University of Chicago Library

Preliminary Inventory to the William H. Sewell Papers 1952-2009

© 2024 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Sewell, William H. Papers



Accession Number:



32.75 linear feet (25 boxes)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


William H. Sewell Jr. is a historian and sociologist whose work has explored the relationship between history and social theory, with a focus on revolutionary and 19th century France.

Information on Use


This collection is open for research with the exception of boxes 8, 24, and 25, which contain materials to which access is restricted. Box 8 contains financial documents which are restricted for 50 years from the record's date of creation, student materials which are restricted for 80 years from the record's date of creation, and sensitive material that is restricted indefinitely. Box 24 contains student material that are restricted for 80 years from the record's date of creation. Box 25 contains meeting minutes which are restricted for 30 years from the record's date of creation, personnel files which are restricted for 50 years from the record's date of creation, and student materials which are restricted for 80 years from the record's date of creation.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Sewell, William H. Papers, Acc #, Box #, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Biographical Note

William H. Sewell Jr. is a historian and sociologist whose work has explored the relationship between history and social theory, with a focus on revolutionary and 19th century France. Sewell is the son of sociologist and former University of Wisconsin-Madison chancellor (1967-1968), William H. Sewell. The younger Sewell received his BA from the University of Wisconsin in 1962 before completing his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley in 1971. His dissertation examined the working class of Marseille in the era of the 1848 revolution. Sewell began his academic career as an assistant professor at the University Chicago in 1971. He was also a member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study (1971-72, 1975-1980). From 1980-1985, Sewell was on the faculty at the University of Arizona, first as an associate professor and later as a professor. He published his first two works in this period: Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from the Old Regime to 1848 in 1980, followed by Structure and Mobility: The Men and Women of Marseille, 1820-1870 in 1985. Sewell then joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1985. After rejoining the faculty of the University of Chicago in 1990, Sewell retired in 2007 as the Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and History. He published another book on French history in 1994 entitled A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution: The Abbé Sieyès and What is the Third Estate?, before publishing a work of sociological theory, Social Theory, and Social Transformation, in 2005.

The collection primarily consists of Sewell’s research documents, material related to his publications and papers presented as conferences, as well as extensive correspondence with colleagues and students. It also includes notes from some of Sewell’s undergraduate classes at the University of Wisconsin.


Box 1

Reviews, 1971-2009

Box 1

Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) oral history, 1995-1996

Box 1

Chang, “A Historical Profile of the Sixties Generation: William H. Sewell, Jr. and the Cultural Turn,” 2003

Box 1

Philosophical Meanderings, 1976-1998

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Critiques on thesis from Richard Hellie and Joan Scott, 1971-1972

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Thoughts, n.d.

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Enquête sur le travail and other industrial tables, n.d.

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Soc. Strat. Chapt, n.d.

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Marseille Book, Documents, n.d.

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Archival notes on Marseille workers, 1979

Box 1

Diss. Marseille--Chapt. 1, working tables and charts

Box 1

“Working Class History Beyond Marxism,” papers, 1971-1972

Box 1

“Some Reflection on Historical Social Science”, papers, n.d.

Box 1

Symbols and Social Change, n.d.

Box 1

“Corporations Ouvrières and La République démocratique et sociale: French Working-Class Ideology in 1848,” papers, 1976

Box 1

“Property, Labor and the Emergence of Socialism in France, 1789-1848,” papers, 1978

Box 1

“La Confraternite des Proletaires: Corporate and Revolutionary Idioms and the Emergence of Class Consciousness in France, 1830-1834,” papers, n.d.

Box 1

Confraternite des Proletaires earlier drafts, 1979

Box 1

Skocpol paper, 1981

Box 1

Women’s Social Mobility, 1983

Box 1

Research Projects--Class & Mobility, n.d.

Box 1

Research Projects--Marseille-Toulouse, 1983

Box 1

Research Projects--Toulouse-Marseille, n.d.

Box 1

Research Projects--Marseille-Toulouse, n.d.

Box 1

Capitalism, Urbanization, and Working Class Politics (WC) in Marseille, n.d.

Box 1

Capitalism, Urbanization, and Working Class Politics (WC) in Marseille--Marseille, overview, in French, n.d.

Box 1

Capitalism, Urbanization, and Working Class Politics (WC) in Marseille--Soc Brown Bag UA, n.d.

Box 1

Capitalism, Urbanization, and Working Class Politics (WC) in Marseille--Soc Brown Bag Mach, n.d.

Box 1

Dockworkers, Early Versions--Dockworkers of Marseille, n.d.

Box 1

Dockworkers, Early Versions--Dockworkers: SD version, n.d.

Box 1

Dockworkers, Early Versions--Dockworkers Paper: Draft of articles, n.d.

Box 1

Dockworkers, Early Versions--Dockworkers in French, n.d.

Box 1

Visions of Labor, 1983-1984

Box 1

Aristo. Corresp., n.d.

Box 1

Quantitative Hermeneuters, 1963

Box 1

Why the Revolution Never Came

Box 1

“Abbé Sieyès and the Rhetoric of Revolution,” papers 1984

Box 1

“Reflections on a Half-Life in Historical Social Science,” papers 1986

Box 1

Hunt review, 1986

Box 1

Tilly paper; early versions, n.d.

Box 1

“Classes and their Historical Formation: Critical Reflections on E.P. Thompson’s Theory of the Working-Class Formation,” papers, 1986

Box 1

“The Rhetoric of Revolution: Intention and Consequences in What is the Third Estate?,” 1987

Box 1

Traugott Review, 1986

Box 1

“Collective Violence and Collective Loyalties in France: Did the French Revolution Make a Difference?,” papers, 1989

Box 1

Towards a Theory of Structure--“Towards a Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation,” papers, 1989-1991

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Structure, oral version, n.d.

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Structure, short version, n.d.

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Comments on structure, round 2, 1991

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Structure notes, n.d.

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Responses to “Structure,” 1988-1990

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--Structure, Bibliography (empty)

Box 1

Toward a Theory of Structure--American Journal of Sociology (AJS), Structures, 1989-1992

Box 1

Structure: Materials, 1992-1995

Box 1

Rethinking Labor History, 1990-1991

Box 1

Rethinking Labor History--Politics, Economics & Collectivism Labor History, n.d.

Box 1

Rethinking Labor History--Post-Materialists

Box 2

“Three Temporalities: Toward an Eventful Sociology,” n.d.

Box 2

Three Temporalities--3 Temporalities, comments round 2, 1990-1991

Box 2

Three Temporalities--Three Temporalities, 1991

Box 2

Three Temporalities--3 Temporalities, short version, n.d.

Box 2

Sieyès contract, 1993-1995

Box 2

Sieyès contract--Sieyès/U of Ill Press, 1987-1990

Box 2

Events, 1995

Box 2

Events--Bastille, 1996

Box 2

Events--Political Events, 1994-1995

Box 2

“Trajectories of Cultural History: The Encounter of History and Anthropology,” papers, 1994

Box 2

“Capitalism, Culture, and Practice in Richard Biernacki’s The Fabrication of Labor,” papers, n.d.

Box 2

“The French Revolution and the Emergence of the Nation Form,” papers, 2002

Box 2

“What is ‘the Social’ in Social History?” long versions, 1999

Box 2

“Positivism and the Paradoxical Politics of Social and Cultural History,” n.d.

Box 2

Steinmetz book, 2002-2003

Box 2

Confessions 1/02, 2003

Box 2

Logics of History, 1994-2002

Box 2

“Refiguring the ‘Social’ in ‘Social Science,’” versions, 2002

Box 2

Comments on the social, 1999-2003

Box 2

Eley Forum, American Historical Review (AHR), 2007-2008

Box 2

“The Temporalities of Capitalism,” papers, 2008

Box 2

Reviews of A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution: The Abbé Sieyes and What is the Third Estate?, 1996-1997

Box 2

Reviews of Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation, 2007-2009

Box 2

Abbott, Andrew, circa 2001

Box 2

Adams, Julia, 1990-1995

Box 2

Agulhon, Maurice, 1980-1982

Box 2

Alexander, Jeffrey, n.d.

Box 2

Aminzade, Roland, 1972-1989

Box 2

Anspach, Renée, 1987-1989

Box 2

Armstrong, Elizabeth, 2006

Box 2

Auslander, Leora, n.d.

Box 2

Baker, Keith, 1975-1993

Box 2

Bell, David, 1998

Box 2

Bendix, Reinhard, 1975

Box 2

Bergen, Carl, 1972-2000

Box 2

Berkner, Lutz, 1974-1976

Box 2

Berlanstein, Lenard, 1989-1997

Box 2

Bernstein, Alan, 1986-1987

Box 2

Bezucha, Robert, 1976-1987

Box 2

Bhabha, Homi, 1994

Box 2

Bien, David, 1979-1989

Box 2

Biernacki, Richard, 1995-2002

Box 2

Blaufarb, Rafe, 1990

Box 2

Bossinga, Gail, 2001

Box 2

Borghese, Arthur, 1974-1979

Box 2

Bossy, John, n.d.

Box 2

Bourguet, Marie-Noëlle, 1979

Box 2

Boyer, John, 1976-1977

Box 2

Burawoy, Michael, 1987-1988

Box 2

Burguière,André, 1982-1993

Box 2

Burns, Gene, 1989

Box 2

Bynum, Caroline, 1984-1985

Box 2

Cabrera, Miguel Angel, 2003

Box 2

Canning, Kathleen, 1989-1993

Box 2

Caplan, Eric, 1996

Box 2

Chalfin, Brenda, 2008

Box 2

Clark, Tim, 1981-1984

Box 2

Cohn, Bernard, 1979

Box 2

Corral, Emiliano, 2006

Box 2

Curti, Merle, 1962

Box 2

Davis, Natalie Zemon, 1976-1999

Box 2

Darnton, Robert, 1974-1980

Box 2

Desan, Suzanne, 1990

Box 2

Deyon, Pierre and Solange, 1972-1993

Box 2

Dirks, Nicholas, 1987-1989

Box 2

Downs, Laura Lee, 1988-2001

Box 2

Drescher, Seymour, 1982-1984

Box 2

Duara, Praesenjit, 2009

Box 2

Eisen, Harvey, 1973-2005

Box 2

Eley, Geoff, 1993-2003

Box 2

Emirbayer, Mustafa, 1991

Box 2

Errington, Sherry, 1979

Box 2

Espeland, Wendy, 1993

Box 2

Fernandes, Sujatha, 2001-2003

Box 2

Fligstein, Neil, 1985-1989

Box 2

Forment, Carlos, 1985-1996

Box 2

Forster, Robert, 1979-1980

Box 2

Freyberg, Mark, 1990-1993

Box 2

Furet, François, 1985-1997

Box 2

Geertz, Clifford, 1968-2007

Box 2

Geertz, Erica, n.d.

Box 2

Giddens, Anthony, 1986-1987

Box 2

Giesey, Ralph, 1976-1978

Box 2

Gilsenen, Michael, 1982

Box 2

Gintis, Michael, 1978

Box 2

Gocek, Muge, 1991-1992

Box 2

Goldberg, Ellis Jay, 1994

Box 2

Goodman, Dena, 1985

Box 2

Gould, Laura, 2001

Box 2

Greeley, Andrew, 1973-2004

Box 2

Grew, Ray, 1989

Box 2

Griffin, Larry, 1991-1996

Box 2

Guilarte, Miguel, 1990

Box 2

Haine, Scott, 1990

Box 2

Hall, Stuart, 1999

Box 2

Harrison, J.F.C., 1972

Box 2

Hart, Janet, 1991-1993

Box 2

Hays, Sharon, 1994

Box 2

Heirich, Max, 1985

Box 2

Herr, Richard, 1971-1972

Box 2

Herzog, Dagmar, 2003

Box 3

Higgonet, Patrice, 2003

Box 3

Hollinger, Dave, 1975-1989

Box 3

Holmes, Steve, 1991

Box 3

Hout, Michael, 1984-1986

Box 3

Hunt, Lynn, 19830-2003

Box 3

Jackson, James, 1981-1995

Box 3

Jacobson, Kenneth, 1996

Box 3

Janowitz, Morris, 1972

Box 3

Kane, Anne, 1992-2002

Box 3

Kaplan, Steven, 1984-1995

Box 3

Karabel, Jerome, 1988-1989

Box 3

Karafiol, Emile, n.d.

Box 3

Kates, George, 1996

Box 3

Kaye, Harvey, 1981-2004

Box 3

Kennedy, Michael, 1986

Box 3

Kim, Inchoon, 1989-2003

Box 3

Kimeldorf, Howard, 1988-1990

Box 3

Kocha, Jürgen, 1976-1979

Box 3

Kreiser, Robert, 1981-1982

Box 3

Kuhn, Thomas, 1981-1999

Box 3

Landes, David, 1964-1970

Box 3

Lees, Lynn, 1972

Box 3

Lepenies, Wolf, 1985

Box 3

Le Roy Laduire, Emmanuel, 1973-1984

Box 3

Levy, Jonathan, 2009

Box 3

Liebman,, Bob, 1980-1986

Box 3

LiPuma, Ed, 2002

Box 3

Litchfield, Burr, 1972-1985

Box 3

Little, Daniel, 2005

Box 3

Little, Lester, 1974

Box 3

Lorcin, Jean, 1981

Box 3

LoRomer, David, 1972-1977

Box 3

Markoff, John 2005

Box 3

Marrus, Michael, 1970-1985

Box 3

Mason, Laura, 1995

Box 3

Maxwell, Kenneth, 1973

Box 3

Mayer, Henry, 1988-2000

Box 3

Maza, Sarah, 1983-1997

Box 3

McDonald, Terry, 1991-1992

Box 3

McNeill, William, 1973

Box 3

Merriman, John, 1972-1986

Box 3

Meyering, Anne, 1983-1990

Box 3

Meyers, William, 1972-1979

Box 3

Miller, Judith, 1991

Box 3

Moch, Leslie, 1975-1987

Box 3

Monsama, Karl, 1987-1990

Box 3

Montejano, David, 1988

Box 3

Moss, Bernard, 1972-1986

Box 3

Newman, Ned, 1973-1986

Box 3

Nguyen, Victor, 1972-1973

Box 3

Novick, Peter, 1976-1978

Box 3

O’Dall, Margaret, 2001

Box 3

Orr, Linda, 1990-1992

Box 3

Ortner, Sherry, 1991-1995

Box 3

Paige, Jeffrey, 1986-1990

Box 3

Pedraza-Bailey, Silvia, 1990

Box 3

Perrot, Michelle, 1984-1987

Box 3

Peterson, Richard, 1995

Box 3

Phayer, Michael, 1975-1977

Box 3

Pinkney, David, 1985-1990

Box 3

Pletsch, Carl, 1975-1988

Box 3

Popkin, Jeremy, 1994-1997

Box 3

Rabb, Ted, 1974

Box 3

Rancière, Jacques, 1984

Box 3

Rebel, Hermann, 1985-1989

Box 3

Reberioux, Madeleine, 1971

Box 3

Riesman, David, 1987

Box 3

Reitman, Sharon, 1990-1991

Box 3

Ringrose, Daniel, 1989-2003

Box 3

Rosaldo, Renato, 1978-1992

Box 3

Rose, Sonya, 1990-1998

Box 3

Rosenband, Lenard, 1984-1987

Box 3

Rosenberg, Daniel, 1995-2005

Box 3

Rosenberg, Hans, 1968-1986

Box 3

Rothenberg, Molly, 2008

Box 3

Rubens, Lisa, 2001

Box 3

Rudolph, Susanne, n.d.

Box 3

Sahlins, Marshall, 1989-1994

Box 3

Santoro, Marco, 2004-2007

Box 3

Sartori, Andrew, 2006-2007

Box 3

Schalk, Ellery, 1977-1989

Box 3

Schorske, Carl, 1991-1995

Box 3

Schneider, David, 1973

Box 3

Schuman, Howard, 1987-1989

Box 3

Schwartzman, Kathleen, 1979-1990

Box 3

Scott, Daniel, 1977

Box 3

Scott, Joan, 1977-2011

Box 3

Scott, Rebecca, 1989

Box 3

Sewell, Jessica, 1985-2002

Box 3

Sewell, Robert, 2003-2007

Box 3

Sewell, William H., Sr., 1952-1989

Box 3

Sharlin, Allan, 1971-1984

Box 3

Shorter, Ned, 1972-1974

Box 3

Skinner, Quentin and Susan, 1982

Box 3

Skocpal, Theda, 1982

Box 3

Smith, Bonnie, 1981-1995

Box 3

Smith, Harvey, 1972-1984

Box 3

Smith, Jay, 1986-2007

Box 3

Sonneschein, Hugo, 1999

Box 3

Spang, Rebecca, 2004

Box 3

Spohn, Willfried (EMPTY)

Box 3

Sportiello, Anne, 1987

Box 3

Steinberg, Marc, 1988-1991

Box 3

Steinmetz, George, 1991-2006

Box 3

Stinchcombe, Arthur, 1982-1989

Box 3

Stearns, Peter, 1972-1973

Box 3

Stone, Lawrence, 1972-1979

Box 3

Swindler, Ann, 1987-1988

Box 3

Taylor, George V., 1978-1979

Box 3

Tarrow, Sidney, 1992-1995

Box 3

Tennent, Evalyn, 1992-2003

Box 3

Thernstrom, Stephen, 1969-1974

Box 3

Thompson, E.P., 1973

Box 3

Tilly, Charles, 1967-1991

Box 3

Tilly, Louise, 1973

Box 3

Traugott, Mark, 1981-2008

Box 3

Truant correspondence, 1974-1992

Box 3

Truant Proposals and Exams, 1979-1982

Box 4

Vanelsi, Lucette, 1977-1980

Box 4

Vovelle, M., 1978-1988

Box 4

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey, 1992

Box 4

Weinstein, Donald, 1978-1988

Box 4

Weintraub, Jeff, 1984-1985

Box 4

Wilde, Melissa, 2002

Box 4

Woollen, Geoff, 1982-1986

Box 4

Zeitlin, Maurice, 1986

Box 4

Research Material--Images of Work, n.d.

Box 4

Images--Marseilles, n.d.

Box 4

Art--Artisan, 1990

Box 4

Nadud, Martin, Memoirs of a Parisian Stonemason, n.d.

Box 4

Villermé, Louis, The Moral and Physical Condition of the Workers, n.d.

Box 4

Logics, UChicago Press, 2004

Box 4

Logics, UChicago Press--Copy-editing, 2004

Box 4

Logics Permissions, 1988-2004

Box 4

Logics, Readers Reports, 2003-2004

Box 4

Cambridge University Press, 1978-2003

Box 4

Cambridge University Press--Production, Work & Revolution, 1980-1984

Box 4

Reviews of Work & Revolution, 1981-1983

Box 4

Fan Mail--Work & Revolution, 1982-1983

Box 4

French Translation, Work & Revolution, 1981-1984

Box 4

Work & Revolution, Electronic Publication, 2001

Box 4

Book ads, 1980-1981

Box 4

Advanced Information Sheet, Marketing & Post Publication, 1980-1981

Box 4

Correspondence re: Marseille Book, 1981-1984

Box 4

Reviews of Structure & Mobility, 1985-1987

Box 4

Cambridge Press--Evaluation of Manuscript, 1983-1986

Box 4

Contract, 1978-2011

Box 4

Duke Press--Post-Publications, 1994-1995

Box 4

ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies), 1973

Box 4

NSF (National Science Foundation): Correspondence with Washington, 1972-198

Box 4

NSF (National Science Foundation): Employment Forms, Employees, 1972

Box 4

NSF (National Science Foundation) Extension Proposal, 1974

Box 4

Guggenheim, 1982-1983

Box 4

IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) Application, 2001

Box 4

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Things, 1981-1982

Box 4

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities), Proposal, 1981

Box 4

Summer Seminar--Industrial Revolution Class Notes, 1981-1982

Box 4

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Proposal, 1986-1987

Box 4

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Seminar Sessions, 1987

Box 4

NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities), Summer Seminars, Participants’ Evaluations, 1987

Box 4

CCST (Comparative Study for Social Transformations) NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Flap, 1988-1992

Box 4

MacArthur Nominations, 1983-2005

Box 4

Faculty Reports, 1992-2006

Box 4

Dictionary, n.d.

Box 4

AJS (American Journal of Sociology), 1988-2008

Box 4

AHR (American Historical Review), 1985-1986

Box 4

Sociological Theory, 1988-1991

Box 4

Theory & Society, 1994-1995

Box 4

ASR (American Sociological Review), 1987-1999

Box 4

FHS (Society for French Historical Studies), 2004

Box 4

SSH-Reviews, 1992-1993

Box 4

CCST (Comparative Study of Social Transformations), 1987

Box 4

CCST (Comparative Study of Social Transformations) Conference, 1989 J Scott--my response

Box 4

CASBS (Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences), 1990-1991

Box 4

Soviet WC Form, 1989-1990

Box 4

FHS (French Historical Studies), 1990 Vancouver

Box 4

UCLA, 1991

Box 4

FHS (Society for French Historical Studies) 92, 1991

Box 4

Asilmor, 1992

Box 4

French-Chinese Rev. Conference--Indiana, 1992

Box 4

SSHA, 1992

Box 4

Terror 92, 1991-1993

Box 4

French Historical Studies, Chico, 1993

Box 5

ASA, 1993

Box 5

CHI (Chicago Humanities Institute), European & Colonial Public Spheres, 1993

Box 5

Denunciation, 1994

Box 5

Norway, Soc. Conference, 1994

Box 5

Harvard, Nov. 1994

Box 5

CCST (Comparative Study of Social Transformation) Jan. 1995

Box 5

Davis, 1993-1995

Box 5

FHS (Society for French Historical Studies), 1995

Box 5

Berkeley, May 1995

Box 5

Istanbul, May 1995

Box 5

Berkeley--Job?, 1995

Box 5

French State & Economy for Square D, 1995

Box 5

Upsala, 1995

Box 5

SSHA, 1995

Box 5

Culture Conference Berkeley, 1995-1998

Box 5

Berlin, July 1996, 1995-1996

Box 5

APSA (American Political Science Association), 1996

Box 5

Civil Society & Globalization, Nov 1996

Box 5

National Endowment for the Humanities, 1997

Box 5

AHA, 1997

Box 5

Representations, February 1, 1997, 1996-1998

Box 5

Bien Fest, 1997

Box 5

Purdue, Atlantic Revs., 1996-1997

Box 5

Soc. Th., Chi, February 1998

Box 5

Sahlins Fest, 1998

Box 5

ASA (American Sociological Association), 1998

Box 5

Manchester Conference on the Social Sciences, 1998-1999

Box 5

SSHA (Social Sciences Historical Association), 1998

Box 5

The Committee on the History of Culture, The Midwest Faculty Seminar, 1999

Box 5

Historiography Workshop, 2000

Box 5

APSA (American Political Science Association), 2000

Box 5

Geerty Fest, 2000

Box 5

SSHA (Social Sciences Historical Association), 2000

Box 5

AHA (American Historical Association), 2000-2001

Box 5

FSM Oral History, 2001

Box 5

NASW (National Association of Social Workers), 2001

Box 5

Post-Positivism, 2001

Box 5

SSHA (Social Sciences Historical Association), 2002

Box 5

IAS (Institute for Advanced Study), 2002-2003

Box 5

AHA (American Historical Association), 2003

Box 5

Yale, 2002

Box 5

Canaries, 2003

Box 5

Postone Conference, 2004

Box 5

Society for French Historical Studies (FHS), 2004

Box 5

Kostanz, 2004

Box 5

Chicago Humanities Festival, 2004

Box 5

Narrative Sociology, 2004-2005

Box 5

FHS (Society for French Historical Studies), 2005

Box 5

SSHA (Social Sciences Historical Association), 2005

Box 5

Family Project UCLA, 2006

Box 5

University of Wisconsin, William H. Sewell Social Sciences Buildings, 2006

Box 5

University of Michigan, Department of Sociology Visiting Committee, 2006-2007

Box 5

William H. Sewell, Jr. Conference, 2008

Box 5

Turbin, Carole, 1982-1997

Box 5

Gerth, Curti (2nd sem), Harrison (2nd Sem), Reynolds, n.d.

Box 5

Econ 100A, Hist 134B, Hist 201C, Econ 212A, n.d.

Box 5

French Lit, Harrison (1st Sem), Curti (1st Sem), PHIL., n.d.

Box 5

India (2nd Sem), Econ 100B (Micro, Econ 212B, n.d.

Box 5

Smesler 109, Brucker Renaissance, Landes & Postan incl. Postan on Peasants, n.d.

Box 6

STAT Sontag, ECON 200, Cipolla, Wolin (1st Sem)

Box 6

Tribunal Correctional, Prix du Pain, Oeuvre St. François-Régis, n.d.

Box 6

Migration by Department, n.d.

Box 6

Recensement de 1851 10,001-10,741, n.d.

Box 6

Recensement de 1851 20,000-20,969, n.d.

Box 6

Recensement de 1851 40,001-40,406, n.d.

Box 6

Recensement de 1851 60,001-60,938 & 61,700-61,726

Box 6

Photocopies of French Government forms, n.d.

Box 6

History 4-AB, Sociology 299, History 199, Hist 133, 1964

Box 6

Binder, n.d.

Box 6

Sociology notes, n.d.

Box 6

Renaissance and Reformation, British History 1760-1867, Hist 202, 202 Paper, Hist 199, Hist 132, n.d.

Box 6

Economic History, PhD Fields, 1965

Box 6

Lists of sources, Lists of assns., ECON STAT, Insurrection 1848, Census, Crime, Social mobility analysis sheets, Occupation analysis sheets, n.d.

Box 7

Research Notes Marseilles, 1979

Box 7

Diaries and Calendars, 1975-1969

Box 7

Plan de Marseille, n.d.

Box 7

Binder, n.d.

Box 7

Wilderness, Sierra Club Engagement Calendar, 1978

Box 7

Wilderness, Sierra Club Engagement Calendar, 1979

Box 7

Card File Box 7A: Research Note Cards, n.d.

Box 7

Card File Box 7B: Research Note Cards, n.d.

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Coatsworth, John, 1975 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Glaeser, Andreas, 2004 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Goldstein, Jan, 1989-1993 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Gorski, Philip S., 1995 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Hanchard, Michael, 1994 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Hattam, Victoria, 1992 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Herrigel, Gary, 1995 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Inden, Roland, 1975-1989 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Moses, Lisa Leff, 1999 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Padgett, John, 1989-2007 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Parish, William, 1987 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Postone, Moise, 1993-2007 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Saller, Richard, 1995-1998 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Slater, Dan, n.d. [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Suny, Ronald, 1993 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Wedeen, Lisa, 1996-2007 [Restricted: R-50, University Administration]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Leave Negotiations, 1998-1999 [Restricted: R-50, Personnel]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

U of Chicago Contract etc, 1989-2005 [Restricted: R-50, Financial]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

SSD (Social Sciences Division) Dean Search, 2002 [Restricted: R-50, Faculty Appointments]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Abraham, David, 1976-1985 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Auerbach, Stephen, n.d. [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Beisel, Nicola, 1986-1991 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Boswell, terry, 1984-2001 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Brenner, Neil, 1994-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Camiscioli, Elisa, 1992-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Cook, Daniel, 1993-1997 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Davis, Belinda, 1991-1992 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Diez-Medrano, Juan, 1988-1992 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Ermakoff, Ivan, 1996 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Frank, Stephanie, 2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Goldstein, Cora, 2000-2009 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Goswami, Manu, 1995-1999 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Gould, Debbie, 1997-2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Haynes, Christine, 1995-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Hemphill, Clara, 1977-1979 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Heuer, Jennifer, 1997-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Horn, Gerd-Rainer, 1988-1999 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Huang, Grace, 1999-2005 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Hus, Roland, 1990-2002 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Ismail, Matthew, 1993-1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Jackson, James, 1981-1995 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Khan, Riaz, 1993-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Kiser, Edgar, 1986-1997 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Klopp, Brett, 1995-1997 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Kwass, Michael, 1993-2005 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Lee, Bellete (Yuen-Ching), 2000-2002 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Liu, Tessie, 1986-2004 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Lloyd, Richard, 2004 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Lorence, James, 1991 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

McGuire, Mary, 1989-1991 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

McKay, John, 1975 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Murthy, Viren, 2007 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Pederson, Jean, 1993 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Price, Matthew, 1992-1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Rani, Asha, 2001 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Reddy, William, 1972-2007 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Sable, March, 1992-1997 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Sage, Elizabeth, 1991-1999 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Santana Acuña, Alvaro, 2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Scharff, Virginia, 1983-1989 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Seeley, Paul, 1985-1996 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Scott, Joan, n.d. [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Sheets, James, 1985-1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Shovlin, John, 1993-2007 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Somers, Margaret, 1986-1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Sperber, Jonathan, 1975-1980 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Stinchcombe, Jim, 1971-1976 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Suh, Doowan, n.d. [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Taylor, Lynne, 1900-1993 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Tennent, Evalyn, 1992-2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Truant, Letters of Recommendation, 1973-1987 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Tulchin, Alan, 2000-2009 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Turner, Patricia, 1991-2007 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Walker, Barbara, 1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Walthall, Anne, 1975-1978 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Whitlock, Stephanie, 1994-2001 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Wolf, Joan, 1992-1993 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Wright, Kent, 1995 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Wu, Ruei-Ren, 2003 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Zhong, Yijiang, 2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Zubrzycki, Geneviève, 2002 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Historic Turn, 1990 [Restricted: R-X, Restricted Indefinitely]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

IAS (Institute for Advanced Study), Social Science 25th, May 1997 [Restricted: R-X, Restricted Indefinitely]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

Logics of History--UChicago Press, 2004 [Restricted: R-X, Restricted Indefinitely]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

SSRC (Social Science Research Council) Proposal, 1971 [Restricted: R-X, Restricted Indefinitely]

Box 8 (R-50, R-80, RX)

NSF (National Science Foundation), n.d. [Restricted: R-X, Restricted Indefinitely]

Box 9

Evaluation Committee, 1974

Box 9

Appointments and Contracts, 1965-1971

Box 9

Contracts, 1974

Box 9

Leave Negotiations, 1974

Box 9

Notes: Premonitions of Work and Revolution, 1973-1975

Box 9

Merrus and Begucha Commentary, 1973

Box 9

Notes, Urbanization and Political Unrest in 19th Century France

Box 9

Sewell Faculty Report, 1971-1972

Box 9

Faculty Reports, 1974-1975

Box 9

SSRC Reports, 1966-1967

Box 9

Correspondence with Archives, 1979-1984

Box 9

Old Reading Lists, 1959-1964

Box 9

Thesis Correspondence, Folder 1, 1966-1967

Box 9

Thesis Correspondence, Folder 2, 1970-1971

Box 9

Social Science Research Council, Proposal, 1965

Box 9

Block Paper: Correspondence and Drafts, 1967

Box 9

Sewell, Undergraduate Notes and Papers, Folder 1, 1959-1961

Box 9

Sewell, Undergraduate Notes and Papers, Folder 2, 1959-1961

Box 9

Research, French Counties, n.d.

Box 9

French Population Tables, n.d.

Box 9

William Sewell Course Papers, 1955-1965

Box 9

Sewell, “Industry and Population in 19th Century France,” n.d.

Box 9

History, Rankings, 2005

Box 9

Ratings, 1983-1995

Box 9

From Office Door, Chicago, 1991

Box 9

Practice of Meaning Book Series, 1998-2003

Box 9

Wilder House, Folder 1, 1997-2001

Box 9

Wilder House, Folder 2, 1999-2003

Box 9

Reprint Approvals, 1999-2005

Box 9

Sewell, et al., “Pedagogy and the Disciplines,” 1990

Box 9

Guggenheim, 1990-1992

Box 9

Social Theory Group, 1999

Box 9

Contentious Politics Program, 1996-1999

Box 9

Year of Reflection Faculty Report, 1998

Box 9

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2004

Box 9

Committee on Critical Practice, 1992

Box 10

Funding Announcements, n.d.

Box 10

Merit Report Michigan, 1986-1989

Box 10

Arizona Research Grant Records, 1984

Box 10

Libraries, n.d.

Box 10

Chicago-Michigan Negotiations, 1989

Box 10

Teaching Negotiations, 1986

Box 10

Dissertation Committee, 1988

Box 10

Sewell Hiring Correspondence, University of Michigan, 1984-1985

Box 10

Tenure Appointment, University of Arizona, 1980

Box 10

Merit Report, University of Arizona, 1983-1984

Box 10

Contracts, University of Arizona, c. 1982-1983

Box 10

HIST 730/SOC 730, Michigan, 1986

Box 10

Reading Courses, Winter 1990

Box 10

HIST 396 – Current & Evals, 1987

Box 10

Discussion of S & M, Fall 1987

Box 10

HIST 644 – Archive, 1985

Box 10

HIST 595C: The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, University of Arizona, n.d.

Box 10

Miscellaneous Arizona Reading Lists, c. 1983-1985

Box 10

HIST 495: The Industrial Revolution, University of Arizona London Study Program, 1982

Box 10

HIST 214A, University of Arizona, 1983-1984

Box 10

HIST 214B, University of Arizona, 1983-1985

Box 10

HIST 595C, University of Arizona, 1983

Box 10

HIST 596G, University of Arizona, n.d.

Box 10

HIST 595X, University of Arizona, 1981

Box 10

HIST 414: 19th Century Europe, 1980

Box 10

Notes for Arizona Courses, c. 1970s

Box 10

Miscellaneous Notes, Labeled “Flights of Eloquence,” n.d.

Box 10

HIST 423: Historical Anthropology, 1973

Box 10

HIST 365: Symbols of Solidarity in Modern Europe, 1974

Box 10

HIST 275: European Social History, n.d.

Box 10

HIST 242: Industrial Revolution and the Working Class in England and France, 1789-1871, 1970-1973

Box 10

HIST 236: The French Revolution, 1973

Box 10

HIST 363: Social History of 18th and 19th Century Europe, n.d.

Box 10

HIST 235: Revolutions in Modern History, 1971

Box 10

HIST 237: Europe 1776-1848, 1970

Box 10

HIST 300 Lecture: “What is Social History?,” n.d.

Box 10

“Jock’s Western Civ.,” n.d.

Box 10

Notes for Sections in Western Civ., 1968-1969

Box 10

Western Civ. – “Kinship,” 1972

Box 10

Firestone’s Evaluation of Western Civ Course, 1970

Box 10

History of Western Civilization Course, 1974-1975

Box 10

Sans Culottes Lecture Notes, c. 1975

Box 10

Industrialization Lecture Notes, n.d.

Box 10

Western Civ. Course – Exams, Reviews, Etc., 1969-1973

Box 10

Journal of Modern History, Property and Labor, 1978

Box 10

AJS Coleman Comment, 1986

Box 10

Institute for Advanced Study Alumni, 1975-1984

Box 10

Einstein Centennial Celebration, 1978

Box 10

Institute for Advanced Study, Accounts, 1978-1980

Box 10

Association of Members for the Institute of Advanced Study, 1980-1984

Box 10

Institute for Advanced Study, Folder 1, 1976-1981

Box 10

Institute for Advanced Study, Folder 2, 1976-1981

Box 10

National Endowment for the Humanities Proposal, 1975-1980

Box 10

Seminar: Symbols and Social Change, 1977-1978

Box 10

Correspondence with the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, 1971-1972

Box 10

Grants and Applications, 1970-1971

Box 10

Leave Negotiations, 1975

Box 11

Lecture: Marx’s Intellectual Legacy, n.d.

Box 11

Center for Research on Social Organization, Working Paper Series, Folder 1, 1986-1988

Box 11

Center for Research on Social Organization, Working Paper Series, Folder 2, 1988

Box 11

Center for Research on Social Organization, Working Paper Series, Folder 3, 1989

Box 11

Center for Research on Social Organization, Working Paper Series, Folder 4, 1989-1990

Box 11

Assorted Conferences, n.d.

Box 11

Committee on Graduate Completion Times and Rates, Report, 1990

Box 11

New School Report, 1990

Box 11

French Historical Society, 1985-1989

Box 11

Ideology Symposium, University of Tulsa, 1990

Box 11

American Historical Association Annual Meeting, 1989

Box 11

PEW Higher Education Research Program, 1989

Box 11

Symposiums and Conferences, 1989

Box 11

Social Science History Association Meeting, 1988

Box 11

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1988

Box 11

Social Movement Theory Conference, 1988

Box 11

Notes, Furet-Ozouf Seminar, 1988

Box 11

Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 1988

Box 11

Comparative Historical Sociology Award, 1988

Box 11

Marseille Dockworkers, American Historical Review, 1987-1988

Box 11

AHA Program Committee, 1985

Box 11

Seminars and Conferences, 1987

Box 11

Slavic Conference, Ann Arbor, 1987

Box 11

American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1986

Box 11

French Revolution Conference, Chicago, 1986

Box 11

FHS French Revolution Commentary, 1985

Box 11

National Research Council Cultures and Ideology Committee, 1985

Box 11

Social Science History Association Panel, 1985

Box 11

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1984

Box 11

American Historical Association, Centennial Session, 1984

Box 11

University of Washington, 1984

Box 11

San Diego State University, Lecture Series, 1984

Box 11

Woodrow Wilson Center, 1985

Box 11

University of Texas, El Paso, 1984

Box 11

Occ. Taxonomies, Cornell, 1984

Box 11

Foreign Travel Committee, 1984

Box 11

American Historical Association Meeting, 1983

Box 11

PCB Session on Work and Revolution, 1983

Box 11

Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1984

Box 11

Western Social Science Association, San Diego, 1983

Box 11

PCB/AHR Session, 1983

Box 11

Caltech Quantitative History Conference, 1983

Box 11

Worcester Art Museum Lecture, 1983

Box 11

Cornell French Labor Conference, 1983

Box 11

FHS Meetings, New York, 1981-1982

Box 11

Utah Trip, 1980-1981

Box 11

Adams Prize, 1981

Box 11

American Historical Association Proposal, Skocpol, 1981

Box 11

Santa Cruz Conference, 1981

Box 11

Western Society for French History, Greeley, CO Meeting, 1981

Box 11

NYU Talk, 1980

Box 11

Le Chapelier Law, UNC, 1980

Box 11

Wayne State Labor History Conference, 1979

Box 11

L’Histoire, 1979

Box 11

FHS Session, 1979

Box 11

Rev. Europe Congress, 1979

Box 11

Ann Arbor, 1979

Box 11

Class Formation Research Group, 1980-1984

Box 11

American Historical Association, “The Structure of Work,” 1978

Box 11

Social Science History Association, Fall Session, 1978

Box 11

Stanford History Department, 1977

Box 11

Brockport Conference, 1975

Box 12

Sewell, Work and Revolution in France, Italian Translation, 1987

Box 12

Sewell, Logics of History, 2005

Box 12

Sewell, Work and Revolution in France, 1980

Box 12

Sewell, Gens de Metier et Revolutions, 1983

Box 12

Sewell, Work and Revolution in France, Spanish Translation, 1992

Box 12

Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics, 2001

Box 12

Sewell, A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution, 1994

Box 12

Sewell, Structure and Mobility, 1985

Box 12

Sewell, “Calculation, Culture, and Revolution,” 1995

Box 12

Unsorted Journals and Articles, Folder 1, n.d.

Box 12

Unsorted Journals and Articles, Folder 2, n.d.

Box 12

Unsorted Journals and Articles, Folder 3, n.d.

Box 12

Unsorted Journals and Articles, Folder 4, n.d.

Box 12

Chartier, 1997

Box 12

Sahlins – Events, 1999

Box 13

Maurice Agulhon, Une Ville Ouvriere Au Temps du Socialisme Utopique, 1970

Box 13

Josephin Isoard, Les Ecrivains Marseillais, 1971

Box 13

La Presse Ovriere 1819-1850, 1966

Box 13

Philippe Vigier, La Seconde Republique dans la Region Alpine, I and II, 1963

Box 13

Political Science Quarterly, Volume LXXXVIII, Number 1, 1973

Box 13

Kulturanalyse und Vergleichende Forschung, Heft 1, 1998

Box 13

Struktur und Ereignis, 2001

Box 13

Graff, Moch, and McMichael, Looking Backward and Looking Forward, 2005

Box 13

History and Theory, Volume 51, Number 3, 2012

Box 13

Public Culture, Volume 24, Number 2, 2012

Box 13

Historia Social, Numero 69, 2011

Box 13

Social Science History, Volume 32, Number 4, 2008

Box 13

History and Theory, Volume 49, Number 4, Theme Issue 49, 2010

Box 13

French Historical Studies, Volume 33, Number 2, 2010

Box 13

Le Cholera: La Premiere Epidemie du XIXe Siecle, 1958

Box 13

Le Compagnonnage Vivant, 1973

Box 13

Revolt in France, May-June 1968, A Contemporary Record, 1968

Box 13

Aspects du Vieux Marseille, Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, n.d.

Box 13

Feuillets Documentaires Regionaux, Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique de Marseille, Nos. 6 & 7, 1966

Box 14

Bibliographical Index Cards, Folder 1, n.d.

Box 14

Bibliographical Index Cards, Folder 2, n.d.

Box 14

Bibliographical Index Cards, Folder 3, n.d.

Box 14

Bibliographical Index Cards, Folder 4, n.d.

Box 14

CIAR – Berkeley, 2004

Box 14

CIAR – Toronto, 2004

Box 14

CIAR – Montreal, 2004

Box 14

CIAR – Vancouver, 2005

Box 14

CIAR – Cambridge, 2005

Box 14

Correspondence and Practices of Meaning Series, 2004-2005

Box 14

Social Theory Group – Statements, n.d.

Box 14

Proposals, New Forms of Politics, n.d.

Box 14

Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory Materials, n.d.

Box 14

Imagined Communities, Conference, 2008

Box 14

Talk, “Capitalism and the French Revolution,” 2004

Box 14

“The Social,” Floppy Disk, n.d.

Box 14

“Computer Stuff,” 1982-1984

Box 14

Computer Generated Maps, Marseille, n.d.

Box 14

Address/Occupancy Data Tables, n.d.

Box 14

Bibliographical Source Cards, n.d.

Box 14

Les Elections de 1869, Societe d’Histoire de la Revolution de 1848, 1960

Box 14

Tables, Societe d’Histoire de la Revolution de 1848, 1957

Box 14

Les Ouvriers de Paris, Societe d’Histoire de la Revolution de 1848, 1967

Box 14

Etudes, Societe d’Histoire de la Revolution de 1848, 1956

Box 14

Antoine Olivesi, La Commune de 1871 a Marseille et ses Origines, 1950

Box 14

Correspondance inedite avec George Sand et ses amis, 1966

Box 15

Research Notebooks, n.d.

Box 15

William Sewell Dissertation, “The Structure of Working Class Marseille in the Middle of the 19th Century,” 1971

Box 15

Sewell Dissertation Part III, 1971

Box 15

Self, Culture, and Society Course, 1995-1996

Box 15

Culture, Practice, and Social Change, 2000

Box 15

Historiography Course, 2006

Box 15

PS513: Structure, Subjectivity, and Agency, 1997

Box 15

Time and Social Sciences Course, n.d.

Box 15

Meeting on Cultural History, 1991

Box 15

Year of Reflection, Correspondence, Meeting Materials, 1996

Box 15

Reports on Graduate/Undergraduate Education, 1996

Box 15

Successful Societies Program, Montreal, Folder 1, 2003

Box 15

Successful Societies Program, Montreal, Folder 2, 2003

Box 15

CIAR Appointment, 2004

Box 15

Meeting of Successful Societies Program, CIAR, Montreal, Folder 1, 2003

Box 15

Meeting of Successful Societies Program, CIAR, Montreal, Folder 2, 2003

Box 16

Marriage Registry Sheets, Folder 1, n.d.

Box 16

Marriage Registry Sheets, Folder 2, n.d.

Box 16

Marriage Registry Sheets, Folder 3, n.d.

Box 17

Archival Microfilm, 9 rolls, n.d.

Box 18

Archival Microfilm, 5 rolls, n.d.

Box 18

Archival Slides, 1 box, n.d.

Box 19

Census People File Codebook, 1974

Box 19

19th Century Social Mobility in France, Codebooks, 1971

Box 19

Unlabeled Codebooks, n.d.

Box 19

Court File Codebook, 1973

Box 19

France, Data and Maps, Folder 1, 1974

Box 19

France, Data and Maps, Folder 2, c. 1974

Box 20

Unsorted Residential Records, n.d.

Box 20

Marreg Codebook, 1974

Box 20

Marriage Marginals Codebook, n.d.

Box 21

Court Records and Residential Records, Folder 1, n.d.

Box 21

Court Records and Residential Records, Folder 2, n.d.

Box 22

Marriage Registry Data, n.d.

Box 22

Archival Documents, Marseille Project, c. 1970s

Box 23

Poster, Diagonal Man: Theory and Practice, n.d.

Box 23

Poster, Musee du Compagnonnage, n.d.

Box 24 (R-80)

Self, Culture, and Society, 1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 24 (R-80)

SOSC 121: Self, Culture, and Society, 1996-2004 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 24 (R-80)

Social Sciences 478, 2004 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 24 (R-80)

Social Sciences 122, 1996-2001 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1996 [Restricted: R-30, Minutes]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Michigan Official Docs, 1985-1989 [Restricted: R-50, Personnel]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Search Committees, Michigan, 1985-1986 [Restricted: R-50, Personnel]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Self, Culture, and Society, 1993-1996 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Social Science 123, 1996-2000 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Reading Courses, 1993-2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Culture, Practice, and Social Change, 1992-2000 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

States and Cultures Course, 1993-1994 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Emergence of Capitalism Course, 1991 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Capitalism in Modern Europe Course, 2002 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

PS 345/HIST 543, Marx’s Capital, 2001 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

HIST 548/PS 477, French Revolution, 2002-2005 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

PS 562: Revolutions, 1996-1998 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Space and Social Theory Course, 1995-2004 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

PLSC 51310: Money and Commodities as Social Forms, 2006 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Emergence of Capitalism Course, 2005 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

Topics Course, Capitalism, c. 2010 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

ANTH, SOC 666, HIST 607, Michigan, 1989 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

SOC 532/HIST 604 – Archive, Michigan, 1988 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

HIST 425, Michigan, 1986-1990 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

SOC 595: Cultural Sociology, 1986 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

SOC 598: Culture, Action, and Social Change, 1989 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

SOC 405, Michigan, Archive, 1986 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]

Box 25 (R-30, R-50, R-80)

HIST 798/SOC 533, 1989 [Restricted: R-80, Student Grades]