Mamlūk Studies Review, Vol. XXVII (2024) now available on Knowledge@UChicago
The twenty-seventh volume of Mamlūk Studies Review, an open access journal devoted to the study of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria (648–922/1250–1517), is now available on Knowledge@UChicago, the digital institutional repository for the University of Chicago.

Vol. XXVII is a special festschrift issue entitled “Mamluks and Mongols: Studies in Honor of Reuven Amitai.” It was prepared on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Reuven Amitai, Eliyahu Elath Professor for Muslim History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and noted Mamluk studies scholar. Prof. Amitai’s many students and colleagues contributed articles on social, political, cultural, religious, legal, and archaeological topics relating to the Mamluks, the Mongols, and the relations between them.
Questions concerning Mamlūk Studies Review can be directed to Marlis J. Saleh, Editor and Bibliographer for Middle Eastern Studies. For more information about Knowledge@UChicago and related services, please use this form to contact the repository personnel.