The John Crerar Library collected major national, association and foreign standards extensively from the 1920s/30s until about 1975. These are in print format, and presently housed in Regenstein Library on the B level. They are available for borrowing, in-house consultation and photocopying. Some of the major foreign standards were cancelled as follows: British - 1969; German - 1970; the International Electrotechnical Commission - 1971.
From 1986-94, the Library purchased some standards in microfiche. Most of these are from ASME, ANSI, IEEE, and UL with a few from other organizations. These are also located on Regenstein’s B Level. The Library no longer purchases any current standards on a regular basis.
There are gaps in the collection. Before coming, please email Crerar-Reference@lib.uchicago.edu to make sure we own what you need, or if you would like a copy. We would like to fill in these gaps. If your institution/organization is disposing of old print standards, please contact Jennifer Hart (hartj at uchicago dot edu or 773-702-7569) to see if the materials would fit into our collection.
The following is a list of associations, organizations and societies from whom Crerar collected standards in the past. Each entry includes a Dewey Decimal call number (DDC) if known (the old call numbers have been included for reference purposes only -- these are not currently accurate as most of our standards are filed by association name in filing cabinets.) A Web link to the current association web page has been included if one could be found.
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) (now Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute) (620.8/S7)
- Aluminum Association, Inc. (No DDC)
- American Concrete Institute (ACI) (620.8/S6)
- American Gear Manufacturers (AGMA) (620.8/S18)
- American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) (620.8/S11)
- American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) (672/56)
- American Leather Chemists Association (675/W701)
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI) (620.8/S1)
- American Petroleum Institute (API) (620.8/S5)
- American Public Works Association (APWA)(620.03/4)
- American Society for Quality Control (620.8/S31)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (691.06103/7) (Crerar Reference, TA401.A541)
- American Society of Agricultural Engineers (now American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) (L631.9061/A278)
- American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers (No DDC)
- American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (No DDC)
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (Crerar Reference, TH7201.A9)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (620.8/S26 - Standards) (L621.003/2 - Performance Test Codes) (621.184/3 - Boiler/Pressure Vessel Codes)
- American Society of Refrigeration Engineers (620.8/S10 - Standards) (620.8/S10.1 - Circ) (620.8/S10.2 - Data Sect.)
- American Water Works Association (AWWA) http://www.awwa.org/ (543.3/Y601)
- American Welding Society (620.8/S16)
- Association of Casuality and Surety Companies (now American Insurance Association (AIA)). Handbook of Industrial Safety Standards. (614.805/1)
- Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) (Specifications - 620.8/S23)
- Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE) (620.8/S40)
- Association of Japanese Portland Cement Engineers (691.5/T002)
- Australian Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association (APPITA) (620.8/S25)
- Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee (BISSC) (No DDC)
- British Standards Institution (BSI) (620.8/S2) (620.8/242 - Index)
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) (620.8/S12)
- Deutsches Institut fuer Normung (DIN) (Standards - No DDC) (Index - 620.8/S30) (English Translations - 620.8/X401)
- Edison Electric Institute (L621.306125/1)
- Electronic Industries Association ( now Electronic Components Industries Association (ECIA))(620.8/S20)
- Essential Oil Association of USA (620.8/S37)
- Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (620.8/S35)
- Feedwater Heater Manufacturers Association (620.8/S38)
- General Motors Corporation (620.8/S14)
- Heat Exchange Institute(620.8/S21)
- Hydraulic Institute (620.8/S8)
- Industrial Fasteners Institute (620.8/S15)
- Institute of Petroleum (665.5/70)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Institute of Radio Engineers (620.8/S19) (Now IEEE)
- Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (620.8/S22)
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (L537.06/15)
- International Municipal Signal Association (620.8/S33)
- International Municipal Signal Engineers Association (620.8/S22)
- Joint Industry Conference for Industrial Equipment (No DDC)
- Manufacturing Chemists Association (M2/207 - Safety Guide, SG1-) (661/12 - Air Pollution Abatement Manual)
- Marble Institute of America (now Natural Stone Institute)(No DDC)
- Metal Powder Industries Federation (620.8/S39)
- Multiple V-Belt Drive & Mechanical Power Transmission Association (620.8/S28)
- National Board of Fire Underwriters (620.8/S13)
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) (620.8/S3)
- National Fire Protection Association (International) (620.8/S4 & 620.8/S41) (621.300305/1 - NFPA National Electrical Code) (621.3003/x801 - NFPA Handbook of the NEC)
- National Information Standards Organization (NISO) -- standards and technical reports
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- National Machine Tool Builders Association (620.8/S27)
- National Sanitation Foundation (now NSF International) (620.8/S34 - Nos. 5 & 6, 1959 only)
- Radio and Television Manufacturers Association -- see Electronic Industries Association
- Rubber Manufacturers Association (620.8/S28)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)(SAE Handbook, Crerar Reference TL151.S62)
- Aerospace Information Reports (AIR) (L629.152051/2)
- Aerospace Material Specifications (AMS) (L629.1521/V002)
- Aerospace Recommended Practices (ARP) (620.8/S17)
- Aerospace Standards (AS) (620.8/S17)
- Automotive Drafting Standards (L625.06182/2)
- SAE Standards, Recommended Practices, Information Reports and Handbook (625.6/31)
- Steel Door Institute (No DDC)
- Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) (L676/30 - Standards and Provisional Methods) (L676.005/4 - Technical Information Sheets) (676.005/5 - Useful Methods, formerly Routine Control Methods)
- Toilet Goods Association (620.8/S24)
- Toilet Preparations Association (620.8/S32)
- Underwriters Laboratories (UL) (620.8/S9)
- Union Technique de l'Electricite (L621.3054/U588 - Normalisations, Specifications et Regles Techniques)
- US Bureau of Reclamation (T2a/622 - Design Standards, & 620.8/S29)
- US Department of Defense - Military Specifications and Standards (MIL) (Indexes only - No DDC)
- US General Services Administration (Federal Specifications - No DDC) (Federal Standards - No DDC) (Federal Test Method Standards - No DDC)
- US of A Standards Institute -- see --American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Other Standards Resources:
- Beuth Verlag -- German standards
- Information Handling Services (IHS) -- US, ISO, and numerous other standards
- Linda Hall Library Standards and Specifications
- National Standards Systems Network (NSSN): A Global Standards Network, a partnership between NIST and ANSI
- National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) - Members
- Standards Specifications and Codes Available in Illinois: A Union List (1986) Crerar Lower Level Reference Collection, Z7914.A22I29 1986
- Standards Specifications and Codes Available in the Chicago Area: A Union List (1980) Mansueto, Z7914.A22I29 1980
- Union List of Technical Reports, Standards and Patents in Engineering Libraries (1999) Crerar Lower Level Reference Collection, Z7911.R83 1999