New at SCRC - September 2024

Color miniature in a 15th-century book of hours depicting an angel appearing to shepherds

A monthly list of new archives, manuscripts, rare books, and digitized items available at the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center

Newly Processed


57th Street Art Fair Records, 1964-2007.

Edith and Grace Abbott Papers, 1870-1967.

American Veterans Committee, Chicago Area Council Records, 1946-1973.

Polly Scribner Ames Papers, 1938-1993.

Michael Anania Papers, circa 1950s-2006.


“[Book of Hours: Use of Rome].” Netherlands, between 1425 and 1450.

“[Book of Hours: Use of Rouen].” Rouen, France, between 1425 and 1450?

Homer. “The Iliad of Homer: Translated, Almost Literally, into the Spenserian Stanza with Notes by W.G.T. Barter: Original Manuscript from His Transcription Made for Press.” Revised draft manuscript. England, 1849?-1853.

“[Moral and religious anthology].” Northern France or Low Countries, not before 1469.

“Catalogue de la bibliotheque, de M. J.J. Rougier, A.” Marmande, 1809.

Salutati, Coluccio. “De Saeculo et Religione.” Florence, Italy, approximately 1406?

Sandford, G., and Prince Hoare. “Promptbook for a Production of the Lock and Key.” Plymouth, England?, between 1828 and 1836.

Rare Books

An die Wirthe: der Wein erfreut der menschen Herzen. Vienna: publisher not identified, 1802.

Baurenfeind, Michael, and Christoph Weigel. Vollkommene Wieder-Herstellung: der bissher sehr in Verfall gekomme nen gründlich-u: zierlichen Schreib-Kunst, worinnen der Jugend ein sicherer und angenehmer Wege: wie sie mit sonderbarem Vortheil ohne einige Information von selbsten hierinnen sich gar leicht belehren: eine erwachsene Person, aber der gründrichtigen Lehr-Art und der zu Ersetzung dess bissherigen Mangels dargestelten Versalien mit gutem Nuzen Bedienen kan. Nürenberg: publisher not identified, 1716.

Blassingame, Tia, Ben Blount, Tamar Evangelestia-Dougherty, and Aimee Lee. Foreword: Black and Brown Hands in Book Arts/Histories & Print Making/Cultures. Place of publication not identified: Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective, 2023.

Chronicon orientale. Corpus Byzantinae historiae. Venetii: Ex typographia Bartholomaei Javarina, 1729.

Chronicon orientale Petri Rahebi Ægyptii. Corpus byzantinae historiae. Venetiis: Ex typographia Bartholomæi Javarina, 1729.

Codinus, George. Georgii Codini et alterius cujusdam anonymi excerpta de antiquitatibus Constantinopolitanis. Corpus byzantinae historiae. Venetiis: Ex typographia Bartholomaei Javarina, 1729.

Deyling, Salomon. Promotionem Doctoralem Trium Theologiae Licentiatorum: Ad d. VII. Iulii a. MDCCXLVI in Templo Academico Solemni Ritu Instituendam Indicit et Ad Eam Ordinis Theologici Fautores Omnes Officiose Ac Peramanter Invitat Salomon Deyling, S.S. Theolog. D. et Professor P.O. Ecclesiae Cathedralis Misenensis Canonicus. Lipsiae: Ex officina Langehemiana, 1746.

Galt, John. The Tragedies of Maddalen, Agamemnon, Lady Macbeth, Antonia & Clytemnestra. London: Printed for Cadell and Davies, 1812.

Hanson, Jim. Luminism: Poems. Fennville, Michigan: publisher not identified, 2017.

———. The Farm and Other Poems from 2016. Fennville, Michigan: publisher not identified, 2018.

Hartl, Sebastian, ed. Wiener-Kalenderl auf das Jahr 1784, welches ein Schalt-Jahr von 366 Tagen. Wien zu finden: b. Sebast. Hartl, Buchbu. u. Buchh., in d. Singerstr., neben St. Stephansthor, 1783.

Italian Escort Cards. Venice, Italy? publisher not identified, between 1795 and 1800?

Leschener, Henry de. Traitté des comettes, ou, On voit leurs causes, leur nature, leurs effets, le temps auquel elles se forment, les lieux où elles paroissent, le moyen de les predire et de connoistre non seulement ce qu'elles annoncent en général mais aussi en particulier. A Paris: Chez Denys Thierry, ruë S. Iacques, à l’enseigne de la ville de Paris, 1665.

Mutel, Didier. R217A. Orchamps, France: Atelier Didier Mutel, 2016.

Neumann, Johann Georg, and Paulus Berger. Schilo Princeps Pacis Gen. XLIX, 10. Vitembergae: literis Meyerianis, 1704.

Programma Jesu Christo Consolatori Mundi Sacrum Ex Genes. V. 29 Ipsis Feriis Natalitiis: Debitô Pietatis Affectu Publice Propositum â pro-Rectore & Senatu Academiae Regiomontanae. Regiomonti: Typis Reusnerianis, 1712.

Prou, Ludovicus. De Cometa Ann. 1664 et 1665: Observationes Mathematicae. Parisiis: E typographia Edmundi Martini, via Iacobaea, sub sole aureo, 1665.

The Queen and the Mogul: A Play, in Two Acts: Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as Performed at a Theatre-Royal. London: Printed and published by W. Benbow, 269, Strand, and sold by all other booksellers, 1820.

Rosenmüller, Johann Georg. D. Jo. Georgii Rosenmüller’s Antiquissima Telluris Historia à Mose, Gen. 1. Descripta. Ulmæ: Impensis Jo. Conradi Wohleri, 1776.

Ross, Frank E., Mary R. Calvert, and Kenneth Newman. “Atlas of the Northern Milky Way.” Chicago, Illinois, 1934. [Possible fair copy.]

Rus, Johann Reinhard, and Philipp Casimir Schlosser. “Exercitatio Philologica de Serpente Seductore Non Naturali, Sed Solo Diablo, Ad Genes. III. 1-15.” Ienae: Typis Pauli Ehrichii, 1712.

Sachs, Hans. Ein Kampfgesprech zwischen dem Todt unnd dem natürlichen Leben: weliches unter in beden das pesser sey. Nuremberg: Niclas Meldeman zü Nürmberg bey der langen Bruckgen, 1533.

Schmid, Johann Andreas, and Joan Sigismund Ebersbach. Oraculum a Rebecca Consultum Gen. XXV. 21 Seq. Helmstadii: typis Georg. Wolfgangi Hammii, acad. typogr, 1712.

Schmid, Sebastian, and Joh Michael Cellarius. “Conciliatio Difficilium Scripturae Locorum Gen. XLVI. 26.27 & Actor. VII. 14 de Numero Familiae Jacobeae Descenditis in Aegyptum Moderante.” Literis Jo. Godofredi Meyeri, 1712.

ספר הכנסיה הגדולה השישית בירושלים [Sefer ha-Kenesiyah ha-gedolah ha-shishit bi-Yerushalayim]. Yerushalayim: Defus Yehudah, 1954.

Weickhmannus, Joachimus Samuel. De Roma Senescente. Vitembergae: Litteris Caroli Christani Dürri, acad. a typis, 1768.

Yazzie, Susanna, and Alfred W. Yazzie. Sáanii Be’aze’ = Women’s Medicine. Tempe, Arizona: Bad Dog Press, 1997.

Additions to the Edward Valauskas Collection of Dinosauriana.

Additions to the Roger Baskes Collection.

New Online

Collection Webpages