- Bibliographic and Reference Contacts
Responsibility for Latin American collection development and specialized reference work is shared by library bibliographers. For the fields listed below, consult the listed bibliographer. To connect to related subject pages, click on the underlined field name.
- Jeffry Archer, JRL A 61, 702-8718, jdarcher@midway.uchicago.edu.
Business and economics
- Sarah G. Wenzel, JRL 363, 702-8448, sgwenzel@uchicago.edu. English
and Romance Languages, including Spanish
and Portuguese languages and literatures
- Chris Winters, JRL 262, 702-8147 (am); JRL 370, 702-8761 (pm),
wintersc@uchicago.edu. Anthropology, geography, maps
- Jeffry Archer, JRL A 61, 702-8718, jdarcher@midway.uchicago.edu.
Business and economics
- Library Locations
- Building Hours
Indexing and abstracting services
Handbook of Latin American Studies.
1935--. From this site one may search the Handbook of Latin American
Studies, v. 1-- 1936--. The Handbook, an annual annotated bibliography
of about 5,500 entries, includes evaluative annotations prepared by scholars.
Volumes alternate annually between the humanities and social sciences. It is
estimated that about 60 percent of Handbook entries consists of monographic
citations; about 40 percent refers to serial articles culled from about 1,600
journals published worldwide as well as chapters from books and papers from
published conference proceedings. Disciplines covered: anthropology (including
archaeology and ethnology); art; economics; electronic resources (beginning
in 1995); geography; government and politics; international relations; literature;
music; philosophy; and sociology. HLAS may now also be searched via the EUREKA
search interface, providing advanced search features.
PRISMA: publicaciones
y revistas sociales y humanísticas. Indexes articles published
since 1970 in history, social sciences and humanities for Latin America and
Caribbean. Provides full text for many articles from numerous journals, especially
since 2002 or 2003. Integrates indexing of HAPI (see next entry), but returns
are not identical.
Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI). Cites articles published
since 1970 in history, social sciences and humanities. Print version at
Z1605.H67 RR
Fuente Académica.
Provides full text for articles from several hundred journals from Latin
America, Spain, and Portugal. Updated weekly.
ClasePeriodica. Index of Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities. Produced by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), CLASE indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities (1975 to present). PERIODICA covers journals specializing in science and technology (1978 to present). This database combining CLASE and PERIODICA provides access to over 300,000 bibliographic citations from documents published in 2,600 scholarly journals published in the Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages. Contains information from articles, essays, book reviews, monographs, conference proceedings, technical reports, interviews and brief notes published in journals edited in 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from publications that focus on Pan-American issues.
Centro de Información y Documentación Científica of Spain's
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Provides a database
of articles and contributions appearing in journals and proceedings published
in Spain, many of them highly specialized and not widely indexed elsewhere.
Database is searchable by words from titles, authors, and periodical titles.
Includes a special Latin American subject section. Some entries date from the
1960's, though most are more recent.
Abstracts. The fundamental indexing and abstracting tool for modern
history. Abstracts and indexes articles appearing in 2,000 journals published
worldwide, from 1954, covering world history since 1450 (except United States
and Canada). Includes key historical journals from nearly every country, and
selective coverage of social science and humanities journals in related fields.
Database is updated monthly.
Political Science Abstracts (1975+) supplies up-to-date bibliographic
information and research within the political science discipline and its complementary
fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy.
The database covers over 1000 journals drawn from the international serials
literature. Updated monthly.
Political Science Complete.
Provides full text for over 400 publications, and cover-to-cover indexing and
abstracts for more than 800 journals, US and foreign. The database also features
more than 165 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 27,000 full
text conference papers.
Abstracts. Updated quarterly. Fundamental guide to literature of sociology.
Abstracts journal articles, books, and conference papers; indexes book reviews.
Materials published worldwide are included. File searchable by authors, words
from titles, subject terms, and terms used in abstracts. Coverage on database
extends back to 1963.
Bibliography. Indexes contents of over 6,500 periodicals in modern languages,
folklore, linguistics, and literature; from 1963. Updated 10 times per year.
Literature. Describes articles and essays on anthropology and archaeology,
including art history, demography, economics, psychology, and religious studies.
Updated quarterly, Anthropological Literature indexes articles two or more pages
long in works published in English and other European languages from the late
19th century to the present.
Indexes the contents of some 70 West Indian journals, published within in the
Caribbean region. It also includes theses and papers presented at conferences.
CARINDEX covers publications in the social sciences and humanities from 1983
onwards, with priority being given to indexing materials of immediate relevance
to the teaching and research at the three campuses of the University of the
West Indies.
Caribbean Abstracts. Contains abstracts in English of selected books and articles in the humanities and social sciences published since 1989. The publications are selected for their importance or the topicality of the subject. Includes publications from all islands of the Caribbean archipelago, as wel as the mainland territories of Belize and the Guianas.
Database. The Chicano Database is a comprehensive bibliographic
index representing all types of material for information about Mexican-American
topics and the only specialized database for and about Chicanos. Updated quarterly,
the Chicano Database provides extensive coverage from the 1960s to the present,
with selective coverage dating back to the early 1900s. Records added since
1992 have expanded its scope to include the broader Latino experience, including
Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants.
Covers journals, books, monographs, conference proceedings, and reports. Includes
over 600,000 records with abstracts published since 1980. Updated monthly.
Indexes and services including full text of journal articles
Electronic Journals List.
An alphabetic listing of electronic journals available through the University
of Chicago Library. Provides information on availability of full-text
coverage. Identifies titles available directly from publishers' websites
(such as the University of Chicago Press), and from aggregators, such as Johns
Hopkins' Project Muse, The History Cooperative, and the indexing
and full-text services listed immediately below.
The JSTOR Journal Browser. Search full-text of major historical journals from their first volumes up through recent years. One may search by natural language or browse each issue. Images of each page are viewable and printable. As of this writing coverage extends to:
Americas 1944-2000
Hispania 1917-1998
Hispanic American Historical Review 1918-1999 (plus links to recent content 2000-2003)
Hispanic Review 1933-1998
Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 1970-1999
Journal of Inter-American Studies 1959-1969
Journal of Latin American Studies 1969-1998
Latin American Antiquity 1990-1998
Latin American Perspectives 1974-2000
Latin American Politics and Society 2001
Latin American Research Review 1965-2000
Mexican Studies / Estudios Mexicanos 1985-1999
A growing number of other important journals in other fields, such as anthropology,
economics, ecology, education, demography, history, political science, sociology,
etc., are also searchable from this location. (Restricted to University of Chicago
Archive Online (formerly known as Periodicals Contents Index Full Text -- PCI).
Provides full-text articles from some 350 periodicals in 37 subject areas in
the humanities and social sciences, in many cases from the first issues through
the mid-1990's. One may search by author, title, or words appearing in the full
text. Includes titles such as Latin American Research Review, 1965+,
Hispanic Review, 1933+, Anthropological Quarterly, 1928+, Current
History, 1941-- , Foreign Affairs, 1922+, etc.
Index Online (formerly known as Periodicals Contents Index -- PCI).
Indexes articles published in over 4,500 periodicals in 37 subject areas in
the humanities and social sciences, indexing each included title from the first
issue to its terminal date, or through the mid-1990's. Includes numerous foreign-language
titles, and many older, long-ceased titles. Topical indexing appears to be mainly
from title words, or translations of words in the article titles.
Academic Search Premier. Includes indexing and full text for
more than 3,000 scholarly publications covering academic areas of study in the
social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language
and linguistics, arts, and literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.
Coverage varies considerably, title by title. Increasingly full text is available
for important titles for the last decade; full text for some titles is available
for more than 20 years.
Direct 5000. Provides abstracts and indexing to over 6000 newspapers,
journals, periodicals, magazines, and other information sources. Includes entire
contents of databases such as ABI/INFORM, Newspaper Abstracts and Periodical
Abstracts. Contains full text with images for many of the articles cited.
Title lists are available at the ProQuest
web site
Select Plus. Provides indexed and abstracted records with accompanying
full text in periodicals from General Science Abstracts, Humanities Abstracts,
Readers' Guide Abstracts, Wilson Business Abstracts and many other databases
produced by H.W. Wilson, 1994+.
Readers Guide Retrospective, 1890-1982.
Indexes the contents of some 375 of the most popular general-interest periodicals
published in the United States, covering such subjects as aeronautics, African-Americans,
aging, archeology, astronomy, automobiles, biographies, business, children,
education, environment, fashion, film, fine arts, food, foreign affairs, gardening,
health, history, hobbies, home, journalism, leisure activities, literature,
medicine, music, news, nutrition, photography, politics, popular culture, radio,
religion, science, sports, technology, television, travel. At the same site
you may simultaneously search the following:
Humanities and Social Sciences Retrospective
1970-1984, Indexes the contents of nearly 1200 English-language
scholarly and specialized journals in fields such as addiction studies, anthropology,
archaeology, area studies, area studies, art, classical studies, communications,
communications & mass media, community health & medical care, corrections,
criminal justice, criminology, dance, economics, environmental studies, ethics,
family studies, film, folklore, gender studies, geography, gerontology, history,
international relations, journalism, law, linguistics, literary & social
criticism, literature, minority studies, music, performing arts, philosophy,
planning & public administration, policy sciences, political science, psychiatry,
psychology, public welfare, religion & theology, social work, sociology,
and urban studies. (Database corresponds to International Index, 1907
- March 1965; Social Sciences & Humanities Index, April 1965
March 1974; Humanities Index, April 1974 March 1984; and Social
Sciences Index, April 1974 March 1983). From the same site you may
simultaneously search Readers Guide Retrospective, 1890-1982.
Indexes--General periodicals, etc.
Web of Science. Provides
access to the ISI citation databases Arts and Humanities Citation Index
and Social Science Citation Index. One may identify related works by identifying
works in which a known work has been cited. By use of the keyword index a subject
search may be undertaken. Coverage from 1956.Union catalogs, library catalogs
WorldCat. About 90 million records of all types of materials cataloged by many libraries worldwide, identifying the location of over one billion copies. Searchable in a variety of ways. Library of Congress catalog
is a truly fundamental reference source. It provides information on the unparalleled
collections of the Library of Congress by authors, subjects, titles, series,
and other added entries.
Library catalog provides information on the remarkable collections of
the British Library. May require special care to retrieve materials cataloged
prior to 1975.
national libraries' online catalogs
Periodicals -- Guide
Ulrich's international periodicals directory; a classified guide to current periodicals, foreign and domestic. Titles grouped in subject classifications, indexed alphabetically. Indication of abstracting and indexing service titles are covered by.
Newspapers, news reporters
Latin American Newsletters, the online version of the Latin American Weekly Reports for Brazil & the Southern Cone, Mexico & Nafta, Caribbean & Central America, and Andean Group; and the Latin American Economy & Business report. The site also offers access to the Latin America Security & Strategic Review, Latin American Special Reports (reports longer and more analytic than the Weekly Reports format allows), Latinnews Daily, and Latin American Monitoring Centre. This last provides updated country political and economic profiles, "Election Watch," series of reports on upcoming elections, and "Reference Library," consisting of selected articles on each country. "Informe Latinoamericano" and "Informes Especiales" are Spanish equivalents of selected material originally published in English. Please note that our subscription allows for one user at a time. Please be careful to logout as soon as you have completed your use of the site for that your colleagues can access it. (Note: As of this writing, the entire archive from 1967 is being added to this site, a project that is scheduled for completion by July 2004.)
Keesing's Record of World Events. Provides full text international news reports since 1960. A useful source for 'foreign' political and economic reports.
Countrywatch. Country
reports. Provide political, macroeconomic, industry and environmental overviews.
It does not have an option to download statistical tables into a spreadsheet.
EIU The Economist Intelligence
Unit. Country reports. Provide political and macroeconomic overviews
(including forecasts).
News Connection. Includes translations of articles appearing in
newspapers around the world, and of transcripts of foreign radio and television
broadcasts. Prepared by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a United
States government agency. Coverage begins about 1996. Earlier FBIS reports are
in microfiche. See the Foreign
Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index (1975-1996).
ProQuest Direct, a large general database which includes full text articles
from recent years from over 300 newspapers.
In addition to the major newspapers and collections identified below, there
are increasingly significant collections of newspapers being digitized by libraries,
archives, and other repositories around the world. For a classified guide to
newspaper digitization projects go to ICON:
International Coalition on Newspapers: Newspaper Digitization Projects.
Includes links to El Informador (Guadalajara), 1917-2008, and other selected
Latin American newspapers.
Latin American Newspapers
from the World Newspaper Archive. Digital page images of runs of about
three dozen 19th or early 20th century Latin American newspapers.
Historical Newspapers. Provides full text of New York Times
starting with v. 1, no. 1, 1851; Washington Post, 1871-1987; Wall
Street Journal, 1889-1985; Chicago Tribune, 1849-1984; Los Angeles
Times, from 1881 to 1986; and the Boston Globe, from 1872 to 1924.
The collection includes five historical Black newspapers: Atlanta Daily World,
1931-2003; Chicago Defender, 1905-1975; Los Angeles Sentinel, 1934-2005;
New York Amsterdam News, 1922-1993; and Pittsburgh Courier, 1911-2002.
From this site, click on "clear all databases"; scroll down to "Historical
Newspapers" and checkmark the ones you want to search, or select one of
the links below. Images of each article, and each page are available; text is
America's Historical Newspapers.
Provides full text of issues from hundreds of American newspapers published
between 1699 and 1922, with near exhaustive coverage for newspapers that began
publication before 1820. Also includes long runs for such newspapers as Baltimore
Sun, 1817-1922; Philadelphia Inquirer, 1860-1922; and the San
Francisco Bulletin, 1855-1891. Provides page images and images of individual
articles. Texts are word searchable.
Century U. S. Newspapers. Digitized articles and pages from approximately
250 American newspapers. Most titles are represented by comparatively short
runs or only a few issues, but some titles are more extensive, including the
[Chicago] Inter Ocean, 1874-1896; California Daily Bulletin, 1855-1893;
[Denver] Rocky Mountain News, 1873-1898; Indiana State Journal,
1825-1899; [New Orleans] Picayune, 1861-1899; Boston Daily Advertiser,
1855-1899; New York Herald, 1830-1863; Cleveland Daily Herald,
1835-1884; [Philadelphia] North American, 1801-1899; Milwaukee Daily
Sentinel, 1844-1899; United States Telegraph [Washington], 1818-1839;
Washington Globe, 1822-1868; and many others.
(of London) Digital Archive, 1785-1985. Provides full text of
the Times of London. Images of each article and each page are available; text
is word-searchable.
The Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2003. Full text of over
8000 weekly issues, covering British and foreign economic and political affairs.
British Newspapers 1600-1900.
The most comprehensive digital historic newspaper archive, including 3 million
pages of historic newspapers, newsbooks, & ephemera (such as Acts of Parliament,
addresses, broadsides, pamphlets, proclamations). This collection includes within
it the 17-18th Century Burney Newspaper Collection. Includes titles from London,
British Isles, and colonies, plus some issues from foreign countries. Word-searchable.
One may browse or limit by place or title or date.
Century Journals II. Full text of more than 60 British and Irish journals
and newspapers dating from 1683 to 1799, not duplicating any material in Early
English Books Online, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, or Early
English Newspapers.
Spanish Newspapers Online: Hemeroteca Digital of the National Library of
Spain. Includes fully-searchable digital images of some 143 newspaper
titles, and over 500,000 digitized pages, a wide variety of Spanish press of
all types: political, satirical, technical, literary, sports, religious, etc.,
ranging from 1772 to 1933. Also includes this link
to other Spanish digitized newspaper collections.
Lexis-Nexis Academic. Contains full-text articles from many newspapers, including the New York Times, from about 1980 onward. One may restrict searching to specific foreign-language newspapers.
Newstand. Full text articles from some 500 U.S. and international news
sources. Includes coverage of 150+ major U.S. and international newspapers such
as The New York Times and the Times of London, Chicago Tribune
(1985+), plus hundreds of other news sources and news wires. Coverage varies
from title to title with respect to years covered and comprehensiveness. For
particulars, click here.
Ebsco Newspaper Source. Provides full-text articles from recent years
from about 200 international and regional newspapers, including the Chicago
NewsWatch. Full text articles from newspapers and periodicals published
by the ethnic, minority and native press in the U.S. Coverage is from 1960 to
merging content from Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters. Strong business focus.
Search full text content from over 6,000 newswires, papers, magazines, &
trade journals.
on File. Includes a "World News Digest," 1940 to present,
and World Almanac Reference Database, and World Almanac Encyclopedia.
American and Caribbean Newspapers Held by the Center for Research Libraries.
From this location you may search for specific newspapers or for all newspapers
held by the Center published in specific countries. (N.B.: Do not use the "region"
search box; search by individual countries like Mexico or Dominican Republic.)
AJR Newslink. Includes links to Latin American newspaper websites.
Revolutionary Mexico in Newspapers, 1900-1929. A microform collection
including nearly a quarter of a million pages from 560 Mexican newspapers, of
which about half were published in the Distrito Federal, and half from Mexican
cities in 28 states. The 345 reels of film are located in the general microform
section of the Regenstein Library at F1234.R492 Mic. The Guide
gives a full introduction to the collection, and lists the titles alphabetically
and by state and city.
Statistical Universe. Comprehensive guide to statistics published in federal government publications from about 1970, with many additional references to statistical reports published by states, intergovernmental organizations, and private organizations. Abstracts provide access by subject terms for all statistical reports. Full tables are available for many reports, often as digitized images and in downloadable spreadsheet formats.SYBWorld (Electronic equivalent of the Statesman's Yearbook). Provides 192 country profiles rich in statistical material, covering political parties and leaders; population; economics; climate; natural resources; military capabilities; education and legal systems; culture and communications; health and environment; international affairs. Permits preparation of customized statistical tables, charts, comparing countries' population, GDP, etc. International chronology; data on international organizations. Updated monthly. Library holds backfiles of Statesman's Yearbook providing national economic, political, and social statistics in more or less consistent categories back to 1865, at JA51.S79 Gen and other locations.
EIU The Economist Intelligence Unit. Authoritative detailed country reports and profiles for about 65 countries, rich in statistics. Provides political and macroeconomic overviews (including forecasts).
Countrywatch. Provides country reports for all countries of the world, with political, macroeconomic, industry and environmental overviews. It does not have an option to download statistical tables into a spreadsheet.
The CIA World Factbook is produced by the Central Intelligence Agency to provide basic intelligence for the US Government. It contains information on all the countries of the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, including hundreds of maps and flags. The CIA World Factbook also contains dynamic tables and six detailed Appendices.
For economic statistics, see also University of Chicago Library Business and Economics web page.
Public opinion
An annual public opinion survey that involves some 19,000 interviews in 18 Latin
American countries, dating from 1995. Site offers datasets download.
LAPOP: Latin American Public Opinion Project. Its AmericasBarometer
public opinion survey focuses on citizens and democracy in Latin America.
Roper Center for Public Opinion
Research. Archives thousands of polls and surveys from the United States
and some 70 foreign countries undertaken by many polling organizations on a
very wide range of topics. Many datasets may be downloaded. Incorporates a Latin
American Databank, including approximately one thousand studies from
16 countries, with the largest contributions coming from Argentina, Chile, Mexico,
Peru and Venezuela.
Polling the Nations. A compilation of more than 14,000 surveys conducted
by more than 700 polling organizations in the United States and more than 80
other countries from 1986 to the present. Each of the nearly 350,000 records
reports a question asked and the responses given. Also included in each record
is the polling organization responsible for the work, the date the information
was released, the sample size, and universe, i.e., the groups or areas included
in the interview.
Brain. Database of 136,000 questions, and responses from more than 3.5
million people interviewed by the Gallup Poll since 1935. Searchable by keywords
and phrases.
Academic Universe. Includes polls and surveys from the Roper Center
for Public Opinion Research.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses/Dissertation Abstracts. Indexes North American dissertations and some European ones, 1861- to date, as well as many master's theses. Provides full texts of almost all dissertations from 1997, and many earlier ones as well. After 1980 database contains abstracts in addition to bibliographic information. Searchable in various ways. Updated monthly.
Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (IBICT): Theses and Dissertations of Brazilian universities and libraries available online.
Tesis Europeas Sobre America Latina. Provides access to a searchable database of European disserations on Latin America. Coverage is spotty, but a helpful resource.
Biographical sources
Authors is a bio-bibliographic guide covering more than 110,000 current
writers of fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, and drama whose works have been
issued by commercial or university presses, who write in English are whose works
have been translated into English. Emphasis is upon writers active since 1960.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index indexes approximately 14,000,000 biographical sketches appearing in biographical dictionaries, encyclopedias, and similar reference works
World Biographical Information
System Online (WBIS Online). Comprehensive retrospective biographical
database, based on the digitization of K. G. Saur's Biographical Archives.
It compiles biographical articles from printed reference works published from
the 16th to the 20th century, and it is in the process of reproducing these
original documents as facsimile images. As of this writing, it includes over
two million digitized biographical articles from 8 regional Biographical
Archives. It also provides an index to 30 Biographical Archives containing
biographies on more than 3.6 million persons from all centuries as well as all
countries and regions worldwide. If the original documents corresponding to
for whom biographical information is sought are not yet digitized, consult the
Library's fiche editions of the Biographical
Government publications
Government Documents
at University of Chicago Library. A brief introduction to government
documents at the University of Chicago.
Government Resources on the Web,
from University of Michigan. An extensive guide to sites for
federal, state, and foreign government information; also international agency
sites. Includes links to sites providing access to texts of Congressional Record,
Federal Register, GAO reports, Congressional bills, government publications,
etc., directories of agencies and web sites in all branches of government. Includes
links to sites maintained by foreign governments.
British House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801-2004. As the working documents of government, the parliamentary papers encompass all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, showing how issues were explored and legislation was formed. Major types of documents in the House of Commons papers include: Bills - drafts of legislation, to be reviewed through various parliamentary stages; Reports of Committees - Select or the Whole House; Reports of Commissioners (Commissions appointed by the Crown to investigate social problems, to conduct inquiries into events, and as a preparation for legislation; membership was made up of experts in the field in question, who are not usually MPs); Accounts: statistical information, originating primarily from the Treasury, the Board of Trade and the War Office/Admiralty; and Papers, including such types as correspondence from ambassadors, governors, army officers abroad; commercial, trade and navigation accounts; statistical abstracts: judicial, taxation, etc.; census data; slavery and slave trade documents; and treaties. Collection consists of a fully-searchable database of 9.5 million pages of papers, corresponding to some 14,000 large bound volumes and including over 184,000 distinct parliamentary papers. Includes an index covering 1801-2004.
Guide to Nineteenth
Century British Parliamentary Papers on the Slave Trade.
A fairly detailed guide to the 95-volume set of selected documents published
by the Irish University Press. The volumes containing the underlying documents
can be borrowed from the Center for Research Libraries.
Early imprints and other electronic books
American History and Culture Online: Sabin Americana, 1500-1926. A large (26,000 volumes, 6 million pages) collection of digitized books (and some serials) on "American" history published throughout the world from 1500 to the early 1900's. Collection includes a very considerable amount of material for Latin America, particularly for the earlier years. Full text is searchable.
The Making of the Modern World: The Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection of Economic Literature 1450-1850. The Collection is formed from the holdings of the Kress Library at Harvard University and Goldsmiths' Library at the University of London. This remarkably comprehensive collection of almost 12,000,000 pages consists of about 61,000 printed books, about half published before 1801, and half between 1800 and 1850. Also included are 466 pre-1906 serials. Texts are fully digitized and searchable by authors, titles, subject terms, and words appearing in the text. The collection is somewhat misleadingly titled in that "economic literature" must be understood very broadly to comprehend all the following categories:
* Agriculture fishing, mining, surveying, and landed property
* Colonies the entire story of the rise of the West, the expansion of Europe, to origins of European Empires and other colonial imperial relations
* Commerce shipping, piracy, and smuggling
* Corn Laws/Navigation Acts/Mercantilism their agricultural, financial, and commercial aspects
* Finance coinage, numismatics, and titles
* General treatises on sociology and political science as well as economics, topography, and the theoretical and general aspects of emigration
* Miscellaneous national defense, local government, subjects not relevant to the social sciences (e.g., theology), and the unclassifiable
* Politics political theory
* Population observations on the state of population in a variety of countries
* Slavery contains more than 1,100 titles on slavery and moves toward its abolition in the western democracies
* Social Conditions public order, public utilities, debtor and creditor, penology, criminology, trade unions, and temperance
* Socialism theoretical works on the subject
* Trades and Manufactures practical manuals and technology in general
* Transport transport technology
When doing keyword searches, bear in mind that languages represented in the collection include Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.
Google Book Search. Searches
contents of an extremely large and growing but entirely undefined collection
of digitized books and serials. For books out of copyright, and certain other
texts, full text is displayed. In other cases, publishers permit "previews"
of substantial portions of books. One may restrict one's search just to "full
view" texts, or to "full view" and "preview" texts.
Humanities E-Book (formerly "History E-book Project") is a digital collection of nearly 2,800 full-text titles offered by the ACLS in collaboration with twenty learned societies and nearly 100 contributing publishers. Available titles may be browsed by author, title, specific subject headings, or general category (e. g., European history, 1400-1800); and the texts may be searched by words or phrases. At present, downloads and copying are limited to three pages at a time: The menu bar includes a "page" pull-down menu. Select "pdf" to display the the current pages in non-searchable pdf, which can be downloaded or printed.
Ebrary is a digital collection of full-text titles from various publishers. As of this writing it includes more than 1300 recent University of Chicago Press titles.Early English Books Online. When complete in 2007, will provide full text in the form of digital page images of titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475 - 1640), and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), as well as titles in the Thomason Tracts collection. Database is searchable by words from titles, authors, publishers, places of publication, dates of publication, etc. PDF copies of titles are downloadable as PDF files. In addition, full text is searchable for about 3,000 selected titles.
Early American Imprints, 1639-1800 (Evans Digital Edition). Project digitizes essentially every known monograph published in what is now the United States from 1639 through 1800. Includes books, pamphlets, broadsheets, etc., though neither serials nor newspapers. (For digitized early American serials, see American Periodical Series Online. In addition, the library has extensive holdings of early American newspapers in microform.) The full text of digitized titles is also searchable, though the accuracy of searchable files of early imprints with difficult typefaces is rather lower than for later texts: Please take note of the "search hints" on the main search page.
Early American Imprints, 1801-1819 (Shaw-Shoemaker). Continuation of the preceding resource.
Full-text sources for international affairs
Columbia International Affairs Online.
Seeks to be comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs.
Publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 on that includes full text of
working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series
from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences.
Frequently updated conference proceedings, policy briefs, schedule of events
and economic indicators. Site includes abstracts or full-text versions of articles
from recent issues of major foreign affairs journals.
Digital National Security Archive,
a collection of more than 35,000 important declassified U. S. government
documents that provide the background for government decisions. Currently comprises
four collections with Latin American focus: Cuban Missile Crisis, El Salvador,
Iran-Contra Affair, and Nicaragua. Page images are digitized; documents are
searchable by keywords, subject terms, titles, creator/recipient, date, cable
number, and collection.
Guides to local resources: microform sources, videorecordings, etc.
Guide to Microform
Sources for History and Political Science in the University of Chicago Library.
Includes annotated citations for source materials in microform, including materials
from national and other archives, collections of personal papers and other manuscript
collections, and collections of books, pamphlets, serials, newspapers, and official
documents. Chapter on sources for Latin
America includes some 140 collections. Index of subjects, authors, and
titles. (Use your browser's "find" feature to search for terms appearing anywhere
in the text.)
Guide to Representative Reference Materials for Latin American Studies in
the University of Chicago Library. Includes citations to print sources
and CD-based electronic sources, and links to networked sources. Short
version, including about 50 important titles. More
comprehensive version, listing about 500 items.
Guide to
Videorecordings in the University of Chicago Library
Colección Clásicos Tavera.
The Colección Clásicos Tavera is a collection of digitized works
on the history of Iberia, Latin America, the Atlantic Islands, and the Philippines.
The portions the University of Chicago holds to date comprises 792 titles, 987
volumes, and 2253 manuscript documents, for a total of approximately 335,000
pages on 34 CDs. Many of the works are scarce and infrequently held in libraries
in print form. The CD-ROMs are available at the circulation counter of the Joseph
Regenstein Library. Ask for the specific disk by its call number, listed herein.
The guide has two parts, a guide to the contents of each the CDs in the Colección
Clásicos Tavera held by the University of Chicago Library, and an author/title
alphabetical index of the works in the collection.
A Guide to Source Materials for Latin American
History in the University of Chicago Library: Preliminary test version.
Selected internet resources for Latin Americanists
Lanic. A very broad and comprehensive guide to internet resources on Latin America. Resources are organized under 22 country headings, and under 34 subject headings, such as agriculture, anthropology, economy, immigration, news, and women. Maintained by the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas as Austin.
Internet resources for
Latin America. Maintained at New Mexico State University Library.
Includes links to databases and other reference sources, online news, national
and international organizations, and general interest resources; and lists of
lists and newsgroups.
ARL Latin Americanist
Research Resources. Pilot project focusses upon enhancing bibliographic
access to, and document delivery from, approximately 300 periodicals published
in Mexico and Argentina. Site provides means to search contents of selected
periodicals and to search for specific articles.
CLNET. The Chicano/Latino Electronic Network is a cooperative project of three University of California campuses. The site emphasizes U.S. information, but also has international links. Topics include lists and links of research centers, organizations, teaching resources, job listings, museums and libraries, and statistical sources.
Digital Libraries in Latin America. Digital Libraries in Latin America listed by the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos.
Lamp: Latin American Microform Project. A cooperative project administered through the Center for Research Libraries whose objective is to identify and preserve (through microfilming or, more recently, through digital scanning), materials for Latin American research. Available through the project are scores of newspapers from the Latin American region, Brazilian government reports from the Imperial period, and other materials. Site includes alphabetical and geographical list of holdings of newspapers, as well as link to CRL catalog.
United States and Brazil: Expanding Frontiers, Comparing Cultures. The site explores the history of Brazil, interactions between Brazil and the United States from the eighteenth century to the present, and the parallels and contrasts between Brazilian and American culture and history. The project is a collaboration between the Library of Congress and the National Library of Brazil.
Other links
University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies home page. Includes a number of publications, such as Aymar Arux Akhamawa, an online self-guided textbook for beginners through intermediate learners of the Aymara language and Latin America/Chicago, a monthly newsletter that details Latin American events, exhibitions, employment and volunteer opportunities in Chicago and the region.