This case explores the influence of the night sky on the work of
poets and writers, from 19th-century romantic poetry to science
fiction. The image on the poster comes from the dust jacket of the 1958
novel Tom Swift in the Race to the Moon, which reflects a whimsical
fascination with space travel, but also suggests the more political
preoccupations of the United States during the cold war era.
Exhibit Poster of Cover of Tom Swift's Race to the Moon
Victor. 1958. Tom Swift in the race to the moon,
Tom Swift, Jr. adventure series. New York: Grosset. Special
Collections Research Center, University Of Chicago. PZ265.A66T62
Title page of The Comet
Milns, William. 1817. The comet, or,
He would be an astronomer a farce in two acts, Variation: Three centuries of
drama.; American, 1714-1830.; Three centuries of English and American plays,
1500-1830. Baltimore: Printed and published by J. Robinson.