Science Research Services

The Science Librarians are available to help with any questions or problems you have finding materials for your research as well as how to evaluate sources for quality. Feel free to contact us or use our guides for any help you need.
Ask a Science Librarian: You can IM or email us a question, or make an appointment to meet a librarian for an in depth consultation.
Science Research Guides: We offer science guides in all subject areas of academic research in the sciences.
Data Support Services: The Science Librarians offers support for data visualization and sharing and the management and preservation of data to meet funding and grant requirements.
Systematic Review Service: The Science Librarians offers a systematic review service for the medical community at the University. Biomedical librarians are available for consultation on systematic reviews.
Tracking your Research Impact: Research impact has many definitions. Science Librarians can help you determine the best ways to track your scholarly and research impact and find information about the role of impact in the sciences.
Citation Management Tools: Citation management tools that collect records or citations from research databases (indexes, catalogs, etc.) that can then be used create bibliographies, citations, and footnotes automatically. Some can also serve as effective pdf managers.