Standards in the Library

The John Crerar Library collected major national, association and foreign standards extensively from the 1920s/30s until about 1975. These are in print format, and presently housed in Regenstein Library on the B level.  They are available for borrowing, in-house consultation and photocopying. Some of the major foreign standards were cancelled as follows: British - 1969; German - 1970; the International Electrotechnical Commission - 1971.

From 1986-94, the Library purchased some standards in microfiche. Most of these are from ASME, ANSI, IEEE, and UL with a few from other organizations. These are also located on Regenstein’s B Level. The Library no longer purchases any current standards on a regular basis.

There are gaps in the collection. Before coming, please email to make sure we own what you need, or if you would like a copy. We would like to fill in these gaps. If your institution/organization is disposing of old print standards, please contact Jennifer Hart (hartj at uchicago dot edu or 773-702-7569) to see if the materials would fit into our collection.

The following is a list of associations, organizations and societies from whom Crerar collected standards in the past. Each entry includes a Dewey Decimal call number (DDC) if known (the old call numbers have been included for reference purposes only -- these are not currently accurate as most of our standards are filed by association name in filing cabinets.) A Web link to the current association web page has been included if one could be found.

Other Standards Resources: