University of Chicago Library

Preliminary Inventory to the Hyde Park Herald Records 1958-2011

© 2025 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Hyde Park Herald. Records



Accession Number:



29 linear feet (18 boxes)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


The Hyde Park Herald is Chicago’s oldest community newspaper, with weekly issues dating back to 1882. This collection contains editorial research from the decades that the paper was under Bruce Sagan’s ownership.

Information on Use


This collection is open for research.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Hyde Park Herald. Records, Acc #, Box #, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Historical Note

The Hyde Park Herald is Chicago’s oldest community newspaper, with weekly issues dating back to 1882. This collection contains editorial research from the decades that the paper was under Bruce Sagan’s ownership. The paper’s coverage is primarily centered around Hyde Park, Woodlawn, Kenwood, and Bronzeville, but also includes reporting on Chicago in general. The collection would be particularly useful to researchers interested in housing, development, and politics in Hyde Park and its surroundings.

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Sagan, Bruce. Papers


Box 1

Editorial Research, Hyde Park Theater, 2004-2006

Box 1

Editorial Research, Schools, 2005

Box 1

Editorial Research, University of Chicago Master Plan, 2001-2005

Box 1

Editorial Research, Chicago Transit Authority, 2004

Box 1

Story Ideas, 2005-2006

Box 1

Editorial Research on Police Brutality and Forced Confessions, 1996-2004

Box 1

Aerial Photographs of Hyde Park, n.d.

Box 1

Historic Photos of Hyde Park, 1960s

Box 1

Photographs of Places around Hyde Park, 1980-1992

Box 1

Assorted Photographs of People around Hyde Park/Kenwood/Woodlawn, 1982-2007

Box 1

Barack Obama Photographs, 1995-2006

Box 1

Photographs of Chicago Politicians, 1963-2007

Box 1

24th District Race, 1994

Box 1

Editorial Research for 1982 Primary Elections, 12th & 13th District, 1982

Box 1

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings on Barbara Flynn Currie, 1979-1992

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings on Springfield Report, 1990-1995

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings on the Springfield Report, 1980-1997

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings and Photocopies on Larry “Rambo” Bullock Extortion Trial, 1985-1987

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings and Photocopies on the Springfield Report, 1993-1995

Box 1

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings on Harold Washington, 1960-1984

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings and Press Releases on Alice Palmer, 1991-1996

Box 1

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings on Bobby Rush, 1988-1992

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings on Congressional and Senate Races, 1995

Box 1

2nd Congressional District, Candidate Info, Newspaper Clippings and Photocopies, 1995

Box 1

Editorial Research and Newspaper Clippings on Carol Moseley Braun, 1981-1987

Box 1

Editorial Research and Newspaper Clippings on Lovana “Lou” Jones, 1986-1989

Box 1

Editorial Research on Bobby Rush, 1991-1999

Box 1

Vote Tallies and Press Material from the 23rd District Race, 1982

Box 1

Campaign Materials/Editorial Research for Chicago’s 23rd District Race, 1982

Box 1

Newspaper Clippings on Alderman William Barnett, 1982-1992

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1975-1979

Box 2

Editorial Research, Ross Lathrop, 1979

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1963-1969

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1963-1980

Box 2

Illinois State Board of Elections, Unofficial Candidate List, General Primary, 1992

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1992

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1986-1993

Box 2

Editorial Research, Hyde Park, Politics, 1980-1983

Box 2

Editorial Research, Politics, Hyde Park, 1991-1996

Box 2

Editorial Research, Tillman, Housing, 2006

Box 2

Tillman Aldermanic Menu, 2004-2005

Box 2

Editorial Research, Harold Washington Cultural Center, 2006

Box 2

Editorial Research, 35th Ward Committeeman’s Race, 1979

Box 2

Editorial Research, Elections, 1980

Box 2

Editorial Research, Congressional Districts, 1981

Box 2

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings, Elections, 1981

Box 2

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings, Elections, 1982

Box 2

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings, 1983 Election, 1982-1984

Box 2

Editorial Research, Newspaper Clippings, Politics, 1984

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1997-1999

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1996

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1995

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1994

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1993

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1992

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1991

Box 2

Newspaper Clippings, Editorial, 1990

Box 2

Promontory Point Photographs, 1987-1993

Box 2

A Citizen’s Guide to Using the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 2011

Box 3

Editorial Research, 53rd Street TIF, Folder 1, 1996-2006

Box 3

53rd Street TIF, Folder 2, 1996-2006

Box 3

Boggio Suicide Case, 1995-2004

Box 3

Editorial Research: Crime, 2004-2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Harold Washington Cultural Center, 2006

Box 3

Editorial Research: Miscellaneous, Museum Exhibits, CTA Routes, Department of Aging, 2007-2012

Box 3

Internship Information, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research, Devil in the White City, 2006

Box 3

Editorial Research: Jamie Kalven Panel, 2006

Box 3

Inauguration Photos, 2009

Box 3

Editorial Research, Mayor’s Commission on Women’s Affairs, 1986-2012

Box 3

Editorial Research, Antheus, 2007

Box 3

Population and Housing, 2007-2008

Box 3

Editorial Research, Tobacco Road, Inc., 2004-2006

Box 3

Mario Soldo, Blackstone Rowhouses, 2000-2005

Box 3

Neighborhood Club Activities, 2005-2007

Box 3

University of Chicago Articles, 2007

Box 3

Blackstone Bikeworks and Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Business, 2005-2007

Box 3

Landmarks and Landmark Status, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Olympics, Property Transfers, Section 8, CHA, 2006-2009

Box 3

Newspaper: Profile Ideas, Features, Obituaries, 1999-2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Co-op, 1998-2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Housing, Zoning, Development, 2004-2007

Box 3

Events Calendars, 2008

Box 3

David Axelrod Articles, 1974

Box 3

Guide to the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 2002

Box 3

Menus, n.d.

Box 3

George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,” n.d.

Box 3

Assorted Contact Information, n.d.

Box 3

Politicians, 2005-2007

Box 3

Hyde Park/Englewood Schools, 2005-2010

Box 3

Newspaper: Letters, Meetings, Interviews, Layout Ideas, 2007

Box 3

Neighborhood Organizations, 2005-2008

Box 3

Editorial Research: Hyde Park Arts Center, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Blue Gargoyle, Seminary Action, Religious Contacts, St. Thomas, 2005-2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Washington Park, DuSable Museum, Robie House, Douglas Tomb, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research: Vacant Properties, Bronzeville Housing, SB520 – Rental Assistance, 2004-2008

Box 3

Newspaper Operations: FOIA, Freelance Request, Herald Boycott, Contests, Press Passes, Notes, Tips, Subscriptions, 1992-2007

Box 3

Corrections and Editorial Copy, 2007

Box 3

Resumes, Folder 1, 2007-2009

Box 3

Resumes, Folder 2, 2006-2007

Box 3

Newspaper Archives, 2007-2008

Box 3

D-2 Reports, Hairston, Powell, Preckwinkle, 2007

Box 3

Editorial Research, TIFs, 2006-2007

Box 3

Editorial Research, Promontory Point, 2002-2007

Box 4

Herald Newspaper Clippings, 1986-1987

Box 4

Chicago Urban League Annual Report: Bridging the Opportunity Divide, 2005

Box 4

To be Filed – Articles, 2007

Box 4

Cook County Government, 2005

Box 4

Hyde Park Herald Archived Articles, 1929-1999

Box 4

Hospitals, 2009

Box 4

Editorial Research: Hyde Park Businesses, 2005-2009

Box 4

Consortium on Chicago Schools Research, “When Schools Close,” 2009

Box 4

Hyde Park Herald Awards, Donations, Thank You Notes, 1998-2006

Box 4

University of Chicago Press Releases, 1997-2006

Box 4

Hyde Park Transitional Housing Project, 2006

Box 4

Job Applications, 1999-2010

Box 4

McCormick Place Opening Press, 2006

Box 4

Oriental Institute Materials, n.d.

Box 4

Metropolitan Planning Council Materials, n.d.

Box 4

Illustrations, c. 1990s

Box 4

Newspaper: Payment Forms, Copyright Laws, Job Search, 1996-2006

Box 4

Spelling Tests, n.d.

Box 4

Timuel D. Black, Freelance Reimbursements and Notes, 2004-2007

Box 4

Senior Scene Columns, 1987-2006

Box 4

J. Robert Parks, Freelance Work, Reimbursements, 2004-2007

Box 4

Hyde Park Memorials, Landmarks, DuSable High School, 2006-2007

Box 4

Editorial Research: Blackstone Library, 2004-2007

Box 4

Herald Personnel Correspondence, 2004-2007

Box 4

Georgia Gies, Assorted Articles, c. 2002

Box 4

Owen Larson (Freelancer) Reimbursements, 2004-2006

Box 4

Orlinksy Case, 1994-1999

Box 4

Editorial Research, Bobby Rush, 2006

Box 4

Editorial Research: Parking, 2003-2005

Box 4

Editorial Research: University of Chicago South Campus, 2004-2006

Box 4

Freelancers, Reimbursements, 2002-2007

Box 4

Timuel D. Black Originals, n.d.

Box 4

Editorial Research, Promontory Point, 2003-2006

Box 4

Quad Communities Retail/Service Business Summary, 2005

Box 4

Editorial Research, Sutherland Apartments, 2002-2006

Box 4

Newspaper Clippings: Olympics in the Parks, Reese Hospital, 2007

Box 4

Editorial Research: Harper Theater, 1991-1998

Box 5

Harper Theater Property Assessment, 2002

Box 5

Hyde Park in Periodicals, Folder 1, 1968-1985

Box 5

Hyde Park in Periodicals, Folder 2, 1968-1985

Box 5

Harper Court Foundation, Folder 1, 1992-1995

Box 5

Harper Court Foundation, Folder 2, 1992-1995

Box 5

Harper Court Foundation, Folder 3, 1992-1995

Box 5

Hyde Park Hospitals, Folder 1, 1992

Box 5

Hyde Park Hospitals, Folder 2, 1992

Box 5

Hyde Park Hospitals, Folder 3, 1992

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Newspaper Clippings, 1984-1992

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 1, 1989-1990

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 2, 1989-1991

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 3, 1985-1988

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 4, 1985-1988

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 5, 1985-1988

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 6, 1985-1988

Box 5

Hyde Park/Kenwood Development Corporation, Folder 7, 1985-1988

Box 6

Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, n.d.

Box 6

Campaign Finance, 1999

Box 6

4th Ward Aldermanic Race, 1991

Box 6

2nd Ward Aldermanic Elections, 1991

Box 6

5th Ward Aldermanic Election, 1991

Box 6

Kenwood Academy Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1992

Box 6

King-Price Campus, 1996-1999

Box 6

School Improvement, 1990

Box 6

Canter Middle School, 2000-2001

Box 6

Murray Lot Issue, Folder 1, 1987-1988

Box 6

Murray Lot Issue, Folder 2, 1987-1989

Box 6

Schools, 1980-1996

Box 6

Wirth School, 1990-1992

Box 6

Press on Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 1958

Box 6

Notes on West Hyde Park, Housing Court, 1988-1989

Box 6

DuSable Museum Controversy, 1986-1989

Box 6

57th Street Art Fair History, c. 1980

Box 6

Newspaper Clippings, Hyde Park, 1996

Box 6

Elections, Voting, Press Releases, 1997-1999

Box 6

Aldermanic Race, 4th Ward, 1995

Box 6

Complaint Against Shoreline Realty Co., 2000

Box 6

Hyde Park Herald Pulitzer Prize Nomination Letter, 1958

Box 6

Hyde Park Press Coverage and Associated Photos, c. 1990s

Box 6

Archived Newspaper Issues, 1956-1982

Box 6

Editorial Research: Tenants, Firearms, Felony Laws, 2009

Box 6

Hyde Park Centennial, 1982

Box 6

Press Coverage of Herald, c. 1980s-1990s

Box 6

Hyde Park Herald Archived Issues, Newspaper Clippings, c. 1888-1950s

Box 6

Newspaper: Advertising, Correspondence, Contacts, c. 1999

Box 6

Herald Office Opening Photos, 2006

Box 7

Editorial Research: Parking in Hyde Park, Folder 1, 1979-1992

Box 7

Editorial Research: Parking in Hyde Park, Folder 2, 1979-1992

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 1, 1960s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 2, 1960s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 3, 1960s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 4, 1960s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 5, 1960s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 6, 1970s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 7, 1980s

Box 7

“Urban Renewal,” Folder 8, 1980s-1990s

Box 7

Assorted Chicago Newspaper Issues and Clippings, 1994-1996

Box 7

Editorial Research: Provident Hospital, 1989-1990

Box 7

Old Herald Issues, 1975-1994

Box 7

5th Ward Aldermanic Election, 1995

Box 7

Sensible Tools for Healthy Communities Report, 2004

Box 7

Barack Obama 2000 Congressional Campaign, Press Packet, 1999

Box 7

Donne E. Trotter Congressional Campaign Material, 1999-2000

Box 7

Newspaper Clippings, Ward Remap, 1991-1992

Box 7

Editorial Research: Politics, 1982-1990

Box 7

The Promise of Public Housing, Photo Book, 2005

Box 7

Hyde Park/Kenwood Community Conference, 1993-1997

Box 7

Editorial Research, Promontory Point, 2001

Box 8

Kristine Berg, “Implementing Chicago’s Plan to Transform Public Housing,” n.d.

Box 8

CHA/Section 8, 2006-2008

Box 8

21st District Burglaries, 2006-2008

Box 8

Editorial Research: Foreclosures, 2007

Box 8

Amadou Cisse Case, 2008

Box 8

Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, 2008

Box 8

Chicago Special Service Area 47, 2008

Box 8

Hyde Park Building Documents, 2007-2008

Box 8

University of Chicago/Darfur, 2008

Box 8

Genesis Housing Development Corp., 2008

Box 8

Oakwood Shores and Cottage Grove Developments, 2004-2008

Box 8

Editorial Research: Robie House, 2006-2008

Box 8

Hyde Park Properties: Deeds and Mortgages, 2000-2007

Box 8

Seniors of the Third Ward, 2001-2006

Box 8

XS Tennis, 2008

Box 8

Editorial Research: Condo Association, c. 2008

Box 8

Hyde Park Crime Statistics, 2008

Box 8

Editorial Research, YMCA Lot, 1980-1992

Box 8

Editorial Research: Zoning, Folder 1, 1967-1996

Box 8

Editorial Research: Zoning, Folder 2, 1967-1996

Box 8

Editorial Research: YMCA, 1958-1983

Box 8

Editorial Research: YMCA, 1981-1988

Box 8

Editorial Research: Police Brutality, 1967-1982

Box 8

Hyde Park Shopping Center, 1983-1997

Box 8

“Hyde Park/Kenwood Urban Renewal Project,” Community Conservation Board, 1961

Box 8

Editorial Research: South East Chicago Commission, 1980-1995

Box 8

Hyde Park Shopping Center Redevelopment Study, 1988

Box 8

Hyde Park Projects, 2007-2008

Box 9

CTA Gray Line Proposal Materials, 1970-1993

Box 9

Chicago Board of Ethics, 1997-1999

Box 9

University of Chicago Centennial Celebration, 1991

Box 9

University of Chicago: Expansion, Master Plan, Student Housing, 1977-1999

Box 9

University of Chicago Newspaper Clippings, 1991-1997

Box 9

University of Chicago Press Releases and Public Letters, 1989-1997

Box 9

University of Chicago Plan of Development, 1993

Box 9

Graydon Snyder, 1994

Box 9

Profiles of Hyde Parkers, 1979-1999

Box 9

Toni Preckwinkle D-2, 1999

Box 9

5th Ward Race, 1999

Box 9

4th Ward Elections, 1995-1999

Box 9

Abner Minva, c. 1996

Box 9

Hyde Park Photography, 1982-1989

Box 9

Payday Loan Bill, 1999

Box 9

Kwame Raoul, 2000

Box 9

Mayoral Polls, 1989

Box 9

Hyde Park Cooperative Society Meeting Minutes and Neighborhood Map, 2004

Box 9

Al Hofeld, Jr., State Senate Campaign, 2009

Box 9

Capital Improvement and Neighborhood Stabilization, 2006-2012

Box 9

Grand Boulevard Federation, 2006-2008

Box 9

“Slum Lord Nuisance,” Housing, 2005-2008

Box 9

Smart Home Media Package, 2008-2009

Box 9

Miscellaneous Religious Affairs, 2008

Box 9

Miscellaneous Development, 1992-2008

Box 9

City Land Buy – Near South Side, 2008

Box 9

University of Chicago Master Plan, 2001-2005

Box 9

Olympic Bid, 2008-2009

Box 9

Medical Centers, 2009-2010

Box 9

Assorted Media Packets, 2007-2010

Box 9

Editorial Research, “Unfiled,” 2007-2008

Box 9

Editorial Research: Politics, 2007

Box 9

Metropolitan Planning and Quad Communities Development Corporations, Planning Materials, 2005

Box 9

Hyde Park Developments, 2007-2008

Box 9

Hyde Park Co-Op Markets, 2007

Box 9

St. Stephen’s Church, Property Documents, 2007

Box 9

Hyde Park Projects Underway, 2007

Box 10

Muntu Dance Theater of Chicago, Folder 1, 2007-2011

Box 10

Muntu Dance Theater of Chicago, Folder 2, 2003-2008

Box 10

Editorial Research: Prostitution, 2007-2008

Box 10

Hyde Park Apartments, 2011

Box 10

Miscellaneous Photos: Politics, c. 1985-2000

Box 10

Newspaper Clippings, 1996-1999

Box 10

“Bronzeville Background,” 1991-2001

Box 10

Amendment 21 to the Hyde Park-Kenwood Conservation Plan, 1988

Box 10

West Hyde Park Series: Notes, 1989

Box 10

Chicago Capital Improvement Program, 1998-2000

Box 10

Annexation, Folder 1, n.d.

Box 10

Annexation, Folder 2, n.d.

Box 10

Hyde Park-Kenwood Urban Renewal Plan, c. 1966

Box 10

Promontory Point Task Force, 2004

Box 10

Redevelopment Projects, Folder 1, 2001-2002

Box 10

Redevelopment Projects, Folder 2, c. 1998

Box 10

Lake Front Relocation, 1988-1991

Box 10

Local Parks History, c. 1972

Box 10

Illinois Open Meetings Act, 2004-2008

Box 10

Maps, n.d.

Box 10

Museum of Science and Industry, 1996-1998

Box 10

University of Chicago Crime Lab, 2007-2008

Box 10

Hyde Park Parakeets, 1988-1999

Box 10

“Misc. Historical Stuff,” n.d.

Box 10

South Side Development, 1980-1999

Box 10

Editorial Research: Promontory Point, 2002

Box 11

Editorial Research: Cornell Square, Folder 1, 1994

Box 11

Editorial Research: Cornell Square, Folder 2, 1994

Box 11

Miscellaneous Flyers, n.d.

Box 11

Letters to the Editor, 2006-2009

Box 11

Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference, Employer Assisted Housing, Community Benefits Agreement, 2008-2009

Box 11

Independent Police Review Authority, 2009

Box 11

Salvation Army Media Packet, 2004

Box 11

Editorial Research: Film and Culture, 2006

Box 11

Smart Museum of Art Media Packet, 2006

Box 11

Rainbow Push Coalition, c. 2009

Box 11

Legal Research, 2009

Box 11

Promontory Point and Historic Preservation, 2002-2006

Box 11

Housing, 2002-2005

Box 11

Hyde Park Theater, c. 1987

Box 11

Illinois Institute of Technology, S.R. Crown Hall Media Packet, 2005

Box 11

The Arches at Oakwood Shores, Promotional Booklet, n.d.

Box 11

City of Chicago Building Violations, 2005-2006

Box 11

Hyde Park Housing and Development, 2002-2006

Box 11

Promontory Point, Preservation, 1993-2005

Box 11

Principles for Chicago’s New Zoning Ordinance, 2000

Box 11

Three Suggestions for Chicago Landmarks, Preservation Committee of the Hyde Park Historical Society, 2005

Box 11

Drexel Site Redevelopment, n.d.

Box 11

Illinois Institute of Technology, Perfect Power System, 2009

Box 11

Housing Advocacy, c. 2005

Box 11

Affordable Housing, 2004-2005

Box 11

“Suggestions for Chicago Landmarks,” Hyde Park Historical Society Preservation Committee, 2005

Box 11

Restaurants, n.d.

Box 11

Lake Shore Conservation: Hyde Park-Kenwood, c. 2003

Box 11

Parks District Reports, 2004-2005

Box 11

Independent Review Panel of Building Safety Enforcement Powers, 2003

Box 11

53rd Street Development and Press Releases, 2007-2008

Box 11

Assorted Academic Studies, 2005-2009

Box 11

Law and Economics Papers, 2009

Box 11

Housing Bronzeville, 2006-2007

Box 12

Blagojevich Impeachment, Folder 1, 2008-2009

Box 12

Blagojevich Impeachment, Folder 2, 2008-2009

Box 12

South Side Demonstration Project, Folder 1, 1995

Box 12

South Side Demonstration Project, Folder 2, 1995

Box 12

South Side Planning Board, 1983-1985

Box 12

Hyde Park/Kenwood/Oakland Community Conservation Committee, Folder 1, 1983-1997

Box 12

Hyde Park/Kenwood/Oakland Community Conservation Committee, Folder 2, 1983-1997

Box 12

Hyde Park/Kenwood/Oakland Community Conservation Committee, Folder 3, 1983-1997

Box 12

Chicago Housing Authority, 1984-2001

Box 12

Editorial Research, YMCA, 1980-1986

Box 12

Apartment Buildings, Folder 1, 1979-1998

Box 12

Apartment Buildings, Folder 2, 1979-1988

Box 12

4910 S. Blackstone, 1995

Box 12

Kenwood/Oakland Community Organization, 1968-1973

Box 12

Cornell Terrace, Folder 1, 1979

Box 12

Cornell Terrace, Folder 2, 1979

Box 12

Cornell Terrace, Folder 3, 1979

Box 12

Cornell Garden/Oasis, 1994

Box 13

31st Street Harbor, 2010

Box 13

Studies, 2008

Box 13

Vote Dry Petition, 2008

Box 13

Quad Communities Development Corporation Retail Scan, 2010

Box 13

Harper Court, 2007-2010

Box 13

City Politics, 2004-2008

Box 13

City Budget, 2009-2010

Box 13

26th District Primary, 2007-2008

Box 13

State Budget, 2007

Box 13

Stimulus, 2009

Box 13

University of Chicago Teaching Assistant Labor Dispute, 2004-2008

Box 13

Citizens for Preckwinkle, 2008-2009

Box 13

Sutherland Apartments, Folder 1, 1996-2010

Box 13

Sutherland Apartments, Folder 2, 1996-2010

Box 13

Landmarks and Promontory Point, 2008

Box 13

University of Chicago, News and Press Releases, 2007-2008

Box 13

Tax Increment Financing, 2006-2010

Box 13

Tobacco Road, Inc., 2009

Box 13

Foreclosures, 2006-2008

Box 13

Harris Civil Suit, 2007-2008

Box 13

S.O.S. Police Scandal, 2007

Box 13

Kalven, 2006

Box 13

Freedom of Information Act Requests, Chicago Police Department, 2009

Box 13

University of Chicago Police Department Review, 2009

Box 14

Alderman Timothy Evans, Folder 1, 1983-1994

Box 14

Alderman Timothy Evans, Folder 2, 1983-1994

Box 14

South Shore Country Club, Folder 1, 1974-1989

Box 14

South Shore Country Club, Folder 2, 1977-1985

Box 14

South Shore Country Club, Folder 3, 1977-1981

Box 14

Alderman Dorothy Tillman, 1984-1985

Box 14

Toni Preckwinkle, Folder 1, 1992-1999

Box 14

Toni Preckwinkle, Folder 2, 1983-1999

Box 14

Lawrence Bloom, Folder 1, 1993-1999

Box 14

Lawrence Bloom, Folder 2, 1979-1999

Box 14

Mayoral Campaign: Epton V. Washington, 1983

Box 14

Politics, Newspaper Clippings, Folder 1, 1980s

Box 14

Politics, Newspaper Clippings, Folder 2, 1970s-1980s

Box 14

Politics, Newspaper Clippings, Folder 3, 1995-1997

Box 14

Alderman Barbara Holt, 1996-1999

Box 14

Independent Voters of Illinois, 1961-1999

Box 14

Hyde Park Politics and Development, Miscellaneous, 2004-2010

Box 14

Bronzeville Development, 2007-2009

Box 14

University of Chicago Planned Development, 1983-2009

Box 14

Miscellaneous Editorial Research: Lab School, 53rd Street TIF, Chicago Theological Seminary, 2008-2010

Box 14

Hyde Park Senior Village, 2010

Box 14

Robert J. Zimmer, 2008-2009

Box 14

Woodlawn Avenue Landmark District, 2011

Box 14

Reza Negarestani, “The Militarization of Peace,” 2007

Box 14

Harper Theater, 2006

Box 14

53rd Street Vision Workshop, 2007-2008

Box 14

Village Center/Suit, 2008

Box 14

Michael Reese Hospital, 2008-2009

Box 14

Hyde Park/Kenwood Community Conference, 2008

Box 15

Harper Professional Building Proposal, 1978-1982

Box 15

47th Street Metra Station Fight, 1984-1986

Box 15

47th Street Shopping Center, 1982-1995

Box 15

33rd and Michigan Redevelopment Plan, Department of Urban Renewal, 1971

Box 15

Regent’s Park Apartments, 1980-1995

Box 15

Housing, 1982-1993

Box 15

Gap Community, 1984-1990

Box 15

Condominium Information, 1978-1994

Box 15

Ad Hoc Committee for 53rd Street, 1990-1997

Box 15

Chicago Shoreline Storm Damage Reduction Project, Environmental Assessment, 2001

Box 15

World’s Fair, 1984-1985

Box 15

Promontory Point, 1982-1997

Box 15

Statues, Monuments, Landmark Buildings, 1980-1999

Box 15

World’s Fair, 1982-1983

Box 15

Regents Park, 1993-1997

Box 15

Hyde Park Woolworth’s, 1997

Box 15

Peddlers and Street Vendors, 1993-1996

Box 15

Woodlawn, 1993-1994

Box 15

Parks, Folder 1, 1981-1999

Box 15

Parks, Folder 2, 1981-1999

Box 15

Shoreline Restoration, 1993-1995

Box 15

South Shore, 1975-1983

Box 15

Jackson Park, Folder 1, 1989-1999

Box 15

Jackson Park, Folder 2, 1989-1999

Box 15

Jackson Park, Folder 3, 1989-1999

Box 16

Harper Court, 2005-2008

Box 16

The Shoreland, 2008

Box 16

Harold Washington Cultural Center, Taxes and Programming, 2004

Box 16

St. Stephen’s, 2008-2009

Box 16

Miscellaneous Editorial Research: Politics, 1981-2006

Box 16

Unfiled Editorial Research, 2006-2007

Box 16

Hyde Park Herald, Hiring: Applications, Resumes, 2006-2007

Box 16

City Vendors List, Folder 1, 2006

Box 16

City Vendors List, Folder 2, 2006

Box 16

Legal Complaints against Jackson Parkside Apartments, 2007

Box 16

State of Illinois Department of Transportation, Compliance Examination, 2005

Box 16

School Closures/Renaissance 2010, Folder 1, 2004

Box 16

School Closures/Renaissance 2010, Folder 2, 2004

Box 16

School Closures/Renaissance 2010, Folder 3, 2004

Box 16

Kozminski Community Academy, 1995-1997

Box 16

Dyett Principal Trial, 2002-2003

Box 16

Shoesmith, 2005

Box 16

Hyde Park Herald Fax Sheets, n.d.

Box 16

Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Court Case, 2005-2006

Box 16

Hyde Park History, Volume 19, Number 4, 1997-1998

Box 16

Lake Shore Drive, Folder 1, 1995-1998

Box 16

Lake Shore Drive, Folder 2, 1965-1991

Box 16

Lake Shore Drive, Folder 3, 1964-1999

Box 16

Building Rehabilitations and Demolitions, 1979-1988

Box 17

Unfiled Editorial Research, Hyde Park, 2006-2008

Box 17

Hyde Park Herald Operations, n.d.

Box 17

Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy, 2008

Box 17

Blue Gargoyle Complaint Letters, 2009

Box 17

Tionda Bradley, n.d.

Box 17

Grand Boulevard Safety Networks Coalition, 2008

Box 17

First Baptist Church of Chicago, 2008

Box 17

Wilmington on Drexel Foreclosure, 2009

Box 17

Hyde Park Politics, 2008-2010

Box 17

Tax Increment Financing, 2008-2009

Box 17

Housing, 2008-2009

Box 17

Hyde Park Community Organizations, 2007-2008

Box 17

Washington Park, 2009

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University of Chicago, 2008

Box 17

Doctor’s Hospital, 2007-2009

Box 17

Zoning and Development, 2007-2009

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Oakwood Shores, 2009

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Bronzeville, 2008

Box 17

Olympics, 2007-2009

Box 17

Landmarks, 2007-2009

Box 17

Apartments, Hyde Park, 2007-2008

Box 17

Chicago Area Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 2005

Box 17

Neighborhood Associations, 2008

Box 17

53rd Street, 2007-2008

Box 17

Chicago Housing Authority, 2008-2009

Box 17

Builder’s Associations, 2008

Box 17

Pilgrim Baptist Church, 2007-2008

Box 17

Landmarks, Hyde Park-Kenwood, n.d.

Box 17

Self-Dealing, n.d.

Box 17

Harold Washington Cultural Center Financing, 2006

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House of Twang, 2006

Box 17

Harold Washington Cultural Center News Background, 2006

Box 17

New Jersey Performing Arts Center, 2006

Box 17

Chicago City Council Report, 2006

Box 17

A Board Member’s Guide to Collection of Assessments, John H. Bickley III, n.d.

Box 17

2008 Annual Report, 53rd Street Redevelopment Project Area, 2009

Box 18

A Vision for the Hyde Park Retail District, 2000

Box 18

Hyde Park Streetscape/Viaduct Improvement Project, 2004

Box 18

The Shoreland, Architectural Plans, 2004

Box 18

South Side of Chicago Street Map, n.d.

Box 18

June 30, 1954 Hyde Park Herald Front Page Posterboard, n.d.

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July 20, 1928 Hyde Park Herald Front Page Posterboard, n.d.

Box 18

April 3, 1886 Hyde Park Herald Front Page Posterboard, n.d.