Northwest
- Chapters 11, 12-Montana, MVA
- Chapters 13, 14-Utah, Colorado
Box 25 Folder 8 |
- Chapters 21, 23-Iowa, Illinois
- Chapters 26, 27-Taft and Bricker, Ohio
- Chapters 32, 33-New York
Box 25 Folder 9 |
- Chapters 36, 39-Pennsylvania, Kentucky
- Chapters 41-Negroes
- Chapters 48, 49-Texas
- Foreword, Chapter 52-Introduction, Conclusion
Box 25 Folder 10 | Chapter 52-Finale |
Subseries 4: First Revision |
Box 25 Folder 11 |
- Foreword
- Chapters 1, 2, 3-California
Box 25 Folder 12 |
- Chapter 4-Kaiser
- Chapter 5-Nevada
- Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9-Pacific Northwest
Box 25 Folder 13 | Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13-the West |
Box 25 Folder 14 |
- Chapters 13, 14-Colorado, Wyoming
- Chapter 19-Stassen
Box 26 Folder 1 |
- Chapter 24-Vandenberg
- Chapter 26-Ohio
- Chapters 28, 29, 30-New England
Box 26 Folder 2 | Chapter 31-New England |
Box 26 Folder 3 |
- Chapter 34-LaGuardia
- Chapter 39-Kentucky
- Chapters 47, 48, 49-Texas
Box 26 Folder 4 | Chapters 50, 51-the Southwest |
Subseries 5: Printer's Copy |
Box 26 Folder 5 | Foreword, Chapters 1, 2-California |
Box 26 Folder 6 | Chapters 3, 4-California, Kaiser |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Chapters 5, 6-Nevada, Pacific Northwest |
Box 26 Folder 8 | Chapters 7, 8-Pacific Northwest |
Box 26 Folder 9 | Chapters 9, 10-Pacific Northwest, the West |
Box 26 Folder 10 | Chapters 11, 12-Montana, MVA. |
Box 26 Folder 11 | Chapters 13, 14-Utah, Colorado |
Box 26 Folder 12 | Chapters 15, 16-Wyoming, Dakotas |
Box 26 Folder 13 | Chapters 17, 18-Kansas, Middle West |
Box 26 Folder 14 | Chapters 19, 20-Stassen, Minnesota, Wisconsin |
Box 27 Folder 1 | Chapters 21, 22-Iowa, Missouri |
Box 27 Folder 2 | Chapters 23, 24-Illinois and Indians, Vandenberg |
Box 27 Folder 3 | Chapters 25, 26-Ford and UAW, Ohio |
Box 27 Folder 4 | Chapters 27, 28-Ohio, New England |
Box 27 Folder 5 | Chapters 29, 30-Saltonshall, New England |
Box 27 Folder 6 | Chapters 31, 32-Massachusetts, New York |
Box 27 Folder 7 | Chapters 33, 34-New York City, LaGuardia |
Box 27 Folder 8 | Chapters 35, 36-New Jersey, Pennsylvania |
Box 27 Folder 9 | Chapters 37, 38-Pennsylvania, Atlantic Seaboard |
Box 27 Folder 10 | Chapters 39, 40-Kentucky, the South |
Box 27 Folder 11 | Chapter 41-Negroes |
Box 27 Folder 12 | Chapters 42, 43-Southeast, TVA |
Box 27 Folder 13 | Chapters 44, 45-Tennessee and Arkansas, Georgia |
Box 28 Folder 1 | Chapters 46, 47-Louisiana, Texas |
Box 28 Folder 2 | Chapters 48, 49-Texas |
Box 28 Folder 3 | Chapters 50, 51-Oklahoma, Southwest |
Box 28 Folder 4 | Chapter 52-Finale |
Box 28 Folder 5 | Acknowledgments |
Box 28 Folder 6 | Bibliography, Sources |
Box 28 Folder 7 | Synopsis (28 p.), advertising copy |
Subseries 6: Galley Proofs |
Box 28 Folder 8 | Foreword, Chapters 1-4 |
Box 28 Folder 9 | Chapters 5-16 |
Box 28 Folder 10 | Chapters 16-22 |
Box 28 Folder 11 | Chapters 24-32 |
Box 28 Folder 12 | Chapters 33-40 |
Box 28 Folder 13 | Chapters 41-47 |
Box 28 Folder 14 | Chapters 48-52, Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Maps, Miscellaneous |
Box 28 Folder 15 | Annotated copy of "The Story of TVA," by John Gunther, based on TVA chapter in published work, distributed by TVA |
Box 29 Folder 1 | Excerpts from galleys for publicity |
Box 29 Folder 2 | Page proofs of excerpts for publicity; short synopsis for publicity |
Subseries 7: 1951 Revised Edition-Inserts and Galley Proofs |
Box 29 Folder 3 | Mss of insert revisions-Inserts 1-40 |
Box 29 Folder 4 | Inserts 41-80 |
Box 29 Folder 5 | Inserts 81-120 |
Box 29 Folder 6 | Inserts 121-160 |
Box 29 Folder 7 | Inserts 161-188 |
Box 29 Folder 8 | Galley proofs-Chapters 1-12 |
Box 29 Folder 9 | Galley proofs-Chapters 13-23 |
Box 29 Folder 10 | Galley proofs-Chapters 24-31 |
Box 29 Folder 11 | Galley proofs-Chapters 32-40 |
Box 29 Folder 12 | Galley proofs-Chapters 41-52 |
Subseries 8: Correspondence and Related Material |
Box 30 Folder 1 | Rough outline and tentative table of contents sent to various people for comments, 40 replies (Louis Fischer, Thomas Lamont, Mark Van Doren, etc.) |
Subseries 9: Informational Correspondence, Memoranda, Etc. (by State) |
Box 30 Folder 3 | California |
Box 30 Folder 11 | Louisiana |
Box 30 Folder 13 | Massachusetts |
Box 30 Folder 15 | Minnesota |
Box 30 Folder 19 |
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
Box 30 Folder 21 |
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
Box 31 Folder 1 | Pennsylvania |
Box 31 Folder 2 |
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
Box 31 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous (General data on more than one state) |
Box 31 Folder 10 |
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Missouri Valley Authority
Box 31 Folder 11 | Henry J. Kaiser and Company |
Box 31 Folder 12 | Correspondence with lawyers on possible libel |
Box 31 Folder 13 | Correspondence requesting permissions to quote |
Box 31 Folder 14 | Personal correspondence |
Box 31 Folder 15 | Correspondence in re "The Giant World of Texas," Reader's Digest, July, 1946 |
Box 31 Folder 16 | Correspondence in re "California the Golden," Holiday, January, 1947 |
Subseries 10: Post-Publication Correspondence |
Box 32 Folder 1 | Correspondence from prominent persons and personal friends of Gunther in response to book |
Subseries 11: Correspondence in re Specific States-Post-Publication |
Box 32 Folder 3 | California |
Box 32 Folder 8 |
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
Box 32 Folder 9 |
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
Box 32 Folder 11 |
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
Box 32 Folder 13 |
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
Box 32 Folder 15 | Pennsylvania |
Box 32 Folder 16 |
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
Box 32 Folder 20 |
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Box 33 Folder 1 |
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Missouri Valley Authority
Box 33 Folder 3 | New England |
Subseries 12: General Correspondence |
Box 33 Folder 17 | W-Y, unsigned |
Subseries 13: Correspondence-1951 Revision |
Box 33 Folder 18 | Informational correspondence (pre-publication) |
Box 33 Folder 19 | Post-publication correspondence-A-J |
Box 33 Folder 20 | Post-publication correspondence-K-Z |
Box 33 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous clippings (post-publication) on Gunther and Inside USA |
Subseries 14: Research Notes-Alabama |
Box 34 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- John H. Bankhead (U.S. Senator)
- Jonathan Daniels (editor, Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer)
- Chauncey Sparks (former governor)
Box 34 Folder 2 |
- Notes on Tuskegee Institute
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names; outline
Subseries 15: Research Notes-Arizona |
Box 34 Folder 3 | Interview notes
Box 34 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- William Chamberlain (Assistant to Governor)
Box 34 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- M. G. Dougherty (Arizona Power Authority)
- H. S. McClusky (Industrial Commission Referee)
- Miscellaneous
Box 34 Folder 6 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names; outline
Subseries 16: Research Notes-Arkansas |
Box 34 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Carl Bailey (former governor)
Box 34 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- William Fulbright (U.S. Senator)
Box 34 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Sam Peck (hotel owner)
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 17: Research Notes-California |
Box 34 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Earl Behrens (San Francisco Chronicle)
- Manchester Boddy (Editor, Los Angeles News)
- Royce Brier (San Francisco Chronicle)
- George Cameron (Publisher, San Francisco Chronicle)
Box 34 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Margaret Chung (San Francisco M.D., civic leader)
- Bartley Crum (San Francisco businessman)
- Ernest Cuneo (New York lawyer)
Box 34 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Henry Dickinson (attorney)
- Sheridan Downey (U.S. Senator)
- Walter Duranty (writer)
- Clarence Dykstra (Provost, University of California)
Box 34 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- John Elliott (Businessman)
Box 34 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Robert Flippin (Social worker)
- C. J. Haggerty (Labor leader)
- Alexander Heron (State official)
- Joseph Jackson (San Francisco Chronicle)
Box 34 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Robert Kenny (Attorney General)
Box 34 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Harley Knox (Mayor, San Diego)
Box 34 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Roger Lapham (Mayor, San Francisco)
- Henry Mankiewicz (Movie producer)
- George Pepper (Movie executive)
- George Roberts (Labor leader)
- James Roosevelt (U.S. Congressman)
Box 34 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Chester Rowell (San Francisco Chronicle)
Box 34 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Paul Smith (editor, San Francisco Chronicle)
- Jerry Voorhis (former Congressman)
- Walter Wanger (Movie producer)
- Miscellaneous
Box 34 Folder 20 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 34 Folder 21 | Names; outlines |
Subseries 18: Research Notes-Colorado |
Box 34 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Claude Boettcher (industrialist)
- D. D. Campbell (businessman)
- Ben Cherrington (Acting Chancellor, University of Denver)
- Frank Darvell (British consul, Denver)
Box 34 Folder 23 | Interview notes
Box 34 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Morris Garnsey (Professor, University of Colorado)
- Charles A. Graham (MVA attorney)
- George Hill (labor leader)
- E. D. Nicholson (United Airlines official)
Box 34 Folder 25 | Interview notes
- Benton Stong (Editor, National Union Farmer)
- John Vivian (governor)
- Robert Warren (state official)
- Miscellaneous
Box 34 Folder 26 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 19: Research Notes-Connecticut |
Box 35 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Raymond Baldwin (Governor, U.S. Senator)
- Francis Murphy (Manager, Hartford Times)
- Charles Seymour (President, Yale University)
- M. S. Sherman (Editor, Hartford Courant)
- Miscellaneous
Subseries 20: Research Notes-Delaware |
Box 35 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Harold Brayman (Publicity Director, DuPont Co.)
Box 35 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Henry T. Claus (Publisher, Wilmington Morning News)
- H. L. Mencken (writer)
- Miscellaneous
Subseries 21: Research Notes-Florida |
Box 35 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Daniel Mahoney (Manager, Miami Daily News)
- Outland
- W. D. Outman (Florida Legislative Representative in Washington)
- Claude Pepper (U.S. Senator)
- Miscellaneous
Box 35 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes; outline |
Subseries 22: Research Notes-Georgia |
Box 35 Folder 6 | Interview notes
Box 35 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Margaret Fisher (writer)
- George Glenn (President, Exposition Cotton Mills)
- Harrison Jones (Chairman of Board, Coca Cola Co.)
Box 35 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- John Paschall (editor, Atlanta Journal)
Box 35 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Richard Rich
- Jack Tarver (Atlanta Constitution)
Box 35 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- M. E. Thompson (Secretary to governor)
- Josephine Wilkins (Citizens' Fact-Finding Committee)
- Miscellaneous
Box 35 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 23: Research Notes-Idaho |
Box 35 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Glenn Taylor (U.S. Senator)
- University officials
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 24: Research Notes-Illinois |
Box 35 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Richard Finnegan (Editor, Chicago Times)
- Robert Hutchins (Chancellor, University of Chicago)
- Lloyd Lewis (journalist)
Box 35 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Raymond McKeough (labor leader)
- Milton Mayer (writer, University of Chicago)
- Miscellaneous
Box 35 Folder 15 |
- Notes on Negroes
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 25: Research Notes-Indiana |
Box 35 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Charles LaFollette (U.S. Congressman)
- Walter Leckrone (editor, Indianapolis Times)
- Miscellaneous
- Names, outline
Subseries 26: Research Notes-Iowa |
Box 35 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Robert Blue (governor)
- Scott Ellis (farmer)
Box 35 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- John Henry (Des Moines Register & Tribune)
Box 35 Folder 19 | Interview notes
Box 35 Folder 20 | Interview notes
Box 35 Folder 21 |
- Notes on trip to an Iowa farm
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 27: Research Notes-Kansas |
Box 36 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- "C & M"
- Alf Landon (politician)
Box 36 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- William Long (state official)
- Andrew Schoeppel (Governor)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes, names
Subseries 28: Research Notes-Kentucky |
Box 36 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Lisle Baker (Louisville Courrier-Journal)
- James Pope (Louisville Courrier-Journal)
Box 36 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Wilson Wyatt (Mayor, Louisville)
Box 36 Folder 5 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names; outline
Subseries 29: Research Notes-Louisiana |
Box 36 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- George Healy (Editor, New Orleans Times-Picayune)
- Andrew Higgins (industrialist)
Box 36 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Harnett Kane (writer)
- Charles Manship (Publisher, Baton Rouge State Times)
- Robbins
- Heda Von Meysenburg
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 30: Research Notes-Maine |
Box 36 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Ralph Flanders (U.S. Senator, Vermont)
- Horace Hildreth (Governor-elect)
- Secretary to Gov. Sewall
- Sumner Sewall (Governor)
- Interview notes -Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes, names
Subseries 31: Research Notes-Maryland |
Box 36 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- H. L. Mencken (writer)
- Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 32: Research Notes-Massachusetts |
Box 36 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Erwin Canham (Editor, Christian Science Monitor)
- Robert Choate (Publisher, Boston Herald)
- Frederick Church (Insurance executive)
- Karl Compton (President, Massachusetts Institute
- of Technology)
Box 36 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- James Conant (President, Harvard University)
Box 36 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- James Curley (former Mayor, Boston)
- Charles Curtis (writer)
- Williard DaLue (Boston Globe)
- Carl Friedrich (Professor, Harvard University)
- P. Gardener
Box 36 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Russell Gerould (Secretary to Governor Saltonstall)
Box 36 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Mrs. Homans
- Joseph Martin (U.S. Congressman)
- W. E. Mullins (Boston Herald)
- Murdoch
Box 36 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Levarett Saltonstall (Governor)
Box 36 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Maurice Tobin (Mayor, Boston)
- Edward Weeks (Editor, Atlantic Monthly)
- Laurence Winship (Editor, Boston Globe)
- Miscellaneous
Box 36 Folder 17 | Miscellaneous notes Names, outlines |
Subseries 33: Research Notes-Michigan |
Box 36 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Malcolm Hingay (Detroit Free Press)
- Charles Carll (Ford News Bureau)
Box 36 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- David Connery (labor leader)
Box 36 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Richard Frankensteen (labor leader)
- James McClendon (NAACF leader)
- H. T. McCreedy (labor leader)
Box 36 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Victor Reuther (labor leader)
Box 36 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Walter Reuther (labor leader)
Box 36 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- R. J. Thomas (labor leader)
- Miscellaneous
Box 36 Folder 24 | Miscellaneous notes Names, outline |
Subseries 34: Research Notes-Minnesota |
Box 36 Folder 25 | Interview notes
- Joseph Ball (U.S. Senator)
- Elmer Benson (former governor)
- Hubert Humphrey (Mayor, Minneapolis)
Box 36 Folder 26 | Interview notes
- John Jacobsen (Labor leader)
- Walter Judd (U.S. Congressman)
- "Red" Lewis
Box 36 Folder 27 | Interview notes
- Mark Nolan (District court judge)
- Roger Rutchick (Secretary to Gov. Benson)
Box 37 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Gideon Seymour (Editor, Minneapolis Star-Journal)
- J. Russell Wiggins (Editor, St. Paul Pioneer Press)
- Robert Wishert (Labor leader)
- Miscellaneous
Box 37 Folder 2 | Notes on trips to Hibbing and Sauk Center |
Box 37 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 35: Research Notes-Mississippi |
Box 37 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Thomas Bailey (governor)
- Frederick Sullens (Editor, Jackson Daily News)
- Miscellaneous
Box 37 Folder 5 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 36: Research Notes-Missouri |
Box 37 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- John Cauley (Kansas City Star)
- Ralph Coughlan (St. Louis Poat-Dispatch)
- Courtney Crouch (businessman)
- Chester Davis (banker)
Box 37 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- W. A. Halloway (Labor leader)
- Joseph Fulitzer (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
- Benjamin Reese (Editor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Box 37 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Roy Roberts (Editor, Kansas City Star)
Box 37 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Harry S. Truman (Vice President)
- Raymond Tucker (Washington University professor)
- Miscellaneous
Box 37 Folder 10 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 37: Research Notes-Montana |
Box 37 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Fred Bennion (Secretary, Montana Taxpayers' Association
- Thomas Campbell (farmer)
- Allen Cowperthwaite (Independent Record)
- Robert Fletcher (Montana Power Company)
Box 37 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- John Howard (author, journalist)
Box 37 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Howard Johnson (Chief Justice, Montana Supreme Court)
Box 37 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- H. Lowndes Maury (Attorney)
Box 37 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- James Murray (U.S. Senator)
- James O'Connell (U.S. Congressman)
- "O'D."
- Paul Raver (Bonneville Power Administration)
Box 37 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Marjorie Sammons (Editor, Copper Commando)
- Mildred Stoltz (Education Director, Farmer's Union)
- O.S. Warden (Publisher, Great Falls Tribune)
Box 37 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- William Wells (Porter Bros. Corp.)
- Burton K. Wheeler (U.S. Senator)
- Miscellaneous
Box 37 Folder 18 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 38: Research Notes-Nebraska |
Box 37 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Walter Christenson (Editor, Omaha World Herald)
Box 37 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Dwight Griswold (governor)
Box 37 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- J. E. Lawrence (Editor, Lincoln Star)
Box 37 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Stanley Matzke (State official)
- Robert Simmons (Chief Justice, State Supreme Court)
- Kenneth Wherry (U.S. Senator)
Box 37 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 39: Research Notes-Nevada |
Box 37 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Alan Bible (Attorney General)
- Kenneth Johnson (State Senator)
- Miscellaneous
Box 37 Folder 25 | Notes on trip to Virginia City |
Subseries 40: Research Notes-New Hampshire |
Box 37 Folder 26 | Interview notes
- Robert Blood (Governor)
- James Langley (Editor, Concord Daily Monitor)
- Donald Tuttle (Planning and Development Commission)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 41: Research Notes-New Jersey |
Box 38 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- J. Douglas Brown (Princeton University Professor)
- Harold Dodds (President, Princeton University)
Box 38 Folder 2 | Interview notes
Box 38 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Edward Gilroy (Secretary to Gov. Edge)
Box 38 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- James Kerney (Editor, Trenton Times)
Box 38 Folder 5 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 42: Research Notes-New Mexico |
Box 38 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- John Collier (Commissioner of Indian Affairs)
- John Dempsey (former governor)
Box 38 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- John Evans (Superintendent, Pueblos Agency)
- Carl Hatch (U.S. Senator)
- Dorothy Larson (writer)
- Mable Dodge Luhan (writer)
Box 38 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Frank Rand (Santa Fe New Mexican)
- J. William Strode (Secretary to governor)
- Clyde Tingley (Mayor, Albuquerque)
- Miscellaneous
Box 38 Folder 9 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 43: Research Notes-New York |
Box 38 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Hamilton Fish Armstrong (Editor, Foreign Affairs)
- Morris Ernst (Attorney, writer)
Box 38 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Thomas Finletter (Attorney)
Box 38 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Fiorella LaGuardia (Mayor, New York City)
Box 38 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Reuben Lazarus (Secretary to Mayor LaGuardia)
Box 38 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Paul Lockwood (Secretary to Gov. Dewey)
- Robert Moses (State and city official)
- Barnet Nover (Washington Post)
Box 38 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- William O'Dwyer (Mayor, New York City)
- James Wadsworth (U.S. Congressman)
- Miscellaneous
Box 38 Folder 16 | Notes on Harlem and Negroes; on "walk around the block" |
Box 38 Folder 17 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 44: Research Notes-North Carolina |
Box 38 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Josephus Daniels (Publisher, Raleigh News & Observer)
Box 38 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Frank Graham (President, University of North Carolina)
Box 38 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Robert Madry (University of North Carolina)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 45: Research Notes-North Dakota |
Box 38 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- C. B. Baldwin (Labor leader)
Box 38 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Walter Christenson (Editor, Omaha World Herald)
- Gaylord Conrad (Editor, Bismarck Capital)
Box 38 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- A. L. Hellebust, Martin Byrne (Farmers Union officials)
Box 38 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Benton Stong (Editor, National Union Farmer)
- Glenn Talbot (President, Farmers Union)
- Frank Vogel (Non-Partisan League)
- Miscellaneous
Box 38 Folder 25 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 46: Research Notes-Ohio |
Box 38 Folder 26 | Interview notes
- Louis Bromfield (author)
- Harold Burton (U.S. Senator)
Box 38 Folder 27 | Interview notes
- John Ellis (City Solicitor, Cincinnati)
Box 38 Folder 28 | Interview notes
- Brooks Emeny (Cleveland Council on World Affairs)
Box 39 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Jack Kroll (labor leader)
- Frank Lausche (governor)
Box 39 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Walter Leckrone (editor, Indianapolis Times)
- John Lokar (Secretary to Gov. Lausche)
Box 39 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Roderick Peattie (Ohio State University professor)
Box 39 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Pierson (Cincinnati banker)
- Clarence Ridley (Director, City Managers Association)
Box 39 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Louis Seltzer (Editor, Cleveland Press)
- Hulbert Taft (Editor, Cincinnati Times-Star)
- Miscellaneous
Box 39 Folder 6 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 47: Research Notes-Oklahoma |
Box 39 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- John Collier (Commissioner of Indian Affairs)
- Robert Kerr (governor)
- Savoie Lottinville (University of Oklahoma Press)
Box 39 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- A. S. ("Mike") Monroney (U.S. Senator)
- R. M. Rainey (Judge)
- Miscellaneous
Box 39 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- "C.I.O." officials
- Redford Bond (Chairman, Public Utilities Commission), Ben Dwight (Principal Chief, Choctaw tribe), May tubby (Governor, Chickasaw tribe), Earl Welch (Justice, State Supreme Court)
Box 39 Folder 10 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outline
Subseries 48: Research Notes-Oregon |
Box 39 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Roy Atkinson (Washington State labor leader)
- Howard Cosign (Washington State radio commentator)
- R. A. Fenton (M.D.)
Box 39 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Nelson Heseltine (Bonneville Power Administration)
Box 39 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Nannie Wood Honeyman (Collector of Customs, Portland)
- E. Palmer Hoyt (Publisher, The Oregonian)
- Ronald Jones (Farmers' Union)
Box 39 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Wayne Morse (U.S. Senator)
Box 39 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Jerry O'Connell (Democratic Party official, Washington State)
- Miscellaneous
Box 39 Folder 16 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outline
Subseries 49: Research Notes-Pennsylvania |
Box 39 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- I.Z. Buckwalter (Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.)
- Mrs. B. Buller (Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.)
- Orville Bullitt (Philadelphia civic leader)
- Jerry Conn (Lancaster journalist)
- Joseph Donoghue (Labor leader)
Box 39 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- George Earle (governor)
- Thomas D. Finletter (judge)
- Ben Fischer (Labor leader)
- Joseph Guffey (U.S. Senator)
- Gilbert Kraus (Philadelphia attorney)
Box 39 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- David Lawrence (Mayor, Pittsburgh)
- Ross Leffler (Steel company executive)
- Robert McLean (President, Philadelphia Bulletin)
- Edward Martin (governor)
Box 39 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- George Pepper (U.S. Senator)
- John Rich (American Friends Service Committee)
Box 39 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Harold Ruttenberg (Research Director, United Steel Workers)
Box 39 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Harry Saylor (Editor, Philadelphia Record)
- Edgar Scott (Stockbroker)
Box 40 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- J. David Stern (Publisher, Philadelphia Record)
- John Wisniewski (steelworker)
- Miscellaneous
Box 40 Folder 2 | Notes on Independence Hall; iron and steel industry |
Box 40 Folder 3 | Notes on the Negro press |
Box 40 Folder 4 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 50: Research Notes-Rhode Island |
Box 40 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Sevellon Brown (Publisher, Providence Journal)
- Frederick Kilguss (Secretary to Gov. McGrath)
- J. Howard McGrath (governor)
Subseries 51: Research Notes-South Carolina |
Box 40 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- W. W. Ball (Editor, Charleston News & Courier)
- Josephine Pinckney (author)
- Miscellaneous
Subseries 52: Research Notes-South Dakota |
Box 40 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Fred Christopherson (Editor, Sioux Falls Argus-Leader
- Eugene Mahoney (Democratic Party official)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 53: Research Notes-Tennessee |
Box 40 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- E. H. Crump (Political boss)
Box 40 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Silliman Evans (Publisher, Nashville Tennessean)
Box 40 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- David Lilienthal (Director, TVA)
- Kenneth McKellar (U.S. Senator)
- Edward Meeman (Editor, Memphis Press-Scimitar)
- Miscellaneous
Box 40 Folder 12 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outline
Subseries 54: Research Notes-Texas |
Box 40 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Nathan Adams (Dallas banker)
- C. E. Ayres (University of Texas professor)
- M. G. Bardwell (Smaller War Plants Corporation)
Box 40 Folder 14 | Interview notes
Box 40 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Tom Connally (U.S. Senator)
- George Cottingham (Editor, Houston Chronicle)
- Harry Crozier (Unemployment Compensation Commission)
Box 40 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- J. Frank Dobie (University of Texas professor)
- Joseph Evans (Houston Cotton Exchange)
- Fisher
- E. Heinsohn (Methodist minister)
Box 40 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Paul Holcomb (Editor, Austin State Observer)
- Eugene Howe (Publisher, Amarillo Daily News)
- Jesse Jones (Houston financier)
Box 40 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Ernst Kunz (San Antonio hotelman)
- R. E. Lucey (Roman Catholic Archbishop)
- J. S. McNeill (San Antonio Light)
Box 40 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Robert Montgomery (University of Texas professor)
Box 40 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Frank Overturf (Farmers Union official)
- Edward Pooley (Editor, El Paso Herald-Post)
- Sam Rayburn (U.S. Congressman)
Box 40 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Frank Rosengren (San Antonio bookdealer)
- Blake Smith (Baptist minister)
- J. Lee Smith (Lieutenant-governor)
Box 40 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Coke Stevenson (Governor)
- Don Weaver (Editor, Fort Worth Press)
- Carter Wesley (Publisher, Houston Informer)
- Miscellaneous
Box 40 Folder 23 | Notes of talk with C.I.O. officials; notes from an "El Paso lunch" |
Box 40 Folder 24 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outlines
Subseries 55: Research Notes-Utah |
Box 41 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Joseph Cannon (Commissioner of Publicity)
- George Corey (Utah Power & Light Co. attorney)
- James Dillon (Geneva Steel Co. executive)
- Arthur Gaeth (Radio commentator)
Box 41 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Grover Giles (Attorney General)
- R. Grant Ivins (Brigham Young University professor)
Box 41 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- F. H. Knickerbocker (Union Pacific official)
- Herbert Maw (Governor)
- Evan Peters (Washington State businessman)
Box 41 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Mark Peterson (Editor, Deseret News; an Apostle)
- Jennings Phillips (Braun & Co., Public Relations)
Box 41 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- George Albert Smith (President, Mormon Church)
- I. A. Smoot (Salt Lake City postmaster)
- Elbert Thomas (U.S. Senator)
- William Wallace (Democratic Party official)
- Miscellaneous
Box 41 Folder 6 |
- Notes on Bingham Copper Mines
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outline
Subseries 56: Research Notes-Vermont |
Box 41 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Ralph Flanders (U.S. Senator)
- Mortimer Proctor (Governor-elect)
- William Wills (governor)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 57: Research Notes-Virginia |
Box 41 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Virginius Dabney (Editor, Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Box 41 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Josephus Daniels (Editor, Raleigh, N.C., News &Observer)
- Colgate Darden (governor)
- H.W. Jackson (Tobacco company official)
- Douglas Southall Freeman (author)
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outline
Subseries 58: Research Notes-Washington |
Box 41 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Jay Allen (journalist)
- Roy Atkinson (labor leader)
- James Beck (labor leader)
- Claire Cochran (Secretary to Senator Magnuson)
Box 41 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Howard Costigan (Radio commentator)
- Nelson Hazeltine (Bonneville Power Administration)
- Nannie Wood Honeyman (Portland Customs Collector)
Box 41 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Warren Magnuson (U.S. Senator)
- Jerry O'Connell (Democratic Party official)
- Evans Peters (businessman)
- Miscellaneous
Box 41 Folder 13 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names, outline
Subseries 59: Research Notes-West Virginia |
Box 41 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- C. E. Hodges (Charleston Chamber of Commerce)
- Harley Kilgore (U.S. Senator)
Box 41 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- C. W. Meadows
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 60: Research Notes-Wisconsin |
Box 41 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Thomas Coleman (Industrialist)
- William Evjue (Editor, Madison Capital Times)
Box 41 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Philip La Follette (governor)
- Robert La Follette, Jr. (U.S. Senator)
Box 41 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Cyrus Philipp (Republican Party official)
- Morris Rubin (Editor, The Progressive)
Box 41 Folder 19 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 61: Research Notes-Wyoming |
Box 41 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- William Grove (Radio station manager)
- Lester Hunt (governor)
Box 41 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Mrs. R. F. Love (Wyoming State Tribune & Leader)
- Tracy McCraken (Democratic National committeeman)
- Joseph O'Mahoney (U.S. Senator)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
- Names
Subseries 62: Research Notes-New England |
Box 42 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Robert Blood (Governor, New Hampshire)
- Sevellon Brown (Publisher, Providence Journal)
- Erwin Canham (Editor, Christian Science Monitor)
- Karl Compton (President, Mass. Institute of Technology)
- Charles Curtis (writer)
Box 42 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Ralph Flanders (U.S. Senator, Vermont)
- Carl Friedrich (Harvard University professor)
- Russell Gerould (Secretary to Gov. of Massachusetts)
- J. M. Langley (Editor, Concord, N.H., Daily Monitor)
Box 42 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Kenneth Murdock (Harvard University professor)
- Summer Sewell (governor, Maine)
- Harry Sherman (Editor, Hartford, Conn., Courant)
- Miscellaneous
Box 42 Folder 4 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 63: Research Notes-Midwest |
Box 42 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Frank Bane (Council of State Governments)
- Lucile Bluford (Kansas City (Mo.) Call)
- David Connery (Michigan labor leader)
- Morris Ernst (New York lawyer)
- Thomas Finletter (New York lawyer)
Box 42 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Richard Finnegan (Editor, Chicago Times)
- Flynn
- Robert Hutchins (Chancellor, University of Chicago)
- J. E. Lawrence (Editor, Lincoln (Nebr.) Star)
- Lloyd Lewis (journalist)
Box 42 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Milton Meyer (Chicago writer)
- Roderick Peattie (Ohio State University Professor)
- Pierson (Cincinnati banker)
- Andrew Schoeppel (Kansas governor)
Box 42 Folder 8 | Interview notes
Box 42 Folder 9 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 64: Research Notes-Northwest |
Box 42 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Jay Allen (writer)
- Roy Atkinson (Washington labor leader)
- Ivan Bloch (Bonneville Power Administration official)
- Thomas Campbell (Wheat farmer)
- George Corey (Utah Power & Light Co. attorney)
Box 42 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Howard Costigan (Washington radio commentator)
- Dickinson
- J. B. Ellis (Cincinnati City Solicitor)
Box 42 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Nelson Hazeltine (Bonneville Power Administration official)
Box 42 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Nannie Wood Honeyman (Portland Collector of Customs)
- S. E. Hutton (Bureau of Reclamation, Coulee Dam)
- John Kuhns (Oregon forester)
- John McGregor (Wheat farmer)
Box 42 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- John McKee (President, Portland Utilities Co.)
- Warren Magnuson (U.S. Senator, Washington)
- Wayne Morse (U.S. Senator, Oregon)
- Richard Neuberger (Oregon State Senator)
Box 42 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Jerry O'Connell (Washington Democratic Party Official)
- B. Pearce (Washington Public Utilities District)
- Evan Peters (Washington businessman)
- Miscellaneous
Box 42 Folder 16 | Notes on fish and fishing; power and public utilities; Boeing Aircraft Co. |
Box 42 Folder 17 | Notes on farming and wheat |
Subseries 65: Research Notes-West |
Box 42 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Ben Cherrington (Acting Chancellor, University of Denver)
- Howard Costigan (Washington radio commentator)
- Roscoe Fleming (writer)
- R. E. Warren (Colorado State Publicity Director)
Box 42 Folder 19 | Interview notes
Box 42 Folder 20 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outline
Subseries 66: Research Notes-South |
Box 42 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Carl Bailey (former Arkansas governor)
- W. W. Ball (Editor, Charleston (S.C.) News & Courier)
- Virginius Dabney (Editor, Richmond Times-Dispatch)
- Josephus Daniels (Editor, Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer)
- Colgate Darden (Virginia governor)
Box 42 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Douglas S. Freeman (author)
Box 42 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- George Mitchell (Labor leader)
Box 42 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Howard Odum (University of North Carolina Professor)
- Claude Pepper (U.S. Senator, Florida)
- Lillian Smith (author)
Box 42 Folder 25 | Interview notes- Miscellaneous |
Box 42 Folder 26 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 67: Research Notes-Negroes |
Box 43 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- R. E. Clement (President, Atlanta University)
- Virginius Dabney (Editor, Richmond Times-Dispatch)
- Margaret Fisher (writer)
- Douglas S. Freeman (author)
Box 43 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Frank Graham (President, University of North Carolina)
- Oliver Harrington (N.A.A.C.P. official)
- Guy Johnson (Director, Southern Regional Council)
- Harrison Jones (Chairman of Board, Coca Cola Co.)
Box 43 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Benjamin Mays (President, Morehouse College)
- George Mitchell (Labor leader)
- Howard Odum (University of North Carolina professor)
- John Paschall (Editor, Atlanta Journal)
Box 43 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- F. B. Patterson (President, Tuskegee Institute)
Box 43 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Josephine Pinckney (author)
- Lillian Smith (author)
Box 43 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Chauncey Sparks (Alabama governor)
- Jack Tarver (Atlanta Constitution)
Box 43 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Walter White (N.A.A.C.P. official)
Box 43 Folder 8 | Interview notes- Miscellaneous |
Box 43 Folder 9 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 68: Research Notes-Missouri Valley Authority |
Box 43 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- J. H. Becker (MVA Regional Director)
- Benton Stong (Editor, National Union Farmer)
- G. S. Warden (Publisher, Great Falls (Mont.) Tribune)
- Miscellaneous
Box 43 Folder 11 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outline
Subseries 69: Research Notes-Tennessee Valley Authority |
Box 43 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- S.A. Harvey (Works Manager, Muscle Shoals)
- David Lilienthal (Chairman)
Box 43 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- W. H. Landess (TVA official)
- E. J. Meeman (Editor, Memphis Press-Scimitar)
- Harcourt Morgan (TVA Director)
Box 43 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- James Pope (TVA Director)
- F. C. Schlemmer (Project Manager, Fontana Dam)
- Miscellaneous
Box 43 Folder 15 |
- Notes on Muscle Shoals
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 70: Research Notes-Thomas E. Dewey |
Box 43 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Thomas E. Dewey (New York Governor)
- Thomas Finletter (attorney)
- Robert Moses (State and local official)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 71: Research Notes-Henry J. Kaiser |
Box 43 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Clay Bedford (Kaiser Co. official)
- George Cameron (Publisher, San Francisco Chronicle)
- Vance Fawcett (Kaiser Co. official)
Box 43 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- C. J. Haggerty (California labor leader)
- Henry J. Kaiser (Industrialist)
- George Roberts (California labor leader)
- Miscellaneous
Subseries 72: Research Notes-Harold Stassen |
Box 43 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Joseph Ball (U.S. Senator, Minnesota)
- Elmer Benson (former governor, Minnesota)
- John Jacobsen (Minnesota labor leader)
- Walter Judd (U.S. Congressman, Minnesota)
Box 43 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Mark Nolan (Minnesota judge)
- William Parker (Minnesota Republican State Chairman)
- Roger Rutchik (Secretary to Gov. Benson)
Box 43 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Gideon Seymour (Editor, Minneapolis Star-Journal)
Box 43 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Harold Stassen (former governor, Minnesota)
- J. R. Wiggins (Editor, St. Paul Pioneer Press)
- Miscellaneous
Box 43 Folder 23 |
- Miscellaneous notes
- Outlines
Subseries 73: Research Notes-Arthur Vandenberg |
Box 43 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Arthur Vandenberg (U.S. Senator, Michigan)
Subseries 74: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 43 Folder 25 | Miscellaneous interview notes, miscellaneous notes on Introduction and Conclusion |
Box 43 Folder 26 | Miscellaneous outlines, schedules, agendas, names |
Box 43 Folder 27 | Notes on possible libel |
Series VI: Death Be Not Proud |
DEATH BE NOT PROUD is a different type of work than any of Gunther's other books. It is a personal memoir and a memorial to Gunther's son, John, Jr., who died in 1947 of a brain tumor after a long and courageous struggle. The original manuscript of DEATH BE NOT PROUD is not a part of the papers deposited with the University of Chicago. Gunther donated the manuscript to the New York Public Library. However, a carbon copy of the original manuscript is included. The printer's copy and galley or page proofs were not a part of the original deposit.
The research notes for this work are, of course, very different from those in the rest of the collection. Included in this section are school and camp reports, medical reports, correspondence with doctors, and numerous longhand notes. These longhand notes, which had been cut into small pieces, record Gunther's own memories, the recollections of Frances Gunther, and of others, including Johnny himself, who kept a diary, of the events which transpired during the long illness. These notes have been arranged chronologically, as they were when deposited.
The correspondence is the most extensive part of the material on this work. There are two folders of personal correspondence, all post-publication, from friends of Gunther commenting on the book. There are also four boxes, containing approximately four thousand letters from the general public. The book obviously evoked strong feelings on the part of the readers. The letters are from people who had suffered similar tragedies, some whose relatives were then suffering from cancer, letters of general sympathy from children and adults from all over the world. The book had been condensed in The Ladies' Home Journal, in the Readers' Digest and its eleven international editions, and later in Coronet, thus having a very wide circulation. The correspondence has been arranged alphabetically within each alphabetical letter. One folder of letters has been segregated. They were used in the introduction to the second edition published in 1953. There is also one folder of letters to Lewis Gannett who wrote a review of the book for the New York Herald-Tribune, and one folder containing letters to Gunther on an article entitled "The Cancer in our Breasts," which was published in McCall's Magazine in 1950.
The material for the book is contained in five boxes.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 44 Folder 1 | Foreword, Chapter 1 |
Box 44 Folder 2 | Chapters 2-3 |
Box 44 Folder 3 | Chapters 4-5 |
Box 44 Folder 4 | Aftermath, Part Two (Letters), The Diary |
Subseries 2: Research Notes |
Box 44 Folder 5 | School and camp reports on John Jr., 1938-1947 |
Box 44 Folder 6 | Medical Reports and Autopsy; 1946-1947; Death Certificate, Funeral |
Box 44 Folder 7 | Correspondence to JG from doctors, 1946-1947 |
Box 44 Folder 8 | Notes (handwritten) on Part I |
Box 44 Folder 9 | Notes on Part 2-April-May 1946 |
Box 44 Folder 10 | Notes on Part 2-June-August 1946 |
Box 44 Folder 11 | Notes on Part 2-September 1946-February 1947 |
Box 44 Folder 12 | Notes on Part 2-March-May 1947 |
Box 44 Folder 13 | Notes on Part 2-June 1947 |
Box 44 Folder 14 | Notes on Part 2-Funeral |
Box 44 Folder 15 | Notes on Part 2-Questions to doctors and JG notes on answers |
Box 44 Folder 16 | Notes on Part 2-Chronology |
Box 44 Folder 17 | Notes on Part 2-Notes on the 1st draft |
Box 44 Folder 18 | Notes on Part 2-Carbon copy (1st draft) Frances Gunther chapter |
Box 44 Folder 19 | Notes on Part 2-Notes by Frances |
Box 44 Folder 20 | Notes on Part 2-Material in Johnny's handwriting |
Box 44 Folder 21 | Clippings-Obituaries |
Subseries 3: Correspondence |
Box 44 Folder 22 | Personal Correspondence A-N |
Box 44 Folder 23 | Personal Correspondence N-Z |
Subseries 4: Post-publication Correspondence |
Box 48 Folder 11 | Letters used in introduction to 2nd Edition 1953 |
Box 48 Folder 12 | Letters to Lewis Gannett on review of Death Be Not Proud |
Box 48 Folder 13 | Letters to JG about his McCall's article on Cancer (1950) |
Box 48 Folder 14 | Copy of script of radio reading, University of North Carolina |
Series VII: Behind the Curtain |
The papers concerning BEHIND THE CURTAIN, published in 1949, are contained in five boxes. Like several other of Gunther's books, BEHIND THE CURTAIN was first conceived as a series of articles for Look magazine and the New York Herald-Tribune. In arranging the manuscripts, the Look and Herald-Tribune articles are included as the original manuscript. Gunther, in most cases, pasted the published versions onto pieces of paper and then heavily revised them. More than half the book, however, is new material. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript-Look magazine articles-however, only four of the manuscripts of the nine articles are included.
2. Original manuscript-New York Herald-Tribune articles, published under the general title "Inside Europe Today."
3. First Revision or Second Draft, which is the original manuscript for the book version, including revisions of above articles and additions.
4. Printer's copy, with author's corrections.
The correspondence concerning this book is not extensive, but among the more interesting letters are those from M. W. Fodor, a long-time European journalist connected with the American Military Government for Germany, and a letter from Dr. W. C. Weiskopf, Minister Plenipotentiary of Czechoslovakia to the United States.
The interview notes are of special interest. Gunther talked with most of the leaders of Europe during his preparation for the book. Among the many statesmen, journalists, businessmen, and others whom Gunther interviewed are Pope Pius XII, Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi of Italy, Marshal Josip Tito of Yugoslavia, Matyas Rakosi, communist leader of Hungary, American Ambassador to Czechoslovakia Laurence Steinhardt, General Lucius Clay, American Military Governor of Germany, and Jacques Soustelle, Gaullist leader in France.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscripts-Look Magazine Articles |
Box 49 Folder 1 | "War or Peace in Europe?" |
Box 49 Folder 2 | "USA versus Russia in Berlin" |
Box 49 Folder 3 | "Behind the Curtain" (2 drafts) |
Box 49 Folder 4 | "The Man Who Rules Italy." |
Box 49 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous pages from Look dispatches. |
Subseries 2: Original Manuscripts-Herald Tribune Series-"Inside Europe Today" |
Box 49 Folder 6 | Article 1 (1st & 2nd drafts), untitled ("Open War Unlikely") |
Box 49 Folder 7 | Article 2 "Italy-Men and Issues" ("Italy-Issues and Impressions") |
Box 49 Folder 8 | Article 3 "Italy-Communists and Catholics" ("Italy-Communists,Catholics and U.S.") |
Box 49 Folder 9 | Article 4 "Italy-What's Left of Fascism" |
Box 49 Folder 10 | Article 5 Untitled ("Orient Express") (1st and 2nd drafts) |
Box 49 Folder 11 | Article 6 "Tito and Yugoslavia" |
Box 49 Folder 12 | Article 7 "Men Around Tito" |
Box 49 Folder 13 | Article 8 "Man Who Rules Hungary" |
Box 49 Folder 14 | Article 9 1st and 2nd drafts, Untitled ("Poland") |
Box 49 Folder 15 | Article 10 1st and 2nd drafts, Untitled ("Czechoslovakia") |
Box 49 Folder 16 | Article 11 "France" |
Box 49 Folder 17 | Article 12 "England" |
Box 49 Folder 18 | Unpublished articles-First and Second articles on Berlin |
Box 49 Folder 19 | Published Herald Tribune Articles |
Subseries 3: Original Manuscripts-Behind the Curtain |
Box 49 Folder 20 | Table of Contents, Acknowledgments (Several versions) |
Box 49 Folder 21 | Chapter 1 "Introduction-Italy as Breakwater" |
Box 49 Folder 22 | Chapter 2 "Orient Express" |
Box 49 Folder 23 | Chapter 3 "Chinks in the Curtain, Plus Certain Observations" |
Box 49 Folder 24 | Chapter 4 "Yugoslavia, the How and Why" |
Box 49 Folder 25 | Chapter 5 "Tito" |
Box 49 Folder 26 | Chapter 6 "The Cominform Rupture" |
Box 49 Folder 27 | Chapter 7 "Men Around Tito" |
Box 49 Folder 28 | Chapter 8 "Other Leaders, Other Satellites" |
Box 49 Folder 29 | Chapter 9 "From Zagreb to Budapest" |
Subseries 4: First Revision |
Box 50 Folder 1 | Chapter 10 "The American War in Greece" |
Box 50 Folder 2 | Chapter 11 "Talking Turkey" |
Box 50 Folder 3 | Chapter 12 "Hungarian New World" |
Box 50 Folder 4 | Chapter 13 "The Man Who Rules Hungary" |
Box 50 Folder 5 | Chapter 14 "The Czechoslovak Tragedy" |
Box 50 Folder 6 | Chapter 15 "Warsaw Redivivus" |
Box 50 Folder 7 | Chapter 16 "More About the Poles" |
Box 50 Folder 8 | Chapter 17 "Vienna Still Alive" |
Box 50 Folder 9 | Chapter 18 "Confusions and Perplexities in Germany" |
Box 50 Folder 10 | Chapter 19 "Footnote on Russian Attitudes and Policy" |
Box 50 Folder 11 | Chapter 20 "Conclusion-Cut to France and England" |
Subseries 5: Printer's Copy |
Box 50 Folder 12 | Acknowledgements, Table of Contents |
Box 50 Folder 13 | Chapter 1 |
Box 50 Folder 14 | Chapter 2 |
Box 50 Folder 15 | Chapter 3 |
Box 50 Folder 16 | Chapter 4 |
Box 50 Folder 17 | Chapter 5 |
Box 50 Folder 18 | Chapter 6 |
Box 50 Folder 19 | Chapter 7 |
Box 51 Folder 3 | Chapter 10 |
Box 51 Folder 4 | Chapter 11 |
Box 51 Folder 5 | Chapter 12 |
Box 51 Folder 6 | Chapter 13 (2 versions) |
Box 51 Folder 7 | Chapter 14 |
Box 51 Folder 8 | Chapter 15 |
Box 51 Folder 9 | Chapter 16 |
Box 51 Folder 10 | Chapter 17 |
Box 51 Folder 11 | Chapter 18 |
Box 51 Folder 12 | Chapter 19 |
Box 51 Folder 13 | Chapter 20 |
Box 51 Folder 14 | Marginal notations on uncorrected carbon of Printer's copy by Jane Gunther or Cass Canfield (Only pages with notations) |
Box 51 Folder 15 | Marginal notations . . . |
Subseries 6: Correspondence |
Box 51 Folder 16 | Pre-publication correspondence |
Box 51 Folder 17 | Letters of introduction |
Box 51 Folder 18 | Post-publication correspondence |
Subseries 7: Research Materials-Italy |
Box 52 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Anderson ("Andy")
- Caldwell
- Gracie Day
- Alcide De Gasperi (Prime Minister)
- Charles Downie (journalist)
- Dunn
- Igor & Rocco
Box 52 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Barrett McGurn (journalist)
Box 52 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Pacciardi
- Page
- Pius XII (Pope)
- Carlo Sforza (Foreign Minister)
- Sprigge
- Miscellaneous
Box 52 Folder 4 | Notes on De Gasperi |
Box 52 Folder 5 | Trieste-Interview notes
- Airie
- Gaither
- Muffley
- Cyrus Sulzberger (Journalist) "Cy S."
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Box 52 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 8: Research Materials-Yugoslavia |
Box 52 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Ales Bebler (Deputy Foreign Minister)
- Carruthers
- Peake
- Josef Tito (President)
- Miscellaneous
Box 52 Folder 9 | Notes on Tito and other political leaders |
Box 52 Folder 10 | Notes on Gunther's impressions |
Box 52 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 52 Folder 12 | Notes on Albania; Bulgaria; Rumania; satellites and U.S.S.R.; Orient Express |
Subseries 9: Research Materials-Greece |
Box 52 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Homer Bigart (journalist)
- "Boys" (journalists)
Box 52 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Griswold
- Kavanides
- Norton
- "Professor"
- Tsaldaris
- James Van Fleet (U.S. military advisor)
- Miscellaneous
Box 52 Folder 15 | Notes on the Greek Civil War |
Box 52 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous Notes |
Subseries 10: Research Materials-Turkey |
Box 52 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Kasim Gulek
- Leo
- Clarence Macy
- Wilson
- Miscellaneous
Box 52 Folder 18 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 11: Research Materials-Hungary |
Box 52 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Alexitch (Undersecretary of Education)
- Bun ?
- Chapin
- George Kaldor (Minister of Communications)
- Matyas Rakosi (Communist leader)
- Zoltan Vas (Supreme Economic Council)
- Miscellaneous
Box 52 Folder 20 | Notes on history, 1945-1947; notes on Rakosi; notes on Cardinal Mindszenty; the "Conspiracy;" a Budapest market; the Manfred Weiss factory |
Box 52 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 12: Research Materials-Czechoslovakia |
Box 53 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Vladimir Clementis (Foreign Minister)
- Gaston Coblentz (journalist)
- Zdenek Fierlinger (former Prime Minister)
- Antonin Zapotocky (Prime Minister)
- Miscellaneous
Box 53 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Laurence Steinhardt (U.S. Ambassador)
Box 53 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous notes; questions; names |
Subseries 13: Research Materials-Poland |
Box 53 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Jakub Berman (Undersecretary of State)
- Wiktor Grosz (Press Affairs and Information)
Box 53 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Sidney Gruson (journalist)
- Hilary Minc (Economic administrator)
- Kantorowitz
- Litauer
- Schwimm
- Miscellaneous
Box 53 Folder 6 | Notes on Warsaw |
Box 53 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 14: Research Materials-Austria |
Box 53 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Desmond Balmer (U.S. General)
- Ernst Fischer (Communist leader)
Box 53 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Karl Gruber (Foreign Minister)
- Martin Herz
- Geoffrey Keyes (U.S. High Commissioner)
- Pollak
Box 53 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 15: Research Materials-Germany |
Box 53 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Ralph Beck
- Lucius Clay (U.S. Administrator of American zone)
Box 53 Folder 12 | Interview notes
Box 53 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- George Rays (U.S. General; Deputy Military Governor)
- Laurence Steinhardt (U.S. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia
- Notes taken at "Lunch"
- Miscellaneous
Box 53 Folder 14 | Notes on German political parties, politicians |
Box 53 Folder 15 | Notes on Berlin |
Box 53 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 16: Research Materials-France |
Box 53 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Walter Kerr (journalist)
- Tylor
- Jacques Soustelle (Gaullist leader)
- Miscellaneous
Box 53 Folder 18 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Box 53 Folder 19 | Miscellaneous notes on Belgium and Holland |
Subseries 17: Research Materials-Great Britain |
Box 53 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Ernest Bevin (Foreign Secretary)
- Richard Crossman (Labor M.P.)
- Anthony Eden (former Foreign Secretary)
- Thomas Finletter (New York Lawyer)
- Miscellaneous
Box 53 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 18: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 53 Folder 22 | Outlines of chapters |
Box 53 Folder 23 | Check sheets; watch sheets; proof sheets |
Series VIII: Roosevelt in Retrospect |
The material for ROOSEVELT IN RETROSPECT, published in 1950, is contained in six boxes. The manuscripts for this work are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther, however it appears that chapters 5B, 5C and 17 were not written at the same time as the rest of the original manuscript. The First Revision of these three chapters is included in the Printer's copy.
2. First Revision or Second Draft, with author's additional revisions and corrections;
3. Printer's copy, with author's corrections;
4. Galley proofs, with author's corrections.
The original manuscripts of three magazine articles are also included.
The correspondence, of which there are only four folders, indicates that this book evoked strong sentiments either for or against FDR. Among the more interesting letters are those from several people who knew or had met FDR and wished to relate to Gunther their own reminiscences. There is also a long memorandum by Grace Tully, FDR's personal secretary, on the inaccuracies in the book.
The majority of the notes are interview notes. Gunther interviewed more than eighty persons, and where possible, the interviewees are identified on the guide. Gunther had extensive interviews with Bernard Baruch, Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Sherwood, Laurence Steinhardt, Summer Welles, and many others. Also included among the notes are those of an interview with FDR in 1941.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 54 Folder 1 | Tentative Table of Contents (2 versions) |
Box 54 Folder 3 | Chapter 1 The Historical Perspective (2 versions) (1) |
Box 54 Folder 4 | Chapter 2 Untitled (2) |
Box 54 Folder 5 | Chapter 3 The Political and Human Being (3-4) |
Box 54 Folder 6 | Chapter 4 Some Qualities of Heart (3-4) |
Box 54 Folder 7 | Chapter 5A Structure and Makeup of His Mind (5) |
Box 54 Folder 8 | Chapter 5B More About FDR the Man (7) |
Box 54 Folder 9 | Chapter 5C The President at Work (8) |
Box 54 Folder 10 | Chapter 6 The Background of Hyde Park (6,9) |
Box 54 Folder 11 | Chapter 7 The Bloom of Youth (9-10) |
Box 54 Folder 12 | Chapter 8 Lady Who Became First Lady (11) |
Box 54 Folder 13 | Chapter 9 Novitiate of the Young Patrician (12) |
Box 54 Folder 14 | Chapter 10 Disaster (13) |
Box 54 Folder 15 | Chapter 11 Back to Life (14) |
Box 54 Folder 16 | Chapter 12 The Springboard Quivers (15) |
Box 54 Folder 17 | Chapter 13 Peace President (16) |
Box 54 Folder 18 | Chapter 14 Into War (17) |
Box 55 Folder 1 | Chapter 15 War President (18) |
Box 55 Folder 2 | Chapter 16 Fourth Term and Yalta (19) |
Box 55 Folder 3 | Chapter 17 Death the End (20) |
Box 55 Folder 4 | Bibliography and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 2: First Revision (Second Draft) |
Box 55 Folder 6 | Chapter 1 The Historical Perspective |
Box 55 Folder 7 | Chapter 2 Personal |
Box 55 Folder 8 | Chapter 3 Some Major Qualities and Attributes |
Box 55 Folder 9 | Chapter 4 Factors of the Demerit Side and Others |
Box 55 Folder 10 | Chapter 5 Roosevelt the Human Being |
Box 55 Folder 11 | Chapter 5A The Home, Library, and Collections (6) |
Box 55 Folder 12 | Chapter 6 The Background of Hyde Park (9) |
Box 55 Folder 13 | Chapter 7 The Bloom of Youth (10) |
Box 55 Folder 14 | Chapter 8 Lady Who Became First Lady (11) |
Box 55 Folder 15 | Chapter 9 Novitiate of the Young Patrician (12) |
Box 55 Folder 16 | Chapter 10 Disaster (13) |
Box 55 Folder 17 | Chapter 11 Back to Life (14) |
Box 55 Folder 17 | Chapter 12 The Springboard Quivers (15) |
Box 56 Folder 1 | Chapter 13 Peace President (16) |
Box 56 Folder 2 | Chapter 14 Into War (17) |
Box 56 Folder 3 | Chapter 15 War President (18) |
Box 56 Folder 4 | Chapter 16 Fourth Term and Yalta (19) |
Subseries 3: Printer's Copy |
Box 56 Folder 5 | Table of Contents, Dedication, Foreword |
Box 56 Folder 10 | Chapter 5 |
Box 56 Folder 11 | Chapter 6 |
Box 56 Folder 12 | Chapter 7 |
Box 56 Folder 13 | Chapter 8 |
Box 56 Folder 14 | Chapter 9 |
Box 56 Folder 15 | Chapter 10 |
Box 56 Folder 16 | Chapter 11 |
Box 56 Folder 17 | Chapter 12 |
Box 56 Folder 18 | Chapter 13 |
Box 56 Folder 19 | Chapter 14 |
Box 56 Folder 20 | Chapter 15 |
Box 57 Folder 1 | Chapter 16 |
Box 57 Folder 2 | Chapter 17 |
Box 57 Folder 3 | Chapter 18 |
Box 57 Folder 4 | Chapter 19 |
Box 57 Folder 5 | Chapter 20 |
Box 57 Folder 6 | Bibliography and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 4: Galley Proofs |
Box 57 Folder 7 | Foreword, Chapters 1-5 |
Box 57 Folder 8 | Chapters 6-10 |
Box 57 Folder 9 | Chapters 11-15 |
Box 57 Folder 10 | Chapters 16-20, Bibliography and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 5: Original Manuscripts of Articles |
Box 57 Folder 11 | "The Greatest Woman in the World" |
Box 57 Folder 12 | "A Room With the View" |
Box 57 Folder 13 | "Stalin's Hands on Your Future" |
Subseries 6: Correspondence |
Box 57 Folder 14 | Pre-publication and personal |
Box 57 Folder 15 | Post-publication-A-G |
Box 57 Folder 16 | Post-publication-H-M |
Box 57 Folder 17 | Post-publication-N-Z, unsigned |
Subseries 7: Interview Notes |
Box 58 Folder 1 |
- Acheson, Dean-Undersecretary of Treasury, Assistant Secretary of State ("Dean")
- Allen, Frederick L.-Editor, Harper's Magazine
- Allen, Jay-Journalist ("Jay")
Box 58 Folder 2 |
- Armstrong, Hamilton Fish-Editor, Foreign Affairs ("HFA")
- Backer, George-Journalist
- Barnes, Joseph-OWI official ("Joe B")
- Baruch, Bernard-Financier, government advisor
- Beck, Thomas H.-President and director, Crowell-Collier Publishing Co.
Box 58 Folder 3 |
- Bernays, Eddie-?
- Blackburn, Katherine C.-Secretary, Woodrow Wilson Foundation
- Bohlen, Charles-Assistant to Secretary of State for While House Liaison, Presidential advisor at Yalta Conference (Notes on Yalta)
- Brown, ?-(Notes on 1932 Convention)
- Bruenn, Howard G.-M.D., FDR's doctor
- Bullitt, Howard G.-U.S. Ambassador to U.S.S.R., to France
- Canfield, Cass-Publisher, President, Harper and Brothers ("Cass")
Box 58 Folder 4 |
- Cerf, Bennett-Publisher, President, Random House ("Bennett")
- Ching, Cyrus-various government posts
- Cooke, Morris L.-Administrator, Rural Electrification Admin.
- Corcoran, Thomas G.-Presidential advisor, Counsel, R.F.C. (Tom C.")
- Corey, Raymond H.-Museum, Hyde Park
- Cowles, Michael-Publisher ("Mike")
- Crowley, Leo-Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Box 58 Folder 5 |
- Daniels, Josephus-former Secretary of Navy, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
- Depew, Louis-Mrs. Sarah Roosevelt's chauffeur
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.-Commanding general, Allied forces, Western Europe ("Ike")
- Emmerich, Herbert-Executive secretary, Office of Production Management
- Ernst, Morris-New York lawyer
- Fallen, ?-(Notes on FDR at Harvard)
Box 58 Folder 6 |
- Finletter, Thomas-Lawyer
- Ford, J.D.M.-Professor, Romance Languages, Harvard University
- Frank, Jerome-Various government positions; Federal judge ("Jerome")
- Graham, Frank-War Labor Board; President, University of North Carolina
- Guffey, Joseph-Democratic National Committee, U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
- Gulick, Luther-Various government posts
Box 58 Folder 7 |
- Ickes, Harold-Secretary of Interior
- Henderson, Leon-Economist; various government posts ("Leon")
- Hopkins, Louise-Mrs. Harry Hopkins ("Louie")
- Hyman, Sidney-Journalist
Box 58 Folder 8 |
- Jackson, Robert H.-U.S. Attorney General; Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court ("Bob J.")
- Jenkins, John-Journalist; Assistant to Josephus Daniels
- Kahn, Herman-Museum, Hyde Park
- Keller, Kent-Illinois Congressman
- Kennedy, Foster-M.D., neurologist, FDR's doctor ("FK")
- Knox, Dudley-Naval officer; director, Office of Naval Records and Library
Box 58 Folder 9 |
- Lasker, Albert-Advertising executive
- Lazarus, [?]-[?]
- Leahy, William D.-Admiral; U.S. Ambassador to France
- Lilienthal, David-Chairman, T.V.A. ("Dave L.")
- Long, Daniel-White House aide on presidential trips
- Longworth, Alice Roosevelt-Theodore Roosevelt's daughter ("Alice")
- McCrae, John-Naval aide to FDR
Box 58 Folder 10 |
- McGaughey, Robert-FDR's houseman
- MacLeish, Archibald-Librarian of Congress; Assistant Secretary of State ("Archie")
- McReynolds, William-Administrative assistant to FDR ("McR")
- Marcantonio, Vito-New York Congressman
Box 58 Folder 11 |
- Mellett, Lowell-Administrative assistant to FDR
- Merriam, Charles-University professor; National Resources Board
- Miller, Adolph C.-member Federal Reserve Board
- Murrow, Edward R.-radio broadcaster ("Ed M.")
Box 58 Folder 12 |
- Nover, Barnet-Journalist
- Perkins, Frances-Secretary of Labor
- Plog, William-Gardener, Hyde Park
Box 58 Folder 13 | Roosevelt, Eleanor-Wife of FDR ("Eleanor") |
Box 58 Folder 14 |
- Roosevelt, Elliott-Son of FDR ("Elliott")
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano-President of U.S. (Interview with JG, April 7, 1941)
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr.-Son of FDR
Subseries 8: Interview and Miscellaneous Notes |
Box 59 Folder 1 | Roosevelt, James-Son of FDR ("Jimmy") |
Box 59 Folder 2 |
- Rosenberg, Anna-Labor advisor to FDR ("Anna")
- Rosenman, Samuel-Special counsel to FDR
- Rovere, ?-(On Hyde Park estate)
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.-Historian
- Schmitt, Waldo-Curator of Marine Invertebrates, U.S. National Museum
Box 59 Folder 3 | Sherwood, Robert-Writer; FDR speech writer ("Bob S.") |
Box 59 Folder 4 |
- Smith, Moses-Hyde Park neighbor
- Steinhardt, Laurence-U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, Peru, USSR, Turkey
Box 59 Folder 5 |
- Sweetser, Arthur-Author; various government posts
- Swing, Raymond G.-Radio commentator ("RGS")
- Terry, Francis-Naval officer, secretary to FDR's naval aide
- Traeger, C.H.-Gunther "expert" on medical matters
- Tugwell, Rexford-Braintruster
- Welles, Summer-Under Secretary of State ("Summer")
Box 59 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous Interview Notes |
Box 59 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous Notes on Hyde Park-House, cottage, library, museum, village, etc. |
Box 59 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes on White House |
Box 59 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous notes of presidential trips -
- ATC reports-Special missions
- Reports on FDR's flights to Casablanca, Cairo, Teheran
- Interview notes-General Harold George, commanding general ATC-Colonel Ray Ireland, ATC officer on Yalta trip
- Senator's flight (July-October, 1943)
- Mme. Chiang Kai-shek flight (August, 1944)
- Honolulu trip (July, 1944)
- Squadron, pilots, names, etc.
Box 59 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes on Yalta trip |
Box 59 Folder 11 | Notes on Groton and Harvard |
Box 59 Folder 12 | Notes on OFF, OGR, OCD, OWI, OSS, and COI dispute |
Box 59 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 59 Folder 15 | Preliminary outlines for some chapters |
Box 59 Folder 16 | Check sheets for proofs |
Box 59 Folder 17 | Check sheets by others |
Subseries 9: Miscellaneous Notes by Others |
Box 59 Folder 18 | Notes collected by Frederick Lewis Allen |
Box 59 Folder 19 | "Cycle of Cathay-Japan, China and the Cairo Agreement," by Barnet Nover |
Series IX: The Riddle of MacArthur |
The material for THE RIDDLE OF MACARTHUR, published in 1951, is contained in three boxes. The original manuscript and the First Revision were not included in the original deposit, nor were galley proofs, but page proofs, which were not heavily revised as was Gunther's method on galley proofs, are a part of the collection. The manuscripts, therefore, are as follows:
1. Printer's copy. with author's corrections;
2. Page proofs.
Also included among the manuscripts are carbon copies of news dispatches cabled by Gunther to Look magazine on the Korean War and the Far East.
The correspondence concerning THE RIDDLE OF MACARTHUR is not extensive. Among the letters of particular interest are those from Frank Rizzo, a high civilian official in the Occupation Government, and a letter from Samuel E. Morison on naval history. The Post-publication correspondence consists mostly of readers' comment, some quite irate over Gunther's interpretation of MacArthur.
The majority of the research notes are interview notes. Among those interviewed by Gunther were Emperor Hirohito, General MacArthur, Prime Minister Yoshida, various high American officers on MacArthur's staff, civilian employees of SCAP, Japanese politicians and businessmen.
Box 60 Folder 1 | Tentative Table of Contents; Outlines |
Subseries 2: Printer's Copy |
Box 60 Folder 2 | Table of Contents, Note, Foreword |
Box 60 Folder 3 | Chapter 1 Caesar of the Pacific |
Box 60 Folder 4 | Chapter 2 What MacArthur Is, And How He Got There |
Box 60 Folder 5 | Chapter 3 The Life and the Legends |
Box 60 Folder 6 | Chapter 4 More About MacArthur the Man |
Box 60 Folder 7 | Chapter 5 Tokyo Today |
Box 60 Folder 8 | Chapter 6 Brief Disquisition on the Emperor |
Box 60 Folder 9 | Chapter 7 The Record of the Occupation |
Box 60 Folder 10 | Chapter 8 Japanese Side of the Picture |
Box 60 Folder 11 | Chapter 9 Korea |
Box 60 Folder 12 | Chapter 10 MacArthur, Truman, and Formosa |
Box 60 Folder 13 | Chapter 11 Asia Soft Spots and U.S. Policy |
Box 60 Folder 14 | Chapter 12 The Treaty and the Future |
Box 60 Folder 15 | Galley Inserts |
Box 60 Folder 16 | Chapters 1-2 |
Box 60 Folder 17 | Chapters 3-4 |
Box 60 Folder 18 | Chapters 5-6 |
Box 60 Folder 19 | Chapters 7-8 |
Box 60 Folder 20 | Chapters 9-10 |
Box 60 Folder 21 | Chapters 11-12 |
Box 60 Folder 22 | Miscellaneous promotional manuscripts, printing aids |
Box 60 Folder 23 | Cable files (carbons) sent to Look Magazine on Korean War, Hong Kong, India, and Siam by John Gunther |
Box 60 Folder 24 | Manuscript articles by others:
- "A Memorandum on the Case of the Japanese Purges" by Bunshiro Suzuki
- Synopsis of Japanese novel Snow-Dust
- Unidentified series of eight articles on Japan
Subseries 4: Research Materials-Japan-Interview Notes |
Box 61 Folder 1 |
- Amano, K. W. (M.D., birth control advocate)
- Bunker, L. E. (U.S. colonel, MacArthur aide)
- Decker, B. W. (U.S. admiral)
- Chamberlin, Leo (American businessman)
Box 61 Folder 2 | Fine, Sherwood (Director, Economics and Planning Section) |
Box 61 Folder 3 | Folster, George (NBC correspondent, Far East) |
Box 61 Folder 4 |
- Gascoigne, Sir Alvary D.F. (Chief, British Mission)
- Gibbons, Mrs. Phyllis (Tutor for MacArthur's son)
- Gibney, Frank
- Emperor Hirohito (Interview, June 30, 1950)
Box 61 Folder 5 |
- "Howard H."
- Huff, Sidney (U.S. Colonel, MacArthur aide) "Leigh"
- MacArthur, Douglas (U.S. general; interview June 9, 1950)
Box 61 Folder 6 | McEvoy, Dennis (Reader's Digest representative, Tokyo) |
Box 61 Folder 7 |
- Marquat, Wm. (U.S. major general, Chief, Economic and Scientific Section)
- Matsudaira (Grand Master of Ceremonies, Imperial Palace)
- Matsumoto, Takizo (People's Democrat Party)
- Nambara (University official ?)
Box 61 Folder 8 | Norman, E. H. (Canadian Liaison Officer) |
Box 61 Folder 9 | Nosaka, Sanzo (Communist Party leader) |
Box 61 Folder 10 | Nugent, D. R. (U.S. colonel, Chief, Civil Information and Education Section) |
Box 61 Folder 11 |
- Perkins, P.D. (Bookdealer)
- "Redman"
- "Richard, M."
Box 61 Folder 12 | Rizzo, Frank (Civilian Deputy Chief, Government Section) |
Box 61 Folder 13 | Sams, C.F. (U.S. Brigadier general Chief, Public Health and Welfare Section) |
Box 61 Folder 14 | Sebald, William (State Department, U.S. member Allied Council) |
Box 61 Folder 15 |
- Shidehara (Speaker, House of Representatives)
- Shimanouchi, T. Henry (Secretary to Prime Minister)
- Shirasu, Jiro (Prime Minister's aide)
Box 61 Folder 17 |
- Vehara, Etsujiro (Liberal Party)
- Vining, Mrs. Elizabeth (Tutor to Crown Prince Akihito)
Box 61 Folder 18 | Whitney, Courtney (U.S. Brigadier general, MacArthur chief aide) |
Box 61 Folder 19 |
- Yamazaki, Takeshi (Former Speaker, House of Representatives)
- Willoughby, Charles A. (U.S. Major general, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2)
- Yomiya
- Yoshida, Shigeru (Prime Minister)
Box 61 Folder 20 | Miscellaneous interview notes |
Box 61 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous notes on General MacArthur |
Subseries 5: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 62 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous interview notes on politics with "SD's" (Social Democrats) |
Box 62 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes on Japanese constitution, SCAP, treaty |
Box 62 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous notes on politics, emperor, economics |
Box 62 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous notes on impressions of Tokyo and the occupation |
Box 62 Folder 5 | Biographical sketches (carbons) |
Box 62 Folder 6 | Copies correspondence between SCAP and Prime Ministers |
Box 62 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous typewritten notes |
Box 62 Folder 8 | Names, agenda, appointments |
Box 62 Folder 9 | Korea-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 62 Folder 10 | China-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 62 Folder 11 | Asia-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 62 Folder 12 | Check sheets, watch sheets, proof sheets |
Subseries 6: Correspondence |
Box 62 Folder 13 | Correspondence received by Gunther while in Tokyo from local Japanese |
Box 62 Folder 14 | Pre-publication correspondence and letters of introduction |
Box 62 Folder 15 | Letter and series of six articles (mss.) "China Under the Red Yoke" by Wang Sou-di |
Box 62 Folder 16 | Post-publication correspondence A-C |
Box 62 Folder 17 | Post-publication correspondence P-S and unsigned |
Series X: Eisenhower-The Man and the Symbol |
EISENHOWER-THE MAN AND THE SYMBOL was published in 1952. The materials concerning this minor work of Gunther's are contained in two boxes. The book grew out of a series of articles published in Look magazine in December, 1951. Gunther wrote three long articles for Look on Eisenhower and SHAPE, of which two were published. The manuscripts, therefore, for this book are as follows:
1. Original manuscript-Look magazine articles, typed and corrected by Gunther
2. First Revision or Second Draft, which is Gunther's original manuscript for the much longer book version. Gunther used an uncorrected carbon copy of the Look manuscript and using the "cut and paste" method, made numerous emendations, inserts, and corrections.
3. Printer's copy, with author's corrections.
The correspondence is not extensive, filling only two folders. Among the Informational heading is a memorandum from a Look official on Eisenhower as president of Columbia University. The post-publication correspondence comes from readers who had minor corrections to suggest.
The majority of the notes are interview notes. Gunther interviewed military officials on Eisenhower's SHAPE staff, journalists, and several European statesmen. Among them are Eisenhower himself, General Alfred M. Grunther, Jean Monnet, and General Lauris Norstad.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscripts-Look Articles |
Box 63 Folder 1 | Part One-"Inside Ike" |
Box 63 Folder 2 | Part Two-"What Can We Expect of Eisenhower?" |
Box 63 Folder 3 | Part Three-"Why the Russians Won't Fight in Europe" (unpublished) (1st and 2nd drafts) |
Subseries 2: Original Manuscripts-Eisenhower, the Man and the Symbol |
Box 63 Folder 4 | Chapter 1 The Man |
Box 63 Folder 5 | Chapter 2 The Career |
Box 63 Folder 6 | Chapter 3 Eisenhower and the War |
Box 63 Folder 7 | Chapter 4 The Job |
Box 63 Folder 8 | Chapter 5 The Future |
Box 63 Folder 9 | Appendix I Interlude in Sicily |
Box 63 Folder 10 | Bibliography |
Subseries 3: Printer's Copy |
Box 63 Folder 11 | Title page, Dedication, Note, Table of Contents |
Box 63 Folder 12 | Chapter 1 The Man |
Box 63 Folder 13 | Chapter 2 The Background |
Box 63 Folder 14 | Chapter 3 The Career |
Box 63 Folder 15 | Chapter 4 The Job |
Box 63 Folder 16 | Chapter 5 The Future |
Box 63 Folder 17 |
- Appendix I With Eisenhower in Sicily
- Appendix II Eisenhower's Guildhall speech
- Appendix III Honors, Citations, and Decorations
Box 63 Folder 18 | Bibliography |
Box 63 Folder 19 | Inserts for Galley Proofs |
Subseries 4: Research Materials-Interview Notes |
Box 64 Folder 1 | Airey, General Sir Terence (chief of Intelligence, SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 2 | Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (Editor, Foreign Affairs) |
Box 64 Folder 3 | Auriol, Vincent (President of France) |
Box 64 Folder 4 | Biddle, ? (U.S. General) |
Box 64 Folder 5 | Bruce, David K.E. (American Ambassador to France) |
Box 64 Folder 6 | Cannon, Col. C. Craig (ADC to Gen. Eisenhower) |
Box 64 Folder 7 | Carroll, Col. Paul T. (Military Assistant to General Eisenhower) |
Box 64 Folder 8 | Cowles, Gardner (Journalist) |
Box 64 Folder 9 | Eisenhower, Dwight D. (General of the Army, Commander SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 10 | Fodor, M. W. (Journalist) |
Box 64 Folder 11 | Grunther, General Alfred M. (SHAPE Chief of Staff) |
Box 64 Folder 12 | Kerr, Walter (Journalist) |
Box 64 Folder 13 | Lawrence, Col. J. B. L. ("Jock") (Deputy for Plans and Public Affairs, PID, SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 14 | Michaelis, Gen. John H. ("Mike") (Charge of Plans for European Army, SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 15 | Monnet, Jean (French statesman) |
Box 64 Folder 16 | Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. (Deputy Supreme Commander, SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 17 | Norstad, Lauris (U.S. General, Commander USAFE, C.-in-c. Central Air Forces Europe, SHAPE) |
Box 64 Folder 18 | Pleven, Rene (French Premier) |
Box 64 Folder 19 | Tyler, ? (Journalist) |
Box 64 Folder 20 | White, S. (Journalist?) |
Box 64 Folder 21 | Wood, Robert J. (U.S. Colonel, Secretary) |
Box 64 Folder 22 | "Cy" (Cyrus Sulzberger, journalist) |
Box 64 Folder 23 | "Steve W." |
Box 64 Folder 24 | "Toddy W." |
Box 64 Folder 25 | Miscellaneous interview notes |
Subseries 5: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 64 Folder 26 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 64 Folder 27 | Watch sheets, check sheets, proof sheets |
Box 64 Folder 28 | Miscellaneous typewritten notes |
Subseries 6: Correspondence |
Box 64 Folder 29 | Pre-publication |
Box 64 Folder 30 | Post-publication |
INSIDE AFRICA. published in 1955, is one of Gunther's longest books, running to over 950 pages. The materials concerning this book are contained in twenty-two boxes. The manuscripts for this work are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and corrected by Gunther
2. Specialist Review copy. However, only those pages with comments are included as well as memoranda prepared by Gunther's "experts";
3. First Revision or Second Draft, which is a heavily revised copy of a carbon copy of the corrected original manuscript;
4. Printer's copy, which is essentially the Third Draft because of the heavy revisions, more so than in any other of Gunther's works;
5. Galley proofs, with author's corrections.
While in Africa, Gunther prepared numerous articles for publication in popular magazines. He used portions of these articles, though in a revised form, in his published book. The twenty-one articles are included in the collection, some in original manuscript, some carbon copies, some clippings.
The informational correspondence is extensive and has been arranged by country or area and then alphabetically. Gunther corresponded with numerous American and British diplomatic officials, government officials, United Nations officials, businessmen and many others. Among the letters of interest are those of Edgar Sengier, the head of Union Miniere in the Congo; the U. S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Joseph Simonson; a memorandum from the Governor of the gold Coast (Ghana), Sir Charles Arden Clarke who read Gunther's chapter on that country in advance of publication; C. L. Simpson, Liberian Ambassador to the United States; Hamilton Fish Armstrong, editor of Foreign Affairs, on Morocco and North Africa; David Stirling, president of the Capricorn Africa Society; South African attorney and novelist Harry Bloom; the Governor of Tanganyika, Sir Edward Twining; and H. V. L. Swanzy, a high official in the Gold Coast Government.
The Post-publication correspondence is also extensive. It is primarily readers, response. Some of the letters, however, invite Gunther to address various groups, ask for additional information, or offer the correspondent's own views. The correspondence, which comes from all over the worlds, is generally favorable to Gunther's work, but many of the letters take exception to his interpretation, especially those from white settlers in Africa, and particularly in the Union of South Africa. Among the letters of interest are two from Dr. Hastings Banda, at present prime minister of Nyasaland, but then living in the Gold Coast; R. R. Knight, a member of the Canadian House of Commons, and Ann Morisett, an American novelist. Specific correspondence, commenting upon or criticizing individual chapters or parts of chapters, suggesting revisions, pointing out errors of fact, spelling or grammar, is arranged alphabetically by country or area and then alphabetically by author. General correspondence relating to the book as a whole or a substantial portion is arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
The research notes are arranged by country or by area. The majority of the notes are interview notes and, where possible, the interviewee has been identified. Gunther states that he interviewed 1503 persons while preparing his African book. Included among them were governors, colonial officials, embassy and consular staffs, journalist, African chieftains, missionaries, businessmen, nationalists, United Nations personnel, and private citizens. A representative list of the many interviewed would include General Mohammed Naguib, then dictator of Egypt; Kwame Nkrumah, prime minister of the Gold Coast; Edgar Segnier of Union Miniere in the Belgian Congo; the king of Ruanda; U. N. official Ralph Bunche; Zulu Chief Albert Luthuli; author Alan Paton; J. G. Strijdo-, then prime minister of the Union of South Africa; Walter White of the N.A.A. C.P.; the Pasha of Marrakesh; General Augustin Gulliaume, President-General of Morocco; Roy Welenski, white extremist leader of Northern Rhodesia; Sylvanus Olympio, then nationalist leader in Togoland, and Father Trever Huddleston, Anglican missionary in South Africa.
There are also numerous memoranda, articles, and circulars prepared by others for Gunther's use. Included among these notes are a private mimeographed memoranda by Chester Bowles on his 1955 trip to Africa, biographical notes on Various African personalities, and a copy of an article by Santha Rama Rau entitled "The Trial of Jomo Kenyatta," of which only a portion was published in The Reporter.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 65 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Preface |
Box 65 Folder 2 | Introduction (1) |
Box 65 Folder 3 | Chapter 1 The Sultan of Morocco (2) |
Box 65 Folder 4 | Chapter 2 Moroccan Backdrop (3) |
Box 65 Folder 5 | Chapter 3 Arab World in North Africa (4) |
Box 65 Folder 6 | Chapter 4 The French, the Nationalists, the Americans (5) |
Box 65 Folder 7 | Chapter 5 Lord of the Atlas (6) |
Box 65 Folder 8 | Chapter 6 Tangier and Return (7) |
Box 65 Folder 9 | Chapter 7 Algeria-From Firates to Petroleum (8) |
Box 65 Folder 10 | Chapter 8 Inside Nowhere-The Sahara (9) |
Box 65 Folder 11 | Chapter 8A The Tunisian Complex (10) |
Box 65 Folder 12 | Chapter 9 Libya, or a Child Learning to Walk (11) |
Box 65 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 Crisis and Development in Egypt (12) |
Box 65 Folder 14 | Chapter 12A Nasser to Naguib to Nasser (13) |
Box 65 Folder 15 | Chapter 13 The Nile and the Sudan (14) |
Box 65 Folder 16 | Chapter 13 Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (15) |
Box 65 Folder 17 | Chapter 14 More About Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Somalis (16) |
Box 65 Folder 18 | Chapter 16 Forward to Bantu Africa (17) |
Box 66 Folder 1 | Chapter 17 Kenya-The Land and the People (18) |
Box 66 Folder 2 | Chapter 18 Kenya; British Rule in Africa (19) |
Box 66 Folder 3 | Chapter 18A Kenya-The Mau Maus (20) |
Box 66 Folder 4 | Chapter 19 East Africa-Animals (21) |
Box 66 Folder 5 | Chapter 20 The Wonderful World of Tanganyika (22) |
Box 66 Folder 6 | Chapter 21 Hope and Crisis in Uganda (23) |
Box 66 Folder 7 | Chapter 24 The Union of South Africa-Successors to Malan (24) |
Box 66 Folder 8 | Chapter 25 The Union-Country. Towns, and Issues (25) |
Box 66 Folder 9 | Chapter 26 The Union The Blacks and the Browns (26) |
Box 66 Folder 10 | Chapter 27 The Union- Gold, diamonds, and South West Africa (27) |
Box 66 Folder 11 | Chapter 29 Medicine Murder in Basutoland (28) |
Box 66 Folder 12 | Chapter 30 Portuguese Africa (29) |
Box 66 Folder 13 | Chapter 31 The Rhodesias and Central African Federation (30) |
Box 67 Folder 1 | Chapter 31A More About Rhodesia and Nyasaland (31) |
Box 67 Folder 2 | Chapter 32 Congo I-Belgian Policy in Africa (32) |
Box 67 Folder 3 | Chapter 33 Congo II-Uranium, Giants, Pygmies (33) |
Box 67 Folder 4 | Chapter 33 French Rule in Black Africa (34) |
Box 67 Folder 5 | Chapter 33 A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweitzer (35) |
Box 67 Folder 6 | Chapter 34 Complexities and Achievements in Nigeria (36-37) |
Box 67 Folder 7 | Chapter 35 Nigeria-Its Inflammatory Politics (38) |
Box 67 Folder 8 | Chapter 36 The Nigerian North (39) |
Box 67 Folder 9 | Chapter 37 Prime Minister Nkrumah of the Gold coast (40) |
Box 67 Folder 10 | Chapter 38 House of Commons in Black Miniature (41) |
Box 67 Folder 11 | Chapter 39 The Gold Coast and the Golden Stool (42) |
Box 67 Folder 12 | Chapter 41 Mr. Tubman of Liberia (43-44) |
Box 67 Folder 13 | Chapter 42 Dakar and French West Africa (45) |
Box 67 Folder 14 | Chapter 45 . . . And To Conclude (46) |
Box 67 Folder 16 | Acknowledgements, Bibliography |
Subseries 2: Comments on Manuscript |
Box 68 Folder 1 | Comments on margin of mss, by Cass Canfield, Eric Larrabee and Eugene Exman (Only pages with corrections and comments) |
Box 68 Folder 2 | Comments by Cass Canfield, et al. (continued) |
Box 68 Folder 3 | Comments on Chapters 2-8 (North Africa) by Roger Vaurs of French Press Service |
Box 68 Folder 4 | Comments on Chapter 9 (Libya) by H. Villard, American Minister to Libya |
Box 68 Folder 5 | Comments on Chapters 13-14 (Ethiopia) by A. H. Garretson, American Folder 6: Comments on Chapter 41 (Liberia) by Adolph Dubs |
Box 68 Folder 7 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Introduction, Chapter 16 (Forward to Bantu Africa) |
Box 68 Folder 8 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapters 12-12A (Egypt) |
Box 68 Folder 9 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 13 (The Nile and The Sudan) |
Box 68 Folder 10 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapters 17, 18, 18A (Kenya) |
Box 68 Folder 11 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 19 (Animals) |
Box 68 Folder 12 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 20 (Tanganyika), Zanzibar |
Box 68 Folder 13 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 21 (Uganda) |
Box 68 Folder 14 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapters 31-31A (The Rhodesias) |
Box 68 Folder 15 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 29 (High Commission Territories, South Africa) |
Box 69 Folder 1 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 34 (Nigeria) |
Box 69 Folder 2 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 35 (Nigeria) |
Box 69 Folder 3 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 36 (Nigeria) |
Box 69 Folder 4 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapters 37-39 (Nigeria) |
Box 69 Folder 5 | Comments by Richard Webb et al. of British Information Services- Chapter 45 (Conclusion) |
Subseries 3: First Revision (Second Draft) |
Box 69 Folder 6 | Table of Contents, Preface |
Box 69 Folder 7 | Chapter 1 Dark Continent Becoming Light (Introduction in Orig. ms.) |
Box 69 Folder 8 | Chapter 1 The Sultan of Morocco |
Box 69 Folder 9 | Chapter 2 Moroccan Backdrop |
Box 69 Folder 10 | Chapter 3 Arab World in North Africa |
Box 69 Folder 11 | Chapter 4 The French, the Nationalist, The Americans |
Box 69 Folder 12 | Chapter 5 Lord of the Atlas |
Box 69 Folder 13 | Chapter 6 Tangier and Tetuan |
Box 69 Folder 14 | Chapter 7 Algeria-From Pirates to Petroleum |
Box 69 Folder 15 | Chapter 8 Inside Nowhere-The Sahara |
Box 69 Folder 16 | Chapter 8A The Tunisian Complex |
Box 69 Folder 17 | Chapter 9 Libya, or a Child Learning to Walk |
Box 69 Folder 18 | Chapter 13 Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia |
Box 69 Folder 19 | Chapter 29 Medicine Murder in Basutoland |
Box 69 Folder 20 | Chapter 30 Portuguese Africa |
Box 69 Folder 21 | Chapter 32 Congo I-Belgian Policy in Africa |
Box 69 Folder 22 | Chapter 33 Congo II-Uranium in the Haut Katanga |
Box 69 Folder 23 | Chapter 33 Congo II-Uranium, Pygmies, Giants |
Box 70 Folder 1 | Chapter 33 A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweizer |
Box 70 Folder 2 | Chapter 33 A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweitzer (3rd Draft) |
Box 70 Folder 3 | Chapter 34 Complexities and Achievements in Nigeria |
Box 70 Folder 4 | Chapter 35 Nigeria-Its Inflammatory Politics |
Box 70 Folder 5 | Chapter 36 The Nigerian North (Corrected pages only) |
Box 70 Folder 6 | Chapter 37 Prime Minister Nkrumah of the Gold Coast |
Box 70 Folder 7 | Chapter 38 House of Commons in Black Miniature |
Box 70 Folder 8 | Chapter 39 The Gold Cost and the Golden Stool |
Box 70 Folder 9 | Chapter 41 Mr. Tubman of Liberia |
Box 70 Folder 10 | Chapter 46 And to Conclude |
Subseries 4: Printer's Copy |
Box 70 Folder 11 | Chapter 1 Dark Continent Becoming Right |
Box 70 Folder 12 | Chapter 2 The Sultan of Morocco |
Box 70 Folder 13 | Chapter 3 Moroccan Backdrop |
Box 70 Folder 14 | Chapter 4 Arab World in North Africa |
Box 70 Folder 15 | Chapter 5 The French, the Nationalists, the Americans |
Box 70 Folder 16 | Chapter 6 Lord of the Atlas |
Box 70 Folder 17 | Chapter 7 Tangier and Tetuan |
Box 70 Folder 18 | Chapter 8 Brief Word About Algeria |
Box 70 Folder 19 | Chapter 9 Inside Nowhere-The Sahara |
Box 70 Folder 20 | Chapter 10 The Tunisian Complex |
Box 70 Folder 21 | Chapter 11 Libya, or a Child Learning to Walk |
Box 71 Folder 1 | Chapter 12 Crisis and Development in Egypt |
Box 71 Folder 2 | Chapter 13 Nasser to Naguib to Nasser |
Box 71 Folder 3 | Chapter 14 The Nile and the Sudan |
Box 71 Folder 4 | Chapter 15 Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia |
Box 71 Folder 5 | Chapter 16 More About Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Somalis |
Box 71 Folder 6 | Chapter 17 Forward to Bantu Africa |
Box 71 Folder 7 | Chapter 18 Kenya, The Land and people |
Box 71 Folder 8 | Chapter 19 Kenya, British Rule in Africa |
Box 71 Folder 9 | Chapter 20 Kenya, The Mau Maus |
Box 71 Folder 10 | Chapter 21 East Africa-Animals |
Box 71 Folder 11 | Chapter 22 The Wonderful World of Tanganyika |
Box 71 Folder 12 | Chapter 23 Hope and Crisis in Uganda |
Box 71 Folder 13 | Chapter 24 The Union of South Africa-Successors to Malan |
Box 71 Folder 14 | Chapter 25 The Union-Country, Towns, and Issues |
Box 71 Folder 15 | Chapter 26 The Union-The Blacks and the Browns |
Box 71 Folder 16 | Chapter The Union-Gold, Diamonds, and South West Africa |
Box 72 Folder 1 | Chapter 28 Medicine Murder in Basutoland (Marked Ch. 29 on ms.) |
Box 72 Folder 2 | Chapter 29 Portuguese Africa (Marked Ch. 30 on ms.) |
Box 72 Folder 3 | Chapter 30 The Rhodesias and Central African Federation (Marked Ch. 31 on ms.) |
Box 72 Folder 4 | Chapter 31 More about Rhodesia and Nyasaland |
Box 72 Folder 5 | Chapter 32 Congo I. Belgian Policy in Africa |
Box 72 Folder 6 | Chapter 33 Congo II-Uranium, Pygmies, Giants |
Box 72 Folder 7 | Chapter 34 French Rule in Black Africa |
Box 72 Folder 8 | Chapter 35 A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweitzer |
Box 72 Folder 9 | Chapter 36 Introduction to British West Africa |
Box 72 Folder 10 | Chapter 37 Complexities and Achievements in Nigeria |
Box 72 Folder 11 | Chapter 38 Nigeria-its Inflammatory Politics |
Box 72 Folder 12 | Chapter 39 The Nigerian North |
Box 72 Folder 13 | Chapter 40 Prime Minister Nkrumah of the Gold coast |
Box 72 Folder 14 | Chapter 41 House of Commons in Black Miniature |
Box 72 Folder 15 | Chapter 42 The Gold Coast and the Golden Stool |
Box 72 Folder 16 | Chapter 43 Mr. Tubman of Liberia |
Box 72 Folder 17 | Chapter 44 Monrovian Doctrine |
Box 72 Folder 18 | Chapter 45 Dakar and French West Africa |
Box 72 Folder 19 | Chapter 46 . . . And to Conclude |
Box 72 Folder 20 | Acknowledgements, Bibliography |
Box 72 Folder 21 | Notes, Names, Sources, Map. |
Subseries 5: Galley Proofs |
Box 73 Folder 1 | Chapters 1-3 |
Box 73 Folder 2 | Chapters 4-6 |
Box 73 Folder 3 | Chapters 7-9 |
Box 73 Folder 4 | Chapters 10-12 |
Box 73 Folder 5 | Chapters 13-15 |
Box 73 Folder 6 | Chapters 16-18 |
Box 73 Folder 7 | Chapters 19-21 |
Box 73 Folder 8 | Chapters 22-23 |
Box 73 Folder 9 | Chapters 28-30 |
Box 73 Folder 10 | Chapters 31-33 |
Box 73 Folder 11 | Chapters 34-36 |
Box 73 Folder 12 | Chapters 37-39 |
Box 73 Folder 13 | Chapters 40-42 |
Box 73 Folder 14 | Chapters 43-46 |
Box 73 Folder 15 | Acknowledgments, Bibliography, and Sources |
Box 73 Folder 16 | Proofs for promotional excepts |
Box 73 Folder 17 | Photographs-North Africa |
Box 73 Folder 18 | Photographs-John Gunther and Kwame Nkrumah |
Box 73 Folder 19 | Photographs of military ceremony in Ethiopia, with Haile Selassie |
Box 73 Folder 20 | Photographs of Point IV medical team in Libya |
Box 73 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous Photographs, pictures, postcards |
Subseries 6: Manuscripts, Carbon Copies, Published Copies of Articles |
Box 74 Folder 1 | "Africa's Black Magicians" (Carbon copy, published as "A Report on Africa's Black Magic," The American Weekly, N.Y. Journal-American clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 2 | "Africa's Magic Mountain" (Original ms.) |
Box 74 Folder 3 | "Arabian Nights and Days-Morocco" (Reader's Digest clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 4 | "Britain's Best Bet in Africa" (Carbon copy) |
Box 74 Folder 5 | "Can We Stop Communism in Africa" (Carbon copy) |
Box 74 Folder 6 | "Chivalry" (Original ms.) |
Box 74 Folder 7 | "The Dictator Who Laughs" (Carbon copy, N. Y. Herald-Tribune clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 8 | "The General, the Sultan, and the Pasha" (Carbon copy, This Week, N. Y. Herald-Tribune clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 9 | "The Gold Coast" (Hektograph copy, for Colliers) |
Box 74 Folder 10 | "Inside Egypt" (Reader's Digest clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 11 | "Inside Nowhere (A Trip to the Sahara)" (Carbon copy corrected) |
Box 74 Folder 12 | "Iola" (Original ms., 2nd draft, published as "The Lion was a Lady", This Week, N. Y. Herald-Tribune) |
Box 74 Folder 13 | "Is the White Man Finished in Africa" (Original ms., Reader's Digest clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 14 | "A Jackpot of Diamonds" (Carbon copy, partial copy) |
Box 74 Folder 15 | "The Man Who Saved Kenya" (original ms.) |
Box 74 Folder 16 | "Murder, Magic, and the Mau-Maus" (Carbon copy, 2nd draft, The American Weekly, N. Y. Journal-American clipping) |
Box 74 Folder 17 | "Murder Most Foul in Basutoland" (Original ms., 2nd draft, 3rd draft) |
Box 74 Folder 18 | "The Story of Edgar Sengier" (Original ms., 2nd draft) |
Box 74 Folder 19 | "Taking the Veil Off Moslem Women" (Carbon copy, published as "Romance Comes to Morocco," The American Weekly, N. Y. Journal-American) |
Box 74 Folder 20 | "Training Africans to be Frenchmen" (Galley proof) |
Box 74 Folder 21 | "The World's Most Fantastic Airline" (Carbon copy) |
Box 74 Folder 22 | "Inside Africa" Lecture (Original ms.) |
Subseries 7: Correspondence-International and Pre-publication |
Box 75 Folder 1 | Belgian Congo |
Box 75 Folder 2 | British Africa (general) |
Box 75 Folder 5 | French Africa (general) |
Box 75 Folder 6 | Gold Coast (Ghana) |
Box 75 Folder 10 | Madagascar |
Box 75 Folder 12 | Portuguese Africa |
Box 75 Folder 13 | The Rhodesias |
Box 75 Folder 14 | Dr. Albert Schweitzer |
Box 75 Folder 15 | Somaliland |
Box 75 Folder 16 | The Sudan |
Box 75 Folder 17 | Tanganyika |
Box 75 Folder 19 | Union of South Africa |
Box 75 Folder 22 | Letters of Introduction |
Box 75 Folder 23 | Readers' Digest; Collier's Magazine |
Subseries 8: Correspondence-Post-publication |
Box 76 Folder 2 | Basutoland |
Box 76 Folder 3 | Belgian Congo |
Box 76 Folder 6 | Gold Coast |
Box 76 Folder 12 | Nyasaland |
Box 76 Folder 13 | Portuguese Africa |
Box 76 Folder 15 | The Sahara |
Box 76 Folder 16 | Dr. Albert Schweitzer |
Box 76 Folder 17 | Spanish Africa |
Box 76 Folder 19 | Tanganyika |
Box 76 Folder 22 | Union of South Africa |
Box 76 Folder 24 | General A-B |
Box 76 Folder 25 | General C-G |
Box 76 Folder 26 | General H-K |
Box 76 Folder 27 | General L-P |
Box 76 Folder 28 | General R-S |
Box 76 Folder 29 | General T-Z |
Subseries 9: Research Notes-Algeria |
Box 77 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Paul Auriol
- Interview notes -Cochett
- Interview notes -Gauntlett
Box 77 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Leclarire
- Interview notes -Miscellaneous
Box 77 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 10: Research Notes-Basutoland |
Box 77 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- E. P. Arrowsmith (Resident Commissioner)
- Brian Marwick (Government Secretary)
- Dr. James Moroka (South Africa Nationalist Leader)
- Yeats and Norton
- Miscellaneous
Box 77 Folder 5 | Notes on a trip through area |
Box 77 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outline |
Subseries 11: Research Notes-Bechuanaland |
Box 77 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- David Astor (journalist)
- T.C. Robertson
- Kenneth Thompson (Colonial attache)
- R. E. Turnbull (Secretary to High Commissioner)
- Gordon Walker
Box 77 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 12: Research Notes-Belgian Congo |
Box 77 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- "Belgian Boys" (Officials in New York)
- Victor Brabant
- Colonel Cooke
- H. A. A. Cornelis (Director, 10 Year Plan)
- Serge Fliegers (journalist)
- George Greaves
Box 77 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- C. J. P. Ionides (Game hunter)
- Harold Isaac (journalist?)
- Aime Marthoz (Director, Union Miniere)
- Murdock
- George Padmore (journalist)
- Leon Petillon (Governor)
- Interview notes -Emory Ross (Missionary)
Box 77 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Robert Scheyven (Ruanda-Urundi official)
- Monsigner Sigismundi (Apostolic Delegate)
- Kenneth Thompson
- Miscellaneous
Box 77 Folder 12 | Union Miniere-Interview notes
- David Lilienthal (Chairman, A. E. C.)
- Ridley
- Jean de Ryckman de Betz (Company official)
- Edgar Sengier (Company president)
- Joseph Volpe (U.S. lawyer)
Box 77 Folder 13 | Union Miniere-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 77 Folder 14 | Notes on Leopoldville; Elizabethville; Kibangu-Kitawala |
Box 77 Folder 15 | Notes on Boende (Dr. Henry Horner, medical missionary) |
Box 77 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 77 Folder 17 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 13: Research Notes-Cameroons |
Box 77 Folder 18 | British
- Interview notes-E. J. Gibbons (Commissioner)
- Interview notes-Kenneth Thompson
- Miscellaneous notes
Box 77 Folder 19 | French
- Interview notes-Virginia Lubkin (American M.D.)
- Interview notes-Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes
Box 77 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- Abdul Rahman Azzam (former Secretary-General, Arab League)
- Caffrey (U.S. Ambassador)
- M. Clark (journalist)
Box 77 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Mahmound Fawzy (Foreign Minister)
- John Hamilton (British Embassy official)
- Robert MacClintlock (U.S. Ambassador)
- Abdel Khalek Massouna (Secretary-General, Arab League
Box 77 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- General Mohammed Naguib (former President)
Box 77 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Pannaker
- Robert Payne (U.S.I.S., Cairo)
Box 77 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Hussein Selim (Professor)
Box 77 Folder 25 | Interview notes
- Smart
- Sir Ralph Stevenson (British Ambassador)
- Weathersby
- Leigh White (journalist)
Box 77 Folder 26 | Interview notes- Miscellaneous |
Box 77 Folder 27 | Notes on General Naguib |
Box 77 Folder 28 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Box 78 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- R. Allen
- Col. Edward Hopkins, (Commander, Radio Marina,) U. S. Post)
- Loomis
- Tesemma Family
- John Wardle-Smith (British Consul General)
Box 78 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 14: Research Notes-Ethiopia |
Box 78 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- A. H. Garretson (American advisor to Ethiopian Foreign Office)
- W. G. Golein (Head, Ethiopian, Air, Lines)
- Haile Selassie (Emperor)
- Nathan Marein (advisor to Emperor)
Box 78 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Count C. G. von Rosen (Head, Air Force Training)
- "schoolteacher"
- Miscellaneous
Box 78 Folder 5 | Notes on Emperor and Imperial family |
Box 78 Folder 6 | Notes on foreign advisors |
Box 78 Folder 7 | Notes on Addis Ababa; history, Moslems; religion; slavery; trip to Bishaftu |
Box 78 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outline |
Subseries 15: Research Notes-French Equitorial Africa |
Box 78 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Mrs. Cloud Cockburn
- D. Latham
- Kenneth Thompson
- Roger Vaurs (Director, French Press Service, New York)
- Walter White (N.A.A.C.P. leader)
- Miscellaneous
Box 78 Folder 10 | Notes on Brazzaville; trip from Brazzaville to Lambarene to Libreville |
Box 78 Folder 11 | Interview notes with Albert Schweitzer and notes on Lambarene |
Box 78 Folder 12 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 16: Research Notes-French West Africa |
Box 78 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous notes
- Dahomey
- Dakar (Federal Capital)
- Guinea
- Ivory Coast
- Mauretania
- Senegal
- Sudan
- Upper Volta
Box 78 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous notes; names |
Subseries 17: Research Notes-Gold Coast |
Box 78 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Sir Charles Arden-Clarke (Governor)
- David Astor (London journalist)
- J. A. Braimah (Minister of Communications)
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office official)
- Michael Ensor
Box 78 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Robert Fleming (Public Affairs Officer, U. S. Consulate)
- Kimla Agbeli Gbedemah (Minister of Finance)
- Joyce Gittens (Nkrumah's secretary)
- Lord Hemmingford
- Robert Jackson (Director, Volta Dam project)
- J. V. A. Lillie-Costello (Chief Information officer)
Box 78 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Oliver Lyttleton (Colonial Secretary)
- R. J. Moxon (Gunther escort to Kumasi)
Box 78 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Kwame Nkrumah (Prime Minister)
Box 78 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Sir Reginald Saloway (British official)
- Lloyd Shirer (Missionary, Tribal Chief, British official)
- Kenneth Thompson
- Richard Wright (author)
- Miscellaneous
Box 78 Folder 20 | Ashanti-Interview notes
- E. H. Adams (Resident architect, Kumasi Hospital)
- Samuel Arthur (Editor, Ashanti Pioneer)
- W. H. Beaton
- I. A. Beveridge (Conservator of Forests)
- K. N. Lucie-Smith (Asst. Director of Agriculture)
- Leslie Saich (Regional officer, Ministry of Labor)
Box 78 Folder 21 | Ashanti-Interview notes and notes on Ashantihene (Tribal chief) |
Box 78 Folder 22 | Ashanti-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 78 Folder 23 | Notes on Nkrumah |
Box 78 Folder 24 | Notes on meeting of Parliament; tribal chiefs |
Box 78 Folder 25 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 78 Folder 26 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 18: Research Notes-Kenya |
Box 79 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Sir Evelyn Baring (Governor)
- Vernon Bartlett (Journalist)
Box 79 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Michael Blundell (farmer, political leader)
Box 79 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Faubion Bowers (writer)
- Ralph Bunche (U.N. Official)
- J. H. Candler (District Officer)
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office official)
- F. N. Cavendish-Bentinck (British official)
Box 79 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Sir Andrew Cohen (Governor of Uganda)
- Col. Mervyn Cowie (Director, National Parks)
- A. J. Friedgut (New York)
- A. H. Garretson (Addis Ababa)
- W. B. Havelock (farmer, political leader)
- Hawkins
Box 79 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- General Hinde
- E. F. Hitchcock (Tanganyika)
- Henry Howard (Governor's secretary)
- Kesick
- Wolfgang Langewiesche (writer)
- David Mathew (Roman Catholic Archbishop)
- E. W. Mathu (Kikuyu leader, legislator)
Box 79 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- George Padmore (writer)
- Lady Portsmouth
- Sir Robert Scott (East Africa High Commission)
- Interview notes -E. A. Vasey (British official)
- Eric Sherbrooke Walker (Treetope)
- Richard Webb (British Information Service)
- John Wordsworth (District Officer)
Box 79 Folder 7 | Interview notes- Miscellaneous |
Box 79 Folder 8 | Notes on Kikuyus, Mau Mau, Kenyatta |
Box 79 Folder 9 | Notes on Nairobi; Indians; Legislative Council and politics |
Box 79 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 79 Folder 11 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 19: Research Notes-Liberia |
Box 79 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- A. Albert
- J. D. Clark (UNESCO)
- R. De Sales (U. N. Information Center)
- Vernon Mckay (State Department official)
- Miscellaneous
Box 79 Folder 13 | Notes on President Tubman |
Box 79 Folder 14 | Notes on Firestone Company; Technical cooperation Administration (Point 4) |
Box 79 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 20: Research Notes-Libya |
Box 79 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Dr. Arneizi
- Leo Cyr (State Department official)
- Colonel Johns (archaeologist)
- George Littledale (Point 4 official)
Box 79 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- B. More
- Colonel Shaw
- Henry Villard (U.S. Minister)
- Miscellaneous
Box 79 Folder 18 | Notes on King Idris |
Box 79 Folder 19 | Notes on Italians; British; Americans (USIS, Point 4, Wheelus A. F. Base) |
Box 79 Folder 20 | Notes on Libyan Leaders; prime minister |
Box 79 Folder 21 | Notes on Tripoli; Fezzan; Sabratha; Cyrenaica; Benghazi |
Box 79 Folder 22 | Miscellaneous notes; outlines |
Subseries 21: Research Notes-Madagascar |
Box 79 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Michael de Camaret (French Foreign Ministry Official)
- Harris
- Kenneth Thompson
- Roger Vaurs
- Miscellaneous notes
Subseries 22: Research Notes-Morocco |
Box 80 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Abdel Krim (Moorish chieftain, Rif region)
- Abdullah
- Paul B.
- Mme. de Blesson
- Mme. Boniface
- Col. J. Q. Braddock (U.S. Air Force)
- Cortes
- Pierre David-Weill
- Geoffroy De La Tour du Pin (Councilor to Sultan)
Box 80 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- John Dorman (U.S. Consul, Rabat)
Box 80 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- El Glaoui (Pasha of Marrakesh)
Box 80 Folder 4 | Interview notes
Box 80 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- General Augustin Guillaume (Resident-General)
Box 80 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Brigadier General W. H. Hardy (U.S. Air Force)
- Hassan
- General d'Hauteville (French commander, Marrakesh)
- Hayne
- Miss Howe
- Jay
- Lewis Jones
- Lamont
Box 80 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Pierre Lyautey (nephew of Marshal Lyautey)
Box 80 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Hubert McMickey
- Mme. Parlange
- Pender (U.S. businessman, Coca Cola Co.)
Box 80 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Si Sadek (son of El Glaoui)
Box 80 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- F. Southworth
- Van Latham
- Roger Vaur
- Vincent
Box 80 Folder 11 | Interview notes
Box 80 Folder 12 | Notes on Casablanca; Fez; Marrakesh; Port Lyautey; Rabat; trip to Telouet-Ouarzazate-Tinerhir-Ksar es-Souk |
Box 80 Folder 13 | Notes on U.S. Air Bases; Nationalists; Berbers |
Box 80 Folder 14 | Notes on the Sultan; the French; El Glaouri |
Box 80 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 23: Research Notes-Nigeria |
Box 80 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Abdullah Bayero (Emir of Kano)
- Adeniji Adela II (Oba of Lagos)
- S. L. Akintola (former govt. minister, politician)
- Obafimi Awolowo (politician)
- Barrett
Box 80 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Brown
- Gordon Butler (Public Health Officer, Kankiya)
- C. Y. Carstairs
- T. W. Chalmers (Director, Nigerian Broadcasting)
Box 80 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- B. E. B. Fagg (government archaeologist)
- Gunning (government official)
- H. U. Kaine (Lawyer, Lagos Town Council)
- Sir Hugo Marshall (Lieutenant Governor)
Box 80 Folder 19 | Interview notes
Box 80 Folder 20 | Notes on Lagos; Eastern Nigeria, Dr. Nanamdi ("Zik") Azikiwe (with clippings about Gunther from "Zik's" newspaper); Western Nigeria and Obafimi Awolowo |
Box 80 Folder 21 | Notes of Northern Nigeria-Kano; Katsina, Jos |
Box 80 Folder 22 | Notes on the North-The Sardauna of Sokoto, the Shehu of Bornu; general |
Box 80 Folder 23 | Notes on politics |
Box 80 Folder 24 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 80 Folder 25 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 24: Research Notes-Northern Rhodesia |
Box 81 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office Official)
- J. Desmond Clark (Rhodes-Livingston Museum)
- C. G. R. Clay (Provincial Commissioner)
- Phillip Court (M. D., British Medical Officer)
- Sir Stuart Gore-Brown
Box 81 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- H. H. Hochschild (American Metal Co., Copper belt)
- Phillips
- Sir Gilbert Rennie (Governor)
- Sir Ellis Robins (Resident Director, British South Africa Co.)
Box 81 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- F. M. Thomas
- Roy Welenski (political leader)
- Miscellaneous
Box 81 Folder 4 | Notes on Lusaka and Nddo; Copper Belt and mining |
Box 81 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outline |
Subseries 25: Research Notes-Nyasaland |
Box 81 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Malcolm Barrow (Executive Council)
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office)
- W. A. W. Clark
- Rev. Andrew Doig (Legislative Council)
- William Rangeley (Provincial Commissioner)
- Abdul Satar Sacranie (Lawyer)
- Dr. Michael Scott
- Miscellaneous
Box 81 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous Notes |
Subseries 26: Research Notes-Portuguese Africa |
Box 81 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- William Rangeley (Nyasaland)
- Emory Ross (missionary)
- G. M. Teixeria (Governor-General, Mozambique)
- Elmer Yelton (U.S. Consul General, Luanda, Angola)
- Miscellaneous
Box 81 Folder 9 | Notes on Schools; Lourenco Marques, Beira; immigrants, South Africans, Indians; assimilados |
Box 81 Folder 10 | Mozambique-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 81 Folder 11 | Angola-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 81 Folder 12 | São Tomé-Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 27: Research Notes-Ruanda-Urundi |
Box 81 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- A. Claeys-Bouüaret (Governor)
- Mwami of Ruanda (king)
- Miscellaneous
Box 81 Folder 14 | Notes on trip to Ruanda-Urundi; pygmies and Watutsi |
Box 81 Folder 15 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 28: Research Notes-Sahara |
Box 81 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Claude Blanquernon (Schoolmaster, Tamanrasset)
- L. Cabot Briggs (U.S. Anthropologist, Algiers)
Box 81 Folder 17 | Interview notes
Box 81 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Captain Lecointre (Chief administrator, Hoggar)
- Father Lusson (Pere Blanc)
Box 81 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Jean Pierre Sartin (French captain)
- Captain Thomas (Oilman, In Salah)
- Roger Vaurs (French Information Services, New York)
- Miscellaneous
Box 81 Folder 20 | Notes on trip across desert; Tamansrasset, In Salah, El Goléa, Tauregs |
Box 81 Folder 21 | Miscellaneous notes, outlines |
Subseries 29: Research Notes-Sierra Leone |
Box 81 Folder 22 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 81 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Ralph Bunche (U. N. official)
- Harris (Nairobi)
- W. Smith
- Miscellaneous
Subseries 30: Research Notes-Southern Rhodesia |
Box 81 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- William E. Arnold (Public Relations Dept.)
- Colin Black (High Commissioner's Office, London)
- Chief Justice
- Charles D. Converse (U.S. agronomist)
- H. A. Cripwell (Native Dept.)
- Everard (General manager, Rhodesia R. R.)
- Greenfield
Box 81 Folder 25 | Interview notes
- Sir Godfrey Huggins (Prime Minister, Central African Federation)
- Negro Boy
- C. M. Newman (Mayor, Bulawayo)
- Shri Apa B. Pant (High Commissioner to East Africa)
- Paver (African journalist)
- Lord Salisbury
Box 81 Folder 26 | Interview notes
- David Stirling (President, Capricorn Africa Society)
- Gordon T. Thornycroft
- Miss Treadgold
- Richard Webb (British Information Office, New York)
- Irene Worth (London)
- Miscellaneous
Box 82 Folder 1 | Notes on Salisbury, Bulawayo; Rhode's grave |
Box 82 Folder 2 | Notes on color bar, Indians, immigration, voting, government; industry, agriculture, mining |
Box 82 Folder 3 | Notes on history; education; visit to native reserve |
Box 82 Folder 4 | Notes on Central African Federation |
Box 82 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 31: Research Notes-Sudan |
Box 82 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- R. Allen
- Abdul Azzam (former Secretary-General, Arab League)
- M. Bell
- Colonel Wareford [?] Brown
- Daniel M. H. Evans (Press Officer, Khartoum)
Box 82 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Howe (Governor-General)
- Latif
- W. H. T. Luce (Provincial Governor)
- Robert MacClintlock (U.S. Ambassador, Egypt)
- Davis T. Myall
Box 82 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Yacob Osman (Umma politician)
- Sir James Robertson (Civil Secretary)
- Sar (El Sayed Sir Abdul Rahman el Madhi Pasha)
- General R. D. Scoones (Commandant of army)
- Sitwell
Box 82 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Mrs. Sloan
- Speake
- Sir Ralph Stevenson (British Ambassador to Egypt)
- Sweeney
- Miscellaneous
Box 82 Folder 10 | Notes on politics, SAM, SAR, Khalifa, Khartoum, Omdurman; trip down Nile; trip to Gezirah; public celebration |
Box 82 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 32: Research Notes-Swaziland |
Box 82 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Brian Marwick (Government secretary)
- Sobhuza II (Paramount Chief)
- Stokes
- R. E. Turnbull (Secretary to High Commissioner)
- Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous notes; names
Subseries 33: Research Notes-Tangiers |
Box 82 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- José Archer (Administrator)
- William Bird (U.S. representative on International Commission)
- Leo Cyr (State Department official)
- Fritz Southworth
- Miscellaneous
Box 82 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous notes, outline |
Subseries 34: Research Notes-Tanganyika |
Box 82 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office Official)
- Sir Eldred Hitchcock (President, Sisal Growers)
- G. R. A. M. Johnston (White settler)
- Thomas Marealle (Chagga Paramount Chief)
- David Mathew (Roman Catholic Archbishop)
Box 82 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Sir Edward Twining (Governor)
Box 82 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- J. T. Williamson (diamond industrialist)
- Miscellaneous
Box 82 Folder 18 | Notes on diamond mining (H. E. Burgess, J. T. Williamson) |
Box 82 Folder 19 | Notes on Masai and Chagga tribes; Arabs, Indians, Moslems, whites; Mt. Kilimanjaro |
Box 82 Folder 20 | Notes on agriculture (ground nuts, sisal, coffee); Colonial Development Corporation |
Box 82 Folder 21 | Notes on Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and German rule |
Box 82 Folder 22 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 35: Research Notes-Tetuan |
Box 83 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Pierre Graham (U. S. Legation)
- George Greaves
- Langenheim
- McCann
- Jaime Menendez
- Ralph
- F. Southworth
- Miscellaneous
Box 83 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes; outline |
Subseries 36: Research Notes-Togoland |
Box 83 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Michael Ensor
- Sylvanus Olympio (Nationalist Leader)
- Kenneth Thompson (Colonial attaché)
- Miscellaneous
Box 83 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 37: Research Notes-Tunisia |
Box 83 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Salah Eddine Ben Mohammed Bacchouche (Prime Minister)
- de Boississon (Deputy to High Commissioner)
- L. Cabot Briggs (U.S. Anthropologist, Algiers)
- Leo Cyr (State Department official)
- Gibbs
- Lewis Jones
Box 83 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Le Breton
- Hedi Nouira (Nationalist leader)
- Sheriff (Tourist Bureau)
- Roger Vaurs (French Press Service, New York)
- Miscellaneous
Box 83 Folder 7 | Notes on Farhat Hached and nationalist movement; the Bey and his family; Kairouan and other cities |
Box 83 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 38: Research Notes-Uganda |
Box 83 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- J. P. Birch (Resident, Buganda)
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office official)
- Cobb (King's College teacher)
Box 83 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Sir Andrew Cohen (Governor)
Box 83 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- T. R. F. Cox (Provincial Commissioner)
- De Busen (Principal, Makerere College)
- Gordon
- Gore
- A. J. Kerr (Register of Cooperative Societies)
- S. W. Kulubya (Unofficial member, Executive and Legislative Councils)
Box 83 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- A. N. Maini (Mayor, Kampala)
- David Matthew (Roman Catholic Archbishop, Kenya)
- I. K. Musazi (Uganda National Congress leader)
- Miss Pelham
Box 83 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- J. T. Simpson (Unofficial member, Executive Council)
Box 83 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Horace White (Public Relations Officer)
- Miscellaneous
Box 83 Folder 15 | Notes on Kabaka; Owen Falls dam; Jinja; Entebbe-Kishwamba; customs duties; social affairs; trip through countryside |
Box 83 Folder 16 | Miscellaneous notes; names, outlines |
Subseries 39: Research Notes-Union of South Africa |
Box 83 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- H. M. Basner (Lawyer)
- Peter Bridges
- William Brown
- Ralph Bunche (United Nations Official)
- Alec Campbell (on Southwest Africa)
- Sir Christopher Chancellor (Reuters official)
- Cowan (on Cecil Rhodes)
Box 83 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Dr. Y. M. Dadoo (President, South African Indian Congress)
Box 83 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- T. E. Donges (Minister of the Interior)
Box 83 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- P. Duncan (Opposition leader, son of former Governor-General)
- I. D. Du Plessis (Ministry of Interior official)
- Edmunds (on diamond mining)
- W. W. M. Eiselen (Secretary for Native Affairs)
- Harry Ellis (Editor, Nuaualu)
Box 83 Folder 21 | Interview notes
Box 83 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Dr. Friedman
- Bryon Frisbie (Minerals attache)
- Gallman (Pretoria)
- Manilal Ghandi (Son of the Mahatma)
- George J. Golding (President, Colored People's National Union)
- Mrs. Good
- G. C. Grant (Principal, Adams College)
Box 83 Folder 23 | Interview notes
- Charles Hlengwa (Chief, Numandara Tribe)
- H. K. Hochschild (American Metal Company, Rhodesia)
- Mrs. Hoernle (former anthropology professor)
- Father Trevor Huddleston (Anglican priest, missionary)
- Jooste
- Journalists
Box 83 Folder 24 | Interview notes
- Sam Kahn (Communist member of Parliament)
- H. V. Kaltenborn (Radio commentator)
- Olga Levison
Box 83 Folder 25 | Interview notes
- Julius Lewin (Professor of Native Law, University of Witwatersand)
Box 84 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Sir Percival Liesching (High Commissioner)
- Eric Louw (Minister of External Affairs and Finances)
- Albert Luthuli (Zulu chieftain)
Box 84 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Daniel Malan (former Prime Minister)
- E. A. Malga (journalist)
- Lt. Col. B. W. Martin (Pietermaritzburg)
- Hymie Miller (Mayor, Johannesburg)Folder
Box 84 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- A. I. Minty (lawyer)
- John Neser (Chief Government Secretary, South West Africa)
- Henry Nxumalo (African Drum)
- Sir Ernest, Harry Oppenheimer (Anglo American Corp., De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd.)
Box 84 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Alan Paton (author)
- Oswald Pirow (former Minister of Defense)
- Eleanor Ponsonby
- "Pretoria Man"
- T. C. Robertson (Editor, the Veldtrust)
Box 84 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Erwin Schuller
- South African Ambassador to United States
- Colin Stamp (United Party leader)
- J. G. N. Strauss (United Party leader)
Box 84 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- J. G. Strijdom (Prime Minister)
Box 84 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- C. R. Swart (Minister of Justice)
- R. E. Turnbull (Chief Secretary to High Commissioner)
- Ben Thirkield (U.S. Consular Official)
- H. T. Van Eck (Industrial Development Corporation)
Box 84 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- René de Villiers (Editor, The Friend, Bloemfontein)
Box 84 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Richard Webb (British Information Office, New York)
- Quintin Whyte (Director, South African Institute of Race Relations)
- H. A. Wieschoff (U.N. official, on South West Africa)
Box 84 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- A. N. Wilson (Anglo American Corp. official)
- Irene Worth
- Dr. A. B. Xuma (former President, African National Congress)
- Graham Young (Port Elizabeth)
- Guy Young (Anglo American Corporation official)
Box 84 Folder 11 | Interview notes
Box 84 Folder 12 | Notes on Cape Town, Cape Colored; Johannesburg; Pretoria; Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, Natal, Durban |
Box 84 Folder 13 | Notes on political leaders (Nationalists), Broederbond |
Box 84 Folder 14 | Notes on politics, republicanism, English vs. Afrikaner, language |
Box 84 Folder 15 | Notes on Dutch Reformed Church; Rhodes, Smuts, Botha, Herzog |
Box 84 Folder 16 | Notes on native locations |
Box 84 Folder 17 | Notes on gold and diamond mines, mineworkers |
Box 84 Folder 18 | Notes on South West Africa |
Box 84 Folder 19 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 84 Folder 20 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 40: Research Notes-Zanzibar |
Box 85 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Sir John Rankine (Resident)
- Seyyid Sir Khalifa Bin Harub (Sultan)
- R. O. William (Manager, Glove Growers' Association)
Box 85 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes; outlines |
Box 85 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- David Astor (journalist)
- C. Y. Carstairs (Colonial Office official)
- Leo Cyr (State Department Official)
- J. Foster
- A. Hastings
- David Lilienthal (former Chairman, AEC)
Box 85 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- George Padmore (journalist)
- Emery Ross (Missionary)
- Fulton J. Sheean (Roman Catholic bishop)
- Monsignor Sigismundi
- Richard Webb (British Information Service, New York)
- Walter White (NAACP leader)
- Richard Wright (author)
Box 85 Folder 5 | Interview notes- Miscellaneous |
Box 85 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 85 Folder 7 | Names, outlines |
Subseries 41: Research Notes-Animals |
Box 85 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- K. de P. Beaton (Director, Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda)
- Col. Mervyn Cowie (Director, Royal National Parks, Kenya)
- Sid Downey (Ker & Downey, Safari outfitters)
- C. J. P. Ionides (Ranger, Tanganyika)
- Eric Sherbrbrooke Walker (Treetops, Kenya)
- Miscellaneous
Box 85 Folder 9 | Notes on safari to Amboseli National Reserve; safaris, hunters, Kenya game reserves; the lioness Iola |
Box 85 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 42: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 85 Folder 12 | Notes on possible libel |
Box 85 Folder 13 | Proof sheets, miscellaneous notes by Jane Gunther |
Box 85 Folder 14 | Proof sheets, miscellaneous notes by Jane Gunther |
Box 85 Folder 15 | Formal invitations; calling cards |
Box 85 Folder 16 | Itineraries; time schedules |
Subseries 43: Notes by Others |
Box 86 Folder 1 | Memoranda (mimeographed) by Chester Bowles on 1955 trip to Africa |
Box 86 Folder 2 | "A Greater Rhodesia," by C. M. Newman, Mayor, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (carbon) |
Box 86 Folder 3 |
- a) "The Rhodesias and Nyasaland" by G. W. Hatchell (carbon)
- b) Note on Rhodesia Railways (typed)
- c) Memorandum from Sinde Mission, Northern Rhodesia (mimeographed)
- d) Copies of letters to UN on Central African Federation by Michael Scott
- e) "An African Episode," by Michael Scott (carbon)
Box 86 Folder 4 | Copies of letters, telegrams, press releases by Walter White of NAACP on race questions in South Africa |
Box 86 Folder 5 | "The Trial of Jomo Kenyatta, "by Santha Rama Rau |
Box 86 Folder 6 |
- a) "Father Abel Fauc and the Franciscan Mission at Tazert (French Morocco)," research report by George Revey
- b) Untitled article (in French) on Tazert and Father Fauc by Robert Hantzberg
- c) Two clippings on Father Fauc and Tazert (in French)
Box 86 Folder 7 | Unidentified article-"The Drama of African Kingship" (Uganda) |
Box 86 Folder 8 | Untitled article on Tangiers by Jane Gunther |
Box 86 Folder 9 |
- a) Memorandum on French rule in Morocco (in French, mimeographed)
- b) English translation of 1952 Speech of the Throne (typed)
- c) David Schoenbrun's CBS 1952 interview of the Sultan (typed transcript
- d) Chart of the Alaoite Dynasty (in French, typed)
- e) Biographical sketch of EI Glaoui, Pasha of Marrakesh (typed)
- f) Biographical sketch of General Augustin Guillaume, Resident-General in Morocco (in French, typed)
Box 86 Folder 10 |
- a) Notice to visitors on customs, passports, etc. (carbon)
- b) Memo on U.S. Policy toward Tunisian Nationalists Efforts at the UN (typed)
- c) Biographical sketch on Lamine Bey, Bey of Tunis (typed)
- d) Note on activities of Prince Chedly Bey (typed)
Box 86 Folder 11 |
- a) Memorandum on "Decentralization administrative" in French West Africa, Circular 940, by Pierre Pflimlin (in French, carbon)
- b) Memorandum on "L'Evolution des institutions politiques et le rôle des Collectives locales," by M. Duplessix (in French, carbon)
- c) Memorandum on religious affiliation in French Equatorial Africa (in French, handwritten)
Box 86 Folder 12 |
- a) Historical notes on Libya (typed)
- b) "Story of Wheelus Field," by A/1c Art Lokey (typed)
- c) Statistics on education from the Ministry of Interior (typed)
Box 86 Folder 13 |
- a) Miscellaneous biographical sketches on Sudanese leaders (typed)
- b) Memorandum on Nile Control (mimeographed)
Box 86 Folder 14 |
- a) Report on Executive Council and New Council of Ministers, Kenya (typed)
- b) Copy of license refusal notification for a printing press (typed)
- c) Copy of Chagga Constitution, Tanganyika (carbon)
- d) Memorandum on harnessing the Nile in Uganda (carbon)
- e) Note on King's African Rifle by M. H. Aprhys Pryce (handwritten)
Box 86 Folder 15 |
- a) Copy of petition to UN on race relations in Liberia by the Institute of Ethnic affairs (carbon)
- b) Story of Genesis in pidgin English, Nigeria (typed excerpts)
- c) Memorandum "100 Facts About Nigeria" (typed)
Box 86 Folder 16 |
- a) Notes on uranium mines in Belgian Congo and Edgar Segnier (handwritten)
- b) "Culture-Contact Problems in Ruanda-Urundi" by Jacques Macquet (carbon)
Box 86 Folder 17 |
- a) Story of meeting with Paramount Chief in Swaziland (carbon)
- b) Memorandum on native administration, Basutoland (typed)
- c) "The Future of the Bechuanaland Protectorate," by C. M. Newman (carbon)
Box 86 Folder 18 | "The Rise of Congress in South Africa," by Julius Lewin (typed) |
Box 86 Folder 19 |
- a) "The United Party-What Are Its Problems," by W. Van Heerden (mimeographed)
- b) "UNICEF Could Aid South Africa's Children" (mimeographed)
- c) Note on tribal dances (handwritten)
- d) Script of talk on love, courtship and marriage amongst the Zulus by B. W. Martin (typed)
- e) Draft announcement of appointment of new tribal chief by government (typed)
Box 86 Folder 20 |
- a) Memorandum on British Colonial Policy by C. Y. Garstairs (typed)
- b) Memorandum of the Cameroons Coast by Phillpotts (carbon)
- c) Population of Europeans in British areas by British Information Service (typed)
- d) Memorandum on tsetse fly (typed)
- e) Memorandum on Ross' method of mosquito reduction (typed)
- f) An episode on hunting elephants by A. A. Maslein (carbon)
- g) Memorandum on African art by Alfred Frankfurter (typed)
- h) Notes on African art (handwritten)
- i) Copy of Curzon's Farewell to India (typed)
Box 86 Folder 21 |
- a) "Communist Exploitation of Anti-Colonialism and Nationalism in Africa," speech by Vernon McKay (mimeographed)
- b) Report on International Reconciliation Fellowship Tour by Nevin and Kathleen Sayre (mimeographed)
Series XII: Inside Russia Today |
INSIDE RUSSIA TODAY, published in 1958, was originally conceived as a series of five long articles for Collier's magazine. However, during Gunther's trip to Russia, Collier's ceased publication and Look magazine took over the contract. Look decided to print one very long article instead of the five previously commissioned. The book version, however, is in no way an extension of the Look article. Portions of the Look article are used in the book, but in a heavily revised version, and the approach to the book is from an entirely different point of view. The material concerning this book is contained in twelve boxes.
The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, First Revision or Second Draft (partial), Third Draft (partial) of Look article;
2. Original manuscript of book version, typed and corrected by author;
3. Specialist review copy, however, only those pages with comments by Theodore Shabad, Gunther's "expert," and by Cass Canfield of Harper and Bros. are includes;
4. First Revision or Second Draft, which is only fragmentary. Gunther employed his usual "cut and paste" method and large sections were revised in longhand. However, only those pages which were most heavily revised were retyped. These retyped pages were then further revised and added to the Printer's copy.
5. Printer's copy, with author's corrections and additions;
6. Galley proofs, with author's corrections and additions.
Gunther dictated several of the chapters; therefore, the original manuscript is the recordings. However, after the first typing, Gunther extensively revised these manuscripts, as was his method, and the typescript copies of the dictated chapters with the author's corrections have been included with the original manuscript. The recordings have been filed separately.
The Informational Correspondence is not extensive. it is arranged alphabetically and much of it concerns Gunther's Plans for his trip. Also included among the Informational Correspondence are some post-publication letters from certain of Gunther's personal friends who received complimentary copies of the book. The Post-publication correspondence, which is somewhat more extensive, concerns readers' comment on various questions of fact. It is arranged alphabetically.
The research notes have been catalogues in a different manner for INSIDE RUSSIA TODAY. Gunther reports that he took careful notes of conversations with about eighty Russians; however, many of his notes do not indicate their names or their positions. Rather than arranging the notes by subject, country, or area (and then by interviewee) as has been done with the notes for Gunther's other books, they have been arranged by chapters, according to the original manuscript designation. Therefore, those interview notes which are marked with the name of the interviewee are dispersed throughout the material. Among some of the non-Russians interviewed by Gunther are Charles Bohlen, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, E. E. Orchard of the British Foreign Office, Isaiah Berlin, Louis Fischer,
K. P. S. Menon, Indian Ambassador to Russia, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Marshall MacDuffie, and numerous embassy and consular officials, journalists and commentators stationed in Moscow or other areas of the Soviet Union. Notes of interviews with directors of universities, museums, institutes, etc., which have been identified are included under the names of their institutions rather than under their personal names. The rest of the notes are arranged by subject within each chapter. However, the designation of the name of a person, Khrushchev for instance, refers to notes about him, not to notes of an interview with him.
Included among miscellaneous materials are a long series of unpublished memoranda written by former Senator William Benton, publisher of Encyclopedia Britannica, on his trip to Russia.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 87 Folder 1 | Dedication, Table of Contents, Foreword (several versions) (25) |
Box 87 Folder 2 | Chapter 1 "Getting In" (79) |
Box 87 Folder 3 | Chapter 2 "Moscow-Size, Shape, and Characteristics" (77) |
Box 87 Folder 4 | Chapter 3 "More About the Third Rome (61) |
Box 87 Folder 5 | Chapter 4 "The Party Circuit" [Ch. 5 in published work] (45) |
Box 87 Folder 6 | Chapter 5 "Khrushchev at the Top" [Ch. 6] (79) |
Box 87 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 "More Demigods and Thanes" [Ch. 7] (115) |
Box 87 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 "A History of Russia in Half an Hour" [Ch. 8] (73) |
Box 87 Folder 9 | Chapter 7A "Bean, Bulk, Government, and Party" [part Ch. 9. (85), Ch. 10] |
Box 87 Folder 10 | Chapter 8 "Russia Proper, Siberia, and More" [Ch 9] (83) |
Box 87 Folder 11 | Chapters 9-10 "What's Going On-Destalinization" [Ch. 11] (75) |
Box 88 Folder 1 | Chapter 11 "Hungary and After" [Ch. 12] (51) |
Box 88 Folder 2 | Chapter 12 "New Worlds in Science and Education [Ch. 13] (81) |
Box 88 Folder 3 | Chapter 14 "Writers, Artists, Entertainers" (49) |
Box 88 Folder 4 | cont. Chapter 14 "Writers, Artists, Entertainers" [Ch. 15, part Ch. 14] (69) |
Box 88 Folder 5 | Chapter 16A "Some Social Patterns" (73) |
Box 88 Folder 6 | Chapter 16B "A Word About the Soviet Armed Forces" [Ch. 18, Ch. 19] (37) |
Box 88 Folder 7 | Chapter 17 "Aspects of the Economic Picture" (60) |
Box 88 Folder 8 | Chapter 17A "Leningrad and Kiev" [Ch. 20] (67) |
Box 88 Folder 9 | Chapter 18 "Across the Black Sea to the Caucasus" [Ch. 21] (63) |
Box 88 Folder 10 | Chapter 19 "Antique Worlds of Central Asia" [Ch. 22] (80) |
Box 88 Folder 11 | Chapter 20 "The Russians Gamble for the World" [Ch. 23] (47) |
Box 88 Folder 12 | Chapters 21-22 "Peace Coexistence, and the United States [Ch. 24] (41) |
Box 88 Folder 13 | Chapter 22 "A Summing Up-Trends and Tendencies" (25) |
Box 88 Folder 14 | Notes, Names, and Sources |
Box 88 Folder 15 | Inserts A-E for galley proofs, original manuscripts |
Subseries 2: Comments on Manuscript |
Box 89 Folder 1 | Comments on margin of manuscript (carbon copy of first draft), by Cass Canfield. Only pages with corrections and comments |
Box 89 Folder 2 | Comments on margin of manuscript (carbon of 1st draft) by Theodore Shabad. Only pages with corrections and comments
- Foreword, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
Box 89 Folder 3 | Comments by Theodore Shabad
Box 89 Folder 4 | Comments by Theodore Shabad
Box 89 Folder 5 | Comments by Theodore Shabad
Box 89 Folder 6 | Comments by Theodore Shabad
- Chapters 16A, 16B, 17, 17A
Box 89 Folder 7 | Comments by Theodore Shabad
- Chapters 18, 19, 20, 21-22, 22
Subseries 3: Original Manuscript of Look Article |
Box 89 Folder 8 | Original manuscript (1st draft) pp. 1-32 |
Box 89 Folder 9 | Original manuscript (1st draft) pp. 33-64 |
Box 89 Folder 10 | Original manuscript (1st draft) pp. 65-96 |
Box 89 Folder 11 | 2nd draft (pp. 28-52 missing; pp. 81-90 missing) |
Box 89 Folder 12 |
- 3rd and final draft (pp. 6-19 missing)
- Records of dictation for original manuscript
Subseries 4: Second Draft |
Box 90 Folder 1 | Foreword (Complete) |
Box 90 Folder 2 | Chapter 1 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 3 | Chapter 2 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 4 | Chapter 3 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 5 | Chapter 4 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 6 | Chapter 5 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 12 | Chapter 14 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 13 | Chapter 15 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 14 | Chapter 16 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 15 | Chapter 18 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 16 | Chapter 19 (Complete) |
Box 90 Folder 17 | Chapter 20 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 18 | Chapter 21 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 19 | Chapter 22 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 20 | Chapter 23 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 21 | Chapter 24 (Corrected pages only) |
Box 90 Folder 22 | Appendix on Personalities |
Box 90 Folder 23 | Bibliography and Sources (Corrected pages only) |
Subseries 5: Printer's Copy (Third Draft) |
Box 91 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Foreword |
Box 91 Folder 2 | Chapter 1 Getting In |
Box 91 Folder 3 | Chapter 2 Moscow-Size, Shape, Qualities |
Box 91 Folder 4 | Chapter 3 More about the Third Rome |
Box 91 Folder 5 | Chapter 4 Some Soviet Attitudes |
Box 91 Folder 6 | Chapter 5 The Party Circuit |
Box 91 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 Khrushchev at the Top (Includes revision of section on Marshal Zhukov) |
Box 91 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 More Demigods and Thanes |
Box 91 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 A History of Russia in Half an Hour |
Box 91 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 The Soviet Union Has Fifteen Republics |
Box 91 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 Government and Party |
Box 91 Folder 12 | Chapter 11 What's Going On-De-Stalinization |
Box 91 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 Hungary and After |
Box 91 Folder 14 | Chapter 13 New Worlds in Science and Education |
Box 91 Folder 15 | Chapter 14 Writers under Socialist Realism |
Box 92 Folder 1 | Chapter 15 Ballet, Theater, and Entertainment |
Box 92 Folder 2 | Chapter 16 Some Social Patterns |
Box 92 Folder 3 | Chapter 17 Aspects of the Economic Picture |
Box 92 Folder 4 | Chapter 18 The Soviet Armed Forces |
Box 92 Folder 5 | Chapter 19 What Has Russia Got? |
Box 92 Folder 6 | Chapter 20 Leningrad and Kiev |
Box 92 Folder 7 | Chapter 21 Across the Black Sea to the Caucasus |
Box 92 Folder 8 | Chapter 22 Antique Worlds of Central Asia |
Box 92 Folder 9 | Chapter 23 The Russians Gamble for the World |
Box 92 Folder 10 | Chapter 24 Peace, Coexistence, and the United States |
Box 92 Folder 11 | Appendix on Personalities; Bibliography; Notes, Names, and Sources |
Subseries 6: Galley Proofs |
Box 93 Folder 1 | Table of Contents, Foreword (With amended Table of Contents and Foreword) |
Box 93 Folder 2 | Chapters 1-2 |
Box 93 Folder 3 | Chapters 3-4 |
Box 93 Folder 4 | Chapters 5-6 |
Box 93 Folder 5 | Chapters 7-8 |
Box 93 Folder 6 | Chapters 9-10 |
Box 93 Folder 7 | Chapters 11-12 |
Box 93 Folder 8 | Chapters 13-14 |
Box 93 Folder 9 | Chapters 15-17 (Chapter 15 was split in half in published version) |
Box 93 Folder 10 | Chapters 17-18 (2nd revised galley of Ch. 17) |
Box 93 Folder 11 | Chapters 19-20 |
Box 93 Folder 12 | Chapters 21-22 |
Box 93 Folder 13 | Chapters 23-Appendix on Personalities; Bibliography; Notes, Names, and Sources |
Subseries 7: Post-Publication Correspondence |
Box 94 Folder 6 | T-Z and unidentified |
Subseries 8: Informational and Personal Correspondence |
Box 94 Folder 8 | N-Z and unidentified |
Box 94 Folder 9 | Letters of Introduction (by writer) |
Box 94 Folder 10 | Correspondence on trip to Scandinavia and names |
Box 94 Folder 11 | Letters to Russian officials, biographic memoranda |
Box 94 Folder 12 | Itinerary, schedule |
Box 94 Folder 13 | Publicity materials, mock-up for book dealers, H. V. Kaltenborn on Inside Russia Today |
Box 94 Folder 14 | William Benton unpublished memoranda on Russia |
Box 94 Folder 15 | William Benton memoranda (continued) |
Box 94 Folder 16 | Benton memoranda (continued) |
Box 94 Folder 17 | Benton memoranda (continued) |
Box 94 Folder 18 | Benton memoranda (continued) |
Subseries 9: Research Notes |
Box 95 Folder 1 | Table of contents
Box 95 Folder 2 | Chapter 1-Impressions of Russia, Russians and Moscow |
Box 95 Folder 3 | Chapter 1
- Intourist, interpreters, passports, and visas
- Hotels, food, drink, tips
- Civil aviation, Moscow airport, Aeroflot, SAS
- Miscellaneous
Box 95 Folder 4 | Chapter 2-Descriptions of Red Square, the Kremlin, skyscrapers, streets, subway, general impressions |
Box 95 Folder 5 | Chapter 2-Wages, prices, housing |
Box 95 Folder 6 | Chapter 2
- People, manners, teeth, clothes, drinking, "jet set"
- Holidays, November 7, museums
- Outlines
Box 95 Folder 7 | Chapter 3-Censorship, secrecy, surveillance, and propaganda |
Box 95 Folder 8 | Chapter 3-Attitudes towards U.S.A. and Eisenhower |
Box 95 Folder 9 | Chapter 3
- Russian attitudes and desires
- Foreigners and diplomats
- Defectees and story of boys at airport
- Outlines
Box 95 Folder 10 | Chapter 4-Top leadership team |
Box 95 Folder 11 | Chapter 4-Leaders at embassy parties |
Box 95 Folder 12 | Chapter 5-Khrushchev, N. S. |
Box 95 Folder 13 | Chapter 5
- Bulganin, N. A.
- Malenkov, G.
- Zhukov, G. K.
- Molotov, V. M.
- Kaganovich, L. M.
- Miscellaneous
Box 95 Folder 14 | Chapter 6
- Mikoyan, A. I.
- Voroshilov, K. E.
- Suslov, M. A.
- Serov, I. A.
Box 95 Folder 15 | Chapter 6
- Furtseva, Y. A. Mukhitdinov, N. A.
- Peruvkhin, M. G. Pospelov, P. P.
- Ponomarev, B. N. Belyayev, N. I.
- Kuusinen, O. V. Aristov, A. B.
- Brezhnev, L. I. Kozlov, F. R.
- Gromyko, A. A. Kirichenko, A. I.
- Kuzmin, I. I. Kosygin, A. N.
- Bobrovnikov, N. I. Shvernik, N. M.
- Matskevich, V. V.
Box 95 Folder 16 | Chapter 6
- Ministry of Culture
- MVD and KGB
- Purges
- Polish deportations, 1939-1941
Box 95 Folder 17 | Chapter 6-Miscellaneous and outlines |
Subseries 10: Research Materials |
Box 96 Folder 1 | Chapter 7-History from Kiev to 19th century
- Chapter 7-Marx and Communism
- Chapter 7-Lenin and the Revolution
- Chapter 7-Stalin
- Chapter 7-Miscellaneous and outlines
Box 96 Folder 2 | Chapter 7A-Government, bureaucracy, party |
Box 96 Folder 3 | Chapter 7AAgitprop
- Lies, broken promises, rewriting history, errors
- Comparisons to czarist Russia, misery
Box 96 Folder 4 | Chapter 7A
- Character
- Population, land, economy
- Outlines
Box 96 Folder 5 | Chapter 8
- RSFSR (Including Siberia)
- Baltic and Moldavian Republics
- "Lost Peoples"
Box 96 Folder 6 | Chapter 8-Miscellaneous |
Box 96 Folder 7 | Chapter 9-10
- Khrushchev speech on de-Stalinization
- Beria, L., and Stalin's death
- Results of de-Stalinization-Travel, discussion, books, art, history, atmosphere, etc.
Box 96 Folder 8 | Chapter 9-10
- Law, police, terror, labor camps, rehabilitations
- Miscellaneous and outlines
Box 96 Folder 9 | Chapter 11-Hungarian Revolution |
Box 96 Folder 10 | Chapter 11
- Suez Crisis
- Khrushchev and Presidium
Box 96 Folder 11 | Chapter 12-Academy of Sciences, abstracting service, general science, atomic energy, sputniks |
Box 96 Folder 12 | Chapter 12-Medicine and public health, interview with V. M. Zhdanov |
Box 96 Folder 13 | Chapter 12-Education-general |
Box 96 Folder 14 | Chapter 12
- Education-public schools
- Education-Moscow University, interview with rector
Box 96 Folder 15 | Chapter 14-Journalism, journalists, newspapers, Soviet encyclopedia, libraries |
Box 96 Folder 16 | Chapter 14-Writers, poets, literature, books |
Box 96 Folder 17 | Chapter 14
- Ballet
- Chapter 14-Theater, playwrights, plays
Box 96 Folder 18 | Chapter 14
- Puppet theater
- Music, musicians, classics, jazz
- Movies, television
- Socialist realism
Box 96 Folder 19 | Chapter 14-Art, artists, Picasso |
Box 96 Folder 20 | Chapter 14-Miscellaneous, outlines |
Box 97 Folder 1 | Chapter 16A
- Women, children, divorce, prostitution, Puritanism
- Religion, Jews, churches
- Sports, jokes
Box 97 Folder 2 | Chapter 16A
- Crime, law, civil liberties, dissent
- Ferment, discontent, freedom
- Miscellaneous, outlines
Box 97 Folder 3 | Chapter 16BArmy
- Air force, aviation
- Navy, submarines
- Strategy, missiles, A-bombs, satellites, miscellaneous
Box 97 Folder 4 | Chapter 16B-What Have They Got? |
Box 97 Folder 5 | Chapter 17-Agriculture, "virgin" lands, state farms, collectives, problems |
Box 97 Folder 6 | Chapter 17-Industry, M. G. Peruvkhin, decentralization, reorganization |
Box 97 Folder 7 | Chapter 17-Budget, loans, taxes, labor, consumer goods, roads, cars |
Box 97 Folder 8 | Chapter 17-Socialism, industrialization, miscellaneous |
Box 97 Folder 9 | Chapter 17A
- Leningrad
- Leningrad-Hermitage, Natural History Museum, Pavlov Institute
Box 97 Folder 10 | Chapter 17A-Kiev |
Box 97 Folder 11 | Chapter 17A
- Ukraine
- Odessa
- Flight-Leningrad-Minsk-Kiev
Box 97 Folder 12 | Chapter 18-Crimea, Yalta |
Box 97 Folder 13 | Chapter 18-Pobeda Cruise, Novorossiisk, Sochi, Sukhumi |
Box 97 Folder 14 | Chapter 18-Georgia |
Box 97 Folder 15 | Chapter 18
- Tiflis
- Caucasus, outlines
Box 97 Folder 16 | Chapter 19-Samarkand |
Box 98 Folder 1 | Chapter 19Bukhara
- Tashkent
- Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
Box 98 Folder 2 | Chapter 19-Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirghizia, Central Asia |
Box 98 Folder 3 | Chapter 19-Lost Peoples-Volga Germans, Kalmuks, Karachays, Balkars, Chechen-Ingush |
Box 98 Folder 4 | Chapter 19-Miscellaneous, Outlines |
Box 98 Folder 5 | Chapter 20-Foreign policy |
Box 98 Folder 6 | Chapter 20-Satellites, Yugoslavia, China |
Box 98 Folder 7 | Chapter 20-Far East, Middle East, Scandinavia, Western hemisphere |
Box 98 Folder 8 | Chapter 21-22-Coexistence |
Box 98 Folder 9 | Chapter 21-22-Generalizations |
Box 98 Folder 10 | Chapter 22-Trends |
Box 98 Folder 11 | Appendix-Personalities |
Box 98 Folder 12 | Check sheets, watch sheets, questions |
Box 98 Folder 13 | Permissions, acknowledgments, sources |
Box 98 Folder 14 | Notes on corrections |
Box 98 Folder 16 | Jane Gunther's notes (corrections) |
Box 98 Folder 17 | Miscellaneous articles
- Confidential interview with Jawaharlal Nehru by Joseph Harsch
- "Kremlin vs. Stalin-An-Up-To-Now-Appraisal" by unknown commentator
- Copy of letter from J. Nehru to N. Bulganin, Nov. 7, 1956, relative to British-French-Israeli invasion of Egypt
Box 98 Folder 18 | Translation of article reviewing Inside Russia Today in Literaturnaya gazeta, September 18, 1958 |
Series XIII: Taken at the Flood-The Story of Albert D. Lasker |
TAKEN AT THE FLOOD, published in 1960, is Gunther's only full-length biography. It is the story of Albert D. Lasker, president of Lord and Thomas and called the "Father of Modern Advertising." The materials concerning this book are contained in nine boxes. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, typed and revised by the author;
2. First Revision or Second Draft, which is heavily revised. Those pages most heavily revised necessitated retyping and were added to the complete manuscript of this draft. The original manuscripts of these pages are filed separately.
3. Printer's Copy, which is also heavily revised by the author. Those pages most heavily revised were retyped and added to the Printer's Copy. The original manuscripts of these pages are filed separately.
4. Galley Proofs, with author's corrections and additions.
The revisions on the various manuscripts are perhaps more extensive for this book than for any other of Gunther's works.
The Informational Correspondence is quite extensive. There is little printed matter on Albert Lasker and Gunther corresponded with Lasker's family, his friends, and former business associates for information and clarification on certain aspects of his life. Included in this section are long memoranda from the Lasker family suggesting revisions of the First Draft, to most of which Gunther agreed. Among the letters of interest are those from former Senator William Benton, a one-time employee in Lasker's firm, Emerson Foote, vice-president of McCann-Brickson and a former vice-president of Lord and Thomas, Alexander de Seversky, the aeronautical engineer, and Lewis Strauss, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. There are only two folders of Post-Publication correspondence, many of the letters to Gunther relating additional stories about Lasker or different versions of some story in the published work.
The primary source material for the Lasker book is interview notes. All of the interviewees have been identified in the guide. Among them are William Benton, Fairfax Cone, Samuel Goldwyn, Paul Hopkins, Robert Hutchins, Anna Rosenberg, Alexander de Seversky, Herbert Bayard Swope, and David Sarnoff.
There is also one box which might be classified "The Papers of Albert D. Lasker." This box includes correspondence to and from Lasker. copies of correspondence, a copy of Lasker's reminiscences recorded and transcribed by the Oral History Research Office of Columbia University, copies of Lasker's testimony before various congressional committees, and other materials. Of special interest is the correspondence between Lasker and Senator James Murray and his staff concerning congressional action on cancer research and aid to medical education and the correspondence concerning Lasker's resignation as a University of Chicago trustee in 1942.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript |
Box 99 Folder 1 | Chapter 1 A Glimpse of Things to Come |
Box 99 Folder 2 | Chapter 2 Out of the Texas Frontier |
Box 99 Folder 3 | Chapter 3 A Meteor Let Loose |
Box 99 Folder 4 | Chapter 4 Early Years at Lord & Thomas |
Box 99 Folder 5 | Chapter 5 Salesmanship in Print |
Box 99 Folder 6 | Chapter 5A Chicago Days (6) |
Box 99 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 First Taste of Politics (7) |
Box 99 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 Baseball (8) |
Box 99 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 Washington and the Shipping Board (9) |
Box 99 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 Back to Advertising-The Great Accounts (10) |
Box 99 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 More Chicago Days (11) |
Box 99 Folder 12 | Chapter 11 Zenith (12-13) |
Box 99 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 Deprivation, Discontent, Despair (14) |
Box 99 Folder 14 | Chapter 13 Mary (15) |
Box 99 Folder 15 | Chapter 13A The End of Lord & Thomas (17) |
Box 100 Folder 1 | Chapter 14 Money (18) |
Box 100 Folder 2 | Chapter 15 New York, Fun, and Friends (19) |
Box 100 Folder 3 | Chapter 16 New Worlds in Art . . . (20) |
Box 100 Folder 4 | Chapter 16A . . . and Medicine (21) |
Box 100 Folder 5 | Chapter 17 Terminus (22) |
Box 100 Folder 6 | Sources and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 2: First Revision (Second Draft) |
Box 100 Folder 7 | Retyped pages for 2nd Draft-Chapter 1 |
Box 100 Folder 8 | Retyped pages for 2nd Draft-Chapters 2-8 |
Box 100 Folder 9 | Retyped pages for 2nd Draft-Chapters 9-13 |
Box 100 Folder 10 | Retyped pages for 2nd Draft-Chapters 14-22, Sources |
Box 100 Folder 11 | Chapters 1-2 |
Box 100 Folder 12 | Chapters 3-4 |
Box 100 Folder 13 | Chapters 5-6 |
Box 100 Folder 14 | Chapters 7-8 |
Box 100 Folder 15 | Chapters 9-10 |
Box 100 Folder 16 | Chapters 11-12 |
Box 100 Folder 17 | Chapters 13-14 |
Box 100 Folder 18 | Chapters 15-16 |
Box 101 Folder 1 | Chapters 17-18 |
Box 101 Folder 2 | Chapters 19-20 |
Box 101 Folder 3 | Chapters 21-22 |
Box 101 Folder 4 | Sources and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 3: Printer's Copy |
Box 101 Folder 5 | Retyped pages for printer's Copy-Chapters 1-19 |
Box 101 Folder 6 | Retyped pages for printer's Copy-Chapters 20-21 |
Box 101 Folder 7 | Excerpts of correspondence inserted in text |
Box 101 Folder 8 | Chapter 1 |
Box 101 Folder 9 | Chapters 2-3 |
Box 101 Folder 10 | Chapter 4 |
Box 101 Folder 11 | Chapter 5 |
Box 101 Folder 12 | Chapter 6 |
Box 101 Folder 13 | Chapter 7 |
Box 101 Folder 14 | Chapters 8-9 |
Box 101 Folder 15 | Chapter 10 |
Box 101 Folder 16 | Chapter 11 |
Box 101 Folder 17 | Chapters 12-13 |
Box 102 Folder 1 | Chapters 14-15 |
Box 102 Folder 2 | Chapters 16-17 |
Box 102 Folder 3 | Chapters 18-19 |
Box 102 Folder 4 | Chapters 20-21 |
Box 102 Folder 5 | Chapter 22, Sources and Acknowledgments |
Subseries 4: Galley Proofs |
Box 102 Folder 6 | Chapters 1-4 |
Box 102 Folder 7 | Chapters 5-8 |
Box 102 Folder 8 | Chapters 9-12 |
Box 102 Folder 9 | Chapters 13-16 |
Box 102 Folder 10 | Chapters 17-20 |
Box 102 Folder 11 | Chapters 21-22, Sources and Acknowledgments |
Box 102 Folder 12 | Original manuscripts of galley inserts |
Subseries 5: Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 102 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous original manuscript pages and fragments of pages |
Box 102 Folder 14 | Corrected pages of carbon copy (Cass Canfield) |
Box 102 Folder 15 | Sketches on life of Albert Lasker |
Box 102 Folder 16 | Detzer-Robichaud notes on Albert Lasker |
Box 102 Folder 17 | Printed, near-print materials on Albert Lasker |
Subseries 6: Informational Correspondence |
Box 103 Folder 1 | William Benton |
Box 103 Folder 2 | Mary and Leigh Block |
Box 103 Folder 3 | Frances Lasker Brody |
Box 103 Folder 4 | John T. Cahill and staff |
Box 103 Folder 5 | Emerson Foote |
Box 103 Folder 6 | Alfred Frankfurter |
Box 103 Folder 7 | Robert Koretz |
Box 103 Folder 8 | Edward Lusker |
Box 103 Folder 9 | Mary Lasker and staff |
Box 103 Folder 10 | Anna M. Rosenberg |
Box 103 Folder 11 | Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. |
Box 103 Folder 12 | Alexander de Seversky |
Box 103 Folder 13 | Lewis L. Strauss |
Box 103 Folder 16 | Post-publication correspondence A-K |
Box 103 Folder 17 | Post-publication correspondence L-Z |
Subseries 7: Research Notes |
Box 104 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- William Benton (Former Senator, Publisher, Britannica)
Box 104 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Edward L. Bernays (Public Relations Counsel)
- Leigh Block (Inland Steel Co.)
Box 104 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Mrs. Leigh Block (Mary Lasker)
Box 104 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Dr. George Brazill (National Guard General, dentist)
Box 104 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Mrs. Sidney Brody (Frances Lasker)
Box 104 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Edward E. Brown (First National Bank, Chicago)
Box 104 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- John T. Cahill (Attorney)
Box 104 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Fairfax Cone (Foote, Cone, and Belding)
Box 104 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- Sheldon Coons (Former Vice-President, Lord and Thomas)
Box 104 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Dr. George Daniels (Psychiatrist)
- Morris Ernst (Attorney, author)
Box 104 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Emerson Foote (Foote, Cone, and Belding)
Box 104 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Don Francisco (Former President, Lord and Thomas)
Box 104 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Alfred Frankfurter (Editor. Art News)
Box 104 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Bernard Gimbel (Merchant)
- Samuel Goldwyn (Motion Picture Producer)
- Lou Hartman (L. H. Hartman Advertising Co.)
Box 104 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- John D. Hertz (Financier)
- Paul Hoffman (Studebaker Corp., E.C.A., Ford Foundation)
Box 104 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Albert Hopkins (Attorney)
- Robert M. Hutchins (Former Chancellor, Univ. of Chicago)
Box 104 Folder 17 | Interview notes
- Eleanor Kerrigan (Former secretary)
- Edwin Knopf (Motion Picture Producer)
- Robert Koretz (Vice-President, Foote, Cone, and Belding)
Box 104 Folder 18 | Interview notes
- Edward Lasker (Son, attorney)
Box 104 Folder 19 | Interview notes
- Edward Lasker (continued)
Box 104 Folder 20 | Interview notes
Box 105 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- Mary Woodward Lasker (Mrs. Albert D. Lasker)
Box 105 Folder 2 | Interview notes
Box 105 Folder 3 | Interview notes
Box 105 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- Dr. Richard Loeb (Columbia Presbyterian Hospital)
- Earle Ludgin (Earle Ludgin, Inc., Advertising)
Box 105 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Leonard Lyons (Columnist)
Box 105 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Ernst Mahler (Kimberly-Clark Corp.)
Box 105 Folder 7 | Interview notes
- Samuel Marx (Architect)
- Merrill Meigs (Aviation expert)
- André Meyer (Banker)
Box 105 Folder 8 | Interview notes
Box 105 Folder 9 | Interview notes
- David Noyes (Former Vice-President, Lord and Thomas)
Box 105 Folder 10 | Interview notes
- Emery Reves (Agent and art collector)
Box 105 Folder 11 | Interview notes
- Anna M. Rosenberg (Assistant Secretary of Defense)
Box 105 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- David Sarnoff (Radio Corporation of America)
Box 105 Folder 13 | Interview notes
- Richard Simon (Simon & Schuster, Publishers)
- Alexander de Seversky (Aviation expert)
Box 105 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- Ralph Sollitt (Former President, Lord and Thomas)
Box 105 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Benjamin Sonnenberg (Public Relations Counselor)
- David Stern (Broker)
Box 105 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- Herbert Bayard Swope (Author and editor)
- John Wheeler (North American Newspaper Alliance)
- Norman Winston (Financier and Housing Specialist)
Box 105 Folder 17 | Interview notes
Box 106 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous notes on Albert Lasker |
Box 106 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous notes on Albert Lasker |
Box 106 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous notes on Lasker family |
Box 106 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous notes on Lord and Thomas and advertising |
Box 106 Folder 5 | Miscellaneous notes on politics |
Box 106 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous notes on Manton case |
Box 106 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes on sports |
Box 106 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous notes on health |
Box 106 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous notes on art |
Box 106 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes |
Box 106 Folder 11 | Notes on sources and acknowledgments, names |
Box 106 Folder 12 | Outlines, agendas, possible titles |
Box 106 Folder 13 | Check sheets, additions, watch sheets |
Box 106 Folder 14 | Check sheets, additions, watch sheets |
Box 106 Folder 15 | Check sheets, watch sheets, additions |
Subseries 8: Albert Lasker Materials |
Box 107 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous Correspondence-A-L |
Box 107 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous Correspondence-M-Z |
Box 107 Folder 3 | Copies of letters from Lasker to his father; Morris Lasker to his son (1915) |
Box 107 Folder 4 | Correspondence concerning Lasker's resignation as University of Chicago Trustee-1942 |
Box 107 Folder 5 | Correspondence with Senator James Murray of Montana and his staff concerning Congressional action on cancer research aid to medical education, etc.-January-June 1949 |
Box 107 Folder 6 | Correspondence with Senator James Murray and staff-August 1949- January 1950 |
Box 107 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous correspondence on federal aid to cancer research, aid to medical education, etc. |
Box 107 Folder 8 | Correspondence concerning Lasker's trip to Israel, 1950 |
Box 107 Folder 9 | "The Reminiscences of Albert Davis Lasker"-Oral History Research Office |
Box 107 Folder 10 | "The Lasker Story…As He Told It"-Advertising Age (Published version of informal talk Lasker gave to employees of Lord and Thomas in 1925), 1952-53 |
Box 107 Folder 11 | Copy of testimony by Lasker before senate committee on Cancer
- Research bill, July 3, 1946
Box 107 Folder 13 | Copy of testimony by Lasker before Senate Committee on Coordinate
- Health Functions of the Federal Government, July 11, 1947
Box 107 Folder 14 | Remarks made by Lasker at dinner in honor of Alexander Seversky, July 12, 1943 |
Series XIV: Inside Europe Today |
INSIDE EUROPE TODAY, published in 1961 was originally conceived as an article for Reader's Digest. Gunther, however, turned out the longest article, some 42,000 words, that the Digest had ever received, and it was never published in its entirety. Gunther then added to the material and extended it into a full-length book, approximately three times longer than the Reader's Digest manuscript. The materials concerning this work are contained in eight boxes. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript: Reader/s Digest, typed and corrected by author;
2. First Revision or Second Draft-Reader's Digest, which is heavily revised;
3. Original Manuscript of Additional chapters, which are, in this instance, records of dictation;
4. First Revision or Second Draft of additional chapters, which is a typescript of the dictated chapters heavily revised by author;
5. Printers copy, which is a carbon copy of the material above which has been merged, However, it is heavily revised, with numerous retyped pages and inserts. Gunther employed the "cut and paste" method,
6. Galley proofs, with author's corrections. Several of the chapters have been heavily revised.
No post-publication correspondence was included in the original deposits. The informational correspondence, which is not extensive, concerns mainly factual material. Included among the material are several memoranda by Look officials on, the Polaris missile, interview notes of Louis Duff with Charles Wilson. Secretary of Defense and Admiral Arleigh Burke. Chief of Naval Operations, and a letter from the editorial research Department of Reader's Digest on Harold Macmillan's relationship with the American Macmillan Company.
The majority of the notes are interview notes. Among those interviewed by Gunther were Willy Brandt, Ludwig Erhardt, Georges Bonnet, Jean Monnat, Giovanni Gronchi, Hugh Gaitskell, Selwyn LIoyu, Harold Macmillan, and numerous other European politicians and statesmen, embassy officials, and American journalists and radio commentators.
Subseries 1: Original Manuscript-Readers's Digest Manuscripts-First Draft |
Box 108 Folder 1 | Chapter 1 By Way of Introduction (1) |
Box 108 Folder 2 | Chapter 2 Some Points of Detail-The New Europe (1) |
Box 108 Folder 3 | Chapter 3 The Old Man on the Rhine (2) |
Box 108 Folder 4 | Chapter 4 Pressures in the Federal Republic (3) |
Box 108 Folder 5 | Chapter 5 Berlin-Outpost and Pivot (4) |
Box 108 Folder 6 | Chapter 5A Eastern Sector, Eastern Zone (5) |
Box 108 Folder 7 | Chapter 6 The Person of de Gaulle (6) |
Box 108 Folder 8 | Chapter 7 Changes and Perplexities in France (7) |
Box 108 Folder 9 | Chapter 8 The Army, Algeria, and Africa (8) |
Box 108 Folder 10 | Chapter 9 What's Going On in Italy (11) |
Box 108 Folder 11 | Chapter 10 England, the Most Important Country (14) |
Box 108 Folder 12 | Chapter 11 Defense, NATO, and the Common Market (15, 18, 19) |
Box 108 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 A Few Paragraphs in Conclusion (24) |
Subseries 2: Original Manuscript-Readers's Digest Manuscripts-Second Draft |
Box 108 Folder 14 | Chapter 1 By Way of Introduction (Chapters 1 & 2 above) (1) |
Box 108 Folder 15 | Chapter 2 The Old Man on the Rhine (2) |
Box 108 Folder 16 | Chapter 3 Pressures in the Federal Republic (3) |
Box 108 Folder 17 | Chapter 4 Berlin-Outpost and Pivot (4) |
Box 108 Folder 18 | Chapter 5 Eastern Sector, Eastern Zone (Chapter 5A above (5) |
Box 108 Folder 19 | Chapter 6 The Person of de Gaulle (6) |
Box 108 Folder 20 | Chapter 7 Changes and Perplexities in France (7) |
Box 108 Folder 21 | Chapter 8 The Army, Algeria, and Africa (8) |
Box 109 Folder 1 | Chapter 9 What's Going On in Italy (11) |
Box 109 Folder 2 | Chapter 10 England, the Most Important Country (14) |
Box 109 Folder 3 | Chapter 11 Defense, NATO, and Nuclear Disarmament (15,18) |
Box 109 Folder 4 | Chapter 12 At Sixes and Sevens (part of Chapter 11 above) (19) |
Box 109 Folder 5 | Chapter 13 A Few Paragraphs in Conclusion (24) |
Subseries 3: Records of Dictation for Additional Chapters-Original Manuscript |
Box 109 Folder 6 | Chapter 9 The Benelux Constellation (9)
- Chapter 10 The Iberian Peninsula (10)
Box 109 Folder 7 | Chapter 12 Along the Mediterranean (12)
- Chapter 13 Austria Felix (13)
Box 109 Folder 8 | Chapter 17 The Establishment and the Opposition (17)
- Chapter 19 Scandinavia (20)
Box 109 Folder 9 | Chapter 21 Khrushchev at the Summit (21)
- Chapter 21A More About Mr. K. (22)
- Chapter 23 Satellites and Soviet Policy (23)
Box 109 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous inserts |
Subseries 4: Manuscripts for Additional Chapters-Second Draft |
Box 109 Folder 11 | Chapter 9 The Benelux Constellation (9) |
Box 109 Folder 12 | Chapter 10 The Iberian Peninsula (10) |
Box 109 Folder 13 | Chapter 12 Along the Mediterranean (12) |
Box 109 Folder 14 | Chapter 13 Austria Felix (13) |
Box 109 Folder 15 | Chapter 16 Macmillan (16) |
Box 109 Folder 16 | Chapter 17 The Establishment and the Opposition (17) |
Box 109 Folder 17 | Chapter 18 A Word on NATO (Part of Chapter 11 above) (18) |
Box 110 Folder 1 | Chapter 19 At Sixes and Sevens (Expanded Chapter 12 above) (19) |
Box 110 Folder 2 | Chapter 19 Scandinavia-The Outer Bastions (20) |
Box 110 Folder 3 | Chapter 21 Khrushchev at the Summit (21) |
Box 110 Folder 4 | Chapter 22 More About Mr. K. (22) |
Box 110 Folder 5 | Chapter 23 Satellites and Soviet Policy (23) |
Box 110 Folder 6 | Chapter 23 A Few Paragraphs in Conclusion (24) |
Box 110 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous pages and fragments retyped |
Box 110 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous pages and fragments retyped |
Subseries 5: Printer's Copy |
Box 110 Folder 9 | Chapter 1 |
Box 110 Folder 10 | Chapter 2 |
Box 110 Folder 11 | Chapter 3 |
Box 110 Folder 12 | Chapter 4 |
Box 110 Folder 13 | Chapter 5 |
Box 110 Folder 14 | Chapter 6 |
Box 111 Folder 1 | Chapter 7 |
Box 111 Folder 2 | Chapter 8 |
Box 111 Folder 3 | Chapter 9 |
Box 111 Folder 4 | Chapter 10 |
Box 111 Folder 5 | Chapter 11 |
Box 111 Folder 6 | Chapter 12 |
Box 111 Folder 7 | Chapter 13 |
Box 111 Folder 8 | Chapter 14 |
Box 111 Folder 9 | Chapter 15 |
Box 111 Folder 10 | Chapter 16 |
Box 111 Folder 11 | Chapter 17 |
Box 111 Folder 12 | Chapter 18 |
Box 111 Folder 13 | Chapter 19 |
Box 111 Folder 14 | Chapter 20 |
Box 111 Folder 15 | Chapter 21 |
Box 111 Folder 16 | Chapter 22 |
Box 111 Folder 17 | Chapter 23 |
Subseries 6: Galley Proofs |
Box 112 Folder 1 | Chapters 1-3 |
Box 112 Folder 2 | Chapters 4-6 |
Box 112 Folder 3 | Chapters 7-9 |
Box 112 Folder 4 | Chapters 10-12 |
Box 112 Folder 5 | Chapters 13-15 |
Box 112 Folder 6 | Chapters 16-18 |
Box 112 Folder 7 | Chapters 19-21 |
Box 112 Folder 8 | Chapters 22-24 |
Box 112 Folder 9 | Chapters 22-23, heavily revised page proofs |
Box 112 Folder 10 | Second half, Chapter 17, revised galley proof |
Subseries 7: Miscellaneous Manuscripts |
Box 112 Folder 11 | "Prime Minister of England," written and published sometime in 1959, basis of chapter 16 on Harold Macmillan in published book. |
Box 112 Folder 12 | "Meet Your Neighbor-Greece"-excerpt from Chapter 12 of published book |
Box 112 Folder 13 | Miscellaneous manuscript pages and fragments |
Box 112 Folder 14 | Advertising description of Inside Europe Today |
Subseries 8: Correspondence |
Box 112 Folder 15 | Informational correspondence-A-Z |
Box 112 Folder 16 | Suggested revisions of manuscript and galley by editors and "specialists" |
Box 112 Folder 17 | Recording disk of memorandum to Book-of-the-Month Club |
Subseries 9: Research Notes-Germany |
Box 113 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- "Barr"
- Charles Blackman (U.S. official)
- Willy Brandt (Mayor, West Berlin)
- Gaston Coblentz (Correspondent)
Box 113 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- "R.D." [Robert Doty?]
- Ludwig Erhardt (Minister of Economics)
- M. W. Fodor (Correspondent)
- Meyer Friedrich
Box 113 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Hans Globke (Secretary of State, Chancellor's Office
- "Gorday"
- Dr. Hines (Amerika Haus)
- "Kaplan"
- "Kecklin"
Box 113 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- "Pope" [Sam Pope Brewer?]
- "Rosie"
- Carlo Schmid (Social Democrat leader)
- "Schweinitz"
Box 113 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- "Stearman"
- Christopher Steele (British Ambassador)
- Stefan Themas
Box 113 Folder 6 | Interview notes
Box 113 Folder 7 | Notes on Berlin briefing |
Box 113 Folder 8 | Notes on trip to East Berlin |
Box 113 Folder 9 | Notes on Adenauer, RIAS, West Berlin, Bonn |
Box 113 Folder 10 | Outlines |
Box 113 Folder 11 | Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 10: Research Notes-France |
Box 113 Folder 12 | Interview notes
- Georges Bonnet (politician)
- "Desnoyer"
Box 113 Folder 13 | Interview notes
Box 113 Folder 14 | Interview notes
- M. W. Fodor (Correspondent)
Box 113 Folder 15 | Interview notes
- Walter Kerr (Correspondent)
- "Korry"
- Jean Monnet (Common Market leader)
Box 113 Folder 16 | Interview notes
- David Schoenbrun (radio commentator)
- "Guy S."
- Ed Taylor (correspondent)
Box 113 Folder 17 | Interview notes
Box 113 Folder 18 | Notes on De Gaulle, Algeria and French Africa |
Box 113 Folder 19 | Miscellaneous notes, Outline |
Subseries 11: Research Notes-Italy |
Box 113 Folder 20 | Interview notes
- "British Lunch"
- "Cippico"
- Ashley Clark
- "Fuacco"
Box 113 Folder 21 | Interview notes
- Giovanni Gronchi (President of Republic)
- "Homes"
- "McGurn" (correspondent)
Box 113 Folder 22 | Interview notes
- Giovanni Malogodi (Secretary, Liberal Party)
- "Martinelli"
- Robert Neville (journalist)
- Miscellaneous
Box 113 Folder 23 | Miscellaneous notes, outlines |
Subseries 12: Research Notes-England |
Box 114 Folder 1 | Interview notes
- "N. Bicknell"
- R. A. Butler (Home Secretary)
- William Clark
Box 114 Folder 2 | Interview notes
- Richard Crossman (Labour party)
- "Demarest"
- "Evans" (S. H. Evans. Macmillan aide?)
- Michael Foote (Labour Party)
Box 114 Folder 3 | Interview notes
- Hugh Gaitskell (Leader, Labour Party)
- Q. M. Hogg, Lord Hailsham (Minister for Science)
- Denis Healy (Labour Party)
- "Hooke"
Box 114 Folder 4 | Interview notes
- "Jock"
- Selwyn Lloyd (Foreign Minister)
- Iain Macleod (Colonial Secretary)
- Harold Macmillan (Prime Minister)
- Drew Middleton (correspondent)
- C. B. Ormerod (British Information Service)
Box 114 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- "Sanders"
- "Gary S."
- William Whitney
- Paul Wright
- "Z" (Phil de Zuelita?)
- Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 6 | Notes on Macmillan, Conservative Party, Tory leaders |
Box 114 Folder 7 | Notes on Labour Party, Labour leaders, Defense, Miscellaneous, Outlines |
Subseries 13: Research Notes-Russia |
Box 114 Folder 8 | Interview notes
- Chester Bohlen (U.S. Ambassador)
- M. W. Fodor (journalist)
- Jean Monnet (Common Market leader)
- Edward R. Murrow (commentator)
- Harrison Salisbury (journalist)
- Henry Schapiro (journalist)
- Miscellaneous
Box 114 Folder 9 | Notes on the Summit Conference-Khrushchev at Summit, U-2 affair; at United Nations; Khrushchev |
Box 114 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous notes; outlines |
Box 114 Folder 11 | Satellites-Notes on Hungary; Albania-Bulgaria, Rumania, Czechoslovakia; Poland; Yugoslavia |
Box 114 Folder 12 | Austria-Interview notes; miscellaneous notes |
Box 114 Folder 13 | Belgium-Notes on the Congo; miscellaneous notes |
Box 114 Folder 14 | Greece-Miscellaneous notes; notes on Cyprus |
Box 114 Folder 15 | Iberian Peninsula-Spain; Portugal-Miscellaneous notes |
Box 114 Folder 16 | Luxembourg; Netherlands-Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 14: Research Notes-Scandinavia |
Box 115 Folder 1 | Denmark-miscellaneous notes
- Finland-miscellaneous notes
- Iceland-miscellaneous notes
- Norway-miscellaneous notes
- Sweden-miscellaneous notes
- Switzerland-miscellaneous notes
Box 115 Folder 2 | Turkey-miscellaneous notes |
Box 115 Folder 3 | Common Market-Jean Monnet (founder)
- Common Market-Miscellaneous
Box 115 Folder 4 | Common Market-Miscellaneous notes |
Subseries 15: Research Notes-NATO |
Box 115 Folder 5 | Interview notes
- Hanson Baldwin (journalist)
Box 115 Folder 6 | Interview notes
- Hugh Gaitskell (Labour Party leader)
- Edward Murrow (commentator)
- "Stearman"
- "Cy" (C. L. Sulzberger-journalist?) -
- Miscellaneous
Box 115 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous notes, outlines |
Box 115 Folder 8 | Miscellaneous general notes, adds, watch sheets |
Box 115 Folder 9 | Miscellaneous general notes, watch sheets, check sheets, proof sheets |
Box 115 Folder 10 | Outlines, agenda, idea sheets |
Box 115 Folder 11 | Typewritten notes by author |
Box 115 Folder 12 | Typewritten notes by others |
Series XV: Juvenile Books |
Included with the Juvenile Books, is the manuscript for DAYS TO REMEMBER-AMERICA 1945-1955, a pictorial book published in 1956, written by Gunther in collaboration with Bernard Quint, the associate art editor of Life. Only the manuscripts for this work are part of the collection. Much of the text was in the form of captions for the 400 or more photographs in the volume. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. Original manuscript, in longhand by author, with corrections;
2. First Revision or Second Draft, typed and heavily revised by author.
Gunther wrote three children's books on historical and mythical characters. They are ALEXANDER THE GREAT. published in 1953, JULIUS CAESAR, and THE GOLDEN FLEECE, the latter two published in 1959, Obviously, there are no interview notes for these works. Only the original manuscript of ALEXANDER THE GREAT, which is very heavily revised, is a part of the collection. Two manuscripts of JULIUS CAESAR are included in the collection:
1. Original manuscript, typed by the author and very heavily revised;
2. First Revision or Second Draft, which is also very heavily revised.
The manuscripts of THE GOLDEN FLEECE are of special interest. In the original manuscript, Gunther faithfully recounted the gory legend of Jason and Medea, but subsequently toned down the bloodthirstiness in later drafts. The manuscripts are as follows:
1: Original manuscript, in longhand by the author with corrections:
2. First Revision or Second Draft, typed and heavily revised;
3. Second Revision or Third Draft, which is also heavily revised by author.
Gunther has also written a series of juvenile works on Africa, which are revised versions for younger readers of some of his chapters from INSIDE AFRICA. He has written a revised version of INSIDE RUSSIA TODAY, entitled MEET SOVIET RUSSIA, published in two volumes in 1962. However, only the manuscripts for MEET THE CONGO are included in the collection. The manuscripts are as follows:
1. First Revision or Second Draft, with corrections by author;
2. Printer's copy, with author's corrections.
Subseries 1: Days to Remember |
Box 116 Folder 1 | Original manuscript |
Box 116 Folder 2 | Original manuscript |
Box 116 Folder 3 | Original manuscript |
Box 116 Folder 4 | 2nd draft |
Box 116 Folder 5 | 2nd draft |
Box 116 Folder 6 | 2nd draft |
Box 116 Folder 7 | Retyped pages |
Subseries 2: Alexander the Great |
Box 116 Folder 8 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 1-5 |
Box 116 Folder 9 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 6-12 |
Box 116 Folder 10 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 13-20 |
Box 116 Folder 11 | Outlines, corrections of manuscript and comments |
Subseries 3: The Golden Fleece |
Box 116 Folder 12 | Original Manuscript |
Box 116 Folder 13 | 2nd Draft |
Box 116 Folder 14 | 3rd Draft |
Box 116 Folder 15 | Corrections of manuscript and comments |
Subseries 4: Meet the Congo |
Box 117 Folder 1 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 1-4 |
Box 117 Folder 2 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 5-7 |
Box 117 Folder 3 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 8-11 |
Box 117 Folder 4 | Printer's Copy-Chapters 1-3 |
Box 117 Folder 5 | Printer's Copy-Chapters 4-7 |
Box 117 Folder 6 | Printer's Copy-Chapters 8-9 |
Box 117 Folder 7 | Printer's Copy-Chapters 10-12 |
Subseries 5: Julius Caesar |
Box 117 Folder 8 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 1-9 |
Box 117 Folder 9 | Original Manuscript-Chapters 10-17 |
Box 117 Folder 10 | 2nd Draft-Chapters 1-9 |
Box 117 Folder 11 | 2nd Draft-Chapters 10-19 |
Box 117 Folder 12 | Retyped pages |
Box 117 Folder 13 | Corrections of manuscript and comments |
Box 117 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous correspondence on juvenile books |
Series XVI: Correspondence |
Included among the Papers of John Gunther are two boxes of correspondence, mostly between Gunther and his publishers, Harper and Brothers and Hamish Hamilton. Gunther said of this correspondence-"My friends at Harper's perhaps exaggerate, but they say that they have no knowledge of any other file which shows so intimately and over such a sustained period the various factors which are constantly at play in the relationship between a publisher and an author-literary, financial, editorial, etc." The correspondence covers the years from 1936 to 1961. However, the material from 1936 to 1949 is more complete, coming from the files of Harper and Brothers. The post-1949 correspondence was extracted from the original deposit and had been scattered throughout the collection with each specific book, but was brought together in this section. The correspondence deals mostly with publishing matters, but several of the letters contain some of Gunther's views on history, economic theory and other matters. The material has been arranged chronologically.
There is also some miscellaneous correspondence concerned with requests for autographs, asking Gunther to speak at meetings or to contribute articles to journals, or simply friendly letters telling Gunther how much the reader has enjoyed all of his books. Some of the Letters refer to articles Gunther has written in popular magazines or are responses to his television show "High Road."
Subseries 1: Harper & Bros. (Hamish Hamilton) |
Box 118 Folder 2 | January-March 1936 |
Box 118 Folder 3 | April-December 1936 |
Box 118 Folder 4 | March-December 1937 |
Box 118 Folder 7 | 1940-1941 |
Box 118 Folder 12 | January-June 1946 |
Box 118 Folder 13 | July-October 1946 |
Box 118 Folder 14 | November-December 1946 |
Box 118 Folder 15 | January-February 1947 |
Box 118 Folder 16 | March-April 1947 |
Box 118 Folder 17 | May 1-May 15, 1947 |
Box 118 Folder 18 | May 16-May 31, 1947 |
Box 118 Folder 19 | June 1947 |
Box 119 Folder 1 | July-September 1947 |
Box 119 Folder 2 | October-December 1947 |
Box 119 Folder 3 | January-June 1948 |
Box 119 Folder 4 | July-December 1948 |
Box 119 Folder 5 | January-March 1949 |
Box 119 Folder 6 | April-December 1949 |
Box 119 Folder 7 | 1950-1952 |
Box 119 Folder 8 | 1953-1954 |
Box 119 Folder 9 | 1955-1957 |
Box 119 Folder 10 | 1953-1961 |
Subseries 2: Miscellaneous Correspondence |
Series XVII: Chicago Revisited |
Chicago Revisited was commissioned and masterminded by Fairfax M. Cone, chairman of the University of Chicago Board of Trustees, and Carl Larsen, director for Public Relations. John Gunther, an alumnus, was asked to write an essay capturing his impressions of the University. The work would be based upon Gunther's visit to the Midway in April 1964 and information compiled by Larsen's office, including faculty profiles.
Gunther's first draft, submitted to Larsen in June 1964, was ready by Cone, who made suggestions as to changes. Many of these were incorporated into a "first revision", authored by Larsen's office. This version was then circulated among administrators and faculty, who were solicited for comments. The "second revision", based on these remarks, was subsequently sent to Gunther for reworking. His final manuscript was published by the University in May 1967. Condensed versions of Chicago Revisited also appeared as articles in Chicago Today, Saturday Review, and Midwest magazines
Box 120 Folder 1 | Original manuscript |
Box 120 Folder 2 | Revision of original manuscript suggested by Fairfax M. Cone |
Box 120 Folder 3 | Rough draft of first revision |
Box 120 Folder 4 | Fair copy of first revision |
Box 120 Folder 5 | Comment by various administrators and faculty members |
Box 120 Folder 6 | First revision with comments, labeled "notes-2nd revision" |
Box 120 Folder 7 | First revision marked with agreed changes, labeled "rough draft-2nd version" |
Box 120 Folder 8 | Fair copy of second revision |
Box 120 Folder 9 | JG's rewrite of second revision |
Box 120 Folder 10 | Manuscript of final version (October 13, 1964) |
Box 121 Folder 1 | Condensed version of Gunther article used by Chicago Today and Saturday Review |
Box 121 Folder 2 | Suggested showcase paragraphs for condensed article in Midwest magazine |
Box 121 Folder 3 | Faculty profiles-Bettelheim-Friedman |
Box 121 Folder 4 | Faculty profiles-Hauser-Morgenthau |
Box 121 Folder 5 | Faculty profiles-Mulliken-Simpson |
Box 121 Folder 6 | Faculty profiles-Stigler-Zachariasen |
Box 121 Folder 7 | Correspondence, December 1963-May 1964 |
Box 121 Folder 8 | Correspondence, June-August, 1964 |
Box 121 Folder 9 | Correspondence, September 1964-June 1965 |
Box 121 Folder 10 | Correspondence, July 1965-July 1966 |
Box 121 Folder 11 | Proposed covers for manuscript |
Box 121 Folder 12 | Reprints of Gunther articles in two Japanese magazines |
Box 121 Folder 13 | "Inside the Midway," in Midwest (December 12, 1965) |
Box 121 Folder 14 | "Chicago Revisited," in Chicago Today (Spring, 1965) |
Box 121 Folder 15 | "An Old Grad Returns to Chicago" in Saturday Review (October 16, 1965) |
Box 122 Folder 1 | JG manuscript, "The Fun of Writing the Inside Books" |
Box 122 Folder 2 | JG memos on his books, submitted to the University of Chicago |
Box 122 Folder 3 | Behind the Curtain, 1949 edition |
Box 122 Folder 4 | Inside U.S.A., 1947 edition, autographed |