The zines in our Library focus were for most part created in Chicago, by or about people who have a relationship to the city. Collecting began in 2010 and we are excited about adding more on a regular basis. Please see this guide to finding the zines in our collection for guidance on how to find a particular zine.
While the majority of our collection consists of zines by or about Chicago people, places, things or events, we also collect zines on important issues for people in Chicago, such as those of minority voices, people of color, migrant and LGBTQIA communities.
Everyone and anyone is welcome to come to the Regenstein Library and read the zines that are in the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC). Keeping zines in SCRC prolongs their lives and allows everyone to read them. When you come to the Regenstein, tell the staff at the ID & Privileges Office that you’re here to read the zines in SCRC.
To save time, you can even ask for the zines you want to be waiting for you at the desk! Please see this guide to requesting the zines in advance for guidance.
In 2013 there was an exhibit of
zines, “My
Life is an Open Book : DIY Autobiography.” You may enjoy looking at it online.
Donations of zines past or present welcome!
Access Information
Everyone and anyone is welcome to come to the Regenstein Library and read the zines that are in the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC). When you come to the Regenstein, tell the staff at the ID & Privileges Office that you’re here to read the zines in SCRC.