Library Council

Library Council

The Library Council is the lead advisory group to the Dean and the Library's senior leadership. They are accomplished experts in their fields and invited to join the Council for their ability to provide advice based on their professional background, as well as for their philanthropic commitment to the Library.

Current Members

Thomas E. Dannenberg (AM'03), Chair

Jenna Anderson (AB'07, MBA'14), Deputy Chair

Samuel Blackman (AB'90)

Brittany M. Dino (AM'13)

Juana Harper (AB'74)

Kevin Hartman (MPP'98, MBA'98)

Danette Gentile Kauffman (AM'69)

Kevin Klowden (AB'94, AM'94)

Michael L. Klowden (AB'67)

Roger Moore (MBA'92)

Patrick Spain (AB'74)