Collections & Exhibits

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Exhibit Thumbnail Title Locations Subjects
1900 Rosenthal Exhibit Catalog 1900: Books from the Collection of Robert Rosenthal
Featuring books published in the year 1900 that were collected by the late Robert Rosenthal, curator of Special Collections from 1953 to 1989, this exhibition recaptures the forgotten culture of the turn of the century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — May 31, 1996
Anthropoloy at Chicago Anthropology at Chicago: Tradition, Discipline, Department
Marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Anthropology, this exhibit traces anthropology at Chicago from the early work of Frederick Starr through the notable era of Fay-Cooper Cole, Edward Sapir, Robert Redfield, William Lloyd Warner, and A.R. Radcliffe-Brown. Concluding sections review the contributions of Sol Tax, Milton Singer, McKim Marriott, Fred Eggan, Lloyd Fallers, David Schneider, Clifford Geertz, and other leaders of late-twentieth-century American anthropology.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1979
University of Chicago
Asia In the Eyes of Europe Asia in the Eyes of Europe: Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries
From the time of the Renaissance onward, Western consciousness has been shaped by a multitude of diverse and rapidly changing images of Asia and its peoples. This exhibition examines the process of Western exploration and discovery of Asia.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — May 31, 1991
Southern Asia
B. Heller & Co. Collection The B. Heller & Co. Collection
Founded by Benjamin Heller, whose family practiced sausage-making for generations, Chicago-based B. Heller & Co. began in 1893. Eager to take advantage of new developments in food science and chemistry as well as his skills as a salesman, Benjamin Heller was the quintessential American entrepreneur.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — June 30, 2009
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Chicago and Illinois
banks_and_bubbles.jpg Banks and Bubbles: The Earl J. Hamilton Collection on the History of Economics
Exhibition of works on the history of economics, in particular, the development of commerce and trade in England, France, and Spain in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
June 1 — Oct. 31, 1995
Beneath the Surface: World War I Submarine Warfare from Robert M. Grant Collection
Robert M. Grant, Carl Darling Buck Professor Emeritus in the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Literature in the Divinity School, maintained an interest in submarines throughout his career. This exhibition, which may surface as a surprise to some, is drawn from Professor Grant's research collection, and is one of a series of exhibits highlighting the breadth and variety of the University of Chicago faculty's private collections.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — May 31, 1988
European History
Military & Naval Sciences
The Berlin Collection The Berlin Collection
Showcasing the collection of nearly 100,000 books and manuscripts purchased by William Rainey Harper in Berlin in 1891, which became the core of the University of Chicago Library's holdings and have had an abiding influence on the course of scholarly investigation at the University.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1979
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University of Chicago Library
BMRC exhibit thumbnail The Black Metropolis Research Consortium: Fifteen Years of Preserving and Documenting Black History and Culture in Chicago
The Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC) is a Chicago-based membership association that aids in expanding broad access to its members’ holdings of materials that document African American and African diasporic history, politics and culture, with a specific focus on materials relating to Chicago. Our members include universities, libraries, museums, community, arts-based and government archives. It is the mission of the BMRC to connect all who seek to document, share, understand and preserve Black experiences. In 2021, the BMRC celebrates its 15th anniversary. This exhibit documents the origins of the BMRC, its efforts to aid discoverability and access to Black historical collections, and the consortium’s flagship Summer Short-term Fellowship and Archie Motley Archival Internship programs.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
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American History
African-American Studies
A Bold Experiment A Bold Experiment: The Origins of the Sciences at the University of Chicago
In celebration of the 125th anniversary of the University of Chicago's founding, this exhibit looks back at the establishment of the natural sciences at the University.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Sept. 21 — March 31, 2016
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University of Chicago
History of Science
C. Philip Miller and Florence Lowden Miller Bookplate Books from a Friend: The Old Northwest Depicted from the Collection of Florence Lowden Miller
This exhibit showcases rare books and maps from the Collection which record the exploration and settlement in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries early travelers to the American Midwest.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — Jan. 1, 1989
American History
Building Collections Exhibit Catalog Cover Building Collections: Celebrating Twenty-Five Years of the Joseph Regenstein Library
Drawing on the concept of "building" as both physical space and intellectual activity, this exhibition highlights twenty-five of the notable book, manuscript, and archival collections acquired by the University Library since 1970.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Jan. 31, 1996
University of Chicago Library
Building for a Long Future Exhibition Catalog Cover Building for a Long Future: The University of Chicago and Its Donors, 1889-1930
This exhibition explores the motivations and purposes of the varied group of donors who supported the University of Chicago from the time of its founding in the late 1880s to the conclusion of the extensive campus building campaign of the late 1920s and early 1930s.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Dec. 31, 2001
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University of Chicago
Notable Books and Manuscripts Exhibit A Catalogue to an Exhibition of Notable Books and Manuscripts from the Collections of the University of Chicago Library Prepared for the Dedication of the Joseph Regenstein Library
This exhibition showcases 109 highlights from the the Department of Special Collections on the occasion of the dedication of the Regenstein Library.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1970
University of Chicago Library
Special Collections
runkle.jpg Catalyst for Change: On the Occasion of Martin Runkle's Retirement as Library Director
This exhibition covers the career of Martin Runkle, on the occasion of his retirement as University of Chicago Library Director
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Aug. 1 — Oct. 1, 2004
University of Chicago Library
Censorship detail from book Censorship and Information Control
Why do people censor? For ambition? Religion? Profit? Power? Fear? This global history of attempts to control or silence information, from antiquity’s earliest written records to our new digital world, examines how censorship has worked, thrived, or failed in different times and places, and shows how real censorship movements tend to be very different from the centralized, methodical, top-down censorship depicted in Orwell’s 1984, which so dominates how we imagine censorship today. From indexes of forbidden books, to manuscripts with passages inked out by Church Inquisitors, to comics and pornography, to self-censorship and the subtle censorship of manipulating translations or teaching biased histories, the banned and challenged materials in this exhibit will challenge you to answer: how do you define what is and isn’t censorship?
Sept. 17 — Dec. 14, 2018
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Enrico Fermi Portrait The Chain Reaction: December 2, 1942 and After
This exhibition was organized to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the world's first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction, an achievement of Enrico Fermi and his colleagues at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Oct. 1 — Dec. 1, 1992
History of Science
University of Chicago
Physical Sciences
Chicago Celebrates Darwin Chicago Celebrates Darwin
The John Crerar Library presents Chicago Celebrates Darwin, an exhibit which revisits the Darwin Centennial Celebration hosted by the University in 1959. We look back at the original letters, pictures, and documents from that conference to get a sense of the atmosphere and the importance of the events, including the effect of Darwin’s theories on the research and popular opinion of the day.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 19 — March 26, 2010
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University of Chicago
Ecology & Evolution
Organismal Biology
Biological Sciences
Chicago and Illinois
trains Chicago Central: A History of Rails and Trains in the City
The exhibit examines some elements of this history, including the city's stations, trains and rail workers and innovations in train technology.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
April 16 — Oct. 12, 2012
Chicago and Illinois
Closeted/Out in the Quadragles feature image Closeted/OUT in the Quadrangles: A History of LGBTQ Life at the University of Chicago
Historical view of LGBT faculty, student, and staff life at the University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 30 — June 12, 2015
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University of Chicago
Collecting Western Americana: Books from the Library of John Blew
This exhibition examines the work of several important nineteenth-century publishers who edited historical documents of the American West and made them available to a broad audience of readers and scholars.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — April 30, 2002
American History
A Collector's Churchill
This exhibition is one of a series based on faculty book collections. The exhibit provides a fresh look at the public career of Winston Churchill through the eyes of James H. Lorie, a prolific collector of Churchilliana.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 1, 1981
European History
Columbian Commemorations Columbian Commemorations 1892-1893: European and American Perspectives
The exhibition surveys the 400th anniversary celebrations of Christopher Columbus's arrival in America. Memorabilia from the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition including invitations, guidebooks, portfolios of photographs, books, and a special commemorative edition of Harriet Monroe's poem, "Ode," which she read at the opening ceremonies of the Fair.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Aug. 1 — Oct. 31, 1993
Atomic Scientists 4yr Reunion December 2, 1942 and After: The Scientist's Movement in America
This exhibit draws on the University of Chicago Archives to present the pivotal role Chicago has played institutionally in the development of the international atomic scientists' movement that took root in America as crucial consequence of the events of December 2, 1942.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Dec. 1 — March 1, 1983
University of Chicago
Family portrait of Julian, Eva, and their children, Gloria, and Julian Jr., circa 1920s Degrees of Distinction: Eva Overton Lewis and Julian Herman Lewis, MD, PhD at the University of Chicago and Beyond
Eva Overton Lewis (1893-1945) was a University of Chicago graduate, a charter member of the University of Chicago's Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, and the daughter of entrepreneur Anthony Overton Jr. Julian Herman Lewis, MD, PhD (1891-1989) was a University of Chicago graduate, pathologist, educator, and author of The Biology of the Negro (1942). This exhibit sheds light on their early life, their families, their time at the University of Chicago, their union and children, and their travels.
Aug. 7 — Aug. 7, 2024
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Chicago and Illinois
African-American Studies
Discovering the Beauty and Charm of the Wilderness Discovering the Beauty and Charm of the Wilderness: Chicago Connections to the National Park Service
The National Park Service offers a rich variety of landforms, flora, and fauna that have been the subject of many University of Chicago scientific studies. The parks have also served as inspiration for art, photography and literature. To mark the National Park Service’s 100-year anniversary, we delve into the Library’s archives and rare collections to uncover Chicago connections to the parks.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 31 — Dec. 31, 2016
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Organismal Biology
American History
University of Chicago
Environmental Science
Oriental Institute James Henry Breasted Discovery, Collection, Memory: The Oriental Institute at 100
On the University of Chicago's Campus at 58th Street and University Avenue is one of the world's premier institutions for the study of the Ancient Middle East, the Oriental Institute. The OI has its roots alongside the very founding of the University of Chicago when President Harper mentored a young scholar named James Henry Breasted to pursue a degree in Egyptology. Breasted went on to direct the Haskell Museum around 1900 and secured funding from John D. Rockefeller, Jr. in May 1919 to begin the Oriental Institute. The OI has conducted 100 years of excavation, research, and scholarship. Focusing on the geographical areas of Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Afghanistan, OI scholars have worked rigorously to discover cultural heritage, decipher ancient languages, and to reconstruct the histories of long-lost civilizations. This exhibit remembers the OI's past through a collection of archival fragments, artifacts, and ephemera.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 16 — Dec. 13, 2019
Archaeology - Ancient Near East
University of Chicago
Exhibition Poster Dog Fight: The Animal Experimentation Debate in Twentieth-Century Chicago
What should be done with unclaimed pound dogs? This question inspired fierce debates in Chicago, where an unusual city ordinance in 1931 granted scientists at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and other local medical schools access to stray dogs for experimental purposes. This exhibition explores both sides of that controversy and shows how it continues to shape the ways we discuss biomedical ethics and scientific progress.
May 8 — Sept. 1, 2023
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University of Chicago
Chicago and Illinois
History of Science
Ludwig Rosenberer Bookplate The Dreyfus Affair: In the Public Eye
Almost one-hundred years after it captured worldwide attention and threatened to topple the government of the Third Republic of France, the Dreyfus Affair continues to evoke strong response. The exhibit explores contemporary popular perceptions of the affair through these media in examples drawn from the Ludwig Rosenberger Collection of Judaica.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Oct. 1 — March 1, 1989
European History
Jewish Studies
Ecstatic Journey The Ecstatic Journey: Athanasius Kircher in Baroque Rome
Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), a German Jesuit priest, was called to Rome as Professor of Mathematics at the Roman College in 1635, two years after Galileo's trial and condemnation by the Roman Inquisition. Kircher was also a consummate exploiter of the power of the printed book, as this exhibition illustrates through first and early editions of his works and related materials.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — April 1, 2000
European History
Colonel Francis Wayland Parker Education for Life: 100 Years of the Laboratory Schools
This exhibition examines the pedagogical philosophy of John Dewey and the founding group of Lab Schools teachers, educators, recent advances in academic standards and educational technology, and demonstrates the varied experiences of students at all levels as they learned and explored individual potential in Lab Schools classrooms, laboratories, theaters, machine shops, art studios, and field trips.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Oct. 31, 1996
University of Chicago
Eighteenth Century Views of the Past Exhibit The Eighteenth Century Views of the Past
This exhibition includes historiographical and antiquarian works in the fields of history, literature, art, music, and science, and illustrates the 18th century's preoccupation with its own past as a way to understand the present.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1978
European History
Elective Affinities: Private Collectors and Special Collections in Libraries Elective Affinities: Private Collectors and Special Collections in Libraries
Elective Affinities: Private Collectors and Special Collections in Libraries
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 2001
Special Collections
University of Chicago Library
enguerre_cover.jpg En Guerre: French Illustrators and World War I
En Guerre will offer a fresh examination of World War I through the lens of French graphic illustration of the period.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Oct. 14 — Jan. 2, 2015
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European History
Encountering the American West Encountering the American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820
This exhibition explores the fascinating history of this first American west from the beginning of European American settlement to the end of the frontier period. Includes interrelated themes such as the contrast between native and European American attitudes toward the land, the encounters and confrontations of the pioneer migration era, the role of politics on the early frontier, and the shaping of Western cultural and social institutions.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — April 30, 2002
American History
Encyclopedism Encyclopedism from Pliny to Borges
The exhibit traces the variety of forms the encyclopedia and the idea of encyclopedic knowledge have taken from the first through 20th centuries.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 30, 1990
Sanchez sketch Guerra An Exile of 80 Years: The Spanish Civil War and its Diaspora
Eighty years after the Spanish Civil War, this exhibition highlights the experiences of those displaced by it. Drawings made by children who were fleeing the conflict, photographs taken in the residences where refugees were housed, personal effects of those displaced, and publications made while in exile are shown.
Regenstein 3rd Floor Reading Room
April 22 — June 15, 2019
European History
Lewis.jpg Expanding Sources: Recent Additions to Special Collections
As academic fields expand and diversify, Special Collections is building collections to support these new directions. Researchers are drawing on original materials in many areas including race and gender, cinema and media, graphic design, arts practice, and cross-cultural global studies. This exhibition displays recent acquisitions with research potential for a range of disciplines. The materials represent many formats, including children’s books, family letters, journals, fine book design, posters, research notes, clothing, board games, and printed ephemera.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 6 — April 24, 2020
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University of Chicago Library
Chicago and Illinois
University of Chicago
family album.jpg A Family Album--Unfamiliar Faces and Places from the University Archives
This exhibit invites students, faculty, staff, and friends of the University to help identify some of the mysterious people and places represented in unidentified photographs from the University Archives.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — April 1, 1982
University of Chicago
family_tradition.jpg A Family Tradition: An Exhibition of Books from the Gifts of George Eckels and Virginia Eckels Malone
The exhibit offers a selection from the gifts of two generations of notable book collectors and supporters of the University of Chicago Library. Begun in 1916 with the gift of George Eckels's collection of Cromwelliana, the Eckels family's generous support of the University Library has been continued by his daughter Virginia, culminating in her 1979 additions to the Library's collections.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — April 1, 1981
KFAS logo square Forest of Leaders: Talents and Impacts of UChicago's Korean International Students
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), this exhibit follows the footprints left by talented Korean students at UChicago and highlights some of the lasting impacts they have made in professional and academic fields, as well as a look at the commercial and philanthropic contributions made by founder Chey Jong-hyon (MA ‘61 Economics) and his son and business successor Chey Tae-won (X, Economics).
Sept. 3 — Dec. 13, 2024
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University of Chicago
Korean Studies
Friends of the Library
Friends of the Library
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1979
University of Chicago Library
Nobel Prize From DNA to the Expanding Universe: The University of Chicago and the Nobel Prizes in the Sciences
This exhibit, originally developed for the Nobel Prize Centennial Exhibition of the Nobel Foundation in Sweden, and displayed in the Museum of Science and Industry in the fall of 2003, has been adapted for display in the John Crerar Library, with a focus on Nobel Prize winning scientists such as Enrico Fermi, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar and James Watson.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Nov. 7 — Feb. 4, 2006
Science, Technology, and Math
Biological Sciences
Physical Sciences
University of Chicago
Mattys hot dog stand From Sausage to Hot Dog: the Evolution of an Icon
The hot dog is an American creation, and Chicago even has its own style. But where did this popular food come from and how did it develop? This exhibit looks to the hot dog's origins in sausage-making practices brought by European immigrants to the Midwest. We consider techniques used in neighborhood butcher shops and the rise of industrial meat production. Homemade recipes and artisanal makers past and present are also examined.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 29 — Dec. 31, 2013
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History of Science
American History
Chicago and Illinois
Ghosts of the Past: Early Students at the University of Chicago
This web exhibit explores the experiences of early University of Chicago students through letters, scrapbooks, photographs, and other papers from the students' papers in the University Archives.
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University of Chicago
A Gray City Dinner Party: Commemorative Dinner Plates from the University Archives
In June 1930, the University of Chicago Magazine notified the alumni of the creation of a special set of Spode dinner plates featuring views of twelve of the University's Gothic buildings. The exhibit offers these notable artifacts of the University's invention of its own self-imagination along with documents and advertisements from the original release.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 1, 1985
University of Chicago
Mortimer Adler and assistants working on the Great Books Index The Great Ideas: The University of Chicago and the Ideal of Liberal Education
Drawing on the papers of Robert Hutchins, Mortimer Adler, William Benton and Walter Paepcke, this exhibition explores the cultural milieu that made the "Great Ideas" central to the University's educational mission both on and off campus.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 30, 2002
University of Chicago
swift.jpg Harold Swift and the Higher Learning
This exhibition marks the centenary of the birth of Harold H. Swift, who in 1914 became the first alumnus to be appointed to the University Board of Trustees, as well as its youngest member.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Jan. 1, 1986
University of Chicago
John Crerar Library Bookplate Highlights from the History of the John Crerar Library
This exhibit presents the history of the John Crerar Library thematically, celebrating the role of the library as an intellectual resource in the city of Chicago, placing the Library within the context of Chicago industrial growth, and highlighting the individuals and institutions that supported, created, and sustained the Library.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Dec. 1 — April 1, 1990
University of Chicago
I Step Out of Myself thumbnail I Step Out of Myself: Portrait Photography in Special Collections
An exhibition of portrait photography collections in the University Archives.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 12 — March 20, 2015
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University of Chicago
images_of_science_and_exploration_in_the_victorian_century.jpg Images of Science and Exploration in the Victorian Century
This exhibition examines three of the most notable achievements of the Victorian age: the development of the theory of natural selection by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace; the decades-long search for the Northwest Passage by a succession of British expeditions, including the ill-fated venture of John Franklin; and the discovery by Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay of argon.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — June 30, 1997
Ecology & Evolution
In Lincoln's Time In Lincoln's Time: Sources on 19th century America in the William E. Barton Collection
The exhibition is the first public presentation of the William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana, and present a balanced account of Lincoln's life in his own work through books, manuscripts, autograph letters, portraits, and artifacts.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 30, 1986
American History
Innovations and Innovators Exhibit Innovations and Innovators: The School of Social Service Administration's Contribution to Direct Practice Social Work, 1945-1975
This exhibition honors the 50th anniversary of the publication of Charlotte Towle's influential work, Common Human Needs (1945), and three decades of innovation in social work practice by Towle and her colleagues at the School of Social Service Administration.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
April 1 — June 30, 1995
Social Services
University of Chicago
The Life of the Mind Integrating the Life of the Mind: African Americans at the University of Chicago, 1870-1940
This exhibit presents original manuscripts, rarely seen portraits and photographs, African American publications, books by African American graduates of the University of Chicago, and other documents that trace the interlocking strands of academic and gradual social integration through the mid-twentieth century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Feb. 28, 2009
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African-American Studies
University of Chicago
John Gunther: Inside Journalism John Gunther: Inside Journalism
The papers of John Gunther, one of the most prominent journalists of the 20th century, have been made public for the first time in this exhibition. Gunther got his start as a literary editor for the Daily Maroon at the University of Chicago, where he graduated in 1922.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Jan. 1, 1991
University of Chicago
Julius Rosenwald Exhibit Program Julius Rosenwald 1862-1932: An exhibition honoring the One Hundredth Anniversary of his birth
This exhibition commemorates the centennial of the birth of Julius Rosenwald, president and chairman of the board of Sears, Roebuck & Co., and a major philanthropist in support of progressive and social welfare reforms.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Jan. 31, 1962
Chicago and Illinois
Jewish Studies
Social Services
Kentucky and the Revolutionary Era Exhibit Kentucky and the Revolutionary Era, 1770-1815: An Essay Prepared by William T. Hutchinson on the Occasion of an Exhibition of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the Reuben T. Durrett Collection
Showcasing the Reuben T. Durrett Collection, which records the early history of trans-Appalachian settlement of Kentucky and the Ohio River valley.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — Feb. 28, 1978
American History
regenstein library.jpg The Library: A Retrospective View
This exhibit presents a broad, retrospective look at the origins, development, holdings, and operations of the University of Chicago's Library.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — Jan. 1, 1981
University of Chicago
Life of the Spirit, Life of the Mind Life of the Spirit, Life of the Mind: Rockefeller Memorial Chapel at 75
Drawing on photographs and documents from the University Archives, this exhibition explores how the planners of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, Chapel Deans, the student body, and the broader community have interpreted this mission to shape the architecture of the Chapel as well as the programs it supports.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — June 1, 2004
University of Chicago
regenstein construction.jpg Looking Back at the First Regenstein Library Construction Project
Reproductions of construction photographs produced for the 1995 exhibition celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Regenstein Library provide an appropriate backdrop to the start of the Regenstein Reconfiguration Project. University yearbooks and other publications from the archives complement the images on view.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 1, 1999
University of Chicago
Looking to Learn, Too: Visual Pedagogy at the University of Chicago
This exhibition explores the ways in which objects, artifacts, and images have been collected, deployed, and displayed in teaching, research, and self-representation since the early days of the University.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Oct. 31, 1996
University of Chicago
Ludwig Rosenberger Collection of Judaica Exhibit The Ludwig Rosenberger Collection of Judaica: A Selection Exhibited at the Joseph Regenstein Library
This exhibition features 126 items from the Rosenberger Collection, arranged in three sections that correspond to emphases in the collection: Pre-Emancipation, 1200-1777; The Enlightenment and Emancipation, 16656-1858; and The Modern World, 1840-1940.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — May 31, 1976
Jewish Studies
European History
American History
UChicago Aerial Photo 1938 Mapping the University of Chicago
This exhibit features interactive mapping applications, information on the University's history, and archived maps and resources to find more information.
July 15 — March 31, 2021
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University of Chicago
Mapping the Young Metropolis Mapping the Young Metropolis
Between 1915 and 1940, a small faculty in the University of Chicago Department of Sociology, working with dozens of talented graduate students, intensively studied the city of Chicago . They aspired to use the approaches of social science in developing a new field of research, and they took the city as their laboratory.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
June 22 — Sept. 11, 2015
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Chicago and Illinois
Meaning of Dictionaries Exhibit The Meaning of Dictionaries
The exhibit features historical dictionaries from the Special Collections Research Center's holdings, as well as archival materials such as correspondence, page proofs, word citation cards, photographs and other items from the University of Chicago Press Records covering the making of The Dictionary of American English and Dictionary of Americanisms.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — July 31, 2007
English Literature
Wilson & Co. pork sausage advertisement featuring Edward Foss Wilson, circa 1920-1927 Meatpacking in the Midwest: The Thomas E. Wilson Family Collection
From the Civil War through the 1930s, Chicago was the center of the meatpacking industry in the United States. The Thomas E. Wilson Family Collection provides a snapshot of one family-owned meatpacking business in Chicago during the first half of the twentieth century. The collection captures the meatpacking industry in the Midwest through the lens of one family's experience at the top.
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Special Collections
Chicago and Illinois
Mirror of Marvels: Images of Antiquity in Renaissance Rome
This exhibition traces the varied responses of sixteenth-century scholars as they recovered, reconstructed and resurrected the "half-buried marvels" of Rome.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — Sept. 1, 1988
European History
My Budapest My Budapest: Portrait of a European City
Celebrating Budapest and Hungary as a significant part of continental culture and history, the exhibit is drawn from Louis Szathmary's renowned Hungarian collection of over 15,000 volumes, featuring books, artifacts, and documents.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Oct. 1, 1989
European History
The Napoleonic Sanhedrin: 1807-1808
On 6 October 1806 a body appointed by Napoleon and known as the assembly of Jewish Notables invited members of the Jewish communities of Europe to participate in a "Sanhedrin." This exhibition presents the event through archival materials from the Napoleonic government and from the court itself.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
June 1 — Jan. 1, 1987
Jewish Studies
European History
On Equal Terms Exhibit On Equal Terms: Educating Women at the University of Chicago
Since the University welcomed its first students in the fall of 1892, women have had very different stories to tell about the experiments in co-education and faculty diversification; the experience of the classroom, the laboratory, the dorm, and the streets of Hyde Park; the issues of mentorship, intellectual community, and career advancement; and the opportunities for political action and community involvement, for friendship, romance, and sexual experimentation.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 1 — July 31, 2009
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Women's Studies
University of Chicago Library
OntheEdge On the Edge: Medieval Margins and the Margins of Academic Life
This exhibition explores the symmetry between medieval margins and the modern margins of academic life.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 19 — Sept. 10, 2012
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European History
History of Print
One in Spirit One in Spirit: A Retrospective View of the University of Chicago
An introduction to the scope and diversity of the University Archives; not a history but an array of documentation and iconographic resources for the history of an institution.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — March 31, 1974
University of Chicago
Lincoln Our Lincoln: Bicentennial Icons from the Barton Collection of Lincolniana
Marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, this exhibition presents a selection of documents and artifacts from the University of Chicago Library's William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Feb. 28, 2009
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Chicago and Illinois
American History
Nurse with Baby Past, Present, Future: the Evolution of Medicine at the University of Chicago's Hospitals
This exhibit provides an overview of the history and evolution of the medical school program, the hospital facilities and their technology, and medical partnerships with other Chicago area hospitals.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 15 — March 30, 2012
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University of Chicago
Moses 9.jpeg Paul B. Moses: Trailblazing Art Historian
The extraordinary life of the art historian Paul B. Moses (1929–1966) was one defined by barriers overcome. Through his writings, photographs, video clips, personal correspondence, ephemera, and original art, the exhibition tells the story of his journey from Ardmore, Pennsylvania and Haverford College, where he was the first African-American student ever admitted, to the University of Chicago, where he distinguished himself through innovative teaching and scholarship until his untimely death.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 12 — Dec. 16, 2022
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Chicago and Illinois
University of Chicago
100 yard dash.jpg Preserving the Photofiles: Digitizing Images at the University of Chicago
On view is a selection from the rich collection of more than 60,000 images in the University Archives Photographic Files, documenting individuals, buildings, activities, and events associated with the University, dating back to the pre-Civil War period founding of the Old University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Jan. 31, 2003
University of Chicago
Presidents of University of Chicago The Presidents of the University of Chicago: A Centennial View
This exhibition, the fourth in a series marking the Centennial of the University of Chicago, examines the distinctive contributions of each of the ten chief executives of the university over the past century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Oct. 1 — Feb. 1, 1993
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University of Chicago
Printing for the Modern Age Exhibit Printing for the Modern Age: Commerce, Craft, and Culture in the RR Donnelley Archive
The R. R. Donnelley Archive preserves a fascinating array of historical materials dating from the mid-nineteenth to the late twentieth century, offering research potential in modern social and cultural history, the history of printing and the graphic arts, the history of advertising and mass consumption, economic and labor history, Chicago urban and community history, and modern cultural studies, among many other fields.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Feb. 28, 2007
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History of Print
Chicago and Illinois
American History
schultz_thumb_exlist.jpg Reading the Greens: Books on Golf from the Arthur W. Schultz Collection
The exhibition is drawn from the Arthur W. Schultz Golf Collection, which includes more than 1,600 books on the history of golf presented to the University of Chicago Library by Arthur W. Schultz, an alumnus and Life Trustee of the University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 30, 1998
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Recipes for Domesticity Recipes for Domesticity: Cookery, Household Management, and the Notion of Expertise
This exhibition, drawn primarily from the Rare Books Collection, provides a sampling of European and American cookbooks and domestic manuals from court chefs of the 15th century to cooking icons of the 20th century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
April 22 — July 13, 2013
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European History
American History
red press thumbnail Red Press
Red Press: Radical Print Culture from St. Petersburg to Chicago represents the Bolshevik revolution as it was waged through broadsides, pamphlets, periodicals and posters. Many materials are drawn from the archive of Samuel N. Harper, son of the University’s founding president, the first American Russianist, and eyewitness to the revolution. Through these rare printed sources visitors can trace the worldwide spread of revolutionary and antirevolutionary media and ideas.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 25 — Feb. 2, 2018
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Slavic/Eastern Europe/Eurasia
Robert Rosenthal: A Memorial Exhibition
This exhibition opens the day of the University memorial service for Robert Rosenthal, who died on December 27, 1989, while visiting friends and book dealers in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Rosenthal joined the staff of the University of Chicago Library in 1950 as Assistant Curator for Manuscripts, Archives, and Lincolniana.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — March 1, 1990
University of Chicago
The Salem Martyr by Noble The Salem Witch Trials: Legal Resources
The Salem Witch Trials divided the community. Neighbor testified against neighbor. Children against parents. Husband against wife. Children died in prisons. Families were destroyed. Churches removed from their congregations some of the persons accused of witchcraft. After the Court of Oyer and Terminer was dissolved, the Superior Court of Judicature took over the witchcraft cases. They disallowed spectral evidence. Most accusations of witchcraft then resulted in acquittals.
The D'Angelo Law Library
Oct. 1 — Jan. 1, 2024
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American History
U.S. Law
samuel n harper.jpg Samuel Harper and the Russia He Knew
Samuel Harper, son of the University's founding president William Rainey Harper, pioneered Russian studies in this country. The materials he collected during his visits-from postcards to political propaganda-compose this exhibit, displayed in the alcoves of the Special Collections gallery.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — Feb. 1, 1990
Scav thumbnail Scav Hunt at UChicago: Seeking Fun, Finding Tradition
Quirky, at times impossible, yet always fun, Scavenger Hunt—or Scav—has set UChicago students dashing in search eclectic lists of miscellany since 1987. Simultaneously a break from studying and a team building exercise, Scav is a campus rite of spring that unifies the student body. Over time, Scav has evolved, yet managed to retain its characteristic spirit of humor and playful rigor that has made it an endearing student tradition.
April 29 — Aug. 9, 2024
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University of Chicago
Scholars and Scholarship of the Renaissance Scholars and Scholarship of the Renaissance: An Exhibition from the Collections of the University of Chicago Library
As part of a year-long celebration of the Renaissance, this exhibition features selections from the Library's collections that exemplify "a few of the many varieties of scholarly pursuits that marked the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries."
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 1, 1964
European History
Science and Conscience poster Science and Conscience: Chicago's Met Lab and the Manhattan Project
Based on archives and manuscripts in the Special Collections Research Center, Science and Conscience presents unique historical documents and artifacts, many not previously exhibited. Items on display are drawn from records of scientists’ organizations and the papers of those who worked on the Manhattan Project and at Chicago’s Met Lab, including Enrico Fermi, James Franck, Herbert L. Anderson, Samuel K. Allison, Samuel Schwartz, Francis W. Test, Lawrence Lanzl, John H. Balderston, Jr., Albert Wattenberg, Eugene Rabinowitch, Paul Henshaw, William A. Higinbotham, and Donald MacRae, among others.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 19 — April 13, 2018
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University of Chicago
Green Roof on Searle The Science of Sustainability
This exhibit takes a close look at some aspects of sustainable building design and how they can produce greener buildings.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
April 5 — Oct. 1, 2010
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Environmental Science
Urban Studies
Organismal Biology
Chicago and Illinois
University of Chicago
seminary coop thumbnail.jpg The Seminary Co-op Documentary Project: Capturing the Bookstore’s Distinctive Character and History
After 51 years, the Seminary Co-op Bookstore left cherished home in the basement of the former Chicago Theological Seminary. The importance of the Co-op in the history of the University and for the greater Chicago and intellectual community warranted a significant effort to document it before it began the next phase of its life and to renew interest in this valuable asset on Chicago's South Side.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
April 1 — July 31, 2013
University of Chicago
Shared Past, Shared Future Shared Past, Shared Future: The Marine Biological Laboratory and the University of Chicago
The recent affiliation between UChicago and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is the latest chapter in the long, intertwined history of the two institutions.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
April 19 — Oct. 31, 2016
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Organismal Biology
University of Chicago
Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection, The: Sources on English Society, 1250-1700
The Bacon collection allows one to view the development of English rural and agricultural society in considerable detail.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
April 1 — June 30, 1972
European History
Something's Brewing: The Art, Science and Technology of Beer Brewing Something's Brewing: The Art, Science and Technology of Beer Brewing
The Crerar Library exhibit, Something's Brewing: The Art, Science and Technology of Brewing, explores the development of brewing, from the ancient Sumerians' rice-based beverages to the rise and fall of the Chicago brewing industry.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Jan. 8 — March 31, 2007
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Chicago and Illinois
Materials Science
History of Science
Sun Ra Sounds from Tomorrow's World: Sun Ra and the Chicago Years, 1946-1961
This exhibit explores Sun Ra’s Chicago years through images and sound recordings of his poetry and music, vinyl records and album artwork, promotional materials and early controversial broadsheets. While living in Chicago, Herman Poole “Sonny” Blount became Sun Ra—the leader of the Arkestra and a composer and arranger of some of the most avant-garde jazz of the time.
Regenstein 3rd Floor Reading Room
Dec. 1 — Aug. 20, 2010
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Chicago and Illinois
Souvenirs thumbnail Souvenirs! Get Your Souvenirs!
Souvenirs can come in all shapes and sizes; they can be simple or complex, tasteful or tacky. This exhibition presents various souvenirs created for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, the 1933 Century of Progress International Exposition, and the City of Chicago. It draws on collections throughout the Special Collections Research Center, catalyzed by the Ian Mueller Collection of Chicago Memorabilia.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
July 22 — Oct. 4, 2013
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Special Collections
American History
Chicago and Illinois
Specialized Encyclopedias
This related to the major exhibition on encyclopedism. Focusing on "Specialized Encyclopedias fro which there was no room in the major exhibition cases, this smaller selection from the literature included such titles as Buffon's Des oiseaux and encyclopedias addressing aspecialized audiences such as women or children.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 1, 1990
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae
With over 900 engravings of views and monuments of Classical and early modern Rome, the selections in this exhibition reveal the nature and variety of the University of Chicago's Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae collection, and the rarity and quality of individual prints.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1966
European History
Stephen A. Douglas Stephen A. Douglas and the American Union
The life and career of Senator Stephen A. Douglas (1813-1861), a divisive leader in political struggles over slavery, settlement of the Western territories, and the dissolution of the Federal union, is the subject of this exhibition. Drawn from the Douglas papers and other printed, manuscript and archival holdings, the exhibition marks the Douglas family's recent gift of significant additional materials.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Feb. 1 — June 1, 1994
American History
Cracker Jack advertisement Sweet Home Chicago: Chocolate and Confectionery Production and Technology in the Windy City
Drawing from items in the substantial cookery collection at the John Crerar Library, this exhibit explores the history of chocolate and confectioners in the city and the science and technology of the candy making process.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Oct. 10 — June 11, 2011
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Chicago and Illinois
Teaching Western Civ At Chicago
Drawing on the rich holding of the University of Chicago Archives, this exhibition examines the complex series of events which led to the inception of the Western Civ course offerings at the University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
June 1 — Oct. 1, 1987
Tensions in Renaissance Cities Title Image Tensions in Renaissance Cities
Rome, Florence, Geneva, London; Renaissance cities used art and literature to express their growing pains. After the Black Death, recovering cities developed in a geography of interdependence, connected by fluctuating kingdoms, mercantile networks, and the newborn printing press. This exhibit charts the tensions of capitals from Venice to Mexico City as they looked eastward, westward, backward toward antiquity, or upward to the celestial geographies offered by magic, science, and theology.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
March 27 — June 9, 2017
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European History
This Library Will Contribute to the Liberation of the Mind, the Understanding of Civility, the Exaltation of the Spirit This Library Will Contribute to the Liberation of the Mind, the Understanding of Civility, the Exaltation of the Spirit
This Library Will Contribute to the Liberation of the Mind, the Understanding of Civility, the Exaltation of the Spirit
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1970
University of Chicago Library
lewellyn.jpg Through the Lens: Stephen Lewellyn Photographs of the University of Chicago
The prints on display, works by photographer Stephen Lewellyn, document University events, personalities, and campus scenes from the mid-1940s to the late 1960s, and were made from more than 10,000 negatives Lewellyn presented as a gift to the University of Chicago Archives.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Jan. 31, 2003
University of Chicago
Tradition of Aquinas and Bonaventure Tradition of Aquinas and Bonaventure, The: Text and Commentary during Seven Centuries
This exhibition illustrates the influence of Aquinas and Bonaventure during the 700 years following their deaths, focusing on texts and commentary, with the history of the texts presented in manuscripts, incunabula, and more recent scholarly editions.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Dec. 31, 1974
European History
ida noyes.jpg Travels with Ida: Letters and Photographs from Abroad Selected from the Ida Noyes Papers in the University Archives
Beside the voluminous correspondence between Ida and La Verne Noyes, the exhibit presents Ida Noyes's diaries, and the hand-colored photographs she took and developed on the way. The exhibit not only sheds light on the life of one of the most influential women in the University's early history, it also presents a unique view on the world as it looked to one of the privileged travelers able to circle the globe before the beginning of the 20th century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 1, 1982
University of Chicago
Kehinde Wiley detail UChicago Celebrates Black History
A selection of books that explore all dimensions of Black life, history and Black experience. All books were suggested by UChicago students, staff, faculty, and librarians.
Regenstein 1st Floor Reading Room
Feb. 10 — Feb. 29, 2020
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Main exhibit poster Under Your Feet, Chicago's Water, Freight, Subway and Storm Tunnels
Under Your Feet explores the system—from the first water tunnels completed in 1867, to the now defunct freight tunnels of the early 1900's, to the subway system we use today, to the Deep Tunnel project and storm tunnels of the future.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Feb. 14 — March 31, 2006
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Chicago and Illinois
United States Supreme Court: Portraits and Autographs Title Page United States Supreme Court: Portraits and Autographs
A web exhibit to highlight some of the notable portraits and documents available in the United States Supreme Court: Portraits and Autographs collection at the University of Chicago D'Angelo Law Library, as well as to provide some resources for further research on these individuals and documents.
The D'Angelo Law Library
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American History
U.S. Law
centennial_catalog_life_on_the_quads.jpg The University of Chicago Centennial Catalogues
This online presentation reproduces the complete text and accompanying images from four University of Chicago Centennial Exhibition Catalogues, published in conjunction with a series of physical exhibitions organized by the Department of Special Collections to celebrate the 1991-92 Centennial of the University of Chicago.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — Feb. 1, 1993
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University of Chicago
University of Chicago Faculty The University of Chicago Faculty: A Centennial View
"The University of Chicago Faculty: A Centennial View" examines the careers of twenty-eight representative scholars from the institution's first century.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Oct. 1 — Dec. 1, 1992
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University of Chicago
Law School Time Capsules University of Chicago Law School Time Capsules: 1903 & 1958
In August 2009, University stone masons opened the cornerstone of the University of Chicago's Law School building to unveil two time capsules, one from 1903 and one from 1958.The boxes contained items collected for the cornerstone of the original Law School building and items presented when the current building, designed by Eero Saarinen, was built.
The D'Angelo Law Library
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University of Chicago
University of Chicago Press: A Century of Scholarly Publishing, 1891-1991
This exhibition, organized by the Library in conjunction with the University of Chicago Press, marks the Centennial of the University of Chicago Press by tracing its history from its beginnings as a small private corporation to its current status as America's largest university press.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
June 1 — Sept. 1, 1992
University of Chicago
Uses of Gothic Uses of Gothic
The University of Chicago's remarkable adherence to Gothic design and quadrangular planning through four decades of rapid social change and shifting architectural fashion form the theme of this exhibit.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
May 1 — Sept. 1, 1983
University of Chicago
Virtual Tourist in Renaissance Rome Exhibit The Virtual Tourist in Renaissance Rome: Printing and Collecting the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae
This exhibition examines the publishing history of Antonio Lafreri's Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae through several generations of printmakers and print publishers, showcasing the Library's Speculum Romanae Magnificantiae Digital Collection.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Sept. 1 — Feb. 29, 2008
European History
Ida B. Wells A Voice for Justice: The Life and Legacy of Ida B. Wells
This web exhibit showcases the achievements of civil rights activist Ida B. Wells (1862-1931) and documents her lifelong campaign for the rights and lives of African Americans in the nineteenth and twentieth-century United States of America.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
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Chicago and Illinois
American History
African-American Studies
Martin Pots page 7 cropped War, Trauma, Memory
It seems an understatement to note that war is traumatic to those who experience it in any way, shape or form. The pieces in this exhibit reflect their creators’ experiences in wars from the 16th century through the present day. Each of these pieces was published or made public by their creators; by that action the creator invites us into the captured moment. We see, not a moment of trauma itself but a time after that moment, whether that be seconds or years. In this exhibit, the trauma of war is represented by that very absence of trauma, through the experience creators share with viewers, listeners or readers.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
April 30 — Aug. 31, 2018
We Are Chicago thumbnail We Are Chicago:Student Life in the Collections of the University of Chicago Archives
Drawn from the historical collections of the University Archives, We Are Chicago highlights student experiences over a span of 120 years. This exhibition features recent donations to the collections along with rarely seen materials. Costumes, photographs, T-shirts, letters, posters, publications, and memorabilia will combine to make this the largest and most inclusive exhibition in the ongoing Special Collections archival series, Discover Hidden Archives Treasures.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 2 — March 31, 2012
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University of Chicago
microfilm worker Well Equipped: Library Technology from Days Past
Over the years Crerar Library has used the newest equipment and technologies to make books, journals, and other information accessible to patrons. These tools have evolved through the years. A library card system has been replaced with an online catalog with significant collections available electronically. Early techniques for photocopying and microfilming materials have been eclipsed by digital scanning services. Displayed are objects and photos of some of these earlier pieces used by the Library.
Crerar Library, 1st Floor: Other Spaces
Sept. 18 — June 7, 2018
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University of Chicago Library
Library Science
Will Cuppy: The Natural History of a Modern Humorist
As a columnist for The New Yorker and other publications, Will Cuppy (Ph.B. '07, A.M. '14) satirized evolutionary theory and commented on the ironies of human history.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Nov. 1 — Jan. 1, 1994
University of Chicago
Willam Benton William Benton: A Public Life
This exhibition examines the range and substance of Benton's contributions within a number of distinct but interlocking spheres: founder of Benton and Bowles, vice-president and trustee of the University of Chicago, pioneer in educational films and radio, owner and publisher of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Muzak entrepreneur, unofficial advisor to the isolationist America First Committee, charter member and vice-chairman of the Committee for Economic Development, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, founding delegate to UNESCO, liberal Senator from Connecticut, opponent of Joseph McCarthy, and creator of the Benton Foundation for philanthropy in education and communications.
The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Jan. 1 — May 1, 1987
University of Chicago
KFAS logo square 인재의 숲: 시카고대학교 출신 한국 유학생들의 발자취
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Korean Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), this exhibit follows the footprints left by talented Korean students at UChicago and highlights some of the lasting impacts they have made in professional and academic fields, as well as a look at the commercial and philanthropic contributions made by founder Chey Jong-hyon (MA ‘61 Economics) and his son and business successor Chey Tae-won (X, Economics).
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University of Chicago
Korean Studies