Perseus Project Homepage Caveats and Wishlist PhiloLogic User Manual The ARTFL Project

Important announcement:
Perseus under PhiloLogic has moved!

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There is a new home page, linking to a freshly updated site.
We will keep the links below alive for the moment, but please update your bookmarks.

The Perseus Project at Tufts University is the foremost Digital Library for the classical world, if not for the Humanities in general. In its collection of Greek and Roman materials, readers will find many of the canonical texts read today. The Greek collection approaches 8 million words and the Latin collection currently has 5.5 million. In addition, many English language dictionaries, other reference works, translations, and commentaries are included, so that anyone with an internet connection has access to the equivalent of a respectable College Classics library. The Perseus site is further enriched by intricate linking mechanisms among texts (resulting in more than 30 million links).

You will here find the same texts, but the mechanism for browsing and searching the text is a different one. It is PhiloLogic, a system that was especially developed for large textual databases by the ARTFL project at the University of Chicago.

We are presenting a beta version of a PhiloLogic build here: Since our first attempts at this, a lot of possibilities have been added, but we know it's not perfect! Please email Helma Dik with your comments or, better still, use the "Report a Problem" link that you will find on the Results pages. The User Manual gives a general introduction to searching under Philologic. This particular collection has its own special features. For a few quick hints to get you started, check out the Info and Help section on the search forms.

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Greek texts and translations
Texts with morphological lookup and access to dictionaries.

Latin texts and translations
Texts with morphological lookup and access to Lewis and Short. Updated version November 2008.
Thanks to Neven Jovanović et al. for editing Terence; thanks to many others for reporting problems!


Grammar, Art History

Reference works
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias

For a more complete description of the capabilities and limitations of the current build, please read our Caveats and Wishlist.

We invite your comments about the desirability and viability of further work.

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We are grateful to the Perseus Project for making their texts available for this project, and specifically to Greg Crane and Adrian Packel for their help in initial troubleshooting. Please note that the conditions of use of Perseus materials fully apply to the texts on this site as well. For details, view the Header information in each of the texts.

ChicagoIn Chicago, thanks go to Catherine Mardikes, fearless Classics Bibliographer; at ARTFL, to Charles Cooney (2006-07) and Richard Whaling (2007-08) for actually doing the work, and to Mark Olsen, Russ Horton and the rest of the 'crew' for advice along the way.

Philologic PhiloLogic
is the primary full-text search, retrieval and analysis tool developed by the ARTFL Project and the Digital Library Development Center (DLDC) at the University of Chicago. This is a Free Software implementation of PhiloLogic for large TEI-Lite document collections. The wide array of XML data specifications and the recent deployment of basic XML processing tools provides an important opportunity for the collaborative development of higher-level, interoperable tools for Humanities Computing applications.

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