“The original line art is created entirely by hand – India ink on Bristol board – at somewhere between 150% to 250% scale of the printed page. Corrections are made with white gouache and occasional paste-ons using one-ply drawing paper.”
—Daniel Clowes, 2015
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Staff photograph
“I hang my pages up when I’m done and look at them for a month or two; I spend every morning and every night before I go to bed looking at all the mistakes. I have a big list on my drawing board where I write down every little thing I want to change or redraw. When I’m done with the whole issue I go back and make all those corrections, which takes a couple of weeks, but it adds so much to the finished product.” (Sullivan 2003, 173)
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Staff photogrpah
The i-Pad in the foreground displayed images explaining the color application process.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center