Register of Enslaved People
These are the names of the individuals whose labor made the University of Chicago possible. We ask that visitors to this site treat this list with respect. Our hope in publishing these images is to honor these people and to facilitate further research. The original document contains monetary valuations that Douglas's accountant placed upon the lives of each individual that he enslaved--a logic that we refuse to reproduce here but can be found on the original document represented below and its official transcription.
The original list is held in the archives of the Special Collections Research Center at University of Chicago Library. The transcription of names was produced by Sherry Williams and researchers at the Bronzeville Historical Society. The original document was scanned by Kathleen Feeney.

"List of Negroes by Families," with individual monetary values. Stephen A. Douglas Papers, Box 57, Folder 8, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

"List of Negroes by Families," with individual monetary values. Stephen A. Douglas Papers, Box 57, Folder 8, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.