Mr. Garner
All letters have been transcribed to be read with a screen reader. For instance, ampersands have been replaced with "and." Unique grammar and spelling have been preserved whenever possible. Personal information, such as inmate numbers, has been removed to protect the privacy of the authors.
I'm just the average person from the Hood.

My name is Mr. Garner. I'm just the average person from the Hood. I'm from the westside of Chicago. I always been judge by where I came from the way I act talk and the way that I look. But the thing about me I'm more talented than the average kids from the Hood. I know how to sing, rap, draw. I'm a producer and I write poems from time to time. But my goal is to be successful and all the thing I love to do so I can change the people I'm around and my family and friend's environment so they can have better choices and life.