University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Charles Henry MacDowell Papers 1919-1924
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | MacDowell, Charles Henry. Papers |
Dates: | 1919-1924 |
Size: | 2.5 linear feet (5 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | An expert in nitrate, Charles H. MacDowell served on President Wilson’s War Industries Board as the director in the Chemical Division. Additionally, he served with the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. The papers of Charles MacDowell relate to his war efforts and his service with the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. The larger part of the papers consist of minutes of the Economic Commission, the Supreme Economic Council, and the sub-committee on Germany and other committees. The latter section of the Papers is comprised of newspaper clippings collected by MacDowell and miscellaneous letters and pamphlets.
Information on Use
No restrictions.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: MacDowell, Charles Henry. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Charles Henry MacDowell (D. 1867) started his career as a back office stenographer for P. D. Armour. Eventually he became manager of the Fertilizer Department of Armour and Company and then president of Armour Fertilizer Works.
Upon the entrance of the United States into the World War, MacDowell was called to Washington as a dollar-a-year man on the War Industries Board, later being made director of the Chemicals Division, having personal charge of the procurement and allocation of nitrate for the United States. He served as a Technical Advisor to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace from early March to the signing of the German Peace Treaty June 28th, which he witnessed, returning with President Wilson as a member of his private party on the S. S. George Washington.
In Washington as well as in Paris he was associated with Bernard M. Baruch. In Paris Baruch was the American representative on Reparations, Raw Materials, the Economic Commission, and a member of the Supreme Economic Council. MacDowell was a member of a number of sub -committees of the Council including the Committee on Germany, and had to do with the organization of the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, and the development of the laws for the occupied territory by the military forces during the occupation. He had no direct concern with the making of political policies.
Scope Note
Series I of the papers of Charles MacDowell relate to his war efforts and his service with the American Commission to Negotiate Peace. Series II, the larger part of the papers consist of minutes of the Supreme Economic Council, including the sub-committee on Germany and other committees enumerated in detail on the attached list of the material. Series III is comprised of newspaper clippings collected by Mr. MacDowell, miscellaneous letters and pamphlets and several books of photographs.
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Subject Headings
- MacDowell, Charles H
- United States. American Commission to Negotiate Peace
- Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Supreme Economic Council
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Peace
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Reparations
- Germany -- History -- 1918-1933
- Photographs
Series I: Organization, American Commission to Negotiate Peace |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Organization, American Commission to Negotiate Peace
- Composition and Functions
- Signal Corp telephone directory
- Memoranda for Mr. Baruch - June 4, 1919; June 26, 1919
Box 1 | Bulletin 322, May 30: German note of May 29, 1919, transmitting the observations of the German Delegation on the "Conditions of Peace." |
Box 1 | Statement of Financial Commission of German |
Box 1 | Peace Delegation regarding Parts VIII and IX of Draft Conditions of Peace |
Box 1 | Appendix, Observations of the German Delegates on the Peace terms. (Special legal questions.) |
Box 1 Folder 2 | Economic Commission
- List of members and addresses
- Minutes of 4th meeting, April 3
- Report of Section on Permanent Commercial Relations
- Report of sub-commission on Ex-Enemy Aliens
- Report of sub-commission on Pre-War contracts
Box 1 Folder 3 | Economic Commission; Minutes of 2nd meeting, March 24
- German customs regulations after peace preliminaries
- Economic clauses to be inserted in Peace Treaty
Box 1 Folder 3 | Economic Commission; Proof - Draft of clauses to be inserted in the Peace Preliminaries with Germany
- Part 1 - Customs duties, shipping, unfair competition, treatment of nations
- Part 2 - Revival or abrogation of economic treaties
- Part 3 - Liquidation of enemy property
- Part 4 - Pre-war contracts
- Part 5 - Pre-war contracts
Series II: Supreme Economic Council |
Subseries 1: Supreme Economic Council Meetings |
Box 1 Folder 4 | First meeting, Feb. 17
- Constitution
- Transport in South Eastern Europe
- Austrian Trade
- Enemy Ships in Spanish Ports
- Relaxation of Blockade on Northern Neutrals
- Supplies of Foodstuffs for Italy
Box 1 Folder 4 | Second meeting, Feb. 25
- Powers of the Council
- Food supplies for France and Italy
- Relaxation of blockade on neutral countries of northern Europe
- Blockade of Austria
- Supplies for liberated countries
- Supplies for Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria
- Revictualing of Germany
- Revictualing of left bank of Rhine
- Transport
- Communications in Eastern Europe
- Organization
Box 1 Folder 4 | Third-Fourth meetings, March 1-3
- Instructions to delegates at Spa conference
- Replacements to neutrals of food shipped to Germany
- Powers of communications committee
- Financial arrangements for relief of countries other than Germany
- Credits to enemy countries other than Germany
- Credits for liberated countries
- Finance of supplies for Austria
- Argentine cereals for Austria
- Finance for supplies of Bulgaria
- Austria trading with Neutrals
Box 1 Folder 4 | Fifth meeting, March 6
- Italian food position
- French food position
- Communication from "Council of ten" with regard to preliminaries of peace
- Report of communications committee
- Austrian trading with neutrals
- Instructions to delegates at Spa conference
- Supplies for Germany
- Supplies for Italy
- Relaxation of the blockade
Box 1 Folder 4 | Sixth meeting, March 7
Box 1 Folder 5 | Seventh meeting, March 10
- Italian supply
- French supply position
- Report of communications committee
- Supplies for Germany
- Reopening of the Rhine to Swiss traffic with Holland, Scandinavia and associated countries
- Finance of supplies for Bulgaria.
Box 1 Folder 5 | Eighth meeting, March 17
- Conference with German delegates at Brussels
- Trade with German Austria
- European coal situation
- Italian and French supplies
- Report of Communications Committee
- Preliminaries of Peace
Box 1 Folder 5 | Ninth meeting, March 22
- Exports to Germany
- Finance Section report regarding administration Brussels agreement
- Blockade Section report
- Report of Food Section
- Report of Shipping Section
Box 1 Folder 5 | Tenth meeting, March 24
- Negotiations with Germany
- German coastal and fishing trade
- German trading with black listed firms
- Requirements of allied, liberated and enemy territories
- Supplies for Germany and Czecho-Slovakia
- Communications from Finance Section; Norwegian Herrings, Italian Situation, Austrian Finance Commission, Communication with Austria
- Relaxation of Adriatic blockade.
- Communications from Blockade Section; Trade with Poland; Estonia; Luxemburg; Rhine Provinces
- Coal situation
- Communications Section
Box 1 Folder 5 | Eleventh meeting, April 7-9
- General economic position
- Communications from Supreme War Council; Raising blockade on German Austria; Hungary; Reopening of trade with Estonia; Reopening of trade with Latvia and Lithuania; Removal of restriction on trade with Poland; Reopening of Rhine traffic
- Foodstuffs for Bavaria
- Transport of Polish troops to Danzig
- Tonnage requirements for Allied Liberated and Enemy territories
- German coastal traffic
- Ships in the Adriatic claimed by Jugo-Slavs
- Nitrates to countries contiguous to Germany
- Private remittances to Germany
- Need of rolling stock for liberated countries
- German exports
- Communications from Blockade Section
- Report of Communications Section
- Import of Vegetables from neutral countries into Germany
- Suspension of enemy trade and black lists
- Abolition of telegraphic and cable censorship
- Relations with Germany
- Relief of Odessa
- Italian coal supply
Box 1 Folder 5 | Twelfth meeting, April 14
- Belgian representation on sections of the council
- Sale to Germany of raw materials
- Resumption of German trade
- Position of relief operations; (a) Austria (b) General relief
- Programme for May arrival
- Use of Enemy tonnage
- Situation in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Relations with Germany
- Italian coal situation
- Relief and Reconstruction credits for liberated territories
- Black list on neutral ships
- Use of enemy wireless stations
- Report of Sub-committee on Personnel
Box 1 Folder 6 | Thirteenth meeting, April 22
- Transitory measures
- Coal situation in Europe
- Enemy finance - Circulation by Enemy of Austrian kronen and Allied currencies; Interest on German credits maturing in neutral countries; Private remittances to Germany
- Enemy tonnage
- Ships in the Adriatic claimed by the Jugo-slavs
- Suspension of enemy trade and black lists
- Relief measures - Austria; General relief
- Removal of fishing restrictions
- Supplies for Czecho Slovakia via the Elbe
- Situation in Latvia and Lithuania
- Armistice locomotives
- Relations with Germany and derationing of northern neutrals
- Purchase of dyestuffs
Box 1 Folder 6 | Fourteenth meeting, April 23
- Relations with Germany and derationing of northern neutrals
- Resumption of trade with occupied German territories
- Transport by the Danube
Box 1 Folder 6 | Fifteenth meeting. April 28
- Coal production and distribution in Poland and the former Austro-Hungarian empire
- Relief measures - Austria
- Removal of fishing restrictions
- Situation in Latvia and Lithuania
- Relations with Germany
- Shipments through Germany, Hungary and Bolshevik Russia
- Transitory measures
- Armistice locomotives and wagons
- Transport by the Danube
- Resumption of trade with occupied German territories
- Food shipments to Germany
- Supply of coal to Italy
Box 1 Folder 6 | Sixteenth meeting, May 5
- Conditions in Hungary - Blockade; Food
- Situation in Latvia and Lithuania
- Relations with Germany
- Trade with occupied German territories
- Requisitioning of foreign securities on the left bank of the Rhine
- Failure by Germany to sign preliminaries of peace
- Rationing of raw materials to Germany
- Purchase by Allies of commodities available for export from Germany - Dyestuffs; Prohibition and pre-emption lists
- Financial restrictions on Germany
- Control of German wireless stations
- Use of enemy tonnage
- Food prices in Germany
- Control of traffic on the Danube
- Commercial traffic on the Elbe
- Raw materials for Poland and Czecho-Slovakia
- Coal for Poland and Austro-Hungarian empire
Box 1 Folder 6 | Seventeenth meeting, May 12
- Conditions in Hungary
- Prohibition and pre-emption lists
- Relations with Germany
- Trade with occupied Germany territories
- Situation in the Baltic states
- Enemy tonnage
- Work of the shipping section
- Control of traffic on the Danube
- Heath conditions in Southern and Eastern Europe
- Organization of conferences and communications on current economic negotiations with German Economic Delegation, Versailles
Box 1 Folder 7 | Special meeting, May 13
- Prohibition and pre-emption lists
- Relations with Germany
Box 1 Folder 7 | Nineteenth meeting, May 19
- Report from director general of relief on relief operations in April
- Germany exports. Blockade Section-minute 182
- Administration of occupied territories. Report from Sub-Committee on Germany
- Payment of French food supplies to Germany
- Italian coal situation
- Coal for Serbia
- Situation in the Baltic States. Proposals put forward by the Sub-Committee to the Council of foreign ministers
- Control of traffic in the Danube
- Health situation in southern and eastern Europe
- Shipping in the Adriatic
- Organization of conferences and communications with the Germans at Versailles
Box 1 Folder 8 | Twentieth meeting, May 26
- Organization of Shipping Section
- Use of enemy tonnage - Report from Food Section (Freight Committee); Rates of freight for relief (Resolution from Food Section); Allocation of enemy ships in Central and South America ports from A.M.T.E.; Disposition of Austrian steamers under construction
- Financial arrangements for Austrian food supplies
- Relaxation of financial restrictions
- Control of Rhine traffic
- Dispatch of supplies to Poland - Report of Communications Section; Draft telegram to German armistice commission
- Purchase of dyestuffs from Germany
- Relations with Germany - Note from Sub-committee on Germany; Organization of conferences and communications with Germany at Versailles.
- Blockade of Hungary
- Coal for Serbia
- Financial restrictions on Germany
- Administration of the occupied territories
- Trade between Alsace and unoccupied Germany
- Health conditions in Europe
Box 1 Folder 9 | 21st meeting, June 2
- Dispatch of supplies to Poland
- Trade between Germany and Austria
- Finance of Austrian relief supplies
- Restrictions on trade with Hungary and Bolshevist Russia - Minutes of Blockade Section; Note by French delegates; Note by American delegates
- Control of traffic on the Rhine
- Trade between Alsace and unoccupied Germany
- Importation into Germany of medical supplies.
- German exports - Letter from German Economic Commission and note from sub-committee on Germany; Note by Italian delegates on timber purchased
- Measures to be taken subsequent to completion of relief programs in various countries
Box 2 Folder 1 | Supreme Economic Council duplicates |
Box 2 Folder 2 | 22nd meeting, June 10
- Italian coal position
- Transfer of shares of Austrian shipping companies
- Work and organization of Council
- Finance of German coal supplied to France
- Report from Fin. Sec
- Navigation on the Danube
- Allied economic policy in connection with Rhineland Republic
- Finance of Austrian food supplies (Note by French delegation)
- Allied economic policy in Russia (Note by British delegation)
- Restriction of trade with Hungary and Bolshevik Russia
- Reported violation of blockade of Hungary
- German imports of raw materials
Box 2 Folder 2 | 23rd meeting, June 16.
- Imposition of blockade on Germany - Decision by Council of Heads of States; Minutes of Blockade Section
- Private trade relations with Germany
- Finance of German coal
- Finance of Austrian food supplies
- Cotton for Poland
- Allied economic policy in Russia - Food
- Italian coal situation
- Work and organization of the council
- Export of gold and securities from German Austria
Box 2 Folder 3 | 24th meeting, June 23
- Blockade of Hungary and Bolshevik Russia
- Trade between Austria and Hungary (Note by American delegates)
- Reported seizure by Hungarians of Austrian gold and securities
- Control of traffic on the Danube
- U.S. locomotives for Lithuania
- Use of enemy tonnage in May 1919
- Operation of communications for relief of old Austrian empire
- Report from Communications Section
- Finance of German coal
- Health conditions in eastern Europe - Letter from League of R.C.S.; Memorandum from Minister of Public Health in Poland
- Allied economic policy in Russia
- Allied economic cooperation after Peace, memoranda - by British delegation; by French delegation; by Belgian delegation; Report by Committee on policy
- Relief operations through May 1919
Subseries 2: Sub-Committee on Germany |
Box 2 Folder 4 | Printed copy of minutes of proceedings, first to fourth meetings |
Box 2 Folder 4 | Meetings April 14 and 15 (three session)
- Draft minute of Supreme Economic Council rework of subcommittee
- Memorandum on present status of Commissions set up under the armistice with Germany and their relations to the S.E.C
- Note of establishment of German Commission to facilitate conduct of current economic negotiations
- Memorandum for submission to Council of Ten
Box 2 Folder 5 | Second meeting, April 18.
- Net Thread in Holland for Germany. Communication from German Finance Commission
- Propaganda in Germany and neutral countries
- List of prohibited exports - Telegram from Marshal Foch 3/24/19; Reply of German delegates 4/2/19; Telegram to Germans 4/10/19; Memorandum by Sir Wm. Mitchell Thompson 4/18/19
- Centralization of information and statistics
- Organization of communications with Germans on economic matters
Box 2 Folder 5 | Third meeting, April 24.
- Consideration of steps to be taken to bring into effect the organization of economic relations with Germany approved by the Council of Five
- Import and export regulations in occupied territories
- Communications with. German government on economic matters
- Future meetings
Box 2 Folder 5 | Fourth meeting, April 29
- Wool from Spain to Germany. Resolution of Raw Materials Section.
- Requisition of dyes by the French
- Restriction of importation of salt from unoccupied to occupied territory.
- Draft resolution
- Procedure for facilitating visits of inspection in occupied territory
- Protection of inhabitants against penalties for having broken laws of the German government
- Procedure for obtaining information from Food Section as to distribution of good in Germany and passing information to I.A.R.C
Box 2 Folder 5 | Fifth meeting, May 6
- Visit of industrial missions to occupied territories
- Restriction on import of salt to Left Bank from unoccupied Germany
- Future economic control of occupied part of Germany
- Irregular communication of decisions of Blockade Section
- Draft telegram from Marshal Foch to General Nudant relative to freeing of German exports other than those on prohibited lists
Box 2 Folder 5 | Sixth meeting, May 13.
- Protection of inhabitants of occupied territories against action of German authorities based on breaches of German laws during occupation
- Deliveries of corn to occupied territories. Memorandum
- Demands for exorbitant prices to French and Belgian purchasers in Rhenish provinces
- Importation into Germany of fruit from Italy
- Traffic in foodstuffs in Schleswig
- Deliveries of agricultural machinery
- German aero planes for Sweden
- Commercial relations between Luxemburg and unoccupied Germany
Box 2 Folder 6 | Seventh meeting, May 16
- Imports into occupied territories
- Shipments through Germany. Communications from Secretary Superior Blockade Council
- Export of steel rails to Sweden. Communication from President of German Armistice Commission
- Delay in handing over German ships in neutral ports
- Sequestration of Allied property in occupied territories
- Reorganization of Customs regulations between occupied Rhenish territories and French and Belgian territories
- Present and future status of Inter-Allied Rhineland Commission
Box 2 Folder 6 | Eighth meeting, May 20.
- Draft letter to German delegates at Versailles
- Draft telegram to President of German Armistice Commission
- Present and future status of Inter-Allied Rhineland Commission
- Inter-Allied Military Food Committee
- Sequestration of Allied property in occupied territory
- Communications with German Economic delegation at Versailles
- Export of dyestuffs. Note by Sir H. Llewellyn Smith
Box 2 Folder 6 | Ninth meeting, May 23
- Note to S.E.C. regarding action by German government likely to prejudice workings of Reparation and Economic clauses of draft Treaty of Peace
- Communication with the German Economic Delegation at Versailles
- Organization of Secretariat
- Export to Denmark of German coal. Letter from German Economic Delegation
- Imports and exports. Memorandum by Mr. Urwick on instructions given by the sub-committee April 29
Box 2 Folder 6 | Tenth meeting, May 27
- Prevention of economic action on the part of Germany tending to avoid stipulations of the Peace Treaty
- Export to Denmark of German coal
- Relations between I.R.A.C. and Inter-Allied Military Food Committee
- Commercial correspondence with Germany
- Distribution of foodstuffs to civil population. German exports. Prohibition and pre-emption lists
- Import into Germany of Vaseline and other drugs
Box 2 Folder 7 | Eleventh meeting, June 3
- Control of sugar in occupied territories
- Letter from representative of German government on Armistice Commission at Spa.
- Nomination of former economic committee of Luxemburg
- Economic position of Germany. Letter from President of German Peace delegation.
- Payment for German coal to credit of food account
- Deliveries of minette under modus vivandi of May 7
- Export of timber from Germany
- Stoppage of minette trains at Oberkassel
- Prevention of economic action by Germany tending to evade the stipulations of the Treaty of Peace
- Exports of German coal to Denmark
- Trading with the enemy
- Policy to be pursued regarding recent political developments in Rhineland
Box 2 Folder 8 | Twelfth meeting, June 6
- Policy to be pursued regarding recent political developments in Rhineland
- Dyestuffs for Czecho-Slovakia
- Tabulation of industrial information collected by armies of occupation
- Import into Germany of drugs and medical accessories
Box 2 Folder 8 | Thirteenth meeting, June 10
- Export of German phosphates to Finland
- Letter from Finnish Legation at Berlin
- Export of butter from Finland to Germany
- Letter from representative of German government on Armistice Commission
- Conditions of purchase of German exportable produce. Note by Secretariat
- Request for resumption of coal negotiation
- Letter from German Economic delegation
- Diversion of coke for French blast furnaces
- Letter from German Economic delegation
- Communications with Versailles. Position of Finance Section
- Prohibition of export from Left to Right Bank of Rhine
- Communications with Austrian Peace Delegation at St. Germain-en-Laye
Box 2 Folder 9 | Fourteenth meeting, June 17
- Export of aniline dyes from occupied to unoccupied territory
- Export license for cotton yearn and import of hides and skins into occupied territories and return of manufactured goods
- Import of German coal into Austria
- Transport of Dutch potatoes through Belgian zone
- Exorbitant prices demanded by German merchants from French and Belgian purchasers
- Negotiations arising under Luxemburg Protocol
- Purchase by Belgium of German wool in Spain and South America
- Communications with Versailles. Position of Finance Section
- Private trade relations with Germany
- Sale of German armoured ships to Holland
- Economic organization after signature of Peace Treaty
- Ratification of potash agreement.
- Draft letter to German Economic Delegation.
- Food conditions in occupied territories
Box 2 Folder 10 | Fifteenth meeting, June 24
- Delivery of agricultural machinery by Germany under terms of armistice
- Abrogation of German order on securities
- Protection of inhabitants against action by German authorities based upon breaches of German laws during occupation
- Distribution of grain and flour between right and left bank
- Export of cotton yarn
- Communications with Versailles. Letter from Amer. Relief Comm.
- Distribution of foodstuffs to civilian population
- Export of electric machines from unoccupied Germany
- Export of dyestuffs
- Purchase by Belgium of German owned goods in Spain and South America.
- Negotiations under Luxemburg protocol
- Communications with Versailles. Position of Finance Section
- Export of chlorcalcium from Germany
- German owned goods in Switzerland
- Procedure for correspondence adopted by I.A.R.C
- Control of sugar
- Potash agreement
Box 2 Folder 11 | Sixteenth meeting, July 1
- Finance for German coal
- Position of I.A.R.C. if Peace Treaty is not signed
- License for export of dyestuffs to unoccupied Germany
- Payment for foodstuffs distributed to civil population
- Transport of foodstuffs from Holland through Belgian zone
- Export of Hoover supplies from left to right bank
- Ratification of potash agreement
- Relevant clauses of Peace Treaty regarding raising of blockade
Box 2 Folder 11 | Seventeenth meeting, July 8
- Coke and minette prices
- Purchase by Belgium of German owned goods in Spain and South America
- Organization of Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission under Convention
- Purchase of German Dyestuffs
- Purchase of sleepers from Germany by Italian Government
- Traffic to and from unoccupied Germany after ratification of Peace Treaty
- Status of German Economic Commission at Versailles
- Ratification by German Government of potash agreement
- Export of coal from North German ports
- Restitution by Germany to Belgium of industrial machinery
- Trade restrictions on Germany during the period between raising of blockade and coming into force of Peace Treaty
Subseries 3: Sub-Committee to Consider Details of Delivery of Lignite etc. from Left Bank of Rhine to Unoccupied Germany |
Box 3 Folder 1 | First meeting, May 12; Balance of exchange between right bank and left bank |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Second meeting, May 13 |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Third meeting, May 13 |
Subseries 4: Raw Materials Section |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Meeting, March 20
- Proposed resolution regarding regulation of German exports during the transitory period
Box 3 Folder 1 | Meeting, March 27
- Summary report of statistical sub-committee on supplies of raw materials available during the next three months
- Transitory measures - Consideration of what economic measures, should be taken in common during the period of reconstruction following the war with a view to ensuring - Due supply of materials and other commodities necessary for the restoration of the devastated areas; Economic restoration of countries which have suffered most from the war; Supply of neutral and ex-enemy countries without detriment to supply of needs of Allied and associated countries
- Clause to be inserted in the Preliminary Peace.
- War stocks of materials in possession of Allied and associated governments
Box 3 Folder 1 | Meeting of April 4.
- Use of war stocks of raw materials possessed by allied and associated countries
- Transitory measures during the reconstruction period
- Question asked by Section on Blockade, provisional authorization to import raw materials into Germany
Box 3 Folder 1 | Meeting of April 16.
- Special questions referred to Raw Materials Section - Request transmitted by Marshal Foch for oil products required by the railways of the left bank of the Rhine; Request transmitted by Marshal Foch for various raw materials for the German navigation companies; Request transmitted by Marshal Foch for authorization of the export from Spain to Germany of 36, 300 kilos of wool; Request submitted to the President of the Inter-allied Food Committee by the American and Canadian Imports and Exports Co. for disposal of certain stocks of animal oils to central powers
- Report of Special Committee on the coal situation in Europe
- Report of Statistical Sub-committee on rationing of raw materials to Germany in response to request of Blockade Section
- Relief of European countries in raw materials and semi-manufactured goods. Communicated by British delegation
- Reference from minutes of Supreme Economic Council, meeting April 7, "Agreed that a committee composed of representatives of the Blockade and Raw Materials Sections should meet immediately to fix the prices for exports from Germany to be purchased by the Allies."
- Reference from minutes of Finance Section April 9, Resolution rejecting proposal contained in paragraph 2 of note submitted by French delegation of Raw Materials Section April 1. Supply of raw materials to Germany
Box 3 Folder 2 | Meeting with Polish representatives, April 26.
- Notes on Memorandum of economic situation in Poland
Box 3 Folder 2 | Meeting of May 8
- Importation of stocks for coal mining industry, Germany
- Modus vivendi in respect of Luxemburg agreement
Box 3 Folder 2 | Tenth meeting, May 15
- Dyestuffs
- Negotiations relative to Luxemburg protocol
- Committee on supply of raw materials and sale of war stocks - Memorandum on financing of cotton for Germany and liberated countries; Report of Committee - supply of materials for mines. List of German owned stocks to be imported by them; Serbian coal requirements
- Report on general materials situation, W.T. Layton, 5/19/19
- List of supplies sold to liberated nations to May 31
Box 3 Folder 3 | Meeting, June 21
- Report on economic steps to be taken in event of re-establishment of order in Russia
Box 3 Folder 3 | Eleventh meeting, June 26
- Allied economic policy in Russia
Subseries 5: Committee on Supply of Raw Materials and Sales of War Stocks |
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting of April 18.
- Terms of reference of the committee.
- Raw Materials for Germany, Poland, and other countries - Memo on rations for Germany; Memo on supply of raw materials to other European countries; Memo on supply of textile raw materials to Poland
- War Stocks - Memo by Finance Section on prices to be asked for War Stocks; Memo on stocks to be disposed of by British government; Letter of American and Canadian Import and Export Co
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting of April 25.
- Supply of Raw Materials to Germany - Memo on German requirements; Extract from minutes of Finance Section
- Supply of raw materials to Romania, Serbia, and Czecho-Slovakia.
- Draft letter
- Supply of textile raw materials to Poland
- American and Canadian Import and Export Co., offer of animal oils for Germany
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting of April 28
- Supplies for Germany. Statement on position of Financial Section
- Supplies to Poland and Czecho-Slovakia. Consideration of action to be taken on minute of interviews with Polish and Czecho-Slovak representatives
- Supplies for Czecho-Slovakia. Letter regarding import of palm kernels copra and fish oil.
- Letter of Canadian Import and Export Co
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting of April 30.
- Preliminary report to raw materials section and finance section on urgent requirements of Poland and Czecho-Slovakia
- Supplies for Germany. Further examination of German raw material requirements
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting of May 2
- Supplies for Germany. Price of copper
- Arrangements for supply of cotton
- Note on attitude to be taken at interview with German economic delegates
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting with German delegates May 5 |
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting with German delegates May 7
- Letter of transmission
- Urgent needs for coal mining industry
- German owned stocks
- Urgent needs for general industry
- Offer of supplies for urgent requirements of German coal industry
- Letter Shuman/Riley, list of supplies desired and available
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting May 9
- Supplies to Germany
- Urgent needs for coal mining industry German owned stocks
- Urgent needs for general industry Sales of War Stocks
- Principle of supply of particular commodities by countries which control the principal stocks
- Price of Swedish iron ore
- Supplies to Poland. Report on position with regard to supply of nitrate and textiles
- Supplies of Czecho-Slovakia. Question of transport via the Elbe
- Supplies to Serbia. Question of action to be taken on interview with Serbian representatives
- Supply of textile raw materials. Draft memorandum
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting May 13.
- Communications to German economic delegates at Versailles - Requirements for coal mines, German owned stocks
- Price of copper
- Price of tin
- Price of Swedish iron ore.
- Supplies for Serbia (including coal)
- Copper for Czecho-Slovakia
Box 3 Folder 4 | Meeting, May 31
- Sale of timber by Germany
- Surplus stocks of the U.S. Army and Navy
- Sales of government property
- Meeting with Austrian representatives June 16
Series III: Scrapbooks, Clippings and Miscellaneous Materials |
Box 3 Folder 5 | List of Dyestuffs available in German factories 4/11/19
- Lucius and Bruning
- Chemische Fabriken vorm. Weiler-ter-meer
- Badischo Anilin and Soda Fabrik
- Leopold Cassella and Co
- Kalle and Co
- Friedr. Bayer and Co
- Aktien-Ges-Fu-Anilin Fabrikation
- Chemische Fabrik Griescheim-Elektron
Box 3 Folder 5 | Dyestuffs demanded by Italy and France
- Lucius and Bruning
- Chomische Fabriken vorm. Weiler-ter-Meer
- Badische Anilin and Soda Fabrik
Box 3 Folder 6 | Communications and statistics concerning availability of German Potash and miscellaneous correspondence
- Galley proofs of material about dyestuffs
- Miscellaneous communication concerning German dyestuffs as payment for food from allies
- Cablegrams - dyestuffs
- Memo on chemical reparations
Box 3 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous papers with index at beginning of collection |
Box 4 Folder 1 | Publications and reports of the International Chamber of Commerce on international cartels |
Box 4 Folder 2 | Report of world economic conference of International Chamber of Commerce |
Box 4 Folder 3 | Newspaper clippings |
Box 4 Folder 4 | Chemical Alliance, Inc
- Report of section chairman January 22-23, 1919; history and activities
- Correspondence and resolutions, 1919, stating trade considerations of the American dyestuff manufacturers in the U.S. and negotiations to take over all enemy owned patents in this country
- Confidential draft - printed of - report of German Chemical holdings in U.S
Box 4 Folder 5 | Correspondence
- 1919-1920, letters of commendation for MacDowell
- 1920, letter from War Records Section of Illinois State Historical Society
- 1937-1938, Hoover War Library and Northwestern University
- 1938, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- MacDowells notes on original index for this material on American Commission to Negotiate Peace
Box 4 Folder 6 | Miscellaneous pamphlets
- American Contemporaries
- Map (1913) reciprocal rail movements of iron ore, coal, and coke in Europe
- Germanys economic organization
- Soviet Russia A World Enigma
- The European situation by Walter Lichtenstein
- Post War monetary policies by H.G.P. Deans
- The Work of the Technical Division, Chemical Warfare Service, A.E.F., by Col. R.F. Bacon
- Journal of the Royal Society of Arts (June 27, 1924)
- Building for Peace by W.A. Noyes (1924)
Box 4 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous documents
- Strasbourg - Port du Rhin
- Chemical industries of the German Rhineland
- Potash development in S.E. New Mexico. \
- Muscle Shoals
- Comparison of prices during Civil War and Present War: (1918) War Industries Board
- Hoover War Library bibliography of Paris Peace conference, (1935)
- Bulletin of the Business Historical Society, Baker Library; membership pamphlet
- Reply of the French Government to note of British Government of August 11, 1923, relating to reparations (August 20, 1923)
Box 5 Folder 1 | French reports of chemical holdings |
Box 5 Folder 2 | French reports of chemical holdings |