Celebrate Love Data Week with the Library’s data specialists
The University of Chicago Library is offering workshops and programs in honor of Love Data Week, February 10-14 that will give you the opportunity to meet some of the Library subject specialists who work regularly with students, faculty, and staff on data-related topics, including:
- Greg Fleming, Business and Economics Librarian, consults with researchers who are interested in using core business and economic datasets, such as the Economic Census and Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED).
- Elizabeth Foster, Social Sciences Data Librarian, serves as the Library’s primary representative to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. She teaches workshops on locating high quality, public use datasets and introductory data analysis and visualization skills.
- Jennifer Hart, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Physics Librarian, purchases books on statistical software and programming languages. She also assists researchers who are interested in open access data repositories and helps them find quality data for their research.
- Cecilia Smith, GIS and Maps Librarian, specializes in providing services that focus on discovering, exploring, visualizing, and curating geospatial information. She offers workshops on geospatial analysis programs and concepts and consults with researchers who are interested in designing research projects with spatial components.
- Sarah G. Wenzel, Bibliographer, Literatures of Europe and the Americas, develops data collections for linguistics and curates a list of linguistic corpora. The Library is a member of the Linguistic Data Consortium and users have access to all of the corpora that the consortium has produced since 2001.
The Library offers several data services, including data and code sharing in Knowledge@UChicago, the institutional repository; data management plan support; introductory workshops on data sources and skills; and assistance finding reusable data.
UChicago students, faculty and staff are invited to join us for workshops, events, and a chance to learn more about data services at the University of Chicago Library. Unable to attend the events? Visit the How Do I Find Data and Statistics? guide for more information, or contact the subject specialists mentioned above.
Schedule of Events:
2/11, 1- 2 p.m.: Navigating Social Explorer (Regenstein 370):
2/12, 11 a.m. - Noon: Introduction to Census Data and International Statistical Yearbooks (TechBar Studio, Regenstein) :
2/12, 3-5 p.m.: Speed Data-ing (Regenstein 122): registration not required
2/13, 1-2 p.m.: Managing Your Personal Data Files (Crerar Computer Classroom):