University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Richard Peter McKeon Papers 1918-1985
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
The Richard Peter McKeon Papers were processed as part of the HEA Title II-C project,
"Preserving and Improving Access to Social Science Manuscript Collections at the
University of Chicago Library."
Descriptive Summary
Title: | McKeon, Richard Peter. Papers |
Dates: | 1918-1985 |
Size: | 103.75 linear feet (208 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | The Richard Peter McKeon Papers comprise 103.75 linear feet
of material, including professional and personal correspondence, research materials,
manuscripts of books and articles, course materials, papers concerning UNESCO, the
Encyclopaedia Britannica, and other projects and associations with which McKeon was
engaged. Most of the papers cover the late 1920s through the mid-1980s and document
McKeon's graduate studies and teaching at Columbia University, and his long tenure
at the University of Chicago. McKeon's papers document the growth and development of
education and educational philosophy at the University of Chicago during the
presidency of Robert Maynard Hutchins, as well as the continuing development of the
Department of Philosophy (and other departments) through the decades of McKeon's
professorship. The papers include an extensive collection of McKeon's writings, both
published and unpublished, his course materials, and detailed lecture notes. The
papers also document McKeon's involvement with international concerns through
materials relating to the Committee to Frame a World Constitution and several
international meetings of UNESCO which McKeon attended as a U.S.
delegate. |
Information on Use
The material contained in Series X: Audio-Visual Materials is restricted due to
the need for special equipment. The material contained in Series XI:
Recommendations and Evaluations is restricted and not open to researchers until
the year 2035.
When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: McKeon,
Richard Peter. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center,
University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Richard Peter McKeon was born on April 26, 1900, to Peter Thomas McKeon and
Mathilda Hirschfeld McKeon of Union Hill, New Jersey. McKeon entered Columbia
University as a pre-law student, later switching to a pre-engineering
curriculum. His studies were interrupted by World War I when in 1918 he became
an apprentice seaman in the U.S. Navy in which he served until the end of the
war. Upon his return to Columbia in 1919, he changed his course of study to the
humanities and earned both his A.B. and A.M. degrees in 1920. His master's
thesis dealt with philosophical approaches to art and literature. McKeon
continued his studies, focusing on philosophy, at the University of Paris where
he earned the diplôme d'études supérieures and the
diplôme d'élève titulaire de l'Ecole des Hautes
Etudes in 1923 and 1924. His mentors in Paris included Etienne Gilson,
Léon Brunschvicq, and Léon Robin.
McKeon returned to Columbia University where he became an instructor in
philosophy and Greek while writing his dissertation. The dissertation, a study
of the philosophy of Spinoza, written under the direction of Frederick J. E.
Woodbridge and John Dewey, was completed in 1928. The following year Columbia
appointed McKeon to the post of assistant professor, a position he held until
McKeon married Muriel Thirer in 1930. They had three children: Peter, Nora, and
Michael. Muriel attended the University of Chicago and earned a A.B. degree and
membership in Phi Beta Kappa in 1937; later, she worked with her husband as
managing editor of Diogenes, an international journal sponsored by UNESCO.
Muriel died in 1964. Fifteen years later, McKeon married Zahava Karl Dorinson.
McKeon's career at Columbia was flourishing when he was invited to be a Visiting
Professor of History at the University of Chicago in 1934-1935. He had already
published his dissertation and a two-volume translation work, Selections from
Medieval Philosophers. In the early 1930s McKeon met Robert Maynard Hutchins,
president of the University of Chicago. McKeon shared Hutchins' ideas for
reforming collegiate education -- for grounding undergraduate studies in a
general, not specialized, education strongly influenced by philosophical
analysis. Mortimer Adler was also instrumental in bringing McKeon to Chicago.
After his year as visiting professor, McKeon was appointed Professor of Greek
and Dean of the Division of the Humanities. McKeon was heavily involved in the
reforms that shaped the College in the 1940s. He later broke with Hutchins,
however, over issues of faculty involvement in the governance of the University,
and resigned his deanship in 1947. By then he was Professor of both Greek and
Philosophy, and that year was named Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service
Professor of Philosophy and Greek.
McKeon had called for U.S. aid to Britain early in World War II. Once the United
States entered the war, he became Director of Army Specialized Training Programs
at the University of Chicago (1943-1946). The specialized training offered at
Chicago educated Army personnel in the language and culture of the countries in
which they would be serving. By the end of the war, McKeon was an active
proponent of the United Nations and UNESCO, the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization. He was a member of the U.S. Delegation to
UNESCO for the first three general conferences, in 1946, 1947, and 1948, and was
strongly committed to the idea of preventing future world wars through the
development of cross-cultural understanding. McKeon also worked with the
Committee to Frame a World Constitution, although he refused to sign the final
document, citing philosophical differences with the decisions the Committee had
In the 1950s McKeon was at the height of his career at the University of Chicago.
While professor in the departments of Philosophy and Classical Languages and
Literatures, he served as chairman of the Committee on the Analysis of Ideas and
the Study of Methods and was a member of the interdisciplinary Committee on
Medieval Studies. He published five books--Democracy in a World of Tensions
(editor, contributor, 1951); Freedom and History: The Semantics of Philosophical
Controversies and Ideological Conflicts (1952); Thought, Action and Passion
(1954); The Freedom to Read (with Robert K. Merton and Walter Gellhorn, 1957);
and The Edicts of Asoka (with N. A. Nikam, 1959)--and over 40 articles. McKeon
spent a year in France on a Fulbright grant (1950-1951), another at the
University of Arkansas as a visiting professor (1952-1953), and travelled to
India as a visiting professor at the University of Baroda (1954-1955). He also
served as president of the American Philosophical Association (1952),
vice-president of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies
(1953-1954), and president of the International Institute for Philosophy
(1953-1957). The late 1950s saw both the beginning of McKeon's involvement in a
major reorganization project for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and his
participation in the Rockefeller Brothers Special Studies Project, an
investigation into the moral, political, and economic aspects of relations
between the United States and the rest of the world.
Highlights of the later years of McKeon's career include his appointment as Carus
lecturer for the American Philosophical Association in 1963, and receiving the
Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at the University of
Chicago in 1971. He retired in 1974, but continued teaching into the early
1980s. In 1976, a lifelong project finally came to fruition with the publication
of his critical edition (with Blanche Boyer) of Peter Abailard's (Abelard) Sic
et Non.
McKeon continued writing and publishing until his death on March 31, 1985. Eleven
books and over 150 published articles span his 50-year career, and his
unpublished work comprises numerous lectures, articles, and at least two partial
drafts of books. His significant contributions to philosophy, educational
reform, and international understanding were recognized from an early point in
his career. He received the Butler Medal in Philosophy from Columbia University
in 1942, and honorary doctorates from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
(1942), the University of Aix-Marseille (1947), Washington University at St.
Louis (1963), Brown University (1964), Fairfield University (1975), and DePaul
University (1976).
Scope Note
The Richard Peter McKeon Papers have been divided into eleven series: (1)
Biographical Materials, (2) Correspondence, (3) Subject Files, (4) Writings, (5)
Course Materials, (6) Conferences, (7) UNESCO Materials, (8) Encyclopaedia
Britannica, (9) Miscellaneous Papers, (10) Audio-Visual Materials, and (11)
Recommendations and Evaluations.
The collection includes material such as professional and personal
correspondence, research materials, manuscripts of books and articles, course
materials, galley proofs, biographical material, sound recordings, microfilm,
glass plate negatives, and memorabilia. It also includes papers from
McKeons work with UNESCO, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the
Committee to Frame a World Constitution. The collection details
McKeons interest in the history of philosophy and philosophical
methodology. The materials document the growth and development of education and
educational philosophy as well as the continuing development of the Department
of Philosophy at the University of Chicago.
Related Resources
The following related resources are located in the Department of Special
Subject Headings
- Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-
- Abelard, Peter, 1079-1142
- Benton, William, 1900-1973
- Boyer, Blanche Beatrice
- Burke, Kenneth, 1897-
- Cohen, Morris Raphael, 1880-1947
- Gilson, Etienne, 1884-1978
- Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899-
- Kimpton, Lawrence Alpheus, 1910-
- Knight, Frank Hyneman, 1885-
- Levi, Edward Hirsch, 1911-
- Maritain, Jacques, 1882-1973
- McKeon, Richard Peter, 1900-
- William, of Ockham, ca.1285-ca.1349
- University of Chicago
- University of Chicago -- Curricula
- University of Chicago. Committee on Social Thought
- University of Chicago. Dept. of Philosophy
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Committee to Frame a World Constitution
- Council for the Study of Mankind
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Philosophy
- Philosophy -- Study and teaching (Higher)
- Philosophers
- Sound recordings
- Negatives
Series I: Biographical Materials |
Series I has been divided into four subseries: Professional Materials,
Personal Papers, Family Documents and Correspondence, and Book Collection.
Included in this series is a curriculum vitae, bibliographies of McKeon's
published writings, notification of awards and honorary degrees, academic
appointment letters, book reviews and other publicity, and a few critical
works about McKeon's philosophy. There are also two folders of
correspondence regarding attempts to bring McKeon to faculties other than
Chicago's very early in his career. In 1928 and 1929, Cornell's Sage School
of Philosophy tried to hire McKeon away from Columbia University; and later,
after McKeon had made his name at the University of Chicago, both Yale and
Columbia attempted to induce him to return to the East Coast.
The majority of the material in Series I, however, is personal, including
family correspondence (much of the earliest is addressed to his wife,
Muriel, and some pre-dates their marriage) and household bills. There are
letters to and from each of his children, from their childhood adventures in
summer camp and continuing through college and beyond. There is also a small
amount of correspondence from McKeon's sister, Rose.
Subseries 1: Professional Materials |
Box 1 Folder 1-3 | Bibliographies, curriculum vitae, 1960-1980 |
Box 1 Folder 4 | Student materials, Columbia University, 1919 |
Box 1 Folder 5-6 | Student materials, Université de Paris,
1922-1924 |
Box 1 Folder 7 | Awards/honorary degrees, 1923-1979 |
Box 2 Folder 1 | Academic appointment letters, 1925-1982 |
Box 2 Folder 2 | Academic appointment offer, Cornell University,
1927-1929 |
Box 2 Folder 3 | Academic appointment offer, Yale University, Columbia
University, 1944-1945 |
Box 2 Folder 4 | Book and article contracts, 1927-1973 |
Box 2 Folder 5-8 | Book reviews and publicity, 1929, 1950-1980 |
Box 2 Folder 9 | Colleagues to whom McKeon sent offprints of his articles,
1936-1946 |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Fulbright grant to France, 1950-1951 |
Box 3 Folder 2-3 | United States Information Agency, educational exchange trip
to India, 1957 |
Box 3 Folder 4 | Car accident, Lebanon, PA, 1959 |
Box 3 Folder 5-6 | Critical writings about McKeon, 1966-1976 |
Box 3 Folder 7 | Speech at Jessie Maclean's memorial service, 1968 |
Subseries 2: Personal Papers and Memorabilia |
Box 4 Folder 1 | Birth certificates and other family documents,
1918-1980 |
Box 4 Folder 2 | Correspondence, medical records, 1920-1983 |
Box 4 Folder 3 | Correspondence during final illness, 1984 |
Box 4 Folder 4-5 | Daily calendars, 1923-1983 |
Box 5 Folder 1 | Passports, 1922-1985 |
Box 5 Folder 2-5 | Christmas cards, postcards, birthday cards,
1960-1984 |
Box 6 Folder 1 | Christmas cards, postcards, birthday cards,
1960-1984 |
Box 6 Folder 2 | Notebooks, n.d. |
Box 6 Folder 3-5 | Address books, n.d. |
Box 7 Folder 1 | Butler medal, 1944 |
Box 7 Folder 2 | UNESCO pins, 1946-1948 |
Box 7 Folder 3 | Miscellaneous memorabilia, n.d. |
Subseries 3: Family Documents and Correspondence |
Box 7 Folder 4 | Muriel, autograph album, 1920 |
Box 7 Folder 5-6 | Muriel, correspondence, 1925-1963 |
Box 8 Folder 1-5 | Muriel, correspondence, 1925-1963 |
Box 9 Folder 1-3 | Muriel, correspondence, 1925-1963 |
Box 9 Folder 4 | Muriel, illness and death, 1964 |
Box 10 Folder 1 | Muriel, journal, 1925-1927 |
Box 11 Folder 1 | Muriel, journal, 1925-1928 |
Box 12 Folder 1-5 | Muriel, journal, photocopies, 1923-1928 |
Box 12 Folder 6 | Rose, correspondence, 1943-1980 |
Box 12 Folder 7 | Peter, school records, 1950-1962 |
Box 12 Folder 8 | Peter, correspondence, 1962-1976 |
Box 12 Folder 9 | Peter, published articles, 1966-1974 |
Box 13 Folder 1 | Peter, speeches at memorial service, 1979 |
Box 13 Folder 2-3 | Nora, school records, 1953-1961 |
Box 13 Folder 4-6 | Nora, correspondence, 1954-1978 |
Box 14 Folder 1 | Michael, school records, 1953-1963 |
Box 14 Folder 2-4 | Michael, correspondence, 1954-1980
- Subseries 4: Book Collection
Box 14 Folder 5 | Rare book exhibit at Regenstein Library, 1982 |
Box 14 Folder 6 | Book orders, 1928-1977 |
Box 15 Folder 1-9 | Book orders, 1928-1977 |
Box 16 Folder 1-6 | Book orders, 1928-1977 |
Box 16 Folder 7 | Damage to book collection, 1961 |
Box 16 Folder 8 | Book catalogs, 1968-1971 |
Series II: Correspondence |
Richard McKeon maintained two separate sets of alphabetical files. These form
the basis for Series II and III. Series II, Correspondence, contains
McKeon's professional correspondence and other professional papers, such as
documentation for the Visiting Scholars Program, which brought non-Western
academics to several schools in the U.S. in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
It also contains materials relating to the financial and editorial status of
Diogenes, materials concerning McKeon's extensive involvement in the
Committee for the Study of Mankind and the Committee to Frame a World
Constitution. Correspondence relating to his books and articles, memoranda,
and other materials from the various departments at the University of
Chicago as well as some UNESCO materials can be found in this series.
Some of the files contain general headings, such as "University of Chicago,"
but any committee or department with which McKeon was heavily involved has
its own folder or folders listed under its own name. Also, there are files
relating to specific people associated with the University, including
Mortimer Adler, Robert M. Hutchins, Lawrence Kimpton, Edward Levi, and Frank
Box 17 Folder 1-3 | A, general, 1939-1981 |
Box 17 Folder 4 | Abbagnano, Nicola, 1965 |
Box 17 Folder 5 | Acknowledgements of reprints, 1966 |
Box 17 Folder 6-8 | Adler, Mortimer, 1927-1980 |
Box 17 Folder 9 | Allen, George V., 1958-1963 |
Box 17 Folder 10 | American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1942-1961,
1983 |
Box 18 Folder 1 | American Association for the United Nations,
1950-1965 |
Box 18 Folder 2 | American Commonwealth Party, 1977 |
Box 18 Folder 3-6 | American Council of Learned Societies, 1935-1973 |
Box 18 Folder 7-8 | American Philosophical Association, 1935-1971 |
Box 19 Folder 1 | Ames, Adalbert and John Dewey, Dartmouth Eye Institute,
1946-1947 |
Box 19 Folder 2-6 | Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods, Committee on,
1963-1970 |
Box 19 Folder 7 | Apostle, Hippocrates, 1950-1980 |
Box 19 Folder 8 | Armando, Armando, 1966-1981 |
Box 19 Folder 9 | Art Studies in the University, Project for, n.d. |
Box 19 Folder 10 | Ayer, A. J., 1954-1975 |
Box 19 Folder 11 | B, general, 1932-1980 |
Box 20 Folder 1-3 | B, general, 1932-1980 |
Box 20 Folder 4 | Bachelor's degree, 1939-1943 |
Box 20 Folder 5 | Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, University
College, downtown program, 1959-1964 |
Box 20 Folder 6 | Baylor University, 1960-1965 |
Box 20 Folder 7 | Beacon Press, 1959-1961 |
Box 20 Folder 8 | Beeson, Charles H., 1974 |
Box 20 Folder 9 | Bennet, James R., 1973 |
Box 20 Folder 10 | Benton, William B., 1941-1957, 1971 |
Box 20 Folder 11 | Berger, Gaston, 1949-1953 |
Box 20 Folder 12 | Bigongiari, Dino, 1938-1948 |
Box 20 Folder 13 | Board of Trustees, 1944, 1958 |
Box 21 Folder 1 | Böhner, Rev. Philotheus, 1941, 1947 |
Box 21 Folder 2 | Bonfante, Julian H., 1938-1942 |
Box 21 Folder 3 | Braisted, Paul J., 1955-1959 |
Box 21 Folder 4 | Braisted, Paul J., UNESCO, third major project,
1959-1961 |
Box 21 Folder 5 | Brockport, New York State University College at, 1962 |
Box 21 Folder 6 | Brumbaugh, Robert, 1948-1981 |
Box 21 Folder 7 | Buckley, Michael, S.J., 1961-1977 |
Box 21 Folder 8 | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1956 |
Box 21 Folder 9 | Burke, Kenneth, 1934-1980 |
Box 21 Folder 10-12 | C, general, 1927-1983 |
Box 22 Folder 1-2 | C, general, 1927-1983 |
Box 22 Folder 3 | Callahan, John, 1964-1984 |
Box 22 Folder 4 | Caponigri, A. R., 1960-1969 |
Box 22 Folder 5 | Carus, M. B., 1974-1976 |
Box 22 Folder 6-8 | Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences,
1960-1961 |
Box 23 Folder 1 | Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,
1960-1976 |
Box 23 Folder 2 | Center for the Study of Thought and Life in the U.S.,
1956 |
Box 23 Folder 3 | Central Intelligence Agency, 1956 |
Box 23 Folder 4 | Charles Scribner's Sons, 1927-1979 |
Box 23 Folder 5 | Chicago Council of Community Nursing, 1951 |
Box 23 Folder 6 | Clark, William, 1947-1965 |
Box 23 Folder 7 | Classical Languages and Literatures, Department of,
1960-1969 |
Box 23 Folder 8 | Classics of Western Democracy, 1958-1961 |
Box 23 Folder 9 | Cleve, Felix, 1941-1966 |
Box 23 Folder 10 | Cohen, Arthur, 1948-1956 |
Box 23 Folder 11-13 | College, University of Chicago, 1960-1969 |
Box 24 Folder 1 | Columbia College, Romance Language Department, n.d. |
Box 24 Folder 2 | Columbia University, 1932-1967 |
Box 24 Folder 3 | Commission on the Freedom to Read, 1953-1955 |
Box 24 Folder 4-12 | Committee for the Study of Mankind [Council for the Study of
Mankind], 1952-1970 |
Box 25 Folder 1-7 | Committee for the Study of Mankind [Council for the Study of
Mankind], 1952-1970 |
Box 26 Folder 1-2 | Committee for the Study of Mankind [Council for the Study of
Mankind], 1952-1970 |
Box 26 Folder 3-6 | Committee to Frame a World Constitution, 1945-1948 |
Box 26 Folder 7 | Communications and Public Opinion, Committee on,
1942-1943 |
Box 26 Folder 8-9 | Community Renewal Society, 1979-1984 |
Box 27 Folder 1-3 | Community Renewal Society, 1979-1984 |
Box 27 Folder 4 | Comparative literature, 1947-1948 |
Box 27 Folder 5 | Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, A.
Hofstadter, 1943 |
Box 27 Folder 6 | Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, Jewish
Theological Seminary, 1949-1969 |
Box 27 Folder 7-8 | Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences
Humanines, 1950-1968 |
Box 27 Folder 9 | Coover, Robert L., 1959-1969 |
Box 27 Folder 10 | Courses, 1970 |
Box 27 Folder 11 | Cowell, F. R., 1949-1967 |
Box 27 Folder 12 | Crimmel, Henry H., Jr., 1959-1976 |
Box 27 Folder 13 | Critical Inquiry, 1979-1985 |
Box 28 Folder 1 | Culture, Société Européenne,
1955-1958 |
Box 28 Folder 2 | Cumming, Robert, 1945-1949 |
Box 28 Folder 3 | Czerny, Michael, S.J., 1972-1977 |
Box 28 Folder 4-5 | D, general, 1944-1981 |
Box 28 Folder 6 | Daedalus, 1974 |
Box 28 Folder 7 | Datta, Subhin, 1958-1960 |
Box 28 Folder 8 | Davidson, Hugh M., 1958-1981 |
Box 28 Folder 9 | Davidson, William, 1943-1949 |
Box 28 Folder 10 | Dell, George W., 1975 |
Box 28 Folder 11 | Demarce, Ophelia, 1958-1960 |
Box 28 Folder 12 | DePaul University, 1964-1975 |
Box 28 Folder 13 | Dewey Edition, 1964-1965 |
Box 28 Folder 14 | Diamond, Irving T., 1957 |
Box 28 Folder 15 | Dictionnaire International des Termes Fondamentaux de la
Philosphie et de la Pensée Politique, 1951 |
Box 28 Folder 16 | Dictionary, 1942 |
Box 28 Folder 17-18 | Dictionary of Fundamental Terms of Philosophy and Political
Thought, 1954-1962 |
Box 29 Folder 1-6 | Dictionary of Fundamental Terms of Philosophy and Political
Thought, 1954-1962 |
Box 29 Folder 7 | Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 1967-1968 |
Box 29 Folder 8 | Diedrich, Paul, 1942 |
Box 30 Folder 1-10 | Diogenes, 1954-1963 |
Box 31 Folder 1-5 | Diogenes, 1954-1963 |
Box 31 Folder 6-7 | Dissertation abstracts, 1965-1976 |
Box 32 Folder 1-3 | Dissertation abstracts, 1965-1976 |
Box 32 Folder 4 | Doan, Gilbert E., 1952-1962 |
Box 32 Folder 5 | Dobrosielski, Marian, 1957-1958 |
Box 32 Folder 6 | d'Ormesson, Jean, 1964-1970 |
Box 32 Folder 7 | Dreifuss, Kurt, 1977-1980 |
Box 32 Folder 8 | Drury, George, 1957-1972 |
Box 32 Folder 9 | Duddy, Edward A., 1944 |
Box 32 Folder 10 | Dye, James Wayne, 1970-1974 |
Box 32 Folder 11 | Dykeman, King J., 1967-1981 |
Box 32 Folder 12 | E, general, 1947-1978 |
Box 32 Folder 13 | East-West Philosophers Conference, 1964-1968 |
Box 32 Folder 14 | East-West Philosophers Conference, volume on alienation,
1969-1970 |
Box 32 Folder 15 | Ebbinghaus, Julius, 1954-1959 |
Box 32 Folder 16 | Edicts of Asoka, 1959-1961 |
Box 32 Folder 17 | Education, 1948-1961 |
Box 33 Folder 1 | Education Bulletin, St. Mary's College, 1945-1947 |
Box 33 Folder 2 | Ehrenreich, Isaac, 1956-1963 |
Box 33 Folder 3 | Einstein, Albert, 1949-1950 |
Box 33 Folder 4 | Ellington, James W., 1956-1966 |
Box 33 Folder 5-9 | Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1943-1975 |
Box 33 Folder 10 | Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1960-1961 |
Box 33 Folder 11 | Encyclopedia of Philosophy, feasibility study, 1960 |
Box 33 Folder 12 | Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 1929-1930 |
Box 33 Folder 13 | Ethnogeographic Board, 1945 |
Box 33 Folder 14 | Etiemble, René, 1941-1944 |
Box 33 Folder 15 | Extension Division, 1963-1978 |
Box 34 Folder 1-2 | F, general, 1931-1981 |
Box 34 Folder 3 | Farber, Marvin, 1948-1958 |
Box 34 Folder 4 | Faust, Clarence, 1941-1959 |
Box 34 Folder 5-10 | Fédération Internationale des
Sociétés de Philosophie [FISP; International
Federation of Philosophical Societies], 1948-1978 |
Box 35 Folder 1-3 | Fédération Internationale des
Sociétés de Philosophie [FISP; International
Federation of Philosophical Societies], 1948-1978 |
Box 35 Folder 4 | Feibleman, James K., 1940-1983 |
Box 35 Folder 5 | Fiftieth Anniversary Symposia, University of Chicago,
1941 |
Box 35 Folder 6-8 | Finkelstein, Louis, Jessica Feingold, 1946-1974 |
Box 35 Folder 9 | Ford Foundation, 1956-1978 |
Box 35 Folder 10 | Forum for Contemporary History, 1972 |
Box 35 Folder 11 | France, Republic of, 1966-1979 |
Box 35 Folder 12 | Frankel, Charles, 1958-1959 |
Box 36 Folder 1-2 | Freedom and History, 1952-1968 |
Box 36 Folder 3 | Friedrich, Carl J., 1960-1963 |
Box 36 Folder 4 | Fulbright Fellowships, 1949-1955 |
Box 36 Folder 5-6 | Fund for the Republic, 1956 |
Box 36 Folder 7-8 | G, general, 1931-1983 |
Box 36 Folder 9 | Germany, 1947 |
Box 36 Folder 10 | Gewirtz, Alan, n.d. |
Box 36 Folder 11 | Gilson, Etienne, 1925-1955 |
Box 36 Folder 12 | Goedecke, Robert, 1956-1976 |
Box 36 Folder 13 | Golb, Norman, 1972 |
Box 36 Folder 14 | Graduate Work, Committee on the Problems and Scope of,
1971-1972 |
Box 37 Folder 1-2 | Graduate Work, Committee on the Problems and Scope of,
1971-1972 |
Box 37 Folder 3 | Great books, 1943-1965 |
Box 37 Folder 4 | Grene, David, 1936-1937 |
Box 37 Folder 5 | Grisez, Germain, 1956-1969 |
Box 37 Folder 6-8 | H, general, 1940-1983 |
Box 37 Folder 9 | Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1961-1962 |
Box 37 Folder 10 | Harris, Errol E., 1948-1950 |
Box 37 Folder 11 | Harvard University, 1946-1972 |
Box 37 Folder 12 | Havet, Jacques, 1947-1981 |
Box 38 Folder 1 | Hendel, Charles W., 1941-1960 |
Box 38 Folder 2 | Hendley, Brian, 1964-1981 |
Box 38 Folder 3 | Heller, Emmy F., 1948-1950 |
Box 38 Folder 4 | Herz, David S., 1980-1981 |
Box 38 Folder 5 | Hirschfeld, Gerhard, 1952-1976 |
Box 38 Folder 6-7 | History Review Committee, the College, University of Chicago,
1946-1950 |
Box 38 Folder 8 | Hodgson, Marshall G. S., Diogenes, 1960-1961 |
Box 38 Folder 9-10 | Holmberg, Carl B., 1975-1980 |
Box 38 Folder 11 | Holt, Robert, n.d. |
Box 38 Folder 12 | Honeywell, J. A., and Marie-Ann, 1960-1966 |
Box 38 Folder 13 | Hulyalker, S. G., 1958-1959 |
Box 38 Folder 14 | Humanities, Committee on General Studies in,
1968-1969 |
Box 38 Folder 15 | Humanities, Division of, 1937-1978 |
Box 38 Folder 16 | Humanities 2, 1942-1943 |
Box 38 Folder 17 | Humanities 3, n.d. |
Box 38 Folder 18 | Humanities Press, Inc., 1957-1968 |
Box 39 Folder 1-6 | Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1934-1964 |
Box 39 Folder 7 | I, general, 1944-1984 |
Box 39 Folder 8 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie Politique,
1957-1980 |
Box 39 Folder 9-10 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, 1949-1984 |
Box 40 Folder 1-12 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, 1949-1984 |
Box 41 Folder 1-10 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, 1949-1984 |
Box 42 Folder 1-5 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, 1949-1984 |
Box 42 Folder 6 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, Chronique,
1949-1954 |
Box 42 Folder 7 | Institut Internationale de Philosophie, "Foundations and Limits
of Tolerance," manuscripts, notes, 1961 |
Box 42 Folder 8 | Institute for Philosophical Research, 1960-1966 |
Box 42 Folder 9 | Institute for Philosophical Research, Mortimer Adler,
1953-1955 |
Box 42 Folder 10 | Institute for the Study of the History of Culture,
1943 |
Box 42 Folder 11 | Institute of International Education, 1948-1956 |
Box 42 Folder 12 | Institute of Philosophy, n.d. |
Box 42 Folder 13 | Institute on Ethics, Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
1950-1980 |
Box 43 Folder 1-2 | Institute on Ethics, Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
1950-1980 |
Box 43 Folder 3 | Inter-American Congress of Philosophy, 1947 |
Box 43 Folder 4 | International Congress of Philosophy, Tenth, 1948 |
Box 43 Folder 5 | International Congress of Philosophy, Twelfth, 1958 |
Box 43 Folder 6 | International Congress of Philosophy, Thirteenth,
1963 |
Box 43 Folder 7 | International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies,
1951-1954 |
Box 43 Folder 8 | International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,
1964-1965 |
Box 43 Folder 9 | International relations, 1943-1955 |
Box 43 Folder 10 | International scholars, n.d. |
Box 43 Folder 11 | International Society for Metaphysics, 1975-1981 |
Box 43 Folder 12 | Isis, 1948-1964 |
Box 43 Folder 13 | J, general, 1931-1980 |
Box 43 Folder 14 | Jaeger, Werner, 1939-1945 |
Box 43 Folder 15-18 | Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1956-1965 |
Box 44 Folder 1 | John Hay Whitney Foundation, 1950 |
Box 44 Folder 2-6 | Journal of the History of Ideas, 1939-1982 |
Box 44 Folder 7 | Journal of the History of Philosophy, 1958-1977 |
Box 44 Folder 8-9 | K, general, 1943-1982 |
Box 44 Folder 10 | Kabir, Humayan, 1959-1969 |
Box 44 Folder 11 | Kaplan, Harold, 1947-1975 |
Box 44 Folder 12 | Kenny, Dumont, 1957-1970 |
Box 44 Folder 13 | Kent, William P., 1945-1952 |
Box 45 Folder 1 | Kessey, Adu Gyamfi, 1952-1955 |
Box 45 Folder 2 | Kibre, Adele, 1936-1937 |
Box 45 Folder 3 | Kiefer, Howard E., 1966-1970 |
Box 45 Folder 4 | Kimpton, Lawrence A., 1935-1960 |
Box 45 Folder 5 | Kleinman, Sidney, 1968-1975 |
Box 45 Folder 6-8 | Klibansky, Raymond, 1951-1973 |
Box 45 Folder 9 | Knight, Frank H., 1937-1949 |
Box 45 Folder 10 | Knutsen, Anfinn, 1953-1958 |
Box 45 Folder 11 | Koyre, Alexandre, 1949-1959 |
Box 45 Folder 12 | Kreyche, Gerald F., 1964-1966 |
Box 45 Folder 13 | Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1939-1978 |
Box 45 Folder 14 | Kuntz, Paul, 1963-1980 |
Box 45 Folder 15-16 | L, general, 1938-1984 |
Box 45 Folder 17 | Lambert, Sam, 1964-1968 |
Box 45 Folder 18 | Lamm, Herbert, 1958-1975 |
Box 45 Folder 19 | Lamprecht, Sterling P., 1927-1949 |
Box 45 Folder 20 | Latin American workshops, 1949-1950 |
Box 45 Folder 21 | Lenz, George F., 1959-1967 |
Box 45 Folder 22 | Lerner, Abba, 1960 |
Box 46 Folder 1 | Letters, Program in, 1971 |
Box 46 Folder 2 | Leverett, James E., Jr., 1974-1981 |
Box 46 Folder 3 | Levi, Albert William, 1958-1975 |
Box 46 Folder 4 | Levi, Edward, 1943-1970 |
Box 46 Folder 5 | Levi, Edward, President's seminar, 1971 |
Box 46 Folder 6 | Levitsky, Louis M., 1958-1960 |
Box 46 Folder 7 | Liberty, European meetings, 1954 |
Box 46 Folder 8-9 | Library, University of Chicago, 1943-1964 |
Box 46 Folder 10 | Library of Living Philosophers, 1962-1984 |
Box 46 Folder 11 | Linguistics, 1942-1946 |
Box 46 Folder 12 | Logic, 1945-1947 |
Box 46 Folder 13 | Longmans, Green, and Company, 1932-1960 |
Box 46 Folder 14 | Louchheim, Katherine, 1942-1953 |
Box 46 Folder 15 | M, general, 1938-1983 |
Box 47 Folder 1-4 | M, general, 1938-1983 |
Box 47 Folder 5 | MacDonald, D. B., 1931-1938 |
Box 47 Folder 6 | MacLeish, Archibald, 1947-1955 |
Box 47 Folder 7-9 | Mankind, draft report, 1952 |
Box 48 Folder 1 | Maritain, Jacques, 1940-1958 |
Box 48 Folder 2 | Marshall, John, 1947-1950 |
Box 48 Folder 3 | McColley, Grant, 1936 |
Box 48 Folder 4 | McGill, V. J., 1943-1966 |
Box 48 Folder 5 | McGrade, Arthur S., 1963-1977 |
Box 48 Folder 6-9 | Medieval Academy of America, 1929-1974 |
Box 48 Folder 10 | Medieval Political Texts Series, 1941-1946 |
Box 48 Folder 11-13 | Meetings and lectures, 1948-1968 |
Box 49 Folder 1 | Meetings and lectures, 1948-1968 |
Box 49 Folder 2 | Mental health, 1948 |
Box 49 Folder 3 | Meridian Books, 1956-1961 |
Box 49 Folder 4-5 | Metaphysical Society of America, 1963-1970 |
Box 49 Folder 6 | Military studies, n.d. |
Box 49 Folder 7 | Moody, Ernest A., 1934-1966 |
Box 49 Folder 8 | Moore, G. E., 1941 |
Box 49 Folder 9 | Morin, Alexander J., 1962 |
Box 49 Folder 10 | Murdoch, John E., 1973 |
Box 49 Folder 11 | Murphy, James J., 1967-1981 |
Box 49 Folder 12 | Murty, K. Satchidananda, 1956-1968 |
Box 49 Folder 13-14 | N, general, 1935-1983 |
Box 49 Folder 15 | Nagley, Winfield, 1965-1973 |
Box 49 Folder 16 | National Academy of Sciences, Trytten, 1957-1958 |
Box 50 Folder 1 | National Industrial Conference Board, 1970-1971 |
Box 50 Folder 2 | Nelson, Benjamin, 1961-1968 |
Box 50 Folder 3 | Newberry Library, 1957-1984 |
Box 50 Folder 4 | Nikam, N. A., 1953-1973 |
Box 50 Folder 5 | Northern Illinois University, 1968-1971 |
Box 50 Folder 6 | Northrup, F. S. C., 1936-1946 |
Box 50 Folder 7 | O, general, 1931-1979 |
Box 50 Folder 8 | O'Brien, George Dennis, 1959-1962 |
Box 50 Folder 9 | Observation, Interpretation and Integration, Committee on,
1942-1945 |
Box 50 Folder 10 | Ohe, Seizo, 1953-1969 |
Box 50 Folder 11 | Oko, A. S., 1936-1950 |
Box 50 Folder 12 | Oldfather, W. A., 1940-1941 |
Box 50 Folder 13-14 | P, general, 1934-1984 |
Box 51 Folder 1 | P, general, 1934-1984 |
Box 51 Folder 2 | Pan America Board of Education, 1949-1950 |
Box 51 Folder 3 | Payton, Robert L., 1959-1964 |
Box 51 Folder 4 | Perelman, Chaim, 1970-1981 |
Box 51 Folder 5 | Peterson, Helen Patricia, 1971-1978 |
Box 51 Folder 6 | Petzall, Ake, 1951-1960 |
Box 51 Folder 7-9 | Phi Beta Kappa book award, 1960-1965, 1984 |
Box 51 Folder 10 | Philosophers, International, 1965-1966 |
Box 51 Folder 11-12 | Philosophy, Department of, 1940-1972 |
Box 52 Folder 1-4 | Philosophy, Department of, 1940-1972 |
Box 52 Folder 5 | Philosophy East and West, 1970-1974 |
Box 52 Folder 6 | Philosophy Forum, 1967-1971 |
Box 52 Folder 7 | Philosophy in liberal education, C. W. Hendel, 1943 |
Box 52 Folder 8 | Philosophy of Aristotle, 1941 |
Box 52 Folder 9 | Place, Perley Oakland, 1944 |
Box 52 Folder 10 | Plochmann, George Kimball, 1949-1973 |
Box 52 Folder 11 | Plott, John C., 1948-1981 |
Box 53 Folder 1-5 | Plott, John C., 1948-1981 |
Box 53 Folder 6 | Publications in the History of Thought and Culture, Committee on,
1943 |
Box 53 Folder 7 | Q, general, 1945-1975 |
Box 53 Folder 8-9 | R, general, 1933-1981 |
Box 54 Folder 1 | R, general, 1933-1981 |
Box 54 Folder 2 | Radin, Max, 1941-1947 |
Box 54 Folder 3-4 | Radio, Committee on, 1941-1949 |
Box 54 Folder 5 | Radio and Television, Board of, 1956-1958 |
Box 54 Folder 6 | Randall, John H., 1947-1964 |
Box 54 Folder 7 | Random House Inc., 1937-1959 |
Box 54 Folder 8 | Random House Inc., Basic works of Aristotle,
1940-1941 |
Box 54 Folder 9 | Random House Inc., Introduction to Aristotle,
1945-1947 |
Box 54 Folder 10 | Rao, K. Ramakrishna, 1956-1966 |
Box 54 Folder 11 | Redfield, Robert, 1943-1957 |
Box 54 Folder 12 | Registration, 1958-1959 |
Box 54 Folder 13 | Reichenbach, Hans, n.d. |
Box 54 Folder 14 | Religion and Civilization Group, 1942 |
Box 54 Folder 15-16 | Renaissance Seminar, 1969-1978 |
Box 55 Folder 1 | Renaissance Society, 1946, 1965 |
Box 55 Folder 2 | Renaissance group in the Chicago area, Merrill, 1946 |
Box 55 Folder 3 | Resettlement Campaign for Exiled Professionals of the
International Rescue Committee, 1950 |
Box 55 Folder 4 | Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 1956-1974 |
Box 55 Folder 5 | Ripon College, 1943-1944 |
Box 55 Folder 6 | Robbins, David O., Aesthetics since Plato, 1946 |
Box 55 Folder 7 | Rockefeller Brothers Special Studies, 1957-1960 |
Box 55 Folder 8 | Rockefeller Foundation, 1947-1959 |
Box 55 Folder 9 | Roditi, Eduoard, 1947-1983 |
Box 55 Folder 10 | Rokkan, Stein, 1949-1950 |
Box 55 Folder 11 | Rosenfield, Leonora Cohen, Morris Cohen memorial,
1958-1959 |
Box 55 Folder 12 | Rotenstreich, Nathan, 1949-1979 |
Box 55 Folder 13 | Roucek, Joseph S., 1950-1960 |
Box 55 Folder 14 | Roy, Mayo Rae, 1966-1982 |
Box 55 Folder 15 | Rubin, Arthur L. H., 1947-1965 |
Box 55 Folder 16 | Ruhan, Antony, S.J., 1967-1981 |
Box 55 Folder 17 | Ruttenberg, Howard, 1968-1982 |
Box 55 Folder 18-19 | S, general, 1943-1983 |
Box 56 Folder 1-2 | S, general, 1943-1983 |
Box 56 Folder 3 | Saadia celebration, 1942 |
Box 56 Folder 4 | St. John's College, Scott Buchanan, Stringfellow Barr,
1932-1964 |
Box 56 Folder 5-7 | St. John's University, Graduate Program in Philosophy,
1968-1970 |
Box 56 Folder 8 | Salm, Sue, 1971-1978 |
Box 56 Folder 9 | Salvemini, Gaetano, 1937 |
Box 56 Folder 10 | Schilpp, Paul A., 1964-1979 [see also Library of Living
Philosophers] |
Box 56 Folder 11 | School of the People's Institute, 1927-1938 |
Box 57 Folder 1 | Schneider, Herbert W., 1948-1965 |
Box 57 Folder 2 | Science and humanities, 1947 |
Box 57 Folder 3 | Scott, Foresman and Company, 1950 |
Box 57 Folder 4 | Scott, Foresman and Company, Civilization Past and Present,
1977 |
Box 57 Folder 5 | Scott, Foresman Consortium, "Textbook Arts and the Interrelation
of Rhetoric and History," 1977 |
Box 57 Folder 6 | Secretaries, employment and payroll forms, 1956-1965 |
Box 57 Folder 7 | Sellars, Wilfrid, 1963 |
Box 57 Folder 8 | Sellars, William K., 1973-1974 |
Box 57 Folder 9-12 | Shimer College, 1967-1980 |
Box 58 Folder 1 | Shryock, Richard H., 1946-1950 |
Box 58 Folder 2 | Simmel, Georg, n.d. |
Box 58 Folder 3 | Simon, Dr. Kenneth, 1934-1935, 1946 |
Box 58 Folder 4 | Smigelskis, David, 1963-1965 |
Box 58 Folder 5 | Smith, John E., 1959-1963 |
Box 58 Folder 6 | Social science, n.d. |
Box 58 Folder 7-8 | Social Thought, Committee on, 1942-1945 |
Box 58 Folder 9 | Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy,
1971-1973 |
Box 58 Folder 10 | Somjee, A. H., 1959-1968 |
Box 58 Folder 11 | Source Book in Medieval Science, 1949, 1956-1958 |
Box 58 Folder 12 | South Asian Studies, Committee on, 1960-1971 |
Box 58 Folder 13 | State University of New York, 1961-1970 |
Box 58 Folder 14 | Stauffer, T. B., 1947-1983 |
Box 58 Folder 15 | Steckerl, Fritz, 1949-1959 |
Box 58 Folder 16 | Sternfeld, Robert, 1945-1974 |
Box 59 Folder 1 | Steward, Julian H., and Demitri B. Shimkin, manuscript,
1960 |
Box 59 Folder 2 | Strauss, Leo, 1936-1937 |
Box 59 Folder 3 | Student papers, 1976-1986 |
Box 59 Folder 4 | Student-Faculty Administration, Student Government Committee,
1956 |
Box 59 Folder 5 | Subcommittee on Disciplinary Procedures at the University of
Chicago, 1969 |
Box 59 Folder 6-7 | T, general, 1935-1981 |
Box 59 Folder 8 | Tagore, Rabindranath, 1960 |
Box 59 Folder 9 | Teacher training, 1945-1947 |
Box 59 Folder 10 | Thompson, Manley, 1947-1951 |
Box 59 Folder 11 | Thomson, Charles A., 1947-1957 |
Box 59 Folder 12 | Thorndike, Lynn, 1936-1949 |
Box 59 Folder 13 | Tinsley, Earl M., 1967-1973 |
Box 59 Folder 14 | Turn Toward Peace, 1966 |
Box 60 Folder 1-2 | U, general, 1955-1960 |
Box 60 Folder 3 | Union Académique Internationale, 1947-1952 |
Box 60 Folder 4-5 | United Nations Association of the United States of America
[UNA-USA], 1949-1984 |
Box 60 Folder 6-7 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
[UNESCO], 1947-1972 |
Box 61 Folder 1-2 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
[UNESCO], 1947-1972 |
Box 61 Folder 3 | United States National Commission for UNESCO,
1948-1958 |
Box 61 Folder 4 | Unity College, 1978-1980 |
Box 61 Folder 5 | Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1953-1972 |
Box 61 Folder 6-9 | University of Chicago, general, 1934-1981 |
Box 62 Folder 1-3 | University of Chicago, general, 1934-1981 |
Box 62 Folder 4 | University of Chicago, committee reports, n.d. |
Box 62 Folder 5-6 | University of Chicago, University Senate, 1942-1966 |
Box 62 Folder 7-9 | University of Chicago Press, 1934-1983 |
Box 63 Folder 1-2 | University of Chicago Round Table, 1938-1950 |
Box 63 Folder 3 | University of Hawaii, 1965-1970 |
Box 63 Folder 4 | University of Kansas, 1972-1973 |
Box 63 Folder 5 | University of Michigan Press, 1959-1964 |
Box 63 Folder 6 | University of Notre Dame, 1963-1976 |
Box 63 Folder 7 | V, general, 1941-1983 |
Box 63 Folder 8-10 | Vanderhoof, F. M., 1953-1961 |
Box 64 Folder 1 | Van Marter, Leslie E., 1959-1964 |
Box 64 Folder 2 | Veatch, Henry, 1950-1969 |
Box 64 Folder 3 | Viner, Jacob, "In Defense of `Dollar Diplomacy,'"
1947 |
Box 64 Folder 4 | Visiting scholars, University of Chicago, Committee on
International Exchanges, general correspondence, 1954-1964 |
Box 64 Folder 5-7 | Visiting scholars, Fulbright Visiting Professors,
1963-1965 |
Box 64 Folder 8 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
early correspondence, planning, 1956-1957 |
Box 64 Folder 9 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
Ford Foundation, correspondence and minutes, 1956 |
Box 64 Folder 10-20 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
Ford Foundation, financial reports, 1957-1965 |
Box 65 Folder 1-2 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
Ford Foundation, financial reports, 1957-1965 |
Box 65 Folder 3-4 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
administrative documents, 1957-1964 |
Box 65 Folder 5 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
correspondence, 1957-1959 |
Box 65 Folder 6 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
press releases, 1957 |
Box 65 Folder 7-11 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
University of California, nominations and correspondence,
1956-1961 |
Box 66 Folder 1-4 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
Columbia University, nominations and correspondence,
1956-1965 |
Box 66 Folder 5-8 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
Harvard University, nominations and correspondence,
1956-1962 |
Box 66 Folder 9-14 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
University of Chicago, visiting scholars, 1959-1964 |
Box 67 Folder 1-7 | Visiting scholars, Inter-University Visiting Scholars Program,
University of Chicago, nominations, 1953-1963 |
Box 67 Folder 8-9 | W, general, 1941-1980 |
Box 68 Folder 1 | W, general, 1941-1980 |
Box 68 Folder 2-3 | Wadiyar, Jaya Chamaraja (Maharaja of Mysore),
1958-1966 |
Box 68 Folder 4 | Wahl, Jean, 1941-1961 |
Box 68 Folder 5 | Walton, Craig, 1968-1977 |
Box 68 Folder 6 | Ward, F. Champion, 1948-1980 |
Box 68 Folder 7 | Wegener, Charles, 1943-1969 |
Box 68 Folder 8 | Weiss, Paul, 1948-1960 |
Box 68 Folder 9 | Wilder, Thornton, 1938 |
Box 68 Folder 10 | Williams, Donald, "Necessary Facts," 1963 |
Box 68 Folder 11 | Wind, Edgar, 1937-1944 |
Box 68 Folder 12 | Winter, Gibson, 1972 |
Box 68 Folder 13 | Wofford College, 1967 |
Box 68 Folder 14 | Wolfson, H. A., 1940-1956 |
Box 68 Folder 15-17 | World Federalists, U.S.A., United World Federalists, World
Federalists Association, 1946-1983 |
Box 69 Folder 1 | World Federalists, U.S.A., United World Federalists, World
Federalists Association, 1946-1983 |
Box 69 Folder 2 | World Without War Council, Midwest, 1975-1981 |
Box 69 Folder 3 | WTTW-TV Channel 11, 1976 |
Box 69 Folder 4 | Y, general, 1950-1983 |
Box 69 Folder 5 | Yale University, 1962-1965 |
Box 69 Folder 6-7 | York College, 1967-1974 |
Box 69 Folder 8 | Z, general, 1953-1977 |
Box 69 Folder 9 | Zapatka, Frances, 1956-1982 |
Box 69 Folder 10 | Zyskind, Harold, 1963-1980 |
Box 69 Folder 11 | Unidentified correspondence, 1929-1976 |
Series III: Subject Files |
Series III, Subject Files, has been arranged alphabetically and contains
notes or correspondence related to given topics. Some files contain detailed
notes and outlines of a book or essay (see folders on Plato and Aristotle).
Like Series II, Series III also contains correspondence. In fact, there is
significant overlap of material between the two series. Some significant
names and headings that appear in this series are: Mortimer Adler, Scott
Buchanan, Kenneth Burke, Morris Cohen, Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain,
University of Chicago Department of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell, Philosophy
of Law, and Education.
Box 70 Folder 1-3 | Adler, Mortimer, 1939-1967 |
Box 70 Folder 4 | Aesthetics, 1950-1973 |
Box 70 Folder 5 | Agricola, Rudolf, 1941 |
Box 70 Folder 6 | Albert the Great, n.d. |
Box 70 Folder 7 | Al-Farabi, 1955 |
Box 70 Folder 8 | Allegory, 1942 |
Box 70 Folder 9 | Analysis of Ideas and Study of Methods, Committee on,
1967-1968 |
Box 70 Folder 10 | Anselm, n.d. |
Box 70 Folder 11 | Apostle, Hippocrates G., 1979-1981 |
Box 70 Folder 12 | Aquinas, Pseudo Thomas, 1935 |
Box 70 Folder 13 | Aquinas, Thomas, n.d. |
Box 70 Folder 14 | Aristotle, 1933-1978 |
Box 70 Folder 15 | Aristotle, Categories, n.d. |
Box 70 Folder 16-17 | Aristotle, De Anima, n.d. |
Box 70 Folder 18 | Aristotle, Ethics, 1936 |
Box 70 Folder 19 | Aristotle, mathematics, 1941 |
Box 71 Folder 1 | Aristotle, Metaphysics, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 2 | Aristotle, Organon, 1967 |
Box 71 Folder 3 | Aristotle, Physics, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 4 | Aristotle, Poetics, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 5 | Aristotle, Politics, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 6 | Aristotle, Rhetoric, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 7 | Arnold, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 8 | Art, 1965-1978 |
Box 71 Folder 9 | Art, mathematical elements of, 1929 |
Box 71 Folder 10 | Augustine, 1945 |
Box 71 Folder 11 | Augustine, Excerpta Retractationum, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 12 | Augustine, Rhetoric, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 13 | Bacon, Francis, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 14 | Bacon, Roger, 1928 |
Box 71 Folder 15 | Barker, Sir Ernest, c. 1960 |
Box 71 Folder 16 | Behavior genetics, 1960 |
Box 71 Folder 17 | Bell, E. T., 1941 |
Box 71 Folder 18 | Bernard Sylvestris, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 19 | Bernardino of Sienna, n.d. |
Box 71 Folder 20-21 | Bibliography, 1937-1946 |
Box 72 Folder 1 | Bigongiari, D., n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 2 | Biology, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 3 | Boethius, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 4 | Boileau, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 5 | Bonaventura, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 6 | Book reviews, 1940, 1945 |
Box 72 Folder 7 | Buchanan, Scott, 1929-1935, 1961 |
Box 72 Folder 8 | Buckley, Michael J., 1980 |
Box 72 Folder 9-10 | Burke, Kenneth, 1938-1949, 1968-1979 |
Box 72 Folder 11 | Buridan, John, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 12 | Callahan, John F., 1962-1983 |
Box 72 Folder 13 | Caponigri, A. Robert, 1981 |
Box 72 Folder 14 | Carnap, Rudolf, 1936 |
Box 72 Folder 15 | Causes, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 16-17 | Censorship, 1955-59, 1970-1977 |
Box 72 Folder 18 | China, 1971, 1973 |
Box 72 Folder 19 | Ching, Julia, 1975, 1978 |
Box 72 Folder 20 | Christ, 1973 |
Box 72 Folder 21-22 | Cicero, 1965 |
Box 72 Folder 23 | Classics and the liberal arts, n.d. |
Box 72 Folder 24 | Classification system, n.d. |
Box 73 Folder 1 | Cohen, Morris R., 1936-1944 |
Box 73 Folder 2 | Comic, 1976 |
Box 73 Folder 3 | Commissions, study, 1973 |
Box 73 Folder 4 | Commonplaces, 1976 |
Box 73 Folder 5 | Communication, 1956 |
Box 73 Folder 6 | Communism, 1935, 1947, 1953 |
Box 73 Folder 7 | Comparative literature, 1926 |
Box 73 Folder 8 | Concepts, 1971 |
Box 73 Folder 9 | Concreteness, discovery, 1962-1966 |
Box 73 Folder 10 | Constitution, Confederate States, n.d. |
Box 73 Folder 11 | Cosmology, n.d. |
Box 73 Folder 12 | Council for the Study of Mankind, 1963-1966 |
Box 73 Folder 13-14 | Criticism, 1929-1956, 1980 |
Box 73 Folder 15 | Criticism, history of, 1935-1936 |
Box 73 Folder 16 | Criticism, medieval, n.d. |
Box 73 Folder 17 | Croce, Benedetto, 1973 |
Box 73 Folder 18 | Cuba, 1962 |
Box 73 Folder 19-20 | Culture, 1952-1970 |
Box 73 Folder 21 | Demetrius, n.d. |
Box 73 Folder 22-23 | Democracy, 1943-1950, 1974 |
Box 74 Folder 1 | Classics of Democracy, 1954 |
Box 74 Folder 2 | Descartes, 1940 |
Box 74 Folder 3 | Determinism, 1972 |
Box 74 Folder 4 | Dewey, John, 1917, 1952, 1972 |
Box 74 Folder 5 | Dialogue, n.d. |
Box 74 Folder 6 | Disease, n.d. |
Box 74 Folder 7 | Dryden, John, 1975 |
Box 74 Folder 8 | Duns Scotus, n.d. |
Box 74 Folder 9 | Dreifuss, Kurt, 1976-1981 |
Box 74 Folder 10 | Dykeman, King, 1980 |
Box 74 Folder 11 | Economics 312, H. Schultz, syllabus, 1931-1939 |
Box 74 Folder 12 | Economics, international, 1956 |
Box 74 Folder 13-15 | Education, 1935-58, 1979 |
Box 74 Folder 16 | Education, "Financial and Structural Problems of the Liberal
College" by Beardsley Ruml, 1958 |
Box 75 Folder 1 | Education, graduate, c. 1955 |
Box 75 Folder 2 | Education, liberal arts, 1933-1963 |
Box 75 Folder 3 | Education, Norway, 1957 |
Box 75 Folder 4 | Einstein, Albert, 1973, 1979 |
Box 75 Folder 5 | Eliot, T. S., n.d. |
Box 75 Folder 6 | Empathy, 1975 |
Box 75 Folder 7-8 | Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1956-1963 |
Box 75 Folder 9 | Encyclopaedia, n.d. |
Box 75 Folder 10 | Encyclopaedia, Soviet, 1956, 1979 |
Box 75 Folder 11 | Equity, n.d. |
Box 75 Folder 12-14 | Equality, 1953-1955 |
Box 75 Folder 15 | Essays by Hayim Greenberg, 1953 |
Box 75 Folder 16 | Ethics, 1953-1959 |
Box 75 Folder 17 | Ethics, codes of, 1954, 1957 |
Box 76 Folder 1 | Examinations, 1942-1945, 1957 |
Box 76 Folder 2 | Examinations, criticism, 1938 |
Box 76 Folder 3 | Examinations, liberal arts, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 4 | Examinations, humanities, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 5 | Examinations, philosophy, general, 1901-1962 |
Box 76 Folder 6 | Existence, 1975 |
Box 76 Folder 7 | Existentialism, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 8 | Experience and metaphysics, 1952 |
Box 76 Folder 9 | Fable, 1972 |
Box 76 Folder 10 | Ferguson, A. S., 1932 |
Box 76 Folder 11 | Folklore, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 12 | Freedom, 1945-1955 |
Box 76 Folder 13-14 | Freedom, academic, 1949-1957, 1975 |
Box 76 Folder 15 | Freedom, Reports of the Institute for Philosophical Research,
1954 |
Box 76 Folder 16 | Freedom, Federation Internationale des Societés de
Philosophie, 1950 |
Box 76 Folder 17 | Freedom and determinism, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 18 | Function, 1972 |
Box 76 Folder 19 | Fund for the Republic, 1956-1957 |
Box 76 Folder 20 | General education, University of Arkansas, 1952 |
Box 76 Folder 21 | Gerson, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 22 | Gilbert de la Porrée, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 23 | Gilson, Etienne, 1926-1955, 1978-1980 |
Box 76 Folder 24 | Goethe, Johann, n.d. |
Box 76 Folder 25 | Goodman, Paul, 1939-1947, 1975-1976 |
Box 77 Folder 1-2 | Grammar, 1976 |
Box 77 Folder 3 | Grosseteste, Robert, n.d. |
Box 77 Folder 4 | Gunndissalinus, n.d. |
Box 77 Folder 5-7 | Happiness, n.d. |
Box 77 Folder 8 | "Hellenistic Ideas of Poetry and the Poetic," 1983 |
Box 77 Folder 9 | History, bibliography, 1935, 1947 |
Box 77 Folder 10 | History, discipline of, 1938-1980 |
Box 77 Folder 11 | History, teaching of, 1934 |
Box 77 Folder 12 | Hobbes, Thomas, 1937 |
Box 77 Folder 13 | Horace, Ars Poetica, n.d. |
Box 77 Folder 14-15 | Humanities, 1929-1976 |
Box 78 Folder 1-4 | Humanities, 1929-1976 |
Box 78 Folder 5 | Humanities, graduate program, Tufts University, 1963 |
Box 78 Folder 6 | Hume, David, 1961 |
Box 78 Folder 7 | Iconography, n.d. |
Box 78 Folder 8 | Imitation, 1936, 1939 |
Box 78 Folder 9-10 | India, 1954-1958 |
Box 78 Folder 11 | Indian General Education Project, 1957-1960 |
Box 78 Folder 12 | Induction, 1983 |
Box 78 Folder 13 | Institute for Philosophical Research, "The Controversy Concerning
Human Freedom," 1952-1954 |
Box 79 Folder 1-11 | Institute for Philosophical Research, "The Controversy Concerning
Human Freedom," 1952-1954 |
Box 80 Folder 1-7 | Institute for Philosophical Research, "The Controversy Concerning
Human Freedom," 1952-1954 |
Box 80 Folder 8 | Inter-American Conference on Philosophy, 1943 |
Box 80 Folder 9 | International, 1950-1959 |
Box 80 Folder 10 | Inventions, n.d. |
Box 80 Folder 11 | Israel, 1973 |
Box 81 Folder 1-2 | Johannes de Parisiis, Tractatus de Potestate, n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 3 | John of Salisbury, n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 4 | Jonson, Ben, n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 5 | Justice and Equality, 1972 |
Box 81 Folder 6 | Kant, Immanuel, 1942 |
Box 81 Folder 7 | Kappeli, Thomas, O.P., n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 8 | Language, 1944-1972 |
Box 81 Folder 9 | Lapide, Johannes de, n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 10 | Law, 1954, 1980 |
Box 81 Folder 11 | Law, course readings, n.d. |
Box 81 Folder 12-13 | Law, philosophy of, 1950 |
Box 81 Folder 14-15 | Law, philosophy of, readings, 1927, 1937, 1955 |
Box 82 Folder 1 | Law, philosophy of, bibliography and abstracts, 1932,
1959 |
Box 82 Folder 2 | Law, world, 1965-1966 |
Box 82 Folder 3-4 | Lectures, 1926-1977 |
Box 82 Folder 5 | Lessing, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 6 | Lily, William, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 7 | Literature, 1936 |
Box 82 Folder 8 | Locke, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 9-11 | Logic, 1937-1970 |
Box 82 Folder 12 | Logic, modal, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 13 | Logic, Renaissance, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 14 | Longinus, On the Sublime, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 15 | Maimonides, 1934 |
Box 82 Folder 16 | Manuscripts, catalogues of, n.d. |
Box 82 Folder 17 | Maritain, Jacques, n.d. |
Box 83 Folder 1 | Marxism, 1948-1949 |
Box 83 Folder 2 | Mathematics, n.d. |
Box 83 Folder 3 | Mathematics, class field theory, 1961 |
Box 83 Folder 4-6 | Mathematics, history of, 1957-1959 |
Box 83 Folder 7 | Maxims, 1973 |
Box 83 Folder 8 | Measurement, 1929, 1947 |
Box 83 Folder 9 | Medicine, 1933 |
Box 83 Folder 10 | Memory, arts of, n.d. |
Box 83 Folder 11-12 | Metaphysics, 1975, 1980 |
Box 83 Folder 13 | Middle Ages, 1942, 1974, 1980 |
Box 83 Folder 14 | Mill, John Stuart, n.d. |
Box 83 Folder 15 | Modalities, 1960-1970 |
Box 83 Folder 16 | Montague, n.d. |
Box 83 Folder 17 | Morals and prudence, 1971-1972 |
Box 83 Folder 18 | Murphy, Gardner, 1962-1963 |
Box 84 Folder 1 | Music, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 2 | Mysticism, 1948 |
Box 84 Folder 3 | Myth, 1954 |
Box 84 Folder 4 | Miscellaneous, 1939-1946 |
Box 84 Folder 5 | Nature, 1949 |
Box 84 Folder 6 | New School for Social Research, 1965-1966 |
Box 84 Folder 7 | Numbers, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 8 | Obscenity, 1972 |
Box 84 Folder 9-10 | Observation, Interpretation, and Integration, Committee on,
1944 |
Box 84 Folder 11 | Paradox, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 12 | Pascal, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 13 | Paulus Venetus, De Suppositionibus, Logica Magna,
n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 14 | Peace, 1947 |
Box 84 Folder 15 | Perelman, Chaim, 1978 |
Box 84 Folder 16 | Person, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 17 | Philosophy, Department of, 1968 |
Box 84 Folder 18-19 | Philosophy, history of, 1929-1959 |
Box 84 Folder 20 | Philosophy, ancient, 1933-1965 |
Box 84 Folder 21 | Philosophy, presocratic, n.d. |
Box 84 Folder 22 | Philosophy, ancient and medieval, bibliography, 1962 |
Box 85 Folder 1-2 | Philosophy, medieval, 1931-1955 |
Box 85 Folder 3 | Philosophy, Arabic, 1974 |
Box 85 Folder 4 | Philosophy, bicentennial, 1976 |
Box 85 Folder 5 | Philosophy, modern, 1921-1955 |
Box 85 Folder 6 | Philosophy, British, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 7 | Philosophy, bibliographies, 1929-1960 |
Box 85 Folder 8 | Philosophy and the radio, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 9 | Philosophy of science, 1972-1975 |
Box 85 Folder 10 | Physics, 1929-1947, 1980 |
Box 85 Folder 11-12 | Plato, 1976 |
Box 85 Folder 13 | Plato, aesthetics, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 14 | Plato, Protagoras, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 15-17 | Plato, Republic, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 18 | Plato, Sophist, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 19 | Plato, Theaetetus, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 20 | Pliny the Elder, Natural History, n.d. |
Box 85 Folder 21 | Poetic, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 1 | Political treatises, 1943 |
Box 86 Folder 2 | Political philosophy, 1943-1956 |
Box 86 Folder 3 | Political science, 1943 |
Box 86 Folder 4 | Politics, 1941-1950 |
Box 86 Folder 5 | Porphyry, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 6 | Positivism, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 7 | Prints, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 8 | Predication, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 9 | Princeton bicentennial, 1946-1947 |
Box 86 Folder 10-11 | Probability, 1933 |
Box 86 Folder 12 | Progress, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 13-14 | Property, 1961 |
Box 86 Folder 15 | Proportions, n.d. |
Box 86 Folder 16 | Psychology, 1968 |
Box 86 Folder 17-18 | Psychology, Hindu, 1963 |
Box 87 Folder 1 | Pythagoreans, n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 2 | Quintilian, n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 3 | Realism, n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 4-5 | Religion, politics, 1936-1973 |
Box 87 Folder 6 | Religion in general education, n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 7 | Renaissance, 1959 |
Box 87 Folder 8 | Responsibility, 1968-1981 |
Box 87 Folder 9 | Reynolds, n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 10-12 | Rhetoric, 1928-1981 |
Box 87 Folder 13 | Richards, I. A., n.d. |
Box 87 Folder 14-16 | Rights, 1949-1953, 1975-1983 |
Box 87 Folder 7 | Ruhan, Antony, 1978-1979 |
Box 87 Folder 18 | Russell, Bertrand, 1938-1944, 1974-1978 |
Box 87 Folder 19 | Schiller, Frederick, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 1 | Science, 1949-1970 |
Box 88 Folder 2 | Science and classics, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 3 | Semantics, 1943-1953, 1971 |
Box 88 Folder 4 | Semantics, inquiry, 1975 |
Box 88 Folder 5 | Shelley, Percy Bysshe, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 6 | Sherburn, George, 1944 |
Box 88 Folder 7 | Sidney, Sir Philip, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 8 | Smith, T. V., 1934 |
Box 88 Folder 9-10 | Social science, 1932-1934 |
Box 88 Folder 11 | Social Thought, Committee on, 1942 |
Box 88 Folder 12 | Sociology, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 13 | Solubility, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 14 | Sophismata, 1975 |
Box 88 Folder 15 | Soul, 1967 |
Box 88 Folder 16 | Spain, culture of, n.d. |
Box 88 Folder 17-18 | Spinoza, 1945, 1968 |
Box 88 Folder 19 | Statistics, n.d. |
Box 89 Folder 1 | Stauffer, Thomas, 1979-1980 |
Box 89 Folder 2 | Style, 1972 |
Box 89 Folder 3 | Swenson, David F., 1937 |
Box 89 Folder 4 | Technology, 1963, 1975 |
Box 89 Folder 5 | Thanatology, 1970-1973 |
Box 89 Folder 6 | Theme, 1971-1972 |
Box 89 Folder 7 | Theology, 1965 |
Box 89 Folder 8 | Theory, practice, 1944 |
Box 89 Folder 9 | Translation, n.d. |
Box 89 Folder 10 | Topics, 1960-1961 |
Box 89 Folder 11 | UNESCO, 1948-1949, 1979 |
Box 89 Folder 12 | UNESCO, Report by the Special Committee on Covenant of Human
Rights and United Nations to the National Executive Committee, American
Legion, 1955 |
Box 89 Folder 13 | UNESCO and USA, 1945-1956, 1978 |
Box 89 Folder 14-15 | United Nations, 1946-1965 |
Box 89 Folder 16 | University of Chicago, 1934-1979 |
Box 89 Folder 17 | University of Chicago, disruption, 1967-1970, 1980 |
Box 89 Folder 18 | Value, theory of, 1980 |
Box 89 Folder 19 | Vico, Giambattista, n.d. |
Box 89 Folder 20 | Vida, n.d. |
Box 89 Folder 21 | Weber, Max, n.d. |
Box 90 Folder 1 | Weil, Simone, 1945 |
Box 90 Folder 2 | Whitehead, Alfred North, n.d. |
Box 90 Folder 3-6 | William of Ockham |
Box 90 Folder 7 | Willis, John, n.d. |
Box 90 Folder 8 | Wittgenstein, n.d. |
Box 90 Folder 9 | Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 1974 |
Box 90 Folder 10 | Woodbridge, 1937 |
Series IV, Writings, has been divided into eight subseries. They are: (1)
Bibliography, (2) Reprints, (3) Books, (4) Published Articles, (5) Book
Reviews, (6) Unpublished Materials, (7) Miscellaneous, and (8) Research Card
Files. The arrangement of this series was taken from a bibliography created
in 1980 of McKeon's published writings.
Subseries 2, Reprints, contains many of McKeon's articles dating from 1922 to
1986. Subseries 3, Books, has been arranged in the order in which McKeon's
books were published. Some of the material included in Sic et Non was
produced decades before the book's publication in 1976. Subseries 3 also
include a section on William of Ockham which was published as part of
McKeon's Selections from Medieval Philosophers. This section contains
photostats, transcripts and translations, and an extensive card file of
Latin liturgical terms. The Peter Abailard (Abelard) materials also include
card files of medieval and earlier philosophers.
Subseries 4, Published Articles, has been arranged chronologically according
to the bibliography (even if dates on the manuscript or accompanying papers
indicated that the article was composed some time before it was published).
There are both typed and handwritten manuscripts, and the typed often
include several hand-corrected drafts.
Subseries 5, contains book reviews written by McKeon, which were primarily
done in the early part of McKeon's career. Most of the reviews date from the
late 1920s to the early 1940s. Subseries 6, Unpublished Manuscripts, has
been divided into dated (listed first) and undated materials. Subseries 6
includes McKeon's novel, Little Flowers, which he tried unsuccessfully to
publish in the early 1930s. There seem to be several fragments of an
unpublished book or books, with one fragment entitled "Philosophy in the
Middle Ages," and another concerning issues revolving around methodology
("Method and the Sciences," "Language and Method," "Metaphysics and
Subseries 8 contains several boxes of McKeon's research card files. These are
arranged by general histories, then philosophers (chronologically), then by
subject area. McKeon's lecture notes (see Series V) are organized
Subseries 1: Bibliography |
Box 91 Folder 1 | Richard McKeon: A Bibliography of His Published Works,
1980 |
Box 94 Folder 2-3 | "Knowledge, Community and Communication," in A Center for
National Goals and Alternatives: Collected Papers, 1971 |
Sub-subseries 1: William of Ockham Materials |
Box 95 Folder 1 | Notebooks, photostats, negatives, n.d. |
Box 95 Folder 2 | B.N. Lat. 145, photostats |
Box 95 Folder 3 | Unidentified manuscript, photostat |
Box 95 Folder 4-6 | Summulae Physicorum, Arsenal 830, ff. 4-94,
photostat |
Box 95 Folder 7 | Summulae Physicorum, notes |
Box 95 Folder 8-10 | Summulae Physicorum, typed transcript with marginalia,
Latin |
Box 96 Folder 1-2 | Summulae Physicorum, typed transcript with marginalia,
Latin |
Box 96 Folder 3 | Summulae Physicorum, Edition Venice 1506, typed
transcript, English translation |
Box 96 Folder 4 | Summulae Physicorum, Bologne 1494, typed transcript,
Latin |
Box 96 Folder 5 | Summulae Physicorum, Bologne 1494, partial English
translation |
Box 96 Folder 6 | Summulae Physicorum, edition of Bononiae 1494, British
Museum IBx29059, photostat |
Box 96 Folder 7 | unidentified manuscript, partial typed transcript, Latin,
notes |
Box 96 Folder 8-9 | Summa Logices (Ad Adamum), typed transcript,
Latin |
Box 97 Folder 1-2 | Summa Logices (Ad Adamum), typed transcript,
Latin |
Box 97 Folder 3-4 | "Prima Quaestio," Bâle, University Library,
manuscript A vii 13, ff. 256-265, transcripts,
photostat |
Box 98 Folder 1 | Summulae Physicorum, Cracow manuscript 736, ff.
245v-266r, photostat |
Box 98 Folder 2 | Summulae Physicorum, Lincoln manuscript, ff. 71-88v,
photostat |
Box 98 Folder 3 | Summulae Physicorum, Vienna Staatsbibliothek manuscript,
ff. 1-30, photostat |
Box 99 Folder 1 | Logische und Physische Studien, MS 974, lat. fol. 41 de
Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, manuscript notes |
Box 99 Folder 2 | Logische und Physische Studien, MS 974, lat. fol. 41 de
Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, photostat, part
one |
Box 100 Folder 1 | Logische und Physische Studien, MS 974, lat. fol. 41 de
Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, photostat, part
two |
Box 101 Folder 1 | William of Ockham card files |
Box 101 Folder 2 | Glossary of medieval Latin liturgical terms |
Sub-subseries 2: Peter Abailard (Abelard), Sic et
Non |
Box 102 Folder 1 | General, 1938-1974 |
Box 102 Folder 2 | Edited pages, n.d. |
Box 102 Folder 3 | Handwritten notes, n.d. |
Box 102 Folder 4 | Chapter listing, n.d. |
Box 102 Folder 5-6 | "Preface," "The Circumstances of Its Composition, Its
Method, and Its Materials," manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 102 Folder 7-11 | Annotated manuscript, n.d. |
Box 103 Folder 1-2 | Annotated manuscript, n.d. |
Box 103 Folder 3-6 | Non-annotated manuscript, n.d. |
Box 103 Folder 7-8 | Biblical citations, citations from Early Church Fathers
n.d. |
Box 104 Folder 1-2 | List of Biblical citations, Genesis-Apocalypse,
n.d |
Box 104 Folder 3-4 | List of citations by chapter, n.d. |
Box 104 Folder 5-6 | Annotated manuscript, n.d. |
Box 104 Folder 7-8 | Annotated manuscript, incomplete, n.d. |
Box 105 Folder 1-5 | "Apparatus criticus," complete version, n.d. |
Box 105 Folder 6-9 | "Apparatus criticus," partial version, n.d. |
Box 105 Folder 10 | Appendices, n.d. |
Box 106 Folder 1 | Indices, n.d |
Box 106 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous, n.d. |
Sub-subseries 3: Sic et Non Card Files |
Box 107 Folder 3 | Ambrosius |
Box 107 Folder 5 | Anastasius |
Box 107 Folder 6 | Athanasius |
Box 107 Folder 7 | Augustine/Augustinus |
Box 108 Folder 1 | Augustine/Augustinus, continued |
Box 108 Folder 2 | Pseudo-Augustine |
Box 108 Folder 4 | Pseudo-Hieronymus |
Box 108 Folder 6 | Cassianus |
Box 108 Folder 7 | Cassiodorus |
Box 108 Folder 8 | Chrysologus |
Box 108 Folder 9 | Chrysostomus |
Box 108 Folder 10 | Claudianus Mamertus |
Box 108 Folder 11 | Claudius |
Box 108 Folder 12 | Concilia |
Box 108 Folder 13 | Cyprianus |
Box 108 Folder 14 | Epiphanius |
Box 108 Folder 16 | Eugippus |
Box 108 Folder 17 | Fulgentius |
Box 108 Folder 18 | Gennadius |
Box 108 Folder 19 | Gregorius |
Box 108 Folder 20 | Gregory of Tours |
Box 108 Folder 22 | Hieronymus |
Box 108 Folder 23 | Hilarius Pict |
Box 108 Folder 24 | Hormisdas Papa |
Box 108 Folder 27 | Isidore Hispal |
Box 108 Folder 28 | Isidorus Mercator |
Box 108 Folder 29 | Ivo of Chartres |
Box 109 Folder 2 | Leo I papa |
Box 109 Folder 4 | Lombard, Peter |
Box 109 Folder 5 | Maximus Taurinensis |
Box 109 Folder 6 | Nicolaus papa |
Box 109 Folder 9 | Paulus Diaconus |
Box 109 Folder 11 | Philippus |
Box 109 Folder 13 | Prosper Aquit. |
Box 109 Folder 14 | Prudentius |
Box 109 Folder 15 | Ratramnus |
Box 109 Folder 16 | Radbertus Paschasius |
Box 109 Folder 17 | Remiqius |
Box 109 Folder 22 | Vigilius Tapsensis |
Box 109 Folder 24 | Testamentum Novum |
Box 109 Folder 25 | Testamentum Vetus |
Box 110 Folder 1 | Sic et Non, citations by question |
Box 110 Folder 2 | Sic et Non, Bible references |
Box 111 Folder 1 | Sic et Non, Bible references |
Sub-subseries 4: Other Books |
Box 112 Folder 1 | The Basic Works of Aristotle, introduction, manuscript,
galleys, n.d. [pub. 1941] |
Box 112 Folder 2-3 | Freedom and History, manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1952] |
Box 112 Folder 4 | The Freedom to Read, manuscript, correspondence, 1956
[pub. 1957] |
Box 112 Folder 5-7 | The Edicts of Asoka, manuscript, correspondence, notes,
1958 [pub. 1959] |
Subseries 4: Published Articles |
Box 112 Folder 8 | "A Generalized Pell Equation," 1939 [pub. 1940] |
Box 112 Folder 9 | "Hitler Will Decide, A Reply to Mr. Hutchins," manuscript,
notes on Mr. Hutchins' address, manuscripts by Paul H. Douglas,
Spencer, J.G. Kerwin, Bernadette E. Schmitt, n.d. [pub.
1941] |
Box 112 Folder 10 | "Philosophic Bases of Art and Criticism," manuscript, address
list, correspondence, 1944 [pub. 1943] |
Box 112 Folder 11 | "The Liberal Arts and Democracy," manuscript, 1943 [pub.
1944] |
Box 113 Folder 1 | "Aristotle's Conception of the Development and the Nature of
Scientific Method," n.d. [pub. 1947] |
Box 113 Folder 2 | "Philosophic Basis and Material Circumstances of the Rights
of Man," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1948] |
Box 113 Folder 3 | "A Philosophy for UNESCO," manuscript, 1948 [pub.
1948] |
Box 113 Folder 4 | "The Pursuit of Peace through Understanding, UNESCO'S Purpose
and Achievement," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1949] |
Box 113 Folder 5 | "World Community and the Relations of Cultures," manuscript,
1949 [pub. 1950] |
Box 113 Folder 6 | "Philosophy and the Diversity of Cultures," manuscript, n.d.
[pub. 1950] |
Box 113 Folder 7 | Philosophical Analysis of Ideological Conflicts, UNESCO,
"Problems of Democracy," manuscript, 1948 [pub. 1950] |
Box 113 Folder 8 | "Philosophy and Method," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1951] |
Box 113 Folder 9 | "Evidence in History," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1951] |
Box 113 Folder 10 | "Philosophic Differences and the Issues of Freedom,"
manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1951] |
Box 113 Folder 11-12 | "La Philosophie et L'Action," manuscripts in English and
French, n.d. [pub. 1951 (French), 1952 (English)] |
Box 113 Folder 13 | "International Relations and Morality," manuscript, n.d.
[pub. 1952] |
Box 113 Folder 14 | "Knowledge and World Organization," n.d. [pub
1952] |
Box 113 Folder 15 | "Semantics, Science, and Poetry," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1952] |
Box 114 Folder 1 | "Philosophie et Culture," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1952] |
Box 114 Folder 2 | "Process and Function," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1953] |
Box 114 Folder 3 | Autobiography, manuscript, n.d. [pub. in Thirteen Americans:
Their Spiritual Autobiographies, 1953] |
Box 114 Folder 4 | "Dialectic and Political Thought and Action," manuscript,
n.d. [pub. 1954] |
Box 114 Folder 5 | "Contemporary French Philosophers," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1954] |
Box 114 Folder 6 | "Human Values and Technology," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1954] |
Box 114 Folder 7 | "World Understanding," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1954] |
Box 114 Folder 8 | "Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophy," partial manuscript,
n.d. [pub. 1955] |
Box 114 Folder 9 | "The Choice of Socrates," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1956] |
Box 114 Folder 10 | "Communication: Making Men of One Mind in Truth," manuscript,
1956 [pub 1956] |
Box 114 Folder 11 | "Power and the Language of Power," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1957] |
Box 114 Folder 12 | "Development and Significance of the Concept of
Responsibility," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1957] |
Box 114 Folder 13 | "A Philosophy for Our Times: Equality," manuscript, 1955
[pub. 1957 as "The Practical Uses of a Philosophy of
Equality"] |
Box 114 Folder 14 | "Encyclopedia," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1957] |
Box 115 Folder 1 | "Philosophy, the Humanities, and Action," manuscript,
conference materials, 1957 [pub. as "The Humanities and Action,"
1958] |
Box 115 Folder 2 | "Freedom and Value," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1958] |
Box 115 Folder 3 | "Universities in the Modern World," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1959] |
Box 115 Folder 4 | "Principles and Consequences," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1959] |
Box 115 Folder 5 | "The Ethics of International Influence," manuscript, 1959
[pub. 1960] |
Box 115 Folder 6 | "Being, Existence, and That Which Is," manuscript, 1960 [pub.
1960] |
Box 115 Folder 7 | "The Judgment of `Judgment,'" manuscript, correspondence,
1959 [pub. 1961] |
Box 115 Folder 8 | "Medicine and Philosophy in the Eleventh and Twelfth
Centuries: The Problem of Elements," manuscript, correspondence,
1961 [pub. 1961] |
Box 115 Folder 9 | "Introduction: The Meanings of Society and the Relations
among Traditions of Thought," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1961] |
Box 115 Folder 10 | "Ethics and Politics," First Lyman Bryson Lecture,
manuscript, 1960 [pub. 1962] |
Box 115 Folder 11 | "Justice and Equality," manuscript, conference presentation
notes, manuscript by Carl J. Friedrich, 1961 [pub. 1963] |
Box 115 Folder 12 | "Hegel's Conception of Matter," manuscript, correspondence,
1962 [pub. 1963] |
Box 115 Folder 13 | "The Liberating Arts and the Humanizing Arts in Education,"
manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1964] |
Box 115 Folder 14 | "Love and Wisdom: The Teaching of Philosophy," manuscript,
n.d. [pub. 1964] |
Box 115 Folder 15 | "The Future of the Liberal Arts," manuscript, 1964 [pub.
1964] |
Box 115 Folder 16 | "Mankind: The Relation of Reason to Action," manuscript, n.d.
[pub 1964] |
Box 115 Folder 17 | "Rhetoric and Poetic in the Philosophy of Aristotle," n.d.
[pub. 1965] |
Box 116 Folder 1 | "The Relation of Logic to Metaphysics in the Philosophy of
Duns Scotus," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1965] |
Box 116 Folder 2 | "Spinoza on the Rainbow and on Probability," manuscript, n.d.
[pub. 1965] |
Box 116 Folder 3 | "Philosophy as a Humanism," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1965] |
Box 116 Folder 4 | "Philosophy and Human Rights," manuscript, conference
presentation notes, 1964 [pub. 1966] |
Box 116 Folder 5 | "Philosophy and the Development of Scientific Methods,"
manuscript [pub. 1966] |
Box 116 Folder 6 | "The Methods of Rhetoric and Philosophy: Invention and
Judgment," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1966] |
Box 116 Folder 7 | "The Concept of Mankind and Mental Health," manuscript,
lecture notes, n.d. [pub. 1966] |
Box 116 Folder 8 | "Science and Philosophy in Contemporary Society: A Century in
Retrospect," manuscript, n.d. [pub. as "Scientific and Philosophic
Revolutions," 1967] |
Box 116 Folder 9 | "The Battle of the Books," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1967] |
Box 116 Folder 10 | "Methodology (Philosophy)," "Analysis and Synthesis,"
manuscripts, lecture notes, correspondence, 1964-1966 [pub.
1967] |
Box 116 Folder 11 | "Man and Mankind in the Development of Culture and the
Humanities," manuscript, n.d. [pub 1968] |
Box 116 Folder 12 | "Has History a Direction? Philosophic Principles and
Objective Interpretations," manuscript, transcript of conference
presentation and responses, n.d. [pub. 1968] |
Box 116 Folder 13 | "Discourse: Demonstration, Verification, and Justification,"
manuscript, correspondence, 1967 [pub. 1968] |
Box 116 Folder 14 | "Love, Self, and Contemporary Culture," manuscript,
correspondence, 1964 [pub. 1968] |
Box 116 Folder 15 | "The Individual in Law and Legal Philosophy in the West,"
manuscripts, correspondence, ca. 1964 [pub. 1968] |
Box 116 Folder 16 | Foreword to The Political Theory of John Dewey by A. H.
Somjee, manuscripts, correspondence, 1968 [pub. 1968] |
Box 117 Folder 1 | "Character and the Arts and Disciplines," manuscript, 1966
[pub. 1969] |
Box 117 Folder 2 | "Fact and Value in the Philosophy of Culture," XIVth
International Conference of Philosophy, manuscript, 1968 [pub.
1969] |
Box 117 Folder 3 | "Ontology, Methodology and Culture," manuscripts,
bibliography, ca. 1967 [pub. 1969] |
Box 117 Folder 4 | Memorial essay for Scott Buchanan, manuscript,
correspondence, 1968-1970 [pub. 1969] |
Box 117 Folder 5 | "The Future of Metaphysics," manuscripts, correspondence,
documents, conference papers, 1969 [pub. 1970] |
Box 117 Folder 6 | "Philosophy and History in the Development of Human Rights,"
manuscript, correspondence, transcript, 1968 [pub 1970] |
Box 117 Folder 7 | "Philosophy of Communications and the Arts," manuscripts,
correspondence, n.d [pub. 1970] |
Box 117 Folder 8 | "Humanism, Civility, and Culture," manuscript, n.d. [pub
1971] |
Box 117 Folder 9 | "Knowledge, Community, and Communication," manuscript,
correspondence, clippings, 1971-1978 [pub. 1971] |
Box 117 Folder 10 | "The Uses of Rhetoric in a Technological Age: Architectonic
Productive Arts," manuscript, correspondence, ca. 1971, 1980 [pub.
1971] |
Box 117 Folder 11 | "World Order in the Evolution and Revolution in Arts,
Associations, and Sciences," manuscript, correspondence, 1970 [pub.
1971] |
Box 117 Folder 12 | "The Uses of Rhetoric in a Technological Age," manuscript,
n.d. [pub. 1971] |
Box 117 Folder 13 | "History and Philosophy, Art and Science, Validity and
Truth," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1972] |
Box 118 Folder 1 | "Facts, Values and Actions," manuscript, correspondence,
conference materials, 1971 [pub. 1972] |
Box 118 Folder 2 | "The Transformation of the Liberal Arts in the Renaissance,"
manuscript, correspondence, galley proofs, 1968-1971 [pub.
1972] |
Box 118 Folder 3 | "Where We Are and Where We Are Going," University of Chicago
convocation address, manuscript, March 1972 [pub. 1972] |
Box 118 Folder 4 | "Creativity and the Commonplace," manuscript, correspondence,
1973 [pub. 1973] |
Box 118 Folder 5 | "Logos: Technology, Philology, and History," manuscripts,
n.d. [pub. 1973] |
Box 118 Folder 6-7 | "Censorship," manuscript, correspondence, galleys, 1970 [pub.
1974] |
Box 118 Folder 8 | "Time and Temporality," manuscript, manuscript by Kenneth
Inada, n.d. [pub. 1974] |
Box 118 Folder 9 | "The Circumstances and Functions of Philosophy," manuscript,
conference materials, 1973 [pub. 1975] |
Box 118 Folder 10 | "The Origins of Science and the Relations of Cultures in the
Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries," manuscript, correspondence,
discussion transcripts, 1974 [pub. 1975] |
Box 118 Folder 11 | "Philosophy and Theology, History and Science in the Thought
of Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1975] |
Box 118 Folder 12 | "Greek Dialectics: Dialectic and Dialogue, Dialectic and
Rhetoric," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1975] |
Box 119 Folder 1 | "Arts of Invention and Arts of Memory: Creation and
Criticism," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1975] |
Box 119 Folder 2 | "Canonical Books and Prohibited Books: Orthodoxy and Heresy
in the History of Religion and Culture," manuscript, n.d. [pub.
1976] |
Box 119 Folder 3 | "Latin Literature and Roman Culture in Modern Education,"
manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1977] |
Box 119 Folder 4 | "Person and Community, Individual and Society, Reformation
and Revolution," manuscript, conference presentation notes, 1976
[pub. 1978] |
Box 119 Folder 5 | "Philosophy as an Agent of Civilization," manuscript,
correspondence, 1978-1980 [pub. 1978] |
Box 119 Folder 6 | "Pride and Prejudice: Thought, Character, Argument, and
Plot," manuscript, correspondence, manuscripts by Eduoard Morot-Sir
and Peter Heath, 1977 [pub. 1979] |
Box 119 Folder 7 | "The Hellenistic and Roman Foundations of the Tradition of
Aristotle in the West," manuscript, n.d. [pub. 1979] |
Box 119 Folder 8 | "The Interpretation of Political Theory and Practice in
Ancient Athens," manuscript, correspondence, 1980 [pub.
1981] |
Box 119 Folder 9 | "Criticism and the Liberal Arts: the Chicago School of
Criticism," manuscript, 1982 [pub. 1982] |
Box 119 Folder 10 | "The Background of Spinoza," manuscript, correspondence, 1977
[pub. 1983] |
Box 119 Folder 11 | "Pluralism of Interpretations and Pluralism of Objects:
Actions and statements Interpreted," manuscripts, n.d. [pub.
1986] |
Box 119 Folder 12 | "Philosophic Semantics and Philosophic Inquiry," n.d.
[presented 1966; pub. 1989] |
Subseries 5: Book Reviews |
Box 119 Folder 13 | General, 1933, 1945 |
Box 120 Folder 1 | Reviews in The Nation, 1927-1934 |
Box 120 Folder 2 | History of Science, 1933-1947 |
Box 120 Folder 3 | Philosophy, ancient, 1927-1946 |
Box 120 Folder 4-5 | Philosophy, medieval, 1929-1937 |
Box 120 Folder 6 | Philosophy, modern, 1927-1936 |
Box 120 Folder 7 | Aesthetics and criticism, 1934-1943 |
Box 120 Folder 8 | Political philosophy, 1944 |
Box 120 Folder 9 | Logic, 1928-1937 |
Box 120 Folder 10 | Ethics and the Relations of Peoples, 1962 |
Box 120 Folder 11 | Elements for a Social Ethic by Gibson Winter,
1967 |
Box 120 Folder 12 | Utopias Religious and Secular by D. Donnelly,
n.d. |
Box 120 Folder 13 | The Sequence of Belief from Homer to Ockham by Edward Motley
Pickman, n.d. |
Subseries 6: Unpublished Materials |
Box 120 Folder 14 | Papers written as a student at Columbia University, ca.
1919 |
Box 120 Folder 15-16 | "Three Philosophers of Art: Tolstoi, Croce, and Santayana,"
M.A. thesis, manuscript, 1920 |
Box 121 Folder 1-4 | Notes from courses taken at Columbia University,
1920-1925 |
Box 121 Folder 5 | "Little Flowers," novel, correspondence,
1930-1932 |
Box 121 Folder 6-10 | "The Philosophy of Aristotle," manuscript, 1940 |
Box 121 Folder 11 | "The Way We Talk," manuscript, correspondence,
1939-1940 |
Box 121 Folder 12 | "Culture and Science," manuscript, 1941 |
Box 121 Folder 13 | "The Techniques of Analysis and Composition," manuscript,
1941 |
Box 121A Folder 1 | Galley proofs, "The Philosophy of Aristotle," bound, c.
1 |
Box 121A Folder 2 | Galley proofs, "The Philosophy of Aristotle," bound, c.
2 |
Box 122 Folder 1 | "Medieval Humanism," lecture, 1941 |
Box 122 Folder 2-3 | "The Significance of the Problem of the Universal,"
manuscript, 1947 |
Box 122 Folder 4 | "The Problem of the Humanities in the Contemporary World,"
n.d., "International Understanding: Ideals and Ideologies,"
1950 |
Box 122 Folder 5 | "Free Men and Collective Responsibility," manuscript,
correspondence, background materials, 1952 |
Box 122 Folder 6 | Taxonomic hypothesis on freedom, memoranda, 1954 |
Box 122 Folder 7 | "Long-Term Foreign Aid: The Relation between Property and
Democracy," manuscript, ca. 1956-1958 |
Box 122 Folder 8 | "The Responsibility of the University for the Education of
the Individual as a Well-Rounded and Well-Educated Person,"
manuscript, correspondence, conference materials, 1957 |
Box 122 Folder 9 | "Philosophy and the Concept of Mankind," manuscript,
1959 |
Box 122 Folder 10 | "Commencement Address, Jewish Theological Seminary,"
manuscript, 1962 |
Box 122 Folder 11-14 | "Encyclopedias Past and Present," "The History of
Encyclopedias and the Functions of Encyclopedias Today,"
manuscripts, 1962-1972 |
Box 122 Folder 15 | "The Issues of World Order," Encyclopaedia Brittanica,
manuscript, correspondence, 1963 |
Box 123 Folder 1 | "Comments on Future Directions of Humane Studies," Brown
University Bicentennial Symposium, 1964 |
Box 123 Folder 2 | "Bridges to the Future: Philosophy," manuscript,
1964 |
Box 123 Folder 3 | Seminar on "Love and Philosophical Analysis," lectures,
1967 |
Box 123 Folder 4 | "Methods of Rhetoric and Philosophy," manuscript,
1968 |
Box 123 Folder 5 | "Rhetoric and Poetic," public conversation with Kenneth
Burke, transcript, 1970 |
Box 123 Folder 6 | Lecture notes, ca. 1970 |
Box 123 Folder 7 | "Revolutionary Movements and Constructive Thought,"
manuscript, 1971 |
Box 123 Folder 8-10 | "Greek Philosophers and the [Greek/Roman] Histories of Their
Philosophies," manuscripts, 1976-1977 |
Box 123 Folder 11 | "Honors Students and Honors Programs of Study," manuscript,
1976-1977 |
Box 123 Folder 12 | "Albert Einstein and International Intellectual Cooperation,"
manuscript, 1979 |
Box 123 Folder 13 | "Introduction to an Exhibition of Books from the Library of
Richard McKeon," 1982 |
Box 123 Folder 14 | "The Influence of Rhetoric on Logic, Dialectic, Grammar and
Poetic," manuscript, correspondence, 1982 |
Box 123 Folder 15 | "Philosophy and Criticism," manuscript, 1984 |
Box 123 Folder 16-17 | "Philosophy in the Middle Ages," introduction, chapters 1-3,
n.d. |
Box 124 Folder 1-4 | "Philosophy in the Middle Ages," introduction, chapters 1-3,
n.d. |
Box 124 Folder 5-7 | "Part I: Method and the Sciences," chapter 5-6, manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 124 Folder 8-9 | "Language and Method," chapter 6, n.d. |
Box 124 Folder 10-11 | "Part II: Philosophy as a Form of Knowledge," chapters 4-7,
manuscript, n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 1 | "Part III: Philosophy as a Force in Action," chapters 7-8,
manuscript, n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 2-3 | "Philosophical Controversies and Ideological Conflicts: The
Semantics of Freedom and History," chapter 6, manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 4-7 | "Metaphysics and Method," manuscript, n.d |
Box 125 Folder 8 | "The Individual in East and West," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 9 | "Rights of Man and Philosophic Unanimity," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 10 | Essays on Prior Analytics, n.d. |
Box 125 Folder 11 | "The Categories of Aristotle: An Interpretation and a History
of the Interpretations of a Text," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 1 | UNESCO statement, manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 2 | "Democracy and the Intellectuals," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 3 | "The Medieval Beginnings of Modern Thought," lecture,
n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 4 | "Method and Science in the Philosophy of Aristotle," notes,
outline, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 5-6 | Fiction by McKeon, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 7 | Untitled manuscripts, bibliography of common-place books,
n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 8 | "A statement of the conditions of metaphysical discussion . .
." n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 9 | "The Humanities and Humanisms," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 10 | Essays on Locke, Russell, Dewey, Hume, Peirce,
n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 11 | "The Decipherment of the Lake Lagunita Punchcards,"
manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 12 | "A Philosophy for Our Times: Equality," "Analysis of the
Articles on Psychology in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica,"
manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 13 | "Philosophie et Methode," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 14 | "Ancient Political Theory," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 15 | "One Philosophy for One World," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 16 | "Religion and Science," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 17 | Problems of Reason and Action, "Project of a conference on
the bearing of science, philosophy, religion, and art on
contemporary practical and international problems," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 18 | Preface to Philosophy, Adler and Cain, The Great Ideas
Program, volume 10, manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 19 | "Human Rights," UNESCO, manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 20 | "The Moral Framework of National Policy," Rockefeller
Brothers Project, manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 21 | Jean-Philippe Rameau, "Demonstration of the Principle of
Harmony, Serving as Basis for the Whole Musical Art, Theoretical and
Practical," translated by R. McKeon, manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 22 | "Horace Celebration," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 23 | Magistri Gandulfi Bononiensis, Sententiarum Libri Matuor,
notes, n.d. |
Box 126 Folder 24 | "Rhetoric," "Rhetoric and Poetic," manuscripts,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 1 | "The Role of Humanities in Contemporary Culture,"
manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 2 | "Discovery and Proof in the History of Logic," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 3 | "Responsibility as Sign and Instrumentality," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 4 | "International Military Violence and International Social
Community," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 5 | "How the Romans Influenced Us," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 6 | "Communication and Discovery: Studies in the Influence of
Rhetoric on Thought and Action," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 7 | "Bridges to the Future through Philosophy," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 8 | "The Classical Tradition and Its Survivals: Ethics,"
manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 9 | "The Function of the Poet," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 10 | "Rapport de Synthese," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 11 | "Philosophy and Culture," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 12 | "The Problem of the Humanities in the Contemporary World,"
manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 13 | "Action and the Uses of the Humanities," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 14 | "Response to Dean Sakellariou's Farewell Remarks,"
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 15 | "Communication and Community as Philosophy," manuscript,
n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 16 | "Sailing to Byzantium," manuscript, n.d. |
Box 127 Folder 17 | "Philosophy and the Universal Rule of Law," manuscript,
n.d. |
Subseries 7: Miscellaneous |
Box 128 Folder 1-6 | Handwritten notes, n.d |
Box 128 Folder 7 | Printed materials and notes, 1926-1970 |
Box 128 Folder 8-9 | Manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 129 Folder 1-5 | Manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 130 Folder 1 | Manuscripts, n.d. |
Box 130 Folder 2 | Papers by others, partial manuscript by McKeon,
1928-1972 |
Box 130 Folder 3 | Unidentified, in Latin, n.d.
- Subseries 8: Research Card Files
Box 131 Folder 1 | Bibliography cards with handwritten notes |
Box 132 Folder 1 | History of philosophy |
Box 132 Folder 2 | Histories of philosophy |
Box 132 Folder 3 | Biographies of philosophers |
Box 132 Folder 4 | Biographers extant |
Box 132 Folder 5 | Histories of schools |
Box 132 Folder 6 | Diogenes Laertius |
Box 132 Folder 7 | Histories of ancient philosophy |
Box 132 Folder 9 | William Enfield |
Box 132 Folder 10 | History of logic |
Box 132 Folder 11 | Ancient philosphy |
Box 132 Folder 13 | Aristotle |
Box 132 Folder 14 | Greek music |
Box 132 Folder 16 | Academics |
Box 132 Folder 17 | Lucretius |
Box 132 Folder 21 | Alexandria |
Box 132 Folder 22 | Plotinus |
Box 132 Folder 24 | Jamblichus |
Box 132 Folder 25 | Roman Law |
Box 132 Folder 26 | Minucius Felix |
Box 132 Folder 29 | Augustine |
Box 132 Folder 30 | Martianus Capella |
Box 132 Folder 31 | Boethius |
Box 132 Folder 32 | Isidore of Seville |
Box 132 Folder 33 | Seven Liberal Arts |
Box 132 Folder 34 | Carolingian Renaissance |
Box 133 Folder 1 | Alcuin, 730-804 |
Box 133 Folder 2 | Abbot Fredegisus, 819 |
Box 133 Folder 3 | Agobard of Lyons |
Box 133 Folder 4 | Hrabanus Maurus, 776/784-856 |
Box 133 Folder 5 | Candidus of Fulda |
Box 133 Folder 6 | Servatus Lupus of Ferrieres |
Box 133 Folder 7 | Hincmar of Rheims |
Box 133 Folder 8 | John Scotus Eriugena, 800/815-877(?) |
Box 133 Folder 9 | Heiricus of Auxera, 841-876 |
Box 133 Folder 10 | Remigius of Auxerre, 841-908 |
Box 133 Folder 11 | Gerbert of Aurillac |
Box 133 Folder 12 | Reason and Faith |
Box 133 Folder 13 | Fulbert of Chartres |
Box 133 Folder 14 | Berengar of Tours |
Box 133 Folder 15 | Anselm the Peripatetic |
Box 133 Folder 16 | Peter Damiani, 1007-1072 |
Box 133 Folder 17 | Lanfranc, 1010-1089 |
Box 133 Folder 18 | Saint Anselm, 1033-1109 |
Box 133 Folder 19 | Roscelin, ca. 1050-1123/5 |
Box 133 Folder 20 | Constantinus Africanus, ca. 1015-1085 |
Box 133 Folder 21 | Twelfth Century |
Box 133 Folder 22 | William of Champeaux, ca. 1070-1121 |
Box 133 Folder 23 | Peter Abailard (Abelard), 1079-1142 |
Box 133 Folder 24 | Bernard of Chartres |
Box 133 Folder 25 | Bernard Sylvester |
Box 133 Folder 26 | William of Conches |
Box 133 Folder 27 | Bernard of Clairvaux |
Box 133 Folder 28 | Gilbert de la Porree |
Box 133 Folder 29 | Thierry of Chartres |
Box 133 Folder 30 | Adelard of Bath |
Box 133 Folder 31 | Hermann of Carinthia |
Box 133 Folder 32 | John of Salisbury |
Box 133 Folder 33 | Hugo of St. Victor |
Box 133 Folder 34 | Walter of St. Victor |
Box 133 Folder 35 | Alan of Lille |
Box 133 Folder 36 | Isaac Israeli |
Box 133 Folder 37 | Maimonides |
Box 133 Folder 38 | Thirteenth Century |
Box 133 Folder 39 | William of Auvergne |
Box 133 Folder 40 | Robert Grosseteste |
Box 133 Folder 41 | Thomas of York |
Box 133 Folder 42 | Alexander of Hales |
Box 133 Folder 43 | John of La Rochelle |
Box 133 Folder 44 | Bonaventura |
Box 133 Folder 45 | Albertus Magnus |
Box 133 Folder 46 | Thomas Aquinas |
Box 133 Folder 47 | R. Bacon |
Box 133 Folder 48 | William of Ockham |
Box 133 Folder 49 | John Buridan |
Box 133 Folder 50 | Nicholas of Oresme |
Box 133 Folder 51 | Albert of Saxony |
Box 133 Folder 52 | Petrarch |
Box 133 Folder 53 | Marsilius Ficinus |
Box 133 Folder 54 | Pampanazzi |
Box 133 Folder 55 | Sixteenth century |
Box 133 Folder 57 | M. Luther |
Box 133 Folder 58 | Logic, sixteenth century |
Box 133 Folder 59 | B. Telesio |
Box 133 Folder 60 | G. Galileo |
Box 133 Folder 61 | P. Ramus |
Box 133 Folder 62 | Seventeenth century |
Box 133 Folder 63 | F. Bacon |
Box 133 Folder 64 | Descartes |
Box 133 Folder 65 | Thomas Hobbes |
Box 133 Folder 66 | Cambridge Platonists |
Box 133 Folder 68 | Culverwell |
Box 133 Folder 69 | Cudworth |
Box 133 Folder 71 | B. Spinoza |
Box 133 Folder 72 | I. Newton |
Box 133 Folder 74 | Berkeley |
Box 133 Folder 75 | David Hume |
Box 133 Folder 76 | A. Smith |
Box 133 Folder 78 | Ch. Wolff |
Box 133 Folder 79 | Montesquieu, 1689-1755 |
Box 133 Folder 80 | Voltaire, 1694-1778 |
Box 133 Folder 81 | D'Alembert |
Box 133 Folder 82 | Diderot, 1713-1784 |
Box 133 Folder 83 | Rousseau, 1712-1778 |
Box 133 Folder 84 | Helvetius |
Box 133 Folder 85 | Condillac, 1715-1780 |
Box 133 Folder 86 | Nineteenth century |
Box 134 Folder 1 | Schelling |
Box 134 Folder 3 | Schleiermacher |
Box 134 Folder 4 | Schopenhauer |
Box 134 Folder 5 | Jefferson |
Box 134 Folder 7 | L. de Bonald |
Box 134 Folder 8 | M. de Biran |
Box 134 Folder 9 | Traditionalists |
Box 134 Folder 10 | A. Comte, 1798-1857 |
Box 134 Folder 11 | Thomas Reid |
Box 134 Folder 12 | W. Hamilton |
Box 134 Folder 13 | J. S. Mill |
Box 134 Folder 14 | Kierkegaard |
Box 134 Folder 15 | H. Spencer, 1820-1903 |
Box 134 Folder 16 | J. Clerk Maxwell |
Box 134 Folder 17 | H. Poincare |
Box 134 Folder 19 | F. Engels |
Box 134 Folder 21 | Bosanquet |
Box 134 Folder 22 | Bradley, 1846-1924 |
Box 134 Folder 23 | C. S. Peirce |
Box 134 Folder 24 | William James |
Box 134 Folder 25 | W. E. Johnson |
Box 134 Folder 27 | H. Bergson |
Box 134 Folder 28 | Modern realism |
Box 134 Folder 29 | Modern physics, Bridgman |
Box 134 Folder 30 | Modern physics, E. Borel |
Box 134 Folder 31 | Modern physics, M. Schlieb |
Box 134 Folder 32 | Modern physics, L. L. Whyte |
Box 134 Folder 33 | B. Russell |
Box 134 Folder 34 | A. S. Eddington |
Box 134 Folder 35 | A. N. Whitehead |
Box 134 Folder 36 | S. Buchanan |
Box 134 Folder 37 | V. Lentzen |
Box 134 Folder 41 | Certainty |
Box 134 Folder 42 | Concepts |
Box 134 Folder 43 | Criticism |
Box 134 Folder 46 | Encyclopedia |
Box 134 Folder 47 | Encyclopedia, ancient |
Box 134 Folder 48 | Encyclopedia, medieval |
Box 134 Folder 49 | Encyclopedia, Byzantine |
Box 134 Folder 50 | Encyclopedia, Renaissance |
Box 134 Folder 51 | Encyclopedia, Arabic |
Box 134 Folder 52 | Encyclopedia, Chinese |
Box 134 Folder 53 | Encyclopedia, seventeenth century |
Box 134 Folder 54 | Encyclopedia, eighteenth century |
Box 134 Folder 55 | Encyclopedia, nineteenth century |
Box 134 Folder 56 | Equality |
Box 134 Folder 62 | Imitation |
Box 134 Folder 63 | Infinite |
Box 134 Folder 64 | Intention |
Box 134 Folder 68 | Law, philosophy of |
Box 134 Folder 74 | Passions |
Box 134 Folder 75 | Philosophy of law |
Box 134 Folder 76 | Physics, mechanics |
Box 135 Folder 1 | [no heading, 2/3 of box] |
Box 135 Folder 2 | Metaphysics |
Box 135 Folder 4 | Method, dialectic |
Box 135 Folder 5 | Method, logistic |
Box 135 Folder 6 | Method, operational |
Box 135 Folder 7 | Method, problematic |
Box 135 Folder 8 | Principles |
Box 135 Folder 9 | Principles, comprehensive |
Box 135 Folder 10 | Principles, simple |
Box 135 Folder 11 | Principles, actional |
Box 135 Folder 12 | Principles, reflexive |
Box 135 Folder 13 | Interpretation |
Box 135 Folder 14 | Interpretation, ontological |
Box 135 Folder 15 | Interpretation, entitative |
Box 135 Folder 16 | Interpretation, existentialist |
Box 135 Folder 17 | Interpretation, essentialist |
Series V: Course Materials |
This material is divided into two primary sections: first, McKeon's lecture
notes; and second, syllabi, examinations and handouts. McKeon typed out the
text of his lectures on letter-size paper folded in half, and these
carefully folded and organized lecture materials fill nine boxes. Some
headings indicate a single lecture from a larger course; others indicate a
series of lectures on a single topic. Many of the headings are
cross-referenced to several different courses. These lecture notes are the
heart of the McKeon collection, as they contain the clearest and most
extensive exposition of his thought available. Since McKeon never produced a
comprehensive work summing up his thought, but instead wrote many essays
detailing certain aspects of his scholarship, this collection of notes on
all his teaching interests provides the researcher with an overall view of
McKeon's philosophy and philosophical methodology.
Subseries 1: Lecture Notes |
Box 136 Folder 1 | Logical theory, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 2 | Logic, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 3 | Logic: ancient and modern, 1929 |
Box 136 Folder 4 | Science and metaphysics, I, Philosophy 107, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 5 | Science and metaphysics, II, 1957-1964 |
Box 136 Folder 6 | Space, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 7 | Time, Philosophy 107, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 8 | Motion, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 9 | Continuity, Philosophy 107, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 10 | Infinite, Philosophy 107, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 11 | Chance and necessity, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 12 | Science and metaphysics, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 13 | Science and philosophy, n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 14 | Modern science, 1953-1968 |
Box 136 Folder 15 | Observation, Interpretation, Integration n.d. |
Box 136 Folder 16 | Concepts and Methods, I, Concepts and Methods 201, 211,
1961-1963 |
Box 136 Folder 17 | Concepts and Methods, II, Concepts and Methods 202, 212,
1962-1963 |
Box 137 Folder 1 | Concepts and Methods, III, Concepts and Methods 201, 203,
213, Ideas and Methods 213, 1954-1968 |
Box 137 Folder 2 | Philosophy meetings, n.d. |
Box 137 Folder 3 | Aesthetics and criticism, Ideas and Methods 213, 1954-1968
Aesthetics, 1945-1978 |
Box 137 Folder 4 | Philosophy, history and poetry, Humanities 243, Ideas and
Methods 243, 291, 1968 |
Box 137 Folder 5 | Philosophy and music, Humanities 244, Ideas and Methods 244,
292, 1969-970 |
Box 137 Folder 6 | Philosophy and the arts, Humanities 245, Ideas and Methods
245, 293, 1969-1970 |
Box 137 Folder 7 | Character, n.d. |
Box 137 Folder 8 | Humanities, 1944-1973 |
Box 137 Folder 9 | Education, 1950-1976 |
Box 137 Folder 10 | Philosophy of education, 1938-1963 |
Box 137 Folder 11 | Philosophy and culture, 1956-1975 |
Box 137 Folder 12 | Liberal arts, Literature 211, 1962-1984 |
Box 138 Folder 1 | Seventeenth century, Concepts and Methods 201, Philosophy
266, 268, 335, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 2 | Bacon, Francis, Philosophy 180, 268, 328, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 3 | Descartes, Philosophy 180, 379, 1968 |
Box 138 Folder 4 | Hobbes, Philosophy 180, 360, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 5 | Hobbes, Leviathan, 1957 |
Box 138 Folder 6 | Spinoza, Philosophy 368, 1963-1968 |
Box 138 Folder 7 | Newton, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 8 | Locke, Philosophy 180, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 9 | Leibniz, Philosophy 180, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 10 | Eighteenth century, Philosophy 267, 335, 350,
1974 |
Box 138 Folder 11 | Hume, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 12 | Rousseau, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 13 | Voltaire, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 14 | Kant, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 15 | Hegel, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 16 | Lotze, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 17 | English philosophy, 18th and 19th centuries, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 18 | Nineteenth century, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 19 | Comte, Literature 211, Philosophy 266, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 20 | Twentieth century, Philosophy 247, 267, 268, 278, 335, 350,
351, 352, Concepts and Methods 201, 203, 1957-1970 |
Box 138 Folder 21 | French philosophy, 20th century, Philosophy 267, 358,
Humanities 245, 1954-1955 |
Box 138 Folder 22 | Peirce, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 23 | Wittgenstein and positivism, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 24 | Moore, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 25 | Questions for Pilate, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 26 | Dewey, 1983 |
Box 138 Folder 27 | Russell, n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 28 | Conflict and communication in modern philosophy,
n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 29 | Modern historians of philosophy, Philosophy 169,
n.d. |
Box 138 Folder 30 | Physics: old and new, 1930 |
Box 138 Folder 31 | Fashions in Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Thomas, Spinoza,
Dewey |
Box 139 Folder 1 | Semantics of political terms, n.d. |
Box 139 Folder 2 | Philosophic bases of political controversies,
n.d. |
Box 139 Folder 3 | Philosophical bases of political and social thought, History
of Culture 221, n.d. |
Box 139 Folder 4 | Politics, 1947-1966 |
Box 139 Folder 5 | Political concepts, sovereignty, justice, law, freedom,
n.d. |
Box 139 Folder 6 | American political doctrines, 1960-1975 |
Box 139 Folder 7 | Responsibility and freedom, 1959-1960 |
Box 139 Folder 8 | Justice and Power, Philosophy 338, 1978 |
Box 139 Folder 9 | Rights, 1950-1983 |
Box 139 Folder 10 | Philosophy of Law, n.d. |
Box 139 Folder 11 | Philosophy of Law, II, 1954-1962 |
Box 139 Folder 12 | Philosophy of equality, 1974 |
Box 139 Folder 13 | UNESCO, 1946-1976 |
Box 139 Folder 14 | Miscellaneous, 1953, 1971-1975 |
Box 140 Folder 1 | Intellectual history of western Europe, History 303,
Philosophy 334, Philosophy 162, Ideas and Methods 291, Greek
315 |
Box 140 Folder 2 | History of ideas |
Box 140 Folder 3 | History of histories of philosophy, Philosophy 169, Greek
315 |
Box 140 Folder 4 | History of logic, ancient and medieval, Literature 211,
Philosophy 334 |
Box 140 Folder 5 | Greek medicine, History 303, Ideas and Methods
291 |
Box 140 Folder 6 | Ionian philosophers, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 7 | Pythagoreans, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 8 | Eleatics, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 9 | Atomists, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 10 | Heraclitus, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 11 | Empedocles, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 12 | Anaxagoras, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 13 | Sophists, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 14 | Socrates, History 303, Greek 315 |
Box 140 Folder 16 | Plato, Protagoras |
Box 140 Folder 17 | Plato, minor dialogues |
Box 140 Folder 18 | Plato, Symposium |
Box 140 Folder 19 | Plato, Phaedrus |
Box 140 Folder 20 | Plato, Theaetetus |
Box 140 Folder 21 | Plato, Cratylus |
Box 140 Folder 22 | Plato, Sophist |
Box 140 Folder 23 | Plato, Philebus |
Box 140 Folder 24 | Plato, Timaeus |
Box 140 Folder 25 | Plato, Republic |
Box 140 Folder 26 | Plato, Laws |
Box 140 Folder 27 | Plato as historian of philosophy, Philosophy 169 |
Box 140 Folder 28 | Aristotle, Greek 315, Philosophy 334, Ideas and Methods
291 |
Box 140 Folder 29 | Aristotle as historian of philosophy, Philosophy
169 |
Box 140 Folder 30 | Aristotle, Organon |
Box 140 Folder 31 | Aristotle, Physics |
Box 140 Folder 32 | Aristotle, De Anima |
Box 140 Folder 33 | Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics |
Box 140 Folder 34 | Aristotle, Politics |
Box 140 Folder 35 | Aristotle, Poetics |
Box 141 Folder 1 | Aristotle, Metaphysics |
Box 141 Folder 2 | Aristotle, Rhetoric |
Box 141 Folder 3 | Greek mathematics and science, History 303 |
Box 141 Folder 4 | Greek literature |
Box 141 Folder 5 | Greek history |
Box 141 Folder 6 | Platonism and Aristotelianism |
Box 141 Folder 8 | Hellenistic thought, History 303, Greek 316, Philosophy
334 |
Box 141 Folder 9 | Hellenistic historians and biographers, Philosophy
169 |
Box 141 Folder 10 | Roman philosophy, Philosophy 316, Philosophy 334, Literature
211 |
Box 141 Folder 11 | Roman and patristic historians of philosophy, Philosophy
169 |
Box 141 Folder 13 | Plotinus |
Box 141 Folder 14 | Medieval history |
Box 141 Folder 15 | Liberal arts, Literature 211 |
Box 141 Folder 16 | Medieval Latin |
Box 141 Folder 17 | Quadrivium |
Box 141 Folder 19 | Patristic philosophy, Philosophy 177, Philosophy
316 |
Box 141 Folder 20 | Medieval historians of philosophy, Philosophy 169 |
Box 141 Folder 21 | Medieval thought |
Box 141 Folder 22 | Modern problems in medieval thinkers, Augustine, Abailard
(Abelard), Aquinas, Bacon, Duns Scotus, William of
Ockham |
Box 141 Folder 23 | St. Ambrose, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 316 |
Box 141 Folder 24 | St. Jerome, Philosophy 177 |
Box 141 Folder 25 | St. Augustine, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 169, Philosophy
334 |
Box 141 Folder 26 | Boethius, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 316 |
Box 141 Folder 27 | Eleventh century, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 317 |
Box 141 Folder 28 | Dark Ages, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 317, Philosophy
334 |
Box 141 Folder 29 | John Scotus Eriugena, Philosophy 177, Philosophy
317 |
Box 141 Folder 30 | Twelfth century, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 317, Philosophy
334, Literature 211 |
Box 141 Folder 31 | Arabic and Hebrew philosophy, Philosophy 177 |
Box 141 Folder 32 | Maimonides |
Box 142 Folder 1 | Thirteenth century, Philosophy 177, Philosophy 178,
Philosophy 335 |
Box 142 Folder 2 | Bonaventura, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 3 | Albertus Magnus, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 4 | Thomas Aquinas, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 5 | Latin Averroism, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 6 | Roger Bacon, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 7 | Duns Scotus, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 8 | Raymond Lully, Spanish philosophy in the 13th and 14th
centuries, Philosophy 178 |
Box 142 Folder 9 | Fourteenth century, Philosophy 178, Philosophy 179,
Philosophy 335 |
Box 142 Folder 10 | William of Ockham, Philosophy 178, Philosophy 198 |
Box 142 Folder 11 | Adam Wodham, Robert Holcot, Gregory of Rimini, John of
Mirecourt, Nicholas of Autrecourt, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 12 | Peter d'Ailly, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 13 | Marsilius of Inghen, John Charlier de Gerson, Philosophy
180 |
Box 142 Folder 14 | John Buridan, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 15 | Albert of Saxony, Nicholas of Oresme, Richard Swineshead,
William of Heytesbury, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 16 | John of Jandun, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 17 | John of Baconthorp, Thomas Bradwardine, Philosophy
180 |
Box 142 Folder 18 | Nicholas of Cusa, Raymond of Sebonde, Philosophy
180 |
Box 142 Folder 19 | Renaissance, Philosphy 180, Philosophy 335, Literature
211 |
Box 142 Folder 20 | Ramus, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 21 | Renaissance, Telesio, Campanella, Galileo, Philosophy
180 |
Box 142 Folder 22 | Bruno, Philosophy 180 |
Box 142 Folder 23 | Spanish philosophy and theology, 16th and 17th
centuries |
Box 142 Folder 25 | Science in antiquity and the Middle Ages |
Box 142 Folder 26 | Metaphysics, continuity and being |
Box 142 Folder 27 | Metaphysics, principles and categories |
Box 142 Folder 28 | Semantics, hypotheses and statements |
Box 142 Folder 29 | Art, themes and arguments |
Box 142 Folder 30 | Inquiry, systems and structures |
Box 142 Folder 32 | Invention and justification, topics |
Box 142 Folder 33 | Interpretation and verification, hypotheses |
Box 142 Folder 34 | Arts and demonstrations, themes |
Box 143 Folder 1 | Philosophic semantics and philosophic inquiry |
Box 143 Folder 2 | Method, dialectic and logic |
Box 143 Folder 3 | Philosophy and language, Philosophy 350 |
Box 143 Folder 4 | Philosophy and science, Philosophy 352 |
Box 143 Folder 5 | Creativity, poetic and rhetoric |
Box 143 Folder 6 | Facts and categories |
Box 143 Folder 7 | Facts, categories and experience |
Box 143 Folder 8 | Carus lectures |
Box 143 Folder 9 | Philosophy of communication and the arts |
Box 143 Folder 10 | Philosophy of interpretation |
Box 143 Folder 11 | Ethical theory |
Box 143 Folder 12 | Ethics, old and new |
Box 143 Folder 13 | Religion |
Box 143 Folder 14 | Semantics and modern thought |
Box 143 Folder 15 | Culture and world community |
Box 143 Folder 17 | History of ideas |
Box 143 Folder 18 | Philosophy and history |
Box 143 Folder 19 | Philosophy and history, Philosophy 351 |
Box 143 Folder 20 | Discipline of history |
Box 143 Folder 21 | untitled section |
Box 144 Folder 1 | Aristotle |
Box 144 Folder 3 | Criticism |
Box 145 Folder 1 | Miscellaneous lecture notes, n.d. |
Subseries 2: Syllabi, Examinations, Handouts |
Box 145 Folder 2 | Classical Civilization I, 1948-1950 |
Box 145 Folder 3-4 | Concepts and Methods in the Natural Sciences, lectures, 1958,
1963 |
Box 145 Folder 5-6 | Concepts and Methods in the Natural Sciences, readings,
n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 7 | Disciplines of the Humanities [DiscHum.] 261, Philosophy
[Phil.] 350, Ideas and Methods [I and M] 350, Philosophy and
Language, 1973 |
Box 145 Folder 8 | DiscHum. 262, Phil. 351, I and M 362, Philosophy and History,
1974 |
Box 145 Folder 9 | DiscHum. 263, Phil. 352, I and M 363, Philosophy and Science,
1974 |
Box 145 Folder 10 | DiscHum. 266, Phil. 266/366, I and M 266/366, Invention and
Justification: Topics, 1972 |
Box 145 Folder 11 | DiscHum. 281, Philosophy and Medicine, 1975 |
Box 145 Folder 12 | DiscHum. 267, Phil. 267/367, I and M 267/367, Interpretation
and Verification: Hypotheses, 1973 |
Box 145 Folder 13 | DiscHum. 268, Phil. 268/368, I and M 268/368, Arts and
Demonstration: Themes, 1973 |
Box 145 Folder 14 | Greek 315, The History of Greek Philosophy, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 15 | History [Hist.] 303/304/305, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 16 | Hist. 308, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 17 | Hist. 401, The Discipline of History, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 18 | History of Culture [HisCul.] 213, Modern Philosophers,
n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 19 | HisCul. 221, The Philosophic Bases of Political and Social
Thought, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 20 | Humanities [Hum.] 233, n.d. |
Box 145 Folder 21 | Hum. 243, I and M 243/291, Philosophy, History, and Poetry,
1969 |
Box 146 Folder 1-2 | Hum. 244, I and M 244/292, Philosophy and Music, 1969,
1970 |
Box 146 Folder 3-4 | Hum. 245, I and M 245/293, Philosophy and the Arts,
1969-1970 |
Box 146 Folder 5-6 | Hum. 245, readings |
Box 146 Folder 7 | Hum. 254, Phil. 277/377, I and M 277, Semantics: Hypotheses
and Statements, 1971 |
Box 146 Folder 8 | Hum. 255, Phil. 278/378, I and M 378, Arts: Themes and
Arguments, 1972 |
Box 146 Folder 9 | Hum. 256, Phil. 279/379, I and M 379, Inquiry: Systems and
Structures, 1972 |
Box 146 Folder 10 | Hum. 277, I and M 277, Aristotle and the Development of
Logic, 1970 |
Box 146 Folder 11 | Hum. 278, I and M 278, Aristotle and the Development of
Scientific Method, 1971 |
Box 146 Folder 12 | Hum. 279, I and M 279/379, Aristotle and the Development of
Literary Criticism, 1971 |
Box 146 Folder 13 | I and M 201/211, 1959-1963 |
Box 147 Folder 1 | I and M 202/212, 1956-1965 |
Box 147 Folder 2 | I and M 203/213, Hum 286, Esthetics and Criticism,
1960-1969 |
Box 147 Folder 3 | I and M 211/212/213, examinations, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 4 | I and M 251/253, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 5 | I and M 291, Philosophy, the Arts and the Sciences in Greece
and Rome, 1964-1966 |
Box 147 Folder 6 | I and M 292, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion: Patristic
and Medieval, 1963, 1967 |
Box 147 Folder 7 | I and M 293, Philosophy in the Renaissance, 1967 |
Box 147 Folder 8 | I and M 334/392, Metaphysics, 1949, 1965 |
Box 147 Folder 9 | I and M 338, Textual Interpretation and Historical Influence,
1946 |
Box 147 Folder 10 | I and M 371, Metaphysics: Principles and Categories,
1969 |
Box 147 Folder 11 | I and M 372, Methods: Dialectic and Logic, 1970 |
Box 147 Folder 12 | I and M 373, Creativity: Poetic and Rhetoric, Making and
Inventing, 1970 |
Box 147 Folder 13 | I and M 378, Phil. 347, The Philosophy of Cicero,
1941-1965 |
Box 147 Folder 14 | Literature 211, The History, Theory, and Uses of the Liberal
Arts, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 15 | Medieval Studies 300, Introduction to Medieval Studies,
1966 |
Box 147 Folder 16 | Observation, Interpretation and Integration, 1944 |
Box 147 Folder 17 | Phil. 21a, Ancient and Medieval Philosophy I-IV, Yale
University, 1962 |
Box 147 Folder 18 | Phil. 24b, Political Science [PolSci.] 55b, A Critical Study
of Marxist Theory, 1962 |
Box 147 Folder 19 | Phil. 162, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 20 | Phil. 180/317 Mediaeval Philosophy, 1964, 1939 |
Box 147 Folder 21 | Phil. 236, Karl Jaspers, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 22 | Phil. 244, Philosophy of Communication and Arts: Rhetoric and
Poetic, 1967 |
Box 147 Folder 23 | Phil. 311, Introduction to the Philosophy of Space and Time,
1961 |
Box 147 Folder 24 | Phil. 316, Hellenistic and Patristic, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 25 | Phil. 327, Social and Political Philosophy,
1950-1952 |
Box 147 Folder 26 | Phil. 328, Facts and Categories, 1964 |
Box 147 Folder 27 | Phil. 334/335, The History of Logic, 1939, 1940, 1953,
1954 |
Box 147 Folder 28 | Phil. 336, Philosophy and Culture, The Semantics of Political
Terms |
Box 147 Folder 29 | Phil. 338, Law 535, Justice and Power, 1945 |
Box 147 Folder 30 | Phil. 339, The Philosophy of the Twelfth Century,
1955 |
Box 147 Folder 31 | Phil. 340, The Philosophic Foundations of American Political
Doctrines, 1960 |
Box 147 Folder 32 | Phil. 342, Readings in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, The
Philosophy of Interpretation, 1948, 1964-1965 |
Box 147 Folder 33 | Phil. 347/361/364/366, The Philosophy of Plato,
1950-1966 |
Box 147 Folder 34 | Phil. 348, I and M 252/348, Survey of Rhetorics, Philosophy
of Education, 1950- 1954 |
Box 147 Folder 35 | Phil. 353, Philosophy and History, 1967 |
Box 147 Folder 36 | Phil. 356, Metaphysics: Continuity and Being, Philosophy of
Law, 1967 |
Box 147 Folder 37 | Phil. 358, Leibniz, Hume, and Kant, Recent French Philosophy,
1955 |
Box 147 Folder 38 | Phil. 360, The Philosophy of the Seventeenth Century: Hobbes,
1937 |
Box 147 Folder 39 | Phil. 365, The Philosophy of Equality, 1963 |
Box 147 Folder 40 | Phil. 368, The Philosophy of Spinoza, 1963, 1968 |
Box 147 Folder 41 | Phil. 371, The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, 1941 |
Box 147 Folder 42 | Phil. 375/376/378, Greek 375/376, The Philosophy of
Aristotle, 1948-1967 |
Box 147 Folder 43 | Phil. 391, n.d. |
Box 147 Folder 44 | Phil. 393, Lit. 302/303, Aesthetics and Criticism,
1950 |
Box 147 Folder 45 | Phil. 394, I and M 394, Culture and World Community,
1949 |
Box 147 Folder 46 | Phil. 403, The Philosophy of Art, n.d. |
Box 148 Folder 1 | Phil. 440a/640a, Plato and the Platonic Tradition,
1979 |
Box 148 Folder 2 | Phil. 450, Logical Theory, n.d. |
Box 148 Folder 3 | Phil. 484, A History of Histories of Philosophy,
1959 |
Box 148 Folder 4 | Philosophy, general, syllabi, 1939-1969 |
Box 148 Folder 5 | Philosophy, moral and political, 1920-1957 |
Box 148 Folder 6 | Syllabi from Columbia University, 1934 |
Box 148 Folder 7-9 | Miscellaneous syllabi, 1932-1973 |
Box 148 Folder 10-11 | Class readings, n.d. |
Box 149 Folder 1-3 | Class readings, n.d. |
Box 149 Folder 4 | Examinations, comprehensive, 1940-1971 |
Box 149 Folder 5 | Examinations, preliminary, 1964-1969 |
Box 149 Folder 6 | Examinations, qualifying, 1940 |
Box 149 Folder 7-9 | Examinations, philosophy, 1943-1969 |
Box 149 Folder 10 | Examinations, I and M, A.B. and M.A., 1964-1968 |
Box 149 Folder 11-12 | Examinations, I and M, comprehensive, 1958-1975 |
Box 150 Folder 1-3 | Examinations, miscellaneous, 1948-1974 |
Box 150 Folder 4 | "How the Romans Influenced Us," lectures, n.d. |
Box 150 Folder 5-8 | Natural science experiments, first year laboratory exercises,
St. Johns, 1942-1943 |
Box 150 Folder 9 | "Outline of Lectures for a Course on the Folk Society,"
n.d. |
Box 150 Folder 10 | Semantics and Modern Thought, reading list, n.d. |
Box 150 Folder 11 | Plato and Aristotle reading course, 1981 |
Box 150 Folder 12 | Dickoff, J., and P. James, Phil. 11a/15b/156a,
1968 |
Box 150 Folder 13 | Wolhstetter, A., PolSci. 366, 1966 |
Box 150 Folder 14 | Student papers, 1949 |
Series VI is organized chronologically, and the information contained in each
folder generally consists of correspondence regarding a particular
conference and a few of the papers presented there. McKeon was heavily
involved in conferences and long-term projects sponsored by the Jewish
Theological Seminary of America, especially their annual Conference on
Science, Philosophy, and Religion and their Institute on Ethics. Papers from
these associations appear throughout the series. Another significant project
was the Rockefeller Brothers Special Studies Project, a study of the state
of the United States and its domestic and international goals at the height
of the Cold War.
Box 151 Folder 1 | Joint Meeting of the American Philosophical Society with
Representatives of Foundations, Societies, Universities, and
Institutions, Administering Funds in Aid of Research, 1937 |
Box 151 Folder 2 | "Conference on Teaching Modern Foreign Languages," New York,
1943 |
Box 151 Folder 3 | "Conference on Area and Language Programs in American
Universities," Rockefeller Foundation, Philadelphia, 1944 |
Box 151 Folder 4 | "The Humanistic Tradition in the Century Ahead," Princeton
Bicentennial, 1946 |
Box 151 Folder 5 | "The Development of International Society," Princeton
Bicentennial, 1946 |
Box 151 Folder 6 | "The World Community," Norman Wait Harris Foundation, 23rd
Institute, 1947 |
Box 151 Folder 7-8 | Contribution of Philosophy to World Cooperation, Manhattanville
College of the Sacred Heart, 1947 |
Box 151 Folder 9 | Second Informal Conference of Deans of Arts and Sciences and
Their Administrative Associates, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical
College, 1948 |
Box 151 Folder 10 | Conference on Religion in American Life, American Council of
Learned Societies, 1950 |
Box 152 Folder 1 | Seminar on Education, Philadelphia, 1952 |
Box 152 Folder 2-3 | Conference on Moral Standards, Jewish Theological Seminary of
America, 1953 |
Box 152 Folder 4 | Symbolism seminar, Institute for Religious and Social Studies,
1953 |
Box 152 Folder 5 | "The Exchange of Professional, Scholarly, and Scientific Persons:
A Conference" sponsored by the Conference Board of Associated Research
Councils, Princeton, 1954 |
Box 152 Folder 6 | Indian Philosophical Congress, University of Ceylon,
1954 |
Box 152 Folder 7 | Eleventh Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion,
1955 |
Box 152 Folder 8-9 | "Aspects of Human Equality," Fifteenth Conference on Science,
Philosophy, and Religion, 1956 |
Box 153 Folder 1 | "Problems of Communication in a Pluralistic Society," Marquette
University 75th Anniversary Conference, 1956 |
Box 153 Folder 2 | Conference on Responsibility at Lake Mohonk, Institute on Ethics
of the Institute for Religious and Social Studies, Jewish Theological
Seminary of America, 1957 |
Box 153 Folder 3 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, correspondence, 1957 |
Box 153 Folder 4-8 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Overall Panel, reports and meetings,
1957 |
Box 153 Folder 9-10 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel I, U.S. International
Objectives and Strategy, reports and meetings, 1957-1959 |
Box 153 Folder 11 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel II, U.S. International
Security Objectives and Strategy, reports, 1957-1958 |
Box 154 Folder 1-2 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel II, U.S. International
Security Objectives and Strategy, reports, 1957-1958 |
Box 154 Folder 3-5 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel III, U.S. International
Economic Objectives and Strategy, reports, 1957-1958 |
Box 154 Folder 6-9 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel IV, U.S. Economic and Social
Objectives and Strategy, reports and meetings, 1957-1958 |
Box 155 Folder 1-5 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel V, U.S. Utilization of Human
Resources, reports, April 1957-1958 |
Box 155 Folder 6-8 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel VI, U.S. Democratic
Process--Its Challenge and Opportunity, reports and meetings,
1957 |
Box 155 Folder 9-11 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel VII, The Moral Framework of
National Purpose, reports and papers, 1957 |
Box 156 Folder 1-2 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Subpanel VII, The Moral Framework of
National Purpose, reports and papers, 1957 |
Box 156 Folder 3 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund, news reports, 1958 |
Box 156 Folder 4-5 | Philosophy and Mankind, 1959 |
Box 156 Folder 6-7 | New York Seminar on Education and Mankind, 1959 |
Box 156 Folder 8 | Third East-West Philosophers Conference, 1959 |
Box 156 Folder 9-10 | "One World--One Ethic?", Conference on Science, Philosophy, and
Religion, 1959 |
Box 157 Folder 1 | Mid-Winter Seminar, Herbert H. Lehman Institute of Talmudic
Ethics, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1959 |
Box 157 Folder 2 | Fourth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Conferences on Science,
Philosophy and Religion, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, papers,
ca. 1950s |
Box 157 Folder 3 | Institute on Ethics of the Institute for Religious and Social
Studies, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, papers, ca.
1950s |
Box 157 Folder 4-5 | Law and Mankind, 1960 |
Box 157 Folder 6-7 | Sixteenth Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion in
Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, 1960 |
Box 158 Folder 1-7 | Sixteenth Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion in
Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, 1960 |
Box 159 Folder 1 | Washington Conference, Fund for the Republic, 1961 |
Box 159 Folder 2 | Lake Mohonk Discussions, Conference on Science, Philosophy, and
Religion, 1961-1964 |
Box 159 Folder 3 | Institute for Religious and Social Studies, 1961-1964 |
Box 159 Folder 4 | History and Mankind, 1962 |
Box 159 Folder 5-6 | Technology and the Idea of Mankind, 1963 |
Box 159 Folder 7 | International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies,
VIIth General Assembly, 1963 |
Box 159 Folder 8 | Fourth East-West Philosophers Conference, 1964 |
Box 160 Folder 1 | Fourth East-West Philosophers Conference, 1964 |
Box 160 Folder 2-4 | Mental Health and the Idea of Mankind, 1964 |
Box 160 Folder 5-6 | Law and the Idea of Mankind, 1964 |
Box 160 Folder 7 | Rhetoric-Philosophy Colloquium, 1964 |
Box 160 Folder 8 | Institut International de Philosophie, Entretiens de Jerusalem,
1965 |
Box 161 Folder 1 | Illinois Philosophy Conference, 1966 |
Box 161 Folder 2-4 | Seventeenth Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion in
Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, 1966 |
Box 161 Folder 5 | "Moral Insight," Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion,
1968 |
Box 161 Folder 6-7 | International Philosophy Year, conference series at the State
University of New York, 1968 |
Box 161 Folder 8 | Institut International de Philosophie, Entretiens de
Liége, 1968 |
Box 162 Folder 1 | Illinois Philosophy Conference, 1968 |
Box 162 Folder 2 | "A Semantic History of Alienation," Fifth East-West Philosophers
Conference, 1969 |
Box 162 Folder 3 | Illinois Philosophy Conference, 1969 |
Box 162 Folder 4 | "La Modalité du Jugement chez Aristôte et dans
la Logique Moderne," Bucharest, 1969 |
Box 162 Folder 5 | Symposium on the relation of philosophy to political and social
action, Metaphysical Society of America, 1969 |
Box 162 Folder 6-8 | Rhetoric Conference, Speech Association of America,
1970 |
Box 162 Folder 9 | "The Continuing Dialogue," Convocation Honoring Dr. Ernst Weber,
1970 |
Box 162 Folder 10-11 | "La Philosophie Politique de Hegel," Institut International de
Philosophie Politique, 1970 |
Box 163 Folder 1-3 | Revolutionary Challenges to Religious Liberalism, Meadville
Theological School of Lombard College, 125th Anniversary Year,
1970-1971 |
Box 163 Folder 4-5 | VIII Congreso Interamericano de Filosofia en Brasilia,
1972 |
Box 163 Folder 6 | International Institute of Philosophy conference,
1972 |
Box 163 Folder 7-8 | XVth World Congress of Philosophy, Bulgaria, 1973 |
Box 164 Folder 1-2 | Colloquium on Science, Philosophy and Theology in the Middle
Ages, 1973 |
Box 164 Folder 3 | "Philosophers on Their Own Work," Fédération
Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie, Berne,
Switzerland, 1974 |
Box 164 Folder 4 | Humanities-World Literature Seminar, 1975 |
Box 164 Folder 5-7 | "Freedom of Thought and Expression in the History of Ideas,"
International Society for the History of Ideas, Fourth Conference,
1975 |
Box 164 Folder 8 | "The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of
the Public School," The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,
1976 |
Box 165 Folder 1 | "The Transition of Youth to Constructive Adult Life: The Role of
the Public School," The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,
1976 |
Box 165 Folder 2-3 | "Philosophy in the Life of a Nation: An International Symposium
for the Bicentennial of the American Revolution," Bicentennial Symposium
of Philosophy, New York, 1976 |
Box 165 Folder 4 | American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Annual
Meeting, 1976 |
Box 165 Folder 5 | Philosophy and Social Progress, Fédération
Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie,
1977 |
Box 165 Folder 6 | "The Scott, Foresman Symposium on the Liberal Arts, Organization
of Knowledge, and the Future of the Curriculum: The Philosophy of
Richard P. McKeon," 1977 |
Box 165 Folder 7 | XVIth World Congress of Philosophy, Dusseldorf, 1978 |
Box 165 Folder 8 | Afro-Asian Philosophy Conference, Cairo, 1978 |
Box 165 Folder 9 | "Value and Human Existence," Third International Congress of
Chinese Philosophy, Toronto, 1983 |
Box 165 Folder 10 | American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Annual
Meeting, 1983 |
Box 165 Folder 11 | The Foundations of Critical Pluralism, 1984 |
Box 166 Folder 1-2 | Unidentified and miscellaneous conference materials,
1952-1978 |
Series VII: UNESCO Materials |
Most of the material contained in Series VII consists of the official
documents generated at the UNESCO general conferences in 1946, 1947, and
1948. There are also documents from meetings of the United States National
Commission for UNESCO, and a large amount of materials related to UNESCO but
unassociated with a particular conference or commission. The files contain
mostly formal papers and meeting minutes from McKeon's UNESCO days, with
very few handwritten notes or additions that indicate his involvement with
the formation of the reports.
Subseries 1: Preparatory Commission |
Box 167 Folder 1-3 | Meetings, minutes, correspondence, 1945-1946 |
Subseries 2: First General Conference, Paris |
Box 167 Folder 4-5 | U.S. Delegation, "Background Book," 1946 |
Box 167 Folder 6-7 | U.S. Delegation, "Position Book," 1946 |
Box 167 Folder 8 | U.S. Delegation, draft report, 1946-1947 |
Box 168 Folder 1 | List of documents, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 2-3 | Personnel, 1947 |
Box 168 Folder 4 | Statement of principles paper, drafts, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 5-6 | Plenary sessions, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 7 | Administrative, financial, legal and external relations
commission, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 8 | Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Committee, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 9 | Programme commission, 1946 |
Box 168 Folder 10-11 | Programme commission, subcommittee reports, 1946 |
Box 169 Folder 1-6 | Programme commission, subcommittee reports, 1946 |
Box 169 Folder 7 | Correspondence, reports, 1946 |
Box 169 Folder 8-9 | Journal of the General Conference, 1946 |
Subseries 3: Second General Conference, Mexico City |
Box 169 Folder 10 | Background materials, 1947 |
Box 169 Folder 11-12 | "Background Book for the United States Delegation,"
1947 |
Box 170 Folder 1-4 | U.S. delegation, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 5 | U.S. delegation, Budget Subcommittee, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 6 | U.S. delegation, Administrative and External Relations
Commission, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 7 | U.S. delegation, Liaison Committee, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 8 | U.S. delegation, press releases, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 9 | U.S. delegation, final report, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 10 | Resolutions, proposals, 1947 |
Box 170 Folder 11 | Plenary meetings, 1947 |
Box 171 Folder 1-6 | Program and Budget Commission, 1947 |
Box 171 Folder 7 | Administrative and External Relations Commission,
1947 |
Box 171 Folder 8 | Reconstruction working party, reports and resolutions,
1947 |
Box 171 Folder 9 | Free flow of information working party, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 1-2 | Education working party, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 3 | Human and social relations, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 4 | Cultural interchange, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 5 | Philosophy and humanities, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 6-7 | Natural sciences, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 8 | Reports of member states, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 9 | Speeches and press clippings, 1947 |
Box 172 Folder 10 | Executive Board, 1947 |
Box 173 Folder 1-2 | Executive Board, 1947 |
Box 173 Folder 3 | Cultural activities, 1947 |
Box 173 Folder 4-5 | Journal of the General Conference, 1947 |
Subseries 4: Third General Conference, Beirut |
Box 173 Folder 6-7 | Plenary meeting verbatim reports, 1948 |
Box 173 Folder 8 | U.S. Delegation, 1948 |
Box 174 Folder 1 | U.S. Delegation, 1948 |
Box 174 Folder 2 | "History of Action Taken by the Conference on Resolutions
Introduced by the U.S. Delegation," 1948 |
Box 174 Folder 3 | Report of the U.S. Delegation, 1948 |
Box 174 Folder 4-7 | Program and budget commission, 1948 |
Box 174 Folder 8 | Commission reports, 1948 |
Box 175 Folder 1 | Commission reports, 1948 |
Box 175 Folder 2 | Miscellaneous, 1948 |
Box 175 Folder 3 | Journal of the General Conference, 1948 |
Subseries 5: Fifth General Conference, Florence |
Box 175 Folder 4 | "Report of the Director General on the Activities of the
Organization," 1950 |
Subseries 6: Sixth General Conference, Paris |
Box 175 Folder 5 | Conference materials, 1951 |
Box 175 Folder 6 | Journal of the General Conference, 1951 |
Subseries 7: Programme Commission Reports |
Box 175 Folder 7-8 | The yearly programme for UNESCO, 1947-1951 |
Box 176 Folder 1-6 | The yearly programme for UNESCO, 1947-1951 |
Subseries 8: Executive Board of UNESCO Meetings |
Box 176 Folder 7-8 | February 1947 |
Box 176 Folder 9 | April 1947 |
Box 177 Folder 1-4 | July 1947 |
Box 177 Folder 5 | Progress Report of the Director General, 1949 |
Box 177 Folder 6 | March 1953 |
Subseries 9: U.S. National Commission for UNESCO |
Box 177 Folder 7-9 | Executive Committee, 1947 |
Box 177 Folder 10-12 | First meeting, September 1946 |
Box 178 Folder 1-3 | Second meeting, March 1947 |
Box 178 Folder 4-7 | Third meeting, September 1947 |
Box 178 Folder 8-11 | Fourth meeting, February 1948 |
Box 179 Folder 1-5 | Fifth meeting, September 1948 |
Box 179 Folder 6 | Sixth meeting, Reference Book, March 1949 |
Box 179 Folder 7-9 | Seventh meeting, September 1949 |
Box 180 Folder 1-3 | Eighth meeting, April 1950 |
Box 180 Folder 4-5 | Ninth meeting, May 1951 |
Box 180 Folder 6-7 | Tenth meeting, January 1952 |
Box 180 Folder 8 | Eleventh meeting, September 1953 |
Box 180 Folder 9-10 | Mountain-Plains Regional Conference, 1947 |
Box 180 Folder 11 | Pacific Regional Conference, 1948 |
Box 180 Folder 12 | First National Conference, 1947 |
Box 180 Folder 13-14 | Third National Conference, 1952 |
Box 180 Folder 15-16 | Fourth National Conference, 1953 |
Box 180 Folder 17 | Committee on UNESCO Programme, August 1949 |
Box 180 Folder 18 | "Summary of the 1949 Reports of the Members of the U.S.
National Commission for UNESCO," 1949 |
Box 180 Folder 19 | Committee on Review, project proposal, 1950 |
Box 180 Folder 20 | Report on the Fifth General Conference, Florence,
1950 |
Box 180 Folder 21 | "UNESCO: Five Years of Work," January 1951 |
Box 180 Folder 22 | Seminar on "The Role of NGOs [non-government organizations]
in International Intellectual Cooperation," 1964 |
Subseries 10: Miscellaneous |
Box 180 Folder 23 | Newspapers, correspondence, 1945-1947 |
Box 181 Folder 1-2 | Germany, post-war reconstruction, 1945-1948 |
Box 181 Folder 3 | Cohn, Fannia M., pamphlets, 1946 |
Box 181 Folder 4 | Commission for International Educational Reconstruction,
1946-1947 |
Box 181 Folder 5-7 | State Department, 1946-1950 |
Box 181 Folder 8-10 | Reports, comments, correspondence, 1946-1956 |
Box 182 Folder 1 | National commissions, 1947-1948 |
Box 182 Folder 2-4 | Correspondence, 1947-1957 |
Box 182 Folder 5 | Details of the relationship between France and UNESCO,
1947 |
Box 182 Folder 6 | "UNESCO and Public Opinion Today," 1947 |
Box 182 Folder 7 | Union Académique Internationale, meeting reports,
1947 |
Box 182 Folder 8 | Commission on Human Rights, 1947 |
Box 182 Folder 9 | UNESCO World Review, weekly radio news, 1947 |
Box 182 Folder 10 | World Classics, working paper, correspondence,
1947 |
Box 182 Folder 11 | Experts on language problems in education, 1947 |
Box 182 Folder 12 | Summer seminar on international understanding,
1947 |
Box 182 Folder 13 | Social Tensions Project, 1947 |
Box 182 Folder 14-15 | Committee of Experts on Philosophy and Humanistic Studies,
1947 |
Box 182 Folder 16 | Papers and talks about UNESCO, 1947-1950 |
Box 183 Folder 1 | Conference of International Voluntary Organizations on
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, Paris, 1947 |
Box 183 Folder 2-10 | Committee on the Philosophical Principles of Human Rights,
1947 |
Box 184 Folder 1-2 | Committee on the Philosophical Principles of Human Rights,
1947 |
Box 184 Folder 3 | Public liaison, correspondence, 1948 |
Box 184 Folder 4 | Natural science, discussion, "Food and People,"
1948 |
Box 184 Folder 5-6 | Courier, 1948-1952 |
Box 184 Folder 7 | Arts and letters, 1948-1949 |
Box 184 Folder 8-9 | Humanities, 1948-1950 |
Box 184 Folder 10 | Social science, 1948-1949 |
Box 184 Folder 11-13 | Philosophical Analysis of Current Ideological Conflicts,
1948-1950 |
Box 185 Folder 1-6 | Philosophical Analysis of Current Ideological Conflicts,
1948-1950 |
Box 185 Folder 7 | Bok, Bart J., "Freedom of Science," 1949 |
Box 185 Folder 8 | Teaching about UNESCO and the United Nations,
1949 |
Box 185 Folder 9 | Scientific and cultural history of mankind,
1949-1952 |
Box 185 Folder 10 | Humanistic aspects of cultures, 1949 |
Box 185 Folder 11 | Education, 1949-1951 |
Box 185 Folder 12 | Committee on the Comparative Study of Cultures,
1949 |
Box 186 Folder 1-4 | Committee on the Comparative Study of Cultures,
1949 |
Box 186 Folder 5 | Official Bulletin, 1950 |
Box 186 Folder 6 | Impetus, 1950-1951 |
Box 186 Folder 7 | "The Technique of International Conferences: A Progress
Report on Research Problems and Methods," Paris, 1951 |
Box 186 Folder 8 | Enquiry into the teaching of philosophy,
1951-1952 |
Box 186 Folder 9 | Evans, Luther H., "The Truth about UNESCO," speech,
1952 |
Box 186 Folder 10 | "Reports of the International Organizations in the Field of
Cultural Activities," 1952 |
Box 186 Folder 11 | Kansas Commission for UNESCO, "Free Men and Collective
Responsibility," speech by McKeon, 1952 |
Box 186 Folder 12 | UNESCO Features, 1954-1956 |
Box 187 Folder 1-2 | "Report of the Zellerbach Commission on the European Refugee
Situation," 1957 |
Box 187 Folder 3-4 | International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies,
papers on the role of the humanities in the modern world,
1959 |
Box 187 Folder 5 | Human rights, home study course, n.d. |
Box 187 Folder 6-8 | Enquète sur le rôle des études
classiques et humanistes dans l'education, n.d. |
Box 187 Folder 9 | van Dantzig, Prof. Dr. D. "An Essay Towards the Conceptual
Analysis of Terms used in Ideological Conflicts," n.d. |
Box 188 Folder 1-3 | Miscellaneous, 1948-1960 |
Series VIII: Encyclopaedia Britannica |
This series contains materials from meetings of the Board of Editors of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica from 1957-1966. It also contains correspondence and
drafts of articles from a proposed complete rearrangement of the
Encyclopaedia through the presentation of "roof articles," a series of
articles that were meant to give a broad overview of the state of knowledge
in almost every human endeavor. The economic order, religion, education,
language, and philosophy were several of the divisions of knowledge
identified by the editors.
Box 189 Folder 1 | History of the Encyclopaedia Britannica,
1941-1943 |
Box 189 Folder 2 | History of encyclopedias, n.d. |
Subseries 2: Board of Editors Meetings |
Box 189 Folder 6 | January-March 1960 |
Box 189 Folder 7 | April 1960 |
Box 189 Folder 8-9 | June-October 1960 |
Box 190 Folder 2 | January-June 1963 |
Box 190 Folder 3 | October 1963-January 1964 |
Box 190 Folder 4 | June 1964-January 1965 |
Subseries 3: Roof articles project |
Box 190 Folder 7-8 | General, 1963-1966 |
Box 190 Folder 9 | Economic order, 1961-1962 |
Box 191 Folder 1-3 | Economic order, 1961-1962 |
Box 191 Folder 4-7 | Education, 1962-1964 |
Box 191 Folder 8 | Fine arts and literature, 1962-1963 |
Box 192 Folder 1-2 | Fine arts and literature, 1962-1963 |
Box 192 Folder 3 | Language, 1965-1966 |
Box 192 Folder 4 | Law, 1962-1966 |
Box 192 Folder 5-8 | Mathematics and logic, 1962-1966 |
Box 193 Folder 1 | Medicine, 1962 |
Box 193 Folder 2-5 | Nature, 1963-1965 |
Box 193 Folder 6 | Philosophy, 1962-1964 |
Box 193 Folder 7-10 | Political order, 1962-1966 |
Box 194 Folder 1 | Religion, n.d. |
Box 194 Folder 2-7 | Technology, 1961-1964 |
Box 194 Folder 8 | World order, 1962-1963 |
Subseries 4: Other Articles and Projects |
Box 195 Folder 1 | Table of contents, 1966-1967 |
Box 195 Folder 2 | Biology, n.d. |
Box 195 Folder 3 | Ethics and politics, 1960 |
Box 195 Folder 4 | Geography, n.d. |
Box 195 Folder 5 | History, 1960 |
Box 195 Folder 6 | Military, 1961 |
Box 195 Folder 7 | Philosophy, 1967 |
Box 195 Folder 8 | Religion, 1962 |
Box 195 Folder 9 | Technology, n.d. |
Box 195 Folder 10 | Miscellaneous, 1955-1974 |
Series IX: Miscellaneous Papers |
Series IX contains 4 boxes of miscellaneous materials, which consist
primarily of newspaper clippings, partial bibliographies for unidentified
papers, assorted notes in McKeon's and others' handwriting, and partial
reports by unknown authors.
Box 196 Folder 1-8 | Newspaper clippings, partial bibliographies, assorted notes,
partial reports |
Box 197 Folder 1-7 | Newspaper clippings, partial bibliographies, assorted notes,
partial reports |
Box 198 Folder 1-8 | Newspaper clippings, partial bibliographies, assorted notes,
partial reports |
Box 199 Folder 1-6 | Newspaper clippings, partial bibliographies, assorted notes,
partial reports |
Series X: Audio-Visual Materials |
Series X is restricted due to the need for special equipment. Series X
contains reel-to-reel tapes of several of McKeon's lectures and microfilm,
most of which record folio pages of medieval manuscripts kept in European
libraries. Some of the reel-to-reel tapes have mold on them.
Box 200 | Tapes 1-6: I and M 292, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion:
Patristic and Medieval, 1967 |
Box 200 | Tapes 7-14: I and M 373, Creativity: Poetic and Rhetoric,
class lectures, 1970 |
Box 200 | Tapes 15-23: Phil. 244, Philosophy and Communications and
Arts: Rhetoric and Poetic, class lectures, 1967 |
Box 200 | Tapes 24-33: Phil. 375, The Philosophy of Aristotle, class
lectures, 1967 |
Box 200 | Tapes 34-43: Being and Continuity, class lectures, 1967
Box 200 | Tapes 44-48: Medieval, class lectures, n.d. |
Box 201 | Tapes 1-9: Philosophy of History, class lectures,
1966 |
Box 201 | Tapes 10-16: Philosophy and History, class lectures, n.d.
Box 201 | Tapes 17-21: Theme, class lectures, 1967 |
Box 201 | Tape 22: Great Ideas, Powers of Government, n.d. |
Box 201 | Tapes 23-27: Phil. 353, Philosophy and History, class
lectures, 1967 |
Box 202 | Tapes 1-3: Phil. 353, Philosophy and History, class lectures,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 1: Plato, October 5 |
Box 203 | Tape 2: Plato, October 19 |
Box 203 | Tape 3: Plato, October 26 |
Box 203 | Tape 4: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
October 3 |
Box 203 | Tape 5: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
October 16 |
Box 203 | Tape 6: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
October 20 |
Box 203 | Tape 7: Aesthetics, Lecture 1 Discussion 1, March 29, 31,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 8: Aesthetics, Lecture 2 Discussion 2, April 5, 7,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 9: Aesthetics, Lecture 3, Discussion 3, April 12, 19,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 10: Logic, 1976 |
Box 203 | Tape 11: Logic, 1976 |
Box 203 | Tape 12: Logic, 1976 |
Box 203 | Tape 13: Plato, November 2 |
Box 203 | Tape 14: Plato, November 9 |
Box 203 | Tape 15: Plato November 15 |
Box 203 | Tape 16: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
October 23 |
Box 203 | Tape 17: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical
Inquiry |
Box 203 | Tape 18: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical
Inquiry |
Box 203 | Tape 19: Aesthetics, Lecture 4 Discussion 4, April 21, 26,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 20: Aesthetics, Lecture 4 Discussion 4 May 24, June 2,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 21: Aesthetics, Lecture 5, April 28, May 3,
1967 |
Box 203 | Tape 22: Plato, November 23 |
Box 203 | Tape 23: Plato, November 30 |
Box 203 | Tape 24: Plato, December 7-8 |
Box 203 | Tape 25: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
November 20 |
Box 203 | Tape 26: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
November 27 |
Box 203 | Tape 27: Philosophical Semantics and Philosophical Inquiry,
December 9 |
Box 203 | Tape 28: Aesthetics, Lecture 6 |
Box 203 | Tape 29: Aesthetics, Lecture 7 |
Box 203 | Tape 30: Aesthetics, Lecture 8 |
Box 204 | Tape 2: My Fair Lady in French |
Box 204 | Tape 3: Aristotle, (I ) (X ) |
Box 204 | Tape 4: Aristotle, July 12 |
Box 204 | Tape 5: Aristotle, July 19 (Both Sides) |
Box 204 | Tape 6: Aristotle, July 26, Wednesday |
Box 204 | Tape 7: Aristotle, August 2, Wednesday |
Box 204 | Tape 8: Aristotle, August 9 (VIII) |
Box 204 | Tape 9: August 16, (IX) |
Box 204 | Tape 10: Aristotle, August 23 (X) "Last Lecture , Summer
67, Side is Missing " |
Box 204 | Tape 11: Philosophy and History, Mary Lou Doherty
Box 204 | Tape 12: Medieval, February 15-17 |
Box 204 | Tape 13: Medieval, March 1, March 7 |
Box 204 | Tape 14: Metaphysics, November 5 |
Box 204 | Tape 15: Metaphysics, November 19 |
Box 204 | Tape 16: Metaphysics, (IV) |
Box 204 | Tape 17: Metaphysics (II) |
Box 204 | Tape 18: Metaphysics |
Box 204 | Tape 19: Unidentified |
Box 204 | Tape 20: Unidentified |
Box 204 | Tape 21: Unidentified, "February 16 ...Operational Formaline
(sic)" |
Box 204 | Tape 22: Unidentified, "(II) June 2, McKeon Discussion on
Santayana" |
Box 204 | Tape 23: Unidentified, "November 5, but the 5 was crossed
out" |
Box 204 | Tape 24: Unidentified " Me... (possibly
Metaphysics) |
Box 204 | Tape 25: Unidentified |
Box 204 | Tape 26: Unidentified |
Box 204 | Tape 27: Unidentified, "Redone May 4" |
Box 204 | Tape 28: Unidentified "March 9-last class combined last
2-but..." |
Subseries 2: Microfilm and Glass Plates |
Box 205 Folder 1 | Portrait of Aristotle, panchromatic dry plates, (glass plate
negatives) n.d. |
Box 205 Folder 2-4 | B.N. 14511. II, Paris, microfilm, n.d. (3 small
boxes) |
Box 205 Folder 5 | De Lapide, Basel ms. A VI 12, microfilm, n.d. |
Box 205 Folder 6 | De Lapide, Basel ms. A VII 13, microfilm, n.d. |
Box 205 Folder 7 | "A Generalized Pell Equation," microfilm, n.d. |
Box 205 Folder 8 | De Jurisdictione, auctoritate, microfilm, n.d. |
Box 205 Folder 9 | Tractatus [illegible], microfilm, n.d. |
Series XI: Recommendations and Evaluations |
Series XI is arranged alphabetically and contains Richard McKeon's
recommendations and evaluations of his students and colleagues. These files
are restricted and unavailable for research until the year 2035.
Box 207 Folder 11-12 | University of Chicago Press book referee reports |