University of Chicago Library

Preliminary Inventory to the Ramón Gutiérrez Papers 1971-2018

© 2024 University of Chicago Library

Descriptive Summary


Gutiérrez, Ramón. Papers



Accession Number:



15 linear feet (10 boxes)


Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.


Ramón A. Gutiérrez is the Preston & Sterling Morton Distinguished Service Emeritus Professor in United States History, Department of History and the College at the University of Chicago. Gutierrez’s research focuses on race and ethnicity in American life, Chicano/Latino studies, Indian-White relations in the Americas, the social and economic history of the Southwest, colonial Latin America, and Mexican immigration.

Information on Use


This collection is open for research with the exception of part of Box 8, which contains materials to which access is restricted. Part of Box 8 contains student materials which are restricted for 80 years from the record's date of creation.


When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Gutiérrez, Ramón. Papers, Acc #, Box #, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library


Box 1

21 Microfilm Rolls, n.d.

Box 1

37 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Fur Trappers/Pioneers, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 1

Calif. Missions, 20 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Indians, 58 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

California Missions, 89 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Reconquest/Conquest, 61 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

25 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Aztec, 52 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Indians - 2, 59 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Animals, 80 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Indian Male Ritual Societies, empty transparency sleeves, note, n.d.

Box 1

Gold Rush, 11 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Mexican Indepence, 9 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

US/Mexico War, 10 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Mexico, 33 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Spain - Toledo, 40 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Ramon Gutierrez, 29 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Ramona Pagent - Hemit, CA, 20 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Saints, 94 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

20 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Emily Trevino, 33 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Stanford - Center for Race/Ethnity, 39 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 1

Border Initiatives, 38 Transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 2

Student Papers, 2005-2019

Box 2

Student Papers - 2, 2012

Box 2

Recity Paper, Papers and scanned book pages, 1989-1990

Box 2

Retablos Talk (12/99), Notes and speech transcription, 1999

Box 2

American Stds Talk Pittsburg 95, Notes and speech transcription, 1995

Box 2

1997 - OAH Talk, Miscellaneous, 1997

Box 2

OAH 1994 Nationalism Paper, notes and papers, 1994

Box 2

Tuskegee Talk 12/2/01, Miscellaneous, 2001

Box 2

Mexican Masculinities, Paper, n.d.

Box 2

Chandler, M. 5-Year Review, Miscellaneous, 2003

Box 2

Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Magazine/poster, 1992

Box 2

Gil Joseph, Correspondence and manual, 2000-2001

Box 2

Deena Gonzales, Correspondence and book scans, 1998

Box 2

Rockefeller Prop. 1998, Fellowship proposal material, 1999

Box 2

Colin Palmer - Applicato, Correspondence, 1994

Box 3

Article: Borderlands, n.d.

Box 3

AHA - Race Booklet, Paper, n.d.

Box 3

RG - “Transnationalizing Borderlands History, Annotated paper and correspondence, 2009

Box 3

Identifying - Identities, Paper drafts, 1992

Box 3

Du Bois Review, Book scans, 2004

Box 3

Gutierrez - Warfare, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Aztlan: Unraveling Hispanics, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Women on Top, Journal article, 2007

Box 3

Banks - Mex-Ams, Article, 2005

Box 3

Gutierrez - Community, Patriarchy & Individualism, Journal article, 1993

Box 3

Hist. of Latino Sexuality, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Ethnic Stds, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RAG - History of Ethnic Stds, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RAG - Chicano Stds - Ford Paper, n.d.

Box 3

RG - “Unraveling” - Reprint/Aztlan, Journal article and correspondence, 2000

Box 3

Marxist Theories of Race, Paper, 1977

Box 3

Master’s Thesis, 1976

Box 3

Encyclopedia, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Herrera-Sobek’s - Theatre, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

My Book Reviews, n.d.

Box 3

Honor Ideology, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Gutierrez, Historia 16, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

Gutierrez, Intro to Celebrations, Paper, n.d.

Box 3

Reviews of Com Motives, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

Milner/West, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Cuando Padre Jesus Vino, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - “Borderlands - Encyclo, Scans and annotated article, n.d.

Box 3

Colonial Theatre - Final, Annotated article, n.d.

Box 3

Textbook - New York, Book chapters, n.d.

Box 3

Aztlan, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Historia 16, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 3

Gestos, Articles, n.d.

Box 3

Lusting for Power, Articles, n.d.

Box 3

Between Borders, Book scans and article, n.d.

Box 3

Book Reviews, n.d.

Box 3

Kessell, ed. The Sp. Missions of NM, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Berdache, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

Gestos - Article, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 3

Duplicate: CODE Booles, Printed codes, n.d.

Box 3

California Hist. Soc. Article, Paper and correspondence, 1989

Box 3

Book Reviews - 2, n.d.

Box 3

Oxford Encyclopedia, Article, 2005

Box 3

Charles Lummis, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Transnationalizing Borderlands Hist., Article, n.d.

Box 3

Penitente Essay (Over the Edge, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

LAP - Honor Ideology, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Historia 16 - 2, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

Intersections, Book chapter, n.d.

Box 3

Latinos in US - UCCLR Anthology, Paper, n.d.

Box 3

Aztlan - Reflection 1972, Article, n.d.

Box 3

LACMA - Mestizaje, Scans and correspondence, 2001

Box 3

RG - Gandert Essay, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Selena, Scans, n.d.

Box 3

Ilona Katzew, Book chapter, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Blackwell Companion, Book manuscript, n.d.

Box 3

Politics of Theatre in CNM, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Erotiz Zone, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Crucifixion, Slavery & Death, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Chicano Culture Talk, Correspondence and notes, 1990

Box 3

Honor Ideology - 2, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

From Honor to Love, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Huntington Penitente Talk/P, Paper and scans, n.d.

Box 3

Suecheng Chan - Intersections, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

MSU - Chicano Paradigms, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Decolonizing the Body, Journal article, 1994

Box 3

Aztlan, Montezuma, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Handbook, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Outlook.mss (Article on We’wha), Miscellaneous, 1989

Box 3

MUS Article, Report and business card, 1996

Box 3

Marriage & Seduction, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

Tijerina - Hallara, Book manuscript, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Ethnic Mexicans in Social Sciences, Chapter manuscript, 2002

Box 3

RG - Hispanos/Latinos, Chapter manuscript, 2002

Box 3

RG - The Pueblo Revolt, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Culture Knows No Boundaries, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Honor & Virtue, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Sacred Retablos, Book scans, n.d.

Box 3

RG - Mestizaje, Book scans, n.d.

Box 4

Olmecs, Printed notes, n.d.

Box 4

Chicano Gangs, Miscellaneous, 1991-1995

Box 4

1992 - DOC Assimilation, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Ethnicity & Class, Notes and book scan, n.d.

Box 4

Class, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Pomona Lecture Oct 1979, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 4

Correspondence and certificate, 1981-1982

Box 4

Newberry Library, Miscellaneous, 1977

Box 4

History 242 (Latin Am. Since 1825), Syllabi and class materials, 1971-1980

Box 4

ES 130 - SW to 1850, Class materials, 1996

Box 4

Sexuality Course, Course materials, 1992-1994

Box 4

Peruvian Populism, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 4

Regional Economy, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 4

San Diego Lecture, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 4

Sex & Revolution Course Material, Syllabus and notes, 1981

Box 4

16th Century Crisis, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Hist-Mexico - 69CC, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 4

Mexican Economy During Revolution, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 4

Mexican Women, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Mexican Revolution - Events, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Mex Revolution - 134CC, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 4

Neo-Colonialism in LA, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Women and Revolution Biblio., Bibliographies, n.d.

Box 4

LA - History 136, Notes and Syllabi, n.d.

Box 4

LA. Since Independence Wisconsin - Summer 1979, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Columbus in America, Notes and map, n.d.

Box 4

2020 Vision - Final, Newspaper article and written speech, 1992-1993

Box 4

Pueblo Revolt - Spanish, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

1981 - Danforth Paper, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Hispanic Literature Talk, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Assimilation, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

Racism - Sum-Up Lecture, Notes, n.d.

Box 4

2008 Newberry Teachers Institute, Seminar textbook, 2008

Box 4

Personal Corresp, Correspondence, 1971-2007

Box 4

UC Application File Chicago, Miscellaneous, 2006

Box 4

Latinos Evals - 2010 Fall, Course Evaluations, 2010

Box 4

UCSD - Cape Evaluations, Course Evaluations, n.d.

Box 4

UCSD Personal Review 2006-7, Miscellaneous, 2006-2007

Box 4

Human Subjects, Miscellaneous, 2005

Box 4

Jane Rhodes - UCSD Retention, Correspondence, 2004

Box 4

RAG - Salary/Personal, Correspondence, 1994-2006

Box 4

Berkeley - Offer, Miscellaneous, 2000-2002

Box 4

2008 Tax Records, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 4

RG Bio - Biblio Activities, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 4

Race Center Director Reports, Miscellaneous, 2010-2012

Box 4

U of Chicago Ethnic Sts Proposals, Miscellaneous, 2008

Box 4

RG Bio - Biblio Activities - 2, Folder “Bio-Bib,” Miscellaneous, 1997-2000

Box 5

American Law Schools Speech Atlanta Jan 4 2004, Speech, notes and conference program, 2004

Box 5

Malinche Paper, Miscellaneous, 1999-2001

Box 5

Berkeley - Malinche Paper, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 5

Vicki Ruiz - Homage, Speech, 2003

Box 5

Law Schools - Race Paper, Paper, n.d.

Box 5

Prismatic Metropolis, Paper, notes and newspaper article, 2000

Box 5

Liberal Stds Talk 94, Speech and notes, 1994

Box 5

Lewis & Clark - Diversity Talk, Notes, n.d.

Box 5

OAH - 2004 - Ethnic Stds Talk, Speech, notes and conference program, 2004

Box 5

Honor/Shame Gang Talk - SMU, Speech and scans, n.d.

Box 5

Crucible of the Millennium, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 5

Northwestern, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 5

Reshaping the Americas - UCSB Talk, Notes and minutes, 2002

Box 5

Puerto Rico - Teaching the West, Notes, n.d.

Box 5

ACLS - Talk - mHistory 5/03, Annotated paper, n.d.

Box 5

Tucson - Machismo, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 5

Mexican Masculinities, Miscellaneous, 2002

Box 5

Cleveland Museum Talk, Speech and event program, 2001

Box 5

OAH Paper (Body Politics), Paper, 1994

Box 5

Colonization, Class material and scans, 2019

Box 5

Race Search, CSRPC information sheet, n.d.

Box 5

Sexuality - Planned Parenthood Participant, Miscellaneous, 1998

Box 5

Taylor, WM - Review, Miscellaneous, 1991

Box 5

UC - San Diego - Appointment, Correspondence, 1987

Box 5

Stanford U.P. on Corn Mothers, Miscellaneous, 1981-1991

Box 5

Reviews of Corn Mothers Book, 1991

Box 5

Latinos in CA - Contract, Contract, review and correspondence, 2006-2007

Box 5

MacArthur - Articles - Letters, Newspaper articles, 1982-1983

Box 5

Correspondence and scans, 2000

Box 5

Dept Memos - UCSD, Correspondence and report, 1987-1990

Box 5

UC - National Lab - Clearance Q, Government Forms, 1998

Box 5

President’s Council on Labs, Miscellaneous, 1993-1997

Box 5

NEH - 2000 Disclosures, Miscellaneous, 1993-2000

Box 5

History - Fellowship Report, Correspondence, 2009

Box 5

Columbia U - CSER Review - 2009, Report, 2009

Box 5

CASBS - Fellowship, Correspondence and information material, 2010

Box 5

Posters - Political, n.d.

Box 5

Race Core - at Chicago, Miscellaneous, 2008-2010

Box 5

Destin Jenkins Appointment File, Miscellaneous, 2016-2017

Box 5

RG - Bio - Biblio - Activities, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 5

Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 6

Chicano Stratification, Book chapter, 2001

Box 6

RG - Honor Ideology, Book chapter, n.d.

Box 6

Heaven’s Gate Talk, Miscellaneous, 1995-1997

Box 6

Book Sheets/Taylor, Correspondence, 1987-1988

Box 6

Paleography, Catalogue and scans, n.d.

Box 6

Montezuma Notes, Speech, 1989

Box 6

Witchcraft: MSS, Manuscript and notes, n.d.

Box 6

Santa Cruz 88 - Job Talk, Speech and data, 1988

Box 6

Tutino - Georgetown Talk, Miscellaneous, 2007

Box 6

Crucifixion - Paper, Paper draft, n.d.

Box 6

Stanford Homosexuality Talk, Speech, n.d.

Box 6

My Publications, Miscellaneous, 1994-2015

Box 6

Mexican LGBT Congress, Miscellaneous, 2001

Box 6

Witches for Deans in Albuq 1995 (Nov), Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 6

Riverside MexUS Comments, Notes, n.d.

Box 6

Chicano History - Getty Talk, Speech, n.d.

Box 6

Decolonizing the Body, Texts, 1986-1994

Box 6

Penitente Article, Magazine article, n.d.

Box 6

Erotic Zone, Book scans, 1996

Box 6

Mapping Multiculturalism - The Erotic Zone, Correspondence and annotated draft, 1995

Box 6

Reed College - Multiculturalism 9/5/99, Speech and notes, 1999

Box 6

1992 PCB Comments on CM, Miscellaneous, 1991-1993

Box 6

Identites Paper, Speech and notes, 1992

Box 6

Body Paper, 1994

Box 6

Mexican Photography Lect, Speech and notes, n.d.

Box 6

V. Washington - Graduate Talk 2005, Miscellaneous, 2005

Box 6

Unraveling America’s Hispanic Past, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

RAG - Latina Encyclo, Chapters, 2005

Box 6

Banks - Handbook of Multicultural Educator, Chapter, n.d.

Box 6

RG - AHA - Race Book, Essay, 2000

Box 6

Mexican Masculinities, Paper drafts, n.d.

Box 6

Cultural Anthro - Schneider Reply, Paper, n.d.

Box 6

Dana Salvo MSS Final 12/95, 1993-1996

Box 6

Nationalism & Citizenship, Book proposal, n.d.

Box 6

WEBRA, D. - Book Review, 1996

Box 6

Chicano Mut Paper, Article, 1993

Box 6

Pueblo Indian Religion, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

Gendering Rhetorics (Proofs), Article, 1993

Box 6

Lummis (Final 1995), Correspondence and paper, 1995

Box 6

RAG - Family Stk, Paper, n.d.

Box 6

Over the Edge, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

ENAC - Family, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

Columbus Talk/Article, Booklet, 1992

Box 6

Community, Patriarchy, Article, n.d.

Box 6

Race & Marxism, Paper, 1989

Box 6

RAG - Internal C - Journey into Otherness, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

RAG - Orientalization of NM, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

Chicano Historical Paradigms, Book scans and article, 1999

Box 6

RG - Hispanics & Latinos - Blackwell, Paper, 2000

Box 6

RG - Hispanic Diaspora & Identity South Atlantic Q, Journal Article, 1999

Box 6

Latinos in US - Oxford, Article, 2005

Box 6

Talk: Diversity in Higher Ed, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 6

Foster - Berdache, Chapter draft, n.d.

Box 6

RG - Unraveling Hispanic Past, Book chapter, 1986

Box 6

RG - Ethnic & Class Boundaries, Book chapter, 1989

Box 6

Blackwell Companion - RAG, Paper and illustration, n.d.

Box 6

RG - Banks - Hist. & SS Research in Mexican Ams, Chapters, 2003

Box 6

Gutierrez - Budoch, Book scans, 1988

Box 6

RG - Shifting Paradigms, Book scans, n.d.

Box 6

RAG - Aztlan - 1972, Journal article, 2006

Box 6

Gutierrez - Historical Writing on Mex Ams, Chapter, n.d.

Box 6

OAH - Nature & National Narratives, Paper, 1994

Box 6

Witchcraft & Bourbon Reforms, Paper, n.d.

Box 6

Santa Cruz 1988 - Job Talk [B: SCRUZ88.MSS], Paper, 1988

Box 6

Witchcraft Talk/Original, Paper draft, n.d.

Box 6

Border Talk, Speech, 1994

Box 6

Transnationalizin Borderlands, Paper, n.d.

Box 6

Honor & Shame, Paper, n.d.

Box 6

RG - Chicano Std - Ford, Paper, n.d.

Box 7

NYU - Ethnic Stds Reader, Bibliographies and paper, n.d.

Box 7

Witches - Hispanic Doctors 8/99, Paper, n.d.

Box 7

Honor - Witchcraft = Witches.MSS, Paper, n.d.

Box 7

RG - Intersocial Society - Ency, Book chapters, n.d.

Box 7

HRI - Reshaping the Americas, Course proposal, 1999

Box 7

Erotic Zone, Miscellaneous, 1991-1993

Box 7

Chicano - Kant Article, Article, 1993

Box 7

Aztlan, Montezuma, Book chapter, 1989

Box 7

Gutierrez - Marxism & Race, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 7

Syllabi, 1983-2019

Box 7

Syllabi - 2, 1983-2011

Box 7

Reconquista, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Pre-Columbian Southwest, Miscellaneous, 2006-2008

Box 7

Aztec Arrival in Mexico, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Aztec Social Structure/1502 Crisis, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Aztec Sacrifice, Class notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

Incas - Origins; Social Stk, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES130 - Intro to SW #1, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Pueblos/Conquest, Maps and notes, n.d.

Box 7

Early Humans in America, Newspaper articles, 2012

Box 7

End Classic Meso American/Post Classic, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Teotihuacan, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Maya - Rise, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Peru: Coastal Cultures, Class notes, n.d.

Box 7

Exploration & Conquest, Class notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

US Mexico War, Miscellaneous, 1987-2015

Box 7

Manifest Destiny, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Texas Revolution, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

Aftermath - US/Mexico War, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Reconquest/Exploration, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

American Prehistory, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Hunter-Gathers, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

The Mission, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

Christianization, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

The Presidio/Settlements, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

Indian Cosmologies, Notes, book scans and manuscript, n.d.

Box 7

Race Lecture, Lecture transcript and notes, n.d.

Box 7

Pueblo Revolt Talk, Lecture transcription, n.d.

Box 7

Bourbon Reforms, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Honor/Shame, Notes and book scan, n.d.

Box 7

Pueblo Culture, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Indian Religion, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Intro to Conquest, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Origins - Mexican Revolution, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Spanish-Am War, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Genesis/Pueblo + Prehistory, Book scans and notes, n.d.

Box 7

Bourbon Reforms, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

ESIB - Immigration/Assimil #6, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

ES - IB Immigration Policy #8, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Labor Systems, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

Honor & Race, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

Chicanos WWII + Aftermath, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

Mutual Aid - Unionism, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES I-B Doing Family History, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES I-B New Asian Imm #10, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES I-B - Chinese #11 Koreans, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES I-B War & Braceros #9, Notes and maps, n.d.

Box 7

Immigration Reform - 1986, Notes and scans, n.d.

Box 7

ESIB - Jamaicans #12, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

ETH I-B Lecture - Citizenship #13, Miscellaneous, 2006-2018

Box 7

Citizenship Test, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

ESIB - Immigrant Identities #15, Notes and graph, n.d.

Box 7

ESIB - Ethnic Options #16, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES-IB - 1st Lecture - PreCol #1, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

ES-IB - 2d Lecture - Slavery #2, Notes and map, n.d.

Box 7

ES-IB - 3rd Lecture - Colonies #3, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

I-B Americanization #4, Notes and scans, n.d.

Box 7

IS IB Nativism #7, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Ethn I-B - Syllabus, Miscellaneous, 2007

Box 7

Ethn I-B - Lecture - Final, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

I-B Syllabi, Miscellaneous, 2006

Box 7

Mexican Labor Unionism, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Westward - Immigrants, Lecutre transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Post 1848 - Land Tenure and Loss, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

HIUS 189 - Sp 06, Miscellaneous, 2006

Box 7

ES - 189 - Intro Lecture, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Eth 230 - Sp. 06, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 7

Treaty of Guadalupe H., Book scans, n.d.

Box 7

ES130 - Pueblo Revolt Lecture, Lecture notes, n.d.

Box 7

ORC 1115 c.101, Book review, 1993

Box 7

ORC 1115 c.103, Book review, 1993

Box 7

ORC 1115 c.104, Book review, 1993

Box 7

ORC 1115 c.102, Book review, 1993

Box 7

ORC 1116 c.102, Book review, 1994

Box 7

ORC 1116 c.101, Book review, 1994

Box 7

ORC 1116 c.103, Book review, 1994

Box 7

ORC 1116 c.104, Book review, 1994

Box 7

History 167, Class syllabus, 1993

Box 7

1992 – Diversity – Overview, Note, n.d.

Box 7

1992 – Diversity Intro to Immigration, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

1992 – Diversity – Immigration Policy, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

1992 – Diversity – Nativism, Lecture transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Minority, EMPTY, n.d.

Box 7

Havard Enc. of Am. Ethnicity, Book scans, n.d.

Box 7

USA Expansion – Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Diversity #4, Lecture transcript and notes, n.d.

Box 7

Diversity #1, Miscellaneous, 1989-1992

Box 7

Doc #7 Concept of Theology, Notes and correspondence, n.d.

Box 7

Doc – Childhood, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Doc – Childhood – Adolescence, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Doc #8 – Self, Person, Individual, Notes and article, n.d.

Box 7

Caudillo Politics Lecture, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Diversity – 1992 – Underclass, Miscellaneous, n.d.

Box 7

1992 – Diversity – Blood, Place, Notes and lecture transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Doc #6, Book scans, notes and paper, n.d.

Box 7

Doc – Midterm Study Questions, Exam questions, n.d.

Box 7

Folk & Analytic Models of Race, Ethnicity, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Doc #2, Lecture transcript and article, n.d.

Box 7

Origins of Female Subordination, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Diversity #5, Miscellaneous, 1991

Box 7

Colonialism & Const. of Race, Note, n.d.

Box 7

Compulsory Heterosexuality, Lecture transcript, book scans and notes, n.d.

Box 7

Old Age – Doc, Notes, n.d.

Box 7

1992 – Doc – AIDS & Stigma, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Doc 1992 – Summary (Final), Notes, n.d.

Box 7

Doc #3, Miscellaneous, 1991

Box 7

Comparable Worth/Aff. Action, Notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Doc. Adolescents and Sexuality, Lecture transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Doc – Black Family – Sexuality, Notes and lecture transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Ethnic Revolt – Nationalism vs. Civil Rights, Notes and lecture transcript, n.d.

Box 7

Bandits and Social Resistance, Lecture transcript, notes and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Ethnic Labels Lecture, Notes, article manuscript and book scans, n.d.

Box 7

Indian Reservations, Lecture transcript and notes, n.d.

Box 8 (Open, R-80)

Binder 1, Magazine article, “Ibero-American Heritage Curriculum” teacher guide, transparencies (glass slides), n.d.

Box 8 (Open, R-80)

Binder 2, “Ibero-American Heritage Curriculum - Readings for Teachers” book, n.d.

Box 8 (Open, R-80)

“Documentary Relations of the Southwest” Microfiche Holder, 27 Microfiches, n.d.

Box 8 (Open, R-80)

Gutierrez, UC Application File Chicago, n.d. [Restricted: R-80, Student Material]

Box 8 (Open, R-80)

Jenkins Application File, n.d. [Restricted: R-80, Student Material]

Box 9

66 microfilm rolls, n.d.

Box 10

66 microfilm rolls, n.d.