This exhibition marks a decade of building the Helen and Ruth Regenstein Collection of Rare Books, which was established to enhance the Library's strong collection of English and American literature by purchasing rarities that the Library had not previously been able to acquire. At the time of the exhibition the collection, which continues to grow, numbered approximately 1,000 titles. Among the first editions of important works in splendid condition are copies of Robert Burns, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Kilmarnock, 1786); Edgar Allan Poe, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827); and James Joyce, Ulysses (Paris, 1922). Other works in the exhibition, such as Trollope's Barchester Towers, illustrate the aim of completing holdings of first and other rare editions of major authors.
Exhibit Publications & Documents
Catalogue 67p. (perfect bound), $5
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