University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Lincoln Collection American Political Cartoons 1754-1865
© 2011 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Lincoln Collection. American Political Cartoons |
Dates: | 1754-1865 |
Size: | 7.5 linear feet (3 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | The American Political Cartoons forms part of the William E. Barton Collection of Lincolniana and contains an array of cartoons and drawings from the period prior to and during the political career of Abraham Lincoln. |
Information on Use
This collection is open for research.
When quoting material from
this collection, the preferred citation is: Lincoln Collection. American Political Cartoons, [Box #, Folder #], Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library
Biographical Note
Rev. William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930) The Rev. William Eleazar Barton (1861-1930) was one of the early twentieth century's most prominent writers and lecturers on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Born in Sublette, Illinois, in the same year Lincoln assumed the presidency, Barton grew up in an environment heavily influenced by reverence for Lincoln. After pursuing undergraduate studies at Berea College in Kentucky, Barton earned his divinity degree from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1890. He served parishes in Tennessee, Ohio, and Massachusetts before becoming the pastor of the First Congregational Church of Oak Park, Illinois, a position he held until his retirement in 1924. Four years later, Barton accepted an appointment as lecturer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, where he also organized and served as pastor of the Collegeside Congregational Church.
Barton's work as a writer produced a number of denominational manuals for church organization and a series of books presenting the wisdom and parables of a character he named Safed the Sage. For the last ten years of his life, however, Barton was best known to the public as a prolific author and lecturer on Abraham Lincoln. His publications about Lincoln included The Soul of Abraham Lincoln (1920), The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln (1920), The Life of Abraham Lincoln (1925), The Great and Good Man (1927), The Women Lincoln Loved (1927), and The Lincoln of the Biographers (1930).
In the course of compiling material for his writings and talks, Barton visited Lincoln sites in Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois; interviewed surviving Lincoln relatives and acquaintances; and traveled as far as California and England to collect information and conduct genealogical research on the ancestry of the Lincoln family. While acquiring a large collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, manuscripts, and ephemera related to Lincoln and the Civil War era, Barton also purchased privately or at auction historical materials amassed by other Lincoln collectors such as John E. Burton and Osborn H. Oldroyd.
Scope Note
These American Political Portraits and Cartoons form a portion of the Center's Lincoln Collection. It is comprised of gloss copies of the original engravings, lithographs and drawings dating from 1754 to 1865. This collection of portraits and political cartoons were obtained from libraries, historical societies and magazines. When the place of acquisition is known, specified by the materials accompanied with each piece, this information was included in the detailed description of the inventory.
The majority of the copies are accompanied by an index card which relays the origin of the image's acquisition and a brief typescript description of the prevailing political issues and moments of historical significance of the time. The details of these brief narratives serve to shed light on the statements of opinion and political critique represented in the cartoon by the artist. The historical instances addressed in the cartoons include the War of 1812, The Civil War, the Jackson Era and the events which took place during the subsequent years of Lincoln's presidencies. The collection is organized into four series.
Series I, Colonial and Early America, contains cartoons addressing the issue of relations between Britain and the Colonies between the years of 1755-1802. The feelings towards the tariffs placed on every day commodities by the British in laws such as the Townsend Act and the founding of the American Republic are examples of some of the issues represented in the images housed in this series.
Series II, the War of 1812 and the Era of Good Feeling, houses cartoons addressing the events of the years prior to the Revolution. The cartoons in this series address the relations between the Colonies and Britain and the battles between the two during the years of insurrection of The War of 1812 from 1808-1814. Several of the cartoons in this series depict the image of John Bull, the national personification of Great Britain adopted by American cartoonists. Also housed in this series are cartoons from during the Era of Good feeling, a period of good-will in United States' political history.
Series III, The Jacksonian Era, is comprised of cartoons between the times of 1824-1852 when Andrew Jackson was in office and the period after his presidency when the influence of his supporters was still strong. Cartoons in this series depict interpretations of the 1824 presidential race among Henry Clay, Jackson and John Quincy Adams; included are depictions of Jackson's "Kitchen Cabinet". Cartoons representing the altercations between the Whig and Democrat parties over the annexation and slavery annihilation in Texas, the admission of Texas into the Union, and the ambition of the country's expansion to the Pacific coast under the slogan "manifest destiny" are housed here. Also one of the first images of Andrew Jackson riding on the back of a donkey—what would earn fame as the symbol of the Democratic Party by the American cartoonist, Thomas Nast—is located in this series.
Series IV, The Lincolnian Era, contains cartoons relevant to the presidential campaigns of Abraham Lincoln as well as materials addressing the battles and events that took place prior to and during the Civil War. The cartoons in this series address issues pertinent to the platforms of the Whig, Republican (newly formed in 1852), and Democratic parties at the time of campaigning in the 1856 Presidency elections. Among the images in this series are also a number of cartoons depicting Lincoln during his campaign for his presidency in 1860. Also in this series are cartoons addressing the mounting controversies between southern and free states precluding the Civil War as well as the course of events that took place in US political history during the years of the war.
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Subject Headings
- Barton, William Eleazar, 1861-1930
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
- Collectors and collecting
- Cartoons
- Political Cartoons
- Political Campaigns -- United States
Series I: Colonial and Early America |
Box 1 Folder 1 | Front piece and Introduction
- "The Politician. Dr. Benj. Franklin," copy of Stephen Elmer Schoebel portrait, undated
Box 1 Folder 2 | The Colonial Period and the American Revolution, 1755-1783
- "British Resentment or the French Fairly Coopt at Louisbourg," Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of engraving,1755
- "The Great Financier or British OEconomy for the years 1763-1764-1765," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1765
- "The Deplorable State of America or Sc--h Government," New York Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1765
- "Pandora's Box," Pennsylvania Gazette, New York Historical Society, 21 November 1765
- "An Attempt to Land a Bishop in America." Political Register (London), copy of engraving, 1767
- "The Able Doctor of America Swallowing the Bitter Draught." copy of engraving, 1774
- "The Bostonians in Distress." Huntington Library, copy of engraving,1774
- "The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man or Tarring and Feathering," Huntington Library, copy of British lithograph, 1774
- "A New Method of Macarony Making as Practised at Boston," private collection, copy of lithograph, 1774
- "The Alternative of Williams Burg." private collection, copy of engraving, February 1775
- "The Colonies Reduced," Political Register of December 1768, Huntington Library, 1775
- "The Patriotick Barber of New York," private collection, copy of lithograph, 1775
- "Recrues Angloia partant pour l'Amérique," Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of lithograph, 1775
- "Virtual Representation," Massachusetts Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1775
- "The Flight of the Congress." Emmet Collection, New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1777
- "Mal Lui Veut Mal Lui Tourne Dit Bon Homme Richard," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1777
- "Poor Old England Endeavoring to Reclaim His Wicked American Children-and Therefore is England Maimed and Forced to Go With a Staff," private collection, copy of drawing, 1777
- "The Yanke's Triumph, or B--e Beat," Emmet Collection, New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1777
- "The Commissioners," Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of engraving, 1778
- "The Commissioners Interview with Congress," Emmet Collection, New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1778
- "Dédié aux Généraux de l'Armée de la Grande Bretagne par un Zelateur de la Liberté," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1778
- "The Horse America, Throwing his Master," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1779
- "A Representation of the Figures Exhibited and Paraded Through the Streets of Philadelphia, on Saturday, the 30th of September, 1780," New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1780
- Untitled drawing on British Loss of American Commerce (York Town), Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of drawing, 1781
- "The American Rattlesnake." private collection, copy of engraving, 1782
- "Blessed are the Peace Makers," Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of etching, 1782
- "Within this family...," copy of engraving, undated; "Join or Die," copy of lithograph, undated
- "Mrs. General Washington Bestowing Thirteen Stripes on Britania." Ramblers Magazine (London), copy of engraving, 1783
- "The Reconciliation Between Britania and Her Daughter America," private collection, copy of etching, 1783
- "The Savages Let Loose, or the Cruel Fate of the Loyalists." Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1783-1784
- "The Times. Anno 1783," Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of engraving, 1783
Box 1 Folder 3 | The Founding of the Republic, 1789-1802
- "Benjamin Russell's 'Federal Edifice'," copy of print, 1788
- "Robert Morris Engaged in Moving the Seat of the Federal Government form New York to Philadelphia," Pennsylvania Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1790
- "What think ye of C_o_n_ss Now? View of Congress on the road to Philadelphia," Historical Society of Pennsylvania, copy of engraving, 1790
- "A Peep into the Anti-Federal Club," Ridgeway Library, Philadelphia, copy of drawing, 1793
- "The Times; A Political Portrait." New York Historical Society, copy of etching, 1795-1798
- "Cinque Têtes or the Paris Monster," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1798
- "Congressional Pugilists," Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1798
- "Cudgeling as by Late Act of Congress," Private Collection, copy of lithograph, 1798
- "Property Protected a la Francoise," Huntington Library, 1798
- "The Providential Detection," Ridgeway Library, Philadelphia, copy of drawing, 1800
- "Mad Tom In a Rage," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1802
Series II: War of 1812 and Era of Good Feeling |
Box 1 Folder 4 | Section III (?) The Gathering Storm and War of 1812, 1808-1814
- "The Cat Let Out of the Bag." William Charles cartoon, Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1808
- "King Quilldriver's Experiments in National Defence." Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of lithograph, 1808
- "Ograbme, or The American-Snapping Turtle." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1808
- "Intercourse or Impartial Dealings," Private Collection, copy of Peter Pencill lithograph, 1809
- "Non-Intercourse or Dignified Retirement," Private Collection, copy of Peter Pencill lithograph, 1809
- "The Copenhagen Monster Muzzled." New York Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1809
- "John Bull Stung to Agony by the Wasp and Hornet." New York Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1812
- "A Wasp Taking a Frolic, or a Sting for Johnny Bull," Private Collection, copy of lithograph, 1812
- "A Boxing Match, or Another Bloody Nose for John Bull," New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1813
- "Brother Jonathan Administering a Salutary Cordial to John Bull." Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of print, 1813
- "The Ghost of a Dollar or the Banker's Surprize," New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1813
- "The Hornet and Peacock or John Bull in Distress." Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of lithograph, 1813
- "Queen Charlotte and Johnny Bull Got Their Dose of Perry," Historical Society of Pennsylvania, copy of drawing, 1813
- "A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the Humane British and Their Worthy Allies!" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1813
- "Soldiers on a March to Buffalo." Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of engraving, 1813
- "A View of Winchester in North America Dedicated to President Madison!!" New York Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1813
- "Bruin become Mediator or Negotiation for Peace." William Charles cartoon, Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1814
- "The Fall of Washington of Maddy in full flight." Harris D. Colt Collection, copy of lithograph, 1814
- "The Hartford Convention or Leap No Leap." Huntington Library, copy of engraving, December 1814
- "John Bull and the Baltimoreans." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1814 "John Bull Before New Orleans," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1815 "John Bull Making a New Batch of Ships to Send to the Lakes," [William?] Charles cartoon, Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1814
- "Johnny Bull and the Alexandrians," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1814
Box 1 Folder 5 | Era of Good Feeling, 1816-1822
- "Church & State," Essex Institute, Salem, copy of lithograph, 1816
- "The True Holy Alliance," Huntington Library, copy of etching, c. 1818-1822
Series III: The Jacksonian Era |
Box 2 Folder 1 | The Jackson Administration, 1824-1850
- "Caucus Curs in Full Yell or a War Whoop to Saddle on the People a Pappoose President." Historical Society of Pennsylvania, copy of lithograph, 1824
- "A Caucus Held at Albany on Sunday Evening, April 11, 1824 by the N.Y. City members," Huntington Library, copy of engraving, 1824
- "A Foot Race," New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1824
- "Symptoms of a Locked Jaw," Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1827
- " 'Adams & Liberty' or the 'Centreville Circular Illustrated.'" Copy of engraving, 1828
- "Going The Whole Hog." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1828 "The Pedlar and His Pack or The Desperate Effort, an Over Balance," New York Public Library, copy of drawing, 1828
- "Explosion of the Safety Fund Bubble," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1829
- "The Nation's Bulwark." New York Public Library, copy of drawing, 1829
- "Clar de Kitchen," Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1830
- "Steam Boat, General Jackson," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1829-1830
- "The Rats Leaving a Falling House." Pennsylvania Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1831
- ".00001, The Value of a Unit With Four Ciphers Going Before It," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1831
- "The Rejected Minister, We never can make him President without first making him Vice-president." Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1832
- "Anti-Calhoun and Anti-Nullification," New York Public Library, copy of etching, 1833
- "Exhibition of Cabinet Pictures," etching, 1832-1833
- "The Golden Age or How to Restore Pubic (Public) Credit," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Grand National Caravan Moving East." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Kitchen Cabinet or Political Money Chargers," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "Let Every One Take Care of Himself." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Model of a Republican President," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "Or Last Desperate Pull for Power," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Political Barbecue/Going the Whole Hog." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Downfall of Mother Bank." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1833 "Troubled Treasures," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1833
- "The Union Pie," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1832-1833
- "Set to Between Old Hickory and Bully Nick." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1834
- "Explosion of Biddle & Co.'s Congress Water Fount," copy of lithograph, 1834 "The Abolition Garrison in Danger & the Narrow Escape of the Scotch Ambassador." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1835
- "The Apology. Mediation. Satisfaction." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1835
- "Dispute Between Jackson and the French Over United States' Claims for Damage Done to American Commerce by Napoleon I." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1932-1835
- "All Fours-Important State of the Game-The Knave about to be Lost," Library of Congress, copy of drawing, 1836
- "Caucus on the Surplus Bill." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1836
- "The Celeste-al Cabinet," Huntington Library, 1836
- "The Celest_al Cabinet." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1836
- "High Places in Government Like Steep Rocks Only Accessible to Eagles and Reptiles," Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1836
- "Houston, Santa Anna and Cos." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1836 "Political Race Course-Union Track-Fall Races," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1836
- "Largest Liberty in America," New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1844 "The Hurly-Burly Pot." Library Congress, copy of lithograph, 1850
- "This is the House That Jack Built." copy of lithograph, undated
Box 2 Folder 2 | Martin Van Buren, William Harrison and John Tyler, 1836-1844
- "A Democratic Voter." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1836
- "A Bivouack in Safety or Florida Troops Preventing a Surprise." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "A Dialogue-Between two well known characters." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "The Modern Balaam and His Ass." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "New Edition of Macbeth. Bank-Oh's Ghost." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "Old Jack in the Last Agony and the Fox Caught in a Rat Trap," Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1837
- "Philadelphia Fashions, 1837." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "The Secretary of War Presenting a Stand of Colours to the 1st Regiment of Republican Bloodhounds," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1837
- "Sober Second Thoughts." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1837
- "The Whig Bazaar." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1837
- "Great Locofoco Juggernaut A New Console A Tory Sub-Treasury Rag-Monster," copy of engraving, 1837
- "British Warfare in 1812, 1837-1838." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1838
- "The Captain & Corporal's Guard." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1841
- "Worse Than a Spanish Inquisition." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1838 "A Peep Into Futurity, or A Picture of 1841," Library of Congress, copy of drawing, 1838
- "A Select Committee of Enquiry Hard at Work." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1838
- "Presentation." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1839
- "Going Down. Going Up." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1840 "The Little Magician raising the Spirit of Santaclaus, a la Der Freishutz." New York Public Library, copy of engraving, 1840
- "The North Bend Farmer, and his Visitors." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1840
- "North Bend Game Cock." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1840 "Political Jugglers Losing Their Balance," New York Historical Society, copy of etching, 1840
- "The Captain and Corporal's Guard." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1841
- "John Tyler Attempts to Escape from the Tyler Platform...etc." New York Historical Society, copy of engraving, 1841
- "Old Dan the Fisherman Overhauled by British Cruisers." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1842
- "Fanueil Hall, A Boston Notion for the World's Fair; a New Cradle of Liberty." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1843
Box 2 Folder 3 | Expansion & Slavery Annexation of Texas, 1844-1857
- "Balloon Ascension to the Presidential Chair." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Cleansing the Augean Stable." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1844
- "The Coalition." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1844
- "Fight Between the Kentucky Coon & the Tennessee Alligator." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Fight for the Champion's Belt Between the Kinderhook Pet and the Game Cock of the West." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Going to be Used up in November 1844." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "The Great American Steeple Chase for 1844." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Ground & Lofty Tumbling," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Handicap Race Presidential Stakes 1844," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "The Hunter of Kentucky." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844 "Man Worshipping in 1844," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "The Man Wot Drives the Constitution." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Matty Meeting the Texas Question." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "The Pedlars." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "A Peep at the Future." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Pilgrim's Progress," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Polk & Co. Going up Salt River," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Polk Versus Wool or the Harry-Cane." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "The Polka, A New National Dance Adopted by the Democratic Convention at Baltimore," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1844
- "Tariff. Anti Tariff." Huntington Library, copy of diptych lithograph, 1844
- "John Bull and the Nicaragua Question." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1857
Box 2 Folder 4 | The Mexican War, Compromise of 1850, and the Campaign
- of 1852
- "Consecration of the 'Lone Star'." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1845
- "At the Battle of Palo Alto," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1846 "Funeral Obsequies of Free-Trade." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1846 "The Mexican Commander Enjoying the Prospect Opposite Matamoras." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1846
- "Mexican Valor!!!" New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1846
- "Uncle Sam's Taylorifics." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1846 "A Volunteer for Rio Grande (Brandy)." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1846
- "A Volunteer for Rio Brandy." Library of Congress, copy of drawing, 1846
- "Battle of Gerro Gordo," Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1847
- "The Battle of Churrubosco." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1847
- "Gas and Glory." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1847
- "Santa Anna Declining A Hasty Plate of Soup at Cerro Gordo." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1847
- "An Available Candidate. The One Qualification for a Whig President." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Baltimore Bakery." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "The Buffalo Hunt." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Cass and His Cabinet in 1849." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "The Democratic Funeral of 1848." Pennsylvania Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Joshua, Commanding The Sun To Stand Still." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Marriage of the Free Soil and Liberty Parties." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Now and Then or How to Meet an Old Friend With a New Face." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Plucked: The Mexican Eagle Before the War! The American Eagle After the War!" Private Collection, copy of drawing, 1848
- "Rough and Ready Locomotive Against the Field." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "The Strife Between An Old Hunker, A Barnburner and A No Party Man." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "A War President. Progressive Democracy." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1848
- "Senate Chamber U.S.A.-Conclusion of Clay's Speech in Defence of Slavery." Pennsylvania Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1850
- "Where's My Thunder?" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1850
- "Practical Illustration of the Fugitive Slave Law." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1851
- "The Presidential Harlequin." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1851
- "Great Footrace for the Presidential Purse ($100,000 and Pickings) Over the Union Course 1852." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph,1852
- "A Bad Egg. Fuss and Feathers." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "April Fools!" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "Conquering Prejudice to Save the Union." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "The Fish Question Settled." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1852 "House Hunting! Bloomer Ladies Looking for a House for Next Term." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "Managing a Candidate." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1852 "Ornithology." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "Pap, Soup, and Chowder." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1852 "Position of the Democratic Party in 1852." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1852
- "Soliciting a Vote." Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1852
- "Whig Candidates for the Presidency." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1852
- "The Little Magician & The Modern Witch of Endor." copy of lithograph, undated
Series IV: Lincolniana Era |
Box 3 Folder 1 | Bleeding Kansas and the Lincoln Campaign of 1856, 1854-1856
- "Young America." copy of drawing, 1854
- "Colonel Fremont's Last Grand Exploring in 1856." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Democratic Platform." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Grand National Fight 2 Against 1 Fought on the 6th Nov. 1856," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Great American Buck Hunt of 1856," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Great Presidential Sweepstakes of 1856." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Happy Family." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "Liberty, The Fair Maid of Kansas--in the Hands of the Border Ruffians." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The 'Mustang' Team," New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1856 "The 'Ostend Doctrine'" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Presidential Campaign of 1856." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "The Resurrection of Henry Box Brown at Philadelphia." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "A Serviceable Garment or Reverie of a Bachelor." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1856
- "Shall I Vote for Ten Cents a Day?" Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1856 "Southern Chivalry--Argument Versus Club's." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1856
- "The Great Republican Reform Party," copy of lithograph, undated
Box 3 Folder 2 | Politics of 1860
- "The Political Gymnasium." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "A Political Trinity. Motto: there is a nigger in the wood pile." Harry Bland Collection, copy of drawing
- "Little Stephen A. Trying to Climb into a Very High Chari." Huntington Library, copy of drawing
- "Shaky." Vanity Fair, copy of lithograph
- "Untitled Pro-Lincoln Cartoon." Collection of Harry Bland, copy of lithograph
- " 'Uncle Sam' Making New Arrangements." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- " 'Taking the Stump' or Stephen in Search of His Mother." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Stephen Finding 'His Mother'." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "A Political Race." Harry Bland Collection, copy of drawing
- "Honest Abe Taking on the Half Shell." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph "The Great Democratic Calf." Harry Bland Collection, copy of drawing
- "The Little Giant in the Character of the Gladiator." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph
- "'The Irresistible Conflict' or the Republican Barge in Danger." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "'The Impending Crisis' or Caught in the Act." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Ho! For Salt River!" Harry Bland Collection, copy of etching
- "The Great Political Juggle." Harry Bland Collection, copy of engraving
- "The Great Match at Baltimore, Between The 'Illinois Bantam,' and the 'Old Cock' of the White House." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Letting the Cat Out of the Bag!" New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph "The 'Old Hack' Turned out to 'Grass'!" New York Historical Society, copy of drawing
- "The Political Rail Splitter," New York Public Library, copy of lithograph
- "The Rail Candidate." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "The Union Rail Splitters." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing
Box 3 Folder 3 | Civil War and Secession, 1860-1861
- "Coming 'Round." Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1860
- "Compromise Doctors," Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1860
- Untitled Anti-Lincoln Cartoon, Huntington Library, copy of drawing, 1860
- Anti-Lincoln Cartoon, New York Public Library, drawing, 1861
- "The Battle of Booneville or the Great Missouri 'Lyon' Hunt." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "The Battle of Bull's Run." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "The Dis-United States." Library of Congress, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "Domestic Troubles." Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1861
- "The Fox Without a Tail." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1861 "The Hercules of the Union, Slaying the Great Dragon of Secession." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "John Bull Makes a Discovery." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "In A Position to be Recognised." Vanity Fair, copy of etching, 1861
- "Jonathan on the Mason and Slidell Affair." Harry Bland Collection, copy of drawing, 1861
- "Little Bo-Peep and Her Foolish Sheep." Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1861
- "Mr. Lincoln to England, France and Spain." Vanity Fair, copy of etching, 1861 "Our Great Iceberg Melting Away." Vanity Fair, copy of etching, 1861
- "Passage Through Baltimore," Huntington Library, copy of Adalbert Volck drawing, 1861
- "The Political Arena" New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "Prof. Lincoln in His Great Feat of Balancing." Vanity Fair, copy of etching, 1861 "The 'Secession Movement'" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
- "The Southern Confederacy a Fact!!! Acknowledged by a Mighty Prince and Faithful Ally." New York Historical Society, copy of drawing, 1861
- "What the Tyrants of the Old World Think of Secession, 'Oh! Ain't we Sorry!!!'" Harry Bland Collection, copy of etching, 1861
- "Why Don't You Take It?" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1861
Box 3 Folder 4 | Course of the War, 1862-1863
- "The Grave of the Union." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1862 "Headquarters at Harrison's Landing." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1862
- "The Meeting of the Friends, City Hall Park." Huntington Library, copy of etching, 1862
- "Re-Union on the Secesh-Democratic Plan." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1862
- "Valiant Men 'Dat Fite Mit Digel'." Huntington Library, copy of Adalbert Volck etching, 1862
- "Worship of the North." Huntington Library, copy of Adalbert Volck etching, 1862 "Abduction of the Yankee Goddess of Liberty. The Prince of Darkness (Abraham Lincoln) Bears Her Away to His Infernal Regions." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Columbia Demands Her Children!" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1863 "Council between the Crowned Heads of Europe and the United States." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "The Herod of the Nineteenth Century." Harry Bland Collection, copy of etching, 1863
- "Mr. Lincoln is Rather Indisposed." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863 "The Three Phases of Anger Exhibited by General Halleck...." Library of Congress, copy of drawing, 1863
- "Writing the Emancipation Proclamation." Huntington Library, Adalbert Volck etching, 1863
- "The Yankee-British Alliance Against France!" Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads"/"How Vanity Spurs Him On!" Library of Congress, copy of etching,1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads"/ "Jolly! Mas 'r! Kitch hold or youm gone drown fo' Sartin, sho!" Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "Emperor of China, Pekin." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "By the way this puts me in mind of a little story of Esop;s Fables" Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "The Union as it Was'nt and Is'nt and Never Will Be." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "Southern Dirt." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "So Much Dishonor my fair stars." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "A Soldier came back from the war," Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Ye Book of Copperheads."/ "There are many complaints, Davy, about that." Library of Congress, copy of etching, 1863
- "Lincoln vainly endeavoring to cement the old Union." copy of drawing, undated
Box 3 Folder 5 | Lincoln Campaign, 1864
- "The Abolition Catastrophe or The November Smash-Up." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "The Chicago Platform." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "The Chicago Platform, What Is It, Peace or War." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph
- "The Commander in Chief Conciliating the Soldiers' Votes on the Battlefield." New York Public Library, copy of etching
- "Democracy." New York Public Library, copy of drawing
- "Desperate Peace Man." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Free Negroes in the North." Huntington Library, copy of Adalbert Volck etching "Compromise with the South." Harper's Weekly, copy of Thomas Nast etching "The Great Union Prize Fight." New York Historical Society, copy of etching
- "The Gunboat Candidate at the Battle of Malvern Hill." copy of lithograph
- "Heads of the Democracy." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "How Free Ballot is Protected!" New York Public Library, copy of drawing
- "I knew Him, Horatio: A Fellow of Infinite Jest. Where Be Your Gibes Now?" New York Public Library, copy of etching
- "The 'If' Candidate for the Presidency." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph
- "Jamieson's Jayhawkers," Huntington Library, copy of Adalbert Volck etching
- "A Little Game of Bagettell, Between Old Abe The Rail Splitter & Little Mac The Gunboat General." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph
- "Little Mac, in His Great Two Horse Act, In the Presidential Canvass of." Huntington Library, copy of etching
- "Little Mac Trying to Dig His Way to the White House but is Frightened by Spiritual Manifestations." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Little Mac's Double Feat of Equitation." Huntington Library, copy of drawing; "Northern Coat of Arms." Huntington Library, copy of drawing
- "The Old Bull Dog on the Right Track." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph "The Political 'Siamese' Twins or the Offspring of Chicago Miscegenation." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Running the Machine" Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
- "Your Plan and Mine." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph
Box 3 Folder 6 | Early Months of 1865 and the Administration of Andrew Jackson
- "Copperheads Worshipping Their Idol." New York Public Library, copy of
- lithograph, 1864
- "The Cake in Danger." New York Public Library, copy of drawing, 1865
- " The Capture of an Unprotected Female or the Close of the Rebellion."
- Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1865
- "The First of May 1865 or Genl. Moving Day in Richmond, Va." Huntington
- Library, copy of lithograph, 1865
- "The 'Freedom' of the South." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1865
- "Jeff's Last Shift." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1865
- "John Brown Exhibiting His Hangman." New York Historical Society, copy of
- lithograph, 1865
- "John Bull Sold-He Finds That He Has Been Dealing With Men of Straw." Harry
- Bland Collection, copy of etching, 1865
- "The 'Rail Splitter' at Work Repairing the Union." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1865
- "The Two Visits." Harry Bland Collection, copy of etching, 1865
- "The Way John Bull Now Looks On the Southern Confederacy." Harry Bland Collection, copy of etching, 1865
- "How the Stains on our Flag Are Got Rid Of." Harper's Weekly, copy of print, 1866
- "King Andy: How He Will Look: What He Will Do." Harper's Weekly, copy of Thomas Nast cartoon, 1866
- "Reconstruction and How It Works." Harper's Weekly, copy of Thomas Nast etching, 1866
- "The Man That Blocks the Highway." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1866
- "Jeff. D__ Hung on a 'Sour Apple Tree' or Treason Made Odious." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1867
- "The Stanton-Johnson Embroglio in Cartoon." copy of print, 1867
- "Blood Will Tell!" New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "An Impending Catastrophe," Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "My Policy in 1868," New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "Nigger, Scalawag and Carpetbagger. Hon. Mr. Caraway Supports the Electoral College Bill." Alabama State Archives, copy of engraving, 1868
- "The Radical Party on a Heavy Grade." Huntington Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "Scenes in the First Reconstructed Legislature." Alabama State Archives, copy of engraving, 1868
- "The Smelling Committee." New York Historical Society, copy of lithograph, 1868 " 'Spoons' as Falstaff Mustering the Impeachment Managers." New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "Blood Will Tell, New York Public Library, copy of lithograph, 1868
- "Error Wounded Writhes in Pain." Harper's Weekly, copy of etching, 1869
- "Let Us Have Peace." Harper's Weekly, copy of Thomas Nast drawing, 1869
- "Not 'Love', But Justice." Harper's Weekly, copy of etching, 1869
- "A Prospective Scene in the 'City of Oaks,' 4th of March 1869." copy of engraving, 1869
Box 3 Folder 7 | Miscellaneous
- "Es herscht königliche undated Ordnung." copy of drawing, undated
- "The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver." copy of etching, undated
- Photo of woman, undated