New at SCRC - October 2024
A monthly list of new archives, manuscripts, rare books, and digitized items available at the Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
Newly Processed or Updated
Celia and Delia Austrian Papers, 1921-1932.
George Wells Beadle Papers, 1908-1981.
R. Pierce Beaver Papers, 1905-1962.
Harry A. Bigelow Papers, 1925-1948.
Preliminary Inventory to the Arthur W. Marshall Madeira-Mamoré Railroad Records, 1909-1968.
Preliminary Inventory to the Rafael Cruz Gil Collection of the Spanish Civil War, 1882-2012.
Bernard. “Lectiones nove de sanctis.” Germany, between 1475 and 1500?.
Burchard. “Descriptio seu declaratio terr[a]e s[anc]te [et] civitatum vicinaru[m] [et] regno[rum] q[ua]si totius orbis.” France or Low Countries?, between 1425 and 1475?.
“Compendium historiae Britannicae Ad Henricum VIII.” England, 1529.
“Diary of a French Soldier in the War of the Austrian Succession.” France, 1745-1746.
Dominici, Giovanni. “Lucula noctis.” Italy, approximately 1405.
Fitzneale, Richard. “Geruasii Tilberiensis de Scaccarii necessariis observantiis dialogus tempore Henrici Secundi scriptus.” England, between 1600 and 1700.
———. “Geruasius Tilberiensis de necessariis Scaccarii observantiis.” England, between 1600 and 1725?.
“German-American Recipe Book.” Southern United States?, before 1858.
Rare Books
Almanach de Milan, ou, Le pescheur fidèle: pour l'an de N. Seigneur M.D.CC.XXXXV.: observations sur l'année de la création du monde, 5745, de l'incarnation, 1745, de la correction Gregor. 155. A Bruxelles: Jean Leonard, libraire-imprimeur ruë de la Cour, 1745.
Astolfi, Gio Felice. Cento auenimenti miracolosi, stupendi, e rari. In Venetia: Appresso Sebastian Combi, 1603.
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro. Quarta parte de comedias. Enmendadas y corregidas en esta segunda impresión. En Madrid: Por Bernardo de Hervada, 1674.
Catholic Church. Ces [pre]sentes heures a lusage de Ro[m]me fure[n]t acheuees le xx. iour de aoust, la[n] mil. CCCC quatre vingtz [et] xvi. pour Simon Vostre libraire demourant a Paris a la rue neuue Nostre Dame a limage Sainct Iehan leuangeliste. Paris: [Philippe Pigouchet] pour Simon Vostre, 1496.
———. L’Office de la semaine sainte, selon le messel & breviaire romain: avec la concordance du messel, & breviaire de Paris. A Paris: par la Compagnie des Libraires associez au livre de la semaine sainte, 1680.
———. Missale ad sacros[an]cte[m] Romane ecclesie usum: cum variis additamentis: missale hoc [per]multa sparsim co[n]tinet q[ue] in ceteris desidera[n]t[is]: multa etia[m] errata plerisque in locis in aliis co[m]missa recognita sunt atq[ue] eme[n]data, ut diligens lectore facile percipiet. Paris: Impressum a Johan[n]e Kerbria[n]d & Desiderio Maheu, in alma Parisioru[m] academia, 1524.
Knowles, James Sheridan. Caius Gracchus: A Tragedy in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. Glasgow: Printed for J. Ridgway, and Hurst, Robinson, & Co. London; Constable & Co. Edinburgh; Reid & Henderson, Glasgow; and R. Milliken, Dublin, 1823.
———. Love: A Play, in Five Acts. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1840.
———. The Beggar of Bethnal Green: A Comedy in Three Acts, Altered from The Beggar’s Daughter of Bethnal Green. Second edition. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1834.
———. The Daughter: A Play, in Five Acts. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1837.
———. The Hunchback: A Play, in Five Acts. Fourth edition. London: E. Moxon, 64, New Bond Street, 1832.
———. The Love-Chase: A Comedy, in Five Acts. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1837.
———. The Wife: A Tale of Mantua: A Play, in Five Acts. Third edition. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1833.
———. Virginius: A Tragedy, in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane. Sixth edition. London: Printed for James Ridgway, Piccadilly, 1823.
———. Woman’s Wit, or, Love’s Disguises: A Play in Five Acts. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1838.
Le tour du monde par un petit français: en 24 tableaux. [Toy theater.] Paris: JJF, 1906.
Lille (France). La loy de la ville de Lille: du prémier Novembre 1744. A Lille: Chez J. B. Henry, impremeur de messieurs du Magistrat, 1744.
مجموعۀ منطق [Majmūʻah-ʼi manṭiq ; Ṣughrá ; Kubrá ; Īsāghūjī ; Mukhtaṣar al-mīzān va Taʻrīf al-ashyāʼ dar Ḥāshiyah-ʼi Ān ; Mīzān al-manṭiq ; Jawāhir al-muḍīiyah dar Ḥāshiyah-ʼi Ān maqūlāt-i ʻashrah ; Tahdhīb]. Bār-i Siyūm. Lakhanuʼ: Maṭbaʻ-i Masīḥāʼī, 1264.
Mexía, Pedro. Selua rinouata di varia lettione. In Venetia: Appresso Ambrosio, & Bartolomeo Dei, Fratelli, 1616.
Parte Nona. De comedias escogidas de los mejores ingenios de España. En Madrid: Por Gregorio Rodriguez. A costa de Mateo de la Bastida, mercader de libros. Vendese en su casa en la calle Mayor, enfrente de las gradas de san Felipe, 1657.
Ross, John. An Explanation of Captain Sabine’s Remarks on the Late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin’s Bay. London: John Murray, 1819.
Sabine, Edward. Remarks on the Account of the Late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin’s Bay Published by Captain J. Ross, R.N. Second edition. London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe Lane, for John Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place, 1819.
Salazar y Torres, Agustín. Cythara de Apolo, varias poesias, divinas, y humanas. Primera parte. En Madrid: A costa de Francisco Sanz, impressor del reyno, y portero de camara de su Magestad, 1681.
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. [Video game for Apple II.] Manchester, N.H: Origin Systems Inc, 1985.
Additions to the Alma S. Lach Culinary Library.
Additions to the Edward Valauskas Collection of Dinosauriana.
New Online
Manuscript Fragments in Fragmentarium
Bible (Fragment), Chicago, University of Chicago Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, BS389.E44 1938 Rare Books, Leaf 4 (
Lectionary or Passionary (Fragment), Chicago, University of Chicago Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, Codex Ms 686, Box 3, MS 1 (
Petrus Comestor, Historia scholastica (Fragment), Chicago, University of Chicago Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, Codex Ms 686, Box 3, MS 2 (
Missal (Fragment), Chicago, University of Chicago Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, Codex Ms 686, Box 3, MS 4 (
Collection Webpages
German Almanacs and Taschenbücher.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Collection of Children’s Literature.
Historical Children’s Book Collection.
Harry and Branka Sondheim Jewish Heritage Collection.