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An ethnological study on the Ixil Indians of the Guatemala Highlands. Lincoln, Jackson Steward
Materials on Mayan historical linguistics Kaufman, Terrence S.
An ethnography of Chiapilla, Chiapas Stern, Lilo
Bibliography Cortés Alonso, Vicenta
Huehuetenango vocabularies : Kanjobal of Santa Eulalia and Barillas McQuown, Norman A.
Changing processes of leadership recruitment in San Bartolome de Los Llanos, Chiapas Rubel, Arthur J.
Vocabularios quichés de Totonicapán y de Chichicastenango McQuown, Norman A.
Spoken Quiché Maya. Books 1 and 2 (lessons 1-12) Wick, Stanley A.
Roster of informants, 1956-1962.
Ethnohistory of the highlands of Chiapas, 1800-1960 Montagu, Roberta
Social, cultural and linguistic change in the highlands of Chiapas. Pitt-Rivers, Julian Alfred
Cakchiquel basic course
Cakchiquel texts : vocabularies and miscellaneous notes Rosales, Juan de Dios
Cakchiquel texts : with interlinear Spanish translation Rosales, Juan de Dios
The verbal category system of Cakchiquel Mayan Krueger, Roberta Anne Hendrick
Mam basic course Robertson, John S.
Mam texts on witchcraft (Series 23)
Cuentos mames
Vocabulario mame de San Juan Ostuncalco (Concepcíon Chiquirichapa) San Marcos, Guatemala McQuown, Norman A.
Aztec manuscript dictionary, 1590.
Grammar and lexicon of Black Carib and lexicon of Cholti and Chorti Noyes, Ernest
Notes on Santiago Tuxtla, Veracruz Starr, Betty W.
A grammar of modern Yucatec Andrade, Manuel José
A contribution to the study of the Aztec language Whorf, Benjamin Lee
The Hopi language Whorf, Benjamin Lee
First steps in the decipherment of Maya writing Whorf, Benjamin Lee
Miscellanea Whorf, Benjamin Lee
Religion and world-view in Santiago Atitlán Mendelson, E. Michael
A grammar and dictionary of the language spoken by the Tahltans on the Stikine River, British Columbia : a tribe belonging to the Tinné branch of North American Indians Palgrave, Charles Francis Ethnographic materials on San Pedro la Laguna, Solola, Guatemala Paul, Benjamin D. (Benjamin David)
San Luis Potosí Huastec grammar (June 30, 1948) McQuown, Norman A.
Textos huastecos : grabados en disco
Mam texts : disc-recorded
Yucatec (Maya) texts : preliminary transcription and translation
Yucatec Maya noun and verb morpho-syntax Blair, Robert Wallace
Spoken Yucatec Maya : book 1, lessons 1-12 Blair, Robert Wallace
Quiché (Maya) texts : preliminary transcription and translation
Quiché Maya--English vocabulary : end sort Wick, Stanley A.
Witchcraft and curing in two Tzeltal communities Wahrhaftig, Albert L.
Social mobility in a Chiapas bicultural town Hermitte, M. Esther
Sociocultural aspects of linguistic distributions : a preliminary study of Tzeltal and Tzotzil dialects Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Speech variation and social differences in a Tzeltal town Day, Christopher C.
Tojolabal verb morpheme list from the Tojolabal dictionary Ives, Catherine
Spoken (Yucatec) Maya Blair, Robert Wallace
Spoken Quiché (Maya) Wick, Stanley A.
Yucatec Maya - English vocabulary : [English - Yucatec Maya vocabulary] : preliminary computerized version Blair, Robert Wallace
Quiché Maya-English vocabulary : preliminary computerized version Wick, Stanley A.
English-Quiché Maya vocabulary : preliminary computerized version Wick, Stanley A.
Sahagun's Florentine codex concordance : computerized version Law, Howard W.
Report on the "Man-in-nature" project in the Tzeltal-Tzotzil speaking region of the State of Chiapas, Mexico.
The natural history of an interview
Textos totonacos Oropeza Castro, Manuel
Gramática de la lengua totonaca (Coatepec, Sierra Norte de Puebla) McQuown, Norman A.
Huichol and Aztec texts and dictionaries
Materials on the Chorti language Wisdom, Charles
Panajachel : field notes Tax, Sol
Notes on Santiago Chimaltenango Rosales, Juan de Dios
Theses on Middle America from the University of Chicago.
Related studies in early 19th century Yucatan social history Cline, Howard Francis
Field notes on San Andres Tuxtla Starr, Elizabeth
Materials of Lacandon culture of the (Pelhá) region Baer, Phillip
Popol-vuh : the original manuscript
Arte de las tres lenguas, Cakchiquel, Quiche y Tzuthil : and Tratado segundo de todo lo que debe saber un ministro para la buena administracion de estos naturales Ximénez, Francisco
Aguacatec vocabulary (with grammatical notes) McArthur, H. S.
Aguacatec texts : (phrases and sentences) mechanically recorded and transcribed by Manuel J. Andrade with index of recordings. Andrade, Manuel José
Vocabulario kanjobal : recopilado del 18 al 19 de noviembre de 1949, en la Ciudad de Guatemala con Juárez Juan, indígena de Santa Eulalia, Huehuetenango McQuown, Norman A.
Textos kanjobales : grabados en discos de aluminio Andrade, Manuel José
Corpus of elicited sentences in Acatec Mayan Peñalosa, Fernando
Yucatec (Maya) - English vocabulary : [English - Yucatec Maya vocabulary] : preliminary computerized version Blair, Robert Wallace
Huastec text word-concordance.
Huastec morpheme list : Huastec - Español, assembled in 1946-1947 in the field, in Tancanhuitz, San Luis Potosí, Mexico McQuown, Norman A.
Quekchi texts : recorded or taken down from dictation Andrade, Manuel José
Quekchi vocabulary : recorded on November 25-26, 1948 McQuown, Norman A.
Nahuatl and Spanish materials from Atenango del Río (Guerreró)
Cuentos de Tenejapa : (Tzeltal del paraje de Xolej) La Cañada, Tenejapa, Chiapas, Mexico ; recorded in December 1958
Vocabulario tzeltal de Bachahom (A) y Yajalón (B) McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabulario huasteco del Estado de San Luis Potosí Larsen, Ramón
Tzeltal phonesthemes Berlin, Brent
Tones in Aguacatenango Tzeltal Hopkins, Nicholas Arthur
Some Spanish Christian names appearing as loans in Pinola Tzeltal Hopkins, Nicholas Arthur
Notes on Tenejapa Tzeltal : including original typescript of "Linguistic acculturation in a dialect of Tzeltal Mayan" Berlin, Brent
Arte de la lengua totonaca : conforme á el arte de Antonio Nebrija Zambrano Bonilla, José
Gramática totonaca : [del siglo XVI? Fotocopia del ms. original fragmentario de la Biblioteca de Museo de Antropología (México)] fs. 3 y 4, 9-12, 16-20, 22, 28-32, 37-63, 66-68, 68, 69, 70-72.
Vocabularios totonacos : Hueytlalpan, Olintla, Ozomatlán, Papantla, Tajín, Tepanco, Zapolitlán, Zongozotla McQuown, Norman A.
Totonac literary project : plan and materials McQuown, Norman A.
Acatec Mayan texts Say, Pedro Miguel
Misstrauen führt zum Tod : die psychoterapeutischen Beratungsgespräche eines Ratgebers der Kanjobal-Maya
Zapotec transcriptions
Vocabulario chuj : recopilado el 25 de noviembre de 1949, en la ciudad de Guatemala, con Gaspar Baltasar, indígena chuj de San Sebastián Coatán McQuown, Norman A.
Chuj vocabulary and grammar of San Sebastián Coatán Williams, Kenneth L. (Translator)
Chonbilal Ch'ulelal
Textos de Chamula : Tzotzil de los parajes de Chamula (estado de Chiapas, Mexico)
Vocabulario tzotzil de Iztapa, Chiapas, Mexico McQuown, Norman A.
Some loan words in Chalchihuitán Tzotzil Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Tetzcocan Nahuatl phonology with lexicon Foster, Rand Bryan
The omnipresent problem of omnipresent in classical Nahuatl Rosenthal, Jane M.
Introducción al Náhuatl clásico (ejercicios) ... McQuown, Norman A.
Ixil texts
Ixil phonology Elliott, R. L. (Raymond L. )
Proto-Jacaltec-Ixil Elliott, R. L. (Raymond L. )
Microtranscription of psychiatric interview materials McQuown, Norman A.
The natural history of an interview in three codes : Hindi, Indian English, and American English Klaiman, M. H.
Sketches of the body stances in the "Natural history of an interview" film : (=MCMCA xv : 96) Zabor, Margaret Ruth
Transcription of fragments of readings in two dialects of American English : done collectively McQuown, Norman A.
An essay concerning the creation of interactions Denny, Rita
A Carib dictionary Stochl, John J.
Catalogue des manuscrits américains conservés dans le fonds américain, le fonds mexicain, et d'autres fonds de la Bibliothèque nationale à Paris McQuown, Norman A.
Catalogue of American Indian language manuscripts and printed books in the British (Museum) Library in London McQuown, Norman A.
Kataloge der Hanschriften und gedruckten Bücher in bzw. über Indianer-Sprachen in deutsch-sprachiger Europa McQuown, Norman A.
Catálogo de manuscritos y libros en (ó sobre) lenguas indígenas americanas que se encuentran em los archives y en las bibliotecas de la Europa hispano- e italiano-parlante McQuown, Norman A.
Catalog of selected manuscripts and printed books in American Indian languages in the John Carter Brown Library (Providence, Rhode Island), in the Latin American Library of Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana), and in the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.) McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabulario chol : recopilado el 15 de noviembre de 1949, con la ayuda de John Beekman, en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, con Mateo Vśquez, in dígena chol de la Cueva, Chiapas McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabulario chorti McQuown, Norman A.
Notes on "Cholti" and Chorti (on an anonymous author's "Cholti") (on Charles Wisdom's Chorti) (on Ernest Noyes Chorti) Andrade, Manuel José
A sketch of Cho̊l grammar Aulie, H. Wilbur
Mam texts on conversion
Quiché notes from Chichicastenango Tax, Sol
Tzotzil texts from San Bartolomé de los Llanos, Chiapas, Mexico Sabanilla, Bartolomé Hidalgo
Tzotzil vocabulary (Chamula) Tzotzec, Juan Méndez
Textos tzeltales de Sivaca
Textos tzeltales de Sivacá
Textos tzeltales de Tenejapa
Textos tzeltales de Aquacatenango, Chiapas, Mexico
El Tzeltal hablado : basado en Hablemos en Tzeltal por Carlo Antonio Castro G., Instituto Nacional Indigenista, San Cristobal Las Casas, Chiapas, México, 1955 reelaborado provisto de notas gramaticales, ejercicios, vocabularios, e índices léxicos tzeltal-español y español-tzeltal McQuown, Norman A.
Essaying metacommunication : a survey and contextualization of communication research Zabor, Margaret Ruth
Snap, click, clank, bang, "whango" : a transcription of extraneous sounds from the first protocol tape of the Natural history of an interview Mokros, Hartmut B.
Analysis of a sample of family interaction Albert, Bruce
Relaciones genéticas entre la familia mizocuave y la totonacana : con vocabularios comparativos McQuown, Norman A.
Macro-Penutian notes Whorf, Benjamin Lee
A comparative scene, structural kinesic, paralinguistic analysis of a portion of The Natural history of an interview Kubicek, Lorraine
Fonémica, vocabulario, y textos ixcatecos Fernández de Miranda, Ma Teresa (María Teresa)
Publicaciones de la prensa tarasca : Paracho, Michoacán, México, 1939-1940 : alfabeto enfermedades agricultura leyes agrarias cuentos.
Textos mames ... de San Juan Ostuncalco, Quetzaltenango
Mam texts on witchcraft (Series 67)
Esperanto texts : script
Practical animism : the world of Panajachel ; a Guatemala Indian ethnography Tax, Sol
Primitive social organization : with some description of the social organization of the Fox Indians. Tax, Sol
Documentary history of the Fox Project 1948-1959
Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
A tentative inventory of Tenejapa Tzeltal numeral classifiers Berlen, Overton Brent
Diccionario tzeltal de Tenejapa, Chiapas Berlin, Brent
Monosyllable dictionary of the Tzeltal language (Oxchuc) : San Cristóbal de Las Casas, February, 1961 Sarles, Harvey B.
Cuestionario lingüístico e interrogativo fonético del Tzeltal de Villa las Rosas (Pinola) Santis, Hilario González
Field notes and summary reports on the ethnography of San Bartolomé de los Llanos (Venustiano Carranza) Chiapas, Mexico, 1960-1962 Díaz de Salas, Marcelo
Field notes, summary reports and monograph on the ethnography of SIVACA, Chiapas, Mexico, 1960-1962 Zabala Cubillos, Manuel
Itzá Maya morphosyntax from a discourse perspective Hofling, Charles Andrew
Cuestionario lingüístico e interrogatorio fonético del Tzeltal de Villa las Rosas (Pinola) Chiapas, Mexico Hernández Montoya, Bricio
Spoken Yucatec Maya : book I, lessons 1-6 Blair, Robert Wallace
Palabras y frases útiles Tzotziles (Chamula) Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Huastec text editing run
April is this afternoon : correspondence of Robert Redfield and Sol Tax, 1933-1944 Redfield, Robert
Macro-Mayan cognate list Swadesh, Morris
Cartilla yaqui (Vicam)
Ute lexical and phonological patterns Goss, James Arthur
Vocabulario mame
Mam texts
Vocabulario mame de Ixtahuacán, Huehuetenango, Guatemala McQuown, Norman A.
Mam grammar notes McQuown, Norman A.
Mam text
La familia linguística totonacana : con vocabulario tepehua-totonaco McQuown, Norman A.
Sobre la propuesta filiación linguística de la familia totonacana con las familias zoqueana y mayance Wonderly, William L.
Apuntes macromayanos : cognadas yuto-aztecas, zoque-totonacanas, popopoluca-totonacanos McQuown, Norman A.
"Mopan" notes : with Yucatec, Itza, and Quekche Andrade, Manuel José
Mopan vocabulary and grammar of San Luis (Peten) Ulrich, Matthew
Vocabulario pocomame de San Luis Jilotepeque, Jalapa, Guatemala McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabularios comparativos de los dialectos pocomames de Palin, Chinautla, Mixco, y Jilotepeque McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabulario pocomchí de Purulha, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala McQuown, Norman A.
Pocomchi vocabulary and grammar of Tamahu, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala Mayers, Marvin Keene
Vocabularios maya-yucatecos de Valladolid, Dzilam González, Xocempich, Tzucacab, Maxcanu, Ich Ek, Becal McQuown, Norman A.
Yucatic Maya stories
Toward the reconstruction of proto-Yucatec Fisher, William Morrison
Vocabulario tojolabal McQuown, Norman A.
Palabras y frases utiles del tzotzil San Bartoleño Sabanilla, Bartolomé Hidalgo
Notes on the Tzotzil of San Bartolomé de los Llanos (Venustiano Carranza)
Vocabulario xinca McQuown, Norman A.
Vocabulario zoque de Copainalá, Chiapas, Mexico McQuown, Norman A.
Proyecto para un diccionario mame-español (noviembre de 1948) McQuown, Norman A.
Mam miscellany : vocabulary, verb conjugation Andrade, Manuel José
A phonology of Zinacantan Tzotzil Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Palabras y frases útiles tzotziles de San Bartolomé de los Llanos (Venustiano Carranza) McQuown, Norman A.
Cuentos tzotziles de San Bartolomé de los Llanos (Venustiano Carranza), Chiapas, Mexico
Textos tzotziles de Zincantan, Chiapas, Mexico
A sketch of Tzeltal syntax Kaufman, Terrence
Notes on Aguacatenango Tzeltal
Palabras y frases útiles tzeltales (Aquacatenango) McQuown, Norman A.
Some semantic implications of Tzeltal numeral classifiers Berlin, Overton Brent
Report on "An exploratory study of linguistic usages : the mapping of linguistic patterns on the domain of social roles" Metzger, Duane G.
Textos tzeltales de Oxehuc
Textos tzeltales de Pinola (Villa las Rosas) Chiapas, Mexico
Textos tzeltales de Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico : pruebas de percepción cultural
Vocabulario tepehua y textos tepehuas de Huehuetla, Hidalgo, Mexico : con notas demográficas McQuown, Norman A.
Tepehua phonology Williams, Gerald E.
Vocabulario tepehua-totonaco McQuown, Norman A.
San Luis Jilotepeque : a Guatamalan pueblo. Tumin, Melvin M. (Melvin Marvin)
Ethnographic materials on Agua Escondida. Redfield, Robert
Notes on San Antonio Palopo. Redfield, Robert
Monografía sobre los tzeltales de Tenejapa, Chiapas, México. Cámara Barbachano, Fernando
Monografía de los tzotziles de San Miguel Mitontík, Chiapas, México. Cámara Barbachano, Fernando
Notas sobre la etnografía de los indios tzeltales de Oxchuc, Chiapas, México. Villa Rojas, Alfonso
Informe de Canúc. Guiteras Holmes, Calixta
Materials on the Huastec language. Andrade, Manuel José
Materials on the Mam, Jacaltec, Aguacatec, Chuj, Bachahom, Palencano, and Lacandon languages. Andrade, Manuel José
Materials on the Quiche, Cakchiquel, and Tzutuhil languages. Andrade, Manuel José
Materials on the Kekchi and Pokomam languages. Andrade, Manuel José
The towns of Lake Atitlan Tax, Sol
Informe de San Pedro Chenalhó Guiteras Holmes, Calixta
Monografía de Chamula Pozas, Ricardo
Notes on Santo Tomas Chichicastenango / by Sol Tax. Tax, Sol
Reconnaissance of northern Guatemala, 1944 Goubaud Carrera, Antonio
Miscellaneous notes on Guatemala Tax, Sol
April is this afternoon : report of a 3-day survey by Robert Redfield and Sol Tax in eastern Guatemala Tax, Sol
Notas sobre Zinacantán, Chiapas, por miembros de la expedición a Zinacantán, 1942-3, bajo la dirección de Sol Tax : primera parte, capítulos sobre la organización religiosa-política Cámara Barbachano, Fernando
Notes on the Indians of eastern Guatemala Goubaud Carrera, Antonio
Notes on San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz Goubaud Carrera, Antonio
Notes on Aguacatán Rosales, Juan de Díos
Notes on San Pedro La Laguna Rosales, Juan de Díos
Materials on the Mayan languages of Mexico : texts and dictionaries in Chol, Tojolabal and Tzotzil

Notes on the Indians of the finca Nueva Granda Goubaud Carrera, Antonio