This exhibit is the third in a series of shows selected from the collections of University of Chicago Library Society members. It reflects the variety of literary interests and the diversity of the membership of the Society, demonstrated in both the books chosen and in the contributors' comments accompanying each book. These exhibitors, like the membership as a whole, are professional and amateur, faculty and laymen, collectors, writers, and readers. They have one thing in common, they are booklovers. The books have been chosen for a variety of different reasons, reflecting the research, collecting, or aesthetic interests of the members who cherish them. One is first in a collection that "represents a passion for copies printed on vellum." Others are chosen for their rare and beautiful bindings. One member has chosen to display a collection of first editions by contemporary French writers. The Library Society offers members uncommon opportunities to meet and hear fellow members and other scholars discuss their own work. It also offers a means to support and strengthen the bibliographic resources of University of Chicago Library with gifts of books and funds for the purchase and preservation of books.