The Annual Franz Bibfelt Lecture
a brave, new moment in Bibfeldt studies
Richard Rosengarten

Anne K. Knafl preparing brats for Franz Bibfeldt lecture in the cloister outside Swift Hall.
"The Return of Franz Bibfeldt" By Richard A. Rosengarten, April 6, 2022
Bibfeldt’s return invites us to remember that there is an essential place for the occasional fit of laughter in even the most scholarly house.
Before 2022, the last known Bibfeldt lecture was in Spring of 2013 by Tom Willadsen, MDiv’90, “It Could Be Wurst: Franz Bibfeldt: The Lost Years of Gastronomic Theology.” in "Letter from the Dean," Circa no.39, Spring/Summer 2013, 1.
You can listen to earlier lectures in the Franz Bibfeldt series on Panopto (requires UChicago login credentials):
- CAC-0452 Dennis Landon and Joseph Price, "The Quest for the Historical Bibfeldt," 9/26/1976.
- CAC-0530 Dennis Landon, Robert M. Grant, and Jerald Brauer, "Franz Bibfeldt's Year-Late Discovery of the Bicentennial," 3/26/1978.
- CAC-0582 Otto Dreydoppel and Janet Summers, "The 1979 Franz Bibfeldt Symposium" 3/25/1979.
- CAC-0687 Robin Lovin, Martin E. Marty, and Robert M. Grant, "The 1981 Franz Bibfeldt Symposium," 3/29/1981.