Steven Anderson
All letters have been transcribed to be read with a screen reader. For instance, ampersands have been replaced with "and." Unique grammar and spelling have been preserved whenever possible. Personal information, such as inmate numbers, has been removed to protect the privacy of the authors.
So today I’m reinvented, rebuilt and breaking the curse that has been upon me and upon my fellow brothers of “Broken Together.”

Who I Am
Hello, my name is Steven Anderson. Chicago is my hometown and I’m a “broken together” advocate. I appreciate the opportunity to let you know who I am. I am a father, son, uncle, nephew, cousin, brother, boss, friend… Out of all those things, it took me to be incarcerated around complete strangers to realize I was “broken” as a man. I don’t shy away from challenges. I embrace them, such as how I embraced the program “Mr. Vega” put together to help myself release. To my surprise, I’ve been utilizing what I learn from this program. So when I tell you people look at me as a person they come to with problems, Believe it! Broken Together has help me see myself for who I really am. Has help me open up about the things I’ve held to my chest for so many years. So today I’m reinvented, rebuilt and breaking the curse that has been upon me and upon my fellow brothers of “Broken Together.” I’m also breaking the curse for my son, cousins, nephews, and those I hold dear. I used to tell myself I’m never changing or I’m never doing this or that. Opening up around strangers and being able to relate to individuals from all walks of life, let me know to never say never. Cause we all found and helped each other change and we all dug a little deeper to realize broken could be fixed. Just got to want to fix it.