
Many thanks to all the people who made this web exhibit possible!
First, and always, to the archivists and staff of Special Collections, without whom the Bibfeldt Papers would be inaccessible. And to the workers who keep the Library running.
Thanks as well to:
Jim Robinson, who revived Bibfeldt Studies for a pre-post-both-and-pandemic world.
The planners of the 2022 Bibfeldt Lecture: Brie Loskota, Executive Director of the The Martin Marty Center, and Tiffany Annett, Program and Events Manager for The Martin Marty Center; Mandy Burton and Kristel Clayville, who join me as the inaugural members of the Bibfeldt Studies Alumni Council; Izak Santana and Landon Wilcox, Divinity Student Association co-president.
Chelsea Kaufman! Who is considering doctoral work in Bibfeldt Studies and in the meantime created beautiful designs for this web exhibit, took beautiful photos and scans of the materials, and made the whole process super fun.
And many many thanks to Martin E. Marty, without whom we wouldn't even know about Franz Bibfeldt!