Young Won Ha

From Sogang Business School homepage

KFAS Fellowship 3rd Term (1980)

PhD, Business, University of Chicago, 1987

Thesis: Consumer Learning as a Hypothesis-Testing Process

Work & Experiences 

  • Assistant Professor, Marketing, Rutgers Graduate School of Management (1986-1988)
  • Professor, Business School, Sogang University, South Korea (1989-2020)
  • President, Korean Society of Consumer Studies (2002-2004)
  • President, Korean Marketing Association (2007-2008)
  • Outside Director, SK Networks (2018-present)

Young Won Ha is a scholar of consumer behavior who has applied psychological approaches using decision theory to understand the decision-making process of consumers. He has served as both Professor and Executive Director of the MS and PhD program at Sogang Business School, President of the Korean Society of Consumer Studies, President of the Korean Marketing Association, and independent director for SK Network and Samsung Card. Young Won Ha has authored and co-authored numerous publications, notably The Psychology of Decision Making (2012). In 2014, he received the Korean Business Award for Scholarly Contribution and the Award for Outstanding Book in the Area of Business and Economy from the Chung Jinki Memorial Cultural Foundation, and in 2013 he received the Mid-level Business Scholar Award from the Samsung Economic Research Institute.