Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry

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Ai [1993], Greed (Norton) [Ai:Greed] (gender=F).

Ai, 1947- [1999], Vice (Norton) [Ai1:Vice] (gender=F).

Atkins, Russell. [1961], Phenomena (Wilberforce University) [AtkinsR:Phenomena] (gender=M).

Atkins, Russell. [1968], Heretofore (Penguin Books) [AtkinsR:Hrtfr] (gender=M).

Atkins, Russell. [1976], Here In The (Cleveland State University Poetry Center) [AtkinsR:Here-In] (gender=M).

Atkins, Russell. [1996], 7 &at; 70 (Paul Bremen) [AtkinsR:7-&at;] (gender=M).

Aubert, Alvin. [1994], If Winter Come: Collected Poems 1967-1992 (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [AubertA:If-Winter] (gender=M).

Baker, Houston A. Jr. [1979], No Matter Where You Travel, You Still Be Black (Lotus Press) [BakerH:No-Matter] (gender=M).

Baker, Houston A. Jr. [1982], Spirit Run (Lotus Press) [BakerH:Spirit-Run] (gender=M).

Baker, Houston A. Jr. [1985], Blues Journeys Home (Lotus Press) [BakerH:Bls-Jrnys] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1961], Preface To A Twenty Volume Suicide Note.... (Totem Press) [BarakaI:Preface-To] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1964], The Dead Lecturer (Grove) [BarakaI:The-Dead] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1966], Black Arts (Jihad Press) [BarakaI:Black-Arts] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1969], Black Magic: Collected Poetry 1961-1967 (The Bobbs-Merrill Company) [BarakaI:Blck-Mgc:] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1970], It's Nation Time (Third World Press) [BarakaI:It's-Ntn] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1972], Spirit Reach (Jihad Press) [BarakaI:Sprt-Rch] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1973], Afrikan Revolution (Jihad Press) [BarakaI:Afrkn-Rvltn] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1979], AM/TRAK (Phoenix Bookshop) [BarakaI:AM/TRAK] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1979], Selected Poetry (William Morrow and Company, Inc.) [BarakaI:Slctd-Ptry] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1982], Reggae or Not! (Contact II Publications) [BarakaI:Reggae-or] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1995], Transbluesency: The Selected Poems of Amiri Baraka, 1961-1995 (Marsilio Publishers) [BarakaI:Trnsblsncy:-Th] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1995], Wise, Why's, Y's (Third World Press) [BarakaI:Ws,-Why's,] (gender=M).

Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- [1996], Funk Lore: New Poems, 1984-1995 (Littoral Books) [BarakaI:Funk-Lore:] (gender=M).

Barrax, Gerald W. [1970], Another Kind Of Rain (University of Pittsburgh Press) [BarraxG:Anthr-Knd] (gender=M).

Barrax, Gerald W. [1980], An Audience of One (University of Georgia Press) [BarraxG:An-Adnc] (gender=M).

Barrax, Gerald W. [1984], The Deaths of Animals and Lesser Gods (University of Kentucky) [BarraxG:The-Deaths] (gender=M).

Barrax, Gerald W. [1992], Leaning Against the Sun (The University of Arkansas Press) [BarraxG:Lnng-Agnst] (gender=M).

Bontemps, Arna Wendell [1973], Personals (Paul Breman) [BontempsA:Personals] (gender=M).

Braithwaite, William Stanley [1902], The House of Falling Leaves (J.W. Luce) [BrthwtW:The-House] (gender=M).

Braithwaite, William Stanley [1904], Lyrics of Life and Love (Herbert B. Turner & Co.) [BrthwtW:Lyrics-of] (gender=M).

Brathwaite, Kamau, 1930- [1993], Middle Passages (New Directions) [BrathwaiteK:Mddl-Pssgs] (gender=M).

Brathwaite, Kamau, 1930- [1995], Black + Blues (New Directions) [BrathwaiteK:Black-+] (gender=M).

Brown, Sterling Allen, 1901- [1980], The Collected Poems of Sterling A. Brown (Harper & Row) [BrownS:Th-Cllctd] (gender=M).

Cassells, Cyrus. [1994], Soul Make a Path Through Shouting (Copper Canyon Press) [CassellsC:Soul-Make] (gender=M).

Cassells, Cyrus. [1997], Beautiful Signor (Copper Canyon Press) [CassellsC:Btfl-Sgnr] (gender=M).

Cliff, Michelle [1985], The Land of Look Behind (Firebrand Books) [CliffM:The-Land] (gender=F).

Coleman, Wanda [1983], Imagoes (Black Sparrow Press) [ColemanW:Imagoes] (gender=F).

Coleman, Wanda [1987], Heavy Daughter Blues (Black Sparrow Press) [ColemanW:Hvy-Dghtr] (gender=F).

Coleman, Wanda [1990], African Sleeping Sickness (Black Sparrow Press) [ColemanW:Afrcn-Slpng] (gender=F).

Coleman, Wanda [1993], Hand Dance (Black Sparrow Press) [ColemanW:Hand-Dance] (gender=F).

Coleman, Wanda [1998], Bathwater Wine (Black Sparrow Press) [ColemanW:Bthwtr-Wn] (gender=F).

Cornish, Sam. [1993], Folks Like Me (Zoland Books) [CornishS:Folks-Like] (gender=M).

Cotter, Joseph Seamon Jr. [1990], Complete Poems (University of Georgia Press) [CotterJ:Cmplt-Pms] (gender=M).

Derricotte, Toi [1989], Captivity (University of Pittsburgh Press) [DerricotteT:Captivity] (gender=F).

Derricotte, Toi [1997], Tender (University of Pittsburgh Press) [DerricotteT:Tender] (gender=F).

Dixon, Melvin [1983], Change of Territory (University of Kentucky) [DixonM:Change-of] (gender=M).

Dixon, Melvin [1995], Love's Instruments (Tia Chucha Press) [DixonM:Lv's-Instrmnts] (gender=M).

Dove, Rita [1989], Grace Notes (Norton) [DoveR:Grc-Nts] (gender=F).

Dove, Rita [1995], Mother Love (Norton) [DoveR:Mthr-Lv] (gender=F).

Dove, Rita, 1952- [1999], On The Bus With Rosa Parks (W. W. Norton & Company) [DoveR:On-The] (gender=F).

Eady, Cornelius [1991], The Gathering of My Name (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [EadyC:Th-Gthrng] (gender=M).

Eady, Cornelius [1995], You Don't Miss Your Water (Henry Holt and Company) [EadyC:You-Don't] (gender=M).

Eady, Cornelius [1997], The Autobiography of a Jukebox (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [EadyC:Th-Atbgrphy] (gender=M).

Eady, Cornelius [1997], Victims of the Latest Dance Craze (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [EadyC:Victims-of] (gender=M).

Eady, Cornelius, 1954- [1980], Kartunes (Warthog Press) [EadyC:Kartunes] (gender=M).

Ellis, Thomas Sayers [1996], The Good Junk [in Take Three] (Graywolf Press) [EllisT:The-Good] (gender=M).

Forbes, Calvin [1974], Blue Monday (Wesleyan University Press) [ForbesC:Bl-Mndy] (gender=M).

Goodison, Lorna [1995], To Us, All Flowers Are Roses (University of Illinois Press) [GoodisonL:To-Us,] (gender=F).

Harper, Michael S. [1970], Dear John, Dear Coltrane (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:Dear-John,] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S. [1975], Nightmare Begins Responsibility (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:Nghtmr-Bgns] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S. [1977], Honorable Amendments (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:Hnrbl-Amndmnts] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S. [1977], Images of Kin (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:Images-of] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S. [1985], Healing Song for the Inner Ear (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:Hlng-Sng] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S., 1938- [1971], History Is Your Own Heartbeat (University of Illinois Press) [HarperM:History-Is] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S., 1938- [1972], History as Apple Tree (Scarab Press) [HarperM:History-as] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S., 1938- [1972], Song: I Want a Witness (University of Pittsburgh Press) [HarperM:Song:-I] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S., 1938- [1973], Debridement (Doubleday) [HarperM:Dbrdmnt] (gender=M).

Harper, Michael S., 1938- [1981], Rhode Island (Pym-Randall Press) [HarperM:Rhd-Islnd] (gender=M).

Hayden, Robert Earl [1975], Angle of Ascent (Liveright) [HaydenR:Angle-of] (gender=M).

Hayden, Robert Earl [1980], American Journal (Liveright) [HaydenR:Amrcn-Jrnl] (gender=M).

Hayden, Robert Earl [1985], Collected Poems (Liveright) [HaydenR:Cllctd-Pms] (gender=M).

Hughes, Langston [1995], The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.) [HughesL:Th-Cllctd] (gender=M).

Iverem, Esther [1993], The Time: Portrait of a Journey Home (Africa World Press) [IveremE:The-Time:] (gender=F).

Jackson, Angela, 1951- [1993], Dark Legs and Silk Kisses (TriQuarterly Books) [JacksonA:Dark-Legs] (gender=F).

Jackson, Angela, 1951- [1998], And All These Roads Be Luminous (TriQuarterly Books) [JacksonA:And-All] (gender=F).

Jeffers, Lance [1970], My Blackness is the Beauty of this Land (Broadside Press) [JeffersL:My-Blcknss] (gender=M).

Jeffers, Lance [1974], When I Know the Power of My Black Hand (Broadside Press) [JeffersL:When-I] (gender=M).

Jeffers, Lance [1977], O Africa, Where I Baked My Bread (Lotus Press) [JeffersL:O-Africa,] (gender=M).

Jeffers, Lance [1979], Grandsire (Lotus Press) [JeffersL:Grandsire] (gender=M).

Johnson, Fenton [1914], A Little Dreaming (Peterson Linotyping Company) [JohnsonF:A-Little] (gender=M).

Johnson, Fenton [1915], Visions of the Dusk (Trachtenberg Co.) [JohnsonF:Visions-of] (gender=M).

Johnson, Fenton [1916], Songs of the Soil (Trachtenberg Co.) [JohnsonF:Songs-of] (gender=M).

Johnson, Georgia Douglas [1922], Bronze (B. J. Brimmer Company) [JohnsonG:Bronze] (gender=F).

Johnson, Georgia Douglas, 1886-1966 [1918], The Heart of a Woman, and Other Poems (The Cornhill Company) [JohnsonG:The-Heart] (gender=F).

Johnson, James Weldon [1921], Fifty Years and Other Poems (Cornhill Publishing Co.) [JohnsonJ:Ffty-Yrs] (gender=M).

Jones, Patricia Spears, 1955- [1995], The Weather That Kills (Coffee House Press) [JonesP:Th-Wthr] (gender=F).

Jordan, June, 1936- [1977], Things That I Do In The Dark (Random House) [JordanJ:Thngs-Tht] (gender=F).

Jordan, June, 1936- [1985], Living Room (Thunder's Mouth Press) [JordanJ:Lvng-Rm] (gender=F).

Joseph, Allison, 1967- [1997], In Every Seam (University of Pittsburgh Press) [JosephA:In-Every] (gender=F).

Kaufman, Bob [1965], Solitudes Crowded with Loneliness (New Directions) [KaufmanB:Sltds-Crwdd] (gender=M).

Kaufman, Bob [1981], The Ancient Rain (New Directions) [KaufmanB:Th-Ancnt] (gender=M).

Kaufman, Bob, 1925-1986 [1996], Cranial Guitar: Selected Poems (Coffee House Press) [KaufmanB:Crnl-Gtr:] (gender=M).

Knight, Etheridge [1986], The Essential Etheridge Knight (University of Pittsburgh Press) [KnightE:Th-Essntl] (gender=M).

Komunyakaa, Yusef [1984], Copacetic (Wesleyan University Press) [KomunyakaaY:Copacetic] (gender=M).

Komunyakaa, Yusef [1986], I Apologize for the Eyes in My Head (Wesleyan University Press) [KomunyakaaY:I-Aplgz] (gender=M).

Lane, Pinkie Gordon [1972], Wind Thoughts (South and West) [LaneP:Wnd-Thghts] (gender=F).

Lane, Pinkie Gordon [1978], The Mystic Female (South and West) [LaneP:The-Mystic] (gender=F).

Lane, Pinkie Gordon [1985], I Never Scream (Lotus Press) [LaneP:I-Never] (gender=F).

Lorde, Audre Geraldine [1986], Our Dead Behind Us (Norton) [LordeA:Our-Dead] (gender=F).

Lorde, Audre Geraldine [1992], Undersong (Norton) [LordeA:Undersong] (gender=F).

Lorde, Audre Geraldine [1993], The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance (Norton) [LordeA:Th-Mrvls] (gender=F).

Lorde, Audre Geraldine [1997], The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde (Norton) [LordeA:Th-Cllctd] (gender=F).

Mackey, Nathaniel Ernest [1985], Eroding Witness (University of Illinois Press) [MackeyN:Erdng-Wtnss] (gender=M).

Mackey, Nathaniel Ernest [1993], School of Udhra (City Lights Books) [MackeyN:School-of] (gender=M).

Mackey, Nathaniel Ernest [1998], Whatsaid Serif (City Lights Books) [MackeyN:Whtsd-Srf] (gender=M).

Madgett, Naomi Long [1970], Star by Star (Revised Edition) (Evenill, Inc.) [MadgettN:Star-by] (gender=F).

Madgett, Naomi Long [1972], Pink Ladies in the Afternoon (Lotus Press) [MadgettN:Pnk-Lds] (gender=F).

Madgett, Naomi Long [1978], Exits and Entrances (Lotus Press) [MadgettN:Exits-and] (gender=F).

Madgett, Naomi Long [1993], Remembrances of Spring (Michigan State University Press) [MadgettN:Rmmbrncs-f] (gender=F).

Madgett, Naomi Long, 1923- [1988], Octavia And Other Poems (Third World Press) [MadgettN:Octv-And] (gender=F).

Madhubuti, Haki R., 1942- [1997], Groundwork (Third World Press) [MadhubutiH:Grndwrk] (gender=M).

Madhubuti, Haki R., 1942- [1998], HeartLove: Wedding and Love Poems (Third World Press) [MadhubutiH:HrtLv:-Wddng] (gender=M).

Major, Clarence [1970], Swallow the Lake (Wesleyan University Press) [MajorC:Swllw-th] (gender=M).

Major, Clarence [1988], Surfaces and Masks (Coffee House Press) [MajorC:Srfcs-nd] (gender=M).

McClane, Kenneth Anderson Jr. [1975], Out Beyond the Bay (Ithaca House) [McClaneK:Out-Beyond] (gender=M).

McClane, Kenneth Anderson Jr. [1978], Moons and Low Times (Ithaca House) [McClaneK:Moons-and] (gender=M).

McClane, Kenneth Anderson Jr. [1981], To Hear the River (West End Press) [McClaneK:To-Hear] (gender=M).

McClane, Kenneth Anderson Jr. [1982], At Winter's End (Emerson Hall) [McClaneK:At-Wntr's] (gender=M).

McClane, Kenneth Anderson Jr. [1983], A Tree Beyond Telling (Black Scholar Press) [McClaneK:A-Tree] (gender=M).

McElroy, Colleen Johnson [1984], Queen of the Ebony Isles (Wesleyan University Press) [McElroyC:Queen-of] (gender=F).

McElroy, Colleen Johnson [1987], Bone Flames (Wesleyan University Press) [McElroyC:Bn-Flms] (gender=F).

McElroy, Colleen Johnson [1990], What Madness Brought Me Here (Wesleyan University Press) [McElroyC:Wht-Mdnss] (gender=F).

McKay, Claude [1920], Spring in New Hampshire (Richards) [McKayC:Spring-in] (gender=M).

McKay, Claude [1922], Harlem Shadows (Harcourt, Brace and Company) [McKayC:Hrlm-Shdws] (gender=M).

Miller, Eugene Ethelbert [1994], First Light (Black Classic Press) [MillerE:Frst-Lght] (gender=M).

Miller, May. [1989], Collected Poems (Lotus Press) [MillerM:Cllctd-Pms] (gender=F).

Mitchell, Karen, 1955- [1989], The Eating Hill (Eighth Mountain Press) [MitchellK:The-Eating] (gender=F).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1969], Portable Soul (Third World Press) [PlumppS:Prtbl-Sl] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1970], Half Black Half Blacker (Third World Press) [PlumppS:Half-Black] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1982], The Mojo Hands Call, I Must Go (Thunder's Mouth Press) [PlumppS:The-Mojo] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1989], Blues: The Story Always Untold (Another Chicago Press) [PlumppS:Blues:-The] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1993], Johannesburg & Other Poems (Another Chicago Press) [PlumppS:Jhnnsbrg] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D. [1995], Hornman (Third World Press) [PlumppS:Hornman] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D., 1940- [1974], Steps to Break the Circle (Third World Press) [PlumppS:Steps-to] (gender=M).

Plumpp, Sterling D., 1940- [1997], Ornate With Smoke (Third World Press) [PlumppS:Ornt-Wth] (gender=M).

Randall, Dudley Felker [1970], Love you (Paul Breman) [RandallD:Love-you] (gender=M).

Randall, Dudley Felker [1981], A Litany of Friends (Lotus Press) [RandallD:A-Litany] (gender=M).

Reed, Ishmael, 1938- [1988], New and Collected Poems (Atheneum) [ReedI:New-and] (gender=M).

Reed, Tennessee [1990], Electric Chocolate (Raven's Bones Press) [ReedT:Elctrc-Chclt] (gender=F).

Reed, Tennessee [1996], Airborne (Raven's Bones Press) [ReedT:Airborne] (gender=F).

Roberson, Charles Edwin [1970], When Thy King Is a Boy (University of Pittsburgh Press) [RobersonC:When-Thy] (gender=M).

Roberson, Charles Edwin [1975], Etai-eken (University of Pittsburgh Press) [RobersonC:Etai-eken] (gender=M).

Roy, Lucinda. [1995], The Humming Birds (Eighth Mountain Press) [RoyL:Th-Hmmng] (gender=F).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1969], The Blues Merchant (Nkombo Publications) [SalaamK:The-Blues] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1973], Hofu ni Kwenu / My Fear is For You (Ahidiana) [SalaamK:Hofu-ni] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1974], Pamoja Tutashinda/Together We Will Win (Ahidiana) [SalaamK:Pmj-Ttshnd/Tgthr] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1976], Ibura: Poetry and Fiction (Ahidiana) [SalaamK:Ibr:-Ptry] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1978], Revolutionary Love: Poems and Essays (Ahidiana) [SalaamK:Rvltnry-Lv:] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1979], Iron Flowers (Ahidiana) [SalaamK:Irn-Flwrs] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1989], A Nation of Poets (Kalamu ya Salaam) [SalaamK:A-Nation] (gender=M).

Salaam, Kalamu ya, 1947- [1994], What is Life? (Third World Press) [SalaamK:What-is] (gender=M).

Sanchez, Sonia [1987], Under a Soprano Sky (Africa World Press) [SanchezS:Under-a] (gender=F).

Sanchez, Sonia, 1934- [1984], homegirls & handgrenades (Thunder's Mouth Press) [SanchezS:hmgrls] (gender=F).

Sanchez, Sonia, 1934- [1985], I've Been a Woman (Third World Press) [SanchezS:I've-Been] (gender=F).

Shepherd, Reginald [1994], Some Are Drowning (University of Pittsburgh Press) [ShepherdR:Some-Are] (gender=M).

Shepherd, Reginald [1996], Angel, Interrupted (University of Pittsburgh Press) [ShepherdR:Angl,-Intrrptd] (gender=M).

Smith, Patricia, 1955- [1992], Big Towns, Big Talk (Zoland Books) [SmithP:Big-Towns,] (gender=F).

St. John, Primus, 1939- [1982], Love Is Not a Consolation; It is a Light (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [St.J:Love-Is] (gender=M).

St. John, Primus, 1939- [1990], Dreamer (Carnegie Mellon University Press) [St.J:Dreamer] (gender=M).

Thomas, Lorenzo [1979], Chances Are Few (Blue Wind Press) [ThomasL:Chncs-Ar] (gender=M).

Toomer, Jean [1988], The Collected Poems of Jean Toomer (University of North Carolina Press) [ToomerJ:Th-Cllctd] (gender=M).

Toure, Askia Muhammad Abu Bakr el [1990], From the Pyramids to the Projects (Africa World Press) [ToureA:From-the] (gender=M).

Troupe, Quincy, 1943- [1999], Choruses (Coffee House Press) [TroupeQ:Choruses] (gender=M).

Troupe, Quincy Thomas Jr. [1996], Avalanche (Coffee House Press) [TroupeQ:Avalanche] (gender=M).

Walker, Margaret, 1915- [1989], This is My Century (University of Georgia Press) [WalkerM:This-is] (gender=F).

Weaver, Michael S. [1992], My Father's Geography (University of Pittsburgh Press) [WeaverM:My-Fthr's] (gender=M).

Weaver, Michael S. [1995], Timber and Prayer (University of Pittsburgh Press) [WeaverM:Timber-and] (gender=M).

Williams, Sherley Anne [1975], The Peacock Poems (Wesleyan University Press) [WilliamsS:Th-Pcck] (gender=F).

Young, Al, 1939- [1988], Heaven: Collected Poems: 1956-1990 (Creative Arts Books) [YoungA:Hvn:-Cllctd] (gender=M).

Young, Al, 1939- [1994], Straight No Chaser (Creative Arts Books) [YoungA:Strght-N] (gender=M).

Young, Al, 1939- [1996], Conjugal Visits (Creative Arts Books) [YoungA:Cnjgl-Vsts] (gender=M).