University of Chicago Library
Guide to the Fernán Caballero Papers 1855-1877
© 2006 University of Chicago Library
Descriptive Summary
Title: | Caballero, Fernán. Papers |
Dates: | 1855-1877 |
Size: | 1.5 linear feet (3 boxes) |
Repository: |
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.
Abstract: | Fernán Caballero, pseudonym of Cecilia Francisca Josefa de Arrom, (1796-1877), Spanish author. The papers consists primarily of correspondence from Caballero to French scholar Antoine de Latour, but also includes other correspondence, manuscripts and articles. |
Information on Use
The collection is open for research.
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Biographical Note
Fernán Caballero, the pseudonym of Cecilia Francisca Josefa de Arrom (1796-1877) was born at Morges, Switzerland, the daughter of Johan Nikols Böhl von Faber, a German merchant from Hamburg, married to an Andalusian. Her father was also editor of Floresta de rimas antiguas castellanas (1821-1828), and the Teatro espanol anterior a Lopé de Vega (1832). Educated principally at Hamburg, Fernán Caballero visited Spain at the close of the Napoleonic wars, married, and settled there. Her father had stimulated her interest in Spain's medieval and classical literature, and she began to write of her adopted country. She is famous for her defense of the traditional virtues of Spain - Catholic, monarchist, moral and rural - against the growing strength of nineteenth century liberalism.
After becoming interested in her mother's native Andalusia, Fernán Caballero collected the folklore of the area and published a number of works in which the local customs were the background. The most notable of these were the Cuadros de costumbres, Relaciones and La familia de Alvareda. Although she claimed that she was merely the recorder of fact, her novel Clemencia (1852) is largely autobiographical.
Her most well received novel was La Giovata, for which she won fame in 1849. The original draft was in French, but the novel was subsequently translated into almost all of the European languages. Other works, such as Sola (1840) and La familia de Alvareda were initially written in German.
Fernán Caballero's critics disagree about her being the first author to present a realistic Spanish novel, but they concur in stating that her work was not uniformly successful.
Scope Note
The greater part of this collection consists of 508 letters from Fernán Caballero to her friend, the French scholar and hispanist, Antoine de Latour. The correspondence spans the twenty year period from 1856 to 1876, the closing years of Fernán Caballero's life. Although most of the letters are in Spanish, some are in French, and in some both languages are used.
One hundred forty one of these letters written between 1856 and 1859 were published by Santiago Montoto in the Boletín de la Real Academia Espanola between 1955 and 1959. Other letters, published in the 1960 Boletín, are from Fernán Caballero to people other than Antoine de Latour, and many in this latter group also come from the Chicago collection.
Although most of the material in this collection is centered around Fernán Caballero, there are some items which belong more properly to Antoine de Latour. These are three letters to Latour from the Marques de Salcillo dated 1868, and ten letters to Latour from Juan M. Osborne from the years 1869, 1871, 1876, and 1877.
The Caballero-Latour correspondence is arranged chronologically and contains letters to Jose Fernández Espino, to de Gabriel, Don Miguel Velarde, Don Manuel Asensio, Sr. Carbonero y Sol, and to unknown persons. Many of these letters are copies, not in Fernán Caballero's hand. The compiler numbered the correspondence without regard to chronological order. To avoid confusion, since the numbers are so prominent, the numerical order has been maintained.
The papers also include several manuscripts and articles.
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Subject Headings
- Caballero, Fernán, 1796-1877
- Latour, Antoine de, 1808-1881
Series I: Correspondence of Fernán Caballero and Antoine de Latour |
Box 1 Folder 1 | 1856
- February 6, 3p, Spanish
- February 6, 4p, Spanish
- August 19, 1p, Spanish
- August 27, 2p, French
- August 31, 1p, French
- September 29, 3p, French
- October 13, 4p, French
- October 25, 4p, French
- November 7, 3p, French
- December 19, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 3 | 1858
- January 12, 4p, Spanish
- January 17, 3p, Spanish
- January 25, 4p, Spanish
- March 17, 3p, Spanish
- April 14, 1p, Spanish
- April 17, 4p, Spanish
- April 29, 3p, Spanish
- May 4, 3p, Spanish
- May 6, 1p, Spanish
- May 15, 2p, French
- May 15, 2p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 4 | 1858
- May 16, 3p, Spanish
- May 19, 1p, Spanish
- May 20, 2p, Spanish
- May 20, 1p, Spanish
- May 25, 3p, Spanish
- June 12, 3p, Spanish
- June 29, 4p, Spanish
- July 10, 4p, Spanish
- August 3, 6p, Spanish
- August 5, 1p, Spanish
- August 6, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 5 | 1858
- August 12, 7p, Spanish
- August 20, 5p, Spanish
- August 23, 4p, Spanish
- September 7, 4p, Spanish
- September 11, 8p, Spanish
- September 15, 4p, Spanish
- October 1, 1p, Spanish
- October 25, 3p, Spanish
- November 23, 4p, Spanish
- November 29, 4p, Spanish
- December 9, 2p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 6 | 1859
- January 4, 2p, Spanish
- January 11, 3p, Spanish
- January 14, 3p, Spanish
- February 11, 4p, Spanish
- February 14, 4p, Spanish
- February 17, 2p, Spanish
- February 19, 4p, Spanish
- February 21, 3p, Spanish (note in French, verso)
- February 23, 4p, Spanish (enclosure)
- March 6, 2p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 7 | 1859
- March 21, 3p, French
- March 4, 2p, Spanish
- March 5, 4p, French
- March 5, 3p, Spanish
- March 9, 3p, Spanish
- March 16, 4p, Spanish
- March 19, 4p, Spanish
- March 20, 3p, Spanish
- May 5, 3p, Spanish
- May 6, 3p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 8 | 1859
- May 9, 4p, Spanish
- May 10, 2p, Spanish
- May 29, 4p, Spanish
- May 31, 4p, Spanish
- May 31, 5p, Spanish
- June 6, 4p, Spanish
- June 7, 4p, Spanish
- June 11, 4p, Spanish
- June 21, 4p, Spanish
- June 29, 8p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 9 | 1859
- July 1, 4p, Spanish
- July 5, 7p, Spanish
- July 5, 4p, French
- July 8, 4p, Spanish
- August 1, 4p, Spanish
- August 21, 6p, Spanish (pp 1-4 missing)
- September 2, 4p, Spanish
- October 14, 2p, French
- October 14, 4p, Spanish
- December 22, 4p, Spanish
- December 22, 4p, Spanish
- December 30, 4p, Spanish
- Undated, 8p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 10 | 1860
- January 7, 4 p, Spanish
- January 10, 4p, Spanish
- January 16, 6p, Spanish
- January 25, 4p, Spanish
- February 2, 4p, Spanish
- February 9-10, 4p, Spanish
- February 24, 4p, Spanish
- February 26, 4p, French
- February 26, 4p, Spanish
- March 8, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 11 | 1860
- May 24, 4p, Spanish
- June 6, 4p, Spanish
- July 12, 4p, Spanish
- July 28, 4p, Spanish
- September 6, 4p, Spanish
- September 19, 4p, Spanish
- September 23, 4p, French
- November 13, 4p, Spanish
- November 25, 2p, Spanish
- November 28, 1p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 12 | 1860
- November 29, 3p, Spanish (copy)
- December 3, 2p, Spanish
- December 11, 3p, Spanish (copy)
- December 13, 1p, Spanish
- December 14, 3p, Spanish
- December 17, 3p, Spanish
- December 30, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 13 | 1861
- January 2, 4p, Spanish
- January 5, 3p, Spanish
- January 7, 2p, Spanish
- January 8, 4p, French
- January 10, 4p, Spanish
- January 10, 4p, Spanish
- January 10, 1p, French
- January 20, 4p, Spanish
- January 20, 3p, Spanish
- January 26, 4p, French
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Box 1 Folder 14 | 1861
- January 27, 4p, Spanish
- January 28, 4p, French
- January 29, 2p, Spanish
- February 1, 3p, Spanish
- February 6, 4p, Spanish
- February 11, 3p, Spanish
- February 16, 4p, Spanish
- February 26, 4p, French
- February 27, 1p, Spanish
- April 1, 3p, French
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Box 1 Folder 15 | 1861
- April 18, 2p, French
- April 26, 4p, Spanish
- April 28, 4p, Spanish
- May 2, 3p, French
- May 7, 3p, Spanish
- May 21, 4p, Spanish
- May 22, 3p, Spanish
- May 24, 4p, Spanish
- May 27, 4p, Spanish
- June 8, 4p, French
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Box 1 Folder 16 | 1861
- June 14, 3p, French
- June 18, 5p, Spanish
- June 27, 4p, Spanish
- July 1, 4p, Spanish
- July 7, 1p, Spanish
- July 15, 3p, Spanish
- July 19, 4p, Spanish (Enc. 5p copy of same letter)
- July 23, 4p, Spanish
- July 26, 3p, Spanish
- July 28, 2p, Spanish
- July 29, 3p, Spanish (copy)
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Box 1 Folder 17 | 1861
- August 5, 4p, Spanish
- August 7, 4p, Spanish
- August 14, 4p, Spanish
- Undated, 4p, Spanish (CA August 14-23)
- August 23, 6p, Spanish
- August 30, 4p, French
- September 1, 4p, Spanish
- September 5, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 18 | 1861
- September 7-8-0, 4p, Spanish
- September 11, 4p, Spanish
- September 23, 6p, Spanish
- October 1, 2p, Spanish
- October 1, 4p, Spanish
- October 4, 2p, Spanish
- October 9, 4p, French
- October 14, 4p, Spanish
- October 27, 3p, Spanish
- October 30, 2p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 19 | 1861
- November 14, 4p, Spanish/French
- December 13, 1p, Spanish
- December 21, 2p, Spanish
- December 24, 2p, French
- December 28, 6p, French
- Undated, note, French
- ? 6, 2p, Spanish
- Undated, 3p, Spanish
- Undated, 3p, French
- Undated, note, Spanish
- Undated, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 20 | 1861
- Undated, 1p, French
- Undated, note, Spanish
- Undated, note, Spanish
- Undated, 3p, Spanish
- Undated, note, French
- Undated, 4p, French/Spanish, enclosed clipping
- Undated, 2p, French
- Undated, 3p, Spanish
- Undated, 1p, French
- Undated, note, French, attached clipping
- Undated, 4p, French
- ? 25, 4p, Spanish
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Box 1 Folder 21 | 1862
- January 2, 4p, Spanish
- January 3, 4p, French
- January 3, 4p, Spanish
- January 12, 3p, Spanish
- January 18, 1p, Spanish
- January 20, 3p, Spanish
- January 31, 3p, French
- February 2, 1p, French
- February 6, 4p, French
- February 9, 1p, French
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Box 1 Folder 22 | 1862
- February 11, 3p, Sp
- February 15, 4p, Sp
- February 17, 4p, Sp
- February 22, 2p, Sp
- March 8, 3p, Sp
- March 15, 3p, Sp
- March 24, 3p, Sp
- March 28, 1p, Fr
- March 28, 4p, Fr
- April 5, 4p, Fr
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Box 1 Folder 23 | 1862
- April 6, 2p, Sp
- April 7, 2p, S
- April 8, 2p, Sp
- April 15, 4p, Sp
- April 28, 4p, Fr
- April n.d., 2p, Sp
- May 3-4, 4p, Sp
- May 10, 4p, Sp
- May 12, 4p, Sp
- May 13, 4p, Fr
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Box 1 Folder 24 | 1862
- May 13, 1p, Spanish
- May 13, 4p, Spanish
- May 17, 1p, French
- May 18, 4p, French
- May 19, 4p, French
- June 3, 2p, French
- June 18, 1p, French
- June 21, 4p, Spanish
- July 1, 4p, French
- August 9, 4p, French
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Box 1 Folder 25 | 1862
- August 20, 4p, French
- September 1, 5p, French
- October 17, 4p, Spanish
- October 21, 4p, French
- November 8, 4p, French
- November 19, 4p, French
- December 17, 4p, French
- December 17, 4p, French
- n.d., 2p, French
- n.d., 4p, French
- n.d., 4p, French
- n.d., 3p, French
- n.d., 3p, Spanish
- n.d., 2p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 26 | 1863
- February 5, 4p, French
- February 19, 4p, French
- April 2, 4p, French
- April 7, 4p, French
- April 10, 2p, Spanish
- April 14, 2p, Spanish
- April 14, 4p, French
- April 30, 3p, French
- May 9, 3p, French
- May 10, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 27 | 1863
- May 14, 4p, French
- May 20, 4p, French
- May 21, 4p, Spanish
- June 1, 4p, Spanish
- June 17, 3p, Spanish
- n.d., 4p, Spanish
- July 11, 4p, Spanish
- September 9, 4p, Spanish
- September 19, 4p, Spanish
- November 5, 4p, Spanish
- December 15, 3p, Spanish
- December 15, 4p, Spanish
- December 17, 2p, Spanish
- n.d., 4p, Spanish
- n.d., 5p, Spanish
- n.d. (letter incomplete), 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 28 | 1864
- January n.d., 5p, Spanish (Enclosure)
- January 15, 4p, Spanish
- January 19, 3p, Spanish
- January 19, 1p, Spanish
- January 22, 2p, Spanish
- n.d., 2p, Spanish
- February 8, 3p, Spanish
- February 12, 3p, Spanish
- February 12, 2p, Spanish
- February 14, 1p, Spanish
- n.d. (Enclosed with above), 1p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 29 | 1864
- February 15, 1p, Spanish
- February 17, 1p, Spanish
- February 25, 1p, Spanish
- March 6, 4p, Spanish
- April 1, 2p, Spanish
- April 7, 4p, Spanish
- April 9, 4p, Spanish
- May 6, 4p, Spanish
- May 10, 4p, Spanish
- June 22, 4p, French
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Box 2 Folder 30 | 1864
- July 6, 4p, Spanish
- August 10, 4p, Spanish
- August 15, 4p, Spanish
- September 27, 4p, Spanish (clipping enclosed)
- November 30, 4p, Spanish
- December 19, 4p, Spanish
- n.d., 2p, Spanish (small note with 2 clippings enclosed)
- n.d., 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 31 | 1865
- January 10, 4p, Spanish
- February 2, 4p, Spanish
- February 13, 4p, Spanish
- April 8, 8p, Spanish
- May 20, 4p, Spanish
- May 29, 4p, Spanish
- June 26, 4p, Spanish
- July 5, 4p, Spanish
- August 10, 4p, Spanish
- September 11, 4p, Spanish
- September 25, 4p, Spanish
- September 30, 4p, Spanish
- October 23, 4p, Spanish
- November 2, 4p, Spanish
- November 12, 4p, Spanish
- December 13, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 32 | 1866
- January 17, 4p, Spanish
- January 25, 4p, Spanish
- February 8, 3p, Spanish (One verso, Sonnet, signed by de Gabriel)
- April 1, 4p, French
- May 21, 4p, Spanish
- May 21, 1p, Spanish
- May 27, 3p, Spanish
- June 5, 4p, Spanish
- June 8, 4p, Spanish
- June 22, 4p, Spanish
- June 28, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 33 | 1866
- July 11, 4p, Spanish
- July 23, 4p, Spanish
- August 2, 4p, Spanish
- August 3, 4p, Spanish
- August 17, 4p, French and Spanish
- August 17, 4p, Spanish (clipping attached)
- August 22, 4p, Spanish
- August 28, 4p, Spanish
- September 3, 4p, Spanish
- September 8, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 34 | 1866
- September 10, 4p, Sp
- September 23, 4p, Sp
- September 26, 4p, Sp
- October 1, 4p, Sp
- October 15, 3p, Sp
- October 18, 4p, Sp
- October 21, 1p, Sp
- October 22, 3p, Sp
- November 29, 4p, Sp
- December 28, 4p, Sp
- n.d., 4p, Sp
- n.d., 4p, Sp
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Box 2 Folder 35 | 1867
- January 8, 4p, Spanish
- January 19, 4p, Spanish (enclosed translation of two pages, and short note)
- February 5, 4p, Spanish
- April 7, 2p, Spanish
- September 6, note, Spanish
- November 19, 4p, Spanish (enclosed translation of 2 1/2 pages)
- December 30, 2p, Spanish
- n.d., 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 36 | 1868
- January 3, 2p, Spanish
- January 5, 2p, Spanish
- January 15, 4p, Spanish
- January 30, 4p, Spanish
- February 8 ,4p, Spanish
- February 20, 3p, Spanish
- March 20, 3p, Spanish
- March 20, 3p, Spanish
- March 23, 2p, Spanish
- March 24, 3p, Spanish
- May 4, 3p, Spanish
- May 20, 4p, Spanish
- June 19, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 37 | 1868
- July 27, 4p, Spanish (enclosed translation of part)
- August 3, 4p, Spanish
- October 2, 4p, Spanish
- October 17, 8p, Spanish
- November 8, 4p, Spanish
- November 18, 4p, Spanish
- November 20, 4p, Spanish
- November 27, 4p, Spanish
- December 10, 4p, Spanish
- December 21, 4p, Spanish
- December 23, 3p, Spanish
- n.d., 6p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 38 | 1869
- January 2, 4p, Spanish
- January 26, 4p, Spanish
- January 29, 3p, Spanish
- February 2, 4p, Spanish
- March 5, 4p, Spanish
- March 20, 2p, Spanish
- June 1, 4p, Spanish
- June 10, 2p, Spanish
- June 26, 4p, Spanish
- July 14, 5p, Spanish
- July 26, 4p, Spanish
- September 16, 4p, Spanish
- October 5, 4p, Spanish
- October 15, 4p, Spanish
- October 26, 1p, Spanish
- October 30, 3p, Spanish
- November 1, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 39 | 1870
- January 13, 3p, Sp
- January 20, 4p, Sp
- February 14, 4p, Sp
- March 22, 4p, Sp
- June 25, 4p, Sp
- September 15, 4p, Sp
- October 1, 4p, Sp
- December 10, 2p, Sp
- December 12, 1p, Sp
- December 19, 4p, Sp
- December 27, 4p, Sp
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Box 2 Folder 40 | 1872
- January 5, 4p, Spanish
- January 9, 3p, Spanish
- February 16, 4p, Spanish
- May (?) 17-18, 4p, Spanish
- June 10, 4p, Spanish
- August 10, 4p, Spanish
- August 17, 4p, Spanish
- December 4, 5p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 41 | 1872
- April 30, 4p, Spanish
- May 1, 1p, Spanish (note)
- May 23, 4p, Spanish
- September 25, 4p, Spanish
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Box 2 Folder 42 | 1873
- January 11, 4p, Sp
- January 22, 4p, Sp
- May 18, 4p, Sp
- August 29, 4p, Sp
- October 6, 4p, Sp
- November 20, 4p, Sp
- December 8, 2p, Sp
- December 25, 1p, Sp
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Box 2 Folder 43 | 1874
- February 3, 4p, Spanish
- February 13, 4p, Spanish
- April 4, 4p, Spanish
- May 1, 2p, Spanish
- May 21, 2p, Spanish
- November 5, 4p, Spanish (partially damaged text)
- December 18, 4p, Spanish
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Series II: Other Correspondence |
Box 3 Folder 52 | Fernán Caballero to Jose Fernández Espino 1856
- January 3, 4 pages
- February 5, 2 pages
- February 18, 4 pages
- February 24, 4 pages
- February 25, 4 pages
- March 30, 3 pages
- April 17, 3 pages
- n.d., 2 pages
- n.d., 1 pages
- n.d., 3 pages
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Box 3 Folder 53 | Fernán Caballero to Jose Fernández Espino 1856
- May 10, 2 pages
- May 25, 1 pages
- May 25, 3 pages
- June 10, 3 pages
- June 22, 2 pages
- June 27, 2 pages
- July 25, 5 pages
- August 27, 3 pages
- August 30, 6 pages
- November 5, 3 pages
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Box 3 Folder 54 | Fernán Caballero to Jose Fernández Espino
- August 5, 1858, 2 pages
- August 29, 1859, 1 pages
- October 2, 1859, 2 pages
- August 7, 1861, 3 pages
- December 18, 1862, 1 pages
- Saturday 4, 1 pages
- May 31, 1869 (?), 2 pages
- n.d., 2 pages
- n.d., 1 pages
- n.d., 1 pages
- "Catalina y Guilleruso," 1 pages
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Box 3 Folder 55 | Fernán Caballero to be Gabriel
- April 1, 1856, 1 page
- April 7, 1856, 1 page
- September 19, 1856, 3 pages
- October 11, 1856, 3 pages
- October 29, 1856, 2 pages
- November 6, 1856, 3 pages
- November 29, 1856, 2 pages
- n.d., 1 page
- January 14, 1857, 2 pages
- January 24, 1857, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 56 | Fernán Caballero to de Gabriel
- July 23, 1858, 2 pages
- July 28, 1858, 3 pages
- August 11, 1858, 2 pages
- August 20, 1858, 3 pages
- February 11, 1859, 2 pages
- n.d., 1 page
- August 6, 1859, 2 pages
- August 23, 1859, 2 pages
- August 28, 1859, 2 pages
- August 31, 1859, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 57 | Fernán Caballero to de Gabriel
- August 26, 1860, 3 pages
- August 30, 1860, 2 pages
- September 5, 1860, 3 pages
- September 28, 1860, 3 pages
- n.d., 4 pages
- August 20, 1862, 2 pages
- August 3, 1863, 2 pages
- July 12, 1864, 3 pages
- August 8, 1864, 3 pages
- August 23, 1864
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Box 3 Folder 58 | Fernán Caballero to de Gabriel
- January 1, 1865, 1 page
- January 5, 1865, 2 pages
- January 10, 1865, 2 pages
- January 23, 1865, 2 pages
- January 30, 1865, 1 page
- May 18, 1865, 1 page
- May 18, 1865, 1 page
- May 30, 1865, 1 page
- July 17, 1865, 3 pages
- August 8, 1865, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 59 | Fernán Caballero to de Gabriel
- August 30, 1865, 3 pages
- May 9, 1865, 2 pages
- July 12, 1866, 3 pages
- July 25, 1866, 2 pages
- August 9, 1866, 2 pages
- August 22, 1866, 2 pages
- September 6, 1866, 3 pages
- September 15, 1866, 2 pages
- n.d., 1 page
- August 9, 1867, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 60 | Fernán Caballero to de Gabriel
- n.d., 1 page
- May 21, 1868, 1 page
- August 4, 1869, 2 pages
- October 20, 1869, 2 pages
- August 11, 1870, 3 pages
- October 7, 1872, 3 pages
- August 20, 1873, 3 pages
- October 19, 1876, 2 pages (to Elisa)
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Box 3 Folder 61 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- August 20, 1868(?), 6 pages
- July 22, 3 pages
- July 31, 1859, 3 pages
- August 25, 1859, 3 pages
- August 27, 1859, 1 page
- August 29, 1859, 6 pages
- n.d., 1 page
- October 6, 1 page
- October 22, 1859, 2 pages
- August 23, 3 pages
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Box 3 Folder 62 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- December 24, 1859, 4 pages
- August 7, 1860, 3 pages
- August 12, 1860, 2 pages
- September 16, 1860, 4 pages
- December 11, 1860, 3 pages
- July 29, 1861, 3 pages
- August 20, 1861, 3 pages
- April 25, 1862, 1 page
- June 26, 1862, 4 pages
- August 5, 1862, 4 pages
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Box 3 Folder 63 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- October 2, 1862 3 pages
- December 23, 1862, 2 pages
- December 26, 1862, 1 page
- January 26, 1863, 1 page
- March 24, 1863, 2 pages
- March 12, 1863, 4 pages
- Nr 16, 1863, 1 page
- January 23, 1863, 3 pages
- Ne 21, 1863, 2 pages
- November 27, 1863, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 64 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- February 28, 1863, 1 page
- May 8, 1863, 2 pages
- July 8, 1863, 3 pages
- January 10, 1863, 1 page
- May 31, 1865, 2 pages
- n.d., 2 pages
- May 18, 1865, 3 pages
- June 23, 1867, 1 page
- September 5, 1 page
- October 2, 1 page
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Box 3 Folder 65 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- January 17, 2 pages
- September 27, 5 pages
- n.d., 7 pages
- December 13, 1865, 4 pages
- May 20, 1 page
- August 23, 2 pages
- August 3, 1868, 3 pages
- May 20, 4 pages
- Lunes – 12, 1 page
- n.d.
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Box 3 Folder 66 | Fernán Caballero to Don Miguel Velarde
- October 19, 1868, 4 pages
- October 3, 1868, 3 pages
- December 6, 1874, 1 page
- July 1, 1875, 2 pages "Querida Julia"
- n.d., 1 page "Querida Julia"
- n.d., 3 pages
- F. C. a de Latour, 5 pages
- November 29, 1860, 5 pages
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Box 3 Folder 67 | Fernán Caballero to Don Manuel Asensio
- March 2, 1858, 2 pages
- July 27, 1865, 1 page
- July 16, 1872, 1 page
- January 28, 1874, 1 page
- March 19, 1874, 1 page
- January 3, 1875, 1 page
- February 20 1875, 7 pages
- June 19, 1875, 1 page
- May 2, 1876, 1 page
- n.d., 1 page
- n.d., 1 page
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Box 3 Folder 68 | Fernán Caballero to Sr. Carbonero y Sol
- January 11, 1858, 2 pages
- January 31, 1858, 1 page
- Lunes 13 - Dice, 58, 1 page
- May 14, 1859, 2 pages
- March 8, 1 page
- n.d., 1 page
- July 1, 1862
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Box 3 Folder 69 | Fernán Caballero to unknown person(s) friend, "Feclia"
- June 5, 1868, 2 pages
- May 20, 1872, 2 pages
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Box 3 Folder 70 | Juan M. Osborne to Antoine de LaTour
- n.d., 1 page
- n.d., 1 page
- May 13, 1869, 1 page
- July 5, 1869, 1 page
- August 19, 1869, 1 page
- July 5, 1871, 1 page
- August 14, 1876, 1 page
- April 18 1877, 1 page
- May 2, 1877, 1 page
- n.d., 1 page
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Box 3 Folder 71 | Extracts from La Revista
- July, 1856, "Fabiola", 3 pages
- March 1855, "Dialogo", 12 pages
- October, 1856, "Algunas Palabras" etc., 24 pages
- June, 1858, "Algunas Palabras" etc., 15 pages
- September, 1860, "El Conde de Orloff", 4 pages
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Box 3 Folder 72 | Extracts from La Revista, 1855-60
- January, 1855, "Inauguratión...", 3pages
- January, 1855, "La Semana Santa en Sevilla", 8 pages
- January, 1855, "Teatros de esta Capital", 3 pages
- December, 1856, "Baile en el Palacio de S. Temo", 5 pages
- June, 1856, "Concierto y baile en el palacio de S. Telmo", 5 pages
- July, 1856, "Fiesta Campestre", 4 pages
- October, 1855, "Modas", 2 pages
- March, 1855, "Modas", 3 pages
- November, 1856, "Modas", 2 pages
- April, 1859, "Funcion dramatica"etc., 4 pages
- March 1859, "Carnaval de Sevilla", 3 pages
- July, 1857, "Feria de Sevilla", 3 pages
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Box 3 Folder 73 | Extracts from La Revista, 1855-60
- January, 1856, "Traducion...", 1 page
- (July, 1856), "Epigrama", 1 page
- December 1858, "La Bahia de Cadiz", 3 pages
- September, 1860, "Carta de Guillermo Forteza", 2 pages
- September, 1859, "Cuentos y poesias...", 4 pages
- December, 1857, "Obras completas de F. C.", 4 pages
- February, 1857, "Nota...", 2 pages
- List of articles referring to Fernán Caballero in La Revista
- List of contributions of D. Juan...de Faber to La Revista
- List of contributions of Frarquita Larrea to La Revista
- Description of La Revista - List of contributions of Fernán Caballero to La Revista
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Box 3 Folder 74 | Manuscripts of Fernán Caballero
- "La Cathédrale de Séville"
- Carta de Miguel Cernantes Saavedra (October 14, 1863)
- "Los Dos Caminitcs"
- "Un Sucidito"
- "Pico, Pico"
- "Exempla"
- "Exempla"
- "Leyenda de la Hacienda de Quintos"
- "Recuerdos de la Infanta Dona Maria de Regla
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