All the materials in this exhibit were suggested by members of the University of Chicago community. We received over 100 suggestions from students, faculty, staff, alums, and librarians. We reached out over email to the communities of the Divinity School, Philosophy Department, and Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies. We also reached out to a broader audience over social media, through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The books that were suggested cover a broad range of topics and areas.
The physical exhibit was on display on the 1st Floor of the Regenstein Library during the month of February, in commemoration of Black History Month. We received many more suggestions than we were able to display. Visit the "Bibliography" page to see the complete list. Visit "Why these books?" to learn why people suggested the titles that they did.
The exhibit was curated by Anne Knafl, Bibliographer for Religion, Philosophy, and Jewish Studies, and Matthew Vega, Hanna Gray Library Graduate Fellow and Ph.D. student in Theology. We would like to thank all our colleagues who helped to create this exhibit, especially David Bottorff, John Kaderbek, Chelsea Kaufman, Adrianne Okoh, and Kathy Zadrozny.

Anne Knafl, Bibliographer for Religion, Philosophy, and Jewish Studies