The greater part of this collection consists of 508 letters from Fernán Caballero to her friend, the French scholar and hispanist, Antoine de Latour. The correspondence spans the twenty year period from 1856 to 1876, the closing years of Fernán Caballero's life. Although most of the letters are in Spanish, some are in French, and in some both languages are used.
One hundred forty one of these letters written between 1856 and 1859 were published by Santiago Montoto in the Boletín de la Real Academia Espanola between 1955 and 1959. Other letters, published in the 1960 Boletín, are from Fernán Caballero to people other than Antoine de Latour, and many in this latter group also come from the Chicago collection.
Although most of the material in this collection is centered around Fernán Caballero, there are some items which belong more properly to Antoine de Latour. These are three letters to Latour from the Marques de Salcillo dated 1868, and ten letters to Latour from Juan M. Osborne from the years 1869, 1871, 1876, and 1877.
The Caballero-Latour correspondence is arranged chronologically and contains letters to Jose Fernández Espino, to de Gabriel, Don Miguel Valarde, Don Manuel Asensio, Sr. Carbonero y Sol, and to unknown persons. Many of these letters are copies, not in Fernán Caballero's hand. The compiler numbered the correspondence without regard to chronological order. To avoid confusion, since the numbers are so prominent, the numerical order has been maintained.
The papers also include several manuscripts and articles.
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