The University of Chicago Library > The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center > Finding Aids > Preliminary Inventory to the Courtenay Wright Papers 1947-1967
© 2025 University of Chicago Library
Title: | Wright, Courtenay. Papers |
Dates: | 1947-1967 |
Accession Number: | 2019-009; 2023-100 |
Size: | 8 linear feet (6 boxes |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center |
Abstract: | Sydney Courtenay Wright (1923-2018) was Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago. |
This collection is open for research with the exception of Box 5, which contains material to which access is restricted. Box 5 contains financial materials that are restricted for 50 years from the record's date of creation. Box 5 also contains student evaluative materials that are restricted for 80 years from the record's date of creation.
When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Wright, Courtenay. Papers, Acc #, Box #, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Sydney Courtenay Wright (1923-2018) was Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at the University of Chicago. Wright served in WWII as a radar officer in the Royal Navy. While at the University California, Berkeley for his graduate work, Wright studied under Emilio Segrè and was later recruited by Enrico Fermi to join the physics department at the University of Chicago.
This collection relates to Wright's research in high energy particle physics, accelerator design, and other experimental aspects of the physical sciences. Additionally, this collection includes materials related to Wright's professorial responsibilities, including candidacy exams, correspondence and collaborations with other universities/labs, and work relating to the Fermi Lab.
2019-009 |
Box 1 | Classical Mechanics—canonical(?) transformations, 1959 |
Box 1 | Classical Mechanics—equations and work, 1959 |
Box 1 | Charge Conjugation, 1952-54 |
Box 1 | Charge Conjugation—Time Reversal, 1952-1954 |
Box 1 | Dirac Equation-General Quantum Mechanics, n.d. |
Box 1 | Cyclotron Orbits with Orbit Book, n.d. |
Box 1 | Angular Momentum, n.d. |
Box 1 | Calculations—Celestial Mechanics, n.d. |
Box 1 | Calculations—General Relativity, n.d. |
Box 1 | Proposals—E448 Proposal, Letters, Notes, 1977 |
Box 1 | Proposal—Rejection with Allen Sessoms, 1978 |
Box 1 | R.P. Feynman Notes—Electrodynamics Lecture, 1949 |
Box 1 | R.P. Feynman Notes, Wertzel Seminar(?), n.d. |
Box 1 | Least Squares and Error Theory, n.d. |
Box 1 | Electromagnets, 1954 or n.d. |
Box 1 | Electromagnets S.F. Quadropole, 1960 |
Box 1 | Mathematics Notebooks x4, n.d. |
Box 1 | N=1/2spectrometer, n.d. |
Box 1 | New Bubble Chamber, 1959 |
Box 1 | Bubble Chamber Safety, 1956-1961 |
Box 1 | Scattering of Particles with Spin, n.d. |
Box 1 | Accelerators, 1961-1963 |
Box 1 | Mesonic X-Rays, n.d. |
Box 1 | Multiple Scattering, n.d. |
Box 1 | Mu-e decay – Michel, n.d. |
Box 2 | Medical Physics Breast Cancer, 1955 |
Box 2 | Publication and Conference Correspondence, 1956-1966 |
Box 2 | Physics work (T decay, Feynman methods, relativity, etc.), n.d. |
Box 2 | Contracts personal financial and family, 1957 |
Box 2 | Correspondence academic and personnel, 1965-1970 |
Box 2 | Robert H Handler Personal Research and Reference, 1965 |
Box 2 | Nal Magnets and Power Supply, 1970-1971 |
Box 2 | Beam Control System for the Chicago Synchrocyclotron, n.d. |
Box 2 | Vacuum Equipment, 1958 |
Box 2 | University Speeches and Interview, 1969-1970 |
Box 2 | Physics 216 Mechanics II, n.d. |
Box 2 | Physics 227, 1975 |
Box 2 | Physics 316, 1977 |
Box 2 | Physics 352 R80, 1970 |
Box 2 | Physics 362 Angular Momentum, n.d. |
Box 2 | Physics 362 Exam, n.d. |
Box 2 | Physics 362 Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering, n.d. |
Box 2 | Physics 362 Relativity Notes, n.d. |
Box 2 | Physics 324, 1967 |
Box 2 | Cyclotron magnet, 1968 |
Box 2 | PhD Candidacy Exam, 1980 |
Box 2 | Immune system, 1977 |
Box 2 | Ising model, 1982 |
Box 2 | Quantum Mechanics, n.d. |
Box 2 | Isings models + computation, 1981 |
Box 2 | Time Reversal Invariance in Proton-Neutron Triple Scattering, 1971 |
Box 2 | UofC high energy physics building problem, 1978 |
Box 2 | Courtenay Wright CV, 1982 |
Box 2 | Mattis CV and Bakery Rest. letter, 1976/1982 |
Box 2 | PhD Candidacy Exam Fall, 1987 |
Box 2 | Mass Spectrometers, n.d. |
Box 2 | Cosmology, 1969 |
Box 2 | B Fields with Axial Symmetry, n.d. |
Box 2 | Magnetic Lens Sextupole Correctors, 1979 |
Box 2 | Physics 334, n.d. |
Box 2 | Math Primes Department Info Candidacy Exams, 1979-1986 |
Box 2 | Roland Winston Solar Energy, 1982 |
Box 2 | Dirac and Spin Motion, n.d. |
Box 2 | E-398 FNAL Richard SCW Wilson Tom Quirk, n.d. |
Box 2 | Candidacy Exams Fall, 1982 |
Box 2 | Physics 316, n.d. |
Box 2 | NSF Visit, 1978 |
Box 2 | Precision Mass Spectrometry and Experiment notes, 1980 |
Box 3 | Biographical Information, n.d. |
Box 3 | Experimental background notes (nucleon scattering?), n.d. |
Box 3 | Candidacy Exams, 1971-1981 |
Box 3 | Journals Minutes Papers, 1947-1962 |
Box 3 | Argonne Nat. Lab West Photo Binder 60s?, n.d. |
Box 3 | Talk for NSF. n.d. |
Box 3 | Notes and papers for experiments EFI, 1971 |
Box 3 | HASL-160 Liquid Hydrogren AEC, 1965 |
Box 3 | Personal Interview and Information, 2016 |
Box 3 | MEGA Experiment in New Mexico, 1984-1990 |
Box 3 | Politics, n.d. |
Box 3 | University Biographical Information, 1965 |
Box 3 | Proposals, 1978 |
Box 3 | Assorted Scientific Photographs, 1978 |
Box 3 | TV Interview, 1957 |
Box 3 | MEGA Resurrected at CERN notes correspondence, 1981 |
Box 3 | Architecture MEGA Trigger, 1995 |
Box 3 | SCW Talk, n.d. |
Box 3 | Upper Limits Muon Number Processes, n.d. |
Box 3 | 170 inch Synchrocyclotron, 1949-1950 |
Box 3 | University Note Book of equations and works, n.d. |
Box 3 | U of C notebook of equations and work, n.d. |
Box 3 | Multiple Scattering Binder, n.d. |
Box 3 | Four notebooks of various calculations and class related work, n.d. |
Box 3 | Candidacy exam problems (no grades), 1957-1968 |
Box 3 | Klein’s Paradox and Opposite-Sign Dimuon, n.d. |
Box 3 | Accelerator work and internal reports, 1959-1962 |
Box 3 | Chrystal Box Collaboration, 1982 |
Box 3 | A Notebook from Cal., 1947 |
Box 3 | Loose calculations, n.d. |
Box 3 | Concerns about exposure, n.d. |
Box 3 | Multiple scattering, n.d. |
Box 3 | Navy Department/Commander envelope, n.d. |
Box 3 | A set of keys, n.d. |
Box 4 | Various scientific photographs, n.d. |
Box 4 | Computer data and visualizations, n.d. |
Box 4 | Notes and modelling, n.d. |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Central Shop Financial Personnel Budget, 1970-84 [Restricted: R-50, Financial Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 131, 1964 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 217, 1970 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 237, 1979 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 324, 1968 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 463 Nuclear Physics II, 1962 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 464, 1963 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
Box 5 (R-50; R-80) | Physics 323, 1975 [Restricted: R-80; Student Evaluative Materials] |
2023-100 |
Box 6 | Cardboard box with shale and clam shell Go-stones, writing on the lid translates to “green go-stones, easy on the eyes”, and golden sticker on the side of the boxes roughly translates to “glass material [made of glass]: do not use for any purpose other than playing ‘go’”, n.d. |