The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies is a non-profit foundation established in 1974 by Chey Jong-hyon, the late founder and former Chairman of SK Group. Its primary goal is to cultivate talented individuals to fulfill Chey Jong-hyon’s one-hundred-year plan to resolve societal issues and suggest directions for development.
KFAS has created several scholarship and educational programs to fulfill its mission. Early on, KFAS established the Overseas PhD Scholarship Program, where each year it accepts outstanding college students into the program designed to nurture talented students into globally renowned scholars.
Additionally, the Foundation has initiated its international academic exchange scholarship program aimed at grooming leaders who play important roles to advance Asia’s future. Wishing to secure measures for promoting social prosperity, KFAS has established a network of academic cooperation in Asia and sponsors academic research and exchange between international and Korean scholars.
Beginning in 2010, KFAS initiated the Knowledge Sharing Project to promote societal development and a higher quality of life. In 2020, KFAS launched its Talent Innovation Project to nurture the next generation of global society leaders.
The KFAS Overseas PhD Scholarship Program selects Korean students with exceptional talent from the social sciences, natural sciences, and information and communications fields, and supports their doctoral studies at leading universities overseas.
KFAS programs in its Talent Innovation Project support other scholarship endeavors, including:
- Forest of Talent (formerly the Undergraduate Scholarship program) – aiming to facilitate ideal environments for the most outstanding Korean undergraduate students to pursue their scholarly inquiries
- Forest of Learning (formerly the Classical Chinese Studies Scholarship program) – providing Korean students with the necessary support to become leaders in the field of East Asian studies
In 2021, KFAS reorganized part of its Graduate Student Scholarship program to create an East Asian Research Scholarship. The new program supports outstanding Korean students in the fields of East Asian studies and helps them complete doctoral degrees at Korean universities.
As of September 2023, these diverse scholarship endeavors have produced a total of 861 doctoral degree recipients, and those KFAS alumni have become active leaders across diverse fields both in and beyond academia.
International Academic Exchange
KFAS began initiating international academic exchange programs in 2000 to keep pace with a global era of pluralization and to jointly pursue collective prosperity in the new millennium. Along with international exchange programs that support academic research and cooperation with scholars in Korea and abroad, the Foundation’s international academic exchange endeavors include the Asian Research Centers, which aim to establish a network of scholarly cooperation in Asia by supporting the academic research of scholars based in the region; and, the International Scholarship Forum, which provides a space of international exchange where world-renowned authorities from various academic disciplines join together with global leaders to discuss worldwide issues and seek new methodologies for addressing them. In 2018, these international academic exchange endeavors were transferred from KFAS to the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies where they continue to be advanced today.
Knowledge Sharing
Since 2010, KFAS has led information knowledge sharing projects to establish knowledge networks to advance academia and society. Two key programs are Dream Lectures and Dream Debate.
In the Dream Lectures program, KFAS PhD alumni from various fields give lectures to middle and high school students to help young Koreans realize their visions and map out their career paths. With the Dream Debate program, KFAS aims to promote the creativity and growth of a healthy debate culture and encourage students’ problem-solving abilities.
KFAS also sponsors projects promoting intellectual exchange. Its Knowledge Festival All Seasons program gives scholarship recipients the chance to meet with leaders from various areas of society, including many KFAS alumni, to exchange ideas and develop scholarly networks. Additionally, the Discovery of Review podcast and Alumni Lecture Series offers a diverse range of knowledge sharing content to the public.
On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
KFAS was the first organization to offer support to students seeking PhDs overseas and advertised its scholarship program with posters and smaller flyers at the Foundation, on various university message boards, and elsewhere in Korea.

Hanʼguk Kodŭng Kyoyuk Chaedan
The History of The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies: 30th Anniversary
Seoul: Han'guk Kodŭng Kyoyuk Chaedan, 2004
DS917.27.H364 2004 CJK

On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Recommendation letters for the KFAS Overseas PhD Scholarship Program application uniquely required qualitative marks on a range of specific abilities to help KFAS administrators assess a candidate’s overall scholarly potential

On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Letter inquiring into selection of overseas scholarship students. The inquiring letter writer requests details on duties of scholarship students, asking if they must fulfill "duties besides concentrating on their studies." While other scholarships of the era asked students to return to Korea or to work at specific institutions, Chey Jong-hyon asked only that students cultivate themselves into global scholars.

On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Along with monetary support to earn PhDs overseas, KFAS ran a systematic training program for students to learn statistics and other subjects in which acquiring knowledge is necessary to becoming a world-renowned scholar. The training program reflected CHEY Jong-hyon's philosophy of "middle-path spirit," or the belief that union of East and West leads to greater scholarly results.

On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Reading lists which reflect the scholarly convictions of Chey Jong-hyon, that "basic scientific knowledge" is necessary for social scientists to "use scientific approaches to analyze society and offer solutions and alternatives to its issues," and "basic knowledge of the social sciences" is necessary for natural scientists "to understand the principles and laws of nature and integrate them into society."

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Overseas Scholarship Candidate Selection Exam taken annually by 70-100 students in the 1970s-80s. Comprised of two tests, the English Language Proficiency Test and the Subject Test, the overall aim of the Exam was to determine whether applicants possessed the potential to become a global scholar.

On loan from the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
Chey Jong-hyon experienced firsthand the difficulties of studying abroad in the US and observed how classmates from other communities would send syllabuses and reading lists to aspiring young students back home. Chey hoped to establish a network for young and talented students in South Korea and encouraged KFAS administrators to create materials to help students prepare to study abroad.