Ethology Today
Ethology continues at the University of Chicago under several names including biopsychology, cognitive behavior, neuroethology, neurobiology, comparative psychology, and neuropsychology.

By University of Chicago Neuroethologist Dan Margoliash. Photo credit: Daniel D. Baleckaitis

November 2007 in South Australia. Photo credit: Steve Pruett-Jones.
Steve Pruett-Jones, an evolutionary biologist, centers his research on sexual selection and social behavior. He works primarily in Australia but also has studied introduced parrots in the United States.

Photo credit: Jill Mateo
Belding's ground squirrels recognize relatedness using odors. Here, a juvenile is smelling the oral gland of its mother. Unfamiliar squirrels do the same thing, and respond appropriately depending on the degree of relatedness. Recognition is important for Belding's because this species has evolved several nepotistic behaviors that must be directed to close kin only to be advantageous.

Photo courtesy of USDA, Wildlife Services
Chris Schell (left) holds an anesthetized adult male while animal care technician Jeff Schultz (right) provides a physical at the National Wildlife Research Center, Predator Research Facility in Millville, UT. Photo taken courtesy of USDA, Wildlife Services. Photo credit: Jill Mateo.