University of Chicago Library
Guide to the James C. O'Flaherty Papers 1938-2002
© 2008 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | O'Flaherty, James C. Papers |
Dates: | 1938-2002 |
Size: | 2 linear feet (4 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | James C. O'Flaherty received a Ph.D. from University of Chicago and was a founding member of the faculty of Wake Forest University's Department of German, where he spent his career from 1947 until his 1984 retirement. Specializing in 18th-century German literature and thought, he was a leading scholar of the German philosopher Johann Georg Hamann. |
Information on Use
Box 4 contains photocopied material related to an editorial review of Isaiah Berlin's The Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism. The originals of this material are located at the University of Muenster, Germany. Any citation, quotation, or publication of this material requires the prior permission of the University of Muenster.
The remainder of the collection is open for research, with no restrictions.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: O'Flaherty, James C. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
James C. O'Flaherty received a Ph.D. from University of Chicago, after studying at the University of Heidelberg, Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and Georgetown College. He was a founding member of the faculty of Wake Forest University's Department of German, where he spent his entire career from 1947 until his retirement in 1984. Specializing in 18th-century German literature and thought, he was a leading scholar of the German philosopher Johann Georg Hamann. He died on July 27, 2002 at the age of 88.
Scope Note
The James O'Flaherty Papers contain incoming and outgoing correspondence, spanning the years 1938-2002, but concentrated in the 1940s through the 1980s. O'Flaherty's correspondents included major twentieth-century intellectual figures such as Isaiah Berlin, Thomas Mann, and Bertrand Russell. Most of O'Flaherty's correspondence is arranged into several alphabetical sequences, one of which contains letters related specifically to his research on Hamann and Nietzsche.
Manuscripts, notes, reviews, and other documents of O'Flaherty's writings are also found in this collection. This includes material related to works such as Socratic Memorabilia: A Translation and Commentary; Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Hamann; Johann Georg Hamann; and Studies in Nietzsche and the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Much of the material in the collection, particularly the correspondence, is in German.
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Subject Headings
- O'Flaherty, James C.
- Berlin, Isaiah, Sir
- Hamann, Johann Georg, 1730-1788
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900
- Philosophy, German -- 18th century
- German literature -- 18th century
Box 1 Folder 1 | Correspondence and writings, 1954-1992
- "Werner Heisenberg on the Nazi Revolution, Three Hitherto Unpublished Letters," Journal of the History of Ideas, July-September 1992, proof, photocopy
- Dorpalen, Andreas, 1 incoming
- Mann, Thomas, 3 incoming, 2 outgoing
- Mann, Erika, 2 outgoing
- Heisenberg, Werner, 3 incoming, 2 outgoing
- Heisenberg, Elisabeth, 1 incoming
- Laue, Max von, 9 incoming, 10 outgoing
Box 1 Folder 2 | Correspondence and pamphlets, ca. 1940s-1950s
- Hahn, Otto, 3 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Hahn, Otto, "Die bedeutung der grundlagenforschung für die wirtschaft," pamphlet, 1954
- Hahn, Otto, "Cobalt 60," pamphlet, 1955
- Meitner, Lise, 1 incoming
- Franck, James, 1 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Planck, Nelly, 11 incoming, 7 outgoing
- Francois-Poncet, Andre, 2 incoming
- Boles, John, 1 incoming
- Telschow, Ernst, 2 incoming
- Office of the Mayor of Frankfurt, to Telschow, October 26, 1943, typescript copy
Box 1 Folder 3 | Correspondence and photographs, ca. 1940s-1950s
- Der Oberbürgermeister, Frankfurt am Main, 1 incoming
- Two unofficial photographs of Franz von Papen, his son and son-in-law in American custody taken by an American soldier, 1945
- Russell, Bertrand, 2 incoming, 2 outgoing
- Papen, Franz von, 6 incoming, 3 outgoing
- Junger, Ernst, 4 incoming
Box 1 Folder 4 | Correspondence, ca. 1940s-1950s
- Archie, William C., 2 incoming, 3 outgoing
- Armacost, George H., 2 incoming
- Belgion, Montgomery, 2 incoming
- Berry, Paul L., 1 incoming
- Bigge, A. E., 1 incoming
- Brunner, Emil, 2 incoming
- Church, Alonzo, 1 outgoing
- Cully, Kendig Brubaker, 2 incoming
- Eglash, Albert, 1 incoming
- Eidson, John O., 1 incoming
- Ernst, Paul, 1 incoming
- Finckh, Alice H., 2 incoming
- Fowler, Liz, 2 incoming
- Fox, Donald, 3 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Graubner, Hans, 1 incoming
- Gründer, Karlfried, 2 incoming
- Hartmann, Hans, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Hartwich, Horst, 1 outgoing
- Heisenberg, Elisabeth, 1 outgoing
- Holmer, Paul L., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
Box 1 Folder 5 | Correspondence, ca. 1950s-1970s
- Jente, Richard, 3 incoming
- Kitchin, Thurman, 1 incoming
- Unidentified, Paul, 1 incoming
- K-, Marie Therese, 2 incoming
- Lange, Victor, 1 incoming
- Lowrie, Walter, 15 incoming, 8 outgoing
- Lutz, Ralph Haswell, 1 incoming
- Maurer, K. W., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Metzke, Erwin, 3 incoming
- Myer, Ellen, 1 incoming
- Nadler, Joseph, 1 incoming
- Neuberg, D., 2 incoming
- Nisbet, H. B., 1 incoming
- Nordsieck, Reinhold, 1 incoming
- Papen, Franz von, 1 incoming, 4 outgoing
- Parcell, Harold, 4 incoming
- Poteat, H. M. 1 incoming
- Rosenberg, Jerome L., 1 incoming
- Rosenberg, Ralph, 1 incoming
Box 1 Folder 6 | Correspondence, ca. 1950s-1990s
- Schreiner, Lothar, 1 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Smith, Ronald Gregor, 1 incoming
- Stoupe, Henry S., 1 incoming
- Südwestfunk, 1 incoming
- Thornton, Agatha H. F., 1 incoming
- Universitäts-Bibliothek, Bonn, 1 incoming
- Universitetsbiblioteket, Copenhagen, 1 incoming
- Urner, Hans, 1 incoming
- Vaughan, Larry, 16 incoming, 2 outgoing
- Wahl, Jean, 3 incoming
- Weisskopf, Victor, 1 incoming
- West, Carlton P., 1 incoming
- Wiener, Philip P., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Wilson, Edwin, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
Box 1 Folder 7 | Correspondence regarding Hamann and Nietzsche, ca. 1970s-1990s
- Adams, James L., 1 incoming
- Alexander, William, 2 incoming
- Beck, Lewis W., 1 incoming
- Behler, Diana, 1 incoming
- Behler, Ernst, 7 incoming, 3 outgoing
- Bennett, William J., 1 incoming
- Biser, Eugen, 1 incoming
- Blackall, Eric A., 11 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Blackall, Jean, 1 incoming
- Bowman, Derek, 2 incoming
- Büchsel, Elfriede, 2 incoming
- Calder, William M., 1 incoming
- Closs, August, 1 incoming
- Daemmrich, Horst S., 1 incoming
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, 1 outgoing
- Dunning, Stephen N., 2 incoming
- Ernst, Paul, 2 incoming
- Fassian, Heinrich, 1 incoming
- Foltin, Lore B., 1 incoming
- Goedert, Georges, 1 incoming
- Grau, G. G., 1 incoming
- Graubner, Hans, 4 incoming
- Groscurth, Peter, 1 incoming
- Gustav Kiepenhauer Verlag, 1 incoming
Box 1 Folder 8 | Correspondence regarding Hamann and Nietzsche, ca. 1960s-1980s
- Hatfield, Henry, 2 incoming
- Holmer, Paul, 1 incoming
- Hooke, Alex, 1 incoming
- Jonas, Klaus W., 2 incoming
- Jírgensen, Sven-Aage, 4 incoming
- Juhnke, Leo, 1 incoming
- Kiepenhauer und Wisch, 1 outgoing
- King, Janet, 1 outgoing
- Knoll, Renate, 10 incoming
- Knudsen, Chr., 1 incoming
- Kohnen, Joseph, 2
- Kunstmann, John G., 1 incoming
- Lange, Victor, 1 incoming
- Leibrecht, Walter, 1 incoming
- Links, Roland, 1 incoming
- Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, 2 incoming
- Majeed, Hussein, 3 incoming
- Majetschak, Stefan, 1 incoming
- Mann, Michael T., 3 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Matthaei, Renate, 1 incoming
- Merlen, Philip, 1 outgoing
- Myers, Ellen, 2 incoming
Box 1 Folder 9 | Correspondence regarding Hamann and Nietzsche, ca. 1980s
- Nastansky, Heinz-L., 1 incoming
- Nebel, S. Sue, 1 outgoing
- Pelikan, Jaroslav, 1 incoming
- Phelps, Lee, 1 incoming
- Pupi, Angelo, 1 incoming
- Rohatyn, Dennis, 2 incoming
- Salaquarda, J”rg, 1 incoming
- Schweitzer, Christoph, 1 incoming
- Smith, Ronald Gregor, 1 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Sudhof, Siegfried, 1 incoming
- Verra, Valerio, 1 incoming
- Weisstein, Ulrich, 1 incoming
- Winchester, 1 incoming
- W-rster, Peter W., 2 incoming
- Unidentified, postcard from Edinburgh, Scotland
- Unidentified, from Wake Forest
- Unidentified, from Universität Regensburg
- Six envelopes
Box 1 Folder 10 | Correspondence, ca. 1960s-1990s
- Anderson, Edick A., Jr, 1 incoming
- Angress, Ruth K., 1 incoming
- Behler, Ernst, 1 incoming
- Bennett, William J., 1 outgoing
- Betz, John R., 2 incoming
- Biser, Eugen, 1 outgoing
- Blackall, Eric, 1 incoming
- Blittersdorf, Almuth, 1 incoming
- Carroll, Philip, 1 incoming
- Chandler, John W., 1 incoming
- Ghista, Dhanjoo N., 1 incoming
- Grau, G. G., 1 incoming
- Graubner, Hans, 2 outgoing
- Green, Garrett, 3 incoming
- Hohendahl, Peter Uwe, 1 incoming
- Jantz, Harold, 1 incoming
- King, Janet, 1 incoming
- Knoll, Renate, 1 outgoing
- Majeed, Hussein, 3 outgoing
- Makkreel, Rudolf, referee report for "Herder and Hamann on Linguistic Mythology," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1986, 1 outgoing
- Menaes, Karl, 1 incoming
- Mullen, Thomas E., 3 incoming
- Myers, Ellen, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing
Box 1 Folder 11 | Correspondence, ca. 1950s-1980s
- Nebel, S. Sue, 1 incoming
- Nollendorfs, referee report for "Jesus and the Pederast, Analogy and Irony in Hamann's Sokratische Denkwirdigkeiten," by Robert F. Gross, Monatshefte, 1987, 1 outgoing
- Rathman, Franz, H., 2 incoming
- Ross, Barbara, 1 incoming
- Scales, James Ralph, 1 incoming, 1 outgoing
- Shannon, George Pope, 1 outgoing
- Stern, Guy, 1 incoming
- Universitätsbibliothek Münster, 1 outgoing
- Wilcox, John T., 1 incoming
- Wilson, Edwin, 2 incoming
- Unknown, from Indiana University
- Unknown, from Wake Forest University
Box 1 Folder 12 | Correspondence, Baeumer, Max L., 1968-1981 |
Box 1 Folder 13 | Correspondence, Bayer, Oswald, 1988-1992 |
Box 1 Folder 14 | Correspondence, Berlin, Isaiah, 1991 |
Box 1 Folder 15 | Correspondence, Gajek, Bernhard, 1985-1992 |
Box 2 | Folder 1: Correspondence, Hardy, Henry, regarding Isaiah Berlin's manuscript on Hamann, 1991-1992 |
Box 2 Folder 2 | Correspondence, Henkel, Arthur, 1960-1991
- Folder 3: Correspondence, Pauck, Wilhelm and Marion, 1977-1978
- Folder 4: Correspondence, Peters, Wenzel, regarding translation of Johann Georg Hamann into German, 1986-1988
- Folder 5: Correspondence, Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, 1956-1957
- Folder 6: Envelopes from various correspondents
Box 2 Folder 7 | Gauger family material
- Correspondence and envelopes 1938, 1946-1949,
- Photographs
- Licht und Leben, Juni 1938
- Invitation to write an article for Licht und Leben, mimeograph
- Das Gewissen Steht Auf, "Martin Gauger," pp. 108-110, photocopy
Box 2 Folder 8 | "Hamann and the American Intellectual," radio address on German radio, Südwestfunk, in German and English, manuscripts and notes, 1961 |
Box 2 Folder 9 | "On Understanding the Germans," typescript, 1953-1954 |
Box 2 Folder 10 | "The Intuitive Mode of Reasoning in 'Zarathustra'," photocopied typescript |
Box 2 Folder 11 | "A Humanist Looks at Max Planck," edited typescripts, comments by Max von Laue |
Box 2 Folder 12 | Manuscripts and notes
- "Inwardness, the Key to German Culture," typescript, 1954
- "A Humanist Looks at Max Planck," typescript
- "Max Planck and Adolf Hitler," typescript, comments by D. Neuberg, enclosed in letter March 20, 1959, typescripts
Box 2 Folder 13 | Manuscripts and notes
- "Johann Georg Hamann," foreword, German translation
- Review, Unity and Language, A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann, typescript
- Walter Lowrie, foreword for Unity and Language, The Study of Johann Georg Hamann, typescript
- Description of Johann Georg Hamann for advertising, 1978
- "Relates to Johann Georg Hamann," typescript
- "Hamann and the American Intellectual," carbon
- "The Heart of the Liberal Arts," Founders' Day Address, Wake Forest University, typescript, 1958
- "What the College Should Expect of the Public," typescript, 1958
Box 2 Folder 14 | Johann Georg Hamann, chapter 4, draft and notes, typescript and holograph |
Box 2 Folder 15 | Photographs and photoreproductions
- Photographs taken by Arthur Henkel, participants in Hamann Colloquium at Marburg, 1980
- Portrait of Hamann, Hamann's grave, photo reproductions
Box 3 Folder 1 | Proofs and notes |
Box 3 Folder 2 | Isaiah Berlin, J.G. Hamann, O'Flaherty's referee copy, typescript, |
Box 3 Folder 3 | Oswald Bayer, "Who Am I? God As Author of My Life History," typescript, ca. 1980 |
Box 3 Folder 5 | Reviews of Unity and Language, A Study in the Philosophy of Hamann, tear sheets |
Box 3 Folder 6 | Reviews of O'Flaherty translation of Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia |
Box 3 Folder 7 | Reviews of The Quarrel of Reason with Itself, Essays on Hamann, Michaelis, Lessing, Nietzsche, photocopies |
Box 3 Folder 8 | Reviews of Johann Georg Hamann, tear sheets, photocopies |
Box 3 Folder 9 | Reviews of Studies in Nietzsche and the Judeo-Christian Tradition, photocopies, tear sheet |
Box 3 Folder 10 | "The German Scientists Under Hitler," Beecher Lecture, Amherst College, 1958, poster, article about the lecture in The Amherst Student, April 14, 1958 |
Box 3 Folder 11 | Socratic Memorabilia, A Translation and Commentary, Johns Hopkins University Press, correspondence, contract, editing, 1966-1967 |
Box 3 Folder 12 | Correspondence, 1953-1980 |
Box 3 Folder 13 | Guide to the Josef Nadler Collection, Rice University Library, 1977 |
Box 3 Folder 14 | Retirement, presentation letters at retirement dinner, curriculum vitae, bibliography, 1984 |
Box 3 Folder 15 | Lists of correspondents, notes on correspondents |
Box 4 Folder 1 | Henkel, Arthur, University of Heidelberg, correspondence regarding Hamann, 1971-2001 |
Box 4 Folder 2 | Gajek, Bernhard, University of Regensburg, correspondence regarding Hamann 1965-2002 |
Box 4 Folder 3 | Bayer, Oswald, Tübingen, correspondence regarding Hamann, 1988-2002 |
Box 4 Folder 4 | “The Magus of the North,” O'Flaherty letter published in The New York Review of Books, 1993 |
Box 4 Folder 5 | Photocopies of correspondence with Henry Hardy about Isaiah Berlin's J.G. Hamann manuscript, 1992-1996 |
Box 4 Folder 6 | Notes and corrections to first draft of Isaiah Berlin's J.G. Hamann manuscript, 1993 |
Box 4 Folder 7 | Isaiah Berlin, J.G. Hamann, photocopied manuscript annotated by O'Flaherty, second draft, undated |
Box 4 Folder 8 | Isaiah Berlin, J.G. Hamann, photocopied manuscript annotated by O'Flaherty, third draft, undated |