Aaron Moore
Who am I? I am a Black man who was once lost by greed and fast cash.

Who Am I
Who am I? I am a black man who was once lost by greed and fast cash. I’m a leader who guided people down the wrong path headed for self-destruction who had to learn things the hard way but now my eyes are open to all my wrong doings, as I sit here learning day in and day out I finally found my purpose. I always knew people loved to listen to me and ask for my advice. Now I understand I’m here to help as many people as I can, help guide the future our kids to adulthood to be better leaders. I now understand it has to start with me. I have to work on my compassion, empathy, and sympathy towards others. This Broken Together group has really helped me get a lot off my chest, bottled up hurt and me blaming others for my mistakes it has shown me my vulnerable side, which in the end helped me improve on speaking in front of random people. This class also helped me with my dependency on drugs and [page 2] other things I did to get by or not face my problems. I am now my own biggest fan and I really wanna thank Mr. Vega for starting such a class and also for seeing something in me I didn’t see in myself.
(Do not use without permission of author.)