John Morris: Photo Journalism

John Morris Donor Bookplate

Exhibition curated by Kim Coventry, Exhibitions and Conservation Coordinator.

This alcoves exhibition announces the gift of the papers of John Morris, one of the mid-century's most important photographic editors. It coincides with the thematically related main gallery exhibit, "John Gunther: Inside Journalism." This exhibit highlights Morris's career with Life, Ladies' Home Journal, Magnum Photos, the Washington Post, and the New York Times through photographs taken by some of the world's most eminent newspaper photojournalists. The exhibit presents photographs by Toni Frissell, Eliot Elisofon, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Cornell Capa and explains Morris's central role in their use in some of the world's most important news stories. Also on display is early correspondence between Robert Hutchins, then president of the University, and a young Morris, University of Chicago class of 1937. Morris got his first job at Life with a recommendation from Hutchins, a fraternity brother of Henry R. Luce, owner of Time Inc.