Reading and collecting of books do not necessarily follow the one on the other. But when one does lead to the other the rewards of both are multiplied with experience enhanced and pleasure gained. This exhibition of illustrated editions of Ovid and artists' depictions of people with books, selected from the collection of William and Marianne Salloch, is dedicated to both pursuits. What makes the presentation all the more remarkable is that both aspects, the collecting of editions of Ovid combined with the paintings, prints, and sculptures of people reading and writing, were assembled by a husband and wife who have made a lifetime together of an equally stimulating pursuit, antiquarian book selling. The University Library is grateful to the Sallochs for allowing their books and objets d'art to be shown to an audience which shares their affection for books and their need to be with them.
Exhibit Publications & Documents
Checklist (stapled pamphlet), $1.50
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