Exhibition curated by Christopher Kimball, Special Collections Research Center Oral History Coordinator/Interviewer, Exhibition Researcher.
The William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana came to the University of Chicago in 1932. Barton (1861-1930), who entered the ministry in the 1880's, became best known as an amateur historian and collector of Lincolniana. The books, manuscripts, autograph letters, portraits, and other materials in the Collection reflect Barton's original intention to present a balanced account of Lincoln's life in his own work. Since coming to the University, the Collection has expanded to embrace aspects of nineteenth-century American political, social, and religious life. The exhibition is the first public presentation of the resources assembled in the Barton Collection, and demonstrates the rich potential for future scholarship that this collection represents.
Exhibit Publications & Documents
catalogue 47p. (stapled), $5.00
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