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Johanna Tagada Hoffbeck and T. S. Wendelstein. 2019. Journal Du Thé.
2020. Journal Du Thé. Vol. 3.
"Journal Du Thé is the most enigmatic part of my collection. These two zines are meditations on tea practices around the world, and our relationship to tea. The magazine is beautifully designed, and the simple stories it tells are truly captivating."

Gascoyne, Kevin, François Marchand, Jasmin Desharnais, Hugo Américi, and Camellia Sinensis Tea House, eds. 2018. Tea: History, Terroirs, Varieties. Third edition. Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books.
Delmas, François-Xavier, and Mathias Minet. 2018. Tea Sommelier: A Step-by-Step Guide. First edition. New York: Abbeville Press.
Heiss, Mary Lou, and Robert J. Heiss. 2007. The Story of Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide. Berkeley, Calif: Ten Speed Press.
Sommelier: "This fun illustrated volume is an entertaining and informative introduction to tea, although from an admittedly western perspective."

工藤佳治, 向紅, and 丸山洋平. 2000. 中国茶図鑑. 東京: 文藝春秋.
日本茶インストラクター協会 and 日本茶インストラクター協会. 2008. 日本茶のすべて がわかる本: 日本茶検定公式テキスト. 東京: 日本茶インストラクター協会. 王明祥. 2019. 茶味裡的隱知識: 風味裡隱含的物質之謎與台灣茶故事 : 我的10年學茶筆記 = The knowledge within the flavor of tea. 幸福文化.
"This is by far the most informative book in my collection, and provides a full introduction to all aspects of tea, particularly as it pertains to Taiwan. If I were ever to teach a course on tea, this would certainly be a, if not the, central text."