Max Epstein Photographic Archive

The Collection
Using the Photographs

The mounted photographs are contained in boxes and located in Room JRL 420.

1) The boxes are divided by CULTURAL TRADITION.  The collection has reproductions of works of the Islamic world, India, China, Japan, the West (this includes Europe, the Byzantine empire, the former USSR, and post-Colombian North America).

2) The photographs are then arranged chronologically by TIME PERIOD.

3) Each period is arranged by MEDIUM in the following order:  architecture, sculpture, painting, panel painting, mosaics, frescoes, prints, drawings, manuscript illumination, minor arts, photography.

4) Within each medium the boxes are subdivided alphabetically by COUNTRY.

5) The countries are then arranged alphabetically by ARTIST, SCHOOL or LOCATION (for some architecture and manuscripts).

A folio system, arranged in the same manner as above, is located at the end of the modern section.

Other large photographs of Renaissance, Baroque, and Modern Paintings and Drawings may be found in the filing cabinets in the South and West corners of the stacks.