Who Can Borrow
The University of Chicago Library offers borrowing options for a variety of members of the UChicago community and visiting researchers, including reciprocal agreements with a number of academic institutions and organizations
To borrow from our libraries, you must have a library card. In most cases this will be your UChicago Card.
UChicago Students, Faculty, and Staff
UChicago students, faculty, academics, and staff may borrow Library materials and access the Library.
Current UChicago faculty, academics, registered students, and staff also have both on-campus and off-campus access to online resources.
Other Groups Eligible to Borrow
Everyone is welcome to consult the Library’s print and electronic collections by visiting the Library.
In addition, the following groups are eligible to borrow Library materials.
UChicago Alumni
University of Chicago alumni may borrow Library materials for a quarterly or annual fee.
Alumni also have access to a group of specially licensed databases from off-campus locations.
UChicago Laboratory Schools and Charter School Students
UChicago Laboratory Schools Students and UChicago Charter School Students enrolled in grades 10, 11, and 12 may borrow up to 25 items at a time at no charge.
UChicago Advisory Councils and Women’s Board
Members of the University Advisory Councils and Women's Board may borrow Library materials at no charge.
Spouses, Partners, and Dependents of UChicago Faculty and Academics
Spouses, civil union partners, and dependents (in Grade 10 or higher) of faculty and academics with annual borrowing privileges are eligible for quarterly borrowing at no charge.
Students, Faculty, and Staff from other Universities
We have reciprocal agreements that provide borrowing at no charge to faculty, students, and staff at those academic institutions.
In addition, tenured and tenure track faculty from any institution may borrow materials for a $200 fee per quarter (limited to 25 concurrent items).
See Students, Faculty, and Staff from other Universities for more information.