Encyclopedism from Pliny to Borges


Cover of Encyclopedism from Pliny to Borges catalog.

Exhibition curated by Anna Arnar, Special Collections Research center Exhibit Researcher.

The exhibit, highlighting 77 volumes from the Special Collections Research Center, traces the variety of forms the encyclopedia and the idea of encyclopedic knowledge have taken from the first through 20th centuries. Including rare volumes ranging from the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (1773) to Museum Wormianum (1655) compiled by Ole Worm, a Danish doctor and natural scientist who catalogues his own collection of Scandinavian Artifacts. The exhibit was researched and curated by Paolo Cherchi, Professor of Romance Languages & Literatures, and Barbara Stafford, Professor of Art, as part of a proposed conference on encyclopedias and their impact on cultural forms.

Exhibit Publications & Documents

Online Exhibit Catalog
Catalogue 67p.(perfect bound), $5
Ordering Information