Influenced by Palladio and Inigo Jones, the work of James Gibbs also
owed much to the example of Sir Christopher Wren, who supported Gibbs’s
career at an early stage and set a model for ecclesiastical architecture
with the design of St. Paul’s Cathedral and more than fifty London
churches. When Gibbs published this monograph of his work in 1728, he
reproduced his designs for country houses, Cambridge colleges, garden
pavilions, and other structures, but the largest plate in the book was
reserved for his most famous achievement, the church of St.
Martin-in-the5 Fields, located in what is now Trafalgar Square, London.
Gibbs was also a collector with a library that was considered large for
its time: more than 600 books on architecture, history, travel,
antiquities, and literature, all bequeathed to the Radcliffe Library at
his death and maintained today in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.