About this Exhibit
This Web exhibit is based on the exhibit “Book Use, Book Theory: 1500 – 1700,” held in the Special Collections Research Center, The University of Chicago Library, March - June 2005. The exhibit was curated by faculty members Bradin Cormack and Carla Mazzio. Alice Schreyer, Director, Special Collections, was the coordinator and editor for the exhibit. Kerri Sancomb, Special Collections Exhibit Specialist, produced the exhibit.
This Web site was created in the summer of 2009 with a templating system developed by Marc Gasser, Digital Library Development Center (DLDC), University of Chicago Library, with input from Alice Schreyer, Director, Special Collections Research Center (SCRC); Daniel Meyer, Associate Director, SCRC, and University Archivist; Elisabeth Long, Co-director, DLDC; and Kerri Sancomb, Exhibit Specialist, SCRC. Photography for exhibit banner and Web site by Ted Lacey; Web site design by Marc Gasser and Kerri Sancomb.