Image | Title Information | Subject Headings | Description |
Amsterdam : plan Zuider-Amstelkanaal. |
City planning--Netherlands--Amsterdam--Maps. |
Scale 1:5,000. [Amsterdam : Publieke Werken, 193-?]. 1 map : col. ; 24 x 57 cm. |
Kaart van Amsterdam 1:10000 / Dienst der Publieke Werken. |
Land use--Netherlands--Amsterdam--Maps. |
Scale 1:10,000. [Amsterdam] : Dienst der Publieke Werken, [1934]. 1 map : col. ; 101 x 100 cm. |
City of Birmingham : [planning maps]. Birmingham, North Yardley & Stechford town planning scheme, plan referred to -- East Birmingham town planning scheme, embodying amending scheme, 1918 -- Map referred to in the Quinton, Harborne, and Edgbaston town planning scheme -- Birmingham (south) town planning scheme, map referred to. Subjects: City planning -- England -- Birmingham |
City planning--England--Birmingham--Maps. Land use--England--Birmingham--Maps. |
Scale [1:10,560]. Birmingham : City Engineer & Surveyor's Office, 1921-[193-]. 4 maps : col. ; 68 x 94 cm. or less |
Plan en projet d'un port de guerre et de commerce en eau profonde et d'une ville à Cabourg (Calvados) / dessiné & lith. par Ch. Lacoste. |
City planning--France--Cabourg--Maps. Harbours--France--Cabourg--Maps. |
Scale 1:40,000. [Paris : Société de géographie], 1888. 1 map ; 31 x 25 cm. |
Bebyggelsesarternes fordeling i København / Stadsingeniörens direktorat, Byplanafdelingen, marts 1932. |
Land use--Denmark--Copenhagen--Maps. City planning--Denmark--Copenhagen--Maps. |
Scale 1:20,000. København : Geodætisk Institut, 1932. 1 map : col. ; 69 x 63 cm. |
City of Coventry, the Coventry (no. 1) town planning scheme. Map no. 2 / E.H. Ford, city engineer. |
City planning--England--Coventry--Maps. Land use--England--Coventry--Maps. |
Scale [1:15,840]. Westminster : Cook, Hammond, & Kell, Ltd., [1933?]. 1 map : col. ; 123 x 93 cm. |
Gemeente 's-Gravenhage en naaste omgeving, schaal 1 a 20000 / Dienst der Stadsontwikkeling en Volkshuisvesting. |
City planning--Netherlands--Hague--Maps. Land use--Netherlands--Hague--Maps. |
Scale 1:20,000. 's-Gravenhage : J. Smulders & Co., 1932. 1 map : col. ; 48 x 67 cm. |
Karta öfver Lidingö villastad. |
Lidingö (Sweden)--Maps City planning--Sweden--Lidingö--Maps. |
Scale 1:4,000. [Stockholm?] : Generalstabens litografiska anstalt, [between 1920 and 1929?]. 1 map : col. ; 83 x 48 cm. |
Parochial plan of the City of London, shewing property removed for public works within the last 10 years and property at the present time scheduled for removal. |
Ecclesiastical geography--England--London--Maps. City planning--England--London--Maps. City of London (England)--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:2,650]. London : John B. Day, [1870]. 1 map on 2 sheets : col. ; 64 x 116 cm. |
Borough of Ilford, town planning scheme, 1933 / L.E.J. Reynolds, borough engineer & surveyor. |
City planning--England--London--Maps. Land use--England--London--Maps. Ilford (London, England)--Maps. |
Scale [1:10,560]. London : Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Lithographers, [1933]. 1 map : col. ; 82 x 68 cm. |
Madrid, plano de sus vias públicas / Artes Gráficas Municipales. |
Madrid (Spain)--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. [Madrid] : Ayuntamento de Madrid, Sección de Estadística, 1934. 1 map : col. ; 75 x 100 cm. |
Entwicklungsplan für die Stadt Magdeburg und ihr Einflussgebiet / Entwurf, Stadterweiterungsamt Magdeburg, 1931. |
City planning--Germany--Magdeburg--Maps. Land use--Germany--Magdeburg--Maps. |
Scale 1:50,000. [Merseburg : Verlag der Landesplanung für den Engeren Mitteldeutschen Industriebezirk, 1932]. 1 map : col. ; 36 x 52 cm. |
City of Manchester, Manchester town planning scheme "B," 1920 / John Luke, city surveyor. |
City planning--England--Manchester--Maps. |
Scale [1:10,560]. [Manchester : Town Planning Special Committee, 1920?]. 1 map : col. ; 73 x 95 cm. |
Manchester & district regional scheme / Reginald Bruce. |
City planning--England--Manchester--Maps. Regional planning--England--Manchester Region--Maps. Land use--England--Manchester--Maps. Land use--England--Manchester Region--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:25,000]. [Manchester, England? : Manchester and District Joint Town Planning Advisory Committee?, 192-?]. 1 map on 12 sheets : col. ; sheets 72 x 104 cm. |
Схема планировки города Москвы [Skhema planirovki goroda Moskvy]. |
City planning--Russia (Federation)--Moscow--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:15,000]. Москва [Moskva] : Тип. изд-ва "Дер Эмес" [Tip. izd-va "Der Ėmes"], [1923?]. 1 map ; 24 x 27 cm. |
Схема планировочной структуры Москвы [Skhema planirovochnoĭ struktury Moskvy]. |
City planning--Russia (Federation)--Moscow--Maps. |
Scale not given. [Moscow? : s.n., ca. 1930?]. 1 map ; 23 x 21 cm. |
City of Norwich, Norwich town planning scheme, Town Planning Act, 1925 / J.S. Bullough, city engineer & surveyor ; W.J. Taylor, town planning officer. |
City planning--England--Norwich--Maps. Land use--England--Norwich--Maps. |
Scale [1:10,560]. Norwich : Town Planning Dept., 1930. 1 map : col. ; 72 x 92 cm. |
Plan de l'Avenue de l'Opéra / gravé par Marboutin. |
Quartier de l'Opéra (Paris, France)--Maps. City planning--France--Paris--History--Maps. |
Scale 1:2,000. [Paris] : A. Lassailly, [187-?]. 1 map : col. ; 9 x 48 cm. |

Carte du département de la Seine à l'échelle du 1/20.000e., indiquant la répartition des habitations, industries, culture, espaces libres (revisée d'après une enquête faite en 1934) / gravé chez L. Wuhrer. |
Land use--France--Seine--Maps. Land use--France--Paris Metropolitan Area--Maps. |
Scale 1:20,000. [Paris] : Préfecture du département de la Seine, 1934. 1 map on 4 sheets : col. ; sheets 77 x 83 cm |

Ville de Reims, plan définitif d'aménagement. |
City planning--France--Reims--Maps. Land use--France--Reims--Maps. Industries--France--Reims--Maps. |
Scale 1:5,000. [France : publisher not identified, 1934]. 1 map : photocopy, hand col. ; 124 x 132 cm. |
Pianta della città di Roma : con l'indicazione dei progetti dei principali lavori della città e del Tevere approvati per l'esecuzione / la presente pianta, eseguita per conto della Direzione di statistica, venne derivata dal rame inciso di A. Fornari, quindi corretta ed aggiornata per le nuove costruzioni sino all'anno 1880. |
Rome (Italy)--Maps. City planning--Italy--Rome--Maps. |
Scale 1:7,680. Roma : Stab. lit. Virano e Teano, 1880. 1 map : col. ; 63 x 86 cm. |
Modern Rome, showing the municipal scheme for the enlargement of the city. |
City planning--Italy--Rome--Maps. Rome (Italy)--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:19,200]. London : A. & C. Black, [1887?]. 1 map : col. ; 25 x 35 cm. |
Pianta della città di Roma : colle più recenti aggiunte e varianti al piano regolatore / M.G. aut. |
City planning--Italy--Rome--Maps. Rome (Italy)--Maps. |
Scale 1:10,000. Roma : Cerroni e Solaro editori, 1887. 1 map : col. ; 49 x 65 cm. |
Southend-on-Sea (north western), town planning scheme, 1933 map / Robt. H. Dyer, borough engineer. |
City planning--England--Southend-on-Sea--Maps. Land use--England--Southend-on-Sea--Maps. |
Scale [1:10,560]. Southend-on-Sea : Borough Engineer's Office, 1934. 1 map : col. ; 48 x 81 cm. |
Karta över Stockholm angivande stadsdelsindelning och stadsplanelagda områden, sammanställd år 1928. |
City planning--Sweden--Stockholm--Maps. Stockholm Region (Sweden)--Maps. |
Scale 1:25,000. [Stockholm] : Statens reproduktionsanstalt, 1928. 1 map : col. ; 65 x 82 cm. |
Tallinna linna plaan : kuulub riigi teataja Nr. 59 1932 a. avaldatud Tallinna linna ehitusemääruse juure = appendix to the metropolitan buildings bye-law 1932. |
Zoning--Estonia--Tallinn--Maps. City planning--Estonia--Tallinn--Maps. |
Scale [ca. 1:15,400]. [Tallinn] : Riigi trükikoda, [1932?]. 1 map : col. ; 74 x 90 cm. |
Pianta di Torino : coll'indicazione dei due piani regolatori e di ampliamento rispettivamente della zona piana (vigente per legge 5 aprile 1908 e R. decreto 15 gennaio 1920) e della zona collinare (vigente per decreto luogot. 10 marzo 1918) colle varianti approvate successivamente sino a marzo 1923) / compilata dal Servizio tecnico dei Lavori pubblici. |
Turin (Italy)--Maps. City planning--Italy--Turin--Maps. |
Scale 1:20,000. Torino : Lit. Doyen di L. Simondetti, [1923?]. 1 map : col. ; 77 x 80 cm. |
Pianta di Torino : coll'indicazione dei due piani regolatori e di ampliamento rispettivamente della zona piana (vigente per legge 5 aprile 1908 e R. decreto 15 gennaio 1920) e della zona collinare (vigente per decreto luog. 10 marzo 1918) aggiornati colle varianti approvate successivamente sino a marzo 1926 / compilata dalla Divisione III dell'Ufficio municipale dei Lavori pubblici. |
Turin (Italy)--Maps. City planning--Italy--Turin--Maps. |
Scale 1:5,000. Torino : Lit. Doyen di L. Simondetti, [1926?]. 1 map on 8 sheets : col. ; 252 x 208 cm., sheets 75 x 122 cm. |
Utrecht : uitbreidingsplan / [vervaardigd onder toezicht van] de directeur van gemeentewerken, L.N. Holsboer, de adviseur v/h plan, Dr. H.P. Berlage. |
Utrecht (Netherlands)--Maps. City planning--Netherlands--Utrecht--Maps. |
Scale 1:10,000. [Utrecht : s.n.], 1924. 1 map : col. ; 76 x 104 cm. |