The Chicago Freight Tunnels

Subtitle: "the organization, equipment and service of the underground tubes which handle thousands of carloads of freight each day and take a great traffic burden from the busy streets of the loop" this 1928 publication by the Chicago Tunnel Terminal Corporation extols the virtues of their tunnels. As well as praise for the tunnel system, images and general statistical information is provided, such as the number of lights in the tunnel, and the average annual payroll.

cover of book
Cover of The Chicago Freight Tunnels

The Chicago Freight Tunnels; the Organization, Equipment and Service of the Underground Tubes Which Handle Thousands of Carloads of Freight Each Day and Take a Great Traffic Burden from the Busy Streets of the Loop. Chicago, IL: Chicago Tunnel Terminal Corporation, c1928. Crerar 625.4 S800

Map of Tunnels and Connections

The Chicago Freight Tunnels; the Organization, Equipment and Service of the Underground Tubes Which Handle Thousands of Carloads of Freight Each Day and Take a Great Traffic Burden from the Busy Streets of the Loop. Chicago, IL: Chicago Tunnel Terminal Corporation, c1928. Crerar 625.4 S800

Page from The Chicago Freight Tunnels

The Chicago Freight Tunnels; the Organization, Equipment and Service of the Underground Tubes Which Handle Thousands of Carloads of Freight Each Day and Take a Great Traffic Burden from the Busy Streets of the Loop. Chicago, IL: Chicago Tunnel Terminal Corporation, c1928. Crerar 625.4 S800